Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), June 25, 1842, p. 4

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1 rows lns office kivwitt march 9 lw- mtutick r hereb incnthat nplicliiitf n aii lv fcoivrd diirirt hc mon1h r1 mi j- and lily wwumitwcwwilllwi miitrl fit the uistomary rt lo cut timbre vpmtta surveyed aiidunsurveycd linioftlc clown lor the wring season bt tlio following otfcr i at the crown timber office by town t for tinmiu upwais iuclun oie township of fuih winchester and mounuin in ttic em- mmuimiki thcliinds noilhof the kiuvau iti- vrr md onalandtn the township of elan- iv 11 and north croby in the john eowta ihukl ntso patmrrston anil the unsur vey lands tolh noiih of the townships of owit kennebue kaladar anil elzevir in the mijtiih district ami iit ihe oliws of the respertive district anf within lh1t part of this province former- lv t percanada m the ofice or w morrison esquire bcutfier for in north ide or ihe y law- lenee between montreal and mcnlinorency at the office ofcl mar1eeluire nico- tvt for the south side ol the st lawrcnecfiom soret to the river chaudiere at ihr office 0fc p- potttler esquire st jean poit joli torn the riv chaodiere tn the rivet metis and for the district tiliispe rt the otfice of william mcdonald esquire new carlisle john davidson fri augj in the queens bench casada tjv viitue of rtof jdfw iiurrif j jd attachment iued ro wit out of her majestys court o queen bench and to me directed against ad the estate itdl 15 well as personal ofl ed- will l m a i lory jtu absconding or concealed illotf at ihc tuit of jame henry mauory lot me sum of two bundled pounds i have felwd ill the esule real as well a personal ed ihe smj etta- i ii l mattery and unlrst the rad esvinl m allot j return within ihe juris ictn of the raid court and nut in bail l ihe actmnorcaufc the sid claim to be discharged within three cmemur monlbs all ihe cualc real and personal or o mur ihereof may w nttittarvt nitl he h1d liable for the pay moj teneiil and vihsfactior of the 5iid claim aljan mrdoneli 4tofaua shn ojiee kindlon ivhauy 1912 j 95n the apniitfe rosloave list or licttbr hcuain1nu a alithim ivhkav oh mearthfp motk miebail mm bt ndes f anii bojart johti bovo archibald bowft jhn itlifklud a douen unaikt c cek char jet cbemborouzh mnt pawolleflp aae culliuv robe it cannjl jchn uorn eliiabelh caticc chirks doate john ucttiufdi junta del lor juhti dafe cihh ii- i l- uin joln liiamond morcuv diellj abrahjm murray samuel u- ueammr fttiliaw 2mamy pdin moirn charha miller jvhnsenr marliolit mullrn knuu muvf john mcretr eunice madden wck f rn- orihjraet wdliati kewlove john pfxfl tioicon joiepii enmf daid midland imtricl r tvjotick isliereoy -iv- to vil 1 tn that by virtue 01 a warrant or attachment isiied on rf her rjty court ol tjderns bnteli at toronto ml co mdirfcuil ainttal ihe eiatc as well k alas hewnucf ceorze j stlrcr ao ah m in or concealed demoi l ttn stnl of wiltiail hnry oavyanj ueniarttin f pary iwlhtf sum of toiy eihl poifli i have seia4ail 1ie imaus i hi slii ucjue j l 1 v as well ft- as kronul sruelh and uiejs te cutua oi the aanj court artd put in ixacl lu the action or cjore the claim of the aid william henry uatt and benjamin f davy lobe dls- chared m nhin three calendar months all ihe estate real and personal of the saij rjeore j sellev or so much thereof as may be necessa ry will be held liame or the nayment benefit and sattfacicn o the said claim a mcdonell sheri m d 5brirt oriite kiroti icth march 1812 j 76131 siiillind diiliicl to wi notice is hereby i ven that by vittneof a warrant of attachment issued out of hrt majrtyj court of queens bench at toto f- vt i t r ji ivaaer abraham kraser ccorje fletcher tbolmb grangt robil qubptfti farul rjret lv fjarnuoi lvdia gleeaonanvti il llodderalfed haltoabwllum hanrj llcitry m j- h i l luit fuulten hauler william hanlev jimv c- lluirman elmbeih llatiha djnhl jthmon jclui lakr d m mcveawilliana mlonam ullliam hecmietk jaa prmle daid 3 jquackenbuh john h llohlrn johi koblin dnd rultan john ituacl jjrnci kiehtrdaon a mo ikomttatrs w a- i ira riehrnmbd jamc hcdrrrs keuben rutku wdliit ruskii harry speeer jamc isiger john fttejrartf gorc shvllor andrew sirachan jvhi schvfinchorn amos shore v rufua shaw b it 2 smith william tklkftwsrti bernard si4niils tottaai sehecrtthorn lieney vanushnettwiltafn vanautuie jinna wilion djtid wien harriet ivilion archibild whrlloekgrescry walroih garret if fmf tnma voumav oaiawha aixan mcpherson abehocsr and shipping agency fjr goody priiduic nnj prrpvriy l nil kind rrivin ifonit re mlewdej tr shipment tit american iml canndtati poiv tint tlii lbca oiikl river si 1uv- renrc the bay nf qiiintrrctnwn ami oth er plnccti on the rttlfqn cnnal and alaw9 rivrf at the store ami wharf lately iwca piej by mcttfj wuiiafti dickinit a cu forwarder tho premise uing ccitlrolj connrto- jdion anil favourably urtuttj fin luint poths ercry cnvibiy bt receiving and ship iiftff aaiatl it m y lc elated as a itirlhcr m i duccment to the mcrconlile uomunilvi that they hat been appmnietl ih plavc of departurv thmujumt thi season fr ihe ol- latva aril kidra stchm buis of mar riivftofi sc crane and their schooners and barnes navigating the rideau canal ihc river si lawrence find lake eric and oftiatfoa the lnislfini wi i he mtendel tv liv ihc snlivriher lyhow i devote his il sflbflaf t insure ihc protvlinn and prompt des pauh of all properly emruricj lo hi care kinpton april jjlh 1843 jas- watt custom limits bunes hemlel lo fg iron liverpool st ubee ond 0n- pork new tioods urttuu foter auovm awi stti itudh cmt a general anvrtw font sfafroocry kuiuqy armour a co from strctl ainriloii tuodoorfrcn c i hotas ttf a re now receiving exlemive everv desctlption ad f l of and kue ti wutio drawing caitridraher papers jotfihday hookiath books l- faou bui boob quiluj fcc and a enrnj mf s l books tdttrato rou puces con tident thai for rpuht n low- nessol ptice they will aland rorrr willi v in the province- courmv vfrctiants teacher se- will hnd it llieil nrrrst to make an tally call and juke fr rrilm n h blank law folrrrj mmjiv o uetau1ter orderly and olhcr mflhtrv botk kpt eonstantlyon kington menlof faiwy stationery and scl which they clfer for ale at raw hand june 7 i8k- 2 sals oo whiky vwmua kqnmri on hand for sale to and tome directed against all the emate as well real ai personal of tirorge j sellek an ibcondm or concealed debtor atthcuitoi samutlmoijey and charles w jenkins foi lie an en ol twelve 1ounds eleven shilling i nj bereft feoee i have seied all the ks- 1 ute as welt real as personal oflhc said george j sikk and tinltas the said george j srllfk lelurn wildia the jortscjiction of the said coott and put ii hjil to the action jr caue the claims cr ih- rid samuel morley and chatjea w j jebunalobe ovcharsed witnin llnetciha ilai mofits all the ettale reaj and personal of thcsiii jrore j sellekor so mirth thereof as may te neeetiay will be belo liable lor the pay rent btneht and satisfaction of tne aaidcbim a mcdonell sheiib m d 5hrriats olfic kiiton i6ih march ims 761 uulattd ionics rv virtue of a vnt ol to wit vaiiltlionv erona bsaeil oil ol itermrslys district couil of thai midland itiiii gdinl ih nu wd tenements whirh weie of john ocuoner de eeaed at the lime of his death in the harun of anne oconner executrix of the taat will and testament of the said john oconnor to be administered at the suit of tinothy sm mons i haee seized and taken in execution at betonzintothesaid ann oconnor ec irix as aforesaid part of lot number threr in the first concession or the township of thur low in the victoria distiicl which i will e pose for sale at the courllo use in the tovn of kindlon in the uid midland dimrirton saturday the 23th day of june neaisat the hour of 12 oclock noon a mcdonell sheriff m d sberifls office kington i9ih match i8li t 76 ii sheriffs sale midland district tnthe queens bench- to ifif s i hichardon for- ylh vsr isaac carscallan by vitlur of a ii r i r n fcis issued oul of her majly uoirl of jueena beneh and to me dtrctied t4insl the lands and tenements of the abort defendant 1 have seized and taken in fatten lion tie following prnpeily lot no 12 in the itk concessit of frederic kiur conlainine i acres which bnjf and tenement 1 hll cfler for sale at the cnutl honsr- in the fwo n knlen on tuesday the 26th day of july nrt al the hour of 12 oiofc loon allan macdonlll sheriffs oigce kjngrigo april 2j 112 85ti mjdbni dtrkltvjotlck if hereiyvi t wit 11 ven that ly tlltue or a warrant of attachment tailed oul of hrr majrsly con 1 1 of 4uerv bneh at toton- lo and to me directed against all the estate m wel nval as peisonat of hvock j sklilk ti a wrudm7 or concealed dtmoi at the milt witlim fowtrr cotiins and thomas amhr tj l-4in- for th sum of fifty two jahon and evhlern thtllinsl have srid nil ihr estate a wh krl as lvrconat of lb jii orujrj silefc ant iiiil ti- mi j lip j s 11 k trliirn ivilhin h jurisdiction f thi ti i cnl an i irit in bza lo the atcthn nr tlltft t1fct nf the said william fwlr fxlitm and thonas aflfqffim hsm tn be rithirh wilhtn thre ealendr mnnth all iv e1te k4i amt teirnl of the 14 id ft llek ir much thereof av may v un engraving and copper plate priytisg mil hbabolii tuio oi hew york would refpcrifiillv inform the public that he has commenced business in the above line mil doer above the rem deer inn head of store street where lie will at all times be mdv to execute orders in k f i no either on steel copper or wvoj and hehopchfrorn a thorough knowledge and strict oicntion to bus imt to merit a share f public pjironage n r diesinking drpatc irark- ed vikiit ami wedding card tteuly ex ecuted al ihc shortest noiiro tailoring ktnllishmoni king slrttl opposite j d biffctsf co fhl hilton in returning lhank to a dis- bi cemins public for the n npr eeeoented pahoiiar wlttcli he haa revived itnee oprnin n establishment in kmpteu would respect fully inform tlim that ne is now irceiviiilii mlputy ot spring goods consirtittj of n moi vpleinid assortment of cloth and cassi- mttr of nbnost evvfy shade ilnn v w ia velvet salms chene aibd marseilles veslifl n ih clioiceat sly i d an ecvllrni asailmeet 01 stocks suspudrs trollaii i mir with every zilielr cofloccletl with a firtl rota ktusiifrhmm a reair the cultin anil mikn depi- menl u will onlyhenecetsarv toay lhil ihe same punctuality and attenlionto cimnex will he putiued which hn already pi teed lii elab- hshmenl on the most rrsnee1me fuotiiv n 8 nvil and military uniform execu ted in a aupttmrf style stone and limc the suteetihef having leased lh rpiatrics i i 1 at potiamnuth hehminj to melod loan bttft itavt to inform the puhlii that he will hivv at au timej on hand a tart supply of iouh stone for cutting building stonj aitd houost for vessels on the wharf al so a conslanl supply or pure well burnt lime and on the most rvasonblc termsall orders promptly attended to angus mcleod prumouih 6th mar 1811 m vtll1a3vi lohxson d e spec t fully tntimotcatohis friends nd the public itutl lie lias re moved to the chronicle building kcotid door from the corner on brovk street norih side of the market spiare ivliete he will 1 happy lo vai upon vi who call upon hifp kingston sepl 1 1 ikw tvaoleabvomafissro v sew auction commis sion warehouse till- subsentwr rtwpciifullj in hisfnendsandthcpiddic oathc has eomnienccj tlte auciion and c bufinetl alhi old tland in sh where he ww he ready at all u receive eonignnrtnts f rum h kmsston t and pnctil ihe satufactionotall parties couerned- addiiional sr0f4 has bwfi ageu at the rod store betoogtug o wtu garratt eiqvf ihrccllv in rear nf juvwat peruon mccihhon tlahhment wm tlllbkell ac h kington miiy 1312 91 hi u a wareuour rilhe undersined respedfully announce al that thev hive enlered into co-pattrter- hin in the ivhruviale commiwio huueoin ilidr ualttcii k hkntiev on ihe premises above desciihrd which having been coiiftiucted fat ihe purple arc voth fne and frost piooi spacious and well adapted tiit the safe keeping of every description of cteih cf tfaicameyoreovfrmd lo rcreiee exfen sire consign ntenrr fo he sofd eitktr bj puttie a itet ion or private sde rrom the respectability of the refirences and the character they trost they have omained in kingston the suhseiihrr hep they will be me lo gtef such mtietion a to secure a liberal poiliortclthc iu patmne merchauu 11 central wiu it ml it imi vantage oils to cinsitn to the care of the sobtviiher as it is their intention to act a aenl thrtthcr j not rt itiin alfred cakter tmomas hbentley kingston march 10 1843 htfcntncn john coisrttef ksrj kintom ridurd soofaf ll eni wm wilson kq do j fairbnk ei- mi e barney mrgkiuo- charles smith eq abraham i dr armstron j r atmsirorif co john dona1en messrs lasher stevenson bhu flint etfta wm rorkeeq spring and summer cokj0iebycoa beci to acquaint their custo mers and the public in gen eral that they are now opening out their spring importations consisting of a large varied and select stock of seasonable fancy and staple all of which having been pur chased a unprecedented low rates they are enabled to offer at greatly reduced prices they would particularly invite minitoior the attention of intending purcha se street sers o their stock of gros dc na- in pies satins sattinettes saxony twukiice ir kmion and pwni uow- and orleans cloths mousselin de joip of the coueiry he confijeuiy trusti laincs printed muslins and cam- he will he enabled uniad hiness to brics ginghams regatta and striped jean shirtings irish lin- gn white and grey shirtings linen and cotton sheetings and tickings white counterpanes furniture cottons a large assort ment of ribbons thread and cotton laces blonds fancy and plain kelts muslins of every de scription a great variety of shawls and fancy handkerchiefs hosi ery gloves superfine broad cloths and cassimeres tweeds drills gambroonsand moleskins black and colored bandanas stocks and vestings silk and totton umbrellas and parasols n b- a choice lot of beaver hats also ladies tuscan dun stable and colored straw bonnets street kingston 9317i 1 tenders will be received ptlui 0ibee jul nrxl for ihe construe li j ju ori any ol the briltover the fchri 1 which ciw the nui lineof uad m qotbc flnj menircavvi river al ar le pmdc lbtian and su matnitr ami the rwwinntion and branch of the olun al boait ilwe- m the firnrraund detailed plan specilictiors forms of tenders e of the three lormer may bestrn hcr firuune nexl on anilvirtx anleincpokhejkvqwanlen at three kivers anj of ihc latter al ihe l chine canal ujtict at moilreal they may alio be all yen altlus olftce where wh luilher tifoimaiiona may be rwvired can be had thi early notice is sieeir in order thai persons who may denre to tender may have an opportunity ofrxaminiiig ihe several rivers and informinz themselves ofthe rales at which may he had thr necetsry limbeit much the greattr poilion of which will w tabegly sreory board of works ofliee kinston im may 1m s m ke pills and th rdriray hick th hi i i i hi ikhthitrhmwi um hmii eeen umdfrtl per mwofralf vsllirtaulk l iti nrtkmx mttiutir i iflgtoti hak- a carriages slk1ghs ness for sake tftf prfiptrtyof on offset n enlish built clia ot u excelleril orilen two seated phvunt wilhtop chariot botly slrii wilh robes operrslcich witi bobes 2 morse harness for nailieulais and price apply to owen miller mills ccom builder wither at kingston m tomnto 93i moxj ii gorr j he iiwiy f rij be hf h lijhli for ih y nentbnfl an j tatufaelhwi ofth sail ek vnnrti offrr buhtujliu march for khkmhd m pity ot m t a- mcdonelim sheriff st n rnutl ll h i alv 4 i ml coombs respeelfully announces that hiil- rpld ftim vr ftf pw m tlr t lit lt n ivjttlt vt ll n tllii- and classical kducniori ili ion riven this subject much hse atlntior both iheo tetic anj practical nd haein frll a cottvthi iiotjs scui lltor mr ccornlt hpes lo rftrtrd pirenlan oit fliiujiity flf ieurin t their on a thoiourhlv sound moul jl f intel ircloal tnilhllt uual terms mr- cimm continues to ive prirte tm- r in the gvemii in clissk hhrew milhetftalicsswflriphv aud on be kioto rear street jmelsll mx 0 mam ei k peiry fro lelet peilvt es vatrtown do saxbw ii albany kohtatfr tin timrro mmlenl bsthi llelkvus picttr coheir- rbor fakcytrimmixos warehouse ctmult sirfet oprosltk w wrtsom esq ross dodd vctfllmi ttbor nj dr9ptr respectfully besleive lnutn his liticeie thanks to the luhatviuuls of kvnnton and the midud disliicl kvtftllti for lac disimiiished palionase he has receded miicebiaeslahlisamenin ifuwnesi and tabes advantage of this occasion lo inform wem that tie has just received b aiosl splendid elcnt and varied awlnwn of fashionable swing and summer coods raisiamj m part f the mlowinjrtielest fnrv chinogambooris tnuoidered silk aid stn tatwp piinted qutilictr mililnv dwsvuif hltw mjiiiai castartf fioeks king the steam packet w poeftc ira fmucv cheek and h mrliuiv imperial md rfher unll stiperlmc wet ol eji cloths fancv trimmings fa fancy 9itt fdindo silk biridinx platvd do vealeaihvi tnamellee holt imentpnfijtam knmr1lesplt military lol tivnls fiincv satin scfi uhitby llamilion natal ftnh coxmissaii buon fancy tiilt dtit1on fncv sat ft ndtainj pwitv pipe chf for m r the mteminfi of tm de is directed to hiaolmimlclptv f rnwfc kpeciedt4riiveina wo cases el the vivlt i london sup i a fev eioil workmen wanted nono need uppv siil hose who 0rouhly understand j thrr trade- kijsienjovtth l union capt charies burns ill during the season ply between kingston osweeo welhnrlonjconogry pott hope bond head harbor port dailmejen wbilbyjtorcmo and hamilton aifolloway- ir wards 1 to leave kingston every mondav al 7 oclock a m do ostveo fa oclock pm and on tuesday call at wellington cohour port hope bond head hatboi port dar linmn am whitby arriving at toronto the ame tiht leaving toronto for hamilton on wednesday at 9 oclock a m- touching at port credit and oakville t powmv om to leave hamlltonevery wednesday evening do toronto thursday at 7 oclock j a m- camioat at whitby port darlington hond head harbor poit hepe cobm and wtl- linlon and arrive at oswego on fiiday moinin will leave oswe jo ihe same erenine after the arrival ofthe boatt from syracuieand rch grotiy provision and leather stovo f suswriscrs respectfully infoim the in- hahiunis nf kindlon that they have open ed tbr shop in qniity street opra- site mr ore ens fur store wilh an kitentive stork ot thr bl gracriir ant evry artitlo it the provision linr which ittejr offer for alc on the rrnnl reaonablt lerms a share of public alienage i respectfuly solicited 1kvine towne kindlon jtme 7 ish rftfl tcr v fott nhat admirably liautej lot foimerly oe cupici by avnri ofrf on sitkel snnre in ihr vrry heart of the nowin mr tropo1i of canada kinstonj t ttnc ua know the lot in ijufgtim it requires not one wfli j of commrntaiit to ibqfltt at a jial4ce doctor all office c0ttcb m- vrt noon to thr nl cab neroi e 3 n v t 1m a iry performs the minor ope ration 0 j denral surgekyvii-sca- lin slopping id kltraclm ktn 67 m a card rs ferns he s to mrrm her fiiend and the pumte thtt shr baa rtceivnd from london her spiin supply if lvlie and childrens boots and shoes aiso fw jo- pairs jerillfmen rents and shoe krnmon may 1sw jfiht room paper rhb suu lr nnist lesperlfiilly lo mlvim ihr lndiandgcnilrtnrnnf km ln lhal he has rumored from quarry slreri lo cittern tiet l lte fiiave street nearly oppo iu ihe reueflce ol the town majr whi he ruiort hnnd an rvjensjfe an i rme assail- mmtni kooji iapeh mi iiokdkrs and will be alw nady iu iaper hrafui whetw- nuiril in toun or country- walter calks ktntoa jiinr g ji 5shi kiniiston hacks flplir kmtton races will ccne off nrer 11 the kbirtmi km course on thura ihe 1th friday 5lh and salurday m disnf due notice will be jit en of the it may birrcirfiuosiit here thai tm niitk in question is btf feel froit by 13- fvt deep t in the vicinity of 11k wharves lb pol oice bank and in fart u the rinl situation in the city- a urge llmel wilh vard and stabllfrt together with two stores can be erected on il anv person anns to intejl money wm tinl ai aidffiirable oppoliintty fo- pattituuis applv rpnt pidj m t hamfonoi sfort street kittgtrrm kinla 5th april i8li si pise buildiag he season having arrived fr tic contriiitiitn of lloiitfc c in pic i would roll the attention of those wlu in tend erecting hniirrtf this year l ihc d- antrgfs of iliia mode of building niw fur ihe fiiil lime intrnnluced mm canada ami which fnr aetfuit ilurabilth rmfnil and tppearanrei ennnnt he fiirpawih country cnilrrncn tvuhin tn liumj ilir ari3trin may mvp drnwinp simjcifiraiior antl the rriimitem information jntil them hy ftatms their wwiri in a letter purtbge c p dxvyci commercial iiank h otice fcvrthy iven that a dividend nf four w cei t iw this day been de- i elated on thf ipit4l slock of this institution payame al the bilil and its oihces on and aftvr the fiisidaypf ilynext the ranfri 8urk will be closed from the isth dav ofjtn ry orde r the board kington on saturday mcrnin- in time for the steam packet fnr montreal wcj the st- lawrence and the ridcau and ottawa ca- and references sjrin v htoatic imesriowne john welsh william mitchell f clarke w henderson wellinxlon a mcfanl thomes mckeever qfltta rronion docket lewis fcwiijht kington james walt agents ihmilton toronto wlilhy pott uatlintlon roml head harbor poit hope wr ku lfcfr uu tlf jtklj ttv uit 01 mttfujlvt j uh oclfcc crrijwtnub nr arcuivrir ciiliom 4 lifr miiivnjiki mnamfauva rlkvpablima iir nia afnvi ovinia h4ilm tit smr uflltr kluitu ivh ahh jiwhimnriilir sain nm- a4j irbil4t ilr stiliio inmni iu jmiw in drli- 1nle livttli km f sw nit in ilir i t r lft 1 ll l i ifuniui iiih mrilkim tmr ihi 4rn11y tra 1 rriain ml ny reninlf tfcf y rrmre vtt ou ifiittli i ikr ntul r- riu4iitrniirii iii a univf lnl wfu rlitc lulirr ritl mi eiivini utii rfcinf lh rtmhvli iiiii tilion til ihf tblisttttiuii itfrtvn niiii jtjptiffltf rill in rill in l0irj frke 5 ftor ji ififjnt iiv nvi j i ratii biuuiiubinii- i- jvhmiulmi recti b04 ffipnf i h fia watciv tod uuti wm d mmr- irr broly ncw veifc ni b nii tire iiiit oatm iht j kvr hie lt m- fi-i- hi mttcnntif nulurr poh ratvitot distrinutlonap imvf- fplfoglillw u plilr l r milled moflmi mntlrmt mau al dnmvoc ouiitr iu hflk nuaiaitt eetvilc lafrtniob canrtrhm ni preimlrni ilit ihv ihc nni ttiivrd r mhiitw bj wm b iiqfpltl k j ie ft s- ptf mw joih 4i0 william gunn cabinet maker upholsterer and rn utakek opposite the residence of il smith jr er aionir stkegt 85tyr i removalt john ramagk irofiaawfter suumoli i eifvr has removed hi k4tablihment from his old stand in kin stifm to crock street opposite d keillei confectionary whet v in afrw day he will be tabic to execute any orders in his line rinsivt mae x islv w shops hydrometers nrtc by jmtfcn adams montreal viso sarcharometers crwt for rikiton a miss knapp respectfully informs her friend and the trshahiionld of kingston that she ha opened a day school tn the liotoc formerly occupied hy mrs robertson on the corner of cra onj sellout strootj where hr purpose i teach reniling writing arillimetio geography hitnry felish grammar rhclnrii k na luml ond moral pliiiaoliy aliw plain ami ornamental needlework clove ond food work mezxiiinto paint ing indian jannuning was fruit ami flower kiagrfon biay 15th is2 9lr new goods t1he sihktiwnliaicrrccicd by trie late arn- r1a frvm ionnom livrrrooi and ula- ooiv a nt at mrtfrnt of s tapib and pan oy dry goods niiable for ihc spiitf and sunrnrr bulwcn icuixd uj a peon eontireifd ph ihr orri p i j i thty olfir at fy illbc- ctd priccs niii or wikc a itbeval dit- count fur r4hftthtj intend tvilorlhi sale of all ihtir stock in ihp roirc of ttc rodert abmourit co fiovircial koim1 ts loiy ktntibttin 1ie siiritlirf imannlioiofpatint lokdalil kr cotrsltnilly rm hml anj for site cordage o the riunin- dkrijitio turret and ihttnillu ropt mailine house line hand lead line sin halliard line trace and lullrt houpkhi and hamlito lincit bed cord and cmhij lines tianlen and mason do kih lines ai twine of different sizes also oakum paekin yarn of all iz the above corda- is maim hie iur ftnm the het material ami w ill he told on libral terms tat pitch and knin for le hy th- karttl john murray market square kintfon march llhfc iftli hz the toronto colonix and niaara chrunl- wdl pkfcto mevt the abotc 3 nonhk and noil u ceuontsto j murray fov pavmin knytin m4y 2wj8i3 otz f a kingston may ott harper ccshier his dinjcct n intfat il nsvl wei m nn w mihney strtrftiry a kiitoiimiy iu ism iosfpojyk flllli mp nf mr t i ilft adv fi rly hi tin 11 ij1iiim d itnlit fnrth v r at- kive takrn pln ililin yij4 m o 1 itltl v ih ihm rim i ni i 1 iv ml h i m r jh riwxspoitt fiom lukec10 kinctlen twh- metmel am dares llnee hy sttamen and sdmoncif o any port on the lak and rirrrtrw the siii entwm estauished forwarp imi opfice t quhie last yarsinee llicn and in ftdilltifla t ltlr hinirr rtahhs- innt their they b4vwht ami ermve- nint bfemise linn james cihn vv ami will b imply kewtwd en the ojicnin 1 th na- viatin will stianrn and other ift hrtt milted to ihe tiadr li ve riealch lo ull rnoperty rnlmw to their rar pm further informal a1y at any nf their hflies at hiiebec monlieal lttowu pieseoll et km ion mactiikkson cram to montteoi auivt inii hi t itiurk lllll uiilir lltl o km to tali uk kpnr pari filial iflfrn ami row- i klhm llrteh hmhlini mtlialfil khtvt wrll lftphnl tiif n ihonlin- nr twi crin flinilir vot pdr- iiiil in iliv rtlliwertliet nb lriv ff k kkillku llhii lll jill liv removal iijlj nscvr is to announce to enstomers il nt has removed to the pre muis in front n wlj occupied hy crias hairs esq- a ooekery ore next door lo mrttt r h- t- wlite will be found a txlawvi md wtl svlnird stork of iry goods suillnl for th- spriw trad lhan anv good very thi muker ive tock hy the rust andiibstow ttetutm la- induermenu 1 prtn lradr at haif hforn birn aidition to thr jtrrf nt rxlen- i tiimtkta assortment s expected lvals ftnm london liverpool n as iek safe i nore n ob- to old settlers emigrants others two millions of acres of land of the finest deseriplion in canada west jale upper canada are on sale hy the canada company upon the lowest and ment favorable terms possible- abnut iflmflm acres scattered lhtouhoil every part of ihe province payable one fifth in cash the balance of ihe puicliuc money by five annual instalment about 1000000 acres in the huron dis trict which are dipood of hy way of lease ao mortryis rwitm iovrn ihe rents are spread over twelve years commrnein- at w per acre payable at the end of the first year when the rents are paid the settler will re ceive a deed for the freehold the ljt and prices lower highest hrnt is 40d per acre these lands oflcrrdatin are distant ninety miles anuth of owcnmtay lor sale in 01 ii k v vin lti tfiwr vt y which will i dipoed ot in wnnu pacts there ate lhr boilers of six horsepow er each the cylinder it petfrclly new and warranted excelleni of it kind as the no petty must he sold immediately even al a tithe of its value it is woilhy the attention of dial er in iron iver it not required for immediate use auultcalion to be made to air thomas green kingston kingston mtv sl 1813 93m thr diiit falhdium will plettecopy the a we or one month kindlon j dry uohb the traile will be offered elclore imknown t macmdkr 4rrn t jp second s kingston 9 store qt6i gatoccriot nnd liquors p btlow the post hfliee j cahhutbers fehmity isii 08 srtilement the hiifftn hs already a population of up wards of 1000 suuk full articutats may be had upon apoticlion ir by letter pon paid to theconany unices 10 richard hndsalj kl ajiodvll col- hotne district and lo di ailing gnell welkinton dislncl canada companjs olftce toronto godeikh hi june 1811 issilli caledonia water thesuhstriber h made ananments hy which the public may in- furnished wilh he alfove al a reduced price its valuable properties have been very extensively tested by the numerous visitors al ihe springs many of whom have ifsuhed in the most crateful man ner their sen of benetit derived from a lite of the water- the analysis by dr chilton places hevond a doubt its value in various chronic disease a veiy ficquent cause of failure is discontinuing the us of a remedy this to far as regard the caledonia spnn water will it i hoped be abated by the reduction in price the price wr he boxes of three dozen of one iloen 9d without the box 8 pailiexsendinr their own bottles will be fur nished at fo ucr dozen- 1 jw brent jgtnt kinln december 4lh l84t 4lt 4 hi jv hoj estr ironi kin itfttlbatlur kitchen will ml arreof l rent 45 pel aitptv tn athkolfire kincmoeu k 0 he let lcottaok mtnte5 miles aii and from wdtetloo called iitlmje of h rnftm and a larpe tarhhene and mahhn 11 good a ho tn u in ttitmeiit tenant j nnd well of waur- cbaiote f lidoek nn ihe erniet m lunr a tm presltll f hi 1ltkpal n s tkrir 1 up in tin h kiivil mid in luvimi 1 hi 1 m ile bi km tfi imrster jirifnn halifax aie liriiv rnked and put rd r ii 1m v herniiri1y milled if 1h41n thii tiuahlv f uunt r vrailtll aiy li mr i i tl iimi notick to owners of wild lands in the ottwa district the oiiliiet council of the district of ot tawa in quarterly meeting aemhtd sth day of februaiy wi- psrd a bylaw to i increase the atmenl charame on wild lan in tlie aaid wsiricl which hy reason of the same remaining unoccupied nr other caue may not br returned on the asrwus koll to therate or sum ofone pknny and one iialfpennv ciiirencypei achk annual ly for two yri fiom the 11 iby f january i8u sutjetl howevrt in ml itmlemnt nf 3i t tpeftii upon full pynenlt ol such increaet rate madt within two calendar inoiilhx uet nfler the expiration of the two yar within wliih ihe ame hall have oc- ruid ami rmnnfd unpaid unt no abatement ml tn allnwrd rfflm the petiod last above veittiooed- 1 1 rviaw atco provide thm two ihirif miu nf th- vtid inrrcasd tale ahall h efi4ei in the iroinnvmenl if the roada i llridet within itie tiwnyhis where the vinf iu1 ke repnivry raised tv nliler f lh cnuiieiti litinmp mnnnp f finfrkl her i vim1m mki u7m lands for sale on lake erie to he sot pursuant to the will of the late join wile esq- leased the rear put of ifoli lf- wnrrf brtt firtt concwion n the 7wipo cofcaesfrr silualed willun thceennarlersofa mileofihe lake shnreard fontteeu miles liom ainherslhurh and on ihe road from that town in st thomas j each lot contains otouf lxl acres but will he sold by actual survey a fioo ami perfect title wl hr nvni to tlte nutchairrof the above and mcnaf ffahf granted toeompute the payment al0j an unloeated gront of 500 cr n tonrf tetms cash for further particular apply lo ihc unher- signed kxecutottor to atcxr duff e har- riiter r amhersthureh thomas nffiwlgnam john brum1 jn coleheher canada west m lli w m servants wanted two female servants one to take charge n hoiwo in the counlrya scotch widow wttiu h pielerrcd tho other to live in a small family town where only one servant i kept ihe most aaltafaetoiy testimonial of moral ehiraciei will be requited apply it mr manlou s llook slnie front strrrt kindlon knguonjunetlkiv l for sale lots number one two mi tilfier on the east side of main treet and et- tendinf dom bav to union street in th- vil lage plot of portsmouth ruar ihc town of kingston also lot number two on the em side of m street lvincutliof front strict on i orti mouth harbour for further particulars respecting this valua blc property applv to c akt wright fi ceodes cd klnston mul january ll o mow at barrister attorney at law solicitor in cliaitrrry sit kingston orrici allhc corner of clarencr and irim si h near tbc court ltoue november i6 1841 jia fa maijb oox solicitor in g h as cxi t asd notary ptjblic next to james frmers frontree kmgiton the sttbsciilht has on hond and selling at very low price an excellent assoittukst of staplo and faaacy good in the new siorn adjninin mr wdlarja king stucet duncan mckav kingmnn 26ll january isu 10 boat for sale by the subscriber at the kaiuvav a ftrt rate new jollv boat ivrll bvilt ood seasoned materials s iv fnwler v i if er for sale a few building lots dhiht fully ilte commanilin a int ris f lakttavi island garden blnd pott llim fcc c ie charlie halfs kington 28th jafr 8fc lla owen mluer mills coach builders rnom twia store strcct kimuttuv awn at the aid elabuuci slitnl r h t uaj or dxunsii 61 ronciaiv dbt gjods kingston rgorxall piano forte tvxiii uitlrr- left n iiiin alt him are shop corner market b rro iulc promptly ih n o kingslun april 2j s4c wt salt 30u brls unoudpi sail fur lc low for cdh by pferm 1811 lloml caidkil aciioick assoutw hxtol ihvawr anj principe sears swtbv nnd tdiai en to he had at the rixflstgx c9b tiefot store kingston h fcbiuaiy tatz tub chronicle sl gazette is published every wednsdav and satur day lithe olbce corner ol kin and brock street kindlon u c ttrmi per annum 7 v enty shdtinp w adtvnce six linesand under is btjlirsliner linn anj 1 eachsubsequent insertion itn line and un der 3s 4d first insertion ami km each subse quent insertion above ten lines 4i i er line lorthe hrl insertion and id per line for ev ery siibjequciit insertion advertisement without vnfirn directing in setted rtforftid and ehatrel aunrdinjly tt it rnjuesled thai ait mrrtnemmt h hartdeti in on or nreriovs tc jwufcyand fri- day evening none received alttr its oclock on ihe morning of publication a liberal discount made in merchant initols- ers who advertise tor three iionthaiut upward any person proeurinsix subscriber to inc paper and paying mnualttf for ihe same shall be entitled to a seventh copy gratis pcountry produce received innayenrk t the market price agents tho memahonesn wjmckiyq d cameron i ftj hentv jones escj gw- baker esq samuel clarke esq thomas scott p m joseph a kerlct eq thomas i r esq p anderon esq meucsjmcdonat john tavlor kwj wmhoive hq william macintosh esrj i r brouse esq andrew jorteous esq chailesbi2s 0 allan mcr alex davidson esc fra allen pm david smart esq atpheus jones esq johiisewell m w robrrlson em jeore lyon em- d medomll esq k memiehaelt m jnaej shttfj eq jnhn rnheiisnn pm has itrrcy i h neil sttiait kq afchilmm lkml 1 menicol eq sidney wninei fq tifnernn 1 m j drysjjl p m dnnranblacfmlaiid p m maikoa itvipv inirnrriis rnrnim eti 11 ametiasburgh bath belleville brock vi me by town camden east oboutg co loom e uemorestvilte- frederickshufijk hananoque sldimand ton lincister matilda moti treat muiray napauee niafaia perth fori hope- prcsceti quebec river trrn richmend- sl andrew shmncnvillr smiths falls three river toronto vanbleeb ihll uvihnptn vrtliiinrtvu n wilcui brllevittr fraoktowni vitri4ifan4i 1 ti t pi

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