Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), September 1, 1841, p. 4

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sheriffs sale midfend thrult i hgi virtu of a xowjt v mm writ ojf red facias issued out of her majesty com of queen bench and 10 mc directed aaint the land ami tenement of peter windovcr john huffman ami george brownon at thottiit oflhpresidcnl dircrtgr and com pany of the banfcolupcr canada i have seized and taken in execution as belonging to tjie mij peter winduver above men tioned the east half of lot number 77 rv- frrn on the napanoc river and in die sixth conecrson of fredenrtshureh in the midland district which i will cnposc for o at the court house in the town of kingston on friday die twentieth day of august next at the hour of 12 oehek noon any person or persons bavin claims on tha above described properly arc requeued to make the name known tojc ol or before ilic time of sale a mcdoxell saeiijfm fi sheriff ofiro kmpton 18th may 181 mm sheriffs sjle midland district bg v virtue of n to wit jkv writ of fieri fa cias iucd out of her majestys midland district court and to im directed against e land and inmkm which were of john oconnor deccated at the lime of hi death in ihc hand of ann oconnor executrix of the ant will and testament of the said john oconnor to lc administered at the fuit of timothy mmon i have seized anil laken in cxcrtmub a eigigii to ihetaid aon oconnor lxecu1n of the last nilt and tcament of the saw john o connor dvreavd part of lt no 3 in the first cificcion of the tomihip of thr- inw in the vuirta difctrwlj whittl i will expose fur iae at t cotui ii u f in the town of kmpflwuih lh mid midland dis trict on knday the firt day fit october nckl at the hour of 12 tynck noon a medonell- sheriff m d sheriffs oitiwe kingston 101n 30th june ism sheriffs sale vatfmf district t vwy e of a to wit a9 wnl of fp facia iwoed out of her majestys cnuit f queen uench and to me dirrcied nfttffitf- uhj ltttl it o it lism j mckay at the nt of thomas mc- adam and john soronston i have seized and taken in execution a belonging to the said william j mckay a vi1age lot in bjth being a part of the bmfcen front of he east half of lot number ten in the first concession of the townehip of ernemown ooo containing by admeasurement nmety- one square rod which i will expose for aale at the court house in the town of kington at the hour of vz oclock noon on wcdneslay the tcoth day of november maa a mcdonell skrib u d sberirti office kinpion 9th august ish i v2z shertfrssale- iktidland diuiet ty vinucofa wrii to wit j jj of fieri facias med out of her ma jetty court of queens bencii and to me directed against thelandit ud tenements of james chamberlain and james fraser at the tvit of thomas d anderson and william walker i have seized and taken in cxeruliun as belonging to the said james chamberlain and jamc fraser part of lots ntrmbcr twenty am itvcnty one and the wet half of lot num ber twenty three in the fifth concession of the township of fscknckburgh in the alulawjhifrtv vftflrtli pe iv fy sale at the court house at kingston in the said midland district on monday the fifth day of july next al the hour of 12 oclock noon any person or person having claims on the above described property are requested to make iie same known to me at or befoie ihe lime of sale amcdonell sheriff office kingston 3rd april i si i sqim the above aale i pomponed to tuely fifia day of oclobcr next sheriff orliee kingston f july i 18u crowu lanilkottlcr elmstoat 2tth july 1s1k mjotice is hereby pven that appliea- j tions will be received duiin the montii of august next and lirence will be granted at the customary rale to cut tim ber upon the surveved and ummrvcyed lands of the crown for the en 111115 al k following office vix at the crown timber office rjlown for both bides of ihe oiinta and it tributaries from grenvljle upward nrliiilinetuc town hips of finch winchester and mountain in the eastern district the lands north of the rideau river and cantl and in the townships of elmlcy lliitxena and north croftby in the johnstown district also al- tmtilon and ihe ununeyed lands to the north of ihe township of o vti kenne- 1ee katadcr and elzevir in ihe midland district and at ihe office of the respective ixn iricl agenu within ihui fiatt of uiik 1ro nice formerly lpper canada liarrack van i r t- 11 wt0ticr i wrchy fivcn lhat iho j ll canteens in the mtdcnnenunne bar- rackn are to he let ion the futlowingcon- ditions for tllixr vrartfi from the m day ofortoler next 10 the 30th day of sewmhvt isi no pvrxhi hut of unexceptional charac ter nor nnv pcron fr more than one can teen or who will nrt undertake bona fide to fvssdc in lrt canteen and conduct the bumiws thereof in hi own pcrton will be approved and two surelics will be cejnir- ed for the payment of the ron monthly in advance end of all sums which may be come due in ropem of the said canteen and for the due perfurnnnce of the several condition and iipiilatioih of the lease the person whose proposal shall he ac cepted and his sureties must execute the indenture of lease and covenant relating thcrtio the particular thereof may k known by applying to this offiecj or to the barrack matter the names of two twpoctame personn with their christian name professions and places of abode who will jin the tenant in executing the indenture as his sureties must bo iiiscrtej in the propoal and the ordnance department does nol undertake to pnvurc lite lenant a licence sealed proposals adjrmcd to the sekrvc officers of ordnance kingston with the words ten der t canteen written on ihe ouistde co ver will be received at ihl oltice on or lfon twcliv oclock al noon of friday site 3rd september next after which hour any proposal receivrhl cannot tc noticed by ihff mutiny act caitlccns ire not sable to have trikij btucted on them all jerm mnkni tender for the can- tee- are to mt iolrve that they wid be held to ihe mriet performance of the cw nans f their lnn and full payment of their rent without an remission or ie iluelon fur her tfan the covenant of the uae ikefsvt ftrtlu the tan of ihe tender t9 lie as follows 1 hereby oltcr wfluc canteen in the bar- rcrifr at for three ycaw from te lt octowr th rent of ier anmim fir the lloue as a dwcilinf and le further rem of per mnnth tin every ten nincimmioned offivri and private soldiers both regular and militia who may occupy the barrack during that period and propose mr of and mr of a my ufcivloc maaui rests as dwkilings tele de pont 1 5 stj per annum point frederick 1 10 do do rlo fort henry do do do office of ordnance kingston august 3rd ish- 14bi a farm for sale in the neighborhood nf kingston the cpifal of united canada the farm is iwauiifully situated on the bay nfquvnte cigln miles from xinpton contains finjr hundred acica one hun drcd and filty of whlrh cleared and un- iler culiivaium with good fence the llwcujinit ni a lare and com- mtxlious ctia w iih niimcrogm apart inenklu fur the a ccom modal ion of a ret- perlahlo family fnine front orwmcrt tsa verandah evenly fvt in lenph sufficient to htfitbctf from the most inclement season in llw rtaroflhc houe and in front of the kitrhen i a never failing spring of water made avttbhc tiy a pump for the lire of lutlra and domesic purposes tbe om howes art extcnive and cmmodiowanij ihe ouhard in a giod ami flourishing con dition there is abundance rf wacer on the fimi at all eatn for the us of stork benje the prin indeed tin- farm rant it- neighborhood icn jitaji and prmiti 10 the kmyiton marke doetmnj ihe jtaiucuiar notice 11 intending purchaser term and any ther information rrrjut rod will be made known by appl ing at ihts oltee or 10 mrs- graham of champignon kington 2i h j me sh j03a clocks clocks clock lst rereiveil ml fir sole a mosl splendid aorlmenl of eight days three days and thirty liw bra and wooden clocks and manoc timepicee in plam lilt and o- c cocs the moi mo dern style warranted to keep good lime at no 3 girray duirdines j lin i on kinson aug lf sk lii otrcit miller mills coach blildeks from london beg leave to inform lif intnlmtttlw of kingston and the public generally that they have opened a branch of their k lablishment in thia low liltlc above the scotch by atrici attention to busme- to merit a eon tinitance of that liberal and dulingmsbcd patronage whkh has been heretofore be stowed upon them for the last aovor yean al toronto n b for sale an aortment of brits- icas sjnclb and doublf phae tons ltiht wagons fcc- wi r the latest fashion and best malcrial and woikmanhip all carriages hudl to order war ranted twelve month kinpwmavlsw unie stales hole open ft oswe60 m y s establishment now r the reeepiion of viwiors rjviis the an ithrout nnu irom tu cevaie sum uu- 1 j nroninand from the cxien- 2jss1- ac moal maifteent view- las heco newly furnished ndfromiuclevatel and de both of lata an visiting catt most inagni rural scenery a wanted student to the architectural pro- fesrion apply to mr browne frcarecf a fee will be required kirtgiuin it april ish s3 t ie suhscrilvr ha just rercweu a npplv of english perfume- ry toilet suap comu ivory and shell e e all of a hkh having leeo purcha sed fiom soni of the i111 houses in umdon arc conftdentty recommended as of a very n i perio r ilesc r i pi 1 1 n 1 j w iiimon juticdit iwi brent druit luilksvcol traveller rta kingston niagara falls bultaht 4 the western slates will find llw roub- ro syracuse to ostvego per packet and r ihenee by steamboat and rail road a hlol desirable expeditious and economical ijange the subscriber hopes by atnet aticutioo tl render his house a de sirable resjnc both to transient visitor and perinanthi boarders j foreman foteomt eah tattm lockwrl n brirriages will be ia attendance at a times 11 convey goesuond tlicir bag gage toandfciiolhc sieamboau and pack et free of charge notice tuesucribersbcg to intimaic that they uvc taken lliose premises for merly occupied by messrs w ik man- nini co 210 st paul st a few doors east from st nicholas si- in which they will carry m business as gtntrat and com mission jmuraants thev iaitlhe attenlion of buyers 10 ttisirohkcl oi dry goods which will be found auhaut or the canada markets blafkader co montreal may 1i1 8 i rfiitisil mjjuky uarmwvsl curnit of toft id lit slrts kitflto qppotitr tic rwifrnci of we hen mj f kiiiy alexander dixon of toronto respci ifutlv informs ihc military an gemrcofkiimonandits virimiy that he im owned a branch f his ebtabwimel in the above premises where fa will he embianilv supplictl with a vcy supeiios ivautctl to borrow c3svvy asagreed upoh lnescept nal security will he gven for he paymei of the principal apply at ironic st gazette olfice assortment of mwrry iriej wnipt aaetmpfrtcd direct licm ths bei houses to great bntian and which will cnmslilute a first rate euglili etahtihment ah saddlery e kept at the above es tablishment uairanied engtsh p vrr irt r hifni fl made to order frvrn the cpt rjgnii lutiwr antl repaired by very superiur workokn kingston 6th jul- i8k 2im npbe subsenlier begs rcpeetfidly to m- form his friend and the public that he has removed his office from toronioto kington where he continue load as a land and general ascot and hope by strict attention and integrity to merit a con tinuance of their patrouagc- every ccriritiin of huxmes attenled to in the public offices alo the buying and selling of land procuring patents prosecu ling claims under the ileir find fxvice act ec transfer deeds and mortgages with memorial drawn officttquafrijftfttti nest joor ovr ir wilsons pry koh store iambs henhvrson kingston isthjum ism 101 vz for sale or to let divelhng llnuse and rake occupied by air r magpherson ish g6x the sh re houe iicly isltoll al kajaoosj apply to a napanee 3ih fel rivatc boarding at sicduf lliiv r t door to bryces store kins street near store street a vacancy for two centrenvii klnr1vhthjuv 1ak govcrniurnt conlrncl tor fire wood tvtotice is hereby ein that sealfd ll tenders will he received at kineston dock yard until ttiesjdy me 31f of jwgt 1811 from such pisosji as may be willing to contract for the delivery of goo ct1n of fire wood as follows six juo cords in the month of september 300 it in the month of october 100 on or before the 12th of november the wood to ae of sound timbci consbt- insj af beach maple or liiekoty to be put op inlouwful coir1s inituch place in the dock ysjcdi or on the navy ground outside as shall be pointed out the length of each piece to be full 4 feet within the cut the tcnler to cxpres in words at lenth the rate pre cord ia halis currency tbt names oftwounexeetionable sulfites willing 10 enter into a bono let the faithful perfornsnee of the contract mott he given in ihc tenders anil oa tender will be received alter w oclock 4t noon on the day mentioned smtiartittfr ore kington yard l2th au ish valuable property in the tows of kixcst03 lots no 113 116 vi7ill he sold at public sale on the pte- vv mis on thirae the lilh day of september next si noon 1 two subttanlwl stonk hotsrs frontiot on quarry sire i 1 8 feet depth of the lot 132 feet on which stands a stone stable 70 ft by 13 with two tpaciou yaids inclosed uith ood fences 2 s70m hovc antt framed building jt- uchcd extending on qactnstrcrt 61 fsct in- dudin- m clevay feet and on quarry- street 43 fret forming the corner ol the said streets 3 small fftajiu hocsjelll byj3ferton qitsnstmu 4 ltrje fmro hotsr with siamr nt tehed iji tear lrentinon qdeeritrert 3t fret a gateway ofsfevt wide betwixt nos said laihrdsceslouiejtr of nosland i also thjt eliibu fjrm l no tl2nd con loughborough eji the imiloin ihrrren are a small fumed house two knit- 10 x 50 fret each 2 cttt srds on wmelt e rfjksslfsbavl beenreetnity made conditions ma 1e knnvvn t the time ofate fortuilherpatticiiui3ivly allhe nen0ce all communications hv iost nusl be jnid kingston aitfom u 1811 1 121 public kotic all person indebted to collins haines are rcucmed to call and jcitle their iccotwb on or hefure the ui november nc m ns all accounts nliiuining unsettled after oid time will lc placed other hands for collection collins haines ktnston lsthjuly iwl a piano f01ins tuned ii sepairkd alex- smith piabo forte mak er of toronto heps to acquaint the bhalrltantf f kingston thai he has com- tuenced uuimsq in the above hoe and hope that hv irieiiltention to orders and a tho rough knowwge of his profession to merit tliai pcitrn he has been so liberally fa vnured with r the last six years in toron to mr sitcih abilities as a tuner can he known hwtvpiiring of mr j w brertl where all otkfs left will be attended o mctalic llntr put into piano fortes ilat will not kepf n tune kwm w3 1841- ifa sale for w ot no 5s5 n the town of ktnptun m j jitiiatett in bnuek street with a commodious hoir suited to accommodate two families and at present leoscil toiler majesty covemmcnt lot no fivc on ihe vt 1e1i0 o grand kivcc catararui in the towns of kingston v the montreal road wirlun r l t rae or drxtlsko rorjjign dry goods kingston at keillers wktito an ftrlail confectionary joca street ilways le found a large sup- ikx m ihc most choree ajwirtincnt of coofecliojiry tocher with tea cakenol all kimb pftm cov spw cth pound cuae i tttn a hw vhjp c ve tm superior ginger betrfam ifa fountain wedding cat in a tt stifieriar style blank deedis and memorials foisaleatlhe chronicle fc layette orftcc a klta3iilllia x iulbii mw jf jum received a small consignment of tanned shceptkius amd souti amertcalh klpsklss 30 side harness lather jtho to hand 7 boxes superior twankay 3 do do gun powder tea ilo do yoiinj hyson i doz- fancy catty boxes sour hung llhea the who le will be disponed of ata tow price kfnpmi 7ilt au ish 4ii lollr iiotbii fhtancakd respeclfnllv inform his fiieivi anj the public trut the abovo cleprnt and exunsive elabhthment newly rrcctrc 2nd pwivlyadatrd to the kuiojcan plan of accent moiijl ion is now opened for the retention f cwtpuiiy theism hjve been netvty lilted p with new urniture of the most modernity and no e tprree lu hecn spared to piomote the comfoit ol hi gitcsl- the ohm is preeminent foe roaremrflfc as rmnilirs and prisons desiioo of accornihoatinnf unconnrcl cd with rcuur coardinr nity hare soiu ol apaitnunts and diet fumishej thrrrin at al umtt and 111 any inaitaer jiieebic to then kotice- fiite manager of t e montreal ichip company begs to ffmh where ihey irictest punriuality at the qaretf w vrrsm ipme- bcrthier w th norih ile of the st law rence between montreal and mnnlmurin cy at the ciifiqe of o p matter kfuhc ncotei fur the smith mde of the st law rence fnmh sorcl l the river haohrris at the oisre fif v kiitmnv kfiuiin st jen port jub frcn 1 lie kiwr chu tjierc tr- the river mti nd fir th tnctvf gup at the olfr of ivdliain mar- idonild kvpiire nw carlwc john davidson w dawk solicitor infiiarrynjaf puhl nd jrfiiysrir huviny ihancard th oceofclrt of conrwim niiiil wii vott hi tiue vilely u h irofiiial iu il i lv fmsfbfti mltitl jsm notice is hereby given that a third and ftno fhtidcitd of is- d ui the pound on the trurtesiatsj of mr anhihaid mrdonell late forwarding merchant at kmton tin day declared payable on the i1 jay wf juociivm apply 0 1 ihe office of sin t gaiip storestreet ippostte the commer cial bank khrbmj imi may is 1 1 9l04i education mrs hamiltons koumjlng k uav sciiiiol for a limited llitl of wn- ladii s for the prent in the late trsiciic of mfj cummin in kar ol ttir scuh chnccli mi- il formert miw cjjttlnj h had many yens epmirfte m the eriilcalson ol yptv person luting liil the itiincit sehcol in ihv city of lirnrri k f many eais and ic4wsi4fmt al ammriir in wilndreiflt1 ak for the lt two vfwh 1 school 1 toionuk ii t mo ef ir tiuclioi t 1 tijlv ht lechre wii h has icvn aifih io rd a tri nnmer ru f titoniil r mify nl 1w fink asrued ihit i or fuen cot4tiiiio hiliren 1o brdr wlil nt hjve tenlo tvol hie con fix uhiib uwy ni iin in lir it ht ushi tw adraatflrft tl n ivjic schl aic cab uform the gentry jl inhabitanii of kiopt that all orders ifinvdufitimu4ktsfihtotm mriwm mr 8 boy and which wilt be divided into lulu to auh purchasers also lots no ten and eleven e the west side ofthesaid river cuiaraqui in ihe said township of kingston with ahou forty acres of improved land wall n gnud mouse and ham thereon erected l it re i a good well of water upon the preniise tahieli aiv situated about three ind hall miw from the town of kindlon on the montreal r ad- v soddler stare d bo met with the and despatch hr the un signed j jvme3 bosr kinfrtsiti 19ih june i0u coltaec fo sale a small biiekcottarr ivlhlfully ilutfj ofttlitbav ofhalkcll a quarter of a role ftfltn the town of 1 lon and i0 raitrs from kino to which w there is a tram- tioat daily the pice will be om ev pp for ptrt jlars apply to the subscriber j given tonee appjyh a vl j l out the premiset taste the het kivatltl are alway in attend ance and the lhitih am kocein uuut spoken in tbe booss to this cstjmiumirnt lhrt is a ttextaurant vrhete the bvst en 0 visions of the maiket will be served op on tne most ippioved and fjshkn- avs style of krencb nnj lntih cookcty the choicest wines at reasonable puces in connrcuan with the hotel b an extensive orithift- tftulifrhmtni otk sew street open at alt easonme hour foi the use of i11s uehu the location of the hotel is admiumy uit- ed to business or plewre be in x within two ninntis walk of villlrert the public offices nd ihc baucsjj the mast iry and beallbful wlk in the citv tlic ivopriclor gratefely acknowled-in- 0ti many tavou he has hertoore received fiom hi pit- on assures them thai he will wi no mios to ceciiin mod ii such a iniy mil urn a clli- any tyle ofepent or economy tint niy be bestluited to their wa es tultroadway new york tv monlrrl tatlle qwuc mftcurr the cbronirlr lv guttle kngkqii and toronto pa- trwl ni pcae ivrt tbi adfcrtwmcnt ten timcf anc fd tnri nllito w elanricj imii k c ri ti c v ti r arc bctiveru kingston and toronto t out john mclean kinptotit 0th march 1s4i- 7s cbbflsshll kington llth aoust tps 8 miller or to millers co ksil 13 the st am boat h 1 wtlh a edueafsmmi yviifil tvtl riititeiice on wediiem trnh i d i s readier cniiiutenncjii u lit ati nti si4t ulnni kiliitii iu1j1 atynt ih1 1 rui vntmi alilviiriv f 1mk suunibeik hs iiihnu iwahkical a mmi juit ihi hat ami t iui 11 n fcis ittjlh f nl aiil i lv r n amly two l- instill iiji fvoii trtu d if tn i tr 4y n rjlifnd mb eiqiiklmi 1 vv- ihmiv- flil volju mjmi inni itiitj it- nniv tiiitw f m j w ii- 1 1v c hifttti then fcni extrinir ci lti t m 4id ertl kiititi r sj j i h 11 ii1 1 1 4ii ititly inf i ii fcfemv whsl uftlv liil li- intt jt- 4idtfirr tv j ttn j it i itiniirnl 1 imv j iil ilv iv 1tit itiltl wl ih- i i i lp 4 vfli- m 1 1 in a iim ii v- if- rsifi mi 1 r la iiirili 1 k i -i- 1 imi i lit literal patwhrace which has 1 en rxiended m ihe mihkrihcr has induced him to deride that lie will remove his family tn this place as soon n he can pro ore a re- tfidetim ho utll he found at ihv linimnn llonc at ncmikt premium minial tvvh iw iiierr to thic ordmiirily inserted hy ix nlway on hand entire et f which he is nepred to insert on the un irrin- principle of atmospheric prcstire which inclhod bo h iti tolled in this plnce d s ftoldey tttish kitnii july 1 ism jx kkmoval 7illtam stknnkll aunvf luring jtlfftur stttvrsihttfr md wtiuhvithtr hr- rcntoiri1 11 ihc reniin titlniiiij mi- tihm vimiiv in klflk street where he will cintiiuly keep mi hniftl a well mheiil niimml i ruclrs- rininrti d willi lit line hud hrkpvrtlvlujr w- itnt i nntrniniiix l piihif iitronap ivtm july sj ihm imi cokoagk srunvrn- oakum- sowtihers wc eii5 w receive xnir daily a nits 15 tr hmserftomvaiwh tatrcd cordse fiom 1j to4 inrh lto4 van s in tndt inch s bumle oaihestrimliiy the dhovc will h rold hbeuj tcun to any prison pnrchn th whole kinstonetthaiiust 1bii n hi cobourg til suhuiihrtt hr infam thp lulmnuof kinro j i is vicinity t tiiey will riwjm i t in meniof piano tt o jvhn ii itier v lk at the stor puuiitfmutrosl hy j a j mead iwik d mead ilsolheis fc jl lqsiduft ftoj wwliea which fei lirauty nf tone tieumion if th tlntaviiity nnl 1 style are iiipritor t b w roanufaeliicij un thnimlineot lotnnn lor ihit lutnilr the wmeol iw i wmiijikii liksttind this climate fh ninrrtl ptkis tor cjuioi loiy nuks veir tiim ii at ritnt with sjtssbc j km mini atksit im svikah 1 jjiync rumil 3lelleineh ark im 1 tortkytrtcrons gg irrikffm t tfmikhs itl itc frriivrrl hy ihr i-tri- imii in 01 wlut 1 if xil ol sptemliti sjxl 1iviii nv reriftiiiiir enli j 1i fin tmji m aua tnh iim j mouv in ilmlt slie i mthn to jdifi nol jf t ihrjttf no lp r s loi- li tj idh1vkt fipjrjltr j mi fiii kftv whrimle hy k m r krrnl afirtf sicnlm liar- and ui rvlui v lyu iiai kintosh vkftmkh torffc offe aw i hi h n srtei litifrttfsi mil hi ti m iik fsemh frvrt v t 1 i imhnri hi ioh 1 sr- llllh lirtt eimmet r n cummisnrn wl l l ply between kmpton and tomnto calling ol chourg and port hope ea h way weath crpcrrniiiing until further notiee- leavinj kington even monday iktiiiirs- jav evvriiii at 7 oviock and tronto everv wediiordsv and salorday noon al 12 cabin fwhdutw kingston and toron to 1 dt fiuii kintoo or turotito u ioit hope and cucoiirp j ucik fjic to till the iilmvcimtyagtl the cnliotug has iimtercone a thoivnih iciiar dunng the la1 winter and an nn trkvncnt wm made in her boiler wliwfa hih cotimdcrnldv increahed her jieed he in now nol infaiir tn any boat on iile ontaio in hiinl if mjittf romfvrt and ton- rtnintcy and is well known tote ono vf the ujiisen hoaln in the lake an she will not h drnnned wailing for the mail the tihovir ihtlim wdl ho pntitluali nltriidcd in aenci with ihor hapiie will prre lj hoard teforc the lime aiitxhntcd fur ailut pssi frrijlit or isa having mipenor an vimiijatiin apply nn hoard or to iv l pkrrin t stores 1 stoves stoves uk stihscritersbeg to notify the p lie that ihey have been appoi nb- 1 ted t r avmtu jr 1 i and recctahlc llshment and that they oro now receiving and expecting daily to receive a very brgn and well selected stovk collins haines uciofirers- kingston 281841 8 wfterc they w ravtcntly keers choice assortment of croceries tc u yrl and lupios evc which they svit j sow as any other cxinhtishmcnt i7i onondaga salt solicitor in c ii a n c k 11 v aistasrsff ij saw ako not art rublic vrxrfo ucs fraser assmwli atirlon the subscriber has on hand and selling at very hw piiivs as exvellest assortment of staple and paimy goods in the netv storr adjoining mr- willard kinc street duncan mckay kingston 26th january 1841 80 ponwjrdijrgiiti the undersigned vvith new and effi- cient mean haw tnaje preparalionv to erry on the fqrikirdtjfu busi ness betwixt kington ivcscott inter mediate plates ami montrem hy wav of dst utjlbjtcei under die firms of ferguson sl mcniuov movfhcal mcirbon perfiuson kisst freight of goods upward charged alio- jelher according to weight and at rates as leasonahleas those of any other in the irade alex frrcc50 john mgiuhon montreal april 26ih isl fb let alarce house vhnp and tmk stores with a capacious yard ami oul huttscs situate in store street the build ings are loeated in the dim central and business part of ihc lwtn and aiv well adapted either fr a wlmtvalc csiahhali- merit or an cmemiivc rvnil liuinv apjily at the ci won last 01w kinthton 2nd mmxh j8i 70 fckatwvb w murray has for sale t for sale sole 01 harness leather calf kip and morocco skins linings and bindings wholesale and retail cash paid for hides and skins timothy and flax seed kioffston dei 19 is40 new urocery sttl ii u siibscnkr licj lu iul ihends and the public in qnm2 nm ihey leg also in olfe of pans watcriirnc anj whisvy liriujt al very rcdorcd prices for cash a sw of public patronare i respectfullr jsff daniel oc0nnelt a j7 kingston may s9 ihi j farm to let in the township of seymo4r jfe tte diainil coniatingofhetwvti and four hundred acres of cliji land and every itocripiion of jp required on an extensive form large stock of improved sheep csttjie ses c- c and all the ital ments of htihandry aw the pr will occasionally reside on ihc esti j- rent wit lie made eay to an tt tenant and will tie taken in the of the farm tcsiimonial as to ter and ability will be required ai hy letter pit paid to g s boutnoil cohours or to the ubcrihr on tru d campbj june 2 si f the knon ciroiiitri r tiiolrr rwriuj t khsmt l l tuinietlau tj ilt aood yard sheds and sinbia street enquire al tan ofice kindlon june 2d ism pig iron just received ami for sae 01 a t priuehv hcusj0k kinpvton juni ltith issvl l tne sttbsrrifier has for rale tew j arable yilldfj an1 park lo the town which he will dirpose of comb odalinp tttlltf smith bartl kinploa july 2fith is1- to he hi a at thisodire kinloii j3j nnt eat small collate- i81l cash for produce- the subscriber will pay the highest market price for clean merchant aide wheat pcac h oai- delivered at his stores on the commercial wharf at the foot of store street hugh calder kingston january lll 19z xi000 wanted to uorhow for a term 4f years to be areed upon- security for the payment of the principal will be given on unincumbered wojeny in the town ofkmg- slun applv nt tnis oiuce chnait gax office kindlon i oth feb issvi v caz wtlliam johisson gispectfully miimufsiohtt fronds and ihe public that he has re moved to the chronicle riiiming serond iikr from thcroener on brork street north mjc ofihe mitli i ijuiia wl l- m 1 happy lo wait upon nil who call upon him kinptonsepl 19 livlo in all its various branches neatly and expeditiously executed at the chbon- teic cazgttc orrtcc corner of kins and brock street a ftiperor ruling machine in constant operation t lands for sale itlla a x victoria d he canada company lauds fr sale in the most part of every tuwuship in the midi virions disirirls ond in the oiher of ihe province list of whkh 1 seen at every pint orhee store and in each township the compary of sale arc onefifth oftie purchase in cah and the batamo in five intjalnients further partreuhtns vvfdi of the printed li is of land on sale be obtained by applying tn richard esq asphodel or lothe companys tumntot awust 15th ish ifisji th kntiijifmkuihl giiiik wh m itv lio iitvfttuti for itm itwulh iu n a larue comfortable twomnry simh jwi houne with nut- ihjomi h ntinpiiir in krnl4rii lor u inm of ttfffl it given it 11 htilv 1 iiiurt l laviii jfmin smith ku- im vi 1 ahjii mlf iu for sale from ten to fifteen acres of lnd about two miles from town on the bath road pleasantly situated adjoining mr cirtwrihis farm it will be sold in one or more lot lo mil purchasers apply lo edward noble kingston 2sih april lfi1 86x bell hanging g f prowse copper fit tin smtt plumber and itetl hanger from mon treal informs the inhabitants of kingston that he lirs established a branch of his business for the present at the comer near- ivoppmite the english church and respect fully tkilieitsa share of public patronage copper stills worm 5tc mode on the shortest uotire an assairtment uf tin ware kept un hand bells hung on ihe latent improved principle at remarkably on prices a variety of hedge box- jtests cookkyc stofes of very superior cmiltj and afa exptci a nuni her of singe diume ami cooking stoves expressly fiif renting for the cmuing season the military and pnvate families recuiring any particular description of stoves hy an early application can lo accommodated kington june jwi 3sm at lnronro the canada ompaxv tat npponunity to give notice o who have purchased land from the who may he dcrirou of celling the 1 that w mi the oliject f giving those everv faiisily and aeoum- ilj 1 register at their 0cc 111 torontt surf lands which the prevent hmen 1 dctrous of diposiifg m tl catbf will thus have an etenive ojponusjtji aflordin information lo perhwwho he ktl improved lnds for tliemseves h their riems afld oz mg their setllec in dipoing oftliesrl r jvnq comimiiftrr however undertake any ogenry whatcser l with thi fmrinc hcnml that if licit uetnatn lit iijttkiii2 purcl full and precipe wmiruar utii term lnpiovement sc to tr seat to 1 commissioner at toronto all let- t ter5 post paid canada companys office toronto om may 181 hm collins haines sommissfon fkirvcuaius corner 0 rtrocc and water streets opposite mr arthur pursier croeery nml in the immeliate vicinity of it scoticd ew ami merer macphersot ot co and sanderson sc murray v for- w nrding eiahlihmen to iusolot aiiamisomb encmmi iiahhit nearly new n ml in rxccllcnt onw for particiilini cnipiini f tho qr mr ergcont artillcrv ihirrockn kiuoru kmtoii lm june imi tiii chronicle 3c gazctl is puhlivlirj everj wedntsdsv snd day at the orhce comer or kisadl street kington u c tcrfliirrcnmo 7vmfvrfmr fvtr of tirrttrmfm4 six line and umlrr cs 6m tiist insettii 71 eeh mitcoriil insertion trnlinoi der 2s id first insertion and 1uj tub 1 aiint insertion alove irn lnr f h lor the frr imcrlioo and id per lint is erv aubseournt in tert ion advertisements without wtrtum direr leilrj till fvibttiy and rhartcil rn vi it is requested that dt mwahssmtftl haadtd wt nr previous to tundeisnt dvtt eexmngrwiit kceivrd aflel tsar on the iujiiift nf tuuicnton a liberal jiftnmt utioe tomerchiauinm ers who advertise for three monihsand wtsk any person nioruiim six snfeeriarts fc paper anil piyi unaurtfy for thcsar he t ntiltrj 10 a seventh rnjiv rrttffc kcoiuitrv produce received ipajsnm malet pllee acknts tlic- mi mjhon eft wja1eky tboioa- parker esii hem v jones vmu imiaeresq samuel curce pm h ilhtuq jinti a kcrleifj en tlnma remotest ym jul anderson eiq mncitj me donah k i- ttffn i k siiiiinih in nlatf ftt0ir fiiahctipy httj sttcfit fitrf john tarhw unwkoilte emj william hhuinlih fsrl tenre rfoike ku- andicw iwtrsnfsi h4t ctutli- lliircar kr allun mrlhirs4n esq alev davntmn km joiio tivlot ei flavid sriuirl bs altihem jinir k jiilni ihioll ksiu wi riiwiimm kn ftifbrsy liu kit johiimefhinll j il hlnckri ku jnturs nhaw mt tliojotou vmu mmlulbid ksi niit nlmut ei auhmil mcfnl i mrnhil em wnincf kn i tnmruvi hi j htymlav p at lhuiit mrituiunil i m atm m ir nsklkut i ml i ill fc amrhwtjt iwh brllevilk bwefctlfc dytowa usa ciioarj cotlwae ikmorrtlvdfc canflrae j luijinaa pictsn lnnesster- mulda moatrrsj- munsy nipusre- nimw perih tort lopr prvsrstl jrlee- hivrrtrsst ndiwist sh anisj shjncflsip smiths w thm rpraals j urskl ivutiwtsv wuiiiminst tvlltos m part i umt st

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