transport dikkct from lluhtce to kington loocli- ii l at inlermrdair places thence by fleamnsand schooners to any port on the lite add rirr rend ti suwribrr established a forward- ixc office al qnelvec last year since hen and in addition lo their former establish- mrnt there they bare rented utt and ennve- 4 nicnt premises fiotn james gihb eq and will he hnplf prepared on the ppcninr of the nai vimimi wild steamers and other craft best siiilj 10 ihe trade to girt despatch to all i property entrusted lo their care for further information apply t any of heir offices at quebec monlieai hylown prcscott or king tar macrhfrson crane co montreal apfil d3 wil 87 just arrived for salt ii cam bonnet to boxes gias7xorid8xlo 20 do sperm candle 1 5 do tallow do for particular enquire at my office thus a hanesvjevi kin 4 ltt 8s partner wanted caledonia in thf- spr1ngs property building lots po be sold by auction on the 21 may next if not previously disposed of by private nit the lots of land as per plan situated on banie brock and store streets at tbe upper end of the hark of stlms- apnlicalion to be made to john midcalf oi to j linton jitfteftr kingston match 3 1812 71171 tee above sale is postponed until further noliee notice r undersigned have entered into co- 1 i i in the dry goods business at kingston under the firm of hatercs fons- ten co and at montreal under he firm of s foiistu at co sibley forsteu john j- haines mary f- haines k i i mav as bm 2 t8bi profitable and safe speculation to nny person or persont wm n small ea- piutl desirous of seevring to themselves on ensy and terttrin livelihood the subscribers oflei for sate at the eery low price of one hundred pounds the fdlowiri i select collection of qcasls ttitj reptiles shelby minerals india swiss sandwich islands inn chinese curiosities al together compriiiny a museum of qiral value and extent l if are anii- oi that lue above should fall into the banto of mmc public institution or company rather thin separate what has involved atarie amount of labour and time lo collect the original cost of the above collection is staled lo have been lstwcl dollars below is ivrn a detailed a count of what comprises the museum now orfred for sale irvotfs 2 very fine leopards i fox 1 lsmb 2 skunks 2 guinea pip 1 english pencil 3 ljnx or wihi cats i dog i ta her 1 moos deer 1 elk j english hare weasel muskrals fcrretts e antttt4qfii fnifniifim hail seal 1 leneu mai j alligator mrit- pheasants do er quails 1 eohl pheasant i woodchucv several duck i crane loonf 1 snow goose 1 wild ionic i mud hem 1 corlieu horned owl urcy and snow owls i eagle t vulture t ponc 1 crow huxard i wiljturkey 1 ulrieh 1 ftolo goe i niffhl henn english anl s4mth ijj t nr u corkalooj 0 to 30 small birds stc c aforuveya several eaat india apes urge baboons cbanese monkeys various monkeys sguirrer black vyhile j grey squirrels bptw 10 to 15 snakes 2 south ameii- en cnirv i egyptian do vatku- i hand organ 1 excellent drnm lssasheawithglmss panes 12 x 19x26 in 9 cosmorama glasses a large lot of glxss limps and sconses canoe indian pihdle swiss slwes fvlrificd tik indian war belt sharks saw and many ether curiosities in great variety a tarlety of wax flsmos shells minerals currotilirs the head of a new zealand chief in excellent preservation and a eyeat variety of small matters loo com- plicated lo detail- collins haines kingston april 19 1fci 81 n 9 jftbe above jld not be disposed of in a bojybylhe asttk may they will then be told separately at public auction artersis iolefitjj4weljbnr amlei espenve pm i fopcicoe 1a succeeded ioslab- hlltstsj i he caledonia sprlnos anj rralinj ttk ainubk i ihe fumic the a ies hve icch esicfully inalired bj tossipfsti chrfnitt d h been b under the nalkf ofuie irol cehotni medical men in catuji ho h attivied 10 uteie mrdttinel virtuis anj uj liose dnce ihey have bn in miny cam ivercs- foils nata and rc in sjeeat and procs demsnd theotjci or tltu adfcnueiifrtnt i lo solicit a plkchasthftf one half of alt the springs pro perty the sutrteribee is induced to psake thii sale solely on aeeounl or his want of luftieicnl fundi to make such further improvement ihe jfcat ianl iwwal inereite of bwnncss eequtrea i iii nil aiserts that a mofeuv- ishle nrofertj or a more lueraiite inveslntcnt csn cusn be ei with in canada the truth of whieh lw b read to show to any one who frem a desire to purchase y be disposed lo enquire inio the mst- ter and the subieribee ttmua llal his sole objeeih- afting with any share of so salutblc a propcilj is ihe iircis purpose ofeabl him to carry vol tich improrefhcftts aa wilt insure to ihe propeieto a perpetual and annually iheceisin ucorr a asmrerrg ohvr u open to ihe proprietor for the use ofthcahove peoperty for ihrec yea ofxlk ptr anoufai henevrr he my ihmi proper lo accept the jre and in coeielvson ihe subscriber ha only to add tin ihe resort to tht spring both for hrahh sad recreation h annually inereaitn and the ale of the caledonia waters abroad hate the last sea son nearly doubled any former year lnviual prepanlioiis v making for ihe enter tainment of fintors the prckot seaton wm parker caledonia springs hftf i ifeuj 91 it n 8 the large new hotel wtu be opened r use reexpiioo of visitors tin id day of jjnnei crown lands office kimcstok march 29 l8t notice is hereby jiven that applications will be received uurint the month nf may june and july nel ami licence will be granted at the c torn ary rales to cut timber upon the surveyed and unsurveyed land nf the crown for the ensuing season at the following office vi at the croivn timber office bytown fnr toiti sides of the ott lira and its tributaries ftm orcnvilte upwards including the towivshin of eineh avinchesler and mountain in the i m district thelsruls north of the kideau ki- ver and canal and in the townships of elms- lyi hnrtess and north croiby in the johns town district also palmerston and the jnsur- vved lands to the north of the township of dluvn kennebec k- r and elcvir m the midland dittitcs and at the offices of the respective district asnrsvu within iht part ofthis piovince fonnei- ly upjier canada at the olfice ot wm morrison eiiuire leithier the norlh aide of the a law tence between montreal and montmorency at the office of c l marler esquire nwta let for the south side of the s law re nee from sorel to the kiver chaudiere at the office ofc 1 poumier esquire st jean port joli rrom the kiver chaudiere to the kiver metis ami for the oistiicl of iaspc at thehffiee of william mcdonald esrjuire new carlisle john davidson 8ll7i au1 perfumerr the subscriber has received a supple of choice jniish perfumery among which are tbe followinr essences sweet brier spring flowers sweet pea iledvosroiaor persian esaeree eglantine novenia citrontlla kos ceranium marechalle lsvendcr lily of the valley honey suckle lloyal condrnsed liya1 extract of hwes flower circassian cream queens rouqqet koimiel d arabic i de i h i cologne veniable de lavende au milleleurs ambrosia vftbeu perfume and exlrael persian sweet bis veibena pertume and exliael esprit de rose veritable pomade divine pomatum rold stiver and bronic inks amber preston smelling salts ott etc e fee jwbreftt dtvgguttt apotlmonh kiipto h mi si the subscriber win during the seajoflbt eonslanlly in the receipt of drugs che mieab perfumery c ttc the which com m- from the moil irspedable english houses may he depended upon a genuine the com powtling rlrpattment will he eomuctl under the immediate superintndanre of the subieri- her whose 4flwt aa ihe use of irood msle rials by a careful manipulation in induce eon ftoenee aa regards this motimpoitant brancbof ihe injuness j whj1knt fhucfiitl apothffary i i i 3j wiilmm johnson rrtrma und lire uhlie iliaii hchaur uvvhfri llsn itirnuairf jlmldm rarrsarv rr rvmn thrrrifnr rsk uk slrt nirrl io saftaaa- msirkh hehrft ssrfitjfn tc- hill in bmrl rnsa4strna all m m iijn lni bath bazaar the pumicare respectfully informed that tttk ttazaau in aid of the foarlto enlarge and repair st juhu caiira al halh will be nrcd i ihii place nn thusdas ihe lh and kridas the l of mveommrnrin vi ii hvlvj vf th- trrr tioittil tsias f nuiiituiitty m a icic pnuic il urge is respectfully wieud te iw tmonant object cf this undertaking aa well as to the reat and a tractive vaiiety of useful and ornt- mental ailictes which will be exposed for sale entrance to iho whw 71 each no charre- forehildren rath 27th april lss n h by the kindness of caflam morrison ihe vfenmer ainxfon witl convey pisseners to ilalli on this occasion al half the usual fare miilanfl disinrcr tjtulic notice m jb hi i i hereby pven thai by virtue of certain writs to me diieded i shall attend at the court hou in the town nf kinston on wednesday the i7ih day of april ne1 al the hour of eleven oclock fine nion second day of the sttlm of the court of the general quarter sessions of the peaee and shall then and there oiler fnr salc in conformity with the usl clause of ihe 2nd section of the provincial statute 7th william iv chap 10 the lands in the towndiifk of camden frcdrrkkshuh kaladr kiuiton pittsburgh portland loiihborouh llrdford kenebee oso olden and adverlied hy the treasurer ollhe said dishiel is in arrears for mcsmenlt nd jtnnd tas up to the fust djy of july iftlo and previously ortered forsak on the wh january lat psl unless uch ar reals are sooner paid a1xa macdonell sheriifj nirce kingston march 3 1evj t 71lci the above sale tf postponed till lle 17tl dav of may nem at twelve oclock allan mctjonell sheriff md sheriff ofticc kingslon april 39 tsvj esgraving am copper plate printing mm fealjody tote nf kcsv york would rckpcetfully infnrrri the public that lie lias ciunmciucd hiim in ihe almvc lino next door almvc tlic rein deer inn head of store siiwt wherv lir will at all lime be ready l cxeruto nlcr in iiim line cither on sled cimivrr nr wnod ami he hope rn a thnnntrh kiiosvlnlfe and strive attention to buinc iq merit s mrr st nuhiic nalntnaffe n u diesinkip doneplate mark ed velrting and wedding carxla neaily m cetiied at the linrtet notice attorney at law soinnon is cmanokv sunqston offit ijf wo jnmt liri g hntl- trtire sloftm n soft yrverf kkmtrval british saodlery warehouse rlihkrtciiaknrihou9k sddle and llaitvtsa manufartiirrr rswiwuv inlurm his inrmu and the puske hat he ha iteinovhet his imahhhmnt to ihe hrniir which has beei rerrntty tmjl r mf hmnhes tuairy ktrqpm nov 3 isjij m r1lksuraeiihfi u wtfr4naltriirllrlill i pfileftlnl lb anitdimffn reaim r u nr sil iimi- al mefarmrr rrirme ueai ken khmua pnlllf wnlfr isundiinsilr ktilslnei allsrtevssilrlt with mr icicharl krvatlt will lr r j tilled in willi h smirillks vv piul s fcnvrlmrf lhl ia lank lvrh i mtwrititilii tt hili t wabeiiofsk and shipplnti agexcy forgrvnl ponltnc anil prnperly nf rail kmd arriving from or intvnuvd tnr shipment to aswntalo and canadian port and the lakrs and kiver st low- fence the bay rf iuirne llylown and nih- cr place on itie liijcnu canal and ottawa rurr at the stiw an wharf lately oixu- iied by messrs svitlitun dickinson v ci kurwanlerf tueac premise lcing central comttio- dnuis and favmirntdy iinatcil iw uwirns possess every faeility tor receiving and rfnp ping and it irry c staled as a further in thiccmenl lu the mercantile community that they liavc isficil fipfsruntcj die plate of departure itirouernnii the seatnn for the ot tawa anl rideau strain boat of alsar- phcrvon crane anj iheir schooner and harris naviplin the huleau canal tlic kiver st lawrence and lakes erie and ontario the business trill tafi aitcnslcs t iy the uwnhcr whiiwill devote his heat eflittv to insure ihe protcetum bud prompt rles- pateh alt iirnpcrly onirusted to lii card kingston april jotli ls2 ja watt custom hmie liuines attemlej in pig iron liverpool si tl and 0tm- jaga salt cl wk flour ami ports ronitantlj on hand fur sale shs j irchaserhaf drj goods are re quested to trr glasgw warehouse corner o store u fftxtttal street where they will iud extensive and varied anrtinetii of fall and winter goods eiwiprixms every thiuihat is new and latdt- innalde ft the seiisun at cxlremely low nticcssi the subscrilera have itmortto very heavilv in every department of iheir hwi- new and feeling eonndeni that their pu and nrices will tanj cornjidrison wilh any other llmwc m the irade respectfully arlicilj an early rail fcom intending purchaser the lowest nriee aked kbrrwaddeursco kingston 6 so is 3 to capitalist i lotcl kceiicsx fttta stt tobtuowdfryr a term oyori raihat admiralty situated lot foimetly oc- j cupiedhy voinforfs hotii on market square in the very heart of the ssowinj me tropolis of canada kingston to those tvho know the lot in question it requires not one word of commendation to those at a atajtct it may besulficientla tale here thai tliesjround in question is b9 feet front sy 182 feet deep is brm ltaiik of itritisli north anits riciii kittsptloll leranch notice tji is branch h irepared ro franl mal drafts on theaeveral hrnuchetfofihe provincial bank of ireland viz cor biliiu itandon limerirk tealee ettssssj clou met voujhil bjllyihanuon londonderry nnliitlcn slraoasmj ssn mosihn mallow writofd bafihnd mouejntorr rflfatu bjl1mia coolihall walerford paronnoin kikuh ualnay nonnplrick skibbereen rtmhf cavan cmtconlkr athtone lurn w eiti coleraine omih dublin ajeney k 1 1 kc aiy d ii j raf thomas askew lanapee kington march afith is2 tt commercial bank mid dint notice is hereby riven thl the annu al meeting of the stockholder of this institution will be held m the hank on mon day ihe 6lh ilay of june next at it oclock a m- for the piifpofe of electing diieetois for the ensaing twelve rnouths by order of the hoard f a iiakper cauaro kirtston ststh arl lfh2 flfill removal riijie suhseiiber rja to announce lo rati customers that he has removed to the nrt mises in front street lately occupied hy chaa hales el as a ctoelteiy tore next door to messrs uli vl kae where will be found very exlerimve and well scteeted stock of dry oois jui table for the sprino trade al unices lower than any goods have wfote been obered at in this market in addition to the present exten sive slock a cotnntetc assortment is expected by the fust irnvals from london liverpool and hinw and as onick sale i niora n oh jeel than laie piohl the trade will be otfeu j ilitrf hfff litfvfiffr is ftnwn i mclukh agent kinstonl my 1842 ft ship clilxdleiiw 1uie suueriher importer of british pa tent cordage has on hand and for salt nf the following maiilun and tftrixrt kope marline hnoseline iljmbehine lead fne siual halliard aid spun yarn of all sue atsoj parkint vain for lineer oakum tar iiteh and rosin tli a preat variety ot blocks patent wilh miction rollers and com mon wooden blocks lamps binnatle lamps cnmnassef atate ivilres and common di wilh almost every thj rertulsite for the oulfii tut 2ulibg eftjl 80 buiti t iru nsjarrior i torn no i lo nn ii ill nl which will be sold low andon libeiiil ttins m tmtkter v 1 ifontys jfiiildinf kington gist feh 181 fc calkdoma water tllllsuhscribr hmaeananjements hy which the poh may be lurnihcd wilh the above at a leccd yncw ittraklisli pioierlies have heen ssrlj etensively tested by thenumerois visitors t the swings many of whom iwrc testified i ihe most grateful man- ner thtrr sense of berrlit derived from a use of the water- tbe aoisby dr chilton pure hevoiid a doubt its ue in various cnionie lieasefi a very fttujutnt cause of failure i disionlinninlhe usl aremedy this so tar asr5arihe cahsvi sptin water vrthil is hoped be abate hs ihe reduction in pico- the price will he ftaes of ihree dozen 5 of one doen wilboul the brx iamiessendin their boitlrs will be fur- nihedalosdown brknt kinslondeeembi ith le4l iu in the vicinity of the wharves the tost of rank and in fact is ihe finest situation in the lily- a lam holel with yard and stablint toeeiher with two stores can be erected on it any person anxioua to invest money would jirut ai admirable opportunity for parlitorais apdy r post pi 0 j to 4staaivohd atlore sirerf kingdom kinetnn hstpfb 1844 wholesale commission u akkihum ko 4 haaots utimuncsj raomt siakct fiic lndersinrtd respectfully announce a that they have entered into copartner ship in the wholesale commission busmes ihe name of carter bentley on ihe premisesabove described whichhaving been constiuded for ihe rurposeare both fire an fmst proof spacious and well adapted for tbe safe keepint of eveiy description of goods of soaira ineyoreruwfrcmreo fo rcrire rxfrn sire cofljictiwetij r be soj cifaer by pbiie action or privote soje from the respectability of the references and ihe character thy trust the have obtained in kingston the subscribers hori they will be able to jjive such satisfaction as to secure e liberal portion of the public patronage merchants in general will find it advantage ous lo consign lo the core of ihe subscribers as it is their intention to acl as agents altogether and not as principals alfrkdcakter thomas h bentlev kinstou march 10 i8i hkrkitnscns john counter esn richard scobell esq wm wilson e j firbank esj mre- barney mrgkcllo chartes smith p abraham truax dr armslion a few uaildinsutsdelihtfully situated commanding a charmin view nf ihe ukfjtmg llandfidc island fort henry le c c chableshalka kmslonisthjan l81i 61 dissolution of partnership the cniartiimjiip hvrimmw arat- irhj between william fouicrcullijii anotimmaa attgtisina lining jun i v- day tluwnlvcil by nuitnal ouhtii th bihinesk will in future be iarnid nn hv tliomas a- hfirsert jim in vjmni ollrvliij rittellte firm of collins k haixks arc rc4iirstctl t 1 paiil and m rirslrni agoirm the aij firm to be pfcsemhsl lo hirn for itiiuulatxi w k collis thos a haines jpr khgton april vo isvj thomas a haines iwi k in rriurn ins riurcrc thauk to his friomlrt ami the publir ssoncralls fur tbe very liberal pnirnnac nqpcsicsl lo him uw ingihe lau ciipanncruip am rsfmr petfiillytn vnlicil a i iniltuiraiu c of llicir favour which it wiil lo iiik rmlcavor io merit hy a cmimant rtsejaj to ihrir inter- tnsus thos a haines jttcs tiikf a mkltmett dissolltion of partnership notice i hereby given thai ihe fan ncrlii hillnni emling under tbe firm of o il haines 5t co at kirg elnnnrul s fouster k co- at ue ttvat is this jay clmvoil s forsteil titrta aicrstr iisim makv susbhoos j 0 il haintls kington 30tn april 1sw s7li all jcbisjuo to ihe lale firm tfq re itncstetl lo bo paiil on nr ifrr iho jutae isvipt kingston t haines poraier cc ami at montreal lo s fsnvfrt i co after wlmli time the will ik put in the slicii- rt hanjs fr nlnmiaa british honstc fhxit skosmstac frojd srrr kingston the proprietor of ihe above establishment in relaruin lhaias to his friends and tbe public generally for their past patronage b most respectfully to mtftfli hem that the holier has miickdm tho u h epair toother with additional bedrooms mitt al iiothin- lh i srinttnnn hi part u nder the british t olke ilarisruoiisifeiotlaany rn klsirir the situation it pieminent either for htui ness or pleasure ivinx vtithiii one minutes walk of the slcainho hndine wm- goodwin n- b a poller ju he at all times in rea dings lo convey inteast to ana from the boats kington match u4 lk 77it steam engine of 100 ilottt fewer far sale on lake erie noticed heirhy jiveri that sealed tn dfis isillbr received until wvdnesjy the 1st davnfjime next at noon from stirh peisons is may be willing 10 purchase ihe sttflf rc fftfers fliif 1ot ainery aa nnbovird her mpmw sleam shp toroi iirrand klvetlaa foie the teajgfl are to be addressed lo mr maiks naval var kingston ihe price nrvrr- ed is tohe staled in wodt at fenttb halifax currenev with the names of two sureties for ihe payment ot the money the enne it of 101 liaise power cylinder dfi inches liameler and bfeetnole of superior manu facture and in flood condition with boilers tin machinery rompb le and may be seen on ap- i io the orticer in ebaro on hoaid the tcronh at f irand biver where fmlher aitie- ularsmxy be leatnei the naval yrd kinssten kington vaid canada j kingston do do water town do jackets harw albany hoc h ester do j r armslron co toronto john isousbesrj montreal messrs lasher stevenson bath biuallinte bellevlle w rorkeemi ticton g ham esq cobounj k pcifvf elt do lctcr petty esq whilby r juson em hamilton notice the public ari informed that tic mail steamers between kingston dickinsons landing will on tuesday the lth iosl commence ply in regularly leaving here at 1 oclock morning steam lloal olfire commercial wharf kinslon april 8th l8li sl hank of llpiirr i niiiftu public notice is hereby en that a tncra1 meeting nlthe sincbhulders oj 1 tbi- rank vf ul bt held at the bank on mon day the fth day of june next at ten olock in the forenoon for the annual election of director to serve for the ensuing year as taut 1 act directs 1u oitti nf the roatd tilllmas ilinoit fuair toronbs attra ipti iwh itscobeut architect surveyor bklis to inform the inhabitants of kindlon an t its vicinity that he intends following the profession of an architect measurer and valuator having had a ton experience in the prartkal department he flatters himself of iv- in the desired satisfaction to those tentlomen i who may honor him with their favors s invites those who intend lo build to call al his office in johnson street and examine his plans of kuihjiiifs fo oc kington dec 1sii to lktr aspacioub shop and dvrdhift with snitahle acconnihodation in rar recently issiilt hy the siitrtctibei opoite mr rourkv intjuairy st fni namirulars apply to it chananhouse- i kington nov 13 1811 3tl fssr salc the plcaaril country residonro nf the suwsri1ice uuc mite from ilic town on the lake sbore sonhisting f a rorriftjrt- ablc divclling lloiw snblo carriage llnurc see witb two any of lml fur term whirh will lcaccumnihlating cnuuiro tn llir pk smith hartlett kinion jiih- 2ttb ifth br i blisi nr t a i rl n i r i til 1 t a 1 a wp ioiih tihlf a frfiir hiimti urtui ana k iindia ipimm rt tfift asi xvmifn kiiiln april 30 1s11 7 extensive fhemises to let r uk lktj aau potsevsinn jiven eaily in hythnhamimimr amdcouriihithi story tire pnaaf huillms eiecle1 um vesr and paw in ihe oecuplion of messis xi nlfrtn- and irecr thclsewisfroisttl nftwo- hw shopaor storrs having iiiuttnratli iwn crluisof ffeil exlenl cattvated f j 1itc ai j fehy ji lully aquatt- ut ihe active piose- ctttiosiol any nisi nr ivmrfrah cw retail e and the tpir iart of the huihlins i eapahl of raring used as a family mitusiom r uih- ed inlo a iimish- ltm if the firl class tlie irriiiiark die mhlrd in hr btsl part or store street and noxl door lo the imuoion- sjny warhoiue i jillin watkiksftco tnivhorn all appltrants me temreil knitnn apiiljttl hj fit t sr omani mmk illfr utfiili kaavliui basrd lhriiairies arid imii- nilmi al ivuisnitsi prhmrln to mj lfn berns leave mhuni hip hlulf that lir will hifi 1 nil lmie shi hh i iijje snplsltj nl irnlgtl njaufi r ruhinv sillitt stunr itfia ktm mm llir wbatfdb n nslan1 jjds l utr wii burnt hmr iiflu ibo raost sisnuralo utu all uuu prniuf11 ailmdnl 1 bt r mai iia kl kkmovau rfllfk sulisrriber hee leave tn inform the 1 inhabitants ot kingston and its vicinity that he has remove irotn front and stoic street to sjuarrv strut nli i opposite lo mi iren fur storr jm tnx dour to curlc wribt halfarlom is here he will he rj1y atall limes to repair li nototti luilut io tun aecordrons mdsital snnll hoxes and miisieai instrumeuts in general on the iftml favorable term nuncisnt miujoan kuilon april ti sli 8 on sale bs te lutiivr irom lt idjnhiicet leoism lxnkand raitoui other lumber vhili will he itebverrd in kinstiii or at the mill al ihe option of he purchaser okniuirk m isfix kiedeuclntr march 13 wilt 71 rnfent platform sciir mawif tltta in aiuafori fvliir solscritiers bavin been apnniited jl a i js fr the makers will keep on basts f sale al their commission store no 4 rdyn ruildin fiont street the different esof 1latfnrm and counter scale anil will receive orders for i seals llcrr i- i l cartkr ot hentlby kinstmi lth aptib i8ti 84 m vfti1luk tls- mlm m ill vhism httkiltbt lii jvwsi sstat ihtunimii tar mi aeajwrruiri tti eenrj vi tlvr mih rramr uh aimirrisnunisf isih almn ih r rim thf laiw iiim ifcir unt ili 4 orvasavsevurmfai ilnrtae ll w 1 toiili nhbe-nlm- ipttfnfjlitttitihttpwpr rt1htwatlirrf anvi ri- 111a t k actii rsvtiaiinn mii iiflllf stunt vfiuhiii ii uii rvuhioi- v iw vtii mi den es milisf tir basss nrwiwm nl ih tneiur ur- ik mi all m rm ln mam y we niaiiti at in4iiili t d 11 r iiin imi kpa tvffmn tht roimfy tbvi srhh io ihe ti ea- ta r mtiutiiii iiii win r lif rlu a rhtcni ntm r ifci a u ns in onrtiniiiin orf hiii hi 7tvi lii raur m liirrrifrsrtn -i- ri oinc lilic hit tmrnis uuutm wiij mi 1 vr wi l-a- vrrprrl ml imdifelifjiriilr add irlail m b milsatilmilit vis 0 rwr gifiimnrtilitrm iv bovk ltwra nuir tr hwn ahitfm kotl liuattltoi uththidutm aa hmst- iin ul m aunt ma latfma itirwir sluntr tu krulih um i ualr mf nt ilinit f fi mn lw mtl f li nar bshi llir mi ft nriktbr wt b siovrat ap1i rvrtrsrbi kiiiuii avuiildlo a choice assortment ol havanna and principe scgars snuffs and tobac co to be had at the klygsto tlb depot stork james bone kingston 9ih februarj- l fi4z d rvort salks a low pbessvbe stcam e cia f horse power- apply to macphersonot crane kington april llinh iss 84bi xollce removal 1i i m would most ieaectriilly re turn his grateful thanks to hi nume rous customers and the public for past favors and bee to inform them that he is rmovin his wholesale and retail confectionery rsub lishment to that larc hrick ttmldiu lately occupied by messrs m k w kowselt as hook- sellers and stationers he flatters hinutlt that from the accommodation ihe shop and piemiscs altord him he tiill be enabled to execute any otders with much more satisfaction lo hi r tomets lhan he has hithetlo been able to tin kington april 1 i64i 83z tlliam gunn cabinet maker upholsterer ano uxdkhtakkr opposite ihe residence of h smith jf fn sioar stiiciit 85tjr ktr sale lritsnoinwtonktwoiajtlidct oil the kttt nde of mam treel jkg tending dom baj lo union street in tk- s lace plotof pthltsmoltjnear the tsei of kingston wi alsokh it number two no the hail side of m- street ivinc south ot front street on portv mouth hamqour for fuither parlicolars respeetine thia v blelroperly 1ua caktwrlghtatceddpsi kington 21th january wl b i divat baitrister attorney at law solicitor in chancery ic kingston oricilattliecomerofclaitveeaajorai near the court hi- s norrmwr t s4i solicitor in chancery is l72 x ilstvvr 1 not art pttbuc vi io jooies am rj ironiilreel jtmeronv ll the subscriber as on hand and selling at terr luw h removal joj1nhxm uje udairuiarr vfieamia 4 jrioejfer ls fctnoeed his rlntlitiihmrnl fioin his old stand in kins street to brock street opposite p knllrri coilfiktloikiryj uheie in a few daysht will be able lo rxcuto aim orders in his ime kindlon may 3 18 1 s for sale by the subscri ber 1ff w brown karthrn milk iaos vv aio a lare assortmnl of jais rntks jiims expected hy the first sptin vessels a splendid ajsoihncnt or crokrry latwie e wm wllsox kington april 24 irstz sikes hydrometers miv by junicat aflnnhv montreal vfaso sahcuarotetkr sf tf u tsssffcai aimstosv rsnrn an excellest assortment of 5uple and fancy oooda in the new siorf adjoining mr willjrda king strei duncan mckay kinjrtnn 26th january 181 r0 maduock h1tchings solicitors n chancery fnrxt strett kingston rotsfn brothers bes to intimate to the public that they on pre pares to repair l iinds of clocks and yvaiciar including lcvortf anrre ecopcmms and i k- j in watches k kingttin 4th january 1810 owen miller s mills coac i builders sjilvm lostiost i stittkt kimtot m at the out estetbliihed stqmt it ftsrttd por salkjty thri sfjucklljkk jm9 30 bu u canada who r hstt rae rhfctrar dbitish toreiqn dry goods kingston postponement tdk sale of huiming uw in ftwk w ia piitponil until mrjfrdac il 30th in1ant when the sale tviil take jvc on the wit at 12 oytntkin it incantiin hrta may itc purchase by private contract tv rilarles malrs kinliir i4ihln is42 lm notice all persons jomed to the rlal nflfie late rluah kkacil of the township rr kington are hereby rerfuesled lo mahe irn- rprdialr payment tn me and all p rsoos harj inuwiul claims against said tstate arete nnestetl to present such claims for stilement- riioda ifkacir adntn ia rorse tfrtf hntn ma fih i81 to let fwvie dwelling housb next h ihmr ki mesas t j- rignoyv since nnl rvcemly ticvtipicd by j tnl- fcin luu a i nit v lo f o j rickey vore stmt inplnn april s notice lllvldemof attonrarli stiaie in tb- rsstamet conliouic has bn n this day deilaierl and will he jjvc oflet tbi dali at tht olticeomrsi isamvirs bvrt0s toronto clarke gamdlr aprils iful s7tii jitiriifsra wauled cnvehmes capable ol lechn- the usu1 branelies wilh french and mnsie is wanleil to superintend the educalion of two youn ladies oed 10 and t years apply hy letter iosl paid statin lerrnfc and quahh mleau to j u s drflct of the kllljslon chmniclc and uaxeltc kington apiil 1sh us store a i ii towanshndj ptuathci bw founder and copper smith takks ihe liherlx ofmformin- ihe inhabi unt of kingston and ihe public ener- altythathe hasnpriud an extsblishmrut in stiue slrrelnext to mr mrennd in coonee lirn with his establishment in craij- street montreal where he has on hand a laige- stock i nf ihe hel descuption of ififrouic juntpt i if alee ilmettt of all kinds titer xvihcg pml appar hatas n it viiejp iry otcl liquors second shop below the post oioce jcarruthers kington 14 february 1311 68 lrnvinclta uopk fuitory- r e mo v a l ii w rdwsell itthlkskllers inii stvntimlts have rlrmrved fin tlnir hmtfltrsl- iviitein ltek mrei t lflhir in w iir mims i kin strerti laliiy uertipie1 hi hteftis isloenaln s and miller nrat to j llrent ikirttsi nml lliiuisi kinmbin pttl ri thil h ilos for jjofj tm shower ami malttaud as l ii t if ihe manufacturer of all the articles in his line of liade he flatter him self lhal he can execute any order iven him in a mplim style to any that bus yet appeared in canada lie brio- the latriilec of lb ijj aniuj water titset also a description of witr clolt fn a an steam lluat use which may be tit in the tmttoin or any eon- 1 rrnuht part of llv veasl with perfect ufhyl puflj- watcf chsweu made for the use of f invalids hrasx casting in all its vaiiims brain brs lirain lickerin otc 6icfl heath eaeeuied j ii townsend kmslon hhii january lrtli attly vaia t hi irn neri met in hi- i laancm iwhi- t the tram llu eoiilam a store kw m kltri gooil rruattrli rent onls lk s eai nmspi mi al tb- enn i rkopkktr iir suit me tn slme i vkii srotirsierli hware mr m mtewvil nn r is 4 im l- 1 it or i in rar itiii ihnii 11 imivrivfl immediately vmactkr fir the eastern uhatltut sflhmm jiilmi n- lhraidirla imdlheir mirotrfab thrrwiih rlfssjtoli0uift lli iiqubarti ihmii4 llmi kmlt i ii ir- and liw ihnv uniinih itli a 1fipfriti ts in 4 im hlin nrtu rttlllll tlvl ty wm inmin m ire i vv ibd willi 1uivl le u ur4iii sri n iwaij cj ttsjstcrsj for ihe kutem atail ti th halii mtii rttut hope alii sisvnhri hies i if i willi 1 1 laijjsii i km i rved rintpjhd l laiitl lr jr ier im uort khiqstoni plle rurvnlvr mannfaelurerof patent 1 coudaue kctyi cmasiaatlj on hand and for sat coma olhe folio vins descriptiu tarrct and manilla rops marline house line hand lead liut mioal ualliard linetiaec and hatter kope rioush and lluiihio lines hed cords and clolhis liuis tiinlrn 4jaul mason do fish lines and twine of hiirertnt sies aiho oakun packing yarn of nil sizes tin above ccitda is inaimlhclueed from tbe best maurrat and will be sold ou liberal terms taf imth and hosiu fur sale hy tbe barrel john murray market square t iititoo mateh will isti 74k the titroiilo catiainai and ntara chronicle trill pleaaa if uu- tfr a hohim id icnd their arrouiiis 10 j muirjn lur iajoku l rcconvil ami for salu by io suh- uitiiht dkr lnuiw llio jst other ihic oraucort nod lemons in mimv rnlcr a tort unnli of csabtutrt- and pi 11-u- wlriahy aw leilrourif uml ogiwnaluiryli bctf and uill ktn nrnmnnlly on hand n jup- iily isflhr alstrw ivltuiy bital iuve by thi mltdi luw fe 4i ne niiprnvcd crthul l cakrtnilers kiivalftu apul ikpj xti fio p i a n 0 f ss9 1 vk in e ft order left n palmcrn apotrwarr simp corner martci sirarv nl f promtitlyalirndcd lo kinjinn april qil leus pja ti4ai tut salr ihe x lia lur alc a lew jc- niralde yillago ami paik l- near lle tim n wbivh lie svill tlitpifcsc of m ac- rutnnolating tcnux smith hartlett kindlon julv 2iith tsjl 8 t iihi llusso whiaky 11 imhii iiiniiiilie prasaan f this wrll unown oiir it joseph h hmi i itv s tlans war ei ht tks tumble und uii lumtptl iirf andipidlilir jtisnrs an htf itns windsor tslaftj h u utb i i ni 50 sale veivhh i o vi ven iml imnr4lpfn tract society he ktvstos aixrliapv to tiic rrliituts thactsocietv or lon don hare on kind at their lprarary a very cxtciudvt hueu of lite si icivn bi ilimiruiiofi muiahlc lir sahbatli vcliosjs ami family libraries kingbm aili or ism tiir c it r o n 1 c lc i i 1 1 c is published every wnlmfday ami jtur ti at the uthceeonicr of kin- and uroel street kiiilotij u l terminer onmtm twenty shillings ife ahcnee svfev r r tnrltmmmh si lines and umler first insert inn and 7j eachfubsrriieiaieaion tin line and uo- iler m al hist inseitionmii 10d eneh snhe- nuenl insertion above ten lines d per lin lor the hm iiimrlion and id per tine for ev ery surwqucut itsertiotu ail vert incinpititii without trrtrfen direr lions i a- scrted httqtii4 and charged seeordilv it is reiiettf4 that cu adetrtisenenti bt tayniitd rn on or orei ifiirs o ursn fri day evtning none received alter lr oclock nu the mvniint of publication a liberal diseoiuit made lu mere ham v and oth er who advertise for three months and upwarde any person procuring six sobserihns loth paper and pam rrinuojfy for the same sha be entitled to a seventh copy gratis co- country produce receired in paymea at the maivct price acexts ttrpa- memahon ett ameliaaburb wjmtkoy balh cimeron i to brllevilr hesui jones esq broekvilt o l baker esu bycown samuel cmtf esq camder kasl lliomas scoll p cssbouij joseph a krelci esq colbonte thomas demoiesl eq demoteuiue p anderson ej frederic ivhossk rhrswfc j mcdonald gutajsmf john taylor esq hnldimand win itoiir esq fieton william maciutob esq incaater gessrsjc drouens matilda andrew fatteous rsq montreal charles uiar eq murray allan mclitcrson kq napantr ale pavutton esq hiablalt eras allen l m perth tlaviil ismart esq fort hop alpheis jofies eq freaeoti jnbn sewetl p m iduebec w isjherimsn esq kivertieil tfiinje ion em kichniofsdi m mclnmrll esq- si andrew it mrmicrwip m shnnriiillr james shaw km smilva falls jfthii itiibetimhi p m ttiree kiver cha iterev p m tonuito- neil slhnrkm anklo iml atrhitiald mi kaul esq ve1linrii n mrxiks wllrespsimii sidney svuiiitvt fq svillen iv ijm0lari iv m urlies- j nisvtl v l fsmhrsm ibitifaomaelarlnd f m fori n ii il p or v m n ll m it 1 tm lvt si itiihms rsnttk