chronicl gazet tei lt siavsf i rjtij rsl mtmi hvxy a m uvurv aturday lit jsltv h ntth ii i nint r tii i kin s iidivt t tiiii j v nfiii wconchdav jfflfrurtijxultrj r jtubirnyj tmirntw jnjwitmiifr 7vmtv tfcf telim will hi fuinrr i stewth iim4 to w llml nt bnlm t fa furwmlid wiihuul uv atmmiil m ilu limr miwrihn jimtv torn nan pinrrioi joiim t ii km iitt rrttr ptct ffmrertifmtnt kta 1lmsail imrw j tnl irt iirrlkin awd 7u ruth mibwirucni in atriinn jvii liwa and under j 4 j fnl motion end lth1achnbaiwiilniicrliif over uh line- 4d per line 6rt bttftlofti bud id per line each utrjiii insertion f7 f ran si fury 1dttrliitwt rrcewnir fusfujuivs matt bt paid ai echtottkk in furwaiovtj without w writid r and kingston commercial advertiser ncc kcffc nee fopolo scd utroqno toi thttittoi letter frcss uj printing m vnwvn or vol xx1iij kingston canada wednesday november 24 is41 1xo 42 royal mai lake ontario and steamers river st l-iivrcgce- fmme public pro inaraied that the fl- il lowing we lliu rningcinrnu for this scajon lake ontario hetuten kirtkifwi and toronto prin boval capi colcleueh niagara cap suinertond citvop konto copt dick from kingston allialf pst 7 oclock evrnins sunday and tfttinfcbjv 1ic pctj6j at s nylovk ertaings tuesday and fri- dav the avffsfflrrf at s aviock evening vcnevlav and saturday the cilg of toron and arrive at toronto early next day the abow steamer await the arrival or the montreal mail zi kingston from toronto ai 12 ovwk noon monday and tliuntjisy at 12 oviock noon today and friduv the city of tot onto at sovloa rooti wednesday ond satur day the pincess royal and arrive at kingln early next nrornin the above boats call at cobuurg and port hope each way and ihc ctj o toronto will leave toronto for kiagtira and lwiston every rltnday morning tit s oylock arid return o toronlo in the itflutnuon kiv h ia st iwkr brfwten kingfvn a dickunns landing brockville copt maxwell fvora kingston at 9 oiovk morning sun- day wednesday and fridoy fntn dickinsons landing at 4 oviock morning or on he arrival of the mail from montreal tuesday i hufwlo and sator av h rilderslceve capt bowjn from kindlon at vovlork morning- tues day thursday and saturday from dihiiwoita landing af 4 oviock morning or on the arrival of the mad from montreal wednesday friday and sunday from arrangements whieli have been made with the upper canada sioje and steam boat company of montreal paen- gcra hetween mohttcal ftftj kinpton arrive at ilmse pace on the afternoon of the tc ond day the above boats eal at ganiinnque brock vittemaillandpivsfolt ojeoahurgh matilda and williamhurgi each way btignze tmd parrvh ol me risk of ihc owiur unless looked and tt lied for ns fftiht lake and river steam boat oflw kingston ht may is4l jp nuititiil and north american royal mail steamsiiipsi of l ions btihhtn ami 1 10 lloie tower vtult tcntrarl iriame lord oj the mmiwtiu ci1konicxe ic oazkttk stationery wareboue wll kuioj lck of writing papers frvcd supor rortl v f r irlj iu uuent7 i jlc blank books schoo books c in ill its brgnchct canitd on t the above b labuhment a superior hajin machine uin fotlfipcftiion by whicb buak bookicanber m- n pattern and in a sty it infeiiortonone flm tvnian 0 printing offtck book utsdkry end stat10seky ivaitehouse in thii etfauihmnt u 0 dtfldtd superiority in ftoint of tucomtao- datum and despatih chronicle gazette office kindlon april 5 111 s 1841 new forwarding ltne vxa the river st lawrence vb ano prom montreal brockville kingston a3d tkk imiht inu ross matthie co- at manfred ast0nk0soico ai brocfcvutcfy kingston with new md improved barge will b prepared ft the opening cf the navigation to give passage to erni grants and to transport property of all des criptions with increased safety ami dispatch frtight upwards charged for by weight at rales reduced below the tariff prices exacted for year past the subscribersfrom dte facilities which i they poe and their determination to do he burinem ladwted to them satisfactotily trust iat they vill command and mem a share of fflhc support signed matthie easton ft co james ross hexwy easton january l 18u- 53yy doctoa jatnesxamilv medicines tiick lr oi ml mifotirm pi in n uwm siaui by ilumciiuj pf4ruoteiit priijurrcoikei fhv oat tttiim army anma4mhofmlaw ats fiolu jtllcjhlliaejop kuifvtl an nupmcrtjrtud fwjutitiir ihinujheul ilv viutt suite and itvfc altnirtklr ilnitkl 9 pre- nfhrflu had caic diicut tio urn i l h- ittiout i 1 hi eilrttitvc r4 diver il j pitic t ulikbc ui fc j npltfifv1iiitlry rii immu loikjv or1rirati orikd rnrm urt tuaiiuj u p thc tijmitla cviiitif lavnus kxplttoram a ttftpul nmdl tor cuh cvl4t numib 4aibtia kpiitiag of wjj 4ii bvopx ijouhilifj piuriy irj llltim luu of inc ikini u tfcfqtl dlbmlf 0 1 it llifmf pfihr rulmort orftttt pit dl altojaymts hair fomcfr ikcprrtmnooii ii4 jlui frftwhitt iiauifu uitlfknnivc l ofinj owliair oft uuj h mi aniluvcmi 01 fiilry ir f wit ois irt price 51 javns tomc vkrmikvgc a jilcatmi ufr ktiu ccrtn icpmraug fat uf uih1 0 hnui ilvt lirptin wut tioiiiacli rvr ami nikp wai or mik iul hlnimtn otuiity ofilie t04mli mil lttml and orpan ofrtif ritin prkccoi jaykl car miat1ve toalsam actiaiti ifw fvi bowrl anil uhinkr coeipj tmi it n rrfur- n rjy chcnimpiraicxiicadulimiuritoaiaclicbvv i aioipift and an ictdctat or ttie ttootneb aod litpu ncooqt aflcciioa w pikoocu javne8 saatve rillb ror rrtulc jcuri hve vnliisu cutlvttcit fevrr in1i ij o hihii iit ft of the thiq fc and la al fn or piuatitc akdtcinr tic appotni altctaativ i rrtuitrd pmcc w cu prifarvit rrtlj t o d jayks fn 0 south w tct atut may be kit m luff tiovfki mfotf stckcti harkkr tad wn mimliiiwil ltrunirlrt odette qtlcc kiofvloa cnnjn d rjavfleptctorattt4iataahc m ditinr dily 4tcllf in ot ovc 00t at too itmftt aad hondcrfal tum unu r vcr bcea knows all wio tve ctr uid t for altmj oub sprloaf rdtd hin cufb croup or hiir conunfi una chtoni puuny hancn p and wimin aflm bftiala ditewllj 0 bnattjaf ad cviy q c h j vc4i of ihi lun i4c4 brhi ran bad uuallr to tta btrutacii iroddiiin jimac ulucb ti obih f i tauau4a uoa owuarul la a prematura mr andcf ibc ummwia numb ot oniuvipnon h t- tfi cured by 11 tbc vtual ajmam otibli jiv lihfbutit on kirtit r tlieluuft or tfaroal ituflfrfnoi diottulty i i h ums kttlk tvtr rb 1 t f ilivlik vf iv uitnl ltu wr mt otu uwiir titivftuunci vb tv kg great distress in england the subscriber has just rtccired bis fall supply of ky sg3 which have been bought in the rtkh inr scotch markets at usphecedektd low prices thepreaterpit have been putcbased ofbanknipl elatr at half their okjginal cost antf be is therefore enacted to offer to jos friend gheater bargains than ever he par icularjy calb attmlion to the following llat every attic le lucre named he it confix dent will befouml irjp judges to be at least 90 pet ru cheeper than v other house broad cloths of crery quality artl color and of superior make pilot and beaver cloths of ummltd colors some of ihem vety splendid grode naples ducape satin turk plaid and all other silks inchicin- some imer than has ever been biooht before into canada french and english ribhcn thai are not to b equalled in style or quality to li is rib bons the subscriber in particular calls ihc at tention of the public merinos of all colors and qualities plan and hurrd saxonies and orleans cloths of splendid sjality watered and dimak moreens in rimton scarlet faun blue green oiane and eveiy otlo colour an extensive and well chosen lot of munjelme de laines the kntilfl part are itnpoitcd diil from france therefore the subscriber has every cotihivnce in reccm mending them both as 0 colors and qualities blankets unrqualjed in the lnenes of ivoa and of every sie red white geen ami velloiv flannels serve saaony id we tali flannels particularly fine and rcoikabty cheap winter gloves of every description and a my laige slock of woolen hose aal half hose direct from leicester scotch itid lancashire- serifs ib 1arfrl anil htst f heft iotk ns rtiliud calicoes ii he fcovntc ri6bed and plain casineres tweeds buck and do4kiftfc some of them of peculiar fine ness moleskins and fustians remarkably low winter vesting of fptendid patients in valen- tia gambroofi f jaid saxonyand a choice as sortment of ftureil and plain satins aod some very splendid satins for ladies bonnet and diesses jacconet mult and uouk muslins white and coloured lenos rolled jacconcts of every colour twilled and plain silrcia re- jcalta derry and turkey stripes filtl iiih li nen shirts lon- cloth and white and coloied cotlon shirts lanih wool pnljlocns and waistcoats wot sled cooifoitcrs nd buce steam 00m factory am swanjown cot ton white and colored counterpanes and qnilu and a very large lot of cotlon and woollen ru brussels imperial kiddermin ster and scotch carpeting of magnificent pat terns and superior quality alo some very fine druet well worthy of immediate at tention j french and scotch camhiies and the largest and best assortment of blonds la- money money money at the mancheser warehouse wholesale retail lambton buildings store street kingston vf e5sr j r- hutfon repeclfnl jtji ly call the attention of the public to their immense slock 01 rail and winter dry good which ihey arc now an j wilt d receiving until the close of thr navigation uiiecl from ihc manulactoriev in knund eonsiitin of heavy waterjnoof pile plain mlxt and dinmoud urn iarmi i ijmcjitl rvrtf puri ofomlwlab tan eprciurul upptciv lha caux pai inrthcwta f imcbtly r biiailiiaai atnl irojirei a ftrev cu t iptiwraiifln and a cufc n mhih tovcuj 1 1 ajtia lit it atnimoo ittr hirfe dac will n acadia enitasnia cauahnia coiuamsaf m it led h hh it il ejvoicin i 1 pawtf moitey xc5 stctlinj toiiiei90ol frm bosloa tn liverpool w5- fiotn ilihfax to holois 62a these shirn carry experienced srjeons the unicom plies hetvvvm pictou auj quebec in connection with uiliux s cuxard co halifax tj b- symes quebec 74x s s lewis boston steaji uoat notice the captain iattersos ill until amber notice ply be- w twecn the following ports prcs- cott kingston oitvcgo welington co- hurg pen hope bond head horhor port dariington wliitty toronto hamilton niagara lewiton and quccrttioa upvaujs l avc5 prcwolt every sunday evening at 6 oclock ltrotkvillc rim evening kingston monday 12 oylnck noon oiwrgo monday night 10 oviock- and on tiwsdavcafl at wellington co itorg port hope bond liejn harbor port darlington whitby and arrive at toronto on the same night leave toronto onwed- nesdoy mornings at 7 ovioefe hamilton ot 2 oclock afternoon and arrive at niagara qnccnalon and lciviston same evening downward leaves lcwision and qiieension every thurviny morning m 7 ovioek niagara do 8 ovlork toronto on thorlay afternoon 2 oclock calling at whitby port darlington gom head baitmttfi port hope cohourg wet- lingtnnund derive al oswego 00 friday mmift leave oiivtto in the afternoon nnd kiiinilimot loovlocrt on saturday forenoon im arrive 9t prucolt the mc evening irj all hagagc andjparcels at the ta f ihr mvner note booked as freight steam boal oflicc iimoii io1i1 may ism inwit ii i 1 1 1- oh ctaup ur hiv of clumtcn m crvui is rmaa ir to aa ioari nine it iiatnetuty ivmtiea ie 4iatnctc4 vtiemju ctau aatl 1 fttau afefkcilj mic j i 1 il khalvc j kritvlb llirtl hwkh fth itiumuv illi coumpliaa liae ulu itivrrj u her jitwllma gaix d u ftwrni ot grtminr i ohf pwa h wa j i mjn a cft li twirii jud k anl uji ina iimkhkj of ufiihirtf vufcoerin kat ficfdl biiuvtl m iflutrlml xhii irf imhtmle jirchrn in- 1 it r h mij k uinf till vctm mm dihjm x xjwtu evrca if atkma ai twcut tan iiiji lt 1 1 uu ttf ihtfctoclictari mi wil niorhaliin lompljhit fr aaj imtur 1 aiaaihriitatior vjio ix- lnuj tt lr dua l itc fsr 0f mil rumpiniii ntiprrfcco fcitorrt lij tltice bottlrt dr unruil- in atsi jan vnih cuotina wat fritl atfcfttj irtr ot the ibna auj cinc pciitintai re mil tlit rutkvrihf c 1 rirttf u friin a 1 i r r v 1 ciaaandamdilitifcci tlrnrjuun vriho miacjut seeivifi caui ma5cii town vj atmt ei lu dr j if itr si j unr utu mutt yaur kvf tiini in my priutic- the uit ibrtf miattrt aatl ff all atucwa iatammauon eftlc im oaptiaa iovrna ra aad vcakarof uq nta tl la jtodrdlj tbi bnt nutuciar i kavccvci lruj vert trtrcifullv vvin fcw williams m d rrumenmi uihcr c niflit a adrii aai ike italfl aic coauilflro4 ubetw evijeace ofiu great niucf riepvred aalr j pr t j no sejih tturj strtxi fliililfata rftuc 1 kaitaic bf e m lvf ccrirt ajrnt 3nkcu heritor aarf fcr wm macklntoih iiaik c 4i4tte ottkr kiafuau caada hj0no coutihtofanujavja kx fklclokawt u witfcout cxtfptkoc tac mor ittabknrtjmt u0iatj heorncruhafiicjili i a rriu iil iractab jii afta tluiua iu jura- iiiibbijte oiaa oar mj crojifj a ccrtaia pee4y recovery frviti imlft oaa ua poftrtfijl will tiiiajaty cvre croajt m nftm yaunt iiijty i jimi hnf iu in ihcir tlr 1iv tf hunlr j of rtiu ifcn will a javro anauilly by atwayt kurubf ii va rnnhttaitr for utcry ff kor tak e no m rt i plimioalrjiia a4 law bi wn marv wonj5 wormsj worms to trvjblcaoaie 1 n 1 lliabuiru tf mvc llcm riba ituaaiicbaaa eowu wlikkto oftnn impair the hrjta fc diroy ibff urea or eftodiea ute ir javmca tostc vhmtyuj earunnajuliee r tmion fbellm removal or iucvtimtskiadrvnraov j- 1 itnru atot aftpchtc tifmul fever and aaornjobiwtj urtlidatniaeband bmvrlvaatl argaai o jiiiiio fur ale by waa naekiaioa cbrole cn uxi kiaxton matkiniotltr i wful rphe subscriber will duiio the rason be i conl an hy in the receipt of drugs che mcali ferfumeiyj fo te the wrhkni com- in from the nvoit respectable english hooses may be depended upon as genuine the com- jilim itnrtmnf will he eomloeled under theirnmedialcsujerintendince ol the sfltoeri- hee whose object i iy the uit of fcond mate riau by a careful 01 amputation to induce con- f jtncc m regardi this most impoi tint bnnehof tie business w brent druggut ev apothecary kinstieet kinston 3- for sale ifc barls lake huron white iv fieh this foil catch hugh calder kingirtonj november 6 1841- cestinj qytliii ome verj superior french eiuinr laces chenele and tliibet sliawk and handkercbiefsf and some very fine ban- dannajj amongst them wilt be found a few pieces of real indian woolen and buckskin mitt scarlet and grey snow slocking linen and cotlon tapes ft b urnb and black i men thread cotton tiilu spools shoe thread rornet wire and in rnnumeuble quantity of other small wares and the stock of furs ccwejtts of mntf w rvttv ii thflnntiyi in every destitution of okm a new an j most beautiful article in colored srtnhown trim min peculiarly well adapted for tiimminx of dresses for brills am evening parties and a few rery choice real swansdown boa auoi a tflt ure aifoitmenl of fine ready made clothing inclodincojt vest and lmulooii of rvcty ile and amont tiiem will be found some pra and mvnkry jackets of superior make peculiailv well adapted for satws wpt an excellent assolment of chock ery of lic newest patterns for dinner setvice break- fait and tra service and in one clim also breakfast ami tea service a few hhtls of hollaids gin and comac brandy wii be sold cheap to ckse a consign mcnl wm wilson kinston 13th nor 1841 perfumery the subscriber has received a mipply of choice english perfumeryamoiij which the followinf essences sweet brier spring flowers sweet pea herlyosmiaor persian essere eglantine hoventa citronella rosae geranium marerhalle lavender lily of the valley beaver cloth juvlc and treble milled west of engtanit firanj shpftot bmad cloths caimeresjdorkins mixlues buckskins and prince albert cord heavy woolen tweeds forest cloth flothingl and luxenthurhs an immense asorlmcut olfiench and brit ish merino- fiji and imnted orleans pta- maita beyrotil palestine and clo tallin ciolhs ami a radeiy of ne 7 and fjshionable cloths foi ladies kjii and winter dresses a well selected stock of scufr and shawls consisting of eoiitdt and wrought thibet cobourjs bjajanja bradcnbugh and tatlao shawls a very splendid assortment of evening and ball drrssrs cto de njplrs satin turct mrtk and ensured satin plain and figured fincy handkeichirfs and scarfs back lace vajb blond uauzi veils wmichl french capes collatsand cuffs wlitc vtd colouied saltin stays linen lawn and french cam btick haril kerchiefs linen lawn iiish lin tns 84 ami 64 hfcachrd and urey sheetings linrn ami cotton bed tick rose point ami whitney blank mais lies and polar quilts white find cotomid counter pims cotton s he eti cotton am woolen hoia itu heavy scotch pjjidins white ld ew5ffi often red bizs welvhj salijurv and koch twivlec reditu shhtiito ftorers turkey and hsm stripes eniuitlnnts nary btflei dtourti steam looms unions ljam and twilled baain moleskit oeavcrleens lad buffalo cmfca and mjyta lhal uiy kint in a dv goods slot 0 he fonrul at the 1aarfcsfcr jkorrfowse wbton siudingl store street fuitf a rery extentre ortcrt nf film compri sing martin filch sfqilj south sea seal kftttru and sabje in im boas capes glovc iaunllets milts upwards cf 500 fui cap in south sea s plucked otter martitij filch and neulrit auu 300 paiis bulnlf kobcs- j k r hutton utnsolicit an early inspection of their iinme fill and winter stock of uritisb dry goether harinj been selected by their house i ienland and being booht for call when thiritib markets were verv much depressed jioableslhem lo offer to the inhabitants of ksnlofl and the surroun ding country heir lmmae stock of goods al unprecedentej low pric- jr hutton willwhulesale british lanufactured ry goodiiower than they can he 6ouhi in montreal k b massrs collss haines embrace this opportunity ofinlroucin to thej formet customers the above naied gentlemen tliey having rented the sloe afaich ihry lately oc- we were bovs tooethee st o a uonais we were toy lojclhxr and never cm forget the choolbovac rcir th heather in ehtljtiood where ire met nor ihc green home to tnnorj dear itisorroh and ttjnf which calkd the tramknt smile or tear when 501 and were bora we were yculhs tojicr and eattcj built iu air your hcal was like a feather while mine rrai dihd hilheara to you came wealth wilh rnaohood priroc tome it brought a itu j a ncvi toajincd in ihe priroic ttoic when you and i were bfjj wece eld men toeiher the friend we lovd of jcce wilh leaves of column rrcithcr are gone fr evermore how mm j to ate the tmpube civen the hope tiiac neer deiuors which lead our ihouhti from earth lo heaven when you and 1 were bov from gfahimj maazm fgr icovcmbrr tilt chost of chews wall or onvte oldvcllow amon- the many dcujhlful villages in pennayl- vainap nhhowc their oriin to german acttrera sod maintain amid the aurroundin- rmprovemenu ihc unchanged marts of ancestry iherc 11 none more prutitiuutl uian gcfmantown jl ii bol half an hvurj drive from philadelphia extending along the main road for more linn two mllci wilh foe icra w mcni 1 c lhfif thai thouxh ihry hcn in the reuh husmess sold as low if not i h a 4lhcr 0vstf hi town lhflabote iheir rery superior f f will mwbttil lo sell siill cheaper cash onlyao see- onrf price kindlon octovi- 3m are honey sockle royal condensed hoy a extract of roses c flowers ctrcastian cream queens bouquet bouquet d arabie eaudc portugal colocnr veritable esprit dc lavende au millefleurs amhroma veibfpa rcrfumand extract persian sweet ba vcthen perfume and extract esprit de rose veriuble pomade dmne pomatum goldf silver nnrf bronic inks amber preston smelling salts c tc ice c jwvrent vrvegitt fr apothecary kinpton ma october 1841- si for sale at the subscribers rlhfc boxes london and liverpool jo do do starch 50000 cigars consisting of principes lt log cabin ice 10 boxes carendith tobacco 30 kejspiu do 50 hophdi muscovado suar 10 do refined do collins k haines- kinplon nov 17 ltmi 40 c keiredy co importelftof drv goods beg to iniimat tlic inhamuntsof king ston nd its viiity thil they have now tot their fall ypck tn hand which will he found lifjt f wmamrj select in all its jepirtment thvjr would mficiriillv solicit an inpcclion of the following coii which will be found ex ceedingly cheap broad beavfi pilot cloths vesting twee moleiwitis gentlemens slcs scttfikfcsia hanijkft a loie stock of icntlcmrn heaver k prints tiinhamrtd merinos oileantclothjpiinand hored delaines plaidspu ant embm dresses tournament andpjiid cloakings hosiery and gucs clack copd gdenaplcs plain l fid utack addcolmtinnrtte lutestring sati and gauze ribbons plain and figured a lire assortment of thread laces black lace veils cotton and linen nrtins thibet and filled shawls flannels banket time linen dia pers and towcllinf a general atutment 0 small itcrc kiustonfxjth ifliv 1311 m cutlert surglcti b1ilitarz instrument ktorea the sutiscrib iepectfully informs his friends and le inhabitants generally of kiniton that ne ks opened a branch ol his business in ukotk street net door to mr john gov in tie house owned by captain jaekton where li will coitthnlly keep on hand a general axrimcnt of goods of the best quality wok h he villsvll on nioderate terms fok sale 50 boxes or ihe bvsl waitanted cast steel axes from lit ficloty in toronto at the lowest wholesale ii fxjordcfs thatfully reccivca and prompt ly auendtd lo s shaw kinc street ihrw fr frock street ffigsfon kmmon auswf th 1841 11 z ton i ohio grindsroivea or sale fa ia suhxcrilier w hugh calder conmcrcial naf october 93141 v 33 10 sjwr to iu nithiuiun mkkd p on boui tides of ihe roj foemiii- a tllfap of most uncon crattable uih bot llc the poeu of most dandkofu iikplbor body to tvppor t ju cilcnsire prclcosiooi t b famous in iihioft as kfa uw fi of bftfik durinythe tinm for tndrptodenee in wlvch victory ibou foe a time doubtful declared in firor of the enemy in consequence of ihc incompetcrj 0 americao officer the present inhabitants are mostle ihc de scendants of german fimilicatruc srl of ihc old branches imiuiing most of ihc tutuca of iheir forefather lrdl in no luxu porautn- a ri- sidccenomjv andclingio- with an urwlctdii- re- ad to ihc money bcquealbed them nor ia llw rcjard in any drrcc weakened bj um ffarkcj of loose nbo have rceentlj aettkd i ihe village and h lh1rnopc by improvtn- i httr hooi duirg upihcijroundjndcliiojandbeauiifjinuwir shrubbery w induce an imitilioi f iheir example the old roofircc standi as it siood half century ago and the very i lone a ofrh building from be- iwccn hkh ihe mcrtar has in manj eei ion since dropped rin dtnanee on qm pakrby who dire 10 harbor a thought of improvement or repair the owatr u eortoit to tire ai hi aneejtcra lived but would itkc to die a liute richer the patrimo ny amaied by the hand of bmctwsjrf lor 11 reli tously beiu sikd fr0mirclooft together with use peculiar hit its oflhooihlaiid ihc suwrjtimia ktilimeiilaofan ac jjene by rnanv cate no h 1 s t i u 1 and in ohera ha been ao ub aa only to hirtuo niic the mind with ihc gcnertl characlee of ihe dace mhieh at best icema to bctcm more lo a oatl cneraiion than to the prcsrnl trom ihrsc causen ihiti ahteb bttur lulorid mhda eoit ujih moffij in hie oiie cste arc held as true as roaitcrs of rcu gioui bclivf and in the othr are only diutd not jjbcbcicd in fact so lhjrourlu dac- na-uill- lion aid lb- srori f tlia n hkh au inlerccurac n ith ha vioild and education alnys dipc1 prevail that many oflhj inhabilanla can tell ymi to a nicety whenihrc nillta a change of wcxlhr by ihe ui liferent allitod in fihkb the tnoon lufiu uphr hans whenshf grom restiic and thai there will be company when ihe cat ticks her pans when a fork sticks up en the floor or when tf old cvcl brushes op hu feathers and crotvs in ihc djorvray there are other abo go stilt deeper into mysteries of this son and can predict to you a birth amir ruc or a death by the kinks in a con a tail but as ihey arc entirely bevond eor depth and seem to bare this koonlcde all to ihcmselvcs it may be well not to disturb theca in iheir oicfjund vriadom ncvcrlhcleas let no young man tho values the af feeiions of any fair dateh dirase in germantown lenture 10 present her with a pair of scio rs unless ho nisbcstocsif ihcknttmcntaleordlhat binds her to him thus much we fed in duty bound to re cord as a warning lo young gentlemen as many a man haa lost ihe confidence arid artections of his lady love in consequence cf less matters than a pair of aclssors il might be cxprcted thai a village so contiguous to a great city would soon lor these dbiineiivc marks of character and thai tb celravagaacc fol lies and vlera of the metropolis vould be generally imitated not 10 honeeerp wilh very little es- ceniion ihc place is as entirely dtunet as if tl were miles in the interior the moral mantle of ger manism seems to hang like a cloud ever ihc place and bleuded wiihthe supcniiiiob of the portico of inhabitants spoken of ihsrc b a nrght ened morattly so imbedded in the heart of the pcuplc that hones ty and a atrict regard to truth next lo making money and keeping it may be corvudrrrd ihe great testa by which trwy lirc il wituasity bo undcrstocd thai mong a f thus constilbted a choit has hut to be reen by one of their dumber and his appearance announced lo be generally dreaded if be haa been seen there b an end of alt doubling and the only thing thereafter 10 be done ii 10 keep out of his tray the r will be no use in such a case to multiply arguments about him bul ciery man must iskccare of him self and what may seem a utuc singular a good settftdmiridtd rational apparition will to all eases most drlim tu tuil a people whs pay htm so much deference taking especial care 10 ahoiv tumscm olf fftnoently ond in all manner of ways that there msy be no doubt thai be doea csitt in one shape or another and having established th matter to his own aaiufaeuon ihal il ia bcllcr to range the upper irortd where he can be seen than to dwell bctow in ihe dar damp ground of the tfjmb hcr he can not be ere where his very existence may be doubt ed and where at the best tlic mixrteri are most uncomfortably chilly wc say a sane ghost f under ivch eircumstauccs woufd niturallv grow familiar or rather ourrrot to and bavin sooght out and established himself in comfortable quarters and hav ing enjoyed an oblivious nap during the day would seek to regale himself in the evening after hit own will and pleasure by little trips by moonlight over the gedv around the stoic barns and especial y on the tops of tiw stqficfttiect if any there be of the neighborhood a ghost certainty hav the tight any gos has ftdw riy mtifh aa he please and vf keeping out f the dust and grvct of a sick- walk and of culling up bis antics by way of rccrv ation on a ropofa stone wall- at ifitll tresc wtf the sentiinrts enlertaioed by ihc yhest in question and he lock ih liberty ynle most posuiciana of acting thm out nilhoul regard to conscciucn cet one morninjt early in november is th iftha biunu of the goodly village of gcnaantovrn were thrown into great consternation sod dismay by tbe important iutelligmce that a ghost had been seen the previous evening pcrclscd upon chews watt dressed in white and ralllin a heavy chain which mmc maintained ht hid ben hung in hi conic 1 of some great crime some said lhal it was only a log chain which he intended 10 use after his otn faihion upon ihe first man he got in his clutch- c while others with a great ahow of reason main- tarncd that the chain was fastened oroond air cum anktt and thai he was no jcsa a personage than tho jhoii of be cad soldier who had deserted from the british during tbc revolution and was accidentally shot during ihc battle of germanlown while a pri soner in a baggage- waggon or had been taid but who it was very likely had been murdered during the beat of the fray by some eocmj ia his own ranti rival in love perhaps or n heir to aomc es- afcwiwsisl 1114 ntiv urjihist as it may too ghost bad been seen uuoo th wall and he iad a chain about him in some way and some unheard of atrocity might be confidently look ed foe the greatest mystery of the affair was that sj aooti as the rumor goi 011 the wind ihe man who had seen him was no where to be found nor could any body tell who he was socoebcdy had seen ii in 1nunf and that was engiih and any inhs bilant of girnanowq would as toon have dvubtcd the existence of sour kreut a belief of which sub stantial proof was given daily as to have felt i be least incredulity in regard to the ghost of counc all the inhabitants put on the gravest look possible ond kept a sharp lookout but still nearly a week passed and no tidings of a renewal of the vitil of bis ghostshi0 ocrrm umly mornm- came aod lie matter w as duly canvassed before ihc church door prior 10 the arrival of the minister a great many solemn shakes of the head and knowing winks were given on the subject it was formally resolved thai ares had better be kept burning in all the ovens for a forlarghl though it was pclty generally agreed lhal ihe ghost had been lojttfl unawares and that whatever his business to that place might be by keeping off the wall for a week it was a pretty good sign that be did not want to show himself and therefore be would be more cautious in future the ghost notwithstanding all these sage conclu sion resolved to ravc hit own way in the matter and according v made his appearance hot rcr ujiilxmsl til wutu tier 4i irn kfio ul a man but in btaek and running on all fours like a hyena on the lop of a wall and een proceeded 10 far as to throttle a very inottervsitc ficrson and one who never could hate bad any thing to do wiih ihc mur- der if indeed the apparition was the hoai of the biurdrcd totditr the facts of this encounter ire these chiisorhr curr ach was the name of the permit throttled or stajfct burger as bta ftcr man friends dvbghud 0 dub him io abbreviation smw stout tmiarcbuilt yoong fellow of about in cftymo who could d h days work and dance ihc whole ng through in the bargain with out drinking of faligu he had fallen in love st a quilting parly with mir susan hani a booaaing dutch damsel of sctcntccn summers and tilc a tralghtforward business like cermao as he was he resolved to make her his wife she was in fact just the girl to inspire christopher m ith the senli- mental short thick and as elegantly shaped as a churn wilh a full round saury face lighted up with a pair cf brilliant eves and wiih afoot which ifit was not oivc of ihc smallest could go through a straight four or for that matter if occasion re quired ii a regular hoe down with a grace thai actually madv christophers heart leap as if it was cine tojumt out of bis mouth nor were ihrse her only claims to regard the fair aa was on only child and her falhcr hid the repolaiion of pos sessing more than one tcckiug full of fac real cvr rency carefully stowed away in the large walnut chest undr the bed two or three broad farms alio claimed souire hans as owner and spread themselves out v try temptingly before the eagercyea ofsufttl and then what a hand at baling hot cakes i hb mouth actually watered st ifcr thought added to all this he well knew that tf he succeeded in winning the heart of ihc fair susan no obstacle would be placed in the waj of his happiocsa by the quirc in this matter ihe squire was exceeding ly liberal he imposed but one couditroo upon hit daughter in relation to the man of her choke and that seas lhal hr mutt be ofs good german fanv ly to stafev there could be no objection on this score hu very name carried the reccomenculon with it moreover ihe squire bad never bad bro ther or siskr and ihcrefore there were no rascally cowsini to bo mining ihe fortreaa in his absence had iherc been any with stout purses to their 61s the matter would not have been quile ao poarjve for aa an frrojircraciif ocoivrenicncr and to keep menonco from um hands of firasjne grangers every man in the village of which we wtic made it a point lo marry his cousin iae cktll get her and if ihelrulhmtwl be told the strong voko of parental command was seldom wanting to alreogt 1- cn his suil let il not bo supposed however that a lady nith such substantial clairjm beat ever been bcalegvd with lovers such aod oeen the ease but slafel bar in so far outstripped ws rivali as to attain the ho nor of tnckins a pipe atanc wilh iho squire a few sunday evenings previous to the time of which we wne ihewiwii aastookrd en as eltrd end ihc whole bevy of dutch beaux were obtin the winkling of on eye fte a hock of partridges whew ihey have been shot al cbristopbev thus having a fslr tkld and ou the favor wis not its man to negteet the advaeugo 1 sotlat on the su day night in question if an in qurnlivo eye had been placed at ih i keybole of the squires parlor door he migt have beers teen at a cord actually wc hope the ladies will ship this psvsagewc say he might have been seen kissing susan in tht dark atrocious as this eoodwet was however on the part of stajtel we are bound in rcenrdiivg a true narrative to say thai the lady was not to be fngvcficd at trifles ao taste of scream ing oui and thus rousing the squire scut bis blttn- uerbusi she tod the matter coolly and resolving not to be outdone in civilities gave birn as good as be wftp and throwing her am around his occw kitted hiall tbcie of course are litue alien lionv on the pari of lover 1 which should not be wantonly and without purpose revealed to iho 4 cotj and heartless world and wc only mention ihem to show thst christopher was a fellow with a nrrlty stcut heart and thus prepare- our readers for the horrible outrage upon a brave man we are about to record and eouarin- too that alt our lady readers hac alcipped the last passage and an wait- in breathlessly we proceed ll was now past iwdvc oclock we are nshamed to record il for cbrislophtv wbalerer wvoog he com milled in eotnc to the every sunday eveniogi u1 he rrfuraeri his conscience on that score was generally clear enough as it bath no longer wc say il was past twel sab- ve sad cbriatopher hi out for home lie had lasted on the best the squires cellar afforded and had mado way wilh more than one mg ofhis best cider the parting scone on the part of christopher bad been unusually tender he waa mturally an arisen t lover and the cider by no means dceveascd the rolqim i l r gument to bring susan lo the point or accepunec still she iv x coy ytt christoptwr was a man of discernment and thought that a lady who vrould throw her arms around his neck and lus bim in inn dark okas us what will the ladies say lo ibis 1 could have no serious objection to him at bouoiu and so on the whale ha was in a very pleasant mood with himself and with all rijl and vv martamrf in the bargain ugtuni uso ally are when the lady has been kind and the parting kba has been frctty given he felt unusually happy and tcubj not restrain the kind feelings which bub bled up hla very lpa and found veal in anatctrs of songv he was rapidly approaching the wall alill he ihought nothieg of ghosts or hobgoblin but wu ruminating very tntenuy upon the charms of the subttantiat little dutch beauty and wai going over in his mind very pleasantly her qualication to make him a happy man he might be said to bo iss that sute when a man b walking yel oveoramg he was picturing a neat stone house with every uwuf article of furniture baught and paid for and with a horse and cow that bo could call bu oven milk punch too naturally enough popped iolohis head and lbn out again to make room for thoughts of hot cakes swimming in butter his song haw- ever still went on as the musk waa not so di- cult of execution es to require much thought in ils performance when the conclusion of a atama seemed suddenly to bare been froacn 00 baa lipf the cause of bis slims uk rcdrwit1 under stand and so did smut tie had heard it rubor- cd that a ghost in while had been seen airing him self upon chews wall and he was not the man to seout at rumor and even if he bad been lbre was lit- identical thing befure bm slightly changed in appearance it ia true not in while nor sitting erect but in black running alocg the wall towards him lit a hyena or a bear and sure enough ai if to esablbh hb character beyond ihe possibiluj of a doubt rattling hit chain with a clangor truly ap- pallir tn any othce siluaiion cbrutopbcr ncrtisoa would have run but in ihe present trutabce his limbs re fused to da thir work his knees knocked together its teeth sol lo chattering and h seemed rooted to the s0u nor can it be supposed lhal ha was a coward as we ihink the contrary has been clearly demonstrated in his valiant exploits in courting the rjhosl itowcvcr aa ifto settle the difficuhy to clear ail doubt in the mind of christophcr asd to prevent any more profane cxctaroatioiu coolly do kcodrd from the wail and before he knew where las was knocked him down with the end of fcta tail as w as afterwards affirmed i ii the ghost your lime has eooso 10 mine got nay 1 bei so young ond pie lint to gtl marry eh altered the torrorlriclcco dutchman 1 vou are going to get married j ba nlia do yen think will save you v soutrc hans 5us motinka when you marry her you will bo a dcud man said ihc ghost in 1 hollow sepulchral eoiee and unlets you stay away from squire hanis tsso aagiiihs from thts time remember i have wanted you i you are a dead quo beware 2 and bating re leased hb throat from a loving squoeie vanasheel as christopher asserted in dc groundv when he arose his brain whirled and his memo ry waa confused the aim was just pcepaag over hills and a group of astonished neighbors were around him christopher told bis story and rela ted the adventure exactly m it had ocenrvtd es cept what related 10 susan that be kct close in hia own bosons whyt wc cannot say some bettered bim but others of the most knowing shook their heads guessed bo had drank too frcetj of tbc squire a cider and wondered bow he knew the ghost vanished in the ground when bl wu lying on hi face lo the dirt- christopher asserted and swore dutch to ssab alanisstc it thst he had been chakfd cm fte back of ms neck uaiil be saw stara and aiw raoilhagboat diaacpeared aod ha knew nothing mora of tha mat- icr until he found tho mob around hstn this waa conclusive and as use emtagjou spread it wajascrjjcd thai the gboal bad bee exceedingly obliging and appeared in a tarfsajr of form and costumes to suit cusitetrt- a stoat trcnipcffgood wivtsroundly sjatrarf lhal isss bd crossed tb road in th form cf a wbise calf aa lasts