ilk nl boil i i i llll illln i i 1 oil amwilni niiih rvlf mm irnijrtrt ity itavfm r fhffalxd pl vlhifchmhti apfioinlrif tff pri of miliarias i mjiik- aitd new llruiian ielt rffelhi ninjth kjirfci hutirtdary arc itow u i- r ur itroniiriuo cj j- k it iiom an a i r- i ih iraila ui to ibr hrlwf llul tiol onlv this ealini ntlin all thir pointa of jhiicui- it wsrvewlireal hriuin nivd the usrited state k ie salisfaetoriij arranged and dwpnd of iotit anburlo suajnielkm in belle vrtl to bo u ih uol liberal charatlcr and he will he ready to tirvlrii apoitit rather than permit the rood uivjrt- tndine trf l1- to government to m lunger rn- danrrdu di2wcwetht can be teller settled iii than at an aulraeulirnt period the nor hi kasicrn boyrilary ia really ihc only srrrou point brtccn usaijrj great britain the caroline aqatr is susceptible of rcry cav and prom pi adjustment it b a tniurr of esnunatioii nod indent nil r and might have been fnivhtd by mr fox if half an hour any umr within the lm eighteen month mcnab had no authority for hi conducl hi inrasion ofoar territory was an act of gratuit- oui iowlcocc and the british oiernment ready to ay o 0l maueh term of course and pay for the property destroyed as totbc acirurc of our vessels on toe eoaat of africa the fnfenmilj awarded in the case of the tigris ceejeades the principle and we want nothing more a io the caae of the creole the ground asaunedliy lord palpimton u obviously unsound and ilhbeticted that lord aberdeen will recede froaajt inanyeveolno difficulty i apprehended from ihis source wiu n i- 1 to ihe question of the riehl of t i u it ia impossible for england to quarrel with us beeasjaevfe will not mate a treaty with her bcind lord aberdeen ha yielded all wc have ever aarel i a dispute a to the boundary line on the nnrihirnfiooiicr between late st clair and ihe -i- of the wood but that ia rcry cauly settled tacre i no state guvetnearnllo cotitull and it u merely a question of acre the oregon question will probably not be touch- cd it will be mutually aatjfaelory to defer thla butnea for the preaeol meantime our people will geooc 1 w rhe territory itloul owju- tion the great obstacle in the wjy of acitiing ibe nobcaat bouttdary ha beco the obminaej and uiaciton of maine the appointment of commit- aiooej iathe crl important ticpahe haa ever lafceo l- a i t i it ia i accordance with the frbhea of the people of the whole state and it ia hanily to be conceited thai either one or oil of tin na will iittul upon unreatooabl terms and thu risk isc reaponaihiliiy of thwarting a aelliemcnl a to the eotnmiioncra frocn new bninawick ibey will oo doubt bo governed a the wiaheaoftnc briuah govrnment aa eatprraacd by lord aahbuflon and a he la ao enatona to briar the thing to a favorable iaaue ibera aeeto to be good reaaoo to hope thatoverj ihjng will bo hap pily eortiumtnaied evening sale of stationery fancy goods pfotcd ware cutlery c fa wl ll bo sold it the subscriber auction kooxn monday and tuesday evenjnurjnexl the 27lh and sslmftaunt at 7 oclock each evening a great vflriotr or gentlemtna droavitig casei complete ladiea work boxes ftnd companion uendiii silver plated candifftlicks sutilfen and tra ger man silver and britannia wan tea tray knivea and fork kazora pcnknive c also one case stationery cmmling of blank booka letter paper quifls steel en velopes c stc- and one trunk ititueincn and lajics boob and shoes terms cb jas linton a o c jif the sale will be continued on wednesday t 1 oclock p- m- when an assortment of the above articles and a variety of other articles will be offered kingston june 24 i12 just received and tor sale by ih subacrl- editiooa cwk bora the following varied amortnimtofcheip f standard work all neatly bound in we are barpy to find that the irlue of the ca ledonia sprjoga are becoming more and more known to the publt and the fitnlitr they are known the aaorc tlicy tire oppreeiatcd the following jetler foen a talented medical gentle man ia one of many fcvh the proprietor hat received from thoae who hae been cured by ibe water montreal lie 1 certify that in the month of may lulby the ad vice of my friends i vmlid the calldoki fimj nwrc t pnl aevrrat daj i waa at l tiror pi had been for upward of twehe trari 4csv m and bladdrnliiltieiufeo oir uch kerc paiiuthal 1 waivri ofieh littilly unable lo attend to m pro evviional omen priiate buinert ihadnoacon ev made ue of the walriathan 1 found grcalrvtitf nfy urim habitually aearee aid hrfi colored be- me abundant jid clear and my lcmach atmp- ihetkally atfecled txramc ih better order the daily um of a few asc of the saline spritij every niorninj fiiiti iih eeftllv reretic aftemard had the 00d rherl ofkfpin my bowclt geiiljy onc and fro- from ihv uiial pain wlnh i waa in llicrabil ofcvycriewin- my appitite became ood ond ny leeti ikiitd 1 tlrrxforv think it inv duly for humanity a 4 3 o 3 0 3 o 3 0 t fi 2 b ft 6 s 0 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 e l2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 s 6 2 6 0 2 o 2 0 2 6 s t s 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 o 6 6 2 6 2 e 2 e 2 6 2 6 a 0 3 0 3 0 rf high u to rcrcmnmi the u5v of llr cavdvtir peciallr o peifle batrth rr coniplatil ainl dit thiiary orat- to ilie d to imaluj in general p j but more e li- and prptie they will nilh hlrumatiro irf of the kidney ul0ifir uinfiijl t itrr powerful diaretic iflecl of the calrdonia wiur induces me firm- l 10 bliee thjl mld vtctv4l and incipient orptical dwaej iroutd br relieved if nol radi tex oult t qturtuftt 1 mcmbir of the montreal medical board lacadiw jqivi 1812 to ivsii paaksht paf frotrktor of tie caledonia sprmi- canada kasjuiaj onbemorc true and nothing i racre trerjuenlljtobeken in domestic life than u fl- loving liy rich jih make rich men poor trioua poor fciru inako poor men rich ind injt s b i k t ii thb mnniin m hacacat wife of the died at sodua wayne county n llli f iunr ir lin yj on tuesday fer a ntntraeud ilm h uh lm iut wfu btone and lumber of oie of the editor of tho ccm- aaeicial advertiacrj in ihe tih jut of her ae post office notice a mail for eiijand via halifax will be closed at hits orficc on saturday lire 25th iulattotloekp m r deacon pm post office kingston lsthjrsne 1842 a card mrs mccctfnsck beg to return her sin cere thanks to her friends and patrons for the liberal suppnrt which she has hitherto received from ihcm and would heie bet lo introduce to lhir notice her sister miss ftalc lately arrived from europe with whom assis tance as teacher yhe hts thai with strict attention to the tuition and comfort of pupils entrusted to hei caie to merit the same patron age which heretofore hasbeen so liberally ex tended to her kingston 24th june 1812 103z buflbna natural history two year before the mal arabian nights entertainments farmer of inglewood forest bruce travel in abysinia toung woman companion yoorr mans own bopk pickwick trcaaiwy of wis life of lord brougham do of napoleon cook voyages popular geography popular son book wilsons wowovrful characters plates 6 3d- history ot ngland parks traveu in africa the cow doctor robison crusoe wonders of the world bums poetical works livea of eminent mihtsrr heroes norway and the norwegians crofton boys settlers at home who hall be greatest t sommcrvitle hall looking glass forthe m the two defsultcrs earl friendvhipa poplar dove sowlo- and reaping peasant and prince hope on hope erer which is the wiser family secret by mr ellis lives of pirates memoirs of pitt lpwsons complete farrier ramsay armour fc co front strut two doors from the custom house n b other cheap edition daily expected kingtonjtue 23 iw 103s cheapest of all cheap books now publishing and told iry ramsay armour co kik0stox is parts 8vo each containing one or more complete work a standard library edition of too following popular novcs and tales i their original test thus r m for a mere i u i i i- v published at a rtumeo and the following novell are already pjblwhh complete pan cooperd 1 pilot 3 9 i s r i i i 4 laatofihe mohieu f 5 lionel uneolu 1 ri rrir u h borer 1 h wairr witch 12 i ma i nation nd t t 0 miss porter9 a huxan trcibua s i uo viilili i dr birds s tvut rinnfti 1 rvkfcofiiewoodi 1 it liirfhushk 1 2 j inrvels oooiu m roiaa day nmiawatmj is kobofllie mowl ikokams it captain kvd i 4 riratr smollktta 12 reresri tuu s4 raocuffes 17 mwifroaa thacv9 21 uadin fiocv om oftbi pavvawmvv to keniazimsrite t o brockde browns ii ofovond i 0 31 wtrlkod 0 charlotte smfth0 h i vinr l t a ktales d dcteaiyvia iiumissjichitr i a morley ernstein or tciianlm uf the llcurt a few copies just reeeived and or sak at lid of ficc price u 1id government sale to be sold by auction at the auction room of the underpinned on friday the 1st of jiny a quantity of militia great coats in small lots tosuitpurclasers 84k at ii oclock a m j linton q j kingston june 8th i84fc 103 jwiw jomval fiwk sutjseribers would tapwhully lolirit the attrntion or their w d ihtf pub lic tu their estenaivr ajffit rf staple and fancy dkv ccus vhh lhy are now openifis at their store urf o frontenac ami 1anlfoimerly stole k slrrcl thru slock eminhn a plivery thing new wi j fhiotiabtc inladir oentlcmen i wear ai the toods have all bf pchased on the most favorable irrin ifcfv w luwest remuneratinx peolt alkx iwsft co kingstoo 18 t0 the victory arena imd great western amphitheatre st george qfragqnt sydenham stt kingston tp davis respectfully wforms ihc inhau- j- lanlsof kiiiplon anjik v that he has taken the above jmabhibrnent and hopes hy unremiltinsallentrc3j merit asbare of public iitronae wines and liquor of tuc viands- boarding e c kington june 18 l2 10lz x i 0 0 1antkdto bniruw ihu mini l ont uvtldrbbpqvnmttnxvh vt seemrily utwuettomnble letter addrrsted t u- rosl ojuce will meet with iminediau tenliou june d i 70 contractors hamilton and port dover road sealed tenders will be received ibis at 17 thla office uni strnctiorjof a 18th june next for thr con bridge across the n palmer hasetecled80da foun tainandis noweniilltosopply the public with verv superior soda water he has also imported a uquanlity of so da waterinboules which ajll be w low all kinds wups are kh he having bfn appointed for the sale of fluid magnesia c now supply his customers with anv qaanlitj it june 9 ift44 w the largest company in the world 150 ladies gentlemen and horses be exhibited in kifigalonrw the 7tb dtb and hfe days of july ma s h nicholls rorhfetor of ihn eat m the of ibe m muhntrnt in cnvrja 10 it mctropolim ihetv van- nwlu r luor aaurmctt kb ihr aajtoisrcrn tfnt jn addiiioa 10 an un- y a lia tt frtal tsprait ej mnn et pkaniirr of w rivfilkd euotia tempi univd it wth dcparuiwni uiib eket aoj ui eauj vavicly j ptifcmc r with tb inuc truiiful f- 1 warrfrobu uassanswi ste ke ealutic1 m ln ttikju trioaic and tqimlnan rr tyk never mv atuaspied ciihrr s iumtrh v mi otst eaapaay in stituh norili anerk 1 r pavihod u hr t n contlrueud fn an ntirr nw pltit iipii moat eomiddtlioj dimeniioct bcinx iso fcl in ksjuaat do frt whir the iouflor ofue actfihitsraire wtll paeniaat tioi doranoft pttkitlf novel eonlnainc tin of eiieinn of elaanc utto cojevriy itntiy of on miietvitoinaubiflt thc staoet siv ikfte fund of melo draiiittui apctark and jral equtintia and litlriftfticoerfritfiaitcci are w iritla vrmrtiiirnaqe jiw pn n t iwatrr- i uit v w of pubdc retort tfce ukndid rfroa ciltlaln vtbirft tbsjtalnai oootoetof of culvrrjttfd tw intrepid nailstnr aat aueovrrrr of the amerirau rofttintai paitufd bv i lmu k a flnt rale ifenf artate ia ahiiited ty all wn aave acn ittoliaouciiieomn4xinneauvurrtrfhowtted ttn uiier la happy ia bitif wc o inaouuer tti h m eeired tw leivier of uiat moat tairaarbpsrv sana samam aian uv eanttit wondrr irf thr world a mo ifce aopcrb ciiorairiaa rcprnr an attorn in uie eiieb ii ib new a ad ipundij eaine and par aal hio iraied with wutirt muiic and adorned waqi lac aaoal onvrecfl and tawjreoau imiunr amt9 mi t gt4n crt r sttttr swf tn wwcl be principal male and feaaale ttuetnaai m rownted n fcee lufhly trapped chaefrrvi and petiffifi evolauon ofchj1bi 1 11111 initraanvot and ac- cpunctiroiniim u a 1 v j fvl w rtanoer drverited bv be writer r4 the jj 6aean sfare at that glasgow wasehouse kfrr waddell vt leave to return their cordial itm tor the ex tensive patronage tbey bave io lienate thai they have remold to itiosn large and commodious premises store st corner of wa street where they bave received in addittous to their already ver y extensive grand river at cat edonia the plans specifications and form of ten ders may be seen after 3rd june next at this other or by applying tog s tirtuay esq at hamilton the timber chiefly used will be pift and the bridge to have a draw arch 0 admit the pasvin of steamboats the tenders to contain the signature of wo solvent persona for sureties and to be endorsed tender for hridfc at caledonia signed tabecley scrretarj office of the board of works kington 20th may 1842 postponement the time for icceivine the above mentioned tenders has been postponed until ihc lulb day of july next t a begley scriwcry 1 msivkan mkrviijmtt tjjihor beils lo infoirn the itth bltaula nl kmln and its viamh lni hp a cuinuint ed huvinem in mi mcleoj kuiljm un jjrorlc streef opposite mr jfratly mnrr where be hl oeticd a ureal variety nl clftltix lhsi- merrs tweeds dookitl i i iliw iaiulmon iml ycatiiif which he will make up on shoil notice aivvu beady made cloth great arrival or spring iiiid summer goods at prices unparatttted i a vkry extensive assort- ple went ok fakct ajidsta- ng kur lll colh cans ulavd hub slorhlt sochi cheaji board of worio 15th june 184 joini and well s e lto t importations e d tept4iir ix witb cfwssi petiflji wii ii watfara wa aeeaaated ivm and imtl ni i 0 teauiv waa held ia pdij true retiioo dtwm v tount9mmtl or kmfhu orihe e-w- tn linica aaxinf ih iiiif tciiiij piece wbtca will be inlrhtloee4 oe ihe auf i lhamad rtririan drama oftrtr 7wttt ia wncl4r whole iraiiaucfflnipaay thr iwaie- aal umpli vfj a tniraasiifetu auotac f fviij r raiiniik lrnn takea feen thr ara man mmi r r i- forty thirvks ae a oi mfhsasf 44t4 i- will the f mntl ovvalrst action anij amnntnl kcrarjic muatra- ttoa aaj e j- i j aoaraer ftsfa lacratoqf schil- h a rwf t kunpt si ana 4 fr 0 g a skiff for sale skiff in ood oirler 14 feet corrinlete with 9 pair of oars mast iad enquire at point frederick long the largest asoiinient of chintz cambrics printed long cloths and calicoes ever f ecn in kingston the neweat styles and some of them the same pattern as the most costly london muslins are now sell ing al deykes tfco at much tawer prices than goods of this su- rior class were ever sold before kingston june 23 imi jf 3 j7 reansuce orovi yrcwee as a tee al it pilsnaa ia i san tfophfa lcesi reeeaa mr3 s louisa vi sr culr f ihc iwx m arnur uflarwxj s t groeamouatainpoya mk clavers u wew homrwwlt koilaw professor lonofcllow iii- mips sedowirks 31 taeunwocida sir salter icom 6 qurehftvo haji ov 8lrull ij lay of toe laat hinmrej si matiqion lj laisyafuvelake dana8 ll two year 6vr urn maai arthur cordon pvm3 is sainwreek muusy and fasainr tthaw t auasassjawfl cr ue black rijerorcaawei hoffman5 raht uodwlvs caleb willisn tlotsty flucptf 9 ffuhci ikrnafif i 4 1 0 j a r o 1 4 carlaida t 4 waaeaiwiu be ranwef ha tuaut f woiaafru- i1hwi fpaltl jini horses impounded rphe public are herebv notified that two x horses the one a roan and the otter bay hare been committed to my pound the owner whereof is unknown and unless they he claimed by the owner or some person on uor her behalf and charges paid lhcreonbe- 11 th day of september next they will be sold at the pound pursuant lo law john davy pound fttptt lit concession fredericksburg ttrif may 23rd 184 j i z0s7 a fine gold chain pin f horses head pattern near store street whoever will tiuni it to the store of mr stenntli jewel f r will be iiberalu rewircd kingsion june 45j 1812- h sheriffs sjile of ljhfds hidland district ffcn wcdnearlay to wit j f the fourth day nf may next 1842 at 12 oclock noon will be sotil by public auction at ihe sberifte oscerinthe town of kingiorr taken in the fouowing euiia viz the prcaident director and company of the cdmrdcrcialbanjt vs john mclean and archibald mclean william denniatowo john downie bryce jamea playfatf john mcmurrich aori william ferguaon w j mclean jameefrascr vs john mclean the president directors am company of the bank of upper canada m john mclean the rijbt titeand interest of the above named defendant john mclean in iota ko- 225 in the town of kinptnn nndno5 anj 6on wew aije ofgreat itiver calantttut in the townahip of king ston all persons having any claims on the above property will please make the same known lo me on or before the day of sale allan mcdonell sheriff m d sheriffs office kingston t 25ih january js42 j 80 the above sale is further postponed till the 15th of july next for ihc ju aj faithful rrprreniaiioo 4 ise slni plmilltl ifceajdic crifoeniahcr neritinj lo all ibai eaii te rd of tl iift ii- realty nam plaer a fai fnsfbjmjaaa tncttrreit tar drafoa lur rnpwlt tul m etranrdiaar iratrtcaj propeiij et niailr ia ilkdmmfj a a rtcoijoaw wwk nf arr and anuai in icufa t aein th maiural ae euuoua ratfsj of uh trad the datim of iu ttirpk lortxu llic lanluii clarrotuie oaonatrr e tm- irjr ftitrur j it witv caiwndaf wiaj anotctber inveii it wift i r m vcnaniijicy lo cnuve propvtuosatr lllution of ideal mature aad hlbuly it wili lae laoierni u i fctilrotie nairai iiaelf turdeatrtkton of ihe formthalik aceocapamtxl by die ladir ana daoaela af uo cnfi aaouairil o waatifut pureyt nareetvd ia mnptiiff ofpfifr aftirc to eoiiframule lb fcerie kaiilit wloa lb 6ml faliar ml aahauu4 t ucorr w rhaio aioa kmiim mr h v ntrbow kotffkin ujrji tiqairea m4t t ke fry ooiawr ot tax tsftmssssmj ttie eatttsaiiipinrin w be anvcrrai rnt all fr sar ctatbiiiaiia o- will ta- vanvdevery errata wuli ik uimiit ealhkore ti aaiure ule eilitcaa f kinetun tt ih eompaii he will pectent ia tbelf ik on iht oteuion witt aechrarriir4 k be nni racefirl ap4 ufteicrllfri rrnvance at wu aa t4ttni arj mrf litnitirti pn iiii alao aueh a varniv uf aeaml varkgath teeoraof ajutnottlletd rxcr in ilia prttaaion u baa never been eakikitcd by ay rrarhjintfroeapan a sarhlorvupcnor lalcai i auachea to the cpsnpaoj and will lead tw rami pnvriatn of iwratone nw and i hi 1 1 of ihe noai eoaity doenption with tbn poat brauliful atud alyie and paaojaceace f cffr ri t before k hhtie pnre qf btlmmiofj i0v 2 pit t w k btn arnoi aikunon ur- aaocircmrenoa will l tifciro ia ilr adinnaioarfvinioralo tar a- aauuwire a erjer lo wtin tbf eoatldeaee an eoea- fori of sajtw paieni and failk umacbootc uj mil llia niamithnkat jq a wc i i of sjl- ntotaltty wttl be peivmpiorily eelvoed nj lothitar- ranernaent uie proprietor pistise hrtnalf to hi pvirom tkr prrttiruiancr ike sf ri comascucc ai aal paaltl m u ihe iwoiutwajtuai tlati al 3 r m aalkairaal7p il children under lu rat of ajc u fee ahmined io ihr boa ai itajf oriee c ohi5wuld atfj kinpun2wjo tt st andrews society the fjcneral quarterly meeting of the saint andreos socrety or kingston will he held at goodwins hotelyontbe ereniojof monday 77th inst- at 8 oclock at matters of importance will he laid hefoie the society a lull attendance c members is particularly requested by order w gunn secretary kington jtftie md 1812- i02di plain and fancy pry goods by fir two various to enuaierd ltre cwisim inof every thin novel anstfitnble for ihe season amongst their fancy art1cubs the have just received a spleidid aisorlmrnt of artificial flotrers every wrirly straw bnn- nels cap and bonnet kibvorschiri jrosite w saaaaawavfl attniur parasols hnjssejs lace vett bawl and soarf mushn and laee w tamboured collars and capes silk tod couon ilosi ami gloves plain and pfird mouiline bints printed orleans swxmiwthmt chusans and an immense tav of sllf an thibet shawls fancy dlmf cvct cription now sellin off at prtes unprccedenl- edly low to which k w ttv tiest the attention of the public and to 1b in order to secure the beat tbott- wanted two active v0vs kingston jue 18 ifrll i01 liquors and grfertes the subscriber would efo1ly lbe attention of private fsmut dealers to hi stock of wines and lqjh principally imported 6y himself also n ufocetlea amonjsl which may w- sag boattj sauces spices pickles fml n real variety he also intefldafr keep constant ly on hand fable cod fish lefth d xo i noith shore herrings also ii rlmpnt of cot and plain glassware samjh tumblers wile glasses decanters e wholesale and retail nexljow lo messn t j rirncy store street roimlltobmick kingston 6ih june 1842 n- b a few thorjftand choice bnwj cigars also enhuh and piatts cheeae 5 iqiz fl m c m o n e f spqall ready to be aotanced on covu eod freehold security aplj to w c keclc sollcikr in chancery krnton jone21lm2 rhb ex tlhsldx to the lake ox the moumtatrt for the bctufit of tkt aoaft7a raoof in kingtfon in towuttion with fie lvsryon mttkodist crvure4 in canorfd oomondaymornfh the tlh last at 7 oeloe iho splendid aa oaciotjs steamer rroetttille cipi maavrell hill leare iho cornmer- eul wharf foot of store duofi for ihe purpose of i i sueh persoo as are rjcairou ofunitinjc in lh exeuraion lo that i yha spot and rare phe- nomina of nature the lake oo the mountain and of ii i ii the delightful acm 7 of tho bay of quinte it ia deaigoed ihat the children of thi sehool united with those of the hlliwe1l and bllenle sehonla aha 1 1 on the arrival of ine boat at the stone mills peoeeed up the mountain and after iho dc- lieert of addreae and inin parlake of a repast provided for irvni hen after fiewiii the rroumd u scenery ihc whole party will return to ihe bolt nhrrc dinner will be served opforall havint tickets priee oftsekek 5 to inelade the pasjc up and down and dinner on board ticket to he had at ihe chro carole cook tore the herald and news offices mr john ifeinhhilti slorrstrect and if anj of the com- kinjstohj june 111812 flute for sale a splendid second hand flute in eoj order orional cost 20 fjmiteas hut will be sold for i u 10 0 at this office kihgsoni15lh june 1812 cravjts handkerchiefs biicriovc wad carpet hags all which he wiu sell lor caah kindlon june 14 1849 100 h7ltvrrlwell boobsclltrs iaiionrs v nil ins kinrtfrttt ainpifort arsef viiigjirrtf ttrffnfo j respectfully invite the luffltkttaf banker mrrchanls and others to helr newly imparted slock of account books a slationrrj consi1iti2 of irders journal day book cash books bill books memorandum boak of all us and qualities quilfs office pencil wax waters ked tpf btetl ftttjt in rcal variety fcc 8cc c their stock of fancy stationery also rcfy lafe conhtin in juit of dratvm papers of allsrs drawing pencils and thoks tracins papes tinted colored and ulsacd mounting boatds bristol boards paper stc color bdxcs and colors camel ami table hir pencils envelopes of all sizts plain and colored albunts strap books am many ulhel articles loo nummtkus to inenttnn a large sjrtd choice selection of printed books comprltin prayer books bmc testamenis theological aod other ltteiary works no agrcal variety of school books including those io use in upprr canada md queens colkfff- books rifted bound and printed to any pattern bookbinding rft all its branches copperplate engraving and iirinting book and job printing 4tc on reasonable terms military lfdters orderly and defaulel hooks always on hand mortacs drrds ami memorials c- of the most approved lorm hooks at mj article connecled with ihc iusincs iinportcd to ortlcr own ttliglantt or the inilrd slate agents for stodart s0iv5 pianofokte manufacturers to llr majhstv and the royal raiiv l squart ijmtlvrt h w rowsell kingston junr 15 1wi iqox lost on monday mnmin last brlwecn stuarts point nrd wm wil5oris stnre nine pnftnds halifat cy wrapper in an nld hill wripcn with blue ink any perron findinr the same atfj teiurnint it to ibi office will be handsomely rewarded kingston jifffe i usfcl iooj h w rowsells for sale in tn 6th concession of pituburph a farm of 500 acres of land thesoil is clay and aarrdy loam well adapted for a slock farm distant from kingston 19 miles and of a mile froea the rideau canal there are 60 or 70 acres of cleared land and ferrces thereon with a la mouse and stab ling the farm is an hs- purchase for an emigrant sattler possessed of a moderate capital for price and condhions apply iff the subscriber geobce 0 kingston june 21 18l stuakt itckr b superioh lake huron trout herring a while fish for sale by carter 6c bentley gore bank a meeting of the stockholders of the gore bank will uke place at the bank ih hamilton on monday the 1st day of auust next at ten oclock in he forenoon fomhe purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year as the acf directs try order a- steven casirier gore bank hamilton 1 5lh june 1843 j 102di building lots rig be sold by auction on the 3d may next if not previously disposed of by private sale ihe lots of land as per plan liruated on barne brock and storesirccu at he nnwr end of ihe park of selma application to be made to john midcalf or to j lin10n sucftonecr kingston march 3 1842 7h7i the above sale is postponed until further notice the the hi notice subscribers toward uie of jwoeaa church pittabjrjh who have not ihc amount of their acrcral subscription are here by notified to par them imrccdiatelj lo a- foier earj kingston or to ihe subscriber by order of thr trustee james fimviv piluanlr june 7 t2 situation wanted y a young manwaso hasbeen rsssv ted in one nf the hntt mercantile 1fto in liverpool and who ipflnroubly acquahrted with bookkeepinjr by fflaamc and ssricjf entry the object of the advertiser is rather lo obtain a comfortable addnermanent sittfafion than a lucrative one rcrences of the first respcctabjlity can bcgivenif reouued address j s post 0flce stafford flia rara district canada june 20 1842 ley a ll persons havmclrms ayjvisf a estate of mr prvitj fitch late of townsbipof kingstonydeoeastd are requested toptesenc their accounts ind all persons in rtehled to the said estate arrrequestcd lo make immediate payment to the tndersiirned margaaet fitch administratrix kingston iftth june 18b 103ni neworm this larpe aarf esejant ioairwf of popular liieraivre iarumiahejererr surlaj mifotof on a aaam n iin iheal rf l i- -r- iiiir lwr per annum or 416 r m w ilra laeft niifnkcr eoniaina aa aavkutil of rrhj rquat lo a luoaexifnv tfltuma t ft tle of has lary uaj cndtled our mfsqi u aifcar of catte omalsei i now pubui t e1nit wjui others hy ihc hrsl wiiwra p day and r ri lull j witii inpf i b tnjtfavtnjt on wood volume tnr of lie tdilin or lltf new world i eosasaeace on ifcr 1st of july ta wtirpeeastn aouier faeotaav npfonuniy for ortr 5vbaeibia tn vjin th pua fisher aaaooaee cant bul a f i y f copies will irf ariaw over oa ibe neirijriwudiliaiii will be iss poaihiciupjy aaak noa uav etieai aier ikevnl la odeeto ufc1 fwsabet ftr h kisg street kisgstqs 6t w r in retumrnj thanlts for ihe encouragement they have received since the spelling of their circulating library have srreat pleasure in annunncing to he hi habitants of kingston generally hat hey hate made a large addition lo iheir already extensive cataocue of ifew and interesfm publlcationr consisting of hisfofyj bioraphyj travels novels tales c i w r hope that the paffoftae which hasbeen so liberally extended w ii he continued to them forthe future and they pledee them selves that no paim shall be spared on their pait to make the library worthy of puhlrc pahon age terms of subscription payatitif ix advaxck knuui aaliivsfrr fsf tie 4rifil frtt 0 i- u kt sit m trtt f ffttk ttt wieis- s d a s p one year 2 0 0 2 10 0 six months 1 5 0 1 ii 3 three months 0 15 0 0 is 9 one memlh 0 6 3 0 7 g if nof paid at the time of suhscribinc the terms will be xl for two sets and t 5s for three sets fot every three months t05ubscrlbehs to deposit the value of ihe book and to pay for a sinefe volume for four days fur a work in 2 or 3 vols 7 for one week for s work in 4 ot more volumes at the rate of 3d per volume iooz kioesfon aimc 5 i84i a new rjihe nrih ve ume eqinmrnee wn wtih out aern uaiithif mesa haalj ifr entire pjevjo rw hae heea rrpumiah in u0l wmen wh r cjareai to all oew fcrttee wko mcr he nrw wid from july swat u jw 0 iw no leasftt be nsihfc firai volume frmpl ht h trrrn 11 a rear in vuf nult peraaih f wlnctle8teil so ann 5ir rswtassl m klierj ruatiabcr i ivft arvffi on sale at the hoesale warehrjosc of the suh- scribe r front street 40 chests twanaav t 75 boxes foqm hon 10 do pouchon lo do sonchon 30 catty boies cofer do 10 boxes hyson 10 do gunpowder also 25 baskets very choice cnamfpagnv joseph j hall kingston june 1842 100 books sv from england orders for books o any rther article con nected wiui the buvinc to bo proeuretf from eiijhnj should bo jivei eta or before 10th july st l lo inatfre their rrt in canada this season if s rovsell itbtotifo orui kiitztton jane 10th lgj2 luo m rosshn sl brothers jewellkk8 c king street opposite j a wfjsre 4- co beo 10 trrorm the puttie ttvat hey have jusf received a srlten of their spring i portal son consisting of a lare arfd choice ajsjsoawwm of silver platf of the vttj newest stjfr an j that in a few days thet will be in receipt frffhe rernairrdrr of their spring supply which hat arrived at quebec some days sfftce which consists of a very large stffck of gold and silver watches afrit hrooehtt hrcott fint superior razor and penknives tfd t whieh in addition to their piesent stock of fancy clocks watches itc will eive their esumisltment an equality with any other u canada west fof varhry and cee flcnce am a nttmber of choice needle work patterns for the ladies and variou coloured worsted at id per skein m r b repair all kinds of docks and vvatches including lever ancre escape- rrfenfsandlepinealsnjewcisctin watches the soliscribcrs take thht npsjsjrfnntty ftf re turning heh sincere thanks for he terf llwral patronage already extended to hern ind hope by always keeping an extensive supply of the very brfft articles in iheir litre to merit a con tinuance of public favor m rossn brothers kinestoft iune 14 lwi w to let rphe subscriber will have ready to let by 1 the 1st of august net a new cut stone buildryfg with an excellent shop and cellar fonr stories high on quarry sueet and the rjweltirfjjpait consisting nften good rooms and a cellar of another of hrs new buildings en whrch will make a very desifabfe fecidcnc for a private family apply to wm wilson kinpton may 1m2 95 coal tar whiting and dry white lead 200 bblf coal tar 50 do whitinz 30 casks dry white teact- on sale hy josephs hall kingston ontario street june 1912 lolz very superior table beer in woody con stantly on sale by joseph bhall kingston ontario street june i k w 1012 to be let the half of a near the water f the purest well and pasty- with imiwrrtiaie possession house desirablj situated ith the adtanue the rooms area good sized parlour two bed rooens and kite hen a preference would be given to an ehsrrkladv of respectability also a cottage to ltt aa io jccalhy rft rmin nav be readilr had at thi oftcc kistoniune ft fli to architects builders rglhk coininoually of the town of kin el ton heint desirous of erectrn a jm6 hail and market for encreasiug the convent ences of the town hereby ive notice that they will receive drawings or designs for ihe above named buildings accompanied wilh seal ed spec fficatrons and 1ima1es al ihe council hall until ihe first day of august 1842 when the varions designs will be opened and exam ined and such plan selected as the council may derm most eligible the bistpfati selected witlcatillc ihc de signer to the fnm of5 he ftcorrd to 130 and the third to 20 to facilitate the estimates anj prevent fnss of lime to gentlemen anxious to prefer thcirde- signs it is requested that fhe probable cost of construction shall not exceed ooo0 the extent of ground to be appropriafed has follows on front street 270 fcef from front lo church street 264 feet any fntlher information rernired will be f- hy the clerk of the coimcrl rf by letter paid hy ordeff f m bttl curk ringsforr jiiue 15 isli loogi k tbetoronlo briiuh colonist ihe montreal herald tht ivef york eeaiejanland oldcounuy man and the boatoo atlas srirl pteaae copj av- aeott for one moalh and end uiir accounta lo the treasurer of the tosvnof kingan foraaymenu removalr thk subscriber begs leafe fo lofdrm i inhabitants of kinstdrt i i its vicinity that he has removed frotn front and store strrefto quarrv street right opposite to mr greens for slore and next door to clark rvrizbt hat factor v where he will be ready ntallumesto repair pianofortes guitars yio lins accordeons manical snufi boxeo and musical instruments in general on the most favorable terms francis il g m1lligan pianoforte nanufarturcr kingston april 6 icmi 8lz wnignmentffiftycars whitinqatbijty do dry while lejd iul received and for sale hy joseph b hall kinsmen june 15 1 w a rif ilia islest frfipipraiiiifisi ia now suu i- ted in pumifj tjpijrotot i- at the sincluuf storcu of dcjkcs fc company kingston at merit reniarkuhly low briefs that rjnnut fail i exciic univrasl comrfnen lion fur the iiufurtiinate brittafi mainion turers who have teen compelfed to purt with their goods at ruinous a sacrifice so vat and multifarious is this stork ihat it will admit of a pari only being com pressed within the limit of on advent- merit it comprise fur laftles costume chine royal cltuan m i i i nje luine printed and plain orleans challi crtpe arienrolyncof jon stnpes sarin tufr jrosjcnapici siikf nets and periou prinlcil muslins cbintea long cloths awl calicoes of the moat taeleful dealena a fosltiunable vtriety of indiana ljmai cdalimerc thibet silk cliifia crape challi satin moiisclineadel3ine onj cuuze stawts scarfs and handkerchiefs fancy ahd hoin bonnet riblmna thread gimp and otliff tace blond quillings and edgings lr veil rutland rice i ij3ca dunstable straw bmktdjf all ors of while drfd cvhnjred itlitsliov worked rlrtslin cnllnw cafje insertion anj edgings satleen and jehfl stops pan usuli li j unthrellas laalslicv bssoti cl sfcvef a variety of fancy manufacturer suitable for children dreses for gentlemefis apparel the most approved fabric are elaatic dorkin melliourneft caasihete impe rial drills cantoon summer cloths anut tweedy cashmerehrtan4 saim veiling- oiierfine and regnc broao cloths and cas3imeres mertsand uoya cloth cap bml lincfa ready made shirt stocks of ill uvlcripticfna newtlksilens pumps the general house furnishing dt- partment will he fonftd tn coniain brraela imperra and scotch carnof plain and piirtlea driigels moreens chialz ond siriel furniture daniask dfd diaper table lin en with rapkirs lo match bell pulla fringes lifteri arvil cotton sheetings frvm one to three yards ipidr ibithaut a ttom towelling blankeu linen and cotton bed ticks maraailletf summer quilts 6u h0s1esv haberdashery c ac oilcans cloths bomboe crape moiwlimrs ovlaiprand a oefteral aaaon rftetvt of fatuity wcrutfiing- dev da beg to o6we that they are rinlparcd itvraaintaim he rputa- iior of being orft 4 the chtpui hbusti tn canada arid ihf extensile patrevaigv they have keelved satdrjiatea fhrrs to uch resetted eaerfioni as will irnablo them to keep ahead of eomrfcliti6d ctcrms cash only and no second prirev kindlon june jo svi 99z fancy confcctiorsfcry fchop in iht ftoftk fotvurly occupied by mr john shaw city jtafor brock street jta 6 south from quarry street fctbb subferibef ba la inforta his frwnd and thi pflbltc gefterajly fhaf he haa onefted ftieabovv ouotfv tw a ftrjavriv awit m7eqkkv ttatkfa be oscrs vholefaff and ketai on the meaii reasonable terrn havine 6hed p hi present estauisbrnent in the very best style nd made arranyements in tbe unifed states a rectfrar supply of domestty and foreiri rruils mm the under signed flatters himselffhat bis presenl house will be fonnd ttoihjfr a conlinrfance of that very liberal patronage which has been hereto fore given him arw which it vjilf be bis con stant endeavor to meril lheut bof and told from 13 till alex- tjmith kingston june lo iew2 9ta the sobkriher having recently imported from londorfj a very superior marhina for he mamrtaeture and bnltlinr of the above article vfll have constantly on hand a supply of soda water and tinker nechr the cert- uinc aertihd soda ifcjtf r h acknowledged to be one of the moat pleaiant and cooling sommer beverages kncnft aad ii ftade extmelypt- latanfe by the addition of syrupi of variou kindsa supply of which jh he kepl j vv brent kiny street sarsaparilla rtrthecleatismg and healing properties the above plant are well known and fully ap- preciated aeraltd soda water flavoured with j a syrnp of sarfaparilla will be fountf a wcl pleasant anxl useful drink for sale by j w brent- i dirtgyiir kingslreel sisaiasili aaaass- ithe subscriber has received a avpply of the above in a nne healthy eejndyionv j w brbwt whtuml king street rblhe subscriber u day reeervins his spring m supplies of enjehsh drug chemicals brushes combs perfumery allejfwhittv will be of the besp deseriplion fjicnaajilj j w brent i ifrvwist kingftfetftv pc sale by the subscrijtitr aa chaldrons of newcajue srsahb gakl- 3u 50 barrels of nns 182 mitlff packing salt in bulk and barrala aft table salt in bass they hnvc al a large lot nf pi rrohcnitftanlly on hood mactmbboneruvson fcco kington h jum 18 59