a the falling ibio of the owwdctar am referred to criof this country inil vtpwbh when ihe prw ml liervmwclcd that with il t iusintmrl uul i mt hi n g friend who had v j i hear lira ui thc3j march colonel onco w that ii fityl j moil unabated confidence in the iualiy of ihe wbnu in lhfj f de vutton ui in tinf cquntrv and ill llkil amount f vppn in who under ihtf rdidiug tcatc would have and he taid yoo liflwft pccparcdlo have predicated lo any iv- liltfj v your spiih jlriilrr pcrtd ihe pine of corn ivm year f of pr levli hi nibtc friend who it i p lttv cnmioyftlin mo guano trade to eomendibai anything like lisuy wl tn tii on ih i itn htvnl lu i n 1 imtmw their lorjihipt c not been obtained forlfcotc rngacd n the trade lhcir desire lepfttevrryc ash connexion with mjoii w y jhfirj i j aiu iiieanuhumuf ihijnailiecrraicnralbir ihatouiabc rnaui wmk mflfll to ho new commercial mm l fhi mk k ftubcr of mtw1lfihl cheer but he rivmkl flivhyofsir reiri piel ho wa not a on 1 l hudjin for imprmi accurmlcty mln the huh further evident to bear rum oui lripattiriniheaueri wind other proftfcd c tlii activity of ihi trade their lollop in hi i t r i that ihc pure ui oo ihiajo feci he had iwjvi lccn n advocate nf nt nurk wi to impugn the effect nml rat wa 4f lite uriir and tojltow hwv ilut niwriok y- it the principle 4 prmcciioo had ihi nv lrrrly departed fromlhil innnvtr-tdi- hid twen injure on that llie tirilt if jsij ilii jnl cjvcn ri lo inaiiv rn puinfc llar tlie malcnnnl i his nimiticml was hu the iijrlii lhnoir nblr ctiltfttin sir k pvelj hut njvh ium thai i ho uiiitfuf s j bv lvr- n tttfinsr of hiim roav cm imftj whivh wi the ony afrt iti the mhtf in lji tlnmonnae was 2700- 0k ltijer iio anif tl ha j liicftnwd w 3tiijy0oj he iuiv came to the other branrt ai the tiovl hi h vo frcnl si fie r atalifv iih propktiion willi tcped m aariorlrn f aatiim injumry proccctlel to apply iioc til efvaiifl lotlid law njwvn htatco in i ho lirtt place thai mrtvaatf falbrimin reprevntng the cc trade- mr baldwin nc ottlie toad ptfiectrviwk me tal before him a lim cificra f the cppiiiin wil we want no cafttmet price pad at the victualing oft lrecn inierlcrcnce w arc proud ofoitr iih fot wneai avcanf 40lht tn jjn is hi tilulhw and iur connexion wiih the moth in- dw ilmk bail tal tlic rtscinf tau- lfl um ii prv an1 lhai a smilar oid w rt itwi attthodii to be dmced m fanw w the maintenance of a raw for ike pmieettin vl eorn ad he mancj aiil lhai a similar i bo imduccil by llio ptvwnt nvxvfw- nmrlibritit luniwable rrieml m llw lwul ff the iverntllmtt ilil nt attribute thai veliwl t the lariv lie ull mat jt la dniw thai the idariii of il thcnt haj n t iwai realicl but hi tithle frivol liatl ihcii tife into 4 slate n it iu u i lrj cuni mr piit and mr- hufbto on- he lai d j hmre estimated milte a itigvv a any nve lord in that hoie and ii as jeep aihl mccre a veneration tw ihc ivislnin nf our ancelors but an to the ililclin of the pniee f a corn jau raa nihcff retriilie law it wa impv- show uhetkvt i ih clmviv f dm upon twprnvf w nl ii had latai ciiatliam tn fntcuec nha tin lvftl lvii i7tfl m h i wsiitii n uvum ite nsjuired by le maieorocletv in vflf tiii ikiit wa icvml aiil tlio pficej ie iwfl v u jd pft lb in 1819 ihc tttilf m vt1 rm iftl to i8ij it k man to r ooiuqc it was tinpafvbtc for any pccue of mr titi in w incroatil m 61 jvr lb am s si omitinucd until lu4i whcp it ww liiiully dudijrtd in isis wlntt lite doty wi jl por ik the iinmt f wool wft 31 okhoi it anil the priu of wmd vc9s 2l per lb iv hivh july ww hen impo4j otii i crdmk llw import nf wl le dined it fell frhn i h3inoo ii r itoilonoo hm and the miii- ml from s cd to is m per lb th- blw bad ibu been dimpletelv struck l wd it bad ben clinh rnlirdi frn tin inirkvls of the conli ncntand irmi thai hour i t ufachirvr icvlinivf recovered ilie blow hear bear what ww llie cmws rpnjie f llu prwm f wool ifnnv he lliifiuhl hi ndilt friend b mbt mvp- atojipnl wliem lnilnl wwn ipiotin jrio nf lj ailifde bit im v fdlowl ibal luvwm uvond the live yrar whkh p bid rvairrcll wba va ilr laef fi iitrnjnl jrnw 17111100 tmpri3 iomnlm f i9jjii hf and hiring iill tfoil ii llw jwi- w4- h 1i m a hijli a m i in p i thjiii ii wi 17 no i t it t im miutiu i 1 i7s7 lioltc lay tht icc c ndvantark t he iriij vc or hu peehe upon commercial hli u0i hm rk j i it i i i say niw whether die inlcfcntti vraii fair that the ininition of tlmie had raiwd ihe price of llie article iln noble i ml then said 4t what have vimi tonc u tim ber y oo lowered i bo doty in si and i pot il to ho chief ccrnramniktv of qh4vnb flml frct lo say whether the rice nfcmhtn titnhvr sou in enard ad ivi4 fallen lo a c hinder ablit exunil now he held in hi hainl nil a return f a single sale b the enfraik nftbai whole british navy and ibcir lotjum mut n7 bear the statement cnliicud in ibem as li tlic antnnl of ttiovc pritcv tti pc inn of tiak tifnwc frm toucnttl from lftll to the ycir hrtiou i it bmu diat f mo cilcd 01 prc- nt in ahiiii hue iiri iho forenito in rccoinmonip vorh a pjiey a now pn pnej and wmdd have lent all the weigh i of hi val talent and psjarjiic bitluenre to carrv it jnio eillxt but anniher atithocsiy had ben referred to mr hukiskn he wnum appeal to ale flvvklttoif and call bi voire from the grave to how that the rmtvo punned by hi right honourable friend in the oxutitg condition of the country wm hwuely the tystem of enm- nuveit ptdiey whttii f he bied he woutd havi pursued in 1si he ad that while commerce and manufacture wttc cneotir ajed and finced by tmrltfuttm npon the in- troduciiun uf iwcn coinmia he aw no rtiunn why crn thotid be excepted ami he i- 1 if oiher commojaed were mtb- eecd lo tu apidicriili of the piincin if free uil ihem tva nn objectioa to tcav- m nsnciillua pnlucc lo utnl ill own level then ihc nolo barnn near um repeating tunihl hal had leen aj lat mghlt afu- ed von ittn in do what notvifier cenntry on earth ibe to have a iveo trade in corn and vilte me ili itieii an vrlnt ar vti i d in a elfreap yeoov ucn te pmt- i i iliri n fi he held in hii hand ftttlt meat which had been prepare j tor him e tiiif fo ih the variou cotn law that exilted in um ibfterem countries in europe in lorkey there was a iluty upon rom r up mi eccf c oiher aruev of 5 per cent oil va lorem j uutift the danutian provineeh of e prce for red wheal wai 04 3d in february istj the fl minti afterwardj in ivhvh a con rail nw taken titf price ivaiai i7i 101 in isli theprice wtm 2 lu loj and in ifiw tl ww jh 5 flj prcewly thcank proriton prevailed in d dilterenl cjunhtien oi rt wheat shewing that lie avvr pfkenf u heat purchased wa abiiit i ly white the aecrar pro leased to lc ihown to the f l rner wa m ho therefore denied the reaonablcnri il bcinj aiked in name ile priee at which wheal would he particularly with the ex ample before bun dfthitlavvof ls- predictnni made withreipcet tiwhieh had totally failed ofhlfiliwali hear hear thciili all the arjiienti adjreied in the hmjie many hlhm mnt abe eiouent anil poweifidprcirmi a itaie nfrum duv order and im- ty to ite ronhi upin ie etinrj hr the repeal of the corn law be ventured tn think that one fallicivii as- mimptitm rannamele thai there would be nmmnnvi hliprirwinn offfeipn wheat headed noble lonu tohewnim where thi uppy of ratn wait to come fiotn il was tiffed that denmark cerjnany polind selections om old country papers rucmj austna and the united sattftwmm liriufi ii it vsae 10 i s kg alt piiii tn j h fi turkey the duly wa three psr rent in the papal stale corn when ihe puce wa 4s wo admiued free in the two sici lies ihe duty wa j i s in saibmai in the rmall italian mate 3j hitifcanf wn a frauion in uflecec u a miatfcr nnd ponuiil there wa a ivivilon in in austria 5 insp waa mil prohibition riiitira bnl pi 31 the f irme pcritnl viifi3 1s c w ton in 313 in llfi cl fl tlii fat i clearly dlow thai i bo ijiurr got tbercnt benefit of 0e redieii o ttadntirft in 111 enlmt timr wii 1 ik ci in tl 12 imii wi3 11 u ux and in w edv tuble inend n now nuoline lrrn ibe contract prices hear hear l- rjuemionablv bo was rpittin frun ibe contract prices the noble lord tlkn ft servetl mvbat have ym tlne ut vjr hip ami vour baltic trade tb tmii ber of shijk cdplved in tbo irn ritte in 1s53 was 61 3 in 18j6 cjo iv nombr of foreign jtijw employ d wis in the firmer perioij 56i and iti the 815 the jitps in the timber trade wvre of small capacity unsl for olbrr n po tvy kepi llunmiliw nflnt by the cargncd of timber which lliey cirriol and ilien charged tin merest poiiblv fle for freight u ikjl wlnl wiihv of four baltic iwle nk iho fr lord in 1si2 the ntimberbiimi uips cmplotcil was 3m0 and ihr rnuiiil wascloox in isb the pqtiji r hoi iocreavd lo 1121 ahawing an inc of upward of 10 ahi and iu cnae vf tonnao wa from gt 819ma llearjieir uy b lv would nw lrcpcrrned l n a h cvtract which ittfet rvcaiul much rcdter authority on tin m than anvllou b cooht say tb- ijuiir- mn of the ilirl etiiiiany at livtti ataineeiin ibe llier iav icjiiihi tl m ml tocnoao of ittoolfl tuqk bid u pieimff who isilm iqcif tiv i d ulk f an iuere of iiimlrvrl d ti mttk in n l i dirjiiieuil imjut ii v iocinm was wi i ivo to aisnn t tb nmt jremlctnit i bil iiivimm b i- vtima w vf ul jbrt t t wevtalltttnlfh li driw iin 1111 j trade lo oiir pirt t miwnjin- id n dhint winrl wi- hball rmvcitian imiii mitrtvd nr rahv f biti prolog i wiv4 wbielibnfe n lktium had a r- rtrn w4 adtniiw ftee n jian there wa ihe nue ihlnf t j l- j i- p4 fcltv jii in ihnwer f and in denmark i in ibe two jwhi there w a fixed inly tf sr d tn tueany it ven merely i 1 t ii in 1iiiu e there wa a bih iro i tilitf dniv i in lltij it wa 1 1 a uuar- t i- tm wa ail iruui wen thve corir- iifrtceriiiij hecau i hiijrwin etiuninef were tliey mtw habi oteiltlueung their cl jdu- tm that y whrh wa- alveatid dotkcceary lofuufti unnei nun what had occurred tin- year to vhow bow diltcrent were their nolion the ctsi thm ihat vvatdoticin holland wa to suspend their corn law in russia hermeically ealed rtiva the rii law wa n awaj with anlinbldglum tlic cbamvi have been al- ed together ut uc pupo of uoendm it le lite country from whib corn toutd lie inaporietb he contended that notlitn had tpcenput forth by noble bird lo contradict the official document fay which it appearej ttat the importation of corn would be ex- iremeiy limited it wai naied by the noble lord unl siantey that 5000000 ptar- ler addilmnaf of ern enuld be impoiwd irom tfie rounlrici on lle danulie within a lerm of three year being purchased abroad at 14 a quarter and told here at 3tf to 40d lie would not read tetters lo disprove tin but be would lay before llicir lordvlirpn document infinitely more auihoralaiivc be ing the bill nf several cargnsn wheat imparled from gahjck thee were pur chased in the year is41and brought to thin counicy they were not delayed in the warehouse elon cvty one of these there wwa lo to a great exiom tv noble lord then reaj the particular of ihc tak which were on aeronnt of air hvberigard tcrd were purchased at galairxin jurveljil for dt and 1 16 for 23 9d they were brought in this country not kept for any lmpiti of time and told in bond on ihe crith october the loinl auiount produced by itie iale wn 6t0 and tlie balance of lo on each quarter wa 10- another consign- inent conj1ej of 10 j qittiiiert ijouebt at caac7 in june 181 lor 23- 3j the tout amount purchased wa l0 which were hold on llie lvi kndjeiir x030ihe balance of iom being 1 1 ilia ijuailer- auvoicreont cnoacnt wan l4w imrterc bought at ih f tiw lotal amount prod u- eed wa jcoibaml the balance of jusj 12a dd there could he no doubt with rcpci to the paiiutar of theac uiiuacliuaubtd vt ii irri a in mi a menf whcji had been htrtiiahcd to lm anil tinv bore oti their luce evidenre of the lalnliiy of the tranaaehons for the bttbl were rtftm i imj brotiivr learard a laub hut loppote thai lite tpprehen- aon nf noble lord were so fi foundejthai a val increase in itie uuautite ol itvn pro duced auoau might be vnvccd n mui eg remembered that at the itwivami would nm t t i rcucreacd a wefi uir own fiut of ruuta pruvta ihe german tmoo and austria bid laielv intreiej another consider a i ton not uihciently dealt upon in ihe f l lf m debate was the iiicfcatc f population at home me annual rem tfaa 300000 a year am ibeir lurdiltiptv per bapa did not adveri to llw fact tliat ince lrcmimry 1 love lle mother country a welt bm the toil nth winch 1 wa bom in nocaticin iho k iva equally loyal lie freely odime- thatu wouhi have been infinnely btucrhadthe iiopoai ofihepre ent lull licen rummlteil to either hand and he would add ilui it wa with iincere re- grtrt he mw the r hie lord fad in ihcir al- cmpl lo fkrm a covernmenl bui when their effort were not attended wilh buccck and iho crvam of the crown were called upen to gve efleet lu their convicttonr il iv hili have been treachefc on ibeir parbad they refused jo it he would cheerfully fuimii to th idtlotiy of having oerled party to give trw counsel to his weretn- ahhough he might bnw hn head lcfore that injured party hi hoidd be able it tand up- nght lii jtilwr jinlg hear he wwbeil he had ehcuenre oflhenobte iuai loril smntnf another noble lord a ihj would lb venture to point oul to their lonhip he consequence lli would flow from rejeciimc he mesuuire before them and ihe bleiinfi hat would ensue f the nieauie wa inj3mly adapted he did nut wih in appeal heir iftnuhv feanhui he would venture w pta lo iheir prudence hi thcirjttiiee t ln would not lightly and without irni groundi reject thi ntvauie vvlucl bicked by ihe recom- mendaiionofa jority of the other moue of partra no noj he ap pealed to iheir c lh rc- cmnmendaiion f before them of a jiftr- emchaiacter lo aiure and by ihat course t inflin ft hurcn on every poor man if ihey foptj iho meaiure how chey would in arltime look back wilh marvel on ihctf febw a oppo ond they would feel ja w that day when they rave ibeir aiaemi measure they had done all that in to remoc a re proach from ml legislaiion calculated to add bittcrncs tn cu advcrily thai they bait done rf hey coud m imooth ihe mggrd paih of i p w mt the primeval ew 0iu lo mfter the hard ate of those wh j earn iwr ixead br tht mvtm 0 h trufc pnijv in fo- rrir clrte we imtf the lnuuih nroui puncipleiiuiome wilubudly bnn our labour teaclese btit onr jy anj iemcttfa tnl leccunt ar not conhncd to thj happy tciuto chirred in our otrn country our comutt catiout wild our pitlfarru in america prance tictmaavi hotljnj nj spiin all bicalhr the mine pint all ji animalej by our tximptr jnd rcpice in our ucce ji the ulufl 1 ihirknal iriumub in ihc time coune we bare already hl llw pleviire ol retoidia ibe tormauon oi a kietflc ltane in france spiin hn fullowcd thtr tximplo rt by her nibbaui und ha ubbbej a lf mrtntilc confrurfjiiw for the tamo uurpnw uatuc appntpriott mwnct to nit ry- it rl proved to emakirh an uutituiion far tb trm- potaty irception of female dikbarj f lb metropolitan noojiml oti oflic who an ithtouto rofuno iheir lire la be calkdeli- rabeth fry fuargt irrrrrrrororruflcoac o the men now rneaej ai con luctor loan oombui plying be tween tlw railway matioo ai ltftoiton and varwick wcio 1811 myor of the borouh the knglih jantui ny in phltt in coon- cil inow made lh official language ot ihc haerffita a nrw print ngprrt lo be wnrkrd by hand without ihe ftij of tleampowrr bai wn in vented by mr- h ii ol siw lrcl london by which itiiiiiijaladcan work ort from iffiq lo i600impteiona err hour with left labout aid etnc 1hn ii remi by th commoa hdnj i to work i- i i ri -v- trroardiruiry on saturday the 16th hut in a mitch between ine marylcbone oicki i club and eleven member of iho uni- erity in a tictd al the back of the town jaol the eiil ol suoitord attuek a ball clan over a building in the aol the height ol which i 2fi feet and ihe distance from tbo wkkvt 240 feet caatoidge adftttiief hail vju kicbrdpmlvtvr bei ml dom cavurhai wtill urd tieulrmnl lo ihe kc i unlet ii- immeoiately in be assembled tbe tpcr mention ihe loi ef jife of tbri ptfmaf kool them aclihriymen occaaiooid b ih flavin up of llie lloute above ilaud ihuthet a oilman who bad vcdhibed and shfcinfojmhim yajg vjttttfr fffeteflt the ibnei bul unk under caihoucleryraan nfakvmanc ihc weight he wa tmjyu thecn la a plate rn vis 1 m tikjy fxpiffd a secretaiy fdrrefthe i cihner by one h ha be en a piotcvianl any time withm pi month before the mantase u void hy 1 ffeup e 13 and cenrtuenlly a keman calmk eleiyman mjrryin- pion umier uch cuumtance would be liable lo ihe pro rmm of llie 7 and r vie c 81 the wcderin meihodiil trhapel uonejm sawvfi ketu htlabc rcetmll nna icale of tiinilude suited lo ihe orcominodalion ot iho law and incicain eonrr trofwpffog tbece the rrpeatert of lldwin intend lo put mr 5milh obrien in nomination a a reprraruu- ciiy al the neat tie in pariiamcnl lor tlu cenrral etrclioo iixo irvutfnl u o ilalor tar ttaia w ayenr houie rel free aod coalsindrmlki outol ihc br at the leat tuteuuiion itvo third of st jobm hic4 hern coreuind and the i oh of fro- i perly 1v tbiv vihitalion ntttoated at a miiln 1 terliii two trrrl each a mite long acd a nuiibrrof ui i huildinp havr been total ly destroyed and li000 tieron have bienrea- tieied boujf tttt- ftthc synod of the prr6jrfrxion church of canada in connection with llie clmrrh of scollanrl will be opened here in st anuntiw church on wtdmdo next ihe eighth day o juty iv a sermon from ibe moderator jhtonitlc fc ajcttc 5satvmvi jttlv i lr ihewejtflh mw- uud and pro- and what uajufjuj viuc of tbe unennou ie coimnencenieni ofiiejeganvcdicu n ijillaudarnj lilluni t wai il the fail ure of thv vum irojt f i hui it irfla a eauo ivtneh hai lvnhbllylrejlvit in lhai houe the failure of the pmato crop what anaey ihenfuv eiied lieiwren ihe jam of i lime roifhriffj a mtn laiv and the law the catau hnunl a pcnnarjcnt duly nnetun hear what bvlly n wa to ralvyflic rjiiii i i ir itm firi fr jilr tinj een pen ci enuaii rtbat ytem it he ii b tuav hivnjfvitjerldlltia l tf firelgn nirjiplv uhcii eum tiii feat after year lahn had tivn iiicrcin veari vn 1 rail ni later ii a uaainy tiari mtw m rmu vjm btrrvhel and evenly nm ilifwamliiawitr ha i been im- rarhearj st ihuuhl iln phw it 1 n tit i hiel he m rijhl of that nrvcf had njrl ut- lure been tn a m hv tluivitz t mic pnipe rou romninn tlitb turn period hi ior hut nluii ad meaning if ihi irvok-nriu- rmirrc acainal dcnihm iin fluref vobiitrit- 1 ii ia a fjl tvliu hcuttj wit h pjmlnj ti rdiio ed thai iiicve ma n a idale tejik rwy- lof tu hi ji i iw in meanro r lini hv ir hih irfmf- when our rlmie an v rvdm nt i d llunk il will bo in lhi jnwrr ij n i nay whai n th nt nf ihrl he 1 lim will lfcvliih wdmlliliiii i iire h iiiciilij iu uiu mil r in iulitdi kik rtn oil with reje r pjlipi when rilludiii niuri rhit w ma mtd fiiu ili nr l 1 mtrit rritr ii 0i vd itfilr 11 iu cii liii id mprjitimii if l ir i rw r lr at i tvi- j i j i tl luiihi mi f rttllhll ifflm hi l it i 11 t h i vl i 111 nil rl 1 i drilu 1 hii hi iv irwjh lh mtiiini f t htuj i ii nwi i itini i rri l i i v in ihir e tiein unruiii- luld thai iw i lhcwl u uh uud 1 jiiii j r i nf til i krim ih in r i i in- i tin ihi j i il i aith jl iff tmtphivmem i uv ttvrt n i jtly and catireei mdvui iki puppic iiiin kiii enuir- tirtijmi i d ifaamhvre i ricr i t eamfuf 1md md that i 1 w a ii aia v li4hey mil h ihii ii ini ih iiie tlnt ivhedi- n triv m wenr llw tnmm wh h irmhittm iiafha ipftiymeiil ivlo woilil ii1 ia i rjimttiiw if lie iverln he nf n lntumf u t united t n fh t terivrtrtd j u ir hr rau rn y dllm wuhum u imi timtymr fr j i tki m y r isis brlht yimr ijikii n i vai tl ivir ivilh lif t mtird v ihr ant fium in h r0 dr si n ilhjri it ixtrliii n hrr iljjily nf niy i tl the lni ih1 it ilnl nih miit r i i all i i i i r aiil nt r dje hjrdi p im t rifii iin vm tf iti t ilnui 4ijm lihi li 1 ft swci of ihiinlcaourelotww bod luen add ed tn iunumher hmi reneu tu the aup- ply from liio united state the wheat pro- ducinj districts of lhai cuuniry were in al the western lemmry o thai iher rnduie uouhl not reach ihii couniry nr even le exported ecepi nt a heavy chaise tut they were ahed why try lint twptnmciil in thi country i it had already bevw lml perh-eih- nuccecded frurn i7tiij it i71hi there had been racticaly an entirely aw irjde and lli vtiuntry wa enabled i f mm arttiirdy riico cihuiglb i ir it own viinuinp- non but l- r row it cheaply though i epuct t at itt lime hie price langy finn us to k in jry wiili a irtvradcfir enn ririee inn little if at all liuv die price ufllni4utiin jt llihi ltf ad if there at nut tbe a great tncieatc in fojh ply rr dnninvhon in pnre why did vern- n lent propose ihi elunj theyihdil not because ihey thiushi ihat it would really nluec ihe price f ihe aitivle hut beijuse n tittmutahnr iiiji and in m motiun iho manufacture of the country uvy vmld he lanj iseiurcthonlo incani nf pnmdiri- lutcjiitdviiiiiifr ihe ajjictui1 papula ft om the pbiltelahia nurui atnenon of ibi mom important from washington the fohivirtfi imporiant information rotnei to ui nn a loure cnlilled lo cnmit and ivo vo aa am get it our attentive correpondcrriuvpenarif hai noleominui caied it in ledeepatchei and we iherefure heiiaie lu ce it the sanrltun of authuriiy h gen later bat eoniuerei1 pear m caioeft th tate reil of tha rio grande on fume themare dipocd lo make- eimmnn ca with ibe america and undei iheir grantee form ihcmclvc im a nev and imilirl kcpuwic on ihe anji amertcan hm f fi- tolcralion m rth rin mnremry of thy civil law un cjucaiktn oo mo unnirrn autnnimiivn of jlmicf a proprbmi ha been made at wfth- inion in hchif f a rumler of ihe lcaioi inhahilant tamaulrjij chdmihua and zacmeca itreatin a itaviliqh of lit iiilici on on vart rn the ground that l- lajcifvai apritvcd by ine supreme g vertmenl mexico we thoum le the r iqi rithet ihan ihe ittarta- i uc cnic nenh uf the truiu 41 ah ihe educwed rlaer including many of the priri are in favor of enming under the governnm 0 ihe united siaicr a a provmonal icnwry jl ii farther ai bat ihe mart of h peofile arc ick rf dodel and mlrule unibe tie mexicai nvernmcnl and earn eily aohcil the pmcclinj arm of ihe united slaterf fomtfct n v ftcajune jtmc st later ijiu mexico f ihc bnj chfiaiiana from havana whuh f loih miianl h have ty to ihe tih mcliuiwe mexico wi lite 30th of tcr than our frmer ad e were icreivcd al ttum 1 ui ivi b 1 llrttw iwcf in ihe rmf jli icnd l n- nrvty on ttw la liitfvf m iho inni ii i- r mi ilitriee beei f bini hiikd m ilicoly bad ueij i jilo undo m tlie iii ihv lidii rvlon a icsi n tervnee noiv he eiklired to my that t wviim not in an ad vantage i il to 1 iaiv a e iimab imiq mailvl m ibe ih htctf lt th 1 it ipi rtiii n mm no hiincr t jvn the c ihilu il j lem had it lllfl i i ltl iihii 1i iv mil ii hilij i 0ll k i rii- h i lil m d 4 iii iv i d f i i t- nu i f hi i 11 ii 1 i h j tl ill 4 t it i u 4 r ml i i i- miim 11 1 t l ii hh 11 d u ll i i- ijl in b iii hi thi lliii t hnd m 111 brxdeen dnn lonj a ni innijjr iveic ibere any dirtcrennal ituiiea of i0 and i per rem in i icur i llntfh maiiular- iflrw in ihe wv lrnliv iw ubuvr lllo prcubnry if t1c ruhc hnl lnl stanley free nnirialitin w a uiven h many ailirle- md ti every oiber inhmy ihe maxunnin tn of dithjciilmj dulv errtl a lew ait ih iiiuim had nevei ejsteetvj htvt uteeui the cidnat utiiem there fiit exinted nil iut2r willi opiei u rhltthlit in noble dl imj riiwnd to n d which had iei nilv aarel j it il diptteh i uriitiii i nrtu in th arhatari wlm hat 1een prptdry lm myii ui nj liidtni k i ltuiui iuicivd nllll itii uiiildil- il iw uv w iiiiti1 he witte ill i bill im hnv iin i uolhvllh il m hi ii lit lutmritl iri7 lliue u l1 llmi vtt- u 411 till 111 lll i llwll if but mtli pil 1 1 lrfvy iilltl by tm arrival cap woodbury port the ieft on tli account from that and from the cilv i may dneedayi vice theo ai havana by the b i ateamer from vera cnw theeorrmoni diarole la martiia ofhaa vtfrtesfrou the file kb ihat not a auftieicni ol corgreh ariihlvl hferljiewml irtparn- 0 and ihe writer add ihat svftor butnvnte the cxlviknl mar be runsidcrfi a ih ixeiidcnl tf ibe scotland riddtt atnf n quood stare caurcorr we uademund ibat i private mcciing wai held yeilritjiy of infljeimil member 01 the tiqa ral amhly both clerical and lay in regard la raui fund for the r n endowment of eyrdmrro churches of ibe kitb1ihcnrnt the utmost unanimity prevailed in the mcet- ins to ihc propriety ol prosecuting ihi atw scheme witbont delay a well at a hth rjt ree ol hthonnm in reml lo it meitu and a coandeot hope of it ultiintr nece htp vrere immedi airly laten input the muer inio unable shape for appealing lo the liberality of the friend of hie tfcucch a ccnideram nuinbri of iitlinien pieent at once an- aoiiuccd ibii rejjirie to rnrihuie lovrard biimpttantobj andrrcrothernoonaf lira i uv ijed ii n sowe unt ili fliav li0 iiu filial co i b uttw tud i ihrii practical maurehad teen taken forth with iniliucted mr piinjte of whylhanlt to rut hi name down for iho municceot um of one iho ui and paunrf thu i another of the mny iattanct of the noble marqui attach mdt to the church of collanil and of hit rea dinrto promote it oropenty looking to the active roeaam which will no doubt bo ta ken to carry out iru project to the antpiciou tircamitijicr under whirh ii ii commenced and lo it slrea claim to the rympalhir and pi vi ihefriend of the chuicb we confidently etperl lhl it will b attended with triumpham mcee kdiaburti adv the irneral army il will bo wen brought ilbuinrioa toeoa monday nihl the 11 june tht whoe pioceejins ofllit veneiasle court have hrn of a very rralifyiu- kiad and it dicuiion throughout have been t lit iroeeii jtmnroi ay tjnvirflen a meetin of tbe am- lioi stiuppoft of the fire scheme rvflhe fhurcbof ctrntuid wneh yrirdy in ibr llepeiom rnom tin attrulance wn r- ccriliniv ntirmiauf and bibly rcpcrulife ihe hijm hn the lsrd jutice tenrral wa called to the chn the mitn wa imfc cd hy ibe lramet jnisl c- divrtun ituhjsii r anittntbetttarlhi winkle nl whttmnkih rv tr mclo i mrvn tf lnrihilie liuije 11 uriiiitf i aii vaer captul aad mr l ciprlrtre all ihe tpecchr vrctr hicbly inlereilmi and riveted ihc atlennon of lb imeniblage cor fully three hours the merlin iva oprntd with pfayrr by the kev ur aluir ami concluded by one frum rv mr hnmvi a liberal collection wa made at the doot toward lb fund of the a oci a lion 1 b four reoriwf j fne caurca nf eroljunjvrirt may b- hdrit thai now abroad fur ihc improvement of our national pulmody liuheeif of hie eniirrty ucceful lalhi lncahlythiouh the rxrlion of mr w l lhhsow of uulfortp backed hy the hrv d cowiue tn reipcctd mtawlcr of the patih and hie rer mrr miklc dickie 1 martin yrrdclday evenine wa the uit ihc mitcr clat which for ibe the news from mexico is mill villmut interest general parole it i reiortcxl was fo leave iho capital on ihc 6th ull with 30110 men on hi ronfeh to meei gctirral tavlor troops were ordered to meet hint al ilntvreni rjaarterj on ihe line of inarch so we may cxjicct to liear ere long of iho recoromenccmnnt of lioatili tic tlie mexican oftictal accounts of the killed and wounded in the hue akir- nmhc wilh the american amounts to 10 officers killol u4 wounded and 1 missing 232 ddiir killer 3ji wound ed isi missing total ft-j- it would nppcur from statement conhiinud in the american paper tliat in several part of mexico tcvidtilionary mnvemenifl have mken pliice general alvarez is said in be in open rebellion atjainm ihe supreme gnvcrnmeid and hasappropriiated tohk own nttttwca 5ti3rojodo phced in his hand by generd parxdes fie ihc pur pose offirtifym the pacilic pitfu arirwd i m tin xi rvnii livjnf aiuitioiuil forces liave been sent to t era cruz in aniiciriiion of similar matitfes- talions there and the reports furthor slaie lhai jome or the states west of ihe rio grande arc desirous f removing ihnm- selves from unuvr the govenioaenl of mexico and seeking shelter from the evil of war anarchy nnd uondnthw i- ncnih the protecting itrm of iho unite state a propicillin to uiu elfect il is kiid has incen fur worried to wadiingmi we havi to aeknowlcd tlic receipt of a u report on a system nf public e5e mrutaiy education ft canada weri bv the ucv ezcrton rycraoo for which we are indebted to the iuliicflcss of the author we mbinji tojay lord dalhousie speech on iho medoqd reading of tbe coo bill in the house f lords in arawrr to lrd stanley on the opposition sidi of tlic rjueshon at 7 y u i m mr rakit mtuievi cove rum en l contractor ir ih eicctinn ofihr tower on cedar bltn wi dotting ffom poiut predericl to ii ii- be wa lruck bv a mukrt ball propetm frmd the mtalei of one ol a parly of the8llsri there praiiint target nrint tbe ml p hetieero mr matthew left j- an cerr- ponjina arm joins luckily oo dmat not tearing hi coal and kaitermr iho conbioti f hi breait yckf wo trui that her mjul 11 kegiioentwiluu future b a little nn cauliou an4 reervo their blh for tbeir r mie an j not opr rale with them oubir he- lys liege utiecl r ariu furor rfcrtfmro ih itth imbiij wet iuwkebury mr tfaaivct loeovj a tmlbj man much rrspecird opfor1ovy ml fn vcaltam while aitne inbw lion ofauuihhnindrmirmuebiojurev it orriftneil hi death teven dart anrafb eojt from ih ncforl mcreory w g fatvidav june t7 ml ikalcckaw r lost citt in ibe par iib the 2t nf on am of uejf number ul rncinhi- lt furm a ijuorum i to y c3ion wa h merlin iki nvrt moiitlif has u chmch hrprartiral neiprorrmrnt z arefl muiie thfl elt rcinjrii uvcarj i lino pmiii belnift to ihe teli iftu denorni naliwi in thi nelfhrheivt wlio executed in lli nvt1 hiiioiej i r oi viniy and iitiplirlv a ellion rf carrej ihuic in fnur part all llie mts wen km in proper mitrlniiini much irvjeed tint iv are convinced tliat eie a choir of tvvnty welltraine iner ii rz i tt ririf ciij rii titvc rvculed the lieea wilh eratr ufiiy aivl ellecl at ihe 1 conritstm el the prrfrtr4ice the kev iv foltilli in an afpripiiale addrf ronpli- through the medium of iho new vrk itoiicr wd itavc ilc confirm- f ilu rehrl relative t ih tfemmciion of si join is new foondliioil by fire it will ho aern ihul two ihink of the ck lm lieeu ihiroyed but we are happy lo ob- vcivo that the uuniur nl lies slalcil lo have been lnsl in ihc lirt ublihcl ie count of ihe calatnih were altogether ex l tl iulr the iltmrueiion of properly however iws been immense being ct i r i l i million slcrlinir but the extensive ravnge of this lire will not be wondered at whei ihil the fat ol 25000 seal wus con umcd wliicli we ihinh wmiu of iivlf vitiicliiidlv accoout for iho magnitude of ihc cnllumtion 4gfpjo yv f- lives on this occasion awful catistroabc of the bng svutdgt o kdm jt s thirty persona dromtd the thooner duiky 5lly wrwerof barn irriced here thi aturday noroio having ota board the giiini paienfen ciuw or ihe hrir sutlede fjrahain of and in- pictou bhiii to kail river 1 he sutwjge had on board 70 touti iflo- in ihe iitiv anj the pnsri wei pally siih miners bound lo maiihnd tl bri thimotninr ilruck rn a t lu ii m ivcii known it ihe and i noiii 2bd fiomthisptac a abojihliai ioioi immetliiu unk ibe a liooner hrnij ffi tim eotn lb n v ca adverlncr ttat atf at st iciuh ncwfouniuimi we have tree iced the jurlicuur ul hie crrai fire al it jolm hicb i0k p1cr on ih i jth n j the ftlc wa rnmt citnlrou ul 119 lofiof lifrtaotcr ilatcd in the montreal fe of ihe lafl ti there i even pijli wiidl itfhecunl pftt- ihhe the congree ap- td o hirt huum iarciicti lake ttic arnpaignj jcn trii ine itii at vera truz ivihin gcneialty lhai flm- will at unrc mvim li al i i i i i mv f pcnd hi rmil ad nrrcrily ibilarid ir the rnunlry ar uch n nrijii ihca r in t niuto coufres and tha liy that enor la hijciit of the rn peimr to be j i ll i adjed thai field mihe preer iiiiw in connand aiii le ekeiejv ii i bettered i ure luch n it iiilv willi ju la jvil an then many depulic ulvuroftnia evu eard lo have r ltct ibceottuxrrtaiim 1 p handnpjieoreilllhrj the rcreat topi rnnrnnlian al cajutol waa iho 4rt parime a nslen lu tje tbe tin notthi tie hiiucif wtt r pn dun rn au llinugh ilioadvd l man eonidirnlnmii r iiliev ami by li advice of in friend should he take d 1 hhjbmi he wnim bavi- nndir hit v i an aruir of iu kn ibiutaud rjti nnludng ml ittctrj ilnr army of wirw ijk wntvf of anla hi fwjjw vera urvxt4 hie willi tl nay itiaiivelv th rand- odl ituriti that iih rtr atle ilhniv un the marked ucccn ir it hi lahuirs jlttfiffraf ifynntmn an annjnviui indi- vidutl vinin x v h irnvnuicd lo ihe iarer ef ih church elrrinn soeicly ihe munificent tona1im of 11000 1a be ap- liil ii ih osjclt chitc injilated by ibe fund klinbdrh couraut iairaitateg writ tolliell aliihanec anj w ceeded iu lavinf jo pt and rerorerinj rs tlead bojirtvkhich ne broutbimfoporlahnr iki pernor arc utipocd to have pikd anoilkr reirl came up loon alter inr diimlri and mf leit near tb wirek ee iy altcniion hi reo io ibe uv lunate pen er by our ritieii thr hotting i frorn the newpom hrrak th fidlowin paflirnurof lie tew ofh sr fm r wa annn ihc utrion the brig sullrdgcof ftom picton fw trll rivr tailed on live imof june with w paener men woven and childrtn oo ta efcoin of the slh it brine thick and foj came lo anchor and it two oclock on tbe fji it ui 5ien lvirjf rnotnin ot ondrr way arad al abvul balrpai 3 itiuck on a lede of rock in h visryanl called the sow and pijf t alt which ihe tide baring cauaed her to ir round h backed ol the lede filled md wcat down 1mii- firt in ln fathom waur tiou to her coijr down th mate wa 4tt low ft- ward to aaerrtvin if ihf be if icatref tioilun that looked tike it toe pump wa then ordered to he etinitl but l fore ihat could or done water wa repotted n the foircaitlt- the biji wailhen tot oul and ihe paat- ei ruhej into ii hen llir captain jfare or i lo miove her from ihe bof h urs jump i ii1 and vrin lo the boat ill kpt her a clo to the bri a poaiblr picl- indpuen a junj inio iho water tt whl nunti i ickcd bp in ihe captain bvit wia n alive the ichouner duiky salt iftfltii ut her loal to iit aod ht crdco mvinc ii more llivr whowere m iho w at an 5 l ftwiji ihe rifling if paper iveail te v erti iliirved inctndinliiici l vl c3bc the fftllouinr arc the dolii a we dnj ilirm in is st john x c newj the fte commenced a i ha pat eihlavicxk trijayiiwrminf the ml iftt in tjroi chiidrn mllita rw up bf vara rvrcurieu t imb whun k j lhf larj wre put on board the 0 s vhlwajfl ih uukera bri to icd bojir fourworrn al a dwelin abor the eouriei pmu mi ii imhn and raed until 7 ovioek m the ihc io- nrmv iif n in i in lhai il lu iiiv t- j i muvnl it in- -j- iii ixtiivr in o uh bwh 111 l hfftv mr 11 l iv i ttt iiit vti diiiioitr il ivirit viii- ilira jirriei wdi nuji tw1 army f mtft r ti i iin rj trti meh t f i vi1ihlfn ruu imittft rani rh ii dn if ltir iiiuudn i if ilnr sui nml iih i ii if bin iiuiiiril itiiiii wltiu 0 ii iiibmq i ui iit rdnnvi trn iutii it brvtn fullv dcnld ulm ihe hueen u to py a vivit lo lrlinrl in the courtr of lhc uinnicr iivj ipifirnrive wrjfiiri tntfi- pi nn nil bivo iul lecurd lrllr men tina indvl o miy ivuklow tmiii ihm pil fit- lailliam ha nabetitie j itnfjil inimuns d wmitn ami tier tb am pjnr -lal- u mr fi io an mor an ha expended in un of i in t i for th t if t liwry lenantrv roiiuty wrlordathl hit the nn lenevolnt gentle mu atiiitiluii un work and laboui lal year eicccdd raorm lliouiaml uoimlma lii nam- nf landi proprietor reidtn1 oi abiil vubtenhinc lo ihe rlirjthc dil- lit m thro cveral dutueti re to be iran miltd by ih srrlty r ihe tncal committer i id lrd lletiienani ivt the ronfijenlial ll4ir 4 keunry iv4vta1 witiijhain hai appropiialrd avnn rr impfovmr i urfin in 11m in iijim trirr tiv imm tollire and lani o limqiik in buitdtiifl rd fnninj jnt fvisirilmrut jtd in nidrt l iv empbiv- imtii in ih pb wvrli in tin mmyp ainmnil liiiuiiorikdupfn muy n them rvn in rpincreatf rfm huniti t1hdirt el irry hvv pre kih h iaita a niu j cii and a pm iiltw iiiiiim in iv llilil llrv irr1aiuu tin il mil u jti i ifp1hitliulrulr hii ii tjijitdi i tavin titnet ir 1liaitro llllur evemnf tr which lime ihe diliurlioii wa cftime il exieuvvd rapidly nlo qjeeu and j wairr mcci conuminy evi ryiliinj to iu pio- r all the intinn huihiiti oil vau ivhaieet se a far at mr nvivinan llfre iu rvar lihu tee ward wrratnpfrd kfoffi watrrni rieiui all ihi building lii lir kitwatd making a rar vmpof whair mupac hie houtrrtf k- n snnui va uu ii t i4i an rtilil to lp the frr n iu which one ailillerywiaii wai killej hid another wveilv wojndh que am reel and ihirk wnilli itt are ifilrnij in the rtof n kent war 1 1 fi f 05iktlean the c1hhr chureh and kpi- rial feit4nre n rwttl4ckworih lielit mvtj the si juhnii church ihe tatlelijl cl kjtanil hurnl lo th ground thr com i llour j0 anj all thr iii11iiitr whieh ibev wrrr uriounded vr ctanailibiij un iiii on mricitl imm marine luraurc t1ire an ridlural sociel milium ifintt ol ltniivi nnftti america the eiiretaliniial chaie1 tared ordnance 1oreinilit ihi ititni ilir hnililm aaved tm nunnery ctrot 1 1 lo lhipue a ahoee uated tbe mm r iu ntinnoiy burnt kviry printing ocicr wa lnr1 bul part vf r maleiiau saved ve nriv 11iouand prrwmhad lo r ihe ht of thai ihcidful jv in ih taprw air in trout if 1hj itttelnment jfiiii a meljncif ibe eitirrn had been called and niramrr li- kmif nrjonl a much relief ft slur drwodr ral rkulitmi a lb catiuuty hail hft m iheir wvv piorinnwriearrr il wan rr ijmed lh it 1hr wer rui thousand h litcid and ibftr oumimfwl taiel m llnr m ihr flute hauu harvd aud in kvellency ha1 innl i pr ijinalivn hrhitiluir lb- ivptulalio n priitiitwiii the ro1ufi n buimiue unlit allil1tuiiiitior lb ainlilr rorlunnu- rn ih in lmiilk aniwr l hnm irii lil fi vrij laijr auiuiiul nml l oini nail- ii iiutloitft iijii ltftn imnln tm whnh liny will itrei vricluin mine kalf m at n another venel vai at thr line tkin up what wa adrift kotn ihi wirl a jury cf inriiet wa held by ihe coronet orcr lhrnolir who found a vrrdiclin arcorj anee with llie forcffoin- fact after which hv wero rcmoied from iho rrcl t neigbbon wwat and arranccmnt made by tho oolbti- lie lor 1f decent inte rment 1 hrou ifi eilioii hj iumicr rf hornanc injridok ih miiviwife were enmfotlablr prolicd with fot and clotllin for thr prtieitl the imcnci were all iorelnti sceuh j wc laudertiand were on ihitw i lnimlrani where ihey expected to n emphiyirtnt if the minine tabtilhmrntl i s sljitce writing the ahove il rivri o pltamirr iatr ltal ihe two lolgvi of ibe h- ilpudrnttlmer ofthkl rvllowi in thiipur iith i ifoinhtute worthy of lhai beievoml iahitnihj l4p itrjij ihonimof nfiy dollan cachfottlr rbl l ui uuioiiurialrauireirr wo uriderlaml rollcclion will be tlkm t m ilie iiveul churche tomorrow alfcria ir the tame humane objct wth body if n yeunp mm oirrrj aidiewhjfi waaywterday foumlinaurrev jotilioii in the i wis slip he had fittrftj wilh a hvidkeiehief a niece of iron wrifb tl 14 1 m icel whirh kr4 hum beneath i mitjaee rl if waler it appear he t i a f when rfiv a font preparjtery l ft tare lat and iiice t titerff lumiiiud apt mred lotncwlial iuluriuuv a4rt an i nt iu hn rwr nnitam w liem hv iv- p mid vridku keund iwvnd j ftlr 1 lln llu a jtiivj alley tilwplref l in iho mrtilf iho l u1riiau buim r iiahnr i monl lv wrhrbri j peinrip rt