the tribune stouffviue ont traiday kotsmbeb ic 1888 sfcooting v consisting tori j vtheft from caibrates e offer theturbcx together with following papers firomijow till the local a id sliojilbr y their oursa w lipid hip n oub jcatt toil suf am and lloom end of 1889 at the prices mentioned weekly glote and rural canadian2 co jncmy mail atad farm and fireside 175 viveekly news and one engraving christ before pilate or fathers of confederation 175 xaveekly news and both pictures vveekly advertiser and engraving falls of niagara 75 eamify herald 75 century magazine 45 stnieiolas 35 address the tribune stouffviiak ont- to our correspond nts avhile wo are always gladtoreceivt as much information as we can possil ly make room for we- must insist o the real name accompanying catl communication it would be well too for our friends to avoid every thin i theshape of disagreeable perabiaktu avno good can possibly coine othulu ilig in vituperation even when th provocation is very great let have short crisp readable- items such as will be of general inttrest if you have a mean disagreeable fellow in your midst let him alone send him to coventry that is the best way to extinguish him tffe future of can da we are pleased p see the interest taken by our correspondents and reae- ers in this questfpnaiid we hope that he dnterest will increase and that others may take the matter up and send m jalong their ideas for publication while there is a great deal to be s 1 on all the different phases of the sub ject the tkiiiuke is of the opinion tha canada possesses all the essentials r the development of a grat nation independent of both great britain and the united states the fact tha ih latter country loos upon canada with a jealous eye is proof positive thatnui neighbors already consider our ountrv a rival in commerce which they cannot afford to despise it is very improbable that the ameri cans will ever interfere to any serious extent in our affairs as the tli erent parts of the republic already present so many conflicting interests that they have really all ihey can attend to in order to preserve an amicable state of affairs at home all wo ask of them is to accord to us the treatment that one civilized nation has a right to ex- pect from another and we will under take to paddle our own national canoe with the best of them coekbspondkncb ve wish it to be distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible fortheopin- ions advanced by our correspondents corres- pondents may write overa pseudonym if they choose but the real name must accompany each communication protective association editor tribunk jbait sin some time ago i obser- wifin article in the columns of your wperwith reference to the formation of a protective association for the jmutua benefit of our business men ll then thought it a good idea and think ips and if i an not misinformed bitter experience is the reward meted out to seme of our business men for their aver zealousness to do a business and their long suffering towards their debtor when hisaiuivet becomes due not only does a merchant suffer by the absconding debtor for such arc a go d riddance to te community be he tin agent farmer mechanic or laborer but by the bribes of a persistent dead beat who is ever with us it the merchants do something for themselves to shake of such worthless vagabonds for they arc neither tit to live much less fit to die the reason why we have so many such leeches is with the mer chant himself dead beat goes up to the pyuntcr i want a little lea sugar dry goods bread flour meat c or whatever he may want as the case may lie when said goods arc done up de id beat says i havo not the money just row to pay you but will have it in a day or two when i will call andpiy weaning or else die it is not ut all clear to mo how an nexation could increase the value of fayn property an aero of ground will certainly product as much wheat or potatoes as a part of canada as it jfwould being a part of tho united states and as i havo said wcro trade relieved of its shackles tne advance would be just as rapid and substantial you this same dead beat has uo inten tion of paying for the goods when he entered the store much less in a day or tio that was the time to say no before the goods wens removed from the counter let such characters bo trcafci that way a few tunes and he will steer clear of the merchant who has thecouruge to say no it would be wtifor the paying community to iitsist on a cash business being done for it is a certainty that tuose who do pay have to pay for those charac ters who never pay and those long winded customers slow uote pay what can be said of them especially a man worth his thousands and asking a year credit for his grocers bill or the coat on his buck merchants wake up be alive to your own interests band yourselves together by t protective association or board of trade or omeihidr wlunbv you may proteii vourielvvs against iiiselss of so call ed customers and the paying custom ers bebenelitcd by cheaper goijs yours etc oitskuven imeijf n j iw- siuil rad with ntuchuutr st ih letter of native aluonttiijg artiei io and wish todissen tr ui htsyiuy ii several pru-ilir- cef aily tit jc iiie it- draws ot t ileligh s o v swallowed up by our big neigh- j is is veri iiisiitii2 but 1 tun id it is jnoiyii pieasiug titan trie that a gmi many difficulties ti til ppear were victual negotiaios roil into and many humiliating niicesjibns demanded beiore the unio jitld be efiectcrt undoubtedly our ititerests are sacvi- ced to a euiitin extent by great brit ain iu her desire to pieerye the peace mt were qur destinies placed in our wit hands such could not be done what we want is the power to nego tiate treaties lb ourselves and states men who will consider the interests of atiada of more importance than favor ith the imperial authorities it is crifiinly plausible to imagine hat the nations with so muh of lan guage laws religion etc in common would easily amalgamate bjjit i fancy there are a great many customs and principles rampant in the united states which no true canadian yould vtsh to see prevalent in our own fjoun- ry we are all aware of the alifeady iowing influence of disreputable amevicaii business and political ways i our country and no one who has ho moral and religious welfare of can- ida at heart wishes to remove the present barrier but rather to make it s stronir as possible as far as regards the things 1 have mentioned then who that has read of the tur moil of the recent presidental election would wish to have that periodical fit of madness and utter suspension of business brought home to our own doors and when one reflects that the same infliction must be undergone iti tho selection of governors judges etc and so forth down to pound- keepers it is enough to make one be thankful that we arc not part of a democracy so vomijfety electoral fdr i have yet to learn that any state has so far departed from tho genius of republicanism as to revert to the sys tm of appointments which in their opinion smacks too much of royally and it is this very election of judges that forms a substantial objection to annexation the elected judge unless he be a very superior man thinks too much of his office and position to rea der impartial justice and thus the very foundation of liberty is subordin ated to party politics with regard to commercial advan tages it is only necessary to state that a wellconsidered system of reciprocity would rcmedylle present unsatisfact ory state oftho tariff and at the same jjjne remove all wishes for or fears of annexation by giving our farmers a wider market for t heir grain and enable thomto purchase their manu factured goods cheaper as native justly remarks our sucking bottle manufactures would have f stand having said so much 1 luust eon- dude by saying that independence o ers the best future for our country audi am upheld iu this view by a ma- jori or tlie youug liberals of toronto w opinions havo some claim to con sideration independence will do all that annexation or rather union could and wo would then have the honor of living not an insignificant part of a large unwieldy union but a nation of vast resources strctchijg from ocean to ocean containing everything in the way of muscle brain and productions to fort a nation second to none in america caxuck when from any cause the dijresthv and secretory organs become disorder d they may be stimulated to healthy action by the use of ayers cathartic tills these pills are prescribed y the best physicians and are for sale t all tho drugstores farms vov sale townsum of caiedon co ofpeei i ot 27 con i acres 180 cleared cetlfcnccd frame barns brick house orchard clay loam miles trtn the town otorangcvitle price kight thousand dollars also iot 11 con 5 100 acres 75 acres cleared veil temed frame stable rougn cist dwelling yoans orchard soil good clay loam couvcnicul to school x miles iron a market price three ihous- eight hundred dollars also 200 acres 165 acrgs cleared good brick house nk bam frame stable x driving house we need 6 miles from town of orangcville must be d price six thousand two hundred dollars township of mono co muffeuin lis acres all cleared frame stable log dwelling this is said to ik one ol the best grain farms in mono csedaooo bushels last year 3 miles from town of rangeville price fjvc thousa id six hundred dollars also 100 acres 80 cleared frame barn frame lelog house well fenced good cly loam price kivc thousand two hundred doll irs ownshi1 ol aakmi 130 acres as acres cleared fra nc house bank lam well teiiceii flag station on thj tarm p o bales from the lvwn of orangcville clay loams must be sold privefour thousan k dollars also 130 acres 70 acres cleared trame house bank iam well lenceu well watered prce two hous- and eight hundred dollars all tne above katms are level and cry cheap also a number 01 other farms for s de cheap great bargains at the foreign and d frui store 11 lbs granulated sugar for 109 14 lbs very jaght jjrown sugar for 100 15 lbs burk krotfn suir for 1 00 16 lbs brown sugar for b9 t a 1 tea at 25c pku lb- oil 5 l1js for l00 canned salmon 15 cts a can saudinfs 2 cans fok 25 ckxts ooibaks elbctkic s0a for 235 viioiesmk pii4 in fact everything you want in the crocery line siway helow crrent prices yt nand tlultvy to luai ol sati ice bays monjlay and sjlay apply to utiios parsons real estate agent p q box 138 orangcfille dxjfferin land loan aqe3sicy farms for sale vt half t s and 6 ci f con 3 amaranth tixt knsi vcsi east wpn easi west east west j con 3 1 con- 6 3 con 3 0coii 6 12 con 4 w con 1 6 con 3 34 con i 25 con 5 so- con 8 y 10 and the w of the of lot 10 con a 150 acres and lot 11 300 acres r fe5 28 conff con 3 2 con 10 v 12 and s54 f nc w jj lot i concession 1 con 9 5 and 6 con s of w half lot 4 con 9 f mono fa 130 3 jtx 100 zeo 00 100 s 100 100 roo 8o uf too 200 45 i part of wajjhalf let so couccssvu r joi 33 concession i east r- v uast half of lot 15 concession 3 west east half of lxt 14 concession 3 west west half of lot a6 and 37 concession 7 east half of lot 38 concession 3 west east half of lot 33 concession 6 east w part of lot 7 concession 3 east mono epartoflhceasttoajflol 7 con 1 east mono also a new saw mill on lot garafraa east half of west half and west half of eaft half of lot 16 concession 10 south wetpartof lot jjand i7con 11 lot 4concesioul west halfof lot 14 and 15 concession 14 wcsthajlofloto concession east haf of west half of lot 3 con ucast 3 concession a melanojhon lot 366 concession i s wot and s r ixt 335 concessions lat 379 concessions lot 3so 389 and 300 concession 4 s w if t ancts r x 3 concession 4 lot at concession 4 n e of lots 11 and 13 con s f w of t and s r l0118 6 caledon east halfof lot 31 concession 4 west west halfof lot 33 concession west west half of lot 38 concession 1 lot 3 concsssion 1 cast wooohouse parts of lots 13 and 18 in the gore of the township of woodhousc osprey 3 and 4 con 3 south duihara 83 300 100 100 300 100 96 19 f 100 300 is soo iqu jo 50 150 300 100 300 ioo 73 ioo ioo i ots 1 3 3 and 4 con 3 south duihara 300 1 ot 13 concession 13 100 euphrasia west halfof lot 15 concession 11 100 albion lot 16 and 17 concession 7 161 also for sale in orangcville a number of isrick and frame dwelling houses a great number of building lots and a tenacre field all of which will lc sold cheap and 011 easy terms a cemmission of ten dollars on all sales under font hundred dollars over four hundred dollars aj per cent jr v edlay manager office vpposite the cordon house orapigeville ont sfireand life insurance and loan agent valuatot 1f1lwh9 wmw0 mduumz the best gradeof faqiilyour at the lowest prices ai the largest anb finest j2c loaf of bread fd the celebbated manitoba oonvib bkako h k got in the county flour of my onn importation please call and see the great variety of g olk every thing siot cash wedding cakes a bprfjatit the best brands of tobaccos and cigars to be tlv intown stouppviue nov 8th 1388 johnsof s e j s o n a b l e -o- s t x tz s fall and wintbr goods i we- invite attention to our tioinplto and iartifully sl n stirc ol comprising extensive lines of newest ladies hoes gents boots and shoes childrens shoes rubbers oversnoes etc mens felt boots haxdjiadeo large toek womens misses asd childrens cordigan overshoes something new come and see them it idovist oir quotations before 3toices avay will pay you to inspect our stock and get purchasing elsewhere remember the place r ijndebhill srouffviib noj- 13th 1888 stouffville and 1arkham jubilee range guaranteed to give perfect satis faction with either coal or wood a xiarge assortment of firstclass stoves of all kinds always kept in stock a splendid stock of tin and cop per ware always on hand remember the place booker bros stouffville c jl srouffville noy 8th 18884 opposite queens hotel i f i