fresh family teas william j martin gieer wine ond spirit dealer owner kins and brack streets maikct sq are ki ftp ton begs to inform the public tnd all ncr- fein wlahing lo havd a f nunc te at a low pew ial ho ha received a urge 3smjitntiil of teas rf vnnnu kinds which he i prepared ta fell hi a low ntc of profit 10 ltutt th nine jtrmsuti isi 102x to let s eaton lodgeon amherst itud the house t new and fit for the neoep- uon of a gentleman family tlie farm coait of fifty acre the bat steamer touch regalariy twice n day al the wharf on the uland a short distance from the hue which render il a moat convenient residence being within an hour tail of kington application to bemad to mr radclirte bagl sireeu kingston or to capt radrliff a i i kindlon june u 185 100 to let rtwo collage aliualed near he mineral spnnp commanding a inni magnifi cent view of ihc st lawrence md ontario and possessing every convenience for gen- icel families also the spacious fire proof warehouse in the commercial mart budding well adapted for on extensive wholesale trade- apply lo william ware commercial mart kindlon 13th may istv 91 curb for worms winers canadian vcnui- t nr iarrantcj m all case the let rem jy ever yet discovered for worms t nirifllv jcrtroc them tint invigirate the wvtr vm and carrie off the supcra- buhflbj1 imc r mucus so prevalent in the alunarh and bowels cpecipllv of tho in tal he in l u hnnnle in it eftcci on ihc 1on ani the health of the paiient i ahvava improving hy its use even when no h t ttft jimheifit the iiirjuinv lng iki lit j c nn cfaiu is it refuse lo take it not even the most delicatci plain and practi cal observation upnn disease resulting from worm accompany etch botle prepared and sold uhofetalc and retail by j winer omla certificates j winer would particularly call puhlic attcnt on to the following leatiimmial from some of the most eminent medical gentle men in hamilton as well a other re pec tawe and influential persons ofihe wnoder ful core effected by the use of hi verrni furc we the iinderngned having frequcntl adminiiered a medicine prepared by m joata wittr of this towndcvenalcd m j hvaerv ctjiwion vtrmtfagt and being fully satined with it eltracy confidently r i it at a afe and efficient rcmedr ttr the expulsion of worm from the ifrtotu- oal canal g oreilly tirentiute of the jiofjnl cothvt of sur gtonx rwwav fa vo dickinson lemoer of mr rotfil cuttof surprons london a- v- hamilton c w lltuoct is43 1 certify thai in all case in whiih i have ndminiatered j vicrs canadian eiblfiagei i have invahawr foond il a fe anl e1iuat remedv ir the extiu would recommend a to the public a 90 b j kellogg surgn hamilton oct ii 1843 for sale hy n palmer chemirt apohecarmsrkel piace kingston wbitixg papers 11 ii si it fust received by the subscriber an aasormcniof account book papers of the fallowing descriptions viz i1iperial super royal royal lali and wove sodium la sm posta demy foolscaps drawing papers pcsctls bristol boards the above can be furoiahed in blank books of every description rutot tn any pattern and warranted far durability in hmding also lttur papers of tvery description writing inksofthe best makers steel pcna qtffflt visiting cards itatfincardsjnk poivdrrs forated boards fyc jc c sit nitrated maps af england ireland and scotland wrapping papers in great variety book disuino in its various branches charles hobrolgh wollingiou- street kmgium july i i8v ix whiskey- slkik id canadian whikcy hw9 t sale by william j martin market square kingston f mr francis m uill aftoroey conveyanrrr nnd otoipca7 aaiarr has removed his law oh ice l rr yti assjh a4 3l cur w i itn amttt tlfotos undeft the patronage of thii medical faculty disease rtsisied health prtsrwd j winers chemical red drop and universal famdy 0ntmcni for the cure of scrofula 0 king evil iti all it forms or mage white ssmb lingsof uic joints paiii in the bone acuta and chronic inoammation of tho joint hip knee stc ice rheumatism and guot all hard tumour and affliction of the threat ond neck scaly dr- and moist teticft scurvy lieh in all u forms erjiieu no matter where present or of tvhai description btj and all hard tumors dispersing the inflammation when used be fore mjphoralion ha commenced and after wards limiting the extent of the abscc biaftvoftm cancers ulcer nf every de cf ption salt rheum scds and bum the preparation ofthwe remedie was thoroultofa ere of experiment during the lo1 four year with the material of which it hi composed t in the ireatmcnt of tlie above named complaint in their op plication the form of the remedies wa frequently varied but not a tingle cisc of failure ha yet been made known to the pro prietor in two eaes the disease returned after fivt or six month hut tpecdily di appeared upon iho renewed application of the remedies the proprietor present it now to the puhlic believing that in their present form thev will prme a ronvenietit application for any of lh above complaint and can ith confidence recommend them to the afflicted with th assurance of a permanent cure to all who persevere in their application of the most virulent and loathsome dieac to which the body in this lite is subject it is almost ineffdittt the womlerful enre they have oon effected when all other mean had failed- they do not act a a rpeilant hut imperceptibly draw out the pounnou humor and renew a healthy action t the diseased parin the smell 1 unoflenvc neither ill their qk injure he nnit delicate constitution and may with equal succer be applied to infants a well a adult they will be fatind valuable apjendnge to the loilei no family should ever be without thrin a single trial will pmve iheirckellence more man volumes written in their praue full iire tion accompany each box aod bolito fur the treatment of ail the above tu ease prparei only and sold h- j wiser drugfiittj hamilton rco drop 6 3d per bottle- ointmem by n iaivi k pcoicai nd lj advertisement the subchbt in lodtrinc thutks lohis friend mid th public renrmlly for the liberal suipott he hass uniformly rcivrd finer he commenced hoinrt would betave toinlimate thfttat he hat oil hand an extntive snd wrll1fctd stock f wines spirit uroceht vc and alto harine m4tc arrmix for nis fuiorr upplii to be futnuhed of the choictst deacrlptiotl tht can h obuinpdin th mosi- iral and other mrlcl he tcrb confident in mins that be will l all litoci it nd prepared 10 fell at a rctacd te zny other eoaa- ed in the tme hn of bqilneu h iheieforr respectfully sotictts a continuation of past f- ftjli abraiixm foster corner of prjoce j a wellington 5lreu j kindlon maj 6 lft5 802 peauodys engraving establishment head of princess s tlnrv joors atmve ikesculchchweh aiap chart di ploma portrait and landscape ewgravim3 jja une intitmin t- wcddtnie and visslldf tiou anl cvl cui leviir u1 liuih plrt and silver ware marked cc afn wool engraving kingston ma lb is13 92 wines mqloks and ryrprera- tftra ni the suwnhrf be leave to return bi ltunlu to the pumie for asl frour and mou respectfully sosicilsa coniinnance ol the same at hi old taud corner of ontario and smack street john htiachaif kington janniv 8ls messus- harkison foster barritrr9 attokmty solicitors in chchy rtc 13 ivettmgto buildings corner of kne and chunh slrcel toronto htjly t to let 17 attvn sm5 stone holse 111 i in vetlinton sired adjoining the sit iitforce hold havio s rivm with fireplace in each a rkio cellar ami at lie store capame of hcuic concerted into bed rooms if reqirrvd access lo the large vard n rear frurn qiecn street apple to thomas akvw clarencesi kinm coih marvbp istft 10- william johnson lsairi3t 3eiajriliriero despectku llv intimaietohis 0 nd and the public thai he ha re- imf 10 the chronicle duhlui second door from thecfrncr on brock street north side of the m artei st re where he will be happy 0 wvtt ipon all hvho call upon him dr d jaynes family mvdicixes names and friccf dr djisu fa mily medicine vii javnes expectorant per botlle si 00 hait toik i 00 life paeivaliveper bottle i 0u tonic veimifujrj l 50 cti catmiuative balsam tf c u g small 0 9u sanilice ptll per tox o j5 american hji uve o jayses life preservative a n alterative and dkvukative fs- preparation comhmi all the me dtemsl viitucs u tsice aniclc which loiu rxpeticnc has proved to poi the mci le nj etficisnl alletalive nrf duautiueut pia- pttirfr namely the compound spiutuou extiact ordafdel10x lioiiiotn taiaa- cumsillaparilta tfvaitcam m4ireo tr see fo thrcureof scrofula kino evil white swellings ulcers sttofulou- cncetou nd ndoenl tumt tthtomj lim uoot scurvy neuralgia or ticdouleut eox cajlteti ooitror bronehotel swelled neck enlatgementaof the fionei joints or unbctu dffolhf ovaries liver spleen kidney stc fitc alt the various dtsestet oi ihe skin men tetter rmtworm bile pimple caibunctcs sic e pro swelling cnnflitiillnal duodc esse oiiaatin- from a dprvedor impute tte of the ulood or othr fluid of the bodr the proprietor of ihe lifr pieervative would mit rtipcifully ssure ibr pumic that be hs not e5ird this ptepf atiou to heir no- llicej without due reflction and clow ind liij studv for until 4flrr twelve ei expciience had tninifetri1 us great inpcttotiiv over eveij olhrr article of ihe kind and he now tecom mcnd it with connlea fully nlicvin that the asove coichjnation of medicine will ettec- tually enidicrile the sstrm a cta of dii eases some of which have ueiewfofe been con tidcred iticuiabte he hai prrsctibrd it in almnt vcrv eatietj of disea5 nan with iinparali-fcd4sircetttpe- ci- lis in couneeut ttections cancetout bdofufiui anj scorbutic dicir and dijitcv oiieinalin fiom ostrolion or ilrfinrn of the ginu or tmfuitly o lh btodt cakcek nrt cancctout tumm he hs ued this preparation in lweliyjnr welldliu- ed iies of cancrr and canceion tumour and in evr ty case fcui owe with perfect nd tntire uecess hhunchtcelerghre nerfc he hat pretciihed the utv rrettlf alilt la tipwaidi oi iy y q4ltj aid ithfvtl mi rl in a iinle instance to comptetrly remove 1 lie disease not a sohtarr cie u failure am mtrc cv le uccktie lumt withivi curinx broo choce mt cinrrroo affection- hi convinced him tht ihowdneioibl honime diear nrtj irrmved wth a inoch otlnlftlf fever and aiue he does na vtiiii to im un drrvlihhl mmvio ihai ihey lu oe cured toon a frvium a with j mnh cer- mlalr l fmlvi out kt- ht rjod reason for oelietiit hii hut trjurttn tviftml on ruie thoe diseases when fomd but ilit it dcfttrnyi the vim or poionons principle hitk- inf in 1h avitem fiom which that fircuhar cusof diejsei as well also at that of ciofula emanate scrof ul kinas evitthe lifr pre- rivative tj been nved in nunteront catet of scrafota kin evi1 and srfulou swvl liup wih ihe mel decidrd itmcev skin diseases he h pieaciibed it in a great variety of cjunrout aifrctioni and found il miccetfu1 in cuiin sltltheum or teller biles blotches rimples moiphew and jaurnieed skin c dyspepsia and liver comflaikt il ist been ej in numrreut ejnlei f lleer compuirii and dysppiai and with the hap- pietl efivit tic oolorrhaux- il ha bren ued in only thiee cfesaf neurati and in every ct it wm nri iuieumatim it nai n r thit prepjrniionin aietmiir caot khen nltim but in ever iae wliie ti wa e until the tvmem ncame an etd by tne aledi- cine the dlteaf w removed co t tfc re et ol gm have been cured hy thi preparaiion jn one ol lhe e lb man lil been lflicted wlh it jeverely tof thirteen yei a- toentriyhsm him rijijuhwih nd m ave otasiik hune iitev pion4lo hr ti tkr life fie ittjvj imii 1ieu rot nihn u rtm bin hefurr rud ntirl the thiij bottle be was mdrd to w alnul ihrlirt ion tiiwi tetumed to libiess isosifc whh he had u lut c n 1 nved k jit flliimii ii1imcl vvklmnrtli me the uild heauitj va uiw wikii watery t caleareou itfs all mh ittintlurl riuineiu jre temiird it im- ptflt in- jnf vi iitv 10 ihe whau uum re- movirt if k ent ntoihu hel jlir idjifie wjndenn pins and nnvou 1 t lifjlii every ca where ib medicine ha been uken fci rme time rc mttir for what poe the enrtl he ll of the patient h always wen inipiaved by il 1i conrluiion the p wenld tay ibat sme nf fe mol atoniihinj case- of caneer rionchoeele and sciofoij have been cured hy tvi tnejicrite that have ever hcen recotded but wantolffwm inlbiitncrt prccludtl ihvir public jiifi j hi4 lime prep hy mr d 5avxe no 90 sowlh tijj htrrt ihiudelhia 5old bv n ivxlmer hfjttt vut e ameidi notice npbb undermned bcto htfnl all prr i- ifttii indetiied to ibe chronicle si cielte ulbiiimenl either lie book dhl nms fotheiwl tlmt no rtftetromtht4dile it jn- noried t coll cl the tame bui he who hold hi unlet for lint mrpiwe j and 1 u paiticd- larly iefaled that all commiinicatioi to the fnljmiihmentrept on editntirfl buvmets be detected to him eman ahclin fektuon kiititonith julv iftu one jlillion and a half icres of land in tjppbr canada feaal vl to old settlers emigrants and others the c4nada company offer about thr above slated quinlilv of lnd parti cularied in bf tinted lits of this date it contois of leisoflrom 100 to 4 acre each tcattcted tuou bout ihe counlr of utocat coataining from 0x to 10000 acres m the wcstrrn mnkt and of a very important teititory of 00uc0 ia the huion tract90 aaile soulh of gweot sound thtie lnd are oitrrd oe ihe most adiaalageout nd beneficial letmt to suit the means or view of smlertef evctv cecriptioa they may be had fo cavh down onenftn cash and ibe lernainlr of ihe parcbasr monev in v annual inttalmentt with interest or by way of lease fa tbw yfiabsjvo mosey beisg requires bowk the kent payable 1 february m each year bring equal lo oul ihe intrust upon the pretenl value eftiiclanc the pcuhjiity ol the companys leases i that under them the company s sourer hat secured trj him the enine benefit of hit impeovemrolt and increased value of the land at ie is fuaianterd lb tiht of purchase of the laud at a fid imce named in the lease at kiich be may at auy time iurin the ten yean demand the deed tor the freehold bus far example p pn the moderate annual heni of si2 and no more upon iu0 arct of land nov trllin at iw- pvt acre he teutet the ute of the lnj for ten yrait and flfj if he choo tt miy puichate 01 reject it altogether at he maj- rud it to hit d vantage rae option uingeniitdy mfn the lessee- the scttlers savings bank by which tbe company allow their lesseet interest at f per cent pn annum on momct drpotited amount bein always at iheirdrtpotal v iih- out notice wttk daily mtetes acciurd will enable the provident and indutlricut settler lo accumuluucient mean to purcfcaic the lnd it lee it he choose so to do by ihesmluragtb deposit bank the company tow btmtff at the rale of 4 per rcnfertutniiniuton monies deposited by emifantt for any period not lets than 90 days ihe nony bein- ilwa al the ditpotal ol the emigrant without notice th omi w remit any turn vf money for settlehs to their friend at home bj cine the amount in ihe hand of ihe pailie far whom they are destined fru of all eetttcxpente and risk accompjiiied by every kind of nefiil information upon cmiada last ear he company tent home in this manner 4i4l lit 7d from t5 settlers the conrafty win remit any turn of money fiom furdpe to canada by letter of credit ipoo their commissioner in the province evrty tird of information upon canada and direciioai that can be useful lo intending emieiamton b obuloed ptt of exfense at ihe company office st htlen ploct london the ne printed lah to h wa at every post oane nnd slot in upper canada and anyinformtioncan h omaine rcen rlortje upon 1 if ny lrtir ooilpnfoat ihe ccmpanytoilr goverirh a recnatj the huion lind at frederick street toronto as nuaidi ail dher lni remittances and depotitt of money 4c caxtda cotrat orricru ftrrierick siret toronto 115 953m era fa3 co p co h purify the blood moffats teget4ble life pills aivd tarbiah and eaviad cetebi 1 rftacaey i eji tbe a4 ia j j- cl fir r illtstj rttirp 1 p 2 cftsiito a h c 3 od ij which tbeae preemiaf at mrdtcutca bare cqtroi foe tbeir g itcaao wiich ibej pfofos lo core hu readered tb uuai tbev are boova by t 07 uaelauihoruie 0 nraeroai or pac not wl oaaee bot aawortar of ttra 2 taeiflbit tbeir ood work uaufy for ibeta tad taey ihmv iw aww t 7 co o cq tit 1 vilrt lit- ctel ana tw ewh cofcacatftlok sss vivjta h i iui lli i 1 ilivua it m f il risult rax r7 in all cases of t c v k r 4 a o uk fat ikl h 1 1 r 1 iwi ftf ulbt bhaftt4 ih p j 4 ftrtlfttt lv ih i rln r it trr lf t ml lttft t vrf ra ia in tf u4 cf qtvitl dxsilit co u4u 1 itjtpa uiitt jfst sji hnihaii eter i j- f fvfh klaiufj mt b ketcoaull pi 1 an sa xnitjtaar bilk mir ci 01 rhwt rat f iwr cafaf j o r tf hw iii h tf t m f n ltf la cia uu sv ltk uto u4 ew cs liiumi7v rf kla rlui lmi lmst 4w ntmrrtu4rtiiuii rj u1iih auitmueia pvuci g ivlltili jtt itvm t n p h r woxui iflrklf tjfr wm by ln law iij 1 l icai iat jtf luiwtii iwior alr sq vjfll a news important announcement to the inhabitants of kingston ano surrounding country- ip m i i wever were such advanttt ortertd to the puwre a ot tbe reacul time in purchaaint dry goods nt the manchester warehouse lambton buildings pn j sc r mutton cc co have now ceivcdhv various vessel rim 1 britain their extcnive tnckof summer goods which twv are dctermincj to sell a very four priees conaistinp of a large and variei aaortnicnr uf lailiea sliawt bazaruie mmjo and oreandi drease printed plain and figurtd lama 3- 6t black and coinncd satin tmti ciro de map st french sius striped and fancy bonnet silk en gtimh and fieoch bonnet and ca rihuand rutland rice and dunmmc straw bonnet- para4l in ever varieiv a complete and cxenive assortment of hoicrtihaheruah crv and small vvaee j- r hutton co would espe cially bfg to tlraw attention to their im mense stoctt tf slifltt tt 00d0 conaitlin of cottonashinin linen cantoona white and colore drill mole- akin plain and figured gambroont fancy check doeskins caimcnd and trow sennit or every desciption wcl of eng land yorkhire btoa cloth london made blovter cantuor tweed nnd coshmerel palto coals ato 1 cae london and iiiri hal com- priainf silk vetvel and bcarrrv 10 trijnv s of london mao ladivs pru- nela ihwji and shoe lcac room pjcr oontaintr iip- waida of 10000 piece of lli newest pat tern j o- ft hutton st c take geai plea- m in intoemin ihtkr cihifnter thai they have nov on hand the ceapqt and uioi onpete stu k ol gord ihev hate ever im pneitdi and fool rinfiilent nf pvasiof the inohl fvtftiipi 3 regard lw prieet ond quality of goods call ami examine fir yourselves kireton jny 5 isi w j martin corner of king ond brock stretua kef square k i n cston forwarding lo rphk subscriber will i 815 aaa asra vosas nst aina si a a asstaal8 a i i- an4 tbw ream jj 41 fro lit ryaum a4amsjtli e fllit d 01 ri ix bittert4tisae it d- willi jsih d voaatat ob nchil r ffj titl i t w tuilimmfk r rir- or 11 anllaa4 4 t en ea ml ipf ih wtriiat atn fclf is cnvi j a s4 j j mb dm n k in- to ft f hjvi frn wh 7 tj l tfc- 1 ii w wn lsi 07 4l r j st t oai t ca 9 o 3 r arnt for kindlon f w brew address tothk pulilic he pu iarvtl lo piijne 10 nnd from nlouiicif iltjrin hc iwciii kuii al reneonalderaie and will he in rcadinc to receive freight for inimediato dirpaii h on the i8tti instant thcj utifl iltat the trading conimumly of canada eui and went will favour them uith a hare of hurirpatronnce dog dickson ft co k merlon dickson johnson co moutreal kinginn may isis 185 91 z wl buckmaster c 3 new burlington slrcet london beg inom rejaic fully to intinote to the olbcir of ihe ariy aitd their cinitiimrrc ancrahy lhar their vil la ca nada udl lie diferrco iinlil next tear and in the meantime mafti ibrw tonl tieir host aitcniifft will he given in anv irdve ihtrh mac be transmitted id gngland hy hei fr the appruavhine fam or fol c spring mtppjics b cv co lr u tdkt ihoir liet ser- to their cushiencrs in ducoisirig ii nut iif their line of dealer in teas wines i respectfully inform llttpiiukte hv has now on hand a larec ana tprit ttockof uoodt in this line tjoij vm an teas of evrty ietciiplionj suart rfo tobaccot aioilcd puis stirrnes ill nrrcr madrirtt champatfne crnuiiie scotch jamaica spirit pilr hjandy verj fjae conac do- haltaniisde koypcr son schirdm da i itc ic porict and ale srtn oiivp nj lard oil imported cigars of all kinds fancv smoking im aromatic csrnit tobacco mocha and oher coffee frtsh grovsi tvery dag 3f to corn buooifn hkj to pnlrnt ialls a vriiy f pith sjmec fmlips sjin sprtm laid nl taltok canilrs csstll tat raney nirp pmji cant ftnee kt 1 coinoiuriij- compite olml goods in lh trae all vl lich will bv ej 1 tw lourr pn et fmnt liural trim- kintltm joh julv loltk and jtitctj n n isi5 gitockily oi provision fcitouk fftlwilvf irmcilullt irfivmt tn ii ibruc tht ncel piaiim in tur oovc inii n tit cvrter of oatrto a4 mmlo streets where he it orrnarru to vupaalj faf sew ts hi fauiihen mr am bo 1 m te tolfnuinc coo i pn 1 jit ifcint hb slock tea cijau uait toncrot coffee ivmon sjroi spicr ujimbi ilckl- c float tahlv ctnlml pork dijoy mrirlfm luh sail c- speim olive and lard oila tdlw do- candles rittn o catttile ami uiowo soap with a vaiii of ihr mtleuv fll0- maxueil kilo july wiy soa t tick arc a u m 10 x t b ac t ptnst inwii vire any coniuiifion luvinvs blltdiml july is isss l versus cmcpl ff this mepcink quiro an pv 1rnde4 viamihril ccfcfrttlj ihiomh- ml t lie cuntrt wich hat hrt n tuttainrd by itt viiiurtancacy alon a a remvdy far scorful oc kii5 hvil ulckratto oie thro t loajf 8tandej rhkumatic anvclion tttsf thonu ute the aicanum ftrarl vitnnul ieuy- jn coipiitic itil cite of scrofula and mthillts astd in ejrje wtiti thr sphi1iic viioof thv parent cause a development of sciotut u the child thit u thk only rem roy paja tiir quality the shades iflk siibcntier tcj lo return hi fin h cere thank lothe plthuc fortlie lup port whit ii lie ha hitherto rcicivrd and would nfern llieni that he ha added to hi uual ititince a in rnnxantl for ifttrd wines il ivilh bol which fill liquor an utialiticn henry dumble kinpton april ifl lsvf g4hi n b oonfect loner les ocontainty on hnilor fornmhed to order aio fmlta in tte eann for sale he suluteftben or fir av 1000 liverpool sail of superior hog dickson 8tco siohoi wharf kingrtftfi kingston junou lw- 103 two private dwellings to let at tlir coroi popuon if aihu to ihr s d untjiio st n kindlon f darrack and ontauo slii lie ijivrnon the firrl of may mcribrf cornrr of barravk john straciian match l ith iftlis 7 rpht notice he siinciibrt haa duty auihorcd jatic oarox e or ataanam fotscn to collect all onwlantfiii drbtt du hy uook e- ceunl or cthefuif- and alto to vertive alt clainii wcivnlcd aeaintl liim foi aitiitimrnl arthur foster kfnofm irji b9i dtuimnrill skin whie swtllinw tsl i i xo ones alt ulceroutcatet 1 sthiebaeeaajwahk bo of itrmr can fiyptiilijlkg xleiciirial dis oe utgeo- oirnimhi to ntiificinirtiuttancr al0 vrnh ulcera tion had laid brr liotli linnl and dwte and svhrr m all apprarance no human mean nl amputation rooht hare tared tile pjtienit have heeft tntched fiom ihe crave and ieitor- ed tn healthy the devaurmc diteae heinz cf impure state of plclly eradiclvd bt ihe ur of oiia imtjtwn- altclionrm liver dispeps1- c03tive cofttntamtsoc relic const it orr ehtcaft car b rrinj in de ii chronic and net veu luted and each- the rloooj orersvrh hw usstfl atfectinv vtuttms thn iv rfisaftrr- rrom and vrhien brcn coiwiered iacmable uch rjnx throat note ndr liavr herrtofor a ulcer of ih be the arcane extract it a eompletc ant lole lo ihe tii ptodoced hj the inju dicinotiucof mkre aasnnnt f ptklplrr il cannot be urpmed jj w ll tbesi- tern with a silt focce cwsflsthl l loo0 remotins1 irifluences see en tkwthtnt thi remoeins fiernal orttmcfionand diseaa et tht w mj l0 u blr extract r te prnpiietnto the arcanum extract u had this mednine urt in all ihe above dto t with the mop riiif m tetuttt in une ihe medieini oilhrr tuin or ptraure nred b intrroptt only the uuali the icttraiil of tnndrration in ttit andiequtly nanr apnlicable and eccaciow 0 1lieinfnt vrctl a tbe aot1 painplilel civin- deteiiption fnr uhich ih 7icanum cxttid k apfdfcwj with ante rvt tion on lnmibtt lr 1 s 4 4 if c t- 4i ditates in general accompany each amhr qr- atent are tupplid wilh ihc above pamphlet for erltiiitiu cireuulion national s hool rhtlks siwi4 hiinc tn tli coiner a fil kan oj ktttfm tojit ttaei fiutti cations for ihe hm ofsihoolt in canada now enabled to announce llil the follow aie pnrdj n i foe tle geaefa leen to be lo hji in school priee cil tlie firt ifok atan piei 2l trr v iil rook of l- w- priet yi the tliiiit bonk ot l iraer 6vl tlie fooith rok ol ltt pic la i6l thr firtl book of arhnasrlle pile i0j kev lo dill price i0d an jin piiee lid kry todiim pure 4j a tretir on rork kepin piice l key to ditto pice it id ehrnmlt nl geometry iriee 1ul a trrati oi me neural ion it si notice ie suwnur reperl fully ro m inhabitant of kirerno and ik vicinitv that he im received mm hii lumber yard gnre street ailjumnr ihc rarme railna a enignment uf well aaaanneil rns plonk anil sranttine and it dad eipenv in a fortiier supply all of which lcet thirfiyd it r vn mideeau3 lem iv prurripl pay a macphersox kinghn i3l1i tny 8w w t 1 1 t v erv lie chriii uait bfanh bit a urj wiifi nimn knion 31 ja uplinn dtre a ti f caieticoilt also i kind manuf t lured to and iwpatebi iiiarv wj j- lion lor tne uc wriotrtalr or it in the rt jdngs liver and feroot wlv by the ue f nine and any i deapei liver or an itijiijicie leatmenl of any of ih the arcanum extract it prepared only bv jobs wiser chmiu st druit llainillonc w- tole prnpfielor and told hy conililulion are krobrn do n hintielf intf it reipcctable uruitt in c- renry aiteoic bart of qui i nd 10 ate tufferin from abmc 1 and the united slates price one dollar per bottle n palmer agent hingfloa auutl 1815 1 the qly universal and vegetable pills pfftlstalti p ersuaders i tiger pills cnmpuund whale or rx id p fi iron luraale by r jy 18 jon 1 frcah lobsters and oysters the sulnvribcr will receive from neiv york every veek during ihe eeaton a supply of the above article vvhich may lie had at tne shade henry d1mhlf ml uy 1 ims r- possst0 pronertiei entirely unknown in any 1i bmucht in jit eclrhrity tliroufh ihe ptionae citl of ihe raal india cemoany and imfnrjfateh ljaj ihe niulity and lnliy and many eeaintnt medical ptofettioual aiul scientine einlhmrn in great krildin ami the continent thee 111 fi ntrnoced mio knind ly a medical oath man in ihe service ni lire eatl lndt rnel nilh nap4ralletd tnccrta at an on mitt ak aide cuie for tnnv mrioktt niadif urh aa tj nhii fever iliteet of the skm scarlatinal cont acute rhrtimatiam f h pi ntdrimit itytlnic tu intrttmal wormf ire- he forialevv u winer piopnctor llamitton c w- n palmer agnt liuctlvn auutl ii5 13 r notice of removal the si oriber respeeifylly inform hi cutiomem and the public generally lhat m remnvfd to the paeioii- prrmica adjoining those of meier john vvatkm om pnnce street 1ic ir vt brent tfcmm ev orupyi apikuts lo thr mnturj teachets it d a liiwt ndnsrave anrfe on vt a treatie nn corpliy will tpeedily be fiamihed uooiti ate all ifimel on nlial in a cleitr ivpe and rv trronty bouoit in lift n for o in tlif jxhonl mij th- are emplayrfl in the tuilmn of nearly half a million tfrhimrejiin lrrlandiul many of the piincipjl seminatiit in tieal hiiliin nn n them exclusively in cada th rritt ol nalinn sehool boab ht mel with the an- notiiion of ht excellency the cnwrnr uen era of the rihnn ol ihe roman clhohr chnuh nfdiffetent clrrtyrnm of ihc church nf enlanl of the oynml of the chorrh of robisrt allen wbousiie ani retail winf ano spirit oeueh ulluckk v uakilt brockstreet kingston t 0 the stone sir rnlarj 1 vc l kt house irciined va bstfi roll fr he lt uf mac thomas a cohbett n icih april 1s4v 3 the alliance fire ssuranrc tcompann or london hep in inform ihe puhhc thai he lin hecn apnorled aoet for the ltitnce fire 9uronce is the sajuxrtbef puhhc thai h of company of london tw ihe midand d sctlinj of clergymen in connection witn tit methivli congregational and kaituj chnrch es oi aaat zt lh isfi iprala fur insurance aea ttidanu of euctlion for canad tail au avtn wett- ramsav armour it co kington jul 9 tl 3 life notice british america fire ano assatanco company trvrer pore t tit atd uerej sy ftt of pattmmtfit to rtfttl inland marine iauroarr thk s having tern appointed afent to m11 inatitntion it prepared 1r receive propotat for jnturance araintt iota or dinae to nroncrly whether ariainc from fire or fiorn the 01 it of intand naiirdiion njen the teimt ppecified in the efuuithed tanrttof ihe cmpuxj piopc4alt may be addrested tn the subtcri- her at the olace or crait walt ontarii street nevl door weal of thr custom house william craig kington wth f tft4 ti trletf canada vbmt and vdl be hkj rcreive at the chronicle caxeitc 0re mt ln hy fire archferclsqn kineion 3rd augual im4 10 for ale be the sheribcr a lotn novf sruilt rlndgtoiic pric very low w- j- martin markel stiaret t 184 efiie tii a c 11 r 0 n i c ic ft g ft z in puhhtlied every wednesday jid 5att lay althc otlice coiner ol km- and k street kinptoit u c- tcmiifieraniiiiin twnjy shitting in oaveari frit 0f dr4rt six line and under i 6d brtincrtioa 7j eahuheqni iisrtion tenlinetaadu- der 3s 4d- firat intertion rti lod rath vw- nnrnl insertion above ten ibatsj 4j jtf ih lorlhe fir1 iuertion and id per line f ciy snlvfquenl insertion ad veniementt without terirren dirrrtiossia- terted filroroid jp charged acconmjty it it rrottctfrej hot ott jdrtrtoemeti luavdtn on or pmiou fa iwsrfoyon day rvormtu htm received after tin oecl on ihe morning of pnhliralion a liberal dien made to mm h 1 j ers who advertise for rhree montht and sr anypervou procurinxi snhtcrert i pnper rind payinonnuay for thejmr i be entitled to a seventh copy gftafbn tountry prrwlnce received si pj at the markel pnee tf joawoan or it tin- iiar eeblalv ol- t tr