Ontario Community Newspapers

Voice of the Fugitive (Sandwich and Windsor, ON1851), July 1, 1852, p. 1

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ack. H. BIBB AND J. T. HOLLY, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. WINDSOR: C. W,, JULY 4, 1852, VOL, Il. NO, 14 VOICE OF THE FUGITIVE IS PUBLISHED Every other Thursday at Windsor, C. W. DBWUES. ONE DOLLAR per annum, always in advance, No subscription will be received for a less term than six months. - Advertisements, not exceeding ten lines, inserted four times for one dollar. Every subsequent insertion 25 cents. 1 AGUAS. Canava West.--Amherstburg, D. Hotchkiss and Levi Foster. Sandwich. Israel Campbell. Cuaraam.--Andrew Smith. Dawn Mitus,--George Cary. Toronro.--t, T. Fisher. Micutean.--J, I, Dolbeare, Raisin. Francis King, Flint. Dr. urnes, Owasso. Chester Gurney, Centreville. B.P. Foster, Genesee. TLuinois.-- Mr. Eustman, Chicago, Rev. Mr. Miller, Aurora, Dr. L Hale, Dundee, : Masssonusers.--R. F. Walcut, 21, Cornhill, Boston. Mrs. W. Blikembre, Boston, J. Morse, 5, Witter strect, Boston, Henry Richards, Pall River, Rev. Wiliam Brewster, Lowell. Rufus Elmer, Springfield. Rev. A. Stockman, Worthington. W. Harley, Northampton, W. Faller, Amherst. Rey TWoster, Littleyille. New Jersry.--E. P. Rogers. New Yorx.--Wm. Harned, 48, Beekman street, New York; L.C. Matlack, 3, Spruce street; J. N. Glaucester, 40, West Broadway; William Rotter, Hudson; John Miles, Albany; John Lyle, Syracuse ; George Weir. jun., Butlulo; Lewis Clark, Busti New Hampsnire.--ldward Brackett, Dover; A. T. Foss, Manchester; Elder Brooks, Great Falls. Onto.--William Merrett, Maumee City; J. R. Gains, Cincinnati; Hevry Dabuer, Elyria, PEeNNsyrVvAnts.--Dr. Bies, William Still, Esther Moore, Philadelphin; M. R. Delancy, Pittsburg. Eneuann.;--Rey. Josiah Henson, London; also Rey. H. H. Garnet, Dr. Pennington, and Jsuac Henson. Travelling Agent: J. F. Dolbeare. ¥ From the Liberator, Original Hymn. BY THE REV, JOHN PIERPONT, [Sung at the Dedication of Allen-street Church, in Cambridge, Wednesday, 19 May, 1852, O Holy Spirit, who alone Inhabitest: eternity, We bow before thy glorious throne, And this new temple give to thee. ~ On thee our waiting spirit calls ! May our communion, now begun Within these consecrated walls, Be with the Father and the Son. Here let thy Gospel's herald stand, And, breasting sin's wide sweeping storm Preach to our great and guilty land, Thy siern old Baptist's ery --t Reform !-- 4 ? 'Reform your ways, however old, That in the Gospel's light are wrong! Let man no more be given for gold, Nor weak ones mastered by the strong. © At God's house let reform begin! Of all th' oppressed maintain the cause ! And if your laws uphold a sin, In God's great name, reform your laws |' So shall the Savior's God be ours ! And they, who in this temple stand, Ere long shall shout, with all their powers, 'Behold, God's kingdom is at hand!' Live and Let Live. BY ALICE CAREY, Mighty in faith and hope, why art thou sad? Sever the green withes, look up and be glad! See all around thee, below and above, The beautiful, bountiful gifts of God's love! What though our hearts beat with death's sullen waves ? ' What though the green sod is broken with graves? The sweet hopes that never shall fade from their bloom, Make their dim birth chambers down in the tomb Parsee or Christianman, bondman or free, Loves and humanities still are for thee; Some little good every day to achieve, Some slighted spirit no longer to grieve. Tn the tents of the desert, alone on the sea, On the far-away hills with the starry Chaldee; Condemned 'and in prison, dishonored, reviled, God's arm is around thee, and thou art his child. Mine be the lip, ever truthful and bold; Mine be the heart, never careless nor cold ; A-faith humbly trustful, a life free from blame-- All else is unstable as flax in the flame. And while the soft skies are so starry and blue, And while the wide earth is so fresh with God's dew, Though all around me the sad sit and sigh, I will be glad that I live and must die. Syracuse, June 17, 1852. My dear Bins, T am very sorry that T have not made any headway in getting subseribers for your good little paper. I findita very hard matter to get our people to lay hold of anything like a newspaper ; we have had the rise and fall of so many papers in this country, with our people, that all confidence seems to be destroyed. Many of our friends haye not forgotteff the sudden disappearance of 8. R. Ward's Impartial Citizen, which, many of them say, has never been explained to them. All paid in adyanee, some received one paper, and some ing to do something for'the Fugitive, as I regard it of great importance to the well being of our people in Canada and elsewhere, I feel deeply interested for the Voice of the Fugitive, and yery much wish that I could do more than I am able to do for it. Now I am willing to say what I will do to help to sustain the paper: I will become one of fifty persons to get five subscribers a year for three years, and more if I.can; but Tam a poor hand at such business, you know; and, added to this, I will pay $5 for the same number of years, if life is spared. Now I do hope that fifty persons can be found that will go into it (or forty-nine, and I will make, the fifty). Now if you have no ob- jection to this proposition, made by me, I hope that you will make the request to all that will fall in' with the plan, to send in their names by the Ist day of August next, and let the year commence on that good day. You may put my name down as one, if you will. We that hate slavery and loye liberty, must work with our money as well as with our tongues in this great work. I send you the name of William Salter, of Greenwich, Washington Co., New York, and his dollar. I am, yours for the good cause and liberty. J. W. Locugn, FOREIGN ArvticSlavery Mwrtelligenee. ENGLAND. The London Patriot (England) of May 20th, is before us, containing a very full report of the proceedings of the British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society, held at Crosby Wall, Bishopgate-street, London, 17th of May, ult, Geo. William Alexander, Esq., presided, Among those present we noticed the name of Rey. Josiah Henson, of Dawn Mills, C. W. The meeting was spirit:d and enthusiastic. 'John Scoble, Hsq., the Secretary, set forth the operations of the society, during the past year, in a luminous speech." Numerous other speak- ers addressed the meeting in pointed and direct arguments. The whole burden of the meeting was in favor of renewing the differential duties on sugar that existed prior to 1846, as a matter of justice to the colonies. Some good resolutions were passed, from which we extract the follow- ing one, which was moyed by the Rey. Mr. Dickinson, and seconded by the Rev Josiah Henson: "That, whilst this meeting view with feelings of sorrow and indignation the cruel operation ef the Fugitive Slave Law, by which slayes who have sought refuge from slavery in the free States of the United States are, by an unjust and summary pro- cess, delivered over to their alleged owners, and by which the liberty of persons of color, free either by birth or purchase, or the act of their former masters, 1s: greatly endangered, it affords them the highest satisfaction to learn, that large numbers of these several classes hay sought and found a'secure asylum in Canada, where, under the proteetion of equal laws, they are rapidly improving their condition, and are esteemed, by those who know them, a valuable part of the community ; that this meeting cor- dially approve of the efforts now being made by the people of color, to-secure for themselves the full enjoyment of their rights as citizens of the United States, and also heartily concur in the reprobation they express of the spirit and proceedings of the American Colonization Society.which, by fostering a cruel and unrighteous pre- judice against them, and by coupling' the emancipation of slaves with their expatria- tion, aims at their 'ultimate removal from their native land, and would cheer them on in their noble efforts at self-improvement and elevation, persuaded that, under the Divine blessing, it will prove a grand means in improving their position, and in defeat- ing the designs of their enemies." This number of the Patriot also contains a letter from Lewis Tappan, Esq., of New York, on the anti-slavery question in the U.S., which is a truthful and able exposi- tion of the respective grounds that the dif- ferent anti-slavery organizations hold to each other, and of the position that the great body of churches and politicians hold to the whole of the anti-slavery ranks. This clear, impartial and firm anti-slavery document, refleets an Jlonor on the head and heart of the author, and adds anotlier, fo the many laurels, on the brow of this anti-slavery veteran, The (British) Anti-Slavery Reporter.-- This paper contains a condensed statement of a controversy that has been going on, fora year past, between Lewis Tappan, sq., and the editor of the British Banner. It is in relation to the Rev. Mr, Chickering, never got any, and so it stands. J tell you, friend Bibb, it isa very hard matter for one that is not. an editor to get along with such things. Editors | ean explain it much better than I can. Every Portland, Me., who, it appears, foisted elf upon British Christians as an anti-/ slavery man, although he never professed such sentiments while at home. Mr. Tap- this the editor of the Banner vociferously espoused the cause of the Janus-faced Chickering, and poured his invective de- nunciations upon Mr. Tappan. But Mr. Tappan, with that cool and~ systematic firmness which ever distinguishes him, col- lected an overwhelming amount of evidence confirming his previous statement, from persons of the highest respectability, re- siding at the home of Mr. Chickering, and transmitted it to the editor of the British Banner for publication, accompanied with a dignified reply to the previous article of the editor, This has fully vindicated Mr. Tappan before the British public, exposed the hypocrisy of Chickering, and set the editor of the banner in no enviable, posi- tion, Pole ak, The Reporter also contains an able article from the pen of John Scoble, Hsq., on the "Future destiny of the people of color in America." We estimates the number of colored people in North and South America, and the West India Islands at 12,370,000, who are bound together by a common des- tiny, and who will finally triumph, in ac- cordance with the doctrine of retributive justice, on the very spot where they have been dishonored and degraded; and he suggests that if the people in the U.S. shall endeavor to prevent this latter event by continuing their inhuman persecutions, let the people of color flee to Canada and the British Colonies, and it will have the effect to accelerate the day of universal emancipation. : BRITISH WEST INDIES. Tn the islands of Jamaica and Trinidad, and in British Guiana on the Continent, meetings are being held, petitions drawn up to the Imperial Parliament, and the subject agitated, to prevent fhe abolition of the small protective duty on sugar that re | mains since '46, and to restore the differ- ential duties existing prior to that period. | ; BRAZIL. The slave-trade question continues to convulse this country. Its government, which has so recklessly connived at, and carried on, the slave-trade so long, and has been so faithless in its regard for the solemn treaty stipulations it entered into to suppress the same, has been suddenly aroused to a sense oe their national guilt and dignity, by the determined action of Great Britain to suppress the infernal traffic carried on there, by trampling on her nationality so far as to invade her ports to seize slayers. And this fact, which, under ordinary circumstances, would have excited the citizens or subjects of any country to be unanimous in their desire for to wipe out such a national stain, under the present. circumstances of the duplicity of their government, has failed to: vaise such. a patriotic feeling, and the great bulk of the natives form a strong party, who actually seem to 'rejoice at the action of the British Government, whilst the Portuguese part of the population take the other view. And when Senhor Paulino, the Brazilian Minister, presented the remonstrance of his Government, the British Minister of Poreion Affairs did not seruple to admit that the action of his government was an' inyasion of the nationality of Brazil, which would not have been done under ordinary cireum- stances, but considered it justifiable on the ground of " the flagrant, notorious, and long continued violation, by the government of Brazil, of thé solemn engagements of its treaty with Great Britain," * .* * and, "in the present case, such a violation of treaty engagements has been rendered still more blameable, because it has at the same time been a violation of the common pyin- ciples of humanity, and of the fundamental precepts of the Christian Religion." Some, of the most influential papors in Brazil openly take ground against the slave trade, which were previously in its favor. 'The Archbishop of Bahia, who is a member of the Brazilian Chantber of Deputies, de- livered a speech, at one of its sittings, in reply to another distinguished Deputy, on the subject of the treaty for the Abolition the treaty, and traced the horrors of the system from the intestine wars if at first foments among the tribes of Africa, across the briny deep, to their abodes of misery in Brazil. He showed that there wax no danger of the prosperity of Brazil being ruined by giving up the inliuman traffic, as was asserted, and pointed to the increased prosperity of the British emancipated colo- nies as an evidence of his position, and characterized this ery of min! rum! as a | panic got up for cftect, as was the case previous to British emancipation. As we gaye an extract from a speech of | the Protestant Episegpal Bishop of Penn- ! s\lvania, in our last number, and have in- serted elsewhere, in this paper, the senti- | ments of ministers of other denominations | against slavery, we think we cannot do man at his trade--it does not seem to be mine to| pan felt himself in duty bound to- inform } better than to quote one paragraph of the Set along with such things; but I shall keep try ihe British public of this latter fact. Upon speech of this illustrious I 2 toman Catholic of the Slave Trade, in which he defended | Archbishop in Brazil, and commend it to the consideration of the six Archbishops of that church in the United States, "T have always 'been persuaded that the word 'slavery' awakens the idea of all sorts of vices and 'crimes, as well as that the sweet name of 'liberty' stirs up sensa- tions and ideas of all possible virtues and of all kinds of blessings, I have always considered that slavery is astate of violence, that it depresses the spirits, that it blunts the senses, perverts the heart, destroys elasticity and all emulation towards virtuous feelings; I have always, in short, pitied the lot of those tender Brazilian children, who, born and living among slaves, imbibe, from the earliest infancy, fatal impyessions from the contagious examples set by those degenerate beings, , Would to God I were mistaken! Would to God that the triumphs of seduction and the wreck of innocence were less frequent! Would to God that so many families had not to deplore the infamy and shame into ~vhich they' have been precipitated by the immorality of their slaves ! I agree with the illustrious deputy in his praise of tlie blacks and mulattoes, many of whom are deserving of the highest esteem. I do not set a value upon man- kind from the color of their skins, but ac- cording to their conduct and character ; the slave, however, has no character, he is nothing more than a blind instrument of compliance with the will of his master; a virtuous slave is a prodigy in the order of morality. Col. Benton and Slavery. Col. Benton is a candidate for Congress in the St. Louis district. The following are samples of his views on certain topics : Ist. He despises the Compromise and the getters up of it. "J do not believe in the Compromise made by politicans, candidates for the Pre- sidency.. I have seen too much of such work. The Compromise of 1850 is, in the first place, a deception, the Compromise bill having failed, and its conglomerated measures passed separately, as independent measures, and with very little help from their present assumptuous guardians. In the second place, it was contrived upon the avowed ground that it was to make its champions President, and is now stuck to upon that principle; and if it fails to do the job, it will take the track of its two defunct predecessors, and soon be with them, 'in the tomb of the Capulets.' This is my experience of Congress Compromises, and nobody need set up these litile clay gods for me to worship, especially when those who set them up do it for a purpose, and knock them down' when they don't answer it." 2d. He declares the Union in no danger from the agilation of the slave question, and says its safety is to be found in doing sustion to all the members of it. "The salvation of this Union is not in the contrivances of politicans, but in the love and affection of the people; not in force or cataplasms, but in susticz--in doing justice to all the members of the Union. d "1 do not believe ina guardianship oyer the people; do not'believe in the mission of any man, or act of men, to save this Union. That creed belongs to the political party who believe that the people cannot take care of themselves. ' We, the People.' made the Constitution ; so says the instru- ment itself, im its first line; and ' we the People,' can save it. 'Tt is a libel to say of the authors of guy Constitution, that they did such bung- ling work that it cannot hold together without periodical patehing ; and it is ano- ther libel, upon the people, to say that they cannot take care of the Constitution which their fathers made for them." ed, Ie hates slavery by education and instinct. "T am an enemy to the institution of slavery, J got my principles on the sub- ject of slavery. out of the Virginia school of fifty years ago, out of Tucker's Notes to Blaekstone's Commentaries, and have not apostatized: and shall not, since I see the new political evils which it brings upon our country, destroying the harmony of the states, poisoning the legislation of Con- eress, and hurting the cause of democratic government throughout the world." 4th, He is against the extension of sla- very. "To conelude this head of slavery, and to sum up all in one word, I have to say that the whole practical question in dispute --the only thing to differ aboutin action, all the rest being talk--was the question of the extension of slavery to Territories in which it did not exist; and on that point my position was inflexible, and against the extension." 5th. We ridicules and taunts the pro- slavery men of the nation, in regard to their property in slaves, "In the mean time slave property is in yo danger; and this is proved by a wit- ness which makes no mistakes--the mar- ket price! hizher now than it ever was before! a circumstance which does not - attach to property in any danger from any cause whatever, either of title, death, revolt, or even fugacity. Agriculture, New Evemy ro mz Prar--aA_ horti- cultural friend yesterday showed us anum- ber of pear leaves, with small green worms upon them, some so small as to be almost invisible, and the largest three quarters of . an inch in length, They are very ravenous, and some trees have been entirely stripped by them. The whale oil soap (about a pound to three gallons of eat kills them in- stantly. They commence by eating a small circular hole in the leaf, but soon demolish the whole, including the stem.--Salem Gazette. A Few Facts rrom tar Horticvrturisr. --Strawberries--The best five for family use are. Large Early Scarlet, Burr's new. Pine, Hovey's Seeding, Hudson and Crim- son Cone. ' , see _Lawns.--Red top or blue grass, mixed with white clover. makes the best: lawns ag three-fourths of either of the former, and one-fourth of the latter--sown three times as thick as usual, early in the spring, on dry mellow ground, rolled perfectly smooth. The Monarch Pear.--this, with others - of the best of Knight's celebrated 'pears, is put down as second rate, and some of them -- far below that. ; Magnolias.--The only one hardy enough for Maine is the Cucumber tree, M. accwm- ita Conspicua and Soulangiana, have borne 20 degrees below zero, on the Hudson. Roses --The 12 following everblooming hardy roses are recommended as best :-- - Hybrid Perpetwals---Madame Laffay, Giant of Battles, Baron Provost, William Jesse, LaReine, Duchess of Sutherland, Aubernon, Bourbons.--Madame Desprez, Boquet de Flore, Souvenir de Malmaison, Pierre de St. Cyr, Mrs.' Bosanquet. , The best hardy climbing roses for " the most northern States "--Boursalt Elegans, Queen of Praries, Baltimore Belle, Superba, and Eya Corinne. ~ a It is as cheap to raise one ton of grass. or cloyer, as a ton of burdocks or pig weed, It costs no more to raise a hundred bushels of Baldwins than a hundred bushels of cider apples; or ten barrels of Virgalieus or Barletts than the same quantity of choke pears. : An axe costing two dollars, with which a laborer may cut fifty cords a month, is a cheaper tool than an axe costing but one dollar, with which he can cut only forty cords. y Garpen Economy at Mmsummer-- From almost every kitchen there is a large amount of slops, soap-suds, and other waste liquids thrown away, disfiguring by a fetid puddle some half concealed spot of the 'Stchen yard. It is always as pleasing as it is rare, to see the back yard kept in as clean, neat and finished condition as those portions of the premises kept especially for exhibition to the eye, Jlappily there are a few, who by a well managed economy in this particular, not only avoid all offensive odors about their dwellings, but contribute towards the vigorous and healthy growth of their garden vegetables and fruit trees, by the timely irrigation thus given them. We should like to exhibit to same who have been neglectful, the kitchen court of an ac- quaintance, which will challenge for neat- ness and cleanliness any of the front yards of his neighbors. Irrigation simply in itself is highly beneficial to most garden plants ¥ the benefit is inereased by the fertilizing matter often contained in waste water, On light or gravelly soils, for example, a free supply of water doubles the growth of the raspberry, and greatly improves the. size and flavor of the fruit ; and strawberries, as the fruit approaches maturity, arealmost incredibly benefited, A cultivator in one of our villages, applied water freely to his vegetables during the last summer. "In ten days," he says, " early potatoes grew two-thirds in size." He had never obtained good potatoes before; other crops were greatly benefitted. In applying water to fruit trees it will be of little use to pour it on the narrow spot just at the foot of the trunk, where but few of the young roots can receive it, but it must be dashed on broadcast, as far as the circle of roots exe tends, An acquaintance has procured a wheelbarrow, furnished with a broad tire, that it may pass without sinking, over mellow ground, and a barrel with a hinge lid, into which all slops are thrown, and wheeled on the garden as often as necessary. If the odor of the barrel becomes too offen- sive, aquart or two of charcoal dust thrown in at once corrects the evil,-- Cultivator, nad

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