Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), April 21, 1841, p. 2

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repojit qt tilt c0hvittkc o citxlt tcnuoh cr iiti ll is cont nde hy ihe pptiantt nil it lacr tlvea castal mrc lltwleyfon the majority of the committee on ramlt to which was referred the vejl petitions and mrmoriah of tundy in- hajiunl or lb counties of jeffritoi sl lawrence lewrt arvl otwreoisyinj or the extension the ulack river canal front car thage in iht county of jcftvrson to the r-avia- bte waters flake ontario or be river relobts the fwlitioocr ask for the extension of the black river canal from tannage to thr navr- cable water of lake ontario or lho river st lawrence without dcsicfialine ihe proposed poinu of icrminalictti cartaage tiluaed on tat easterly line of lac county of jcrfermin about thirtyone mltr from jackets haihoronlafcc ontario thirty four mile from clailon at i be enoxjlh a french ceek oft the rivet st lawrence and aeeoly- ftrc miles from odcnsboreh in the county of si- lawrence from jfcr harlot lo clayton by w- w communication ii ahorrt fifty miles arid from clajlen to 0ensburb is about tbe taae dit uqfiti these rculea have been totrr ye j nailer he direction of ihe canal committaonrra by com petent engineers appointed by the state under law patscd in isb aulhotifin a nam v of lha wfttm letminaiion of tb black mtti canal ia the plans of the lork the penilri and map tartnhnim catcultiioo- with the repori of the chief rncinccr will he found ia a b documents ism number 333 the chief enjiorrr has bee before yoiir com millce arid ha tnjinn ihe manner f which liac tuivry nd obtnaha wre made tne committer r-lyin- upon ibu i 11 for mat rs feet kmutionin myin- that the imtet will te found folly equal lo the cost of the work and ji upon lhejii1 pricr 4j6an47 many ofihe mtwot the apjlktirt roofxiroitr believe ll le rijlt far exceed the eol ofconttfrj tne jubjrtt involved in thipkci h one dteftv intrrwovrvi with u ttt ryrtena of imiirovcrnenu of ihr stute and oic in which iw ftai jn prof pcriiy ut a im eiuibcr of er cititrm i0 invotvm mm hence a sr wtly of cjumtie hav ahten for ooiidra- liwi i coining h a ppr dtcifton of th pli- tfefion the etiimofl ofth nf ittetcomr nfuts life iiil vi or ifti rrriv rruilfrnt of indvttry rontftt atuutlute ridfart minunciurea nn4 a 1k to ttie prirrk of ihe con1ry thrivjh which thy ow 4 a c ami tulr to the pprrhy of the slal ihl frckijde i proved hy ihr niveratly nlitr e that tie puulinii ai4 rfoorcf ol a hie confuuclion of thii hot ttnh in the of comamjcationt more thnn x hundred milei of canal and lutntil boi navialioa wth thereby become connected with i he cattlt of ih state forming a cootinuout cluin of inund canat boal nanaton from hie tjiand cr ottawa hvrctvuh i he hid ran caiul and from f head of like huron i i i a chain of imiij lakei and rivers now brin improved by the cotonhl government the dy ol qohr- te tbe kiver st lawrence am black river canl to the city of new yoik without the fecemty of a tin transhiomf nt and tht j to the report on every avenue coauccicj vviui tlte iie fml which promises a safe and chrap intercourse with the adjacent country will a wealth and rewitet of the sutc i to the letourcet of the country thus ccemecled it it caeoenjj ml cirtrinly that i wmshl by the butinc community for the lunioru tion of roojif and every clixnucl wfeith oootej the one at a general rule kcmjdithe tne other and by the eennctrn of our etnatt with the canals jud in1anl naviatinn falling inln the st ipavrrcnee in mh manner a to tiwid the netetttty c4 tranvhitnvrtl it it contrnde i ifnhall attract to our markti an unltntil- rd amount of uiitrm ihlo this channel of the state in lime of pacby an btrtetang it cuinot bo flenioj thai juiwn caumy vmii ibp otiu tar ce and tafe natural liar hotton lihmo in thenatlrt wveon- trueid ai rrniicvoid an 1 three much of h the military wnnuvtnli tot eoniioeticir the uu war were mulereil and the opplieants con lend that the inirrenee therefore forty nrr fumci ihntt in citto of a simihr oiweak the tike rpcimtrr willajinbe opted to protect tho aorlhctii frontier of tlut state- at the tjenerit cormment have rcfvnjiated tbe poliev uf elfectiii internal coin tni cat ion in arj of defensive operations ihn burden tie- tcftarily de voire ujhxi the ttatet and the apptaants crntnd th this work in thai poinl of view woum appeal the more neeaiy at the ifrititb eovetnmfnt hare within a few years pitt comlruriej at 5eat epene the txideaii raiitl which pvet thrm ttrouh th fnteiior m cjnu a tafe approach to the veiy torier of jemon county the pttioe inht that hy athrt exten sion of the blaek river ejnat of alul twenty i to ttiirty fir mile through s 1 t n coua- i it will en ihte out cntrntrynavit l mrfintiin their noiiliftii in time ol wir at a reat savis of e in the trantniiioft nf acmimnt and leeci and reatlv jtronwsfcl the intfru of ihout eaaminint hww utint niifit of the eld roualry nojitif of dare i mltci hu been ith ibontanri from the miv- dfamiti of the pit few years cnmmunitaltcni which it now forced owa ih st lawrence lo the muhrh f canada bv the expend of transhipmcnlt and the haarc of take naeia1ioo the estemivc country ceialitfneflit in apd hordeiiat on these before aamee sereral chin- rtels of island hoot nsnmio fpteentec by lhoe who hare evplorrd that resricw nnd are well acnaaiuled with the reourcet ol that tection as pottsirf unndw forettt of vbite and eed nhv white oak and red cedar oil a very tuprior quality a the en1iy alto abonnt with vecy evlcntive bedi of iron ore wl an eve client quality in is38 there wat an rt tempt to open a traar with the no york mmket tor the pro ductions of the forests and it i eslinwid that over tix million feel nf pine umtie wat snt to the new vork maikel through ihp chmnrl f trai i- i i i i in thai yeat but tbe 4t- lay cfaasa an exfnvs of two tnnship- mvnn climated equal mono hiindied and of commerce with the interior of cniea ad by developing the jeat natuial t of jerterm ennnly that now in a erel mrauie aie ciipplrd tor the want d tah acenhmtirnca- tion the county of jrrrsor though not favored with thnie inlemal impinrememt whirl have been e hoc to j thiauh the wettern countir of this state nearly equal the larccrt of them in population nn4 in iihnst of wil ftliitiir lirn her minerals and pntsestet water power un- turpatsrj briny county in the stile the apfhvantt therifore teem fiirly tomfrr that an adequate mteirtt will be ifeiived frotn the uiu ujion ihepiowved etenon and tbe in- creaed tolls r the lllaek riter and erie onrdt frooi their piotuctt and the butiite that will bealtrjetvd thrnutk tlut channel in dependent of itt importance in a national pstnt cf view lo iuuify itt construction al the earliett practical peiind anj tbe ommillee from the lepfentalioni made ate not prpaic4 la iwentv miet of canal navialion in the aritcff nv hut il h not a fair and correct inference trf sawed lumber wrtich mutt be incurred by any channel now open w4p fani to be ftvaf- tt titan tse advonlaet ollerrd in the new vork market orer the market in canada and hence the trade wat ahtitfeird very litle if jny of thr privjuel of thr forest frem that f ec- tici hi fovnd itt wy lo out riatkb tinco that season the town of kins1of now tle capital of st two tvrorincetof cinvfj the bead iparlet of e ijr y rnthtart and rjai ji faictt ol that fov- ttfthut afely of enuti try very tiu h j pnd upon th of intrrcourte and the thriituett an torn rin meat inn and in a country hfce tbia wbie agriculture nnka drsern dly fcich a tv finaiionof weath rverj farilily shuldbe vn i the farmer in the tranpotidiioft anl tile of his piojnee and tkerhy iiereaie the tpitation resouie auj weattli ni the state tho ap dicjiiti ato enntiil tjim thionjh iv i ol the aurtiafi nd salt dijiefthe -iri- hr elite nwjjih ty- fyneci lua i wlka k4 i4iivt4lj 14 0t4l i v40 of the state wtthoul any conetpondint return cvfsxcs tbey my that at ihe com men cement of our y item of internal improvement tbvil whole property was pledged for ihe rrtfemption of the i fbl contracted for ihe extraction of canals in iht favored poitient cf the state and had ihte peojectf failed a was arrdkied by the opponenlsofthe a tare port rott of the niillion expended ft their coarilruclton would bve been colleeted by direct tav from tbe ciu- znof these ennntiet st justice and ood faith afike entitle them to a par tic i patio it the benefits derircd from the conn ruction of woilt nf intpoxvcienl and in a fic portion of he pa ifonare of the 5tat when it appears that ihe state can undertake the wark without hazard kt sate of new york by mean f her tvitsm of internal inrutovementi hat advanced in aiiruilurt commerce and rctourcet luan rpiajlelivd derree of prosperity und ihere j it cannot he retarded a an unwise policy to rxteml the benefits of thr tyttem to jt i f ttttl slte where if it apparent thai thd bene tin iinll from the improvement uhll be natjl to toe imrreit on the eot and the ordi- atary and necetsuy eliaiet upon the wait vfrfi c nple led improvement whiih will imcre thtf m mwmion should ignite no dread that cmr- ten will he cast trpon the state for their coa- tt action revenue alone it nmrearjed afthe tote ctfideralion which thould injnee iht lept- jlare to come to a favorable conclusion for the crirqelioa of works of pnblie improremenl ii- beenls retultin from an extended inland t linci in a commercial and africnlluraf i inlof view are eicn1ialti oar prnperity ll exlntinn of trade be appreciation of pio prty in ihe counlry through which the tm- proreasnt i to homade the derrlofiinc of n x tnttrces of wraith end enleniite tne be ndk and ajrsntaf to be conferred nnon other wo hs of improvrmenl j ihe cbimt for contri- kiwnt in it a til the conttriiciion rf work pi int- paw in other ichors of the stale with- nil sny pnncw return are riinc 4itjeft frk eoivijeratien vl it wool oioy be tv hhm of afklilh cflsmitiee dhnol frrnku ackeauldte tmt revenue would wiih ivni have rat wejm m taeir vcconiafn t ro till nvic utefutn of anv cn- i afdalcd wort irjmtttd to thrm for k f uvkt ti uffsamnit rirliitittwtiu teesaly thfi wnrdinvnfihe taw with a view nf rocons ii nthem trminuirinl th- hbek kitir nl pitted an art th a j laied lurmy and mate of each vf the ihre prnftl rrvim it nnilkrn rrniitriiti n i w tty impliafn the pclifil of eithi ini to ha be a sivkdi as uh at tt i s- wrt ul i ue firtri ie nh- il af the t penw t fceve been jo aee i raf the wlk bill nioee paftkiurtv tli rwthe thre ppd iulr was the nr rajle er in s wnrs nf tft aet ihe i aantveoui route for a cunnuatron ot ji citiat l anrdve wiih thit law ihe uitret and limt weie rnide wt treat care unjetihe p linn nf the crnal crinarnfetio med hit it with iic aufey iy a veiv eona i i nnet all le attrt ure femd to cnmittj u mluti i aul cimcrn mil ifrtftl bui on the ennlrwv are fully convinced the policy id piopriety ol tbe propocd eaten lioeu caylon ncefhe nromt poinuef itntt- tilinn where crnk vilkifinn and hiewn eracoueuied ihe citlwb force duiin the latt war haibtfaono one of the mt impoitant town it either liovince of canat at a ecn- nwrcial rniliarv naval and philieat centre nod rtorou will runlrtute lo make lilt ex tension of the ills st hirer rand an important wk in i naiinual oint of t iew the committee in to no nteautof certain in with any decree nf eeitnniy tsp momm amount oftevenue that wnnhl be derive hv ih eiirni- rue itjvt i tolb upon the raek river mvl fie canal by the eontructron of ihj work they therefore submit such inform alia at has been furnianed by lucividojlt aeiiutiiited wiih the country a provimaliu nearc lo a correct djta within tbe reach of the committee the tutitiij and cmimatet furnithed by th frini of thiv application f ions ihe county os jc frrtisft thow the following re full thai thccanil if estendej will pan throng a riehatrickf1tnril and mniifaetun district to one of ihe two best htrboi uou the wsoir northern trontier and terminating at a very impmtnl eotwrncrrul paint letter of a conservative on the pmfttf aj rwn of supporting hi tursenf adrttircim conclude from the chioniele i have ten governor afler tlorcjoor fail in the ailcinid to ciue harmniy hetween the executive and the leiiatur on 6nit bimtrlt met with a broad tele of waul of conti dencc nr u vdinilird ceutuie nnlhei is duly and uncfimnonioouy enbatrvrd a refuml to t j ni a tbrliir t ct tupliet and a thir j is karcd from hit ilmnhei by the wild throtz of aiitjcd lnirnt ihrrleiuii to ban the re presentative of their lsxereib froan th stiff that vars the ki n of fn iwi nrnre hijown root 1 knew that tbit wa a iaanf ihiiia that could nnt lt- it ihe cm could not always remxin a vat enlrencbed camp lilted with the chnirettof kntatijt toirrr and in mrtic i meituies merits on ta thrir aulho i in caiamoci ernment an j and ihirttrn fn milhiiilptli refute to drink of tbe wxtefi 0 pracc muti d forth before u because wc l j tkc agony of our fesladi- ouxness thai tsjfj w polluted by the rcne j anopposle w hcntil teetf at well mi lhe tfrm uriheoin refus tho brifhl f rr unce becauae tic otiy wbkperld that a berelic trihe dwell by its tource in tho f hitlt of the himalaya i came t ii ceutalry in common with the vaxt body r emieranlv rsol 1j 1 purpote of cw out particular poitical principle wl to k fc i cuiel d pracelol hocne wherr the t tf ny strife would ben itrau e anj borred aoand to our sorrow we have foun il n where pofttia ore mode o owwncxi what u it thai we now icquiref jt it the triumph of tome particular parly tne hcrndfrry r tome dirun theory 7 or teek wemrcrfbr r nobjer aitf are net our chief vrihe ttw the emamrsbmrnt of peace and order dae election to life properly and characw and n dot aiteniioti tothe ralnfac- lionofllie wtftkanddcrelopement oflhero- muiee of e adopted cnuntrj f do wo wish to fee a cvjnor ofoor ow a choice ratio rule ovei u the chiefs ofcrciwn chemhed patty exci1y endowed vrith ihe patmtag erf tbe crowt and those wlwun we coniidered on autaofuv ciushed beneath the weight of ihe iron heel m the eseeutiv t are we wil n to pay tin fearful and certain price er tneb a triumph tfe dislraxtlon of ihe country oefrreiatioti if peopeity iteppive oremitra- lion atd nllrhc oihemhouieflj eriti which a divided and tiontpjii lad it heir tot i antiurte tl ready aatwer of every sound- heat ted man can i lhtfore wrapped t my conceit steadiy refute all ttfpfw ot j lice to my mm if they do rol twear by the sarno creed wmytetf can i draw do dull mantle of bourr and illibtliiy closely round mv hater judcmeni lo tcoff at and anathematize it very meature palpably aimed at the general md of the community because it ht not emamivd from on in the ranks or my ownpaityf 4tan i inshorta ajod citixen as a tiue comervaure at a tiacerc cbriin off an idle mpowtion to ll policy of lord sydenham an to preserve an absurd con jtrir7 whi 1 totie welttneaninj perrons elinto fvet aanst their fecret connciion j aul becavteq dreaded ha eomins in the rim instance contnut an oppnuln on the princi pie of uciimtng truth to pirtyjudmeot to preiudicet i feel il ihi olemn and bounden duly of all real conservatives and were these my tut wards i enubt iot intite tber with a stronger oe truer siaeeily lo lend a cotdisl and xipritit support tn ok iireteat ad mioitt ration am from uw v- c omeial caiette anrctatrv grkatuls orrrcc torero 8th fpru il militia general qweil before agcrwrslconrt mitiial of mili- tia th 6th day of february isil and continued by sdjotimmrnt ri h- l9th day oflheentoinr month licut- john maitndof tho footlb battalion incor porated militia waa arraigned on the follow- fn charge vz scandalona aod infamous bebarior unbecovnin- tbe character of an oa eeriodceullemaoinlhc fotlowint intun- fkfb- havinc ttated al the city of toron to oner ibocl ihe 27th june iwo in i presence and hearinc of gcorjce b late sti tea nt of the first troop of incorooea- ted militia drscoons thai he the said licute nant john msitland had paid lothe said ma joe t w majrath the tuna of jt2s 7j 6d currency he the oaid leutenanl john mail- hnd al ibe tame time wrll knowine that be had noxopiid the tame second havinc at a ted at toronto aftwesaid on or about the 19th day of november 1840 rn the pretence of co3onel frederick alexander mckemie fraser astislant qoaiter-matter- general to the forces colonel 5r allan na pier maenab third rtiment of ilort seden tary nhiuia ral of mtlilr arthur aid decamp that he the said lcu tenant john maitlar j had paid to the jj ma- jot t w maerath the sum of 6 5t curren cy biinc ibe amount of the subscription of certain officer of her mtjrfty 43rd kep- menl to the city of toronto na county nf york race mcclin for the year 1839 he ibe said lieutenant john maifland well knowing at ibe sane time that he had not so paid the same third harin stated at toronto on or about lha 19th day of november lbmo at a meeting of the steward in the city nf toronto and county of yotk rac meeting for tb tear 13j that he tbe said lieutenant john maittand was prepared with proof thai the nid major marath had received the um of currency being the amount of lha lat- meniioned subscription of oflw- of the i3 ktimeol tn purpote of endeavourin lo cftiian ihe said major maraih into an adnirs- tionof the receipt thereof he tbe said lieute nant john maittand al ihe ame time having no aucb proof and beia awaic that ibe fact wm contrary lo the said statement fovrih h4v11- stated at the time and place limmcntloned that the said major ma- eraih hac not paid certain men of the said first troop of incorporated militia dragoons the amount of a ceilain porte called ihe troop purse ron for al ihe paid race meeting of 1839 and wnn by certain men of the said dra coon and that he he said ffieotenant mait- colonel riltork adjutant gene- and captain frederick leopold jil bjdbeen nfrmrd bv two men of the aid cai atti rn to toi tocwurclbe tuecet 1 troip wbo were cnwled loreceive n prcr i i ivi don thereof thai the tame had not been paid to liens by mjor maratli or any one for him vvtwiicfiiiiiiniiutjivitasr- i knew that unle the alteciion of ifre mrjori- ty weie lived on the permanency of liitlifh con nexion that the toottcr the conncctin link was broken the red crosi lowered from citadel nni tii t the better for alt parlies the cauadas would be cast off and properly cast off tho inttant tbeir inhariitanti eapcessed a jriier al desire incut the towiope and a jptuvif newer but never a nobler flat would supplant the old standard from the forests of lite jcorih west to the elilfiof aeadia enbid may tnd it to her inltrest to hold by the ttrou arm ef power a mjiu or a gibraltar but a country like canada an only h her by tnianeous tint oiersix faundiett miles of canal and affection h4 sn smtitfl iftrlh the teemin briint of wily if ltrsmcn to nmeli- i nland b t eavijf litm id lheilv lwn rtuni wni uae canals ol tntfxatc asfitbows jtr7 milr from chiton to the head of tivy 150 quinte bay qiinte through a chamof imxll ilksand nvers brw beinr inirovcd to ljke huron f 2i tnronh tbe ridcau canal w h to the hrad of the si law ivhte via cape viivcenl 8 down the 5l lawienco lo the rjptov 70 rbrk lke and okweatrh rivrr as proposed lobs im- l jt 11 m y to htu msrkria a tz t lent ot country envered with boundless forest of while and tej runr whit oak and red cejar nf a quality enuil u any in tbe world as well as very extensive bs nf iron and lead ore of tuptior nuality m tiebness that rfrere it anaually exprtd from thrse several channel of navigation to t anaikrts of lnwer canada ovi two hundred and twen ty thtusanl tons nf jumhrr projucine upward of ertl bundled anj euhtvthree thousmj dotaati thtl ihe amunl nf foreign tnnn wturh would he diverted frnm the marlrti of canada and hrol nn to the canal of thii sut li rati- matd foiiy mue isoasand t ui the arnoiit oftonnae that woold he frikied by lise country through which ihi work i t ps is estimated at forty three theuvtn 1 tons with a iobahe ineres anuuallv of hrih feiet i ant nnsiic toina tlie riuinittt ltin tvsskti th raltaatnsth aredmiriiare ienmnljtohae been tnnd- by the hm eprrenre anl me careful exati- wirfh h iuct atbrt ail wihinui orate otir cmitvn- ceeiretix after cimcca flbereefnl it templed imnkwemenls wiih the support o the rcolfy cnfita1ive parly thev mini th v will succeed and canada will heeeme whi bee warmest hearted children could in the tvehl of thir jevoiion wish her to be witbmit their support they may fjil and if ever th nericiiee of hlory hath lauht gt aright the tsst horrors of he 1nr few y art wl b atw ain on 1 mo fariil t ai 1 r j rt c erfk 4 sir m lv minded cusrjian retidenl that dor rvoi rdiud- dec al tne bae anticipation of barint lo retire recent pa re in bit political existence or that wool m make any sacrifice of prejudice or antipaltiy 10 ensure him tfaifut a return of lhat dima priodl itthera one whose eye does fcottirhlcn and hit heart glow at the tbuum rvac ctealnest and prosperity lhit mutt await s if we he but iroe lo ourselre and ready i offer a hearty to operation to our ruler to rsuie the sucees oflhe measurei thev hare evited for our eenetal cood the iru 1 i spiril of conserratism is a ejeneion but discrimiualia devotion to ibe law and irtiluliont oloxir country a filial la evrf ifner m which ia tarred lieht it hrourt weal and woe storm and ive tn ij cwry hurler in which ita refleeteil ion wasende commission after commitunn nvhme t conservaty ctina 1obn pijni ir rc piciiicaiaon urj t- vn t i newspaper of oi s i wjined lure n for all koon and unknown ofhl was appointed project afler pi eject was bioich ed tiierf and ahnmloned lilt dawnio street was wearv anl the records of the cujwiial ace at full of for tho pacification canada aa an a irfpileul trnscdirs lenses tie inturrcien brought evry liinj loa etiis and th farmer mid bin te ddosiivh jsntl pentaiinnt were nil ukerct in thd one sint- i 1 imi ntlwuiit m f ha atm 0 lurj ujilman mncosed on a reat aaile and pre o ant wiih vast exnrcla- wi at itie beii a f4esaju rjiluie many liht to ttlii however by the courairv iice party maj for a time mis lead peejihie may far a taa- hirnd him but the prinrlnt within invariably retnre hits to f his true pos mi the manor te othiscxtoi 1 1 honour the jen lb ritual vurch hataddedij urn 1 id 1hrsj jtl puviii and all lb her arfect reataik skv for what ivx v pe ofo reeriwlire al a 1 1 tnr i- el of bis emlis- from wiicb aiuch car anynvs to exaerate or venture into lieu ioit tpcuutton ulielortbtc wtwim pxs estimate nf the- fici tv r ui1 lwe qow tlins were fkirrbet o1 ha imen and witi hereafter arite i saw in the appnintineut of lb- vrevnt c- vernoi crneial the fust regular step toward a practical aiunemrnlornur inaupftorulle fiili- eutlie j knttv that ihe nme of the richt honorable clurle rxiwlt thonsoo ihouch nxat firtt tht toty muieal 4 conrvtive rars stood fclchon thrulof practics artrtt vat 44 beopj hitine talent and i augured well nf lis furntc exertions to smooth the an un fiotit ftf thee luirmeteil colonis i saw biuacorne ihe amwd champion f ihe measu h ihe cnion jnd wmtctiin him froai ihe day nf bs aniral lo chi- pevstnt bnur i hehm b rrshj onn bearing lidly and eimti x iflrodi4hfnrnl i mw him med lb canadiara pailiament ml a few htiofibjf nfhirirmsiian irtficed todemonrjte rtlhcli aid to il ctujsstry at jarj thai ibr omrcajnof kxcntive irrtwliittf was passed for eve jud that a suiesjtfft ind at fen th tapped iilo the snvofas wi v t m idin vice- are put in a i now cot offer them i aituinorob lfjtii tov jb invv st nrm b u- witched the ifc a wime of parties aisd artor on ibe some moral a r 1 tied e vol nii and that they had not received their propor tion he ibe raid lieutenant maittand writ know in when be made the said statement it 1 1 the said purse had been paid by muor mxerath that no man of the said dragoons en- tilled to receive any proportion thereof had mad ny tuch decittralion cauted to be wiiiln and published al toroitlo on or about the 31tl day of autul 180 in pumic newspaper ealiod the brituh cot nit a false scandalous and miliciotr letter with the intent to injure and defame the char aclerof tbe said major magtalh as an oacer and a arnlleman exprcstins therein and there by lhat a certain statement published a tbe result oflhe examinalion of the toronto turf club account 13h war a most bon-lin- and barefaced attemp lo cover ihe pcculalioo of tbe taid miior marath six 4 havinc written and pohtihed or caused lo bo written and published at toronto on or about tbe lolh day of ortobcr idlo a i ji a 1 x0 n it antic wkdhkudav alflllat i l tbe rcawtt of tho lalo eiecliona fur unit ed canada will we trust have the effect of rronngconjcnc nt borne in thettability ofoor prracnt intirtuiion and of not only restoring that confidence which recent event have 00 etrongly tended to ijiminiah but also of inducing wealthy gentlemen to seek a bornf ind to invcat their capital amoag u the english people have had many tad and hiiking example of the little dependences that can be placed upon the beat of america securities that wc would fondly hope that their atientiort may at laat be dirxicledlothia country and ibal the wealth of britain no longer thrown lavishly ay unon litrr littrcm lrim vt 1ji a nusqutnt paragraph ilia added that forth bo expended tmoflf iscilbji subjects j town ofkirittoa now the capital of the field for ihe exertion of enterprise and lbf iwo province of canada the head cjaar- improvcrjtcnl tn this province ia vat and almoat boundlens and if a lithe oflhe brit ish capital which has been ounk in the mo- rasaesj and swamp of the far we had been expended in this country canada inttrad of preseniin a disadvantageou eornparisoo xvilh tlte bordering state would be what nature evidently oetigncd it onj wharf in for letvbtive aipii are ki ily but obly adverted lo in tbe llrtjt wc pn thera otcr however merely coratmenjin tbeaa in in lr cootideraiion of our reader in older to notice more particularly the ttsttp of ihe report which connect the uadoiuhtm with the water cornmankatinrh of canada il it conteisdnd m the report tbal by the conduction of tbii short unk in the chain of communication morelhami hun dred mile of canal and ihuad boat naeijtlion will thereby become eonnecletl with ue canalo oflhb slate new vmk fomugcentresnin- ran chain of inland boat na vintion front tho grand oc ottawa river ihrouh the ruen canal and from ihe hrad of lake hmrosj through a chain of tmall bices and riser beinj improved by ihe colonial govermmenl and the bay of quinte and frotn ihe river fit lawrence and black river canal to tbe city of new york without a sin re transhipment in a rouqiient paragraph it i let nfthe larc military and naral force of thai government situated eiteen mites from clayton one oflhe proposed points of termination and barinx become one of ihv moit important town in either prerince of canada as a coirtmvrtlal military narol and political centre il will no doubt contribute to make the eatetttion of ihe black rirtr canal an important work in a national point of view ft is obvious tl the construction of that ppite of every obstacle il must ere long be come the garden and granary of ncrrth inkinth chain of water comroun hen it of vast importance lo tbl la america tbe iwo uat elections must do sultcicni pottaoce to the uoitcd states both in a commercial and political point of titw and it is scarcely less so to this pro 10 salisry the most scepticol that the great i j- comtruction would off r reat en majority of the inhaliunts of canada in clndingnmlheintellrecnccand reapectabtlity of the country are ardently attached to ihe iniuiution of our father lanil and while this feeling of lovatly and affection to ihe mother country continues wc may laugh to scorn the threat of mr open enemies and the in sidious wiles of our pretended frienjo the practical working majority comprising near ly all the wreni and intelligence in lire new house ft0 large that the utmost citiirts of 1 military supplies of every drfcripltoru tlte ditaitccted will jc in vain the idle drear ri nationality on which tho french of lower canada onro feiiglitcxl lo dwell will be dissipated for ever and it in to be hoped that even they conscious of 0e ulter impossihjlity of carrying the selicmc of psv pineou into eflbct svill at last unite in prn- tnoiin the true proapcrity of heir native country by upportin the ijovemmcnt eouracrnvnt for the completion and eaten of the british wtfrks mentioned tn the report and in point of fact it would adoid a moat rsosr- erfnl inducrnaeat for ihe 7an of the necasstary fundi on tbe one hand it would bold out tbe certainty of an ample revenue from tbe tolls arising fioro the ld on tbe water in craasv lioa and on the othtr would surett toe necessity in a ntiutary and political poiat ssf view of being atje lo direct from every quar ter to ibis important and central potitioo troops the country through which the pranosad line of water cnrnmunicalion rsuses is further rendered interesting to ihe inhabitants of upper canada rndtolfro british minufacturer frotn its bein the nearest and most direct line of road to boston id halifax in 1832 a com pany was incoirrated by o charter from tho legislators of nw votk for eoriancnf m rail road running in nearly the fame direction tthecalxhlhacapiulrrffaaojooo dollars tbe srreater pajtofita railroad cotomunia- star without drawin ttitno bumble one f ons their saould they happily hate in lo injure and defame ihe character of tbe taij major maeratb as an drlicer nod a f tleman in reference lothe race funds of the city oftoronto and county of vork race merlin- for is39 whereby he aceoed ibe taid major m j of having atlemptrd pecu lation ol ihe said fund such conduct beinx contrary to he maje tvt service and subversive tntppaj order and iitiry disciine the court havinc malorely weighed and rmsiderrd the evidence in lupport of tho char ataintt th rhtoner john mailland nst tth f1t1ltnn ineattrxf- 1 lepnce and lue tivkc atuiuoi m be expected lo show its confidence in them by promoting them to office of respectabil ity and emolument the absurd ebnification of candidate and cleetors into unionists and antiunion istit by a contemptible party in lower can ada of which the editor of the quebec gazette may perhaps leader ha ever been province be considered tbe introduced into this greater pai tion already eaila that it for nearly tt rnilei leaving only about 120 utile to raroptete rapid and esy communication by which lha traveller from kinvton might reach bcstlstisi utile more lbai four and twenty torus satj there join ihe csl lit of royal mail stesutj- ers to liverpool 0tia er words ia tbossl one half tho liioe it now take the ravelin 0 pass from kirfpn to montreal 00 tho assst ddvnan toads snd cooveyancea still foond is the reprcscntalixt of the late j c ta lh4 m frequented mete f umt csv m mrt trilh iii an exception consider the lnion a final weottire a measure noi open for agnation it cannot be repealed by ihe colonial lcgta larure and ihe imperial parliament will no suucr the question to be agitated it is as clear a noonday thai r the vjmk rait3 cpcada is ncinro h tran on tit ailifothe cdiic sy tkoowa attwtn m a of ai6v v l in- take paft jear irotraeia ired fnm uw tsrss of vffm cansda merited nouee at oue liansst if from no other eoewdreatton al lel fom ouj fact ef their be in the grit etd only pvblkiliocu d uw hlfld nhichmic as jvl bteo gmn lo tbo wrarii lirotjh ibe mcdin ofosw tl iti-ofty- i wt altuov i ihe oroor of tbe cduc origin le-rtla- fc tsttats oeek isngaige focnocdin iit hie a report recently made lo lbs piofilipjoionihmhirkrnj i sm imfte plor lh itvi ppr w p w jjffi i 1 a sr2 i z c rf zzsrlzzsfs s ih- rffrt of tcinr ox inhmunt of kns nohlt rountrv vluel3i isjlti fl eollrtien with ibe ttvem- we now life ihey wil have c dcin ttd repaid ihe iron a conservative ment uner nd fnltv answered bkof etraclnf a ie afitiit ste faili n c ti-tt- 1 od point of teyiiuimi htafvkbrrn fur miller by tne appliontf and if hrrwith uf milled witvhriintnin- o expert anvojii hirm n lues or a ittt it eurectit a tue lorn- mitle itasstk nn information ei lb rulci kay in lfc vt ii j itln nw inn eepi iten a hs heeo iwntiplied by la rrinds of ihe appcaton but m th ir con x front resctame sources it i entiled tl a t cnrwideiitkn iv lfw tle estimad arlkts with 1 heir prolaue tnneae wfiteh tenitd pats upon the eana nclwen caitna ant iii piopnted puiitt nf term in a i inn funifhrd by the friends nf the apphralinn aa aovc rrred to it a fountis hsssae pljirnn 9tiillnns ftahinjaimaibineiyjft j iron an i x4 njui rt ii- inland p-i- tnjfdo oxi reahttand snl 1 sirttsuer i knew knlmhsd ipnup reej nlliailt fk ore larld xjfi lirxie ttr vhamlmtnmn f ork 4itir jrii i bese i al leatw itirs whi tic 1 kwi jnufuifd rn uttonar su a it aw lundtrr kint stiah ulisnt 1 lumber ad iin irtt arnitire srt tfi fttr vwdo l rrrlui4r ajrt kef ml ir ktn llaral dn j a attn frtua4l vir ile inanuiife 1 runrl na i wttkj vew u w or s mild try and 1 ltn nd j aili j ettmmt fnt i fu 1 umi r ntajef umxfrf rstumtw tlt rtth i i oii jvt on 1arji lersatj dn ljhfl do irvfll d0 4asl rro t nv ti do lk irfxi fn tiifdo int do dfrfidn tat d rvm jn f ixlhitdinihe llk iti iim carry hit two neat meamir out lha with les noise or aptinent irnmiwi ban under hie mrrtlaie wtam have 1 vupanrrd the pvswte v till fiva lunatic aulum or a turnpike tisjst kotr thti tho sreal roea- uiictfli 1 nion wa the iti riourec ofthe inpcria cebinel airre1 m itwptir ofmltlin our affjirs alll if if fn csjr postie wnnljiflns fcmtobe enntenplaled wiih- at aironc party ia rsra gradually in- crenxm in lcenlh who m bfiterly vroiis nf sevetirr oor eonnexinn wiih tbe mnlher non that thkuilv oy no npprrttanity of reviiinfuc staiftdrim ihe lnyjy of ihe vsw mainrrtv mafniii mj the innit and rest lnes olikew had smnl anxont nt knew itiat were the pm i reitrjor furd n h inprv lie aide lb il j pi uniild iucm iirti a farfulli nmmms tapiiiv ibat ihe anli j olonial cry wn1 i r ju rap and ree bo rrtfn a ilteuiand new ijmilfrt till nr wumm friiuwaml weury ed jelemw hnjlhf ititfnt nnanimnita sense p ir wo rallforeme ahvirsent aamidnecked j pern rr ceirritirtii rniviurt i always lievle i lieprnres hmile frncamjir ihiih suutn ielfran itfirin inlensal i nstnt n aastilirmiifi speech ite ol cmff nut front mr iluneor ryewr mt 4n inn ihriou pflr ihnnj rr- he ympxihy of f lurllsniui nf anwiem k if ibi- fai tsw nelnn n the un mr ixh r in us t ever iliibr ai 11 greami dan w- run hi- pxiieite of l rh in iufjctii and 1 1 with iwe fellies ii utlf 1 ihit r ui i tv r 1 i wm eerl i o- mm im ml f otll i etme over abd if the aeaab xvatf h tbi thin bill the 1 and a mott u th athntic ira i wilt try in and you know brrri m earn tor ten days befiice mv it was meially nn rnlbd o katntil s paddfetm af water ttilhin a f was that lh w at mr mrttatl i water anl at t tvould b burietl crown ihe wv lo stern m a wh- llnl if any one wer filled with coodsliip hasb f akrlmgoi that weather till rimimled me m ti tb rn- rnttiitv waa ivit nlill nnwi- absd in ie i i- hanlflnl th wc mvrips h tear ot tirlt a ri uvn she arss lii nel searef i atd eaters ah ut ceimn hnwet if fare which i tr frnm a pwenei on hoar hip dated jlahfav th apiil 1 trinkane and always dead al been xiriu- pseul she he h on hjhead far no coftfesrn mod mchinry seaioat could have crossed h weather r xu x iva nfthe phss hive w4teced too tnaov arhfaf ibern ta run hihrr than i ev iv wind w towtc r he sii thru im el veil n dli rt vidnrt 1 v rliier f nnvjjiv- aid ti- m iv suehi ariua- r opmiiki l i i r mrft mjrefrtcljunn a fie mtl in r lisl f 1 airly rn rnfliud in nhirh i riii iritli rnlept ir hijitfalami jan imrei loiiuisairif1 i lwmfceha- bidryiv mil frt r af50rlv und demusirf y ii4iffl i pp ekn in rnrll4 r v fhmtrr km ptfibrt fubf hub i iraarstv i nxivi 1 i sxiie cisik- v on tin i apple ftswlsi li ma lli tfrnn s 1 im j hrvu a aptane txjkmpl tajr rm hi mildr f r war the xvhole lime sk ihalnc often m ut of t bare seen ldh mil under v minutscf eih other nor shepiched hke a ttxittj tnirrxlle seat rntdef fixl hrr wmle ttm irame f tn her rrry uaayiit an i lo f tlwoveefrotn stm sherl nt j fi -n- iotru ld it of ibe door eyes it waler in a word nur ft tire wiwd an exxmple pit 1 frn can he rrrhi in nny lvt jusd ihe ranks le 1 sm in ihe rapid and r tf le etmlasn liiie tirb rtiiovrf ahn watalway foreinf io t pi if n hto l t nt b- iilil li wvn nd in hi eif hr we- nd t i jni and as lilt i iirrd 1 ji xmi hrw wd lh ifntf- i ifiru vtef by way nf n i tend vest vie f i i rktet irerir- amir tsr lkti ltrnliinnrliai url ii ivuvj otm liut 41 ntu p m ii lftfottit mnth i-iiui- vi vefnieli nd birtor tiee rf 1 d ntitrn i rfts ltfip al iti infinl nml al m i iitl i mmi jjrt tef rdives 3 t i ill rarrij miaii hs4s1tssw imaje 1 ii dr ktl m rtd vi weas i rahrvny tv- i idf i rln mil- hi di4i mm lieutenant dtb dal la i ion incorporated mititia isnot cuihy and do therefore acquit him of the tame with regard lo ibe stroj caart ihe court is of opinion lhat the prisoner john mailfand lieutenant 4lli datt allien incorpora ted nlilitiaift guilty with regard to the foura nnrcje thecmiri i- of ejtinion lhl the pritvier john hi aitfand fjeu tenant m dattaltiou incorporated militia is c nitty with reeard in ihe fifth cmirvt the court i nf opmioi thai ute rrisoner john mailljnd lieutenant 4lh raltallion incoiporatcd militia is tluilty wiiu regard tn tbe irla caarpe the courl is ef opinion thai the imoorr john mitlaiid liiiumnl 4th battalion incorporated militia tiittv the rnirtlhaiinrf4tiin1the prisoner cuillv ri ihe frfsxoi inji fourth yfth and sutk chxttfe preferred afaini him which bein in bteach of ibe article f wsr and lite mililia art now in force m 0ils piovmce do sentence intra iv prinn r john matlintl lieutenant itmutmlion incofarated militia lobe cash iered ttic f mill hxsin rirrrne1 its duly can rl pwaf wltraniil rerordiu iis niiinion upon ihe dsriidinn of ilefcne aic ited to le sel up by ifi riour wit is it he had iteciv- c a preror ilnn sufirienl in jtlify nn bis part military disriphne xdmlrineiih vetire ol the lundamenlal pr jtwipus by which ai arnii are cnimnedf and inumy al vai- i inee ti iih th authnritiei w hieh are eiuslly li fin upnn ilihiaty and iivit tribunal tl nnlwilhmiradiii this alternpl upn the pxrt of tlw l i ir oto trsiinaav lnh hrrit tio tfurd by lim even il hi ivtsiiitm had been ifaihle sulhrieul to jiatiify if rout i in neitiil- in him nt av fine of the charges of which he hai hern found ifitiy hi rxniie tiir fnvriv- las liren puid approve snd coniiimthe fndii and sentence ofthf farl mr mtn maittand will rew inreive pay in ii i mais4 seivieefmin fhis dale tbe fnrral erl martial of which f fteie vinkirlintl ui itimlinu tncotnoraloil mil hi is rvilrnt is disvtlwd hy amman rkrilaltn toirtk mutant irnrrtti mttti rorl wiih the exception of two or three pirajaps treating merely of circgrnstances whicli have no reference either to ihe practicability or the expediency of the nndchalin these emissions we make in the hope of securing by ihe jrcater brevity of ihe document more jreneral consideration to a sub jecl of deep importance to this province at any period but more particularly at ihe pres ent time wbrn many unfinished works of the same descrrpiion in the upper division of ca nada are about lo brine their claims to eaccut- aerneni and pecuniary aid before our leitlaj lure m the ensuing session it will be tern i mrrhf ttric h ckeorsled the blue pjp the other it by the same auihor nd enijlfeo intsatrsliosst oftaeaunilf of ibe latin ungqiff tolbc gsrlk or celtic cf scotland rriatcd at toronto inntf much nf a tot ii we remebc itf hae liilened to soma ot hon on the sss of irwa tract r t v raa vrncrsblc sad sasiahu calbolie bishop cf kinpuo with much inteinti but inercdulput ear wo ts dtlfctacd nlh lh ooj d naana pstaotk rn- mim the if or of memory and the uiptirvt artjtcneitdhptayrtbyremon theoccattoo boss- on but tho rftvt tersest only to rsrtt torso t-fsar- olteeiion oflho ranblio h- a tjsm i m a 1 1p reeoirecuon oflho ramblies tluosw of hy a jtanrc at the map and a cursory pcruia j of this report that the black ftrer canal nj- awatstbf toopeil wt ilnl h eminiem atidirniiih turned in lied ntnl nntio lii pnriite slnna poppn xrrn wf uur mil r hair ill nil ih ittunan lnlim in nn inlniit laiif tr thin ts an triliniin rthen tin king liih all arn in hv wnv rf i iiniin ihe ikirrt nf sohlnry rnnfinmnl rttiinl llit- ii f une humlrvxl wn i iintvd tn rniii lue piinnliineni fur lift in an attic rivnn jtrinni tmlv fificri mirvivivl if mfdli r txli h llit nhm pattrr rtnii u hum li n al rl in thr jmiirm ilif vn- a llnhji lad mv wrr ihxi mr nnbriin nwnx with end ihriw livef iim ntiiny the suteofnew vork hat an important con- neetion with several woris commenced under the aiilhnrityoflhe leitulu re of tapper ca nada bui impended from a want of funds ade quate toihrrr rompletioo tbe utach kiver canal or navigation it in point of far i a branch c or ralher a tributary to the lira canst it commences on the etie taaal al itome in oneida county by a canal of tc railn in length which terminates at the iti falls on black kiver ih lewis county the navigation it tlrcnce conducted by an improvement of ihe elhck uiver to car- thae in jctnnn county wheic it terminates tbe whole lenlh of navi alioo natural and mtificiali including a navieablo feeder of nine j mitei in len lh if eighty five miles tji ascent and descent fiom rome to caithae amnuni to 178 feel the cost of the whole work ii said in bare been h dollar il ms llwrefore nn under taking of crca ma inliide and tilfcult ml m point nf coitlinets fallinj lillle aiiott of the kideau canal the work which fums the sublet of tbe keport itierted in mi days paper is a canal in continuation nt the work already completed from carlhae lo a frrwinui nt omc pnint either em ibe st lawience kiver or the south shore nf ukd ontario thi it ftm y decided uprni but from ihe lone of ibe itrpitl snl fian the jrent esa on which decisions nf this kind in lha united stales arc usually lied il wotim ecm thai the point lrtel will lrcotifjinnttoo at nearly nppnsile to kinctnii u it04tbi- cndtiaje rs aloul thirty one mile frvm sar- fchi- lldrrlhiitt tour milt bswltswloo ftl kvesti crech od seventy five miles fom i fwan rw eieu i llatheriu ctijp ia hp wtotmmmlrtim e biot conrioccd the pxpee t veaiton hare cttrcj lo imvttav alniil lflv mifrt au from lurnn lineal sssutsi iliime dulsnee the ieiier tim i whlfh mi l4f elwesrltejisrt ie recmerted and if they hart t uupclled atr uw mm sad cw eurity rhieh hof aroand the mbjeet of taeut in leretciij rnemoirsj they he catnbuud uxijrjr loosfda ii and iinpeericd us trilh the csmritsss ihit the ddienee and laroin and bo aeomen asc real iuplyca rn tbeiv compilation wil tattslsat to father researches ofiau as me a ind very iierortait additions to uw flock of knoarfi atread- in etistenee n ihii brsnch f philology inijic unpfctcndi and v iiriif4 lothe second trod dr sim otrrn fas ihit casny my objcs are ut to cuqvir tfuwa beany srfinity uhittil vhc garlic sod utifiv tbc to examine ihe antenl of the iffinitj sod lo i jrr nhirh itnuace ra ikr mcee ancient sod oiirec ofthe otber jed to asoty tan auass wiory rejjsdfo the unrl uesxiot l baa left nothinf to p dwired he hsa by a co and caefuhy aeteeird rabutse of latin tssi crlic sroeds elshied beyond alt rrtswtion a ktsstlostst jwajmcnl v nly mssmstst cstss and talin and this e hesaiate rot lo oasurt l llawqfa ne are lom of th swallon in m prcfarsrot rciuatl bat this 0rlia h nrsatitest by tass kmrtetr in bil tff on the iimc- of a4 nd kikufe puwh d in lcrfido in tm dr aumion by ih m3 t asj otuvrf ifuho sa n ihe dark ntxtthrr h oton eoinriots ttiih thai tstvaasi kmnrds o w i n with lb iristnbir- u proof nsnvbhmitwfcssata baa eihibised aminri ft tlwortvr inoromi or sirtton sas diiroaed orin rslhee a ia7 7 sttw hu onin- hi itpnn both bet rh i bnrtiiy talher calmlswd fr the mrrasnssft of wlirh mom o miny hrii lianl literary h realwaya iini than a4 of brnifitilen canada t ailh fcr ewesiork st any man brie wh him n amall atoth of luomit inntfttsifc it la aoon diusioa by the nanl of lh nweulast and 1brmle and tbo hard ubora af a furi hj klmet sfe las we ranini rtaaauatasn llirar tmela wirhnnl a ffrtn- ik- crnrtaeifllon ne jertrefrnm fii tbal lhmu ikstsswtxf nneiislssa aid iii nresetstd jmirsraien mf fi l 3 dr irallon tsst inirotil f bi i siller indie saw lbl b rtdluiu

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