Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), September 4, 1841, p. 4

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kingston and rochester tntil further notice the large and oomniodious sleazier vnlont captai mljmnoyoi will ply between the podj of ktnplnri no d rochester commencing ber trip a ulowll upmrds wilt leave kingston every sunday tuesday aisclthursday evening fterth arrival of the mail steamboat from montreal- fy it will leave rochester land ing even monday wednesday and friday evening after the arrival of the packet boats the union is well fitted up for passen ger and extremely well adapted to freight the passage to and from rochester is performed during the fl-flil- passengers fmc rochester for montreal can arrive there within 46 hour and freight generally in i fey for freight or parage apply to mr t phillip rati road oaieo rochester the captain on board or to mcpherson k crane kiifismi aug 7 ls1- valuable farm for sale the subscriber often for tale on hundrtii acres of vcluaue land in the township of frederic ksburg midland district fifty acre of which arc under im provement the quality of the uil is excel- lent ah the premise are a new frame dwelling house iwsj frame barn and warf with two siorchuitscisrilwritch the steam boats plying between kingston and the head of the bay of quinic stop daily the above property hi bfaotifuhyituilcd on the horc of the day of quinte in a well bellied neighbourhood having the advantage of good roads school and places of public warship distant about s miles from kin rtc lb from napance from picton 9 from bath and 4 from the village of ado- phu to aay person rd to carry on mer cantile busine this property would be a desirable acquisition such having been car rm on there for many year and the pre i occupant being aunui to leave the place the premise fur some lime past imw tfrtfk jrrw ijfi trnvriry per annum umi will be sold moderate apply lo the proprietor d l thorp pieton to wm anderson esq roslmastcr on ibe pre mi see or to anthony b hawke esq chief emigrant agnt kingston june 2 ithl 06 or nicol trou darliton roiat street off church stxeot marty opposite the jtrc jl d cartwrihls advice to the poor fflfttj from 9 to 10 every morning except sunday upper canada college- mr barron secoaj classic ii master receive into hi family mid net pujb limited to eight who i addition to the ad vantages of attcodancc on the regular course of education i tbe college ewy sm beneril of private instruction and are prvnared in the sub jecls of examination tor thr exhibitions and other distinctions offered far general eompcti tion for particulars address letters tvoit yoicfo tv editor of the church toronto llih auusl lll ifai sarpeon demist b flics ropvoitvttiy ib ititonn list- mnfttntasn of kingston and its trinity that he may be consulted daily at his residence in front street next roar to mr goodwins hotel from dr js professional cxpericnec he flat- ters himself he will be enabled to afford every tstitfaction to penon requiting his assistance t dr joac would particularly call the attest- tittof parents to tbc formation and position of theit bddimt teeth fa consideration much m greeted in this colony tftese he undertakes however defective to make grow up hi perfect regularity and v i wet or toothache it has always oeen li j stojy to avoid the excntthlin opcratronofeatraclion usually resorted to bat uistantanmuiy n without pain to relieve the fnertrby a simple application rcccally dis covered j ind bating ttuffc j thedecayed tooth rrstortsiltoitafornetusrruliiv for this tm- pottaat diacoverv dr j haf provided btmself with tariosrs sets of inmratffrnl upon tbe roost modern and approved principles j j ii enabled to say thai owio- to his potsetiiosjtbe secret of malfrinjc the incorrup tible pracelaio teeth he en suuply any deft- ctencj aftho rooath nd ums so completely as to sstttent the possibility of detection dr j also beg to assure the public that hu wi rii services shall be tendered to all upon the mnst reasonable trrnx a advice and assistance to the poor rrssuv tonau5uitt ji a farm for sale rv the netffhbcrhood of kinrton the capital ofunitcd canada the farm i beautifully eituaierl on the bay of quintc eight milca from kingalon contain four hundred acres one hun dred and fifty of which is cleared and un der cultivation with good fence the house uon it ie a large and corn- modi out cottage with numerous apart- meni for the accommodation of a i- peciabte family in the from of which is a verandah acventy feet in length humctent to protect from the moat inclement season in the rear of the house and in front of the kitchen is a never failing spring of water made available by a pump for the use of cattle and domestic purpoca the out houses are extensive and commodious and the orchard in a good and flourishing con dition there ia abundance of water on the farm at all reasons for the use of stock beridea the spring indeed the farm from it neighborhood location and proximity to the kingston market u deserving the patlicular notice of intending purchasers term and any oilier information requi re will be made known by applying at this office or to mr graham of champignon kingston 2lih june isavi 103s clocks clock clocks just received and foe sale a most splendid assortment of eight day three days and thirty hour brass and wooden clock and mantle timepiece in plain jill and 0- g- cases the most mo dern style warranted to keep good time at no 3 i i uuitdings j linton kingston aug 16 14l llii notice ss hereby given thai a third and fina dividend of i 2d in the pound on the trust estate of mr archibald mcdondt late forwarding merchant at kingston this day declared payable on the 1st day of june next apply ai tlie office of mr t glassupt sioresirect oppoaite the commer cial bank kiagton 15th may 181 9124 attention attkntion thk subscribers beg to inform the musical public that thev have- only two pi ano fohtrs romamin frsaie and which two if not dipoiiif it frw tr vitl be returned to the mojir ii tor the ahore ntstm ncnts are coflish manufacture made under the immediate dttection of messrs- j w her bert co who from their ton experience in the business and well known reputation as piana forte builders are fully competent to know what will best stand the climate and give satisfaction the lone of the instruments is very superior andtheopportuaity nocrofjered should not be lost sigh of bv paities wishing to obtain- i tu perior instiumem frice jorferofe collins k haines kingston 241b august 184u 16z oi cciu j b w dawe sollcltorinchanccrynofary public and conveyancer hainj resrncj the office ofcertt of common council wi devote his time solely to his professional du tic he will ako prepare memorials petitions billy c and carefully attend to all bvtv- ne connected with the public officek- lrttcr must be pont paid- brock st kingston june 28 i8h 2z csovernmcnt sulc r btsolej by pauie aotonai uingilm a- dock yojd wvatfioy rac uuaaswsy sepifiuvr narr the steam ekcjne and boiler recovcicd from she wreck of tbe tam vessel goderich neatly complete and very upio of its kind a hit of tiio mateii als to beow with the deficiri1may be aeen at the store keeper office in the dock vatd sale tocommrnccat 11 oclock knptoti dock yatd 26th august 16ml cl choice winks at the whouute watchouseof tbc aeiiber from 5uet 4 v old poit 6 q cask-do- 2 hbds superior curet 6 qr casks howard co madeira 20 oeilid wehh madeira 12 qr casvf i ioil 0 octave do do- 6 qr okj do sheiry sfi 4oz turir ijrt 10 bsk i chairruizne- jos riijiij 1fk a liverpool roapi ji jm- j t- i getih so eo lonion moltkd vp 4o ifioo fierrfi uawtg 2 4o lmem dip canelea kor i 1 if joseph h hall t yv 194 aeael lill id flis s 17 ua ftsft i vr private boarding at mr- duf- fill next door to brycen store king street near store street a vacancy fr uvo gcntleitten kinptcn 14lhjuly jsh 4 for sale that valuable farm coniin- of 74 acres with buildings theieon delightful ly situated on waterloo h11 within three mile of kingston being hit north pari of lot num ber fourteen in tbc second concession of king ston frontiog on the napanec macadamized roid and partly in the village of waterloo terms made known on application at the aluce of messrs cartwhight 5t geddes kintstoo august ii jll v2z the latc5t artd aiot from enqland hy wviy o vucocc- messrsj 6t r hutton direct from manchester england beg to acquaint the public generally thai they have rented the well known premises lately occupied by 1ewrs collins cy aincs lamblon buildings storcsirevt and they hope by slict attention to husincs- lucethcr with other advintap they pocss to merit a continuance of that patronage the late occupier enjoyed- ueaart j r ii respectfully invite the inspection of the inhabitants of kingston ami iu vicinity to thor csiensive assort inivii constating of every description of bntnh jluntfiittuffd iootls suitable for the caon their stock ha beon laid in under very favorable ciu in flncc having be n huuht for cash and it a lime wbsjn the marlrfd were very much icprcej alu they are in connection with some of the most extensive manufacturing entail ments in uainheaicj n one of svltich mr jamca hutton hi for the last ten yeai been actively onpaged it is unncisarv to enumerate the various aiticlc comprised in their arortnicnt authce il to soy that they will have every articlu usually kept m a lry fliods torc j st k ii alm offer nl unprecedented low price a large stork if hejji m 7 d b c l o r u i v tj sutahe fur nil cch adnpu cither fur summer ir vvin- icr atsu alaro assortment of clutii caps j ot it h wtieit an cariy inspection of their aorlmenl feeling cmfidcikt that quali ty und price- will hit mitii a tn tlme tmiajaay favour thm with ihvir support cvij katifatifii the irimti upon hiehj lhv intend to art that of tmilt profits yurw arfsfraur srsw n 7fif n r mrcohiunc 1lainct embrace this iporinnity ol inlrtiluriry to ihj or ef t the abovu hieniicned 4rntlc iiwii ainl 1 to reoriiiieml thrm u llir lin uhhb ttrnfahhtly io miller i mills coach builders from lonoon ec leave to inform the inhabitaou of kingston and the public generally that they have opened a imnch of their es labliahmertt in this town in store street a litue above the scotch church and hope by alriet attention to business to merit a con tinuance of that liberal and distinguished patronage which has been heretofore be stowed upon them for the last aeven year at toronto n b for sale an assortment of drtts- kas single and double phae tons light wagons cc of the latest fashion and best material and vvorfc man ship all carriages built to order war ranted twelve months kingston hav 8 181 9sz wanted a student to tbc architectural pro fession applv to mr browne arcmttd a fee will be required kinfstonsut april isi sij urirish sjodlery warehouse corner of store and front streeui kiniton opposite me rtsidattt of the cut juan alexander dixon of toronto respectfully informs the military and gentry of kingston and tt virinity that he has opened a branch f ins establishment in the anasm prernijccs where he will c constantly supplied uuli a very superior xaortment of addttry harness whips av cve imported dinci from the beat house in great hritnn and which will ennttitute a first rote english eataldrshmcnl all saddler c kept at the above thtishmcnt warranted english x b every tlcscriptiun of harnew c fliadc to order from the best english leather and repaired by very superior workmen kingston 6lh july 1841 2im the subscriber beg respectfully to in form hia friends ami the public thai he has removed hia oflice from torontotu kingston where lie couiuiucs to act as a land and general ajcnt and hopes by sikcl attention and integrity to merit a con tinuance of their patronage every description of huinc attended to c ivfvvtf wtro rvtfrhj arj h of land proeuncp patent proseeu thg claiiritt under the hcr and devinee act c transfer deedr and mortgage- with memorials drawn ojjxrt quarrytreft next door to mr if ttilsos dry goota store james henderson kington lsih june isi 101 ft ll peraona indebted to collins 5t hatnea are reoucied to call and settle their account on or before the tat november next as all accounts remaining undented after aid time will be placed io other hands for collection collins jc haines kinjslon 13th july 1k41 uiufefj tales hotel oswego n v nphis splendid esublisjiment i rsiiujiui now of for the reception of visitom the house nm en newly furnished throughout nd fromititlevated and dc- ghiful inluanoo commands from the exten w valuable propcily i m tijc town or xiyciton lois nos 113 116 ul be sold at public sale on the pre mises on thursday the i gib day of september next at noon j two substantial stonh h k- frontin an qu3trystrct89 feet depth of tbe lot 13j feet on which stands a stone stable 70 ft aive phuasji the moi magnificent views uy 3 w two spacious yards inclosed with both of la r t fln rura teencry travellers visiting canada tiff kingston niagara falls buffdv and the western states will find the route from syracuse to oswego per packet and from thence by steamboat and rail road a most dcsintwe expeditious and economical chanps the subscriber hope by strict attention to render his house a de sirable residence both to transient visitor and permanent boarovrs- j foreman fatt of tht tavern lockporl k- u- carriages will be in attendance ut all times tu convey cucst and their bap ffff to and from the steamdoalsand pack et free of charge notice the sobcntm brg to intimate that they have taken those premises for merly occupied by mwsrs w h alan nine co- 2loslprf st a few doors basil from st nicholas st in which thry will carry on lusincss as general and cam mission mrrraants they invite the attention of buvera to their aloek of prv goods which will be found suitable lor the canada markets blackaderk co montreal may is s9x waiild tc burrow sf4fcfb rllvoor three years lnexceptial security will be given for ke payment of the principal apply at the chronicle fc gazette office for sale or to let the shop dwejiiog houe and bake ry house hwly occupied by mr r isbolljat narwnee apply to a nacpherson napanee feb ish twz piano furies tlned repaired lex s u i t hs ptauo forte mak er of foronto hogs to acquaint lite a for sale w ot no 225 cstpfrral ftvif lrinr ahk mfidtntl jii u ihrmrfi tlcy w hin m ijh- rliit hi i nth i ai i uf if nri imwtl lltni amy ill u j- n twn ihi ilf rn jin it l fin ili te vrrv mlpeoni itlvti 11 t- hajtitvft iic ijilt ihjpei v marr h inn im- h- in tlie tiw of kinpton ituated n barrack street wah a commodiouft hou suited to accommodate wo families and at present leased to her majeatvs government lot no fi on the west aide of the grand river catamqui in the j i if kinjjstun on the montreal road within a few minutes walk of thetown of ktatton and which will be divided intu luu to uit purchasers rljta lots no ten and eleven on the wetside of the said river cataraqui in the said township of kington with about forty acres of improves land with a good house and barn thereon erected there is a good well of water upon the premise nhieh are situated about three and a half miles from ibe town of kinpton on the montreal r ad foe pelt lars appy to the subscriber crhawl o ot out uie premises john hclean kingtnn th march istl 75s itenflstftyt inhabitants oi kingston that he has com menced buinr4 in the aboe line and hopes ha by ftrxt wwhrlw t pfwf ami fl imi- rirugliknowlimerjofhii potefciion to imvil that patronage he ha ln so liberally voiued with for the lat jx yvs in toron to mr smi bilitr h as u tuner can k known by nuirin of mr j w rrent where all or r left will be aitendcdio metahc mates put intu piano fories tin will not keep in tune good fences j stosc hovscand framed building jt- tached extending on qacc a street 1 feel in cluding a gateway 8 feet and on quarrystreel 13 feet forming the comer of the said streets 3 small fftahed jlovitvij hjr 33 feci on queenstreet 4 large filimed lfovsc vnth sublc at tached in rear fronting on queenstreet 3ft feet a safeway of 8 feel wide betwixt nos 3 anl 4 affords access to the rear of kos 1 3 and j also that lib farm lot no 14 2nd con loughborough east the buildings t hereon nj a small framed house uvo hams 40x50 feet each cattle sheds on which extensive repair hxve been recently made conditions made knnvvn at the time ofalc t r i t j stoves stove slovcs he subscribers beg to notify the pub lic that they have been appointed amenta for tlw disposal cither wholesale or retail of the above mentioned article by a large and respectable manufacturing estab lishment end that they are now receiving and expecting daily to receive a very larp and well selected stock collins haines jluciiatutrs kingston july 28 181- sz korluilherpartieulttt apply at the ncwsojecc ail communications by ptat be paid kmpton auul ii 181 1 13 3i bi ft ank dceds and memorials forsale ai the chronicle 5 gazelle omce reenshields miller have just received a small consignment of tonncd sheepskins south asienica kipskixs 30 sides harness leather so to hand 7 boxes superior twankay 3 do do gun powder tea do do young hysm i doz fancy catiy does souchong llbea tbe whole will be disposed nf at a low price kington 7th aug is 4ii kinp4oo april 3 jsll isz r h 6c t rae w or dransii ronrrgn dct goods kinoston at keillers waoutttu iwl rttaif confectionary enocs stbcct ill always be found a large sup ply of the mopt choice assortment of confectionary together with tea cakes ol all kind phm ctute sponge ckt pound oiuhfj jetties crew suxrior ginger betrjrom the fountain wedding cnkes in a very mperior stjh notice hphe manager of the montreal crtu tooipany nir to unvrat z vjeuiry inhabitanu ofkinfon llat ajj order for cabs will be receiij t ar s iloy- i saddler store strtil where they il be mcl with the itnelesl punctuality a despatch by uve yrjersigncd ames boxe kington i9ih june sl ioik globe hotel fiamwun respectfully informs his friends and the pubtic taat the above eksnt and extensive esuwrshmenl newly eroded and purposely adapted to lbs european plan of accommodation is no opened for the reception of company the toonts have been new htlcd up with new fumitute of the most mojem style sad no expense hat been spared to promote the comfort of his guests the plan is preeminent for coiirrnienre as fimilics and peisons desirous of accommoualiocfi unconnect ed with reguh uardin may have suits of apartments ar1 t furnished therein al all imim amir ny manner agreeable m tlivii taie tbe best servants are alwaysin attend ance and the british and foreign languages spokrn in the hoofe to this est ihutfnml thcr is a restaurant whcie the best provisions of tbe matket will be served up on the most approved and fashion- itilc style oi fiench and english cookery the choicest wines at reasonable piiccs hi connection with the hotel an extensive bathing ciubfishmcnt on new street opn at all seasonable houts for the use of his uesls the location of tbc hotel is admirimy suit ed lo buines or pleasure r bcinx within two minutes walk of wjlliueel the puolic olftces and the battery the most airy and healthful walk m the city the proprietor gratefully acknowledging the many fjvors he has heietofnie received irom ht imtton azures them that he will avoid no pain to accvmmodatt such as- may grant hint a call in any style of eapcasc or economy lu it may be best suited lo their wish es obluojdway new york the moiirrj1 tiuetbfj quiuc mrrrnrj tbc ctetatkk k jjt1ti kiakovi ahi toriitj l- triol will plrase nwrt lhi idteftixiihut tee linic ic k0 their uu to f ftlirr inl ju solicitor in c h a n g k r y am notary public s2t to jtiaitt frasrs oitisf iytj xtwgfon h the subscriber fas on hand and selling at very low prices as bxcrujsnt assortment of staple and fanes goods in the new store adjoining mr- wil lards ktxc street duncan mckay kingston 26ih january 1841 60z t new grocery storg he sulwcriber beg u tnfor it wkh and the r in etcnf kinptjn and it vninily that the commenced business in that h door to mr amfordu hotel store ef where lhomv eow ally keepoarj ehcceassfimenlofunheriestea i and liquor r which they win low as any other otnbjishmenl ii- they beg also la ofivr onondaga sail of pari waterlimi and whisky by tusi at very reduced rircs for cash a i of public patronage mpeeuiillr srist oanleloconnellclrt kingston may 59181 forwarding 181 the undersigned with new and effi cient mean have made preparations in cjrry on the forwarding busi ness betwixt kingston prcctt inter mediate places and montreal by war of chs7 lawrence umkrihc firma of pkkgison mciijkon moktmau hvibbon peruson kixcstox freight of goods unward charged alto gether according lo weight and at rates as reasonable as those of any others in the trade alex ferguson john muttjbon montreal ausi 26th 1811 farm to let in the township of seymour fte lie district coottisting of bctnxeq ami four hundred acrva of clti land and every description of required on an c5 tensive faruisval large stock of improved sfjeep cattle fiji ses e cond all the usual meiiis of husband as tire will occasionally reside on the estate rent will be made eay u an tenant and will be taken in the of the farm testimonial as to cka ter and ability will be required apssv j 2 letter post paid to g s botjltohj ibour or to the sulwchiier on live spsll d campbell june 2 1811 o tliekinton chfokle ndtortf usol are reriursied lo inert he atot iulrvctioiis to let a good yard sheils and stablebj street enquire at this obce kindlon june 2d j81i a to let large house shop and hack stores with n capacious yard anu out houses situate in store street the build ings are located in the most central and business pan of the town and ore well adapted cither for a wholesale establish ment wan extensive rcait hihunesj apply at the chron ft ftaz 0lic kny fad fttnrrln ltt yr leathert murray has for sae sole harness leather calk kip and morocco skins linings am btnmngs wholesale and retail cash laid far hides and skins timothy ami flax seed kingston de 19 islo- pig iron just received ami for sae at a sda price by ii s j0n1 kingston june igth 18m it village ac park lois for the subscriber has for sale a fp sirable village and park lar the town which he vill disposjo of conmodating terms smith bartlettj kingston july 2rth is4i tl to lie lei a neit small cotagtj at this office kington jomaupii iwi j fwv kcdurrit fnrc u c i iv kingsto and toronto t ii e s t e a m boat re il tht t he literal patioxacc which has leen extended to the subscriber has induced him to decide that he wilt remiwe his family to this place as soon as he can procure a re sidence he be found at the lambtnn house ai present premium mineral teeth far kuperinr to those ordinarily inserted bv dentisist always on hand entire of which he is prepared lo insert on the un erring principle of atmospheric preure which method he has sauafactonly tested in this place d s coldev dentist kingston july 7 ibml cottage fear sale a small brick cottar delightfully situated on the bar of habvwell a quarter of a mile from the town of teteo ami 10 miles from kington to which f there is a steam boat daily the pliee wilt be somheaji and possessioti 5vcn at once apply hf 10 tireenslllrlis miller or to jfclmlllerscce picton 13 kinslon mill auusl 1wi cokoagr spun vrn oakum the subscribers are rpwtias to receise daily 6 coils hauierfrom3lo6tnch 45 tned cor forn j to4 inch 10 3to4 varn pu tain 3 3 and j inch manilla hi bundles oakoest quality the above will b sold n liberal terms lo any pccion imichasin- ihr whole collins haines kmtonjllh august imi i6r removal willia1i stennktt manvfac- taring jeriur stttotrsmiih and rvatrawnktrj tm wtaoved to llwitvtn adjoining mr thos umsons in store street where he will consjntly keep on hand a well elected awortmcnl of articles connected with hi line and respectfully hcits a continuance of public patronage kington july 2d tssl inn to contractors a livilders ilemjers will h received hy tlie under signed on or before the- 2na of ntcinbr neslfroui my rrsrmmc contractor tbrlmim- intf aitfd romjilelin hcwt in brock mvrct acrordm to plans and specifications u be seen hy applying to g lfkowne frraiferl knlonj5lh atipit 1bii ibii public ndlcr ciollins fc haines take this rocllod of jciiuaiftlifur the mecliaac and the pumjc rcjif rally that the lots reir4uiu3 un soh frotn their sale of the mi in an pviccif in thrir hands for sale all a her fi lilisaed on the fvssj and wut side of viotnrift street i hort dbtaiee from store street writ aiwplrif for convenient ksufkej as regards a toh mradantied wi i troinihy t lt tn men nf nurh m mti i 1 1 i taynnt ithrral i in uutlut ullictwa aj atlhr silucfjnl thr riistftitvfjl vlieicaj llstl ii irw ltmun hrrrn rrililns a iujm rv i ww t piano fortes the stihsciiber rr vlfully inform the inbalianuof kmst d hi vtciuiij tlul they wtil always keep on hand a lam as sattmenfof ln0 fotirfcs at lite stores of jolin 11 greer e maaufacturcd by j je j mead toronto a brothers co lndn and montr ca which for beauty of lone ticuulisn of loi durability and style are superior to an miners mnufctutcd on this cuilinenl or even london for thu eumate the whole ol 11k te warranted to bland this cjimale foi ie year and sold at rednernl prices tor cajh or fffffl with satisfac toty notes kiaoatarl airnss k4h mead i juytuk tiuull 3iclicincs re fir itje sshotassslsj by e m lvtt oeflcrol ais saekeis harr bur n yanilatmailhy wm mackintosh cnrvnufcs gazette uffitc klmcsto- and also ire r o simrw oicnuburgh n v and brt m rwdc french creek k v t- sea rciommcndafoosin anobtr co lumn t hu hnt it ilnsr1 h v for snles he ptcannr country residents of the snucrilier ono mdt from tle town m iuv lkc sbon cnnlin nf a ritrnforl- nhr ikrrirttl hu4iar svfuf arnare lliiiiar 6tc with ivmirst of tarul fur trni whhrh wall ariommhlatin r riii in rr u the in n j- smrih raiitljslt hfiipwvi h iuh ii coboukg lirut elmsley r n commanded vjlitlply between kton and tf toronto calti dg at c bourg and port hope earh way weal h epermitling until further notice leaving kingston every monday st thurs day evening at 7 oclock and toronto every wednesday and saturday noon at 12 cabin pare between kingston and toron to t do from kingston or toronto to port hope and cobour aj2 deck fare to all the above ports i the coboure has undergone a thorouc repair during the last winter and an trn provement was mssie in her boilers which has considerably increased her sjieed she is now not iiifit nr to any boat on lake ontario in point of safety romfort and eon renrvnce and is well known to be dtw of the best sea boau on the lake as site will not be detained wailing for the mail the above hours will be punctually attended to passengers with thrir barege will please be on board before the lime appointed for sailing for freight or pasage having fuscrsuf accomodations apply on board v rn vt l perrix cash for produce he s ut isc riber will pay tlie highest market pree for clean mcrchant- ahle wheat pease oat dehvered at his store on the commercial wharf at the foot of store street hugh calder kingston january isil- 39 t 1000 wanted 0 i1urruw for a term uf years to be aptejd upon sccuriy fur the payment ofihe principal will be given on unittciiuilired luopertv in the town ji ston applv ai tnis oltice chron fcgsjx olhce kington lolh feb 1841 6z william johinson friends and the public that he has re noved to the chronicle building second ivor from tlc corner on brock street north side of the market square where he will be happy to wait upon ail who call upon him kingston sept id 1340 t tomntn auijum i5ih is4i f kitrtoririiruiietk and unlili e the sboie inserlinu far on- oihk ifltf wtkj it book binding all its various branches neatly anj expeditioualy executed at the crlron icle gazette ofxicc corner of kin pnd brock street a superior ruling machine in constant operation r for sale from ten to fifteen acres of ljnd about two ru ilea from town on the ath road pleasantly situated adjoining mr cartwriglns farm it will be sold in one or more lot to suit purchasers appy to edward noble kingston 2sth april 1s4i 36a bell hanging fprowse copper tin smith to uvu large gmfortahlc two stone dwelling hoisc wth cmi- houses complete in fromtrect fur a term of years pomeion given immcdiamy enquire of david john smith kingto 11 augut 1s4j is to behold hantjomr encltstl cltaftlot nearly new and in excellent order fur particular enquire of iho qr mr prgeanl aniltcry larrail kmton kingmon 21 june isri walter ft griffith 5c7 huffah street ruicsikstnl weal end ol min sl tntlej wucaraajj dicaict in groceries faofxoawt patsts hrvus ship olisblbryikc r mannficlurer of ttrows eeubrattd estra fhte cur cfcisissj tobacco wsrrsnud eousl lo the best brand man whet tired in the unilcd states and tskuwivmshion mbnchapct wilt supply nil orders addressed to him for loods in his line on as favourable term as ny ulljer hum nd ut the lowest prices rcc litter june is imi loica uaiilnl small romkrlame jnd m lloq anal family si i u sir d in n rentrd hum inroiirc at tliivnfltii fitt imi ifition jnl rfhimiril nj in t th tlonmz r rr jrt plumber and belt hanger troni mon treal informs the luhabitaois of kingston thai ho has established a branch of hi undine fur ihe present at the corner near ly opposite ic english church and respect- fullv ftolivitsa share of public patrona- copper still worms tec made on the loncl notice ati dsortment of tin ivarekepton hand bells hunt on the ifilovt improved principle at remarkably ow prices a variety of hedge st bon neics cooking stoesxtry superior osiin and also expects n nunt- licrofsingu double and cooking stoves exprcmy tor renting for the ensuing reason the military nnd private families reruinng any particular description of stoves by an early application can lie accommodated kingston june p 1su psim collins haines comralssfob jawchams a 35 it v w e e ik 8 corner o brock and wider streets opposite mr arthur forslcr grocery nnd in hie immediate vicinity of r scobelpn ewt- and mewrs marphcrson co ond sanderson murray for- warding ebliliroenl lands forsalb ui iiaiad vfctoiin distrlett he canada company ast lands fur sale in the most desmjsj pans of every township in the miduadjj victoria district and in ihe other of the province list of which may seen at every post office store and tav in each township the companys of sale are onefifth of the purchase in cash and ihe balance in live j instalment further particulars with of the printej lib of lands on sale be obtained byappjyimjtn rrrhard bi esij asphoilel or t he companys at toronto the canada company take opportunity lo give notice lo wjio have purchased land from ihera who may u- dewrous of filing ihe thai with the object of giving the everv facilitc and accommivhuton the regis1er at their office in tororitsv such laruls which lite present holdenssi dcatrrow of diso n of the coorjssrj will thus have an extensive opporiuaiij of attordin information in persons nho dst be awkm improved lands aate fur ihcrutcivc or the frienu and cassia inz their settler in dposmf r-fo- v ejvc vr ttt rjaitce the commissioner however does 4 undertake any agency whatever cesineeasj with this business beyond uiat of oflbnf every infnrmation to intending purchssers full and previse particuars staliaj hier term improvements c to be sent to tas commissioner at toroiilu all ift ters post paid- canada companys office toronto ist ftftft isvl j 9m6i tjri chronicle i gnicetle is published every wednesday and asho- day at ihe oiriceciinerof kisand bssti street kingston u c ittm per onnvm tiemty shiuiig t in odpasm ifm i r f sjs itisassji naas six tinrsand under- i l vw 1 eachsubserjuenl insertion trnlinefiojav der 3s 4d- first insertiiki anil 1m eich rss uent insertion above ten lines 4d perls trthe first insertion and id per line fact cry suoscci it cut insertion advertise mrnts without srrihcn dirediavs sctted t til forbid and charged jccoidiagfy it is requested thai cti jirerisrssrsui h hendtd in in or previous to tuetnaad v rfof earning none received af on the mornings oi publication iii a liberal discount made lo merer sjitsaadeii crs who advertise for threr months and upsnnk any person procuring sit sntucrifeejs assuw pavr nnd pavin j for the saineiail lie entitled l vi seventh copy snfss fjcountry irnjik ttceiicd in payswsl at the market price actvts mcfon hist k li atsur j i ii m ojrre ahi k m fajfvfsjf compony 9th msii f notice is hereby given thst in sccord anco with s rrolutinn of the ifcmrd of ijtreclorspf the kinjlon mannn kailway a rnnd inmilmrnl of tni pssr rent n the new ly allnltrd morh nl th ittupsny ii rttoj mild mah1r tit llr nhvr nn or ivlnir ih vrnlith ibv nl srremi njurntblr l thru ait ln4irpaiun s r w ikkkinn xerf tlromcmihone wj mckjvem thoms iuker esq hcnrv jones em g- baker esq samuel clarke kso f illbtlk jnseplt a kecler k0j- thojn i ei j din anderson mcsrcfj johntyu euj win- koike km william mucintmh emi licori iiioum kvi andrew 1orteous rj chnles kiar ki allan mciihtmui 1 alex havidmui ehj jomii taylor en- david smart em audieus jones rin- john inrl w hourimm to tcor l j john mcfnoeml ksn ii y u r jnmrsshaw f p chifthidtti lii jnhnllnluid kt nitl sliinit k are in ivkkaiit k ii mcnule snwv wiimrvti l r un- m i iwyajav v m luhiaiiflilm anselias9vrb itath brllrville itrockville u y town camden ess- liuirr r ivfltome lcinorctribt fiedcrkik a1d ranilkne hddimand pkhwi uikssfrf malifds montrvrd muirny njnasrr nitiars ivith ivh jlp- ivkstt tjuehec iturrtrvl itkhmond m anrvw shanamfv- smiths fa- three terwil i vsnhesls wellit willtaa wilts rrankafc sr4l i vi m uwali

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