Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), November 27, 1841, p. 4

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m sheriffs s lit ijjij fbfriff 1v virhc of a writ a te wit j j fieri farias iird outoi hee mjrt vhrt pfthuftl itejub art to 3io ircvljiil h lmjs anl lenc mens e witium j- mi kit at the mil el huh rolvirvn jthfjmi ya cfaal lnvim hvc seicd nd ijfcrii in eru- iim bclrt ulc j tviiliam jme- ky a ceruin lot in ihc village of bith pari rf the rolcn ironlof hie ivisihalfoj ll ao ten in the tiwuiii of erne town hi he incorporate counties of pmkw ami ad- dirtcnftil irt the mohud duficl rrnlnidi by airneafenrnt rinclyoai naie ns vbic1i i will rpte foe 4lr at thr cowl sheriffs sale mijhnj district i iy to wit 1 jl wnt il ben frwa wutd om of hor majestys couii of qievii bench and to mc directed aeamsi thrfaiij and tenement of the tawwrawv fwcttifetcfmd the time of hi death in ihc hand of john wcd dun n mc pherson ond alexander clusholm execu tr f ihc i3t iviii nd mumni ufwetow william fraer detrc a the uil of ridiert gqtapfe awuijerciiwta the vounerr ctoi5omnhtiinj itobni gilto- pi ac younger 1 ta rial and taken hoojntholorkjnonllkrho ofjn tcccufioo d bcunp to the laic utl iwclvrocloclc noorijon riu 1 th ijy of beteentcr ne a mrdoxnu smf v ft sheriits office kindlon i ltiti irf 1si1 23sc sheriffs salfi midland difteiel j tjv virtue of a to ifflj fieri ivrh facias is sued oul of ilcc aljijtklys court of queens bench and to me dirvic j aanst ilic and and tenement of james chamberlain and james fraser at the puit of thomas u anderson and william witter- i have neized and taken in execution ai belonging to the said jame chamberlain and james fraarr pan of lot number uiwly and twenty one and iho west hal f of loln um ber tivtnty thc in ific lifih comuflon l ihe township of frcoveickbrph in the midland dirirl wliicli i will exne fr sale at the court houc at kiiftn in the kiid midland diieict on monday iho filth day of july ntfxt at tie liovraf 12 ovlnch noon any person or neronf having e1nim4on he above dtfctfitad propvitv nre remtoie to make the amc knmvn to tnfj at or before the lime of sjic a jicdonell shehr oflico kintonj 3rd apfil iu t koim the ao aj m poslponctl untis the fourth day of deeenibcr ftcm november imi ram fraer the southerly half of i no l37 tn ihc town of kmjptoo eompeising thietylhrec feci on centre street by one hundred and tuiriytvvo feet baek which i will rxpott in the town of tvlve o dar of december next a mcdoneiu saeriff m d slicriraolticej t kington 2ih sepu ifih 2s on sale at the wholesale ware house of tic subscriber fnor gunpowder souchong younj iljsonand twankay teas rcfmcdand museuvado svoaksi champigne howard co and welsh madeira port sherry cbrd ma htibc and other s 3 if b s3 o drandy rnm cm scohh whuftef rae eheidam camdmf koili rod p1 and cot to b a ccoes 150 ohm ami r iir y aul ililrr itth mlinwit i j m ta 1 m e-wntin- l clx rutnl llt ti wrmitlltrt vifiimn fltil ftmlillllh tqktlhl lin miiium- j4lml jmhfwc igttbvh ltl iil iiait tl ii for sale al the court house moeeahoy and bpneo snuft v kfrptoat at the hour of j50 boxe cigars variras milet xfc noo on monday the 27th wo tnixe liverpool acid montrea baao sheriffs ub vmbntf dntrirl mfcv virtue of a to wits fif uvii of fieri facia bwicd ut of her majejty cmtot ciueii5 btneh atid to roe directed bfljift the lands anj icncmcfii of wdliam dorfcc patrick madtan and wilhani chesmil at the uil ofthe present dircetoranj com pany of the banh of tpper canada have seized and taken in exeruiion as he longjiu to tlieakive named wduaut durke lt nitoibcf twewy niasj in xuc fourteenth conreion on lot number twenly fiv in ho fuuriji conveon of ili townrhip ff pittsburgh and ai auo kdoning to the above named wlbiani chivnui ttie south hatfofuixumlvrtwo in ilie vihace of jtntifiu mfcirij j wieapovc kf ato at ihc court hotuc in the town of kinjsionp oo thorsjay ihc nmlh day of sepiembcr next at the hour of 1 oyock noon a mcdonell shrifm d shcnlts office kmgjon 9tijunej84k the above sale is postponed fill the 27th december notice is hereby given til at the loid4 and oilier com mi j- sioners of chelsea hospital have hern peawdlo direct thai all ptthwi in this command wti ae paid by the com- nifasaftot dial appear before an officer of iinr ralnini prunes barley saleratus tliat deparlmeiii at the station where they j pickle saurcs pipe london porter usually receive thcif pennons for the pur- 1 dr- white lead cod and whaie oil piwjo of answering rertain lnlrrogatvnes indigo llloe coppcra saltpelre vinegar sooboxc london sperm london dips wax wiek and mould candles 90 package wax taper 000 reams english wrapping paper lohhdsdrycod fish 25 eases do do ito 23 casks common tumblers 10 do a30eied glassware liio dog london patent refined table sail carolina d east india rjctj starch pepper pimento cassia cves colbre to hv let r house and premises in barriefield at present occopiej by the hon mr day poserion on ihe 1st niwmber apply at die chron gazette office ktnpino qcu 2nd tsk 07z cojil jokes ifiz smiths tpor saitby kington aqt3ht 18tt con fect con riest henky dumble kss to infeim iht mis- lie ht hs lilt ktrr for sal m hi con- fmiohary bfc street onik msvrs j i w homilpa ocot tocrn kind of coppectioxmies oni pjstjtt made of tbo fttf ot uterisfe an in sooe- rwfmf xvhlrh he oftrs wkotk or rtlau m the lowest msa aao a quantity of ohio rdow in the cou nbplual ortkusfsmmto and kept consuntty on hand kioiloo oct 20 jsji oedcred to be put to them j which answers will afterwards he compared villi ihc re gtsicitof ilia menv servioe and other dovtimcnu deposited at cuctsca hospital with a view to their idenuiy being evaely ftipuisjbcdi this examination will he laven between the l october and 3ji dccembet cxl and those pensioners who do not appear within that period for the purpose of being ovaftiincdi will receive no further iue of fotufa leyond ihe31sl december isi until their answers have been sent to chel sea- and a notinraiim received that such nnvvcrt prove muhfactory fl every rase the pensioner will he re quired to exhibit the pntrted insieucoons a parfhmcril cerlilieate from lib rcment coimntariat kmiptonf 2ul october 1si rtlolasses corn brooms pepperminl ginger ccdial lemon svruji london uiotted anil fancy sixnum soap paste blacking etc c also an aoriincnlof slnple dry roods joseph b hall kmgton novemlier istk 37z new fashionable tailoring kstalilisliuicnf ii tbilton wouu iwfucillsjhr in form the inhabitants of kinn that in connexion wlh thrir house in toeonlo they have opened in esublbhirupt in the abov tin in kin slret exactly opposite imcstrt i- d rryee totvhe lny pipote to keep fid in addition thereto if he have one hb l hand every article conncctrd with theii bo i- i aliliita m une their presrnutftck cnninlsora choice aorunent of blui blick invisihe gfttau tllive jnd brown uroart ctoihs wooloyed iiv bi i is itlitkcur s ffwi- t u i ihat fri t y4lillfceliin ilftriiohur wfcirlnnrj vdflh tillt ft mm i llwh ikb4flvd i rt-or- tfall mtf jtlaa t ivi liwiliil wh u tomrt fuji h tfllftim j- iv iiitbf i jbtit otitir plldu 1si- nrfli mpmd ui t iffi i ihiti i ml i vimitlhriwjwll tntl4mll 4ftn v nil 0hhmlnw hriiiitii hr imiut nwhf iraoi at l4 111 wi ntnli4 tin h ai 4t iwj uliii tf ml itti i4i mw tlr l ifnimml imtti hi i m ftrlii m iwvwoir ntal4 mi sfchtorts ikv vrmnl uw hrvl tvoi t sith ritlinly j r hl bp irjnihi 4r uh mimsi jft tih bwr v i nldur frniii uv 4i uri uvr ln tiifti wi r i mi mvlh ibf tuti- ll li4iv lti hi hxh it 4 fit ird ri f4l iff it- t in i tlhi akhn 4 ifrit lmsh ov ti intriih m fill vrl iruitiltml iiii ihi n- kitimtrf rli fc h lc mcfti hv ik ori fr ib llwtcv 1 o k t j hjt-ltvailiviiii- ly ir mtithir kfi riitit rnfiiu ij mmv1 iiivin fr i- i bif1nni ii t chllihv itsifh icifl v lirl irthirfc afuiibilm4lailtlfic l iin ihtfl muhlf nit fl4ittirul bit inti h b ritvrbiitl ncur i tui fsklwiim blrtnl fi li- pjj hr pos ittirm- ttir retmif mm rrmr jb llbvl liil tft ihc wivriboly clru make loud this case economy i economy hose who wisih to have clean and blight stove pipes through the in ter at n wit trifling expense will use h batus black lacqu1re or stove pipe varnish a tingle half pint wilmw sufficient fvr 30 or 40 eel of pipc and will retain iw lustre through the wiriiec without furthei attention and pre rxc them from rufx during the summer neither will it require fourth the nene occnpicil it i the dirty process of luacltkad ing tleieforc the saving of lime is the saving of money the varnish may lie had at the respective tinsmith nhops in pint and half pinl bottles with directions for use to be had at mr g f proiwc tin smith shopi nearly oppiisite the court llouf- oetolr5od 33- flrst class boarduigillohfie to let for a term of years posses sion given inumdivmy- 1hose etcnive and cpmmodiou misci near the mansion house hotel in over the buwnc plcc ol the i store strtfl subscriber hcinjroow hniihfd preent n ucfltal opirlumty for the ofemrts ox a rru pcclahle private boaoiso hopsk mftltej in one of ibc most cental and ch ruits of be toxvn coftliaons i it giftif url 9 w 0 flob imrj rtiri miliar ibi bl ilih cr v 0 wr f ft itmlfm f ftrttm lykm llrr bitbrrfii covin 5lvlh kiasirti rti tiiinu tsti htorr4inl- t rnmjv vmii rr 4hi hi nit mr rilibfhl hqk jgk4 brmt in- i- p-iia- tripi li tntil ilpf ihr r ii j isp mii ivifriil wci ati hirtlty ir if rr 4 t b crf i w r i eapl a ff i ni 1411 mfk tw i ii l a5d ntttmxfilt t tkft tl friurti imlui f pi ic bw pm ii flf j t fct ic mrmofrxt hftwkuitlml j rtnlmr a niiiin iobmo t ia mfrir tlm m ibuutij -hit- t h ittrnkiolt riii durib it pitrni it kublnn h rrtiirtlwkitrtwt hll jl whi r ifci i i ku 4lt ttmb tsftw1 f tmini b rt uit ilifitf tu nil li mi- i j- f i9si lit if pnl m wfflf imhlltf j iw ihl lilj ir-i- iil bmvlm 3ft r brf fiiififr mrei t m 4bi mii iibie g black btown and kulldlne la or sale- onk lt on jtidre iert ivtwccn iht new uljj4tlillfry mr lhihi that of cplgtatoe kovrf artillery bein 43 by 66 i el a branliful situation foe a private dwrtlin- a lot on kide aoj 11itrack street cnre virnt to ctit 14slavs netr building a pr lificed i inn v 4 fc ff 2 v el 1- b 41 1 41 3 bide suitl aljtt qiie lot lying bctwevn store and crave slrevt and near the hd of store street being 50 feel wide on store nd 05 on grave street and l5 drpj the sain will be sold in one or n snjrate lois to suit purchasers tle whole of the abort otfer a uroralde op in unity fa fjeh aish losecoie small iffiimfrtt fou a lltey ate situated in the most heaslhy iuatians nfli in repteublc nei-jhbotir- lootls for further paiticular apiv to j linton a si r kitiston aa 3i iwh ifc a rarirty of shades of cas si mere j in vesiins they have on band a thoicr- usoflmentof tiooiis cnsiytin of vel vet figured and plain satins preach chenes and i he diflerrnl rmllero ot wooj ci- suilahtc fo wintrr diamond and plain beaver clotlis kc the above ooil ticm iuirioited hy ihemwlves from the best laiket in en iam and their artanerorn ivith some of the first haute in likijon will enshle them to fur- nich ihrir customers with the newest goods on in icfteitce to ihc collin nd mainz de partment it will only be netewary lo say that no exeilion witl be spared co maintain ttol style which has rendered their rmjblisliment so popufar ir toeonto n- btf k t b flatter lhmeltrs tht their knowledge of naval and mititaey cni- forms wilt enable them to execute any orders in that line in a superior slyle three oj four first rate journeymen wanted immediately kingston sept 19ioml eilton 2xtfl tri trrr- mi oifjrulimi tin im ubuiirifrl u jcnrs ire p it i4ltrtrii il 1 ti 1 1 llj fl in ui itfioi a msjjsi is m ihr mf mrt rtfr rouir uttr ilnrfirdiiw ih- l i i vrrkt k fhtm bf h j uuj n sr4 0r iriimupli minf rhtmlif tt v l4rftiti4 mr u wflmo ihiiuiia ifrtitt ahipuitit i ni ib ten aiii ijh fc tb i til t rflicfm n tktii m tjtt efr irrfijtif la sf lafti t l 1- t i mr hulh jrt dibh for sale the pleasant country residence of the subseribcr one mile from the tntvn on ihc 3kc shore consisting of a comfori able dwelling house stiwc carriage hise fccij with two acre of land for terms which will be accommodating cnuuin on the premses- smith baktlett kinjfitrffl july 26lh 1841 sz steam boat landing witscipl n buildm- i- thoroughly lire prool as l siltle lo matte il and consists of cellar kilca- en ure dirflrw room three spaciooj elbi piivale prlouis and twenty bed rooms the incltmwg hwnew ofine hflmpaf findiheereai inconrenienee bilheito bxktn raced for want of such accommodation oner rjrratadvanlss lo such person as arc calcu lated to conduct such an establement applicationit by letlei piwj tnay be made 10 armstrong kindlon s8th august is1l messrs ii st w kuwsklt b0oksearststationers imij crock stneft kingston toronto kino 8tkbbt rlif sohscrihers have jut received n full importalions from london eoniiii ef a verv itirice and iraried issoftm printed book aad ilin anj j stationery a tiffrf t vauictv of vorks or general literature n school boot account booksof all sizesand rulines pimk cap leltcr and note papers of all qutln pbio andjill drawing papers and pnci wafers quilts e c- greer 17 collate for sale a small brick coiuccdelihtfullysituaied art the bar of hall o well aquarter ofa sjjufl fmm the town of 1iclon and f mifet from kintoo to which place there is a itakflt bot dairy th- pliec will be sob cheap and possesion riven atonce arpfv liete to greknshiftlus k miller or to j j miller co ktlofr unpi i 13th august iml at keillebs 13 r1mt hh1 it v iii l 4if v rane mfillspram aumr mtitbli in ai lbfn tul t uaa h b ijtf tbi llilnrll mat bi in fiijii lluktaf ltmhlthb wtl fvir b nn nrilw ivtf qm4 i- n rill wn mid rvi f rittrulr bi i i neiwim biiir h mi rilir ntik iw jlb prot tu u ij hui bbjf oftmimi jl ni pblxrni tahr rtiif tft afriatl lotr 4fhl r mtbl itv tlw ibbi h j it utiir tibi whiiirn tn im lrbtt 41 b rlf n1 ii it hjoiu l4otttlll4bf 11 i4tl v- i h r ib r t jbl j- q iriij vj htiii fin ttnr nstilj timrm tl- itii rffjstai k va1w 0j n in hafrwr one brflt conecironory i370cic sttteet will always he found a larte sup ply of ilic moi choice assortment of cotilirctionaryt tojeiher ivith tea cakes oi t t ilj jtf j cwe spmgt cr pountt cafc superior oinr bur from the founta jr wolfing cvktt tn a teiy superior sye or diutf sii o c i g dry goods kington i moffale vkcritablr lllc fllt axo 1hv noftl mrjriib v biqtfirtan rrtn bi vsal f 4im imhwb im fkwu fnth bllv ftntdr qiiisr ftfju l4i ttyrv hl itr m ff tint btfibif io by tivir rnou unr j sr i ijtliffrj iw tluufi jid tfllbfllc i ilr fth oris citlytbm la ot cfuivrti- dr citfihi efl liter airiiinarutim tiki fitlj rbiiu rfcfufniin tnrlt llm afthtl 0suh4u u hrrjfr li rjliv ktui4 ltiraf btbri sttv siv- i imiijtt iir flstnipitm in n wi to jm- blo hialllf1ll iaibj f i h iint liliwfl- ctn niiit m auitbfbl infpvhtb at ifallb infif rnibia fc4 rrly blrk up t frtrv ivill bi 0ltfr ht hv i rrinnli tvy n ifbuifiimtiiuu pill nnj rid otothni ivuuuilvo r in the neatest maorer 32 owen miller mills c0agh builders 5torestrect kixqston at thfir 9l0 established stand is hand al all timet and foe gata ot o kingston brewervand oistilury ale ofa superior qvautv one sailin per gallon at vhlskejb tcued rhroneh ccfpt srymji knoivr hy the consumers ollheoruclc to be of the rrar manufacture there oeirg none oiljer disnriedofuhcsame prjocipro in canada high wines proof one to one vich antce has received the preference in the monireal mortel alcohol at all times on hand for rie n0tic e rgidnr ale rut mors can fully depend on thcrr being supplied ikrovaouulteentoin sumvur at one stilting per cofoh- the well known kecpn cpio 0 the ah dunnf ihc iast season will servo a uurti- eient recoenrnendation frh next qmeft irfi t tht sioreof mr arthur foski will oe uncluallya kotlcc s hereby given that the undersigned lcrors are doty appointed to carry nlocltcci thr but will and testament of uejawmr g h haines uicreforcall nersoi mdebied to the estate of itie ate mr j h hnirie whether hy bond sole please pay the undermen woy an po- caitts to lei rilhatehgajo dwelling jloufc in store ir a- street coiineeied wiili ihc premises of he sulikrihcr formerly ihei residence of taomns crccr esq for crni apply to james briggs kingston oct 5 1841 2sz l ii ii nrft- r-r- li rn nbibna iit ffotvrti ii fulthnlr rrttt idt- lijl w puiti w ib untirwwfrtt mtjir h t h i i i st j rffcn wuk itilt ij g erothcrwo uii itnnej tunic with as little ide lkoivtrc at persons ce joy an ha villa again the said estate wift preaent tfieir accounts dolvauthenticaled fir pavmens- thomas a juwies uah fosbbook haines eltcutrij i queens college rglheonftrrjim harin- heen appointed a m committee hy hie trustees of queens collee for the pnjnr of pfociiriii puruof a collre lo he creeled in the riinity of this town hesj lo intimate li arcliitrrtsanif others that they will receive surh plan as may be suamillei to ihrm om monday ta w lcrm- brr nc m tolhrr with specifications o i lhit piit at the building lo be ereried mxl loflntt- the sum of tfsilcv tvilt bejlsn i 4fvii wihor pian i4nt is a40nte4 by the trusses and 25 cy for ihc nem i best plan klvti j 1b himiil f4fl nmkatsmrnirt x 4w i i nit ii himftr ior ihvttlt rlbhlh nniutf jin b imr cyilr ui rubfiri- biibi tkccqlbjlimb lmftco t t f- al ibc hlfti j ijksat aii l al kiiits ihia a vmb irttl it- mj lpasvpjm tiivr unb oitriiittjoxn iin1 iiliiiiiif buflilih i fnijhb wh s tic lhni aive 1841 united states hotel osvg0 n v his splcfli- eslamilimcnl i now open itr r ceeeption f vwtotsj home ha tvn newly fiirnihed limit irsj tvn teovaunl ond je b4tf vi iifinmands jvom iiieimen- piatas the mot magniticeni vieivs miv sale iy the sulvrilirr 20 boxes fresh lemons 73 barrel liverpool salt riit rae kington 13th july lsl 3li the pioviuciuiiticc bv w c keele iflttornty ot li ttn4 sotieitor a tew copies for sate al hc chronicle k gazette ortice- for sile k 4rfe barrels onon logo salt w at reduced rrc hugh caldbr commercial wharf kniproo i september is4l t lli 3 made solicitor in chancers 1votajiy public stxhojama frastr fronfsfrccf kgitoi lu w tuc subscriber s on hand and selling at very pnecs jv excelext assortment of stajdo and fancy cods n the new store adjoining air wiltanji krxi stkrct duncan mckav kingston s6il jmtmry isj-i- 60z kook and j oo ifonsfy executed uprttfl- rrinlin- neatly and txprfi copperplate enjravia ij account books rutrd and bound to any pa r mortgages deed and memorials for jtf ni b a circulalin library kinptonoct3rj imk hi i forwjirmx uk unjersigne pinuo fortes francis bo millifianjin laienf quebec piano firte manufar- tore be leave to inform the inhahiiani4 ot kingston and its vivmlty hat he has cum- menred inines in the ohove line and hopes hy assiduity punctuality and alien tmn coinned tvilii mokrate charge o mri a share f pithlic patrmin fiano frte giitiar inttns ernrxi ans and mimical snuir bo5ci ami muucal wtrurnenh in renerat repaired jf tonedt holh oflatieandniralscenery travellers kinfflj islocloler ll pov prtieijhth so the proposed co of j vitmfr canada rv kiniin nopra buildin and olhrr information ijnicalion may pi buffalo and the ttvaiern suiei will r a iki lent ejto james morton kinrion dreiverc dirtilfci 29 od oiitsbvt 141 33a just receive for hale iylh savwiiher a nrge nrtctrtment oi b stovk consists of cootin- pirkt whlcl oce aar c sloven v sre 0ftd for bli so hw p tt tojply thenclres wiio irill b enll ssjnbsj mwy ms- uxvw rmtoij o i ih1 1 mr v ihc slihmeiribtfl tftrj poi hon carp nkr e jhnim thomas uveresd friabt ihtf stoft trttl a mackintosh oi tctibni r im hyia rd wivv t ivjr jafrikami lsn a farm for sale x the iteiehtsorhcmd of kingion the opiral tf lmled canada the farm is liranhfuhy aiioaied on the bay rf quinie cijht mie from xinjsion coniaui knrr hundred acre one hun dred and filty of which is cleared and un der cultivation with eod fences j lie hou i upon ii ii a lanre and com- ntooiis coln ijih numerous apatt inentsfist for the aeeoiniuation of a rfi pceuihle family in the from of which i a verandah seventy fivt in engtli snttieieni to protect from the most indemnt season in the rear of ihc houc and in front of the kitchen if a never failiog spriiu of water madcavadahtehy a punip uie use of eilllu nd dfinieiiic pujccs the ou houses arecxrenivt and ommodious and the orchard in a good and nourishing cert dtuon there w aliundanee of watec m the farm at all oaun f tlie uc of stockf he ides t w spring inw i ijk farm frn iu rvciglihorhothf loiatiflii and pmxfinile to the kington marittl m dwcvifig iheoaitcular noiire of of gtli iniendin pilrehuserj hook ileu or terms aitd anv other information idc to mr- a drammomij actio secre be mj tary jthin hamilton john mowmt p a harper commercial bank j kinjitonth oct 1s4l 28x wanted single ticntlcmon board on j nit in a repecwhe private family addts b d at the oircc of this paper kington oct ifuh is1l 3ld 150 at i5 hovrs livffjool oap 10q boxes montreal soip do london olllerl sottpi do do find the route from syracuse ro 0iveo per packer and from ilicnce hy steamboat ami rait itoad a most dctfmblt expediiioos and eemimiral chane tik suhsi nlier hope by slriit aticntion toremkr iin houv a jc ajntblo roidenee toh to tramient visitors and ovyinancm iloaren j- foreman me of iht etle tn lodtftirta c c carriages udl be in attendance at nil tiroes tn cuvey gueiamj itieirbag- pape loand from the steampau and pack els free of rharx- ssjffist lomfon irrn caniles london lp canehs fot s ile hy joseph 0 kington 23d auum isfl hall 16 ttttotice ia hcretiy wn thai in eon- sequence of the deulhoflhc late mr 0iii hainet all knkns indhted to ilic titm of c k hfttoess coi hy note others iie arc respectfullv soheited to call and eiie the name with a ivthpi- tfiu aitv oilier jniurmaiion requi w u ww in n lj n red will be made known hv npputnc at this delay as possible ri all jurons havi oifirr or lo 9jn graham of champignofi in rtonw a he jlj pfin will plea ki june s1 joz pncni thcaaroe nitvii ottttt kmlon ux october 1sh 2x kinrmrujiih june s pk1xil ruyal il hincesv koyal aloon corner of o and mace mrrvts j- 1wiltiier5b hmlon oaort0 h acahi- i inlhisoii -rirlianttnllor- fs in iniiruau lu hitnumcrinj oflsiw lhat he h roeened hiv fail sllmlv rvitif knsbnij sipertne ihiie bi ai iney f fried cli4jis- ijlarh cawi- mow binhhkiu uiin rifiseli jjjnr itlaui jtavcr chaiinl bbrfc j d dmm i ueajwru sf ih c hoick wink run salc at ihc lyholesat warehouse of e sui xribcr front street i pirid fot uf cntjwalin i itufs superior chret rr faliiir incnt ui fa- rttpf l oki ni n urth nuiiuhu iiopb nr ami uvn mrm prevail- f willi i fine asrort- wintir anil tm t im jiraaj wlllskyfor silo 6 10 fit lo k tjr oslls llowaril co madeira imsjfra iven madeira u- csks tnnerebi ioii outtvrs do ilo cr cabvs do sherry w- wiirrior ifo ilabkels chrmwijjie jos r hail nmon i5lli aogfjif isrll removal british saoolery warehouse inn v inn li ktrlnmovsj nor manual- tun- r billthc imk lsfi i injuring irha lhiinh lihen whirh ha ieen extended lo ilie milcriherj hag mdnecd him tu decide thai lie will remove his family lo this pacc as soon a lie can procure a re- idrnre ife will lie found at the iamhmn house at pftem preiourj mineral teeth far apfrior lo iho ordinarily inerted hy dent ii akvay n hand entire sets ot tvhkn he i psvptfcd l insert on he un- errinc principle ihnospjierie prcure method ace- coldky ikhlh tr has satisfactorily ktcd ds v p i 1 u mllo iv 1 al tin liahfishriicnt n3 be warranted tn ntjjid for fix veir fh g milmcan juv cvtjtr o foni ni xrore 5irnrf vpfwtit ffit rtndtntt of the lfon jcha alray kindlon sept 24 1s1n 2sm wanted k1vate ijoardinr fur a gentleman ldtlv and lvo chdjrvn in a rcsper- utile private house addrcsi j bat ilm oiiicc kilijmort ocl 5 131- c isi vith new ami ellt- cenl mean have made jvpiraihsi to rjrry on the fqrwjirdwii bus- y belwixi kington prvscotl inier- nwiaie places and monireal hv way of the st- ultfrejtce under ihc firms of ferguson moiflhov mothru mvibbox fkrousos kimjsrost freight of ci upward i harmed atio- gether aeerdin2 to ueghi and at rates aa reasonable as those of any other in the trade alex ferguson john mgibbon montreal april 120th i84k for sale ihat vatoable farm cobbling of 71 acrrs wlli buimine thereon mielnful- rtquerlon liilevto imllviiliiu threr miles of kington being the north iau of lot hum er loiirtrrii in the scmil roncrvsion of kin- tani fronftfhj rh v k7b koa4 and partly m the of waterloo terms made known on application at ihe office of messrs cartukffifit ii ceddes kingston aubuit it 1j1 12c lathert b murray ha for sale s0te st wc harness leather calf kip and morocco skins uningt and btnringy wholesale and retail- cash paid fir hide and skin timothy nnd flax sml kind de in is0 william johsov sairs aipsirs jespectfully imifnatwtnhis friends and ihc public thru he has re mottd lo the chrttntec buddio fecond dour from the corner on unk streei north ride ttfthe market sipianf wlwre he ivilj lie happy to wait upon all io mil upon hirn kuigstiw scpl l ks0 hook imxdixg n am iu variouh branches neailv and cxpoihtiiiumy exeruieil at the cirnr icik gaxcttu ovrici comer nf kin b sittftrt- a supenor rlxid n i irvr- for sale rom ten to fifteen acres of ljml farm to let n the township of seymour newr tie disirici consisting of betivten threo und foot hundred acre of cleared land and every description of buiu required on an extensive farm with q lapa stork of improved sheep cattle hot btfj e jcc aod all the usual imple ments of husbandry aa the propnricr will occasionally reside on the ji- h rent will he made easy to an igrtsng tenant and will be taken in the prnlure of the fnrm testinmn at le and nviility will hcreqnired apple tf hy letter tost oaid lo c s booitojc fin ciumr- or to the suliriher on ihe spa jx campbell june 2 imi 7 thr- rviiiviori chronfelc anrjtofoftfo p ir0 arr rcoucitcil l ikierl tnc ibofc udhi fiftf tssslni to let jood yard sllodl and slabfe in si street enquire at this offtir kinfrtim june 2d is4i fj re pig iron just received iod for safe at a mlucd price by h s- jones kitwinn june l6th 181 00 illngc pnrk loto for sale rtflhe subscriber has lor wle a fciv ov- simblc village and park low near ihe town which hi will dispose of on ir coninodatinjierms smith bartlett kingftfon july 2atli 181 s- fok salkbi the 6ub6ckiseks boxes pipes 30 bws u k h t rae furs skins the hightttpdee will be paid in cah for all description of skins for exnor- raiionat ivm wilo wholesale stire in brock stiver kington nov t3 i8l so 39im the sulwciihrr is prepared to allemj to ill orders for the inihiiuor repiirnr or sum uoiii al mormer reside nc fusan puinl uolfe auordcnitcri if lih 3u punctually atlemled co willmm if smithrft5 ferusons 1oml hi novemher 1811 3 ofkfi near for- lanit kineslfirt kclmrdscobelkviltlc maohise ahniihwo mires from town on ihe hath road pleasantly situated adjoining mr- cirriwiishri farm it will he od in one or rnuro lots to uit purcharcm apply lo edward noble kingston 3stb april 1s4 1 86 mrs ferns betn 1uhlie that slip has utoim herfiiems received rmm umthimvi fallsipiy of lailies aod chil- ilienmloot n shoe a wo a few itomi pairs gentlemen diets boob cloth llootanj india rubn- over shftes kmsin novenhiriet isti lui kintton july i 1s1i t me siilisrilci bens hi rfmccr itiantk lo llm inhahiiani of kindlon and ihc public c oemlly he ihc very jikal ruppiut ilny liav hitherto rjiven tobw es- lahlirhmvnr ami hi aonnumin iu nmoal lo store slrcct ary optorire lo ihe scotch churrh uedhall tlierc al all times he hppv tu attend to their rommamls james bone iab proprittor ac- av kinron nv 181 i7 our uaitl tarpets jw re ceived sjiiii se hy joseph hall f kindlon tii n wl t choice iviiics qr cnksj superior 0m port smuti howmd it marrii ma- qr caks ilrown sherr g kq do pale do 7 cas superior pale sliern in boitle cait do brown io in do rto hiward ararsh madeira in do 10 dojolvv sparkling champagne hugh calder commcnial wharf rd uctder 181 i 33 engraving copper plate printing m peanodv itc of new rk would respectfully mfoim the public that lie hasr rnm minced 4 1 in iiic in ihe aliovc line next door a hove ihe rein deer inn head of store strvct uhere he will at all trine hv nidy to exectne irdcr in jiim lin either on steel copper ur wmj and ho hupr fmni a thorough icnowvw onl slnf attentfon business to merit n sharr ni pumie paimna- u lnesitikih dourplaten nuiik- ed viuin ami weildnf card neatlv ex eruieil at ihc lifrteii itotice the steam boat kingston capt hkrisox plys regularly between kinimi nd ihc head of ihe bay of tjninly s folhnva of iv a ris leaves kinien on tnesdavs tliursdau and mlurdivs at s ovlock a s w mms itvfff hfajs wed ivesdayt ami fiidays louelun al amherst ls4mil and iht jnlnmediale places on bet way up and down kingston sept t lm r c h ro n i c ic gnxcllo jiumishcil every wednesday and isitur- lay at ihe oilier corner of kinj and bnxk slrccl kington u- c tcriru per tfmh m tirei shitting in adrtnet i or r 1 1 f i f six lines and under fitsi inseition and 7j eachsuhsequcnl insertion ten tines and un der v dd fiisl inscrtioisoiid ltm ech suwe qoent insertion alove ten lines 4d per knr forthe hfst insertion and id per line forer- ery luhteouml inseition ad vertimments without vrifrendirctttfni notice to ship bullclcrv iig kington marine railway com panv urnmiq to lkt ihft part of their kslauiidimcnl eornprimnr- the ship yard with two railways erected thereon nnc of winch miilahle lor hauling utit slcainuiat and tailing veeli of the largol suited tialforhttl am clirrcd aronjinly class that now navigate the lake the m her for sm ail schnnncrsand bargej the work rtncw in perfect repair and in full oper ation atso the mp yard and railway at hotter bay apdy d the rffi c of the kinglon marine railway o if by letter pou paid kington ifiili august iwk 15 25 hariris taiuiers oil sot juek whale oil 511 e while paint foi sat hv joseph r hall kill ff cm aoti ififr lb f or a term nnd commoxtinus m jjskimi ij ll krrvft riir ji rjf- i rliur1mir ill i he uvum which u- ittn lclhly liiih jioritm ml itnurkcn tiuiry kiijn v tf lnt ai mackintosh patent india huhlur ft fr t hllttn iw iit receive n 4ii i lh alve tit whehi uti mil 111 u us ny fiijie wji ijui le htird f ft t biltf n hmjfaii wlv imf offieefiftae a rwrwy cmp t oth jfctmtr tilth oti is henlk- k that in ne- w ir fvi ritfitariiv with a roolotion bar f nircrlnn rrf the kinplon marine huuvsy h llnnl inrutrnciit f trfl pre ijnt m ihe nrwly rillmird hirk f ihr iimpaiiy h ti in mid payable at lu ir bflkri nn nr litfnff- in lenih ihy f jji-svrn- iw nuldi lo these art id ifrrwmtrlir4i o lkt nf years thai beaniiful recew butty fitted up under ihe kxehnnfc fur store of the suhserilijr in quarry street a more do- jfau tntujtioti fr a crocery provision or viciiialtini- cpialihrhrncni u not to be fiufid in ihe city p s ivnnc racoj n bul ihosc of un- uet1onablc rvnjicclathtily for furlhci rrticulnr apply t the fvr ar where furs ladii- e cjcnitemcn of every de- m are ujlervsl wholealo iind ivtail low for casih ur ajipnweil cfvdid all crreheco ktnplon fnh ott ism it is rrourslro ioe uli jhrtrtittmcntl or aondcoin onor prerioirs o tui ntn and fri day vniis nouc rccchnt uher try oviock on ihe moinincs of pubticatinn a litefl discount made to merchant rott ers who advertise for three month and upwards any lerson piocutin si suhscrihers lo the paper ami paym- unuuy for the same ihj i kenlittrd to a seventh fopy gratix f5coimlrv iroduce received in pay men al the nuikct price agents irivate boardinr at mr dir hi hixl disw o uryre shue km sinet near sinre sireet a vnenncy for uo flenllemen kinpimi mid july iul 2 fiiiiloiiahlr liifle v a hiko aoiiiutni tnrcm iln orrd meniim stinwi it sa hr mim fhiap m iunltf ilniri himi fit fbfh4 m in nvrondhi dkvkscxrtvs r tho mcmahon eaq wj mckay e- d cieron i hvnrv jones em u llakerksi simuei claike ksq thomas skoit p al jmeph a kci lei kjt thomas dintoiesl ksj p anderon erj mcfc j mcdonald john taylor fsq um itoike eij william macmlordi en ieorj brone eo ainlrew poitcoim m chatles uiar kj ajlun mclhersn esq alex davidson ksi kris allen pm davhl smart f aljdieo joiim ei jnhn seivett i al wrowrtson llssj trnrii lvon iimi i medniudr kb ft memlcharl p m jainrs slinw hnij john rmxhmil i m rti4 rlerrv i m neil muml ksii arehitmbl mi fm1 ii minil rvn nidm v wmiui l rnimiiiiu iv m j 1rynjnle p fil diihriiil maiiii1ind ni niiitrf p nipt ifirnivi t i rrtitoihpth t i i- r t amelfhurtli ualh bidlevijie- rrockville by town camden eau ciiboure colbome fw in frederiekstuifcfrw afl4nerjtic ifahlimajidt pieton lmicatcr matifja mooter al mniiay naianee niagara ivtlh lrt ho lieieru quehirb hitertreisl idehirutiii st ndiew tshitiiiientitfe smiths fniv three rtiirr ivtotnlo vanueeli tfiij well i mi william lnta will ilellenlli finliiiitj n 11 hrilim

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