f out l i jo x lqtitf l ttu wrtd vurmpt lc rrfu mijxcdgttai jw- on the j7ih irttl w unnristan lelutl were rcfciv ed bv lb shrf and first jvogeof this eennty irsiusiia l whitcutow item the governor and scctelary ef i bltfe i affirm ft bift that anthcilic inormiitin hj b tnrirfdjllhmhofgammtnt that 4 rusjy efaboot three hundred mn form canada m tn rtidricwwtwillwyftwlbipflhestlhi nth a mitrv ajijoiturie whhwrtwfp- h ogpo a ihf uwsitj aid nf the fcbhjvkj ami make aiilmpt lo m l od and crnvurt ktmio cftfl lfcesfcuitf imisicoiutry called ciil lie inhabitants rtiuuttrrd all ih htmdndrvoviivimiuirh pjacs ehoitvd nil t canand pc4 a uuj axhifld the jail hr aim ofjil ic4 thin aad prwited raore arm nd amii tuition avjthijtfm poc carded thril hmelyand tfantuily wtil iporuinj let itn am mpt wa malt flo foe appeared cud to irate onh invader b a been dlscovctud urart rir a wattow the eonii qiilh- tbe jail burrldefrndcc and strict t wiil be maintained in fiiiareutic democrat umatkwett erfy pocb inclined lo i rid vi ttvt tvi ura net quite to eat a hoax 1v 7tra taftnrrcf it inrtared to awpfsotc a rovemtni has heen on foot which vcann ld the executive in aloplinf iwlbf trtaution ho uid and eri of it bis been trim jel afp in pro of both be general ihr stair onfftrwitilii we greatly apy tinmsjtjfihrejhouw he any relaxation in th- vijihnenf im sfheriffin wi office mc- lro i instead of beiar rtjt9cd by he canadians ii fifnvw 4mm ofhefciie lyjvludby the tninsmc1 poraivi but met piocctlypcak lv 1w wftteii k utwh hraaute l ifiiacrpuc tiuir im oii by uch an tut ill ivi tr in ihrir pfwei t jet 0- 1w 4 em applf ihli hiuite u all uho ivii it hiih 1 fwim t with ihf uw ftiuijft injtjralncnanj lend but tft thtf i i nu ntnrr in makonirnt who tfttfim lhr pcioiatfeetin3 0l haltcitio ihe 4vilotiiaf ctnftiti wmimhfcp ia htune out c y i a mi wnii cv iftivcm wmvi- trtivrja itttr f ch the hu loviit i 4ti exivi and ii ouh we cannot vtwu ivt ihaiirjci we ivtm it incvmsrni upvon o to eie u imkilt bfii ealcae i r a al eoikcfnei upon hcit iuij innt ait yh itrioft- procetc kkw vocar apzdstsri ihi thj mit jov or jhai ihrflitvmi anl vre patvmo jjiflalr mflied immpji at ly u tl itrjue foft eonlinmrrtl atoul thiv m ajothry tmnd tinit ptan in eoiri itro ofmr kirhj- lajmamei 15 s trjofi fiii rnt lo le nrioihooj of fiuf- ijia i1 ni4ar puiot bwaim atirmrj ni t nt el th itt vi halheliad imrm ti ihio tovtniniil to iielin ihrif movp- lunii nd hence they resolved to anticipate iiiiv tmictfctwkt ot ttft ff nfal ot slate co- em tv inlenliooi afe mw to force in rntry into wstehor and b ncn sin frtt the htnhetaitce of thii otjci thry hate n hir phioieteial pvecea of ocvcmltce lon tlw aeeetai of the stale af- ffktiuyrnwtt jw nm crvtfmavil n cinai doju they inteitdrd to have carried their murr0it i im ri or iaei weefc t i uhal kind of cattle wctetbcvcnl you desciibc ihem f uolhmbi tvn ah uokrnil mttn a hull the other rkjionuid he had not een any igch fotrr and h dotchmn weftl oji kaa uindmwav we chd not inow whether w ucevet found hi citlle jh o- pie wor heuh j tirferdin ffrrrc tovtiairkfltictdtti the re n firilnh tiiminal law uv iiijuu imv btcoljj 10 hm v rn i i cl j n ii j to our jciilalure vndt tlr itnncdiat inctioii uf cu- cfiiionlp no dubt unir altrnin hi hern ilal at lut th 1 tirwt ofihe la lio- w to n at- l htft tftntd lh- rt urjwleuotwe criil eiijikm vdr o itjtaiae- atrdu eptrmon ll rvi l oxette tia wilh inueli rrct ctherrj t ihete momcnou itilli thti hof hnle if iodcd inv ilfiin ih cum tiviteccaili0i lr watn1firk- mii of rout fcttloao y id eaaioiiei xl fn- cjucbc wire ooe ihrovh il ttumu tulat updi tjlctwooxi tothe raoaeabu debue hi j scauntt 1 1 tu t ban llai in ihc ccncil thoc krra1 day from oceokf uaul ccnioj tuvebuo cic diii to their t imrinntai ccry dor cf etc h hia hoto momccnfuuy inilrcd ioic tlfid hc i i- sulltao i entitled to lb tbrk otje initji h luj fukj to follow txdr iof cccntrj ic th4 tl n f vi- i in ipii oil corrncont muaurea lcerace he hidpuoj in ctabojjio nio aftm and j auh vn n m ttut the f i lheea t0 w idatjajrjfth abaololetf octtaaar j to rerjer patflimm haa mfriicvd o tne paely4ha belt ivi aajh acreeraj lav applicable to ihc itj tj ih iir anoihe food opioioaof i tffmpfl around u amonet tbcae u tb eubjtiui boo of use peoilcotmrr for trno ortauon for eer- italjtr coined inlie jilr wow- in the hot lo add ifrti t h lp j i t m pi h mbm wrw era bai datv4 j iirepreti deiso beanie uaaurch t o iwi voa hiv be j -mrjn- to i th- tnrrthwblf nrjiflrn of ffj in ihf pxftfb i htait i t coif dfl inlrfal parltoii r uu atfai lth sj5hs tfh lhl r nlm wcow j h v etinfii it ii unfi tj gofrrftinnl of loi syiki heqi l uen eoiincmly iueccifuldurirc hi scatlorw and lhat loo coder t a io mbc roancou caxecd- djw part or rtdke we lrtfii c 0uehuoaj aylwia have atuek hve the tnool adhjfewo mater tiu in na frend dherent lo k he aval ujdor tho i poaiblc poliikalobliaidria glr aoafv tory portj of whkhhelafht head and i he ud ho aooaetimca fell ihcaxttee corn- petud by ibeir foreur pwdj aa well at bj their wvte if li lted in oonftoiirnc of the moternrnt ofaeerrl cofnnanief y s tioofw alon the cml from tiuthta to the foil in this ricimty i harr aun xeeieed infoirnationthat the eun powdr which ha deiitoyrd o many valuable iterant si ariti waft intended lot thift bat roof etiinn and that it wa placed in ibe rapeniit ihop in the vicimty nf the canal fcr the purpose of shipment without observation fo it v fconfoerce thepathicts mhs in a none in seme rafter o prf jil depends upon calhit by their rijaf norxe call mrri polrioli who illrelly band rhmtetvft toother ajvd botiow uw inttead ef ftteeor ihem nd a whofftrobtftiy and ofltavt ot npt- pdjrs peaeeable nti rhbot veorne aciaol grnrroui drvclion to ihc cause of aawfy lt th- yotjn men njon the ftonlier on firtnrft and mechanic we hare been they ar and wboir ciflfade tre n dr- ei iota former outlaws ainst their lft of whom hain eftrajrthe i fow vt now payin the penalty of thrir cm in faw south walrt el such ar j jitdto tfiiew thoe outtar be told in i ir ffmtr fti lif r r mlod mt pte pf a jiit a nch of llwie wlio can be proved to be so illegally banded arether let i sre how many lonl of farmer and rrtchanicv will enrol themtetve io auth a ottthter hthb en vealam ptrales fhieec and murder- t4io pvo oflenoca mbkb othrt hare oacaptd oflbboveot hofiihcr a it- faon fcwibchs oict- rj- that the uuer r altogether reeudiatcd be thf eritiah coremooenf for rar rcadera are aware eufe of dole totheir conttileouind we kji 4d sthit the pcoheotiin it now nlocdcd by recent by coractautc honoio ot cnni the party dllh to be oaide awaaualaal for the hole province ofajtuift id bdio in tjv bcne of rjch tb hen gee lk man in eoawbwdfl oflhiaarwfe yblationaihcjhi i iiio u reriiraa to iheac cdls haa reeaontcdd arj unf of cot ttn atfjl the l lufom pvt j ith the ex eeptieri of mciatt 8ldilth prite and dtinod io tiat mtaritblj adhered to the vrrneh pirtv vord irilh the coederu and gort nntm pitiiei and bj that enema hai iffbrjcd ibe vfrorhbecraice uhich the 0erite vr i a ao hppitj fik ihr court lra pomiaed i d by nhfcti it bit been eraabted io cait out all ill moaureii uth the exrejjtion of ihc bmk of have and that mrawe will be carried if th efteeulit e th oat to follow a to next iejioo ef ptirharticnf 7c reform pitiy hate honeret lrn into ene cror natcul tuovh indeed and in tht aluijact hon orabte t jp if a eic cirfxd tn the coined tin briaine ihe arrral lawa into foo on tbe la jaouart vcx instead of potpocir ihclr opcrjon until afkriho ncm sri jfcra of partfamen wheh waa dnc m th other lcite aa a acrt of comprcmiu wib thaw wna eon tidftcd ihey might require amendroent anddriircd to psalpnc inquiry to a fatirc day tbr hon mr- morrii alio iniroduci d an topor- qnt aenrodmeut tn prcaervir the dating la of fpfer linjdi ai to tae omensrr nunnhoient act iftd partcularlr the riht of appeal to quarter sc- ioti with earniua othr improienacnlft demonatra tier of the fratehfol regard of the council to the right of the people nd hate tho cortrirnttd tber eoirthl m wr 11 jd aproprroo anij rtw pp1e tvh- ranahr the j tjbc hj ttlamv- tw wf reflection eket mimilirr j kji gore and well in rtti dtliet majiimea ariiimem 7o firuij- lioa blt d crtimiile ioi meduai 11- rudi jnire al ninnlnltow protitjoffc hil and tht rtfpivl tin rrnn juiwil tltfjih curnmili uf ihe wiiule onidil and iedrxl for a third ridm loiftorrun nimihc tjpon moeilrril itoijf or- dimufwca tthiht enl htl a the ltrpot tcir04 pvfil ihrofh c ii tvilhout amendmeut and ufted fj i ihif radifl towinow commit ice f thr whole on saomm public cuilji if ill dn do do- dtitflrfj up petition six fi were bronchi up fnm the aaiembty t- dj the llllee of uhicli will appear on oie order j iv day for looaorrod 5j ivid friday 3d 11 m4iknfhn4 jeoticci am ht wu itoi dpcd treerw tritaon peevteo eill a aroewled pawed arfth owmiutericijfisa upon it cot flttcf acd kot 10 th- attcirahsv ftr con- on th t ubject cc ju rtlt ififfodc to the notice of tit ccooi hir on thff vu e eout anted ctuocrwkutni impor- cuftntfc j ftrrfbe montreal roaji oidieisnefi urvor anj o m ithicaiid tbr pwcceua d amend enent bdl paaacd wi arlendment and ytm awceowy for toewurvonoe 3d etad uttcea fat 14 tim lb jct w simcoc public bultj n bill pad nitliom eononciuiwifjiuidcandmtcjcattoihetioecom 2j rmftift ccpr coinao bill b- j a select cainmiue hnocjbl mr n- hon mr- sctvltax aa atat dapcaod to dcbtaoiicrc motrin for addrea met majcmj relative to afrieottare addva brought tn and re- j f creed lo a committee of the whale hfliave lotof i raw commltiee upon montreal krml atvluoa ns object to the 4dreaa and hoped hia ton friend hculddcrieetromit all the benel he anttepad but be coutrftood to 6tfer eearelj from hia tiewt tbn ihi protboe could rpl od dd not row o nch wheavjj aoppoet itatld the tjherieaanem- irnj hrdyintroduccd tfcit it had nothio- to ex- poet and tan hii ho friend coued alone coene all th f t that h ti prepared to abi trut tboafmera did fl hm thay only re cuired and obtained 4 per oihl for ihttr wheat and h eeuhl not oorkrtland bow diatreai could be aiae r ted when prvjen prita exceeded 5 aad he inatancrd thefrice of n beat in cleveland at 3j ai addiuca at gornrnt to hw the fallacy of all thj hpoih4i auempird lobe tutllsp br ha hooblp fiirnd a to our mtcreourie trvua the state being injurtcor- and bit he eovld f he had time aid op- murtc id miuee nada rveaiieaethron m h aatfftfjf therht been too euim to the ratitud of the armc comniuoity we bower rood in ilaelf haft had fbe nme item of tiid eiaimnuon ii puriaed een the amaltea portion in it of ihat hkh it m miaet aecordanee tk ihilr individual view i to iote j imil n- ivf m f thai a meaiure rehieb ia ood di prineiplc u better curttd e o if it bait lome tfiflia enfect in tt than no4 carried at all orfa hstnt ct mid hat enadc the auppar t of the re- for ram fnqurnilr to djubifirl that ihc membert of ihr nofrrrunrnt hue aevcrf darvd to retlon with any ccftainty upon their aoppo the country ia uueaitonaur howfier iadtbed loth reform pirn fbf their urufoon cntiftenry in leenin alvof from their old leader mr baldm i adherent a pirlj ihch i a aahea of dmferijot and diiapfoifitbrnt hwb will moat pre ban offal by molir tuetfmto m i all other eill bi tore the coonctl to hicb we formerly odrertedj and the amendmenta in the no- mefoua actoalrvad pnaacdihseaon uoir dent proof jf thia duti haain been atricilj and nell pei fjffd affji we obtcrved ononedai tha week legislative council cham8cr- out account cf the oeoccedjn of the upper lloaae baa been of nceeaiity intcrropicd with ctrrr dcaire lo eoniinue what we conceit r the puv i a well aa ccraelrca talc o ranch mtereal in we want ihe attribute of uviuity and are conae- it j obliged to ccciflate cur erjorta to one place at a trmr in order to cater for the pofclic taitc nhkh ti more dnpokd to aitend to how much than hat ii lj our remarki at to the council can cull prewnt a faint fonmurt of there procccdi the eubjecu nhkb hae enad their attenbrn drm- the pail and prraenl wrch hate not kcnrd e nitration all mppctnble youn mro who are whinj trniol ihrmttlvri for hnceaneerin- eprdi ana ajainatour rapicetme neihhore in carta da will ploase preftent themvlteft at on day of ner j ii- it it nvprcled that every recruit vtufctmi tcirtillcate nf eo qoalocuion to jt thints ami alto be well armed with io- ttn tfcdnoj captain af itaradilli and general nf the stat priton pokea etch recruit on fretenln himftfff at head pvws will pve htc coumerwjcn via tie ctllowt of vat oiemati land ii the ptrv diftt4itt alotlhet the term piuiu in i-uih- ol th thee lorn or vir act wiuthioxthythr iuj noire ac miy h aain 4ejuided to yin 11 raiiol who if lhc xaw the plain esfth name of ihrir icinrnt tit mtjt- scai aniht htaiuttr omko i plain english cwyov6th auroji isll- in interral but it ia nuitc out of our power to t raorc thin touch upon aornc of ihc moil iijmwiafit aoaenitihem the hen mr morriai biltfor lv repeal cf tbr act 2d let cap iu lo trhlch iu formerlv lludd undrrncn arieral cacduicitiona in srlrcl comraittce and waa t iu finally paitrd but lhc arnendmentt ithieh were mjd- to rt niter t motrrctetuit indpirtieularlj as to pomiin- out jcl ajudious mode for the rare the school fvnd which arc t be pticcd in i v band of the rceiter gcncril and intcved at mcr t it ia to be feared will muanfrr the jlt n iv caa t mmtv the savij banlt bill ia anotner ueauare k4 haa becnetoicli scrutinized in ccmmittee althj these institution are in their infancy in this pro vince they are anltmatclj interwoven with the com fort and adiantaes of the labouring and hfliatlli oua claic and we thtnt the attcntton of the coun cil hit ben well direcum to ace lhat these import ant jntcreaia bate beto carefullt fuadod ao aa to enrare an ay protable and tecure inveitment for ihc hard earned tatin of thoc whoac atl may be involved in the uue the ami ndmcnl es the caurv lav forma another moit important deliberation cf the council the bill in if other trench cf tle lrialature wa toat by a c amatl fnairitj the coureil viewing it fj a meatwrr in our nfnatjj circumttarrca of th thv cerwquccec to the protnee utrodueed it anew bndv rertjir mediccations ibe eetof thrtc as drawn up ht th hew mr brunrau htnita th maitouecf aatcrvtt 9prr ttnk ad rcatriclir tltc cnk i itl to j wc terv much rrjretthat re eapasot j icn o ouiline rf ibe spercfi uf tb lion mr sullit an u thi cccationit etpeitnl a com pete aiew of canadun atawisue and the midqutrv of our pntcnt riorrury arjngmcfct totrv winta of ueommuaiv the lion mr morm fdlowrd with muehatct the aame lnn cf aretneni and the hen mr de btarjuicfc ippcftd it chlcat at in tc- fenncc to it inportancc upon arrfcnwr point ixteen edb returned to the lciiutive aacmbt treedte the diatriet court bill haa brer passed fthhout amendment this as it ia known complete the great arrangement contemplated bj the c t of keqwcalv bdt the election bill rd anal- the utter or fcnth aaition of the quarter seaiiooi by the appoint iicn out of the jjerwofllw diatriet jud7e as th chairman ml thcac c e indeed aiup- ndou but 1 1 i re luhly not ahcwld tbeir mni tvde deter ua from adoptii lhem when thorouhla aaueued of their bencgcialiendreev f rrfcrefwe to the order of ihe day ih tubli- cation of pocoe of which we ate obliged to a it a of the leeiuutivx council cahlbil a further view of laeif procecdinr but we can onk adtert to two other topic 7e hon mr de blaowlcrc moed an acuress to hii eftccliener ihe governor gcnral esprruive ofibc deep regret of ihc council in common mih the whole province ai to the acrvoua ace akul uhtch hi rccwtli befjtkn hi eictlknct it wms ir ivrrtdtoa scire cornmitiec hli rprd the jcco addrcat it uai atcrward idnpid by thrcouncj jo fit erewenry the tiht ifaulu caaa- ltf banof tkxham of s in me csvnfy of avitf ovd throfo in cuaedft one iv lrr tiiicaryi uol i odw pi irjr curn ni coicior gtgi o brtfhs a urf et kir 44 cofin ctciwrw nvj cvjernoe ia f 1 ai oter e rrorimv rtcmowi vueu ofit avw bfmatik ew me sdt4 of jvine e4 rrrunt any man ttut the farmer of ca ii their conclusio tbt uiafvpt blqtjtftinc replied to the rtrnifl h mocb ffeitjifh- he c0nautitcd bho ihe onlj perjon in canada who nrofloyrircd a icto aaitwt aficalture and h wa qutu sfttuled lhat ha hon tixr4 ihzvli viand thu before thj countri r and ircat britain alio and ii the further chaaturcf tfime minuurot thit rorieee cetoiine hia twr anal cone pit on tohr incorporolion 11 tuacd through committer wrtbou amcndncnl ndordrcd fov a 21 ad-n- tomorrow committee upon st charu road or- d proiaoi cilcoaion bill patted through committee wahoul amrndmrnt and ottwrvd for a 3d radn tomorrow committee upon crjiwj hiier navleatton compin- law amendment bill paa aed through committee without amendment and or detcd fee a thitd ead tomorrow committer upon uvliand canal pritalc sct rurvbac bill pavaed through cowmutcc without amcj it t ad ordered for a 51 rcidnc tomorrow cvmituv uii pertcdeal censui p rovhiota dili lit- com- thc bill was refcred fo i slt d radni diatriet court lw laarorfrocrai btl read and tarred to a s ifel cominiitvc 2d readna cmnmal jufjcc ad-ninu- utta improvement 811 rad audrcfernd lo a avkct committee k i latcewv law cow lottd jtion gill hd and referiedtoa slct cjq rniucf 2d rcadin mjliciout lories cnaolja lion bill rid and referred to a select cuntimt if r iove personal ojlvnces cnrot r t nli rtd jtd referred to a select cormiite well understood wiilva cf an entire community that he bvl ecd hs hon fncd waa ulnau tnaraoi of th anbrt1 be wa to a lansl bat h cm dc s essrs gs i ijkreoo ravvd ihrouh committer irj orjrrd io be read a 3d time tomorrow cnnmee upon elteddm froviaion bill and th rprri ihreois poaponcd tdl to marrow to be iirtf afcr 3d rrad yn th caiiiffoint an argument which implied that tb canadio ftra r- d d not uodsand their onn af- fairi nuite a tell a hia boi- frwnd at be n ould nvrelraddt fthe auifacicmof his hon frerd that hi prrvft ineviuhlv included of vlroni cotdcuwaliw of the a meaauw adapted iha season by tb government pf wtath he fxtaed a put ad inunckd for the dilopement of th- re sources of canada h at the were one md all worte than ueka if an hon friends asrrtiont were borne l but a a in hon friend had thsuhl pvoprrtois o stand aaitat ajrieultuer he mr ere bl wavhdthat the opiiini nidely ditkiviiafcd abktm third read out uf door ww hrniijh to bear in ordv lo ten thestrevfrhnfhw km friend a government follv atiaftcd tht could not itid one hour iart the unaninw coejemnaion he w oujkl owe w ih at the haid el be aff icvlxr j1 oopulation 2j rradlr- duand canal construe iiias hiu rradand referred to a committee cf tv whe houir tomorrow committee uon torotitogac hand th kipeet ttfd onj li ltmirnt rfthr mmt tit 4 4r litlilitr connrl ol liamcj akrshcd e- it it u i oa in prorii itekwc mv it rixtc vorn evcnrlrkev uv it r mifcieita ns dtttj an cinil lffwili io epcs 0 your eteethney nur divp rent at the kwi accident which lalrlj ufcl vcur lt el lcand nhnhhaanf in riu ren4rd ihht dve u nee ef iv rlw e ti rf k t prw tvw- itmut iutwiul 1 dimmmj in tt paeclkwet wc tincerely trutt that your rchvnrv mn very soon be rcrtowd to the cnjoinientof halli anj mrenth and that tle aecdnt hhwh hi harfrhj mar hate noorve permanrnl citti than ciiiti- ferih an riprwion of the regard i ar a xwwufi vuur eacetknrt i pcoontl ulijfc nsti th houae ft els in eommou with all her majcsu tutijecta pljccd lander your ecrlliwta coven tocok the hen mr d- blquiere also brought forward hia proposed addretf io tier mantle on ihe aub jeet of ajncditurc whhch was rt j io a ckrt itommtitce nho reported the addreva it amendrd and nhieh waa aftemad adopt d by the council ln jjfnllow bricij n u3 peliuon curreiey kill ntt imistwcd from hr at-rm- bly thi dvr ilh the xmcenlnrnti md by iftc le- itlatire council concurred iu svuvdar srittnsfc i third redui- montreal prmalr atrium inrarpo coon bil read a third lime rd tmj witlaati jl chirlnarojtl od- nanec prcwnjoi rfticatton blt di da thd rvd- iip oraud river naviiton cunrpaavt lar 3 mnduinibitldi d thid readn wttiaw ta nat priur stcc ihwrhtte bill dc d tuul reainj tionio oa lht compmya tk xpnrjtai bill aineudid d da u h imrhii- committee upon lketiona prusuon till arid ta report oicon pitted ihrouh committee anionj d to be read a th rd time on moauiiy rmm in ihe adtwat 10 ihc qen uton th- aubiet uf ariculu e refcriej to s leel commile ihe ad j ore wia brcuhl in vrfcrrd to ttkct commit te composed of mesr p ljjiee morrivad maraular committee upon thtrieds canal con- i struetion bill poaaed through eoaimiltec read a 31 i lime and patted without amendmeni commillce upon certain land in loehiel conrvanre bitl and lh report thereon do do do committee av n member of pirv companica coemption hll and the rrport thereon d do d commiitce upon sydenham mountain road companva evtvmth- ratmt bi j and i report ihercon pasaed imvufh committee and ordered for a third ecacliw on mon day commltiee uon beauhtroie ijcuu vuthlv hii and th report thereon puvsd ilirjkis vm- uiiltr atraej it and 0tii j fr n th id rtuitiu on monday committee uion ufo and wvminton dlricl mtiafrmarrarmnt cuuiirmi oi btl am hi report tb- r wr pjd throuh r mih nhhawt aiwndm laaml nnlrd for j lud rednt on monda cmnittle- uoti vrvtiar frtifb tkslaiion porion bt t- rrr f d d d coreiniiv- unn du lrc3rd r r r llunber mjriuii riad i efporiion b h tl iherv nvt thrcr3 iwi cosstttttt ftook auutl 7u 1111 th seket ftvitt ifl hvnt w hjttrrs j toro- the bill frocn ihe leirlsic assemble inht kd an act ta repeaj the seorfj acetion of an of- dtnaeee of tfc lt ituvcof lower canada rela im o tavcrnt and tavern kceprra with a riew to thkir farther report thervon be leaie now to re port thst the have aan tnroothlv ravninrd and conijdred the iatd bill and see no vason lo eomc oanv otir concliutcm ihan lhat which was con uined in uarir former report thrv therefore vcn lure orxc raore to recommend to vour honourable ltoue that no further proceeding be had iu tela ttanioie biil lo offering this rcommends to your honour able hmiw vour committee would be- leave 0 rrmarlv lhat by h aeetion of tho ordmanec of th 1 h vidertat uhieh ihiv bu inenuv4 to repeil all person obainin m locr cnada whjt called a croeera or stonkccfr licrn wrhnu keepin a uouae f publie riirjuinmcnij aa re airietid to the aale of viie tvand rnm or otbr vpviiueuv liowjh niiamiiie s not um ifo one jh a h tii iu time the irccr arid the tavkw krepe urkr ihr lw in force in lorr t jmarlt are pberd in difrnt p inssaov pr rmin oror iritilt majoduici fr irfalnr pumv pwt- st ih taaeri keeper r i- h vuj lj mter utw any band or oaslf- d u law j h tfte a pwe cf imainc cf a pceolav d rriionlyi tavrro hvr lnc i- obhd tci w fore irk m iasiimbe ate ie havt areirtitv t 1 umtn amdet oa h thai hj ha ample aeeontnlt avuti iuo ocil brtl at the l- in iaim i ih e li family isjt h i- s ael a tutsen ne of hir an utitv far ihc uh of ira- j nl m and for allfett niddionil buithns a wf a inrcri d diitre u iublie or municipal fcn h- rckr a ihs virn prtrvnee of kili al ivhed tottfj 7iiiikut 1inr ow ihe prvini in i s quantifies ihan thow eribed a a nimmium to iv crceert tsv qiaiitlt ui wheh croecrs are imam try tsr ordmancc nnr in liare i amall caooh for any ood nigral or bentieial nirpow and vour cum- mifee eanno- but wr it tr jmblie tknclit wouu b better attuned if mar of aflofdinr additional fetlitic for th aali ot waltofj liquors in rmall rjnantitiea to the i jbm n clasr more ttnn and method of conducting tit public bunira i y qen and more rotrktivi natftnaenla were paed ueicnd iorh aa are irregular or dtfaulun a to ai to ihemittfimum to whn the cc oceva should be report to th- proper autwrilt lathmantt cvnof ihtjeoncntv of wij- w hum f firman icui have bvm enk i talichmnjraua prifh thuurht a laejc i kja i 4jid taatpkfed ilu iamvl up pari orihriir tnarrr waa no pejihy h liidbj out tiiitnr iti- cef r reporkd iu iiimnl a hwt iii p nl fo nd thia mft a vrry important p- one nun hanialrj male i h rawavai suarlslve pefau0p nothr umiito lit ovviwt andiohl fan a unl the hon nttenuti from h ihef m hoh h mr c would not fuul il dilfeult ui tjlrclch k eunseknee to soc lwl ihc proftwmat fie mr ij wosjm votefvr it and at tlunac imsv sell hsu rstm tintkinan tint lifs nteipr wi wrcran hed cilrw to uiv rnrattt r tsrru thtt h i rooy t niing sytfrir awiajrii he lud dteeated out ofdon lor iiart nor tortc pi ftoutdhebc found acii6tin- iw- jnervjs oaii fojitftfuriri 6u cofine rn rfivev ouuvtfiow o lir kimnciitf nope ttw c mortit mr ifolvcs hoped lb- mutation wouj pfctail dnd bt felt aiturcd ihal it waa nut with a an w to tfumcnlin- th pitrtmac cf lite gcvcrntncnl ihal jnv member cf tbnl houc woum vote for th poutmcnt fcf an nketve of cuitwi il w a dl io ultcy th- inapt e tor ccmta drruj thuslatty ojm that oilicer find is toe to b trjvlhi fiom cornwall to port samiaeu mining coll cue of cuaivmv could br ftml time to ineci th ir boox ifprrdiance any had hooka or if they hud wire thy ueh i could be examined t no it was no tcriouj that in ihren caars outaf fflur noht what c wjiv twpl lion member bad gut up m thvir pltec in a hauv aid saud pptiiivlr th con- die of ih collector otc4iuam in corum traces tin hid h en mentioned teec most d irepuljblv v nauchtoirdau that ih- hon mrmb r for toronto had a14 that bo must cither abandon hi bnaiitrsa or bccoiii amuscr unwt mcaturo were adipicd id enforce ihc r acou ha and loorolccl thr ho neat leader talk then of tbs cpcic of an np- xnfritn h ij i pitraiateof ihe jovern- iriewl ant wc 1 bi told i u lie 10 lose 10- oj pre inum than to pt trl to a comprvll t ofcuttocruil lti iuiilrtjrjin asment and ifi hon inembr fur llafuit mir well lutr flaheuwrheu v ad rated fur a rcaou wbhtuouid not voc for th retoljtiorr en the tabl ir afthcli- nation lo meroar h ok nse of la tinmnnl some mfiibecv ulird r t uorerom it i ntlucncc ofth irimba of csp cv b ihi lliuv and out of the llvtit ipii fr ji- lint mnl ojic mjm rath r suvc lha i3me ded bud in lite u4incl of aome hon mmbc lhat or appasntmrnt ofaniriim npetor of custiun llouws wihiio aflcrfvre wiih ihc lxt of certain cjitccecrf ihiu wihhf rrovinecreirv which it wwdj iih create he rued ttil ih- retoeuiiti uould teal jli etcoit aent to a lel contmitve auis irajtrwe- tnm to report without d lac tin rtc ac rnovledj- d ibica of th prevent ayttcin mav le at oiice cie- rfetert and the rewmtrees w which ihe frvutince wjt ejt rli d made available to th eouotry mr tiinnocn brought up an auuvem to hi v fjr the puruoe of aaerriatmai nhen it aa probjlde a to of about lwju whuh hjd befl vuldlait sevicw for crrjm macdami riada notltd be mul m- htnaivn iid h- a mm adw b-cuiioilieprovtfie- crin- iuiei cvuncili dirmuiehuw th tuns rtltuj dtonttrt h satsvjv h acximil unrh hij bn e f dd tv th tru to tv 1 4ml ahv1i wrvr piid o ih- 0vd wlvw tlr hid f k hhrlhre dfudrillt or hue ii- uould pt th 11- vi v n mr fnnrm ir tb rvsaoty tt vjm etihsil i im 4 h it v h rnanllnj urf rsjid itutvhl mi r erv m v ttatt m- hit 8m tasiapw iy uhrfttsitlieiji h4it ernmrnl l mhnci h alrlu rer iihah eoll r nhjw1ynhal th inicilioi rgoi- lit 1 r cj aauoci c vi t irp ru n ti l herrrrt hr d d uv xizz eo i ondtmin 5 sqssss aodahvlfointai tioawhv lasto gmmw jdu fu tti n l c n in atm u uo mutual inirir tom a ltw aa d n bii d ih- r nr tn r art d 1 l 1 d coiniic jpun rmn lik i e clrp ii n alio ireorpvjtrei bh nl ihe rcpn nth rwurud 1 d d rornmrur upon tdiicavti 1 aw prarlvi it iewil gilt j ih rprn iheii invd thi h c -n- iniie sr sal d arnrd rjm u rvlal 1 id lim- mood iv cmist nk n dm s i 1- 4 w t 1 1 1 w i- wniftj 11m uhrel to lea hid vjul u0 emit tfirii nniirr o i i mr morrarr saw thai the stvo of up 11 ad 1 hud not b chirked to lnitd canada mr ntitsos introduced some kcaclurioo nheh hid foe ia object the amewdmintof th- act of rjmino and which tested thj krcnjth of mr 8aw ivins pejrlvirt ihe houae ho aswrtrd trsat tho british parliament had n t ag to lriililc as to ecnpcl ts ltrtr canadian lo pay ihe debt of th uppec proviiw wtihout thir concr t and atitmt hthr itw ivhvh was second d by mr attwin afr neilsorr anl ihia waa the firat ooportunilr whleb lud been aflordd him of csprcttn- hi opinion on the tubiect and he pronouncid the act illegal and ufwwiiiitutiortsi 3ir alrvi mtcvio would 10i tor pie nf ihr r uluien thuli not the nholv of il he admit- ihi hit rh act of lniun vaa uneooatitirionji and ii f ll nti to ii nor mcrnvrr fee qucw f tr isui f ir- llona an oppartunitr of 1 sirtttin t npinion me rfttroixigi nolaiiviicsnalewe m ih k mhit van ifasf of u powriiai w w hfl wrih rotcrt arti wnev part nf th a i 1 wv kreesaey lo na opoiv 10 rj rd hirve frei btin a tmtntttnt hr b- hvsd as ry lierntriy of rrv o hitmans of ihc hj 1 i nec f option th it lira latfwciii of lb ft it rtvctwaih hfrlort lnwrr provi-r- wa fr irrtiaat k teumd to thai tua on r ajiiortiteanaiimu mf mo 1 ttt umilil vae oiat ih it fv- d th if m j hat hr irerfc bvh ltonti r lift in ttassb h nnt thmill rv otj u4 bv mc peter nt hrasrdttatihi lmr d t j aide fur nil obtvaatavf ir ihinttret rdvcjtl 1 ivivmriil rvtiti mta mfllfm aural otlhn hsn torbborla- rdint 01 iui in cid d tia we aachit of co irijr lt isi iimatf mr hnc1s ift4aid ih tha tuusua ud their paattja ih nhti the 0htr viot wrrt cmglfl iu and i jmde would v f r n irvvxl ind thil tool vrttft ted and unoitant par if uvcwojig aj mi k i 1 iii avtraob woajli aef inhabitant of both th luttij4j counts of vorlr mr diintvi enpoxd ih neaaurc cal ttrtftbl nid thfteontm raifj iudjcc llotc in cvtmn lo m l pake of th dffti and trteirfrre inhibtlants were ftprsrd to lor th winlt prcttrmealt of ihnac rda mm ofta- uul who brought ealtal ta ciatdi h wjrs ef wood nd dart of water mr- curiiarva aid thai mr i wr fom la th nsd rt atau is whcbeait ltuo paid s per crjt and at tnc rewasidr aa w be t inj nvlutr ihup ihffala be paid sir altvtx mickio would ruporl mr iatt would alt hipp ihe 1 cftplatiifd lltr erepmfancca mr mconirr sitd no mwbv iiifli undtftud th real asteof uvi h casacooxv lv- house in committee of tr whale mr clmcnoie ud h anuvird tirtt tv meutie u tscfthh and put raasl ana ruh ajsa lbkbv if- htdc trih nf i ha lvaincrahaatdl ivouk b3to i thr mort aerrua otii nasanciprt trad vnou to fi aiumiaud hit n it an amuhintuln- niii lo ba itvuled lvvij- at pxscm bv rasent eullo lc u frsrvuid be tas vant of ihj m rriiitit wh bvhi ia all that hoh was iht u km ifn- iu di of j snow ueurrnho ooipted by a guard ihr head of wan rrtponsiblu to th uovcmmcnt fur the 1 lhat h errijied mr bttcxsaiilha ifthhasai ihiimeiaufc tlicy oroaam wm thuon inv aa iu tlieje ctmrniooa and had ahead rovouj ibat ncrin ih livtial nittt th hm sht ihfcid l tf proa yiiviub ofovnal aud thjt f i piilaort i mr cvur- j ituowfl aur to be loundii the bdl ih rl raierctv todajwtie beycn man arjia cohdrd thalaaworn imiiueci tpl irrt methr pm iroud br more iiiee ihinattim whsc earsovm aii what h ntt rajiprr d mr joictfto satli ci tiic pxr man whs afunorl th lirraasf wooja iu m juticc faor uatatloat u iiiirrhaiit wru tutuht il h fcfpt ai ajwii t iiii- i aid to i- llocikof assemrlt turrdav sp t tlie folloiiin raditsoo was fr d r to- the appointment of a compirtlkr of cmlomv feawrta tww thia llcure 1 of ouirtfou hit l jreat addition ttotiui he made to ih iwlcrviu of in province by an improved aystemnf eolleesn ii duliet rhal lb apintmcnt of a comprollr neectay lor tr pupjw uhv butincm it hrud be to aa- all eolwtoea to ccammc uvir oataabc rioti y4fam of tyiua tu ia slinij ai 1 a half limitcj n th sale of pirril for even un d r ihe etitiii- fw jjae mtu fluanhty of one pint tw a rtvtn ore flscjt can pit lcrtei le rtonht td that the alaharniaftft ate waking vp at il m out rkarly and foreiblj the caie of the parmrr or lard owivr al preant nhote induitrr ei pro rij arpnar by the fnltoln riice that they tactuccecdid 11 setting thrtr princinal liver 13 re the towrtcbcr lcma es fiaxwh pcrvt cculd not cban anr pecuniary aid waulf ref ihir wjecficcuvd to th merchant iu fiax ivniis r j uoawr wsproeccsiinlh removal j c inai ihe precri measure woucenttle rf hgrnrit shculs afics born- to the depth 0 them to etaain thia aamianec and he tbouhi of ji ljtv hii anciauddsnly dropped and entire- that hd beeei bronrht forward fc vbc benefit of the if mpjared in ihespiee of sotns eeverat j proi icee shucnion noilinj teould more tend 10 t oa mt a drp hnllnur ftnd w heard rrm- the ipim elearin of foretts and the i1rodue- r m a jeip nnuour n raj neard rrem- the future ekann- or or forcm and the irrtre- mmr the tumhtiiiz i cf ttilnl ihunder fom lre ef chtih eopm ai wtu aa mcin the e tvhftnrebw tjze zl mctr tust tutviort iiiutanc vf licjutd ta hirh rfr i ww f n oaia tb ot- tbu nee of rrcjmc which o ploy n dai nlocli aip very siiirtl r lo the efliisecence ol a 7 itill was finslh patd and acm tu the leii- min r pn whirb owin- to the alutifthne lalivr emmy fit crri va tcradually figtatieq itslfovet fwr mot important ttulshatr alcobeca ander r i n- ntu jco nf ihr nver a quantity haa ln rnlleclcd and upon applicatioe uf ftre rt fls3i nsutne4ial in ihe pretent spetm 01l trrtiry eurinaily and make furtber irstv lehiarfa anjitie totheoilon the water and ts- woje etirfaceof the nvcr now hurnin- rtunj flame of the mott hraotiful appear- t tv hrat i inehtm hih and ha alteady onfci annl half way rvn to fil st th inflection of which upon the hoi won i the conaid ration cf the council tjvy rraie lat toil rm criminal juvtiee 2d coaomation of llw lswa rtlatln- to laienv 3d coniiauon of the uav aa to matictous in june a 4th aa to rxetonol offences theae bitlt havf been i ivvnr tiif jvwo in csuww one u ik yerff voif itirtotabu pnvy cnrnc- c f- lvv her mnirtivv mnt dumnl and loya iu scis e liflhla 4omed of tudi in pruv- i rial iar1utnt iiembldrfpefnr inorni e tftc lborv iit we hue poid i yfoatipiawasc adr to iter tfajvfty i a iajljiwt of anenl- 1 tvre whvh niiri vour rclk in uait anit t her majri a prirepal mccnurt nf stw firfilvcolnk tobvlaidai iv foot of il thrvutr vo vk nrrtn iov exvlillat mucnrv tv humble addrv of the tialttjic counej of ne protirrt of canada in proiinetal rru i rac atv nbkd may if pcvuie yr jfisviru- uv vour majciv moat clutijt and loyal ub- jeeti he liuiive counel of the proiorv of ca nada peotnwaal parliament afembl d khw to approach vour rj pron illi tin evprtaion of our uuattcrabie ataenmcnt to vour mm pcraon awd cjoaffiimcl n hh- ilcui eat tnewrra wfrjrh hare ueeei lvdy tven brutt itdr ifie eunxi ra lon of h hie ftrat rarliamvitt of luitd cjudf bv vour maj r ptxxnuiiverft trerlirite council vlary iccojilire li ruaiiprirkntkie nidotn arid 9c0ojint aoiiritudof vorn ttuirvty for 1117 wd- farr ef canada nrh hate 10 p iiniink to irtd voasr m rupi uv hunmv 1 fnmllt itruaillut uiiiivr duma o uur thry wtll fulal vur hlajeljn oroetaa ssne latathu awdeioliliie the fursirf pcaer ad hapinxv l tl ea cosiftr try l dirptt arnmbavvf ihir impurtancr ait j nmi raieful fur tboav ousjibasaard proutv ef vviir mj- tvv antsy for uur hrowtrrily we roviitm lie w jhi- 111- an duti to vour mdjevh na ii ihan in llm tit lter especial mtireat we hiti hern cilbd uton to d liberate tfue coulhad n awlul wir marsls facieit aitrmivn wihe nftrut mjjekulturc tlw drpreawuu onjvrwhih hi uul i catmint of our senrral ptvwprity haa ni tarivrl ircducoj into ihr other andiiw abvolut nreraail fjr it btnj dard n j riuvi a rci mnr it utiieh ih ly reairain tw itmlenctel- iziji j a othbauehrry and fh law ratinfttcati- ta- viiwmy irimtted nciih ht pv mr mrnmrecmwrjtifpwiih rc 4auifi 1 i 11 iue kid u i j tj ija cankli h t alhdvsztjw estre ihu tlm i ihjlrt p 1 1 a aeos ui t ia 1 hn ruald or be heait m the r onrj gilicry- r ailivtv had hcarc ive obacetaiioei of sir v mir-m- hith aume torvhlj- ti w tti fr- iiai thv kd b- n tjiivij on lo etrrta th r ao t nt rw th nhrcl and tic at a 8ritnh suiijc hvutd upitlyd elire that the act of luion wa a fva tnftasun f mi i choru and wisitli ap li 1 cnually tu ih ciolk a- tu cvual brilai i d r thtt cull r had to dj as he wa boosi times he used a venrn tpc ard french lb fonnrr ab ml j mehra and ihl burr loncr than cnliah to thil lunlea when mcaaurid by ihc mrrtbaot to cont d r jblr mora thvi thn miun1 barman to i c merchant ii waa ant raeafturemeiit ahjuld br by auerieitl fet and prformed bj a woro meujiw juvlicc would be dune mr movratt th cj rooosi d flvrvnt but oppoaile 10 bi lp uo viiom and hour tlw only went i ml n- intpectiona ofriou provirjana al tiwl cvnpulmiry he fontd rd ui urfr withiv libfiy ef eiwuam mct wtwoen tv par ka uijh to n necifttityf mi irhcrvssej or a cor cer w irvniht vi iti cji ajsr miittce w i4 thit it c tin uh nus at to nnity mr vi ruv atath lu it was r th- ur tlirv v rs erul lfttottetw jinls gitl ur ocvtp wfail na ovbr nli iu ii v u11 t hatr inn w e a mi tan wtiosrrrelo ike do 1 btwciib onrofbcl tli aw f- i hm f ef l od carlt i r ta d utv itnnlsii s pa ehitrr jd ihas erfl isnxdi touuatasai ifhhr pailv elw laff 11 a t iij krrh4 psrtv 1 1 rudii btneen us mi j 11 ui mffc h iftcrehinl rrnth liimvrv alprwlf tifi i 11 1 1 in ui rit wriseuubl r sji 1 1 1 rii ruad wf 01117 rcuitd ih mltlt fcrnd 20105 al onej in ui areatgm aula mr ttmrnov fsd qn fratclcf mr anwis mr cvnna had pvviradv til thaby rend r the ua ft ne ireuar and at th- undent oa urauwlaav pahhe ltn ppisiiian bill fa irnnicj laed end m 0 ifcc acmhs fo rinrirrenc in the am im qaapefi4lart nefid paid and aent lu thi ftp qnioniboiraish sd dm dil kemavfvauiatt rnitee com tail tec itnhn bvlctt cjiwrniiiee uunn ih cnitniltec m adopvd h in eeriaiu favaaaawhala re fii commiite upm i i el comnrtlec up an th 1 j n 1 1 aurpaamncift rariurarulbeanly of appearance tite nra hot c a af mobile journal li- zxirottiinarf some lime liici rhjka nnrlit via l-toio- arhr- if ivn svlfrani diuhman w1 thre urtid rati1- wfyvinv pjj no n4fc rt uesjuu nra ni ifvn tfvaidmunerine 0 libc- s h si laoa mt an individual te- tttmrirfl- iloux b mr tjtaek and reiect the hcvst errdt to lht f drw loptiravwi n flu a- r- erallj in id dilr antiuitd uij ijbaevjrc 1ws conneiaon and mofiaretnial jntiuulinna hicb croud the suiuic booba of lower cauadi t v ii 9 r re arc it fee rv itft fy ivsl kvbir ns itllf ll lt hapjtrd and arc lulddj teatlrrrd tlroiictont their riunt and arc bratoram to app w 0- lf pro line- bj embctin 1 tnuttitudruf acaitrrj ch ao 4 in ilsuv onn clear and mhtr iv jfin trtiihiinal jumaee ir il kl il 4mi vijm piutiaihl watlihaaarnrmamil ahd pjtmj h ta ds4nd auiidi naatiua fr tu v of all brtfolitoah thnaubjori it w rriui w rr fjih eiii1o kl otbllllk tatn cin 1 sai- a r f lhe gatrmfc taavtrvjff intel hjmu luuavra i filaj id prouetiooof lnnadtn ht rakouud iu iifire thia nihmiiil nhjer fcy 4dmi ofooui af u1ii prdnee ntn tietl rarraftjep tima iihi itf inew 10 a pnpitlation srssarffj la aih ruum larfial inaivnli nh ipjr n it i ia eufeeivi i nlncllv unmliub n1h haul ddrrlintrr of tu parrnl male th llaiivt lttnril inrrnmy netrnt in ivpwr miat 1k4i nuinffi i iiiin hie li aimf wj oh ih frih ia tnrinhmu of oua i nlnn ijatf f m rf lr arrw r d ihit rh fr- mlvahv f awaouat 1 iii dn i- unit prorr intu ie rm mhr iraraj kmrim pbva at rbu m rtae atwsjtaftfi iwa tie jssyaivui thht srfie ifilh iwtkasci htih ft iih iu o ii ia bcinotti 1 ji vf nvanmtsir r ir htrift strr intuflie port 4 h li 1 billit atelfur 1 1 fmviitrf and hu r4ttlivr fn jinwj- rftir a i aunjrsl liii y tit havan in rdt btil it i- tl- ti ij kleetioti pruivion fcrrd ton rl ct cm tlwfd hrrxirt nf se jjunal- paaaed tlwo t llerrcumtofrd far lonnuriinf evnferen ine fstwrtb fc hi of the jouwih pitted ind e ot the pintrd jnf nat the q- ni f ihe p per imm br of eufkri nht papc- to jae fiiacrl- in ine apprndu rnauue ij tjc n fviia rel mlndneflir fur- i iihwou th tvnfli nf tlvr stlrrt cianrritli d ipliwhirh rccom nwnlihitieltdlui luiil nr avlrh rhtimitlee upo simem- pubtie buddirv flill ftff ct it a select fl oawmiliee rap w iv i j tin- itnrt 0 c4leie mr lluintt atrnuojit urrd upon th ii ur the adoptiun of m aure catevttaud to cure to the revenues of ih province the duliet upon oil- amroilrd frm rhe united state which if ho tr ad ciurirntlc cwftfced woild h wu aiiatil aihatleait x0oti pee annum to hi pruucial fitodi il i notneinua hut i no 6 p linen un dr ih twemmml m ihr ao trcit a ffd fa efttmitlitfhi mn diattvs of th otik a thll of ccljcocof cutomv iviihuwsrdiof 1 1 cjuta hita atjnttha gfrtl iskct aorraiihr at lt meariwis 31 radii- of h wiliista lutri3ric man bji anirnuvd l j j l ftjs fr coreurree tu hit it virsxct uvee not t b litid wiihuut thir cuhtorstl the briljiii gavcrnmcn hideflleted hi ivoji ban it natby ma r t br nh fear finm mr aldiin it itvid fusr rvnawn 1 r nich lo iar brkath cuttrutnru and h ittiuld wlemijy prutra aiit it j that the lower cavd4u nurc 1 reoach to tcuwjw and m nrr efbdwa tim4ira ta 4 tvmtf uhed tauk an to dtv rtd thiailsi from tanillar irnioa iiui laal wjixh end d in j paraticm from tlu pani cutiti tju imiaj r would be han jd dfufti iu jtreli rtry a a iri i to be odnurcd aj as an ekausiw to be ctuliird tbe ho t irl rir tu usticti uf vrnitlrr ihtv ccron houtev wre niiiiiut sutittlauccww it rjwiini uiil h cim hrc h- hd nl tii mat d lint da of th iina i as an r4ttlv to be cmdiird mbvrfr lutrotii fr mftitiremrj l thin lh liv liut ofihc peowr tuw barfmj f r n u r xttnnnr anrraptd lb- he rcirhrr lay h ihv ocalann d orond of th aiffiirii- c an ad a debt ii u il 1 afoo n ro tiulaiien aalitv of the eompa n ivhr lim rtol onec th dlafirnpy bv speimine a u cnvlom or i corbicrnlrr whaar d rv i o travel round and vital trtt cottreui ahmsasli and rwt irrjved whch l h wv mi crvdll ihe svttena wa rot tn e ill uon ihr in ihp lepirv fee pitmm uf llrir brrrd- r co a- tviaet ot iiutd b cttp td 10 nltuii f ir booa an aieftji a 1 thet now dd uh mi irr dll citfrnntl hni a hi hair raaoot lh hin rnnes thrv were miilm 1 ptv f r ill dularaun the otxl thv had luopoartl wt- fr for the it tn tnd if h as rai tomd varf hjw tav the rutthu luu nitaor v tbk to tal th hia fri rd aid ni lu mrtu f i lh netherrinie he sjlh tumxliv htix 1- a j rif d 0 a ml tnoatituc irhbnurt i xtlh lrda1t fr has id and iar wih aa 1 bhuly loocroi oirtlrteai tl pr 1 i wai4iranit4tdtlrr tinje jrt4sugrar vcm tu he- 10 euthrt iv at ivift nf m lec luvniit ii iiiinui sliup itillinrre liwmaf wflulfcr avrmbtf utiieh nil1ipror on ihe litfituf le ilaa to-mor- rnw the hw sir d ftirre rie notee t a oaaisua for sm add e r ii yiy with coiuhi prinftto llr lrlit cnunvtlnnthc ubm of the protcrliow uf iriflturr timridjr sfff 2 u rrtdmc xlnnlrval i male aalyn nrotpi nijawi tliir rxj nd lleivirrd lo acnwnaiee f tse whole lfme in ro 1 i rradinr s rharlra r tlrdwianee proaiu fv rni iiitt tu do do u reuuuit i riv n ion comitvi law iiidnvul lll j jt do am lbjsn hhuipltanj riate tiocll pui htae hillk dn iu 1m jtaduc 1crtam ltml in lnrwil cottrianre hill ad tud rvfirred lo v iwetf ommihre 2d krailirc fhtie anil kicrff jwriaae hh ska aa vd aira jiratit4n uuuntavtat rid d ih vl jtdin- dund n ktirrl a ml ttiir huanhei mieljnunl rd in m llitl ik dfi rcaina l ii mmnnl r nr r lmpanf law tfaseffut iir dl di l dn fttdafir roman tfjaf jc tr najluau in rfllab rill dh do dn f hf ilmi m intw t f a liptniira knpctin dfn d j rimik kratatiarhihi lar ihll liwi vi jl ami v lvui rasjl rail -hi- a vi llndna paai rrti tan1nlhi pr batf d d ii iliit prtlnr p f pvvmri 0ti ft im arir in tama i if rlir uim- innanf it aval atrlftaijfc thvh sbaiow finit ii rav psnam dilinri 1 b ih- nrertimnt ef irijjft aalind n rtr or cnanivllr ii a alrv adnmalf tu th m lllt m ofihfu atnvuf la natir nhrrti inslead rf brinan a il brdcn in ill e junirt areirvj mre r i tin liii ike ainoutt of lb- end urn ttjird to lb uftie- mr ctwrnv am h hd al afc etiy pirt of ii son uu iwn oeeaaiuw d ilt tie- wtaolc atjte of ihe eviveen iw art rijraoii naa uid hat ije n rm of cellcctin- wn luc ad irrrtprinht- and lhat if wilt iuiimii and popr rrvrtt veer 1 umil d he had no sjitttbl h amumt cntlreled hould he dtiuhwd the huu tei tlcaaanfcmlie4ihilfiiliiilall you htt 10 do wv tu put up a tiat ivrr 3 ntutjlh of ih nimri of prachia thtt ruuri l the mis and the ih riciun nthr jnnil n that uum i ltfhnte ujrt urrr not nwulinwtdiu tin- it nnum rrclify il non ihii wi abaurd vlii nut nriorljltj ronipiard of uarutuami utnen tb nxrrhtnt oluj cstnva- ot hivdrnity ami urvlt lhfi ww wire ftvurrvl atuum tat e ivn had often bohn ueh uiina a fiiuut il ehevpte tu pay a lid waitrr aaai pt uv duties tv itifhery nbunt ill oimi itllrr 3oolfr turirttuliimrrrtl at ahasaim niiin avaa nrv iiiipv lie jutj ina sail la allwf iirnl halfn itaaml ruls iu tiff mil- 1 1 rfuur esftnmmth rmarl to 1au chit lhr fuiiii hu4 a few in hj p eouw i aail rar inaocutly t juhticj rnrut and would be djirc all hun nitmurauf h hue uoutd tipjnrl hi wiv of lb eaic lb racnihvr lui liueoln taid uhv ci jiu i4u liii mad upon th nhoie a d brin ii- wmjm nay ux had kyn cooall i irs ek aiim vm mil md llnlih cuid net rf ls jerttita is t iinrvn waa iviamiv efrh r t dstte il wjv iiilquitcun jfj utt j ton lni imti meaafv t emel th in to iar il j yj ui tai rrrtauc and jba too of ihuvnlaj laav 1 rwnraira iwit iti thr raec of iirajiiwussasiatji uftn s ha id eavrn imiur to that uhies jil bin pnit d in 3 iwibborm countrv nman leno iu 1 afr ii r liijjh aubjict hea heart vm iln lutnlian impoiori 11 ho-i- th hr-i-wetiuu- lhvanweiniinttth hun- if it wnim r muimrate wiih the palmment of tin ai brjula lrrtafvsv he would teldan aanini i ii lulceanm oot hrobmmifd ubl n a- sk tioiiul io ih fpee ol ami at h nrtu pea tj lite ufl ilrp ul auw bbvj in iv r tlw ban nuar tit sjip iiil moterajr ihoj tn milmui h ljrula hailrai j h nl litriar- a tiiirijrit rtt- mil hhtu jfy i lit h e i1 ita fira eiaetin eiaue h b hift ram liobfacud eiri uni ttle by ua ream hid mad rvat brilain to rcat mue frrdn ofhrr trad he tf nv r to adding patron tc ilh estt puwitin ucw an ortuxr ij that patrinj- alrradr ihan at all c thaillb ir- cf th ennrutity h hufne lud ld hm tu p- hiidje fratda werv rraetd b ihr qucbc m ih luinbern nlul tb timb trtdt a of rosirt from top 10 btwi be mt rnrjcttsnl in rmpljv only one cult if i tint nvii witd nvurally iihulif hiiirr1 mariof ii rmbur btaonc al of b4rtrtvdintha b l tar- v n o ds juike us lha aian oa mr1 ihc irwli h r inj h mrvhul fiuc wja inier uk ful 10 th emtunit lunb ilttn vh rjunt ut lobmft lifrauj d rrhi wa a- hr uw ha 1 to acifc the uh rf atdfr iwic th amount of aia valu wj j uue uiiu a m aisrter in fjubc had iwl fr labour sitlbfare h- eend recover it t rich aaiaat iw had to f nd recuniv wnuuit ailvhtj thrccuht a summjiy rcncdy re fir l rce htl ir itl airmtafniliwarifv h 4tadrspuai tn last iwj a tv ilrze uhvti lint befit eiaui 1 i kid tint haiinn friiml ih- c ma nmlaonjkvlbrnvlai fi r- hr ap ur nhmvlifi ai a waa lla- tun r man r iwjualier of k h nl tot f t nifd ihi miaui tin i bsbub of libvrl 3piy a itbuu lav i urilain fur u hlwhh jntl umi cuilty llwre lr th livhiti f rfailiwi lit rpfertreaj aahial- 1li it the inm evesnlon mn unhlnjna part ha tptr cannw i miiiikia s tn nnd fvum llwn iiir in whteh ii- nf been h vimltih aualy wha anppitfted it wre i l ii fm rr ouinnf ue wall atilir embrlur stt lulh if jt will rrit ia iiiir hilf 4 junr rttr i di wall rntrr u wi ii ifatiiirbi ned al mil i t iiiy 4 i rjiall rlr i i t u enair h it lri antri at nf lv rn4frmr m nr de hi ihla rm i vdnii mwv r ihr fmik -ih- no nriethip ifda imht4 w afawn i he ru n i isavsuhrr asws ita trip i i ii iii ii f i- mivr- hiatal fpwu i i r i in 1 l t imm tin nmreeiiaaniimieno tuawty asafi f r paibtie liuaeiviinrataainl lla at ithmi ib loalai tilt law st uvrrrtat h ai n ihr ini divnbil win inflis rwplrthd nfllu ivuri h tr atitiis fatwddadrmii ih fiutdi th invaklvl wi nt akuatutauiai ruihi jld p1 kwwbili m un- ii f nntiftl m an itinr in itlltr enaillt iil it lt in tm u i sail- i lit ila mei i nlml i tt un trmitl itaraenpi iniuj ai 7 i autimig in i mui nl ii f linn tade mil ilbm ha- id nmc fevthia luubrtsia fur tv irad nf ih coli5 ll w lijtneecffriaid nd iiaworms is the luttswfaww arl thj tsrehar aw jrearir ri nf tlr lar ur ikaiior wv much omj w lirod inihlir fir ht rniron ef th nnd hat brbfm of ih ifipw ric si pusatt tht llilatrrerhad j casj wn and ivtil eoatldnm be ianaarcd a rljimt were iiird mr atlwljf ih eonlinui th a the iliva who really djdtuihi thsinipallarcfah d ef lie am uvtarr nd h fouf ir let- ftru itill i lut dad i hltitan rnt tr iwl an olw ad utw f rihe awanr litoicr wwpnh ieif0 lw irwpritt utnvl mm ail ik m nli it mr jtuiw tv he- j wiv ei1arr mil in ii la n hid t n r ami ih ibwr c ml v ii tat mnnny ch ul itiy lai il wkitd wi hi nnplnavr b r hail flril thit itilt rwtf nla rkiatiwu 1p ray kef u ilr uiv- rtiai ittnvtraiivoivihc mil iefertiee li ih ir i rouc jttnl liuw ui nnjifid wn nl kit if u the lawrw a v he r rill em a ltal liw wlth lr mrfidirtlrnn nnn iintiariiii bii menmin rni seatwr al 4imiiu rtprullh hi- nl i i id iu l he i k rlln laittsu reiia ui ni lai rliima mfhv iii lehim avi iwan itnli at w ivt iwfcfs uiavi mi 1 1 1 win imuth i ssri rafl dftaiief tvrttlww sarv in d ti fcdiim mnlm irfrtl itii un n i tlihnif- nt w hi iv iti v7 h iint t i itvh ewi ti ii il ihnt iir iuii 1111 n and rc it i i ah iti