Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Free Press (1896) (Stouffville, ON1896), October 9, 1896, p. 3

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carbuncles dr talmage turns an old pro i phecy to good account the carbuncle ilish tpln biblical crystal- iocrapbj it typifies vicarious sacrifice gates of carbuncle precede gate of pearl washington d c oct neglected text and one to j unknown rev dr talma produced a sermon appropriate to individual and i national circumstances the subject was i gates of carbuncles the text being isaiah liv 13 and i will make thy i windows of agates and thy gates of car 1 buncles perhaps because a human disease of most painful and ofttlmes fatal character is named after it the church and the world have never done justice to that intense and allsuggestive pneelous stone the carbuncle this precious stone is found in the east indies in color is an intense scarlet and held up between your eye and the sun it is a burning coal the poet puts it into rhythm as he writes like to the burning coal whence comes its name among the greeks as anthrax known to fame god sees it high up in bible crystal- lography ho cuts it with a divine chisel i shapes it with a precise geometry and kindles its fire into an almost supernat ural flame of beauty as if to make all ages appreciate this precious stone he ordered it ret in the first row of the high 1 priests breastplate in olden time and higher up than tho onyx and tho emer- aid and the diamond and in ezekiels prophecies concerning the splendors of the tyrlnn court the carbuncle is men tioned tho brilliancies of the walls and 1 of the tessellated floors suggested by the jbiblo sentence thou that walked up and down in the midst of the stones of are but in my text it is not a solitary specimen that i hand you as the keeper of a museum might take down from tho shelf a precious stone and allow you to examine it nor is it tho panel of a door that you might stand and study for its unique carvings or bronzed traceries but there is a wholo gate of it lifted before our admiring and astounded vision aye two gates of it aye many gates of it i will make thy gates of carbuncles what gates gates of the church gates of anything worth possessing gates of successful enterprise gates of salvation and do you think that isaiah in my text merely happened to represent the gates as red gates as carmine gates as gates of carbuncle no he means that it is through atonement through bloodred struggle through agonies wo get into anything worth getting into heavens gates may well be made of pearl a bright pellucid cheerful crystallization because all the struggles are over and there is beyond those gates nothing but raptures and cantata and triumphal pro cession and everlasting holiday and kiss of reunion and so the twelve gates are twelve pearls and could be nothing else than pearls but christ hoisted the gates of pardon in bis own blood and the marks of eight angers and two thumbs are on each gate and as be lifted tho gate it leaned against his fore head and took from it a crimson im press and all thoso gates are deeply dyed and isaiah was right when ho spoke of thoso gates of carbuncle what an odd thing it is think some this idea of vicarious suffering or suffering for others not at all the world has seen vicarious suffering millions of times be fore christ came and demonstrated it on a scale that eclipsed all that went before and all that shall come atur when this summer tho two trains crashed into each other near atlantic city among the fortyseven who lost thoir lives the engineer wns found dead with one hand on the throttle of the locomo tive and tho other on tho brake ayel there are hundreds today suffering for others you know and god knows that it is vicarious sacrifice to open a way for us sinful men and sinful women into glorious pardon and high hope and ex ternal exultation christ with hand dripping with the rush of opened arter ies swung buck the gate and behold it is a red gate a gate ofdeepest hue a gate of carbuncle what is true in spiritual is true in temporals there are young men and older men who hope through the right settlement of the acrid controversy be tween sliver and gold or tho bimetallic quarrel tha it will become easy to make a living that tlmo will never come unless they got it by inheritance you cannot mention twenty men who have come to honorable fortune that did pot fight their way inch by inch and against fearful odds ttiat again and again almost destroyed them for some good reason god has arranged it for all the centuries that tho only way for most people to get a livelihood for themselves and their families is with both hands and nil their allied forces of body mind and soul to push back and push open tho red gate tho gate of carbuncle what is true of individuals is true of nations was it a mild spring morning when tho pilgrim fathers landed on plymouth rock and did they come in a i gilded yacht gay streamers flying no it was a cold december and from a ship in which ono would not want to cross i the hudson or the potomac rlvor scalping- knives nil ready to receive them they landed their only welcome the indian warwhoop red men on the i beach red men in tho forest red men r on the mountains red men in the vol- i leys living gates of red men gates of i carbuncles we nro not indebted to history for our knowledge of tho greatest of national erloes many of us remember it and 4 fathers and mothers now living had better keep tolling that story to their children so that instead of their being dependent upon cold- typo and obliged to say on such a page of such a book yoa can read that will they rather be ablo to say my father told mo so my mothor told me so men and women who vividly romomlei 1s01 and 1 02 and 1863 and 1864 be yourselves the hlstorl- bus telling it not with pen but with jiving tonguo and volco and gesture that is tho great uso of memorial deco ration day for tho calla lilies on tho grave tops soon become breathless of perfume and in a week turn to dust like unto that which lies beneath them but tho story of courage and selfsacriflco and patriotism told on platforms and in- households and by the roadside and in churches and in cemeteries by that an nual recital will bo kept fresh in the memory of generntlous as long as our american institutions are worthy of proi servatlon long after you are dead your children will be able to say with the palmist we have beard with our cars o god our fathers have told us that work thou didst ln their days in tha times of old bat what a time it was four years of homesickness four yean of brotherly and sisterly estrange ment four years of martyrdom four years of massacre put them in a long line the conflagration of cities and see them light up a whole continent put them in long rows the hospitals mafc- j ing a vast metropolis of pain and par- oiysxnt gather them ln one vast asseni- i blage the millions of bereft from the s 4 from a lawrence to the gulf and from the al most people j lantjo to the pacific beaches put the tears into lakes and the blood into rivers and the shrieks into whirlwinds 1 during those four years many good and wise men at the north and the south saw nothing ahead but annihilation with such a national debt we could never meet our obligations with such mortal antipathies northern and southern men could never come lno amity represent atives of louisiana and georgia and tho carol inas could never again s4t side by side with the representatives of maine massachusetts aud new york at the na tional captial lord john russell had declared that we were a bubble burst ing nationality and it bad coma true the nations of europe had gathered with very resigned spirit at the funeral of our american republic they had tolled the bells on parliaments and reichstags and lowered their flags at halfmast and oven the lion on the other side of the sea had whined for tho dead eagle on this side this country has been for the most part of its history passing through crises and after each crisis was better off than before it entered it and now we are at another crisis during the last six presi dential elections i have been urged to enter the political arena but i never have and never will turn tho pulpit in which i speak into n political eturop all tne political harangues from pulpits from now until tho 3rd of november will not in all the united states change one voto but will leave many oars stopped against anything that such clergymen may utter tho rest of their lives god says distinctly in the bible tho silver and the gold are mine and ho will set tle the controversy between those two ratals if ever this country needed the divine rescue it needs it now never within my memory have so many people literally starved to death as in the past few months there is not a day that wo do not hear tho crash of some great commercial establishment and as a con sequence many people are thrown out of employment there aro millions of people who do not want charity but wont work the cry has gone op to tho ears of the lord of snbaotb and tho prayer will be heard and relief will come if wo have nothing better to depend on than amer ican politics relief will never come who ever is elected to tho presidency the wheels of government turn so slowly and a caucus in yonder whlto building on the hilt might tie the hands of any president but we must admit it is a hard gate to push back it is a gate made out of empty flour barrels and cold fire grates and worn out apparel and cheerless homes and unmedlcated sickness and ghastliness and horror it is a gate of struggle a gate of penury- a gate of want a gate of disappointment a red gate or what isaiah would have called a kate of carbuncles now as i have already suggested as these are obstacles in all our paths we will be happier if wo consent to have our life a struggle i do not know any one to whom it is not n struggle louis the fourteenth thought he had everything fixed just right and fixed to stay and so he had tho great clock at bordenu made the hours of that clock were struck by figures in bronze representing tho kings of europe aud at a certain time of day william the third of england and other kings were made to come out and bow to louis the fourteenth but tho clock got out of order one day and just tho opposite of what was expected occurred as the clock struck a certain hour louis the fourteenth was thrown to tho feet of william the third and so the clock of destiny brings many surprises and those go down that you expected to stand and at tho font of disaster most regal conditions tumble in all styles or life there come disappointment and struggle god has for some good reason arranged it so if it is not poverty it is sickness if it is not sickness it is per secution if it is not persecution it is contest with some evil appetite if it is not some evil appetite it is bereavement if it is not ono thing it is another do not get soured and cross and think your ivtse is peculiar if our llfo were not a struggle we would never consent to got nut of this world and we would want to stay here and so block up the way of the advancing generations wo have in this world more opportunity to cul tivate patience than to cultivate any other grace let that grace be strengthened in the royal gymnasium of obstacle and opposition and by the help of god having ovorcomo our own hindrances and worrliunnt let us go forth to help other whose stugglcs are greater than our own a friend told me the other day of a shoemaker in n russian city whose benrh was in the basement of a building and 10 far underground that ho could see only the feet ot those who went by on the sidewalk- seated on his bench ho often looked up and thero went tho 5 wift and skipping feet of children and then the slow and uniform step of tho aged and then crippled feet and ho ro- olvtd he would do a kindness to each one who needed it so when the foot with the old and worn out shoowaspnss- iug he would hall it and make for it a comfortable covering for ho had the hammer and the pegs and tho shoe ints and tho tapstone and tho leather to do it and when ho saw tho invalid not puss ho would hail it and go out mm offer medicine and crutch and holp- fulness and when he saw the aged foot pas he hailed it and told tho old man of heaven whore ho would bo young kgaln when ho saw tho foot of child hood passion tho sidewalk ho would go out with good advice and a laugh that semnthl llko tho echo of a childs laugh vh time went on and as tho sboo- makors wants were vory few ho of the tliim for others and ln tho long worked but llttlo for himself and most evenings when ho could not so well seo the feet passing on tho sidewalk ho would make lines of all sizes and stand thorn on a shell ready for feot that would pas ln the daytime of course as tho years went on under this process tho shoemaker became moro and more christian until ono day ho said to himself i wish unnng all thoso feet passing up thero on tho sldowalk i could seo the feet of the hear christ passing oh if i could only co his feet going by i would know them because they nro scarrnl iwt that night the shoemaker dreamed am in the dream he saw the glorlou cuijl j and he said o christ i nave been waiting for thee to pass on the sidewalk and i have seen lame feet and wounded feet and aged feel and poor feet but in vain have i looked for thy scarred feet and christ said to the shoemaker man i did pass on the sidewalk and you did see my feet and you did come out and hall me and bless me and help me yon thought it was the foot of a poor old man chat went shuffling by tiiat was my foot yoa thought it was the foot of a soldier that went limping past that was my foot you thought that shoeless foot was the foot of a beg gar tthat was my foot the shoes che clothing the medicines the cheering words that you gave to them you gave to your lord inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these ye have done tt onto me my hearers with the humble spirit of that russian mechanic let us go forth and help others having shoved back the carbuncle gate for yourself to pass in and pass on and pass up lend a hand to others that they also may get through the red gate and pass in and pass on and pass up but mark well and underscore with heavy dashes of tho pen tho order of the gates gate of carbuncle before gate of peart isaiah the prince saw the one gate centuries before st john the exile saw the other tho one you must push open the other stands open gate of a saviors atonement before the gate of divine par don gate of poverty before gate of affluence gate ot earthly trial before gate of heavenly satisfaction through much tribulation you outer the kingdom of god if yon ever enter it at all but heaven will not be so much of a heaven to those who had everything in this world a man who had everything ln this world enters heaven and the wel coming angel appoints such a newly or rived soul to u mansion and says go in and live there that mansion is yours forever that man thinks to himself why i have for many years lived in a mansion a mansion is no novelty to mo the welcomingangel appoints some one prospered of earth to tho honors of heaven the coronets and thrones tho soul thinks to itself i had more honors on earth than i could appreciate and crowns are heavy things to wear any how the welcoming angel appoints some prospered soul of earth to a lino landscape in the heavenly country and says walk there and enjoy yourself the soul thinks to itself tho place i owned on tho hudson or tho castle i had on the rhine was almost as pictur esque and then i cannot see tho sunset on the river for it is hero everlasting day and tho sun never sots tho welcoming angel says to some newly arrived soul listen now to tho muslo tho orchestra of heaven is about to rondcr ono of tho best oratorios tho soul would think why i have been hearing the best music for 30 years on earth almost every wintnr i heard in the academy of music the creation tho messiah and jephthah i have heard all the great living prima donnas and some who are dead let the welcoming angel then say to a prospered soul of earth go now aud rest this is the everlasting rest why the soul would think i am not tired why do i want to rest i have not dono a stroke of work for tho last 20 years i spent my winters in florida and my summers in the adlrondacks and i am not in need of rest my hearers heaven will not be so much of a heaven for those who had no struggle on earth but when thos who hud a hard push with the red gate of my text tho gate of carbuncle come to tho gate of pearl and and it wlue open they will nay why how strange this is this is tho first gate of valuable entrance in 40 years that i have found open and the welcoming nngel will say to some christian mother who reared a large family of children and prepared them for usefulness and heaven go where you please and sit down on what velvet ban or cushioned throne you may prefer and i hear the newly ar rived soul saying ohmy what a good thing it is to rest i was so tired i was trod for 40 years angel tell me is this an unbroken rest can it be that there are no sick children to take care of my head was so tired planning for the house hold on small means my eyes were sn tired with sowing and knitting my hack ached with doiiig work that made me stoop for so many hours there was nothing in tho universe i so much needed os rest now i have it blessed jesus blessed heaven blessed rest i then the welcoming angel will say to some christian that on earth wasdeaf and had not heard volco of song or voice of friend ship hark now to the choirs in white as thoy aro about to join ln the opening piece of the temple worship and as the baton swings and as tho deft linger begin to feel the pulses of the harp anil lips of martyrs breathe on the soft lifted of praise i hear tho surprised soul just entered heaven saying muslo why that is the first i ever heard will it keep on tell them not to stop what is the name of that anthem why i never hoard anything llko that i never heard anything at nil and a little child jong ago in heaven pulls at the whlto robe and gays mo ther and she turns around saying my child for the first time i hear your voice on earth i saw your smile and felt the coll of your blond curls on your chlldlsli brow but i never heard your volco even in play or prattle anil i am contused to know which is the best muslo that which tho angels of god render or tho voice of you my darling iiiisln 1 read about it and saw the notes in tho muslo hook and 1 saw the lingers of pianists and organists run up and town the snowbanks of tho keyboard but i novor thought it would honnythlng like this muslo thon tho angel will ay to h lifelong invalid did you over treat he air llko this such balm such onio such immortal llfo in every ro- i ration did you over have any climate in earth llko this climate of heaven ami the soul says this is tho first ilci- in many a long year i have been wd from pain as i passed through lie liver by that gate the last face left 3v and i am well gloriously well ever tuigly well 1 have swallowed tho last 1 it r draft i have felt the last cut of he knife i have passed tho last slcp es night and now i realize the beauty if what st john said ln revelation i here shall be no moro pain and then martyrs and tho prophets and h upotes will take up tho chorus and ii tho recovered invalids from earth will join in tho triumphant refrain that urges to and fro from east gate of hea ven to west gate chorus no more iln no moro pain no more pain no nurd pain my hearers it will bo n great heaven for all who get through but the bet imven for thoso who hod on earth no- mvsi but t niggle blessed all thoo if before they entered tho gate of il passed through the gate of enr- uncel eighth parliament two interesting discussions monopolize the atten tion of the house three translators appointed n place of those dumlucd the forced keslrna- tloo of majorgeneral cameron a com- inanaaat of the koyal military college thursday it was not until after the evening recess that the house got down to work upon the supplementary estimates to day two interesting discussions mon opolized the attention ot the members during the afternoon the first was upon thn recommendation of the debates committee to appoint three translators in the place of those who had been dis missed by the hotwefor having taken an active part ln the last election the circumstances of the forced resig nation ot majorgeneral cameron from the post of commandant ot the royal military college at kingston wore dis cussed at some iougtu 2z- pfru of westmoreland who introduced the sub ject complained that the commandant had been unjustly treated by reason of the shortness of the notice he bad re ceived and because the investigation of the board of visitors was of a clandestine character the minister of militia re plying said that the board of visitors was composed of gentlemen of such a high character that no one would credit them with having dealt with major- general cameron in anything but a fair manner while ho thought that the ex- commandant had been properly treated in being allowed two months salary and travelling expenses ho was willing to consider any further claims he might have to make the house thu went into committee of supply on the supplementary esti mates taking up the first items in the marine department mr henderson pointed out tho neces sity of moving the light on oakville pier further out to the end of that structure messrs reld and wood urged tho gov ernment to place a buoy for tho benefit of mariners on a dangerous shoal in the st lawrence west of brockvillo on tho item of 10176 in connection with the indians in manltobamr oliver declared that this expenditure was not asked for by the people of the terri tories and they declined altogether to be responsible for it he argued that tho education of tho indian children was be ing fostered to the neglect of necessary public works mr foster asked mrdnbell tho acting minister of the interior what he had to say in regard to mr olivers scathing arraignment mr oliver rose and said that tho pres ent government were simply carrying out tho liabilities incurred by their pre decessors mr davln argued in favor of carrying out treaty obligations to the indians on the item of 3000 for commission ers for investigating tho affairs of the penitentiaries of canada sir c hibbert tupper asked for an explanation of the proposed expenditure mr fltzpatrick made a statement which he maintained showed the neod for an investigation he said there were five penitentiaries and a gaol situated at reglna under tho control of tho depart ment the cpst of administration of these institutions had grown in threo years from 359000 to 481000 last year or an increase of 150000 the per diem ex penditure was st- vincent de paul 68 cents kingston 89 cents manitoba 126 british columbia 115 he was at a loss to understand how tho figures could vary in that way when it was re membered that in tho central prison toronto the per diem expenditure was only 27 cents a day mr casgraln and in montreal 17 cents mr fltzpatrick yes but that is a prison several opposition members so is the ontral prison mr fltzpatrick x point out this other fact tho per capita cost at king ston penitentiary is 307 15 st vincont do paul 334 british columbia 424 manitoba 541 while that of tho cent ral prison toronto is only 99 a year if these facts be true and i have got the information here surely it is time to make an investigation sir c hibbert tupper thought mr fltzpatrick would havo to make out a stronger case before he asked for a com mission mr fltzpatrick could not havo gone very far into tho records of tho de partment when ho would put those fig- ures forward as indicating any strange i state of affairs as to tho difference in cost between the penitentiaries in mani toba and british columbia on the ono hand and the central prison or king ston penitentiary on tho other everyone was aware that the circumstances were entirely different it being impossible to compare the prices of goods mr fltzpatrick said that without im puting charges it was desirable to in stitute an enquiry in order to ascertain how thero came to be such a disparity in the figures whore tho conditions wore similar he pointed out that whilo tho ler capita rovonuo from hinder twlno at kingston was 3423 tho per capita rev- pinio at the central prison was 6218 nobody could dony that thero wns con siderable friction at the penitentiaries and this was another matter which de served investigation the hem thon passed customs service on tho item of 22566 for tho cus toms service a long discussion took place over the appointment of mr arthur craig as sub- col lector of customs at barrio made by tho outgoing govern ment tho itein passed customs expert mr penny asked if any decision had been come to in tho matter of appoint ing a board of customs experts mr potcrson replied ln tho negative jio hml nut ho said fully considered the matter yet tho whole of tho first batch of supple- militaries went through before the com mitted rose friday on tho item of 20000 for cold stor- oge mr fisher made o long explanation with respect to tho scheme for providing continuous cold storage for perishable products from tho point of production to tho british market it was propoed to mnko arrangements for cold storage in wanhouses at tho point of production upon trains in warehouses nt tho point of shipment and upon ocean steam ships with respect co cold storage in steamships tho two schemes practicable wcro thoso of mechanical cold storage which required a capital outlay of from twelve to fifteen thousand dollars ana insulated cold storage the cost of which at che outset would be from 3000 to 3000 mr fisher inclined to the former scheme as llxely to yield the best re sult the object of che government was to obtain satisfactory and efficient ac commodation on the various steamship lines the ports on the other side of the atlantic most likely to be served by the proposed system were avonmouth near bristol liverpool aud london and he proposed to make arrangements by which vessels would leave montreal and st john and halifax in summer and halifax and st john ln winter an additional service on an item of 15000 additional for steam service betweu st john and hali fax and london pending negotiations respecting the fast line sir richard curtwrlght explained that it was the in tention in the future co have in the sum mer months a service between st john halifax and london as hitherto and in the winter direct services from st john to loudon and from halifax to london hudsons bay route on an hem of 35000 for expenses of an expedition by water to hudsons bav mr davies explained that tho vote was not designed to cover the entire cost of the expedition if this matter was to be done now it must be done thoroughly so as to leave no room for doubt as to the result thero was much work to be done and all he could ask now was this amount to make preliminary prepara tions li hung changs trip on tho hem of 3000 for the trans portation expenses of ll hung chang and his suite through canada there were general cries of explain accom panied with quories of how old are you and what is your income across the floor mr fielding explained in connection with the item that tho remainder of the expenses in connection with the trip would bo borne by tho canadian pacific railway this item covered transportation and maintenance during the trip monday mr foster today brought forward some important questions of the finances ho claimed that tho estimated expendi ture exceeded the last estimates of the late government and that the probable income would fall short of meeting that expenditure after some little further discussion the supply bill passed and the houso ad- journod until 3 oclock when the black rod summoned tho commoners to the senate chamber where his excellency lord aberdeen was seated on the throne on his right stood the prime minister hon wilfrid laurler and the secretary of state hon r w scott mr laurler was dressed in ordinary afternoon costume black frock coat and light tweed trousers mr scott wore a court uniform among others about the throne were gon gascoieno col ayl- mer adjutantgeneral and other mili tary officers bills assented to when the members of the house of commons headed by mr speaker edgar had arrived the royal assent was given to tho following bills to revive and amend tho acts respect ing the st clair erie ship canal co to incorporate the hudson bay pacific railway co to confirm an agreement between tho grand trunk railway co of canada aud the canadian pacific railway co respecting tho hamilton powder co amalgamating thn ottawa arnprior sc parry sound railway co and the parry sound colonization railway co under tho namo of tho ottawa arnprior parry sound railway co respecting the st catharines niagara central railway co to revive and amend the act incorpor ating the montreal ottawa georgian bay canal co to incorporate the columbia telephone telegraph co to incorporate the mather brldgo power co respecting tho south shoro railway co to amend tho northwest territories representation act by dispensing with tho preparation of now voters lists in certain cases further to amend- tho act respecting thn senate and house of commons the supply bill thon tho speaker of tho house of commons addressed his excellency the governorgeneral as follows may it please your excellency the commons of canada havo voted certain supplies re quired to defray tho expenses of tho public service in tho name of tho com mons i present to your excellency tho following bill an act for granting to her majesty certain sums of money re quired for defraying certain expanses of the public scrvlco to which bill i hum bly request your excellencys assent to this bill tho royal assent was signified in the following words in nor majestys namo his excellency the gov ernorgeneral thanks hor loyal subjects accepts their benevolence and assents to this bill his excellencys speech after which his excellency the gov crnorgenernl wns pleased to closo tho first session of the eighth parliament of tne dominion with thefollowlngspcech honorable gentlemen of tho senate gentlemen of tho houso of commons i nm glad to bo ablo to relievo you from further attendance in parliament i am hnppy to repeat tho assurance already given that i have every expectation that an amicable settlement of the manitoba school question will shortly be arrived at in conformity with the statement mndo to you at tho commencement of tho session it was not considered advis able to submit any important measures of legislation for your consideration gentlemen of the house of com mons i havo to thank you for the lib eral provision ynu havo mado for tho scrvlco of tho current year tho speaker of tho senate thon said honorable gentlemen of tho senate gontlomen of tho house of commons it is his excolloncy tho governor-gen- orals will and pleasure that this parlla mont bo prorogued until saturday the 14th day of november next to bo hero held and this parliament is accordingly prorogued until tho 14thdny of novem ber next a trappers story a calling that entails much hardship and exposure on case la which the kxposnxe xtroocht oalagrlpp and serious after trouble how the victim ecurl keaewed health from the brockvtlle recorder rock port is but a small hamlet bat it has achieved a wide reputation owing to the fact that it is situated in the very heart ot the farfamed thousand islands and for this reason attracts during the summer months hundreds of pleasure seekers among che residents of tho vil lage none is better known than wilson a root during the summer months he follows the occupation of an oarsman and none knows better than be the haunts of the gamey bass and pickerel in the winter and spring months mr root follows the occupation of trapping and thia pursuit requires one to be out in all sorts of weatherand in the water fre quently at a time ot the year when the water is none too warm as a result ot a wetting mr root took a severe cold which developed into la grippe which took such a firm hold upon his system that for a time he was unable to leave the house ills kidneys became affected and he suffered from severe pains across the back there was a feeling of contin uous tiredness which no amount of rest or sleep seemed to relieve tho appetite was fickle and there was an indisposi tion to exertion or work a number of remedies were tried one after tho other but without any beneficial results at this juncture a friend strongly advised that dr williams pink pills be given a trinl they had cured thousands of others and why not he aetlng on his friends sugeestion mr root procured a single box of the pink pills and before all were used felt an improvement this encouraged blm to persevere with the treatment and after tho use of a few more boxes of the pills mr root fonnd his health fully restored all the pains and aches had disappeared and with their disappearance camo renewed strength and activity mr root savs i firmly believe dr williams pink pills to be unsurpassed as a medicine and i advise any who are ailing to give it a fair and honest trial dr williams pink pills strike at the root of tho disease driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength in cases of paraljls spinal troubles locomotor ataxia sci atica rheumatism erysipelas sorofulous troubles etc these pills are superior to all other treatment they are also a spec ific for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burdon and speed ily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks men broken down by overwork worry or excesses will find in pink pills a certain cure sold by all dealers or sent by mall postpaid at 60c a box or six boxes for 250 by ad dressing th dr williams medicine company brockvillo ont or schenec tady n y beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be just as good the ilnndnome apology many people know nothing about a real apology writes lilian bel in an article on how men fail as lovers in october ladies home journal a y 1 lukewarm apology is more insulting than the insult a handsome apology is the handsomest thing in tho world and the manliest and the womnnllest an apol ogy like chlvalryissexlcs9 perhaps be cause it is a natural virtue of women it sits manlier upon men than upon women a delicate apology brings into play all the virtues necessary toa perfect human ity the proudest are generally those who can bond the lowest it1snotprlde it is a stupid vanity and an abnormal selflove which prevents a roan or worn- an from apologizing it requires a native humility of which only great souls are capable it requires generosity to be willing to humble yourself it takes faith in humanity that your apol ogy will- be accepted you must have a sense of justice to believe that yon owe it it requires sincerity to make it sound honest and tact to do it the right time it requires patience to stick to it until the wound has ceased to bleed and the best higbost truest type of love tp moke- you want to do it drew tho t1ne at tombstones speaking of turkish baths said o travelor the other day i saw tho queer est one ln existence down in atlanta i was hot and dirty from a long dustv ride and inquired of the hotel clerk if there was such a thing as a turkish bath establishment in tho town ho assured me there was and directed mo how to find it it was n funny little place witli one slab and one attendant after i had taken the steam i reclined upon xay back on the slab to be rubbed down after n time the attendant told mo to turn over i had no sooner changed my position than my eye was attracted by some lettering carved upon the surface of the slab i raised myself up and saw it wns an inscription which read sacred to the memory of mrs jane hawkins born sept 17 1850 died aug 3 1874 i told the man i didnt think there was any necessity for bis finishing tho job and got out as soon as i could i afterward found that the slab had been originally a torn hstono and bad also served as a receptacle for dead bodies in the morgue somo cmo ago they built a now morgue and the proprietor of the bath establishment got it cheap phil adelphia record mr alex holmes of bcachvlllo ont a wellknown horse breeder died after an illness of two days mr william hannah a wollknown farmer living on tho eighth concession of elmo ont was thrown out of n rig nt atwood ont on saturday and instant ly killed his mother who was riding with him was also thrown out and it is thought she will notsurvlvotho shook as she is more than seventy years of ago kniftonft for llnherlllnir it has lkon remarked that tho disin heriting of relations is mostly for venial offenses and not for base notions tho lost irish lord fitzwiillnm left his prop erty to lord onslow hut ono morning at breakfast the intended heir after helping himself to cream caught the last drop upon the rim of his cup which was thus brought into contact with the edge of the cream jug lxrd fltzwliuam contended that this was an ill bred action and as the offender persisted in ridiculing the objection his namo waa forthwith erased from the will isaao casanbon loft no part of his goods to his son who had joined tho church of rome but onlye ono cup ot- tho value of 30 crowns temple bar forced to drink the authorities at one tlmo were so convinced that europeans could not live ln india without alcoholic stimulants that they nctually prohibited the forma tion of temperance societies amongst tho soldier the theory is now altogether changed and the english sailors ln india inoludo no fower than 20000 total ab stainers

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