sheriffs sale vivbni district bv virtue fa to wit mm w it of ftn feci iwucd out of her maicty di4iiei dart of the mdland dnnctaid lo me di rected against the lands and tenements which m of joseph muster deceased at ihc lime of hi tenth in live hands of bar bara mmicr administratrix of all and sin gular iiw cnnd chattel ami credit which were of joseph moatcr deceased at the time of hi death in be administered ai the suit of harare yeoman i have crixed and taken in execution as belonging lo the raid joreph moicr deceased at ihc time of ins death t ts number seven in lue scronj cinccon of the township of lowrugh m ihc aid midland district which i will expose for sate no mondav the twenty higrih by of uf nom at the court house in the fmi n of kingstoiip at the hour of 12 oclock noon a or pcron nr person having claim t itic shine uvserirj property are requested lo male the wtw known to nr at or ic l me of talc amcdonell hrw 11 d n1t 0w kifilon f salfriinnrrll fifflni doctor javne5 mmily medi cines thec mrdlcmm are recom mended in j etfniirelv used by the moil in telligent persons tkt united slates hrnu me rout profestorv and prciijrnu f lwrs physicians of tht army and htvj and on hos- nilsbshd almhieandby tnntc ihanthteeji uumhctl ckrntrn of rtfioufl denomination tj thcy are expressly prepared for jjmiu use and have acquired an unircedinltd n 11 iinfi- vhgiraki- 11 n bawrtjrse hnrkmrvamime lit mm w ivtf miri m mibtj punlfifi w i jiij ort cltannrl t hi a ifi iirfi willi rinrwisl ttir n 1 mi j umnttts rtfilid c omjlrttt ii litrmjicnil ihe imtcdottlet andthey areili muh built nleat rv in i fcn iivym of t iifbly cakuutrd lo preterit hcilth am cure rtjve na lamtly ihoum crer be wtlhoul mktm the propuktor of hrte nlvht prrpirtt fnvt hn cilrtrinn at nne al the hri mctli- nl cohee in tbc initj sukt an4 hw bad liftn jraw exfiocc man rlfntive anh jivrnineil x wh hadampk fpnftnnitiis oflint praeheal knnulc pcdbemft ami te icmcjiei bril cjkttl 10 rerun c ihtm theit prepirjtinni nhiu nr ei i pi anl tti bltiior ttiy r tt irti1-fcfiurvfrtnm- h im 1r v mr iitu a 1 fltpniw mn- i fttlitlt pw cvlv te1itnnkifm u tftlhmmipl jillxl0 im fiflhltt iiiir- ifif t wh the limifpl nl- thtul a iithf vr iikii tur ai tpauvjt ttil pi wh ihrv cinity art th m 1tlir irmril hntn a ihrir oftrjr fvw nftltrii ttttfil apvfttmn t forn fiii lee ltbltimtvivk jvvnks ivsinxthrxxt a valum icntrjy f can lsws coiwimpiwn a iltin of uuu rrntit einh hiltf nt niy anl inllfttnnntwtn nl ihe iwtf tiihroiliijhatiynfbrealhiiiiilalldrt kwlim mwitippirjnemliriftii 11 wilful tfm vrfit vj n oriirnc ktr lcifl vei ttlthuc1tai hifttn hmutanl pritikii irreum i- r ikaif tn lyrifatitimanillaie tftthii ulnfh4 a ipjk itfimil c u i wnh tlii li f u iilih i r- i p willi p 1i rrjtiltr nptii wk viimir- v lnin ihwtm a tiili auri i fmij mi i ilt lia ill mi hi an rxmfhm mi 4i l art twikwir in the queens bexgh vivani dtsttifl jj y virinc of a iffrii to nir l o of aiiaehmenlik fund oat of lice ma ite cmift ofqaeenv ivnh anj ti ii ilifvirtl anainl tbc one ieal and pergonal of riehnj k jlhlfcnan alieiiojing or imeealed ikmnr m ihe siil of thomas bneri ihe ynunnr r t ilo mim rf fifty nvn ten sliil- i i bare fcxcd atl ihe etate mil a veil a perianal of the fail rieharj h r4rw ud unfe ihe d rirhanl il rvtint retucn wiihm flu jtirivjiriion nf ruri and pin in loif to ihi aiion iin uivce ealemlar momhs r eatm ihe i i euim tn- he ilifcharsl all ihe rel and pwonmepiaiof the il rirhard il rmu- i ifiit e rt rm h thereof aa may ric noeric 5r hvjbelirlrl lohle fe ihr paymonl a fn mil tattabrlirfl of hm ail elami a mi donell arrjf v o sheriff v ofllee km2tin ms jjnurrvj wh wan aimtjaynts hair tomcmcf iht prrraiiort ii lemly of the iltiij n1 titi will no4luv1y btm- hp hair oil miii ha6 jtid fceeotiu tilbaollorlundo iet tiiee 1- jayxks thnir vekmlfneaplea- tife aiilfi pipiaio tnr w- mftfl nfrtfn s jipij mii tftnwaebiff vet iml aeu kant i tic- and all rifieate of mhily rjt ihy nfllw hotiweh ami imwelij mj hfthtf of ji rvm ilite 51 t- jaynescxn minativk dauamt rrrltm rnw lo hwti an i lummer rinplainl iolrenmpiek hod- arhe fnnrsluiumht fbolfra mnf and all ivinrmin of ihe momach and itoweu nr- eoi aflvetioikc- rtewu- iavxks snat1vk 1ij for tcmak wrw lirer rompbiii1 cohieeocis feeft itiflimjti0ft4 o iriklion vu ihc kin wlie an appniftlh al- liratieof prf4it medinne i rqairej racttftf lvpirrconly by dr d- jayne no 20 so1hwmm rhtladrlphia antimay w had of k ollukkrneralatfric sarkcu har- mmr4 woi urajioih chronicle u v r ur olfier kinh v- l niriiritrta jpi jfi jf i iftmrlilt c tii trn h idnaiai fj tt s if 4 h th hrahut umi oc nhn itm r intl n i rlin ntml d f12 lltl fit 1 iv lit i it n ia irf iam lmtl- m i trtiiph sheriff- sale t dm r hv viriw of a wtk tt vi v b f reri faria- rati mm f mermajiy cmrt of qiernv nrh ami li me llmcfled again the lsd and tenemem of umlam jltjtk ihcmilof lliram trntb uwq goixed i ain in execution a- l iitopitf to tie wjiawi rllftr 11 nrivr fx in ii lijtiii t miliioii ir ill uic nenih conwion twcmyinlhethir- nth nortli half of lot numlx n the ninth cnnccaion of the town- p of portland lot number twenty- it and twenlynmc in tbc fourteenth leewoot and ttventyfnc in he fourth iccnn of die townnhip of pjllibureh h f will expose for fate at ihe coort we in the tiwn of kiotioa on mon- ihc seventeeih day of may next at the of 2 oclock nnon allcdonell sherlt m d 0tro kioion illpu- rxmctrirt vr tkh tn litty ft rilfitf oi qfand mntii f itta ii ail wkilmirti iflw s htjf hith lltf mvaifi enlargement or the ommfrctnl csicnscr inn fitnnjifiji tfnry tzttt uijoirnarltonl eofinari iheciieapestparer inluut- amerira rnotnthc amrian witt hi met with patrttnarj m i ttni imui im i in 4it1 n cif jf 1 1 i llttir i o hh of ihe t m liltivtf vl pfti n inifj nlhertl or i iu l a ad hff tan hj ifrt anra rthmrfijiiim ibi tln wlrtfe t mbtitli vwimatj n1 of bim 1o pfenmlhl dpe lr mi mw mtm nrairii ii tf4 nj e lhkmi anmf llwv jtr ft f h art oiufc nr i ii vc thff4t mitnem u f rkwlvrflvnvlbi anmi lletlf feieipw- 1 rtratntmhtiilvn il li ain il sb ti n t inulro h wln tlkr i ithr ot au if r1 wmihmf tkruh rr ui tf ih lifl thi- lupeftrai iiumc ly ihc cmfk fan inlltitmionraliltjliiiliy ofbrtah- iiiandprdjcr h frc and npretfaiton ami a eoe ron rjeej ll alum fif aihna wo r thite laf ifir v ii riirf ik cp t llir of ctddrr n ffiit is miwitriio n h tim- t timdiitr- lyvimiitiltv colore of wvpinfcvuskatrl ffria vproy iliijrrda who have iwen fiv n ip tiy ibir pbvcan a himii with cnn tpi to bjo h iforcd ptrtvjl nrmiltvil rrti j titoo c it i n polrol of ctio ibminofhiv ijhwvtg tin- u rtr h it iinaah aht knarame v4 itm tifh fi omvii hi 4 st mtjntf llrfo ntpvv i u ttika saiea n j lirrh tf ha i inaj ita tiawji by f2 wrv l- l hn wj mi vrt ati l luti u iid htlhe aitx lihifritiji jt iv who tett a j mi hisv al if mum vhli w imi h ih l-tt- t iiif ut riminiivh w i ii r ovpilnlll i lutiuwittoisi h p t imlo o i pifleqtrrl fmi i kintfaiul n i- iii nvl i i ih ltiiiiri it fim vevnfi v h q approhatioop a weu an to keep paec hk l tlaodut sociflyi dw modcii town lie improving prosper of the country irmmed to enlarge it to llic the laicft paper in ihc ciiy j ly 1 r- i will dc i i- 1 1 10 tc vl tarety to ila eontenl emhrai in a ban ever ihr toi4n mrf rm m ff- rchu i rfy iof 1 ii li i fw i- r i h ii 1rl b1wfla ojytvm iq h ihiat ul if i r u ihr ha ih ao o iviu lprplt i jttltvl rt j iokj ot ni unmi 1 hi i f b ifi 4 umwioj i- r rw i t y ih mu ll i t t- ife4 it vi 1 1 ii 1 u tj nv tfct lmhftvvlo a v ijn rmi i rtm han ii u 4 r ti4iit iii fwiim rrapnn 111 ii tt phtv f ail rttio f n i i if u mwr min- hini ittr imniantf mie lifii a lu mi icihrahni j h n iiffoly nhfnl wmirli ihi m ihr ilirie mvltr- mjatmi t nviti i ef wiw a i i r 4vllii 4ar forto r plirl ian innti von reirr na iiicn ilfv prfb ivm mfr wdit moirf i1piidaa-tittitre- tki ii lr f yv4ji1- ihr hirwivbl t m ti- ir ij m r ami hl10hmkm litfhly laiefemlmf lpo i in- r ipitll li iieimn iiftimn r n mlri nmf wihi pnn jj ewior nv v lki h4t a n g flhi iry ht i aljturru ii ii u rlli ill t ittriw t- a iii mnto fa i tm i i i puofnix l ll iww hfr fn tm t aatf dirie r l lilf- i i m itt- i f atnim cv ry inthbtt i twj a own ly ihifmtftfh ir vlw h- f trtvi fiir ifcrm t dj bol thn i ihr iw rhi tf r4nmt 1 1 a of c iiv v nwrwpoi ritv lrtr affei4 ahhi flu i ut i ft tbwatliwfn fckni ac- uro tl ihifvliiilircsi ti itirhuirt- iuhilt pworrnfiw3v n imii rtr m ifhinihft11i rni ilitih fmv kill tif wtnaoa twlkrrn um vi i iinnn ol ikallk ihvw r- f rihautteil etti iwr a ijjlc irtil w at fir iwlif pilltanlfhiri bltrrt ftryoj iht ri y f not m hk lv oj if jrptcltfrdh ant 1mi- r i i 0 i it om i 1 eat iftlpfic nj if inr 2icftisioet and ih- fiiof it futo tn onh tt l m sicmh mhiilmiriwn prroircil lid om i h lr a4 uutwm j7i ui4idm in c npw yok n noaea eour wnb ibcj unik of ji1tti mptl ttcnaitir pon fittituithi1 di3nudutlfna liitrotfinp lr pamowltf rnn1i v iiafii mt hl mjniul dol a a nnirir gwnlr- i it maortm artwnii nthfrnn pijifp lf 1w mo pfll ipr p aol tirinmt iv rti prvii nln n w oitat lllt pill and piiiemv httrip thop rfonlj afrieirwf fllll tt lltiir 1 blfiil i i if i iji oi rao b in a- u umffat lit all cini i tn- lirf m man il ml r mii i miint ihamvhl i i1 ar lo all maitees of interch och a l 1 1 fiveicn new literary cnimfr- tcultural and rvittcal infoemltai skctehc piriy anccdor jw and nfaaicvtf rnay le tuppoecd nf in to ihe e reader rhvwiaimn nf the f f in citv and vltrrusof mus- l a lon k u wrw upward j tiiii weekly a nijoer uhirh will i nil inerea j iit it enlargement 1 rtu o cmcnun rmintn neeutminn nmi i i a mii1iunoflvcriiin milntui nne in ihe eiiy nf montreal ivoi mre livovf i puldi1ied lnwv iinimodaywthi 1 1 rulljay at the imprrraij f l- l hr annnm ut wip iiiimi rnt hy mad nvlh mrjoim n lj hrirlnti nt te oitit n m dr j in d ar mr i lff seen uiai rotri krtoft oxtenvelr in my prarute o ihr ix hit i oioott anl lor all atl irk of eli innjnihaliri of ihe noreoarmplvi utbtoa pairr and wealnmaf the i k k url mfttoine j uhhl yen rptfih ynnn w 1 1 mirwmmlij piw i n omu i4e i u i litldvmr rli mtallmt ft i ilivn1 i i i i i i h 1 i 4 1 t oivr w it vl ettp re mt with wc h m in i fu hi asa hi o i 1 riti li t i m ill wl i- yaluitalr lftoperty for sale o be sold hy public auction on ihc 3d may j at the britivh american hoet kinyrton thai very valu able farm nftotpo fronbn iullcr bay aotlhifi knwn u uio name of 4i stick- ells farm thcprpiriy4onttlnfpart of lob no 13 and 19 in hie 6m unncerwon of the ivwiwimnf kltoti and conlama altout nioeiy acrea lo tic laid ool in park lot f five a cm nch wilb the exception of a porimn tn k iiid out aa yillaec lot in ihc fiouritfhin tti a fifing hamlet of ports mouth halter- luy h within two mile of king- don ami the ilc of an cxienjivo foe- wardm- houvhment and of quarries lhat anpdy the whole of upper canada wert nf kmcatfo and on the fann itaclf i one of the veer bc4 jwarrict in the pro vince a map of ihr property may be seen at llm nea raioran f toronto md montreal anl al tin- oftnrtofihc sobacriher sale lo tale dm at ic oclock norm and enndiititn made known on the day nf the sale it kfvbelli t kmkpatrick oiaor kindlon keltwry lhh im1 67di ur sale time rtandjoirt collate and pecmiae on store slrri thi town formcrir oe- eirfim hyciplktt cowtcr e- the iltuc coflwrtl f5roomj a at ore mom kilthcn 1h nt excellent brick oven ktvlltf room k wtlar- tlic rmmhifi nffl uyi vtah om wjm aubsian- tial huiu ltcil p a carriage and a wdl of vrimr the den in high cultivation a a trrtouctiil tower farden well fen- red with a hnv oorded fenc 7 feet hh tbc nfcfllv eoniti 2 an aert- for term anp tn t kirkpatrick kiniton lmw 70ifn land for sale ico acres part of lot i in lite id concetflion of luthgrgh the land i 25 ihc rfviimnp p nl the land nftltimlly r tar fmni and well inhered in tlw rear with several iwf ffl walcr and abun dance of execlo buiwmc atone from ii prmitc to fort henry and ihe tnwnof kttonand being abated m ihe uank of w sijjuim with the thnmnd wan- n view at well as inter- ffrteil hy the m road t moitfeala more dcviftilc nt ro noiie for a gentle man fc manion vjllavill rare- ly lc mcl with chronicle k 0ficc kington foi 10 i34l 6t 70r sale in liictmviif kmpilon two slorv brick iwelung house wth staue yard nd garden attached atw ttvcral town j u- for further parueular apply if by lcrr pott paid to eo acummixg knptnn fllmll gfi for le or to let the shoprtrlhn limine and bale- i i i mtr- h ilr xmormii mhrr ci rtilnmt inibl ae atde fciimltcawr ar- cooaidrml uttinte ni ofttmaiinwiwhi hrkd oid t dr xnykr no- jh sitillt thud li l mradliilmt ihiee f l vfalc lv bn mit inml ani saeih lhtt ind i wm mukiv- thsii ctronit ai u tt uicc kinon 1 1 jvifn f illr ii t parents airi wihiiicm 1 1 na ii ttiijide ttmiwm m nos li i ii lltir t nb nl4 inittj imii m llki 1- i iih itv iiit titio rmie thi ik hvjf kuvl to tn a eriiiui ant jdy teear- fi titui h u i ttfco t- idjt mil ei- k itt f roathi mf nl ml mwkhturon l l i if mi b v livti iin i 1 nl mp re lain wth ww rifi ih a 1 vi mfu ent- li lirf mufwlxcfi ara paljvrgf tmiri ftttin f 11iy in- mim itihl ii in ihrir rin ul amb- nv iin lhtnith anw mpu nnirirfiitoil tn- iir cuftmf itrlaritti onliii ml nrmlav a with iil pi ihe mwl r ca m aciae 4 htn iii 1r txm i ittti m n tef imf ih witi i h tiiiitikiip m ti tritivtj diov mhwi m r k i rvj e rk llitmlvripta lltt liti irrim adjjtnl1limf1 nlun kpani n h or ianann i 4 ivdilov -lih- o m ifn- tt iptt j eattt itjorattr t ay vihrr loifii oina apply to xapanccfr alarc tore imvkac itnnti inii arc hvai mihoch part ajaptcd rllk rrtrot oi in el i i m- a macpherson to let house hop ant hark h a enpanou yard am out sinn street tlht luirlrl- in 1 rtiot rciitrm nfil ihc iwn and nn wvl ut a mnvje c-tauoh- iivc ri l lmlno krifon jd urrh h tin i 5irti a r li i jol is n rlrmt i on i ki vi i m iu it ull t i i i- all- 1 h v j 4 jiis hftvi kw3 nnmailly h forrreii ftf- atlisrdklre- miclhdmfa m ninj liilm nni miv i nl a on n iii irhi itfbttl all lm rl t mv ih ilii h r t u 4i u i i u rprvhl or 4 t i 11 niilli tti ai- r nulm lo hlf ll ypftom rl k i tla nt h mr m ll ii lli f hi t tl i- l athit i- i r v j an- i gafimht skkik it pusrriar ott r f nv n jx i bnsll i avsoiftmi r i anlhnml f 11111 ik 0 in j ipvifltin of vilm u un i r tcuv nnl iwvbrj ruttanlli im a iii- hot vdrituc it liihd inlnr o rt d pnin nffcwawit i ay id xetv voa i li l pi 1 1 tt iatv j i h hmnnl ar1 a- v fotali i uhiwo pcrtfim t tnlt iitj i hi tn nf tlltfnm wihi rfpj lti i vtifoare and tw h r rili mnnafi i iji i if- o l ii rf p vv iii i i it i i ol it t ii nivr hi l iht- iii nl 1 i ti hi- vi wnll vm i b wl ivci n s e i i h h ifl i i l in t t m llotf i kmiltnul ti li pr- iiii i i w h h ihil iiv ti muth ml lwiwel itl iol iri i jaim lmir ktkil trfl j iiiih li i it hm lo ivnfjtt- ih tpkuie inn i llo tmi it hfiiicir a a ifiv irff fjni tb7m l rfi lj l 1 i p w ti i u ptohn t ir lt o h nir f y rfi nut hiv 11 iliirfti d li wu u h i i awiotirml at wlwli lo v i i p xhi ti it j sihi fmir a ttl kotid irj itiph i i ll i iwj fnuhtit il etnimidi -r- hi milflpi i o i ih nvotit bphojh nv iivefr am mvfti m drl mffptfin riiiuiv ilv jmrto rerfj in vi5jfii rttf i rtif iefiwfrtolriiffoj lrdi if hmj friiir iiifavtirnf lands fofi w ot no i kaillrd jal4 norih of hnc itn- of wolf flandf eonlaiirk ant luntt2tln mtrifn ibjpnl riirdand arflesi frill no 3 in sih c- hh liiicf in titwnln mnlamin oxk hi oi for pari ic iila rtf npplv bdh kiirtin 7h xiw t salb- i 7th cnnccfjton m ihe townihip 0t 1ic50hcd eonof tnuo- i two himtnco i rioo fimiih of nf lvtf inland ll acftts 10 nohlk 4 ox va iof j n jmjuij flwfti wy ii- vfvnlriv v- 4yi kt t feuipn 3 l i i toj itiiui sn x i sulitri tom lirt vii lin i- r h m ami ivatkit hwri lno1 nh ih stin- mth llmir an oi iln mint sin lltti tu rihi pklmlltlmt ti m w to full npvrjlont rr ttstr awtuvk st rnhhi 0 c n iii lli uk ihv mitim mlimd vii kims i m itiivr ia ifflma r n j i tt ll f k ihe iuftfi i nn addiintnvl er- r ial oilhn i ilt rtrl frf it tt a umii i 7fof r ilrvei i v a i iivii hm ii mi i- i imii i i in ft- nl tiiinl ui t al til w- ran ii- nlt pin fbm i i lt 1 1 t i iii i i h n lmv rirrtikr rso ml ihai i ll itfii 11 iphllr jioii i -sn- 1 li 1 1 mi iti m kt v iillliil eon 1 fn i i i l uirjrii lr irin of ftup- v ft ay t ifi riifilj ii ill l t r llljl a rn flare i immi ttlali hiiuv i i j f- i n i i lift t t r lt i aihii l r hti j w ir- im rmvd i jm l fart iviolu i ha ld i inc ni lmil lap toir ih invh li shin im mi no i e lr ltol nn aloninnl tin prtpiottie lfin r iniiiitknn idrli drii i lltli 1 ill tun l ii ill- 1 1 till i mu i tl mtti ivine prtll nrt f ikoutllitrr itvii firmtvh t i itiir i ddil luir i tan r ik ii tti mmh ji llrtl t n mm u i siiijs ir nl it m 1 1 iinrtnt n ait imi rv f pnity i iii iiimfi ir ibiiiiht imtiitii t mnvfffj iiaifmi vii4t fiv h vi iwjvifv h lt ii k t lltmv uo44 mil pnid ft hl nl olli luf iji h lnaomijjjgic iliviy 1 1 if tsu1 iii o pnttipvii ilwkkn r ii mil uni- id larnaftaji 7 or mii j lomiifr jlltltlnf 1 inin lamu r li t tl ahki llvlfti 1 1 rth k lli iv i i i itmitti mmilm hn vttrw l o tin- himmi it hlltlv i- iit for sal- sot no ms in om a alalcw ii nrrv rtkliniodiov tloiic wilt ttvu fjiiiilie ami at pr maiimvf govemmcnl mrf xo kivkonit ratnt kiver fataraipii nf kintonon tin mo a few mmnlrv walk nftb aiol iiltivli tvih uj 4ivfcr pur li jcr rots sp ten md ivrcdaib nftheal jf lhnitninhipr k ktwij arre of improv llttif md ifarn ibrv 1 1 nvn of kiitftun ri strvei with n i in aceornitnihir t icared ut llec vtldeof lln n the township utli wtlhm of kirrito iain iru n intv lll to aiit t prime malt whisky ton salc bt wm stcwant he subscriber would intimate lo tboae who lov good beverage thai he ha been appointed agent for the tax of prime malt yvhfclvr of which h haa now a large ouantitv on hand william stewart foot of store street kingston 3d febv 1841 62s sailcanvast htve foe sate t the lowest cash prices 200 piece inoa 2 to 7 or the tt btcacjicd sail canvas kinptonjan 2 imi 56 leather murray haa for sate sole harness leather calf kip and morocco cinn lining and biving wholeaalc and retail cash paid for hidea and skina timothy and flax seed kington dec 19 is40 fl j 2000 clover seed ltis fine fm h seed for sale by j w bbsntj dnvcciat king stntt kinpton fdiniary 3 1841 g2 uknkv bartijff alctloneer ahx commission merchant degs teav rcaficclfullv lo annooncc lo the public thai having left mr r jacksona emabliahrtknt ho haa com menctd on hi nvvn account in ihe above ituuioe and hopcahv sirict attention and ponetiutitr to merit a ahare of public pa- trontec ojfict at prtaht in front street adjoin ing mr john i ev marine store knpton 0th march is4i 72j cash ie fob produce the the subscriber wilt pay the hrgheac market price for clean merchani- ilill wheats pcaae oau dehvered at hia store on the cnmmcrcial wharf al the rioiifsinro slrcci hugh calper kinpton jamnrr is4 9 three rivers stoves lros hollow vdhbk 4c h wjor sale 20 18 s 70 do do m e stovea 36 do do 30 a do 26 do in and 31 nd2 t u 30ia m in new 1841 korwarllnff line w y the river st lawrence to ad paom montreal brockvjlle kingston arro tilt ittatf oiaia rtaeat b0ssmatthleltco of aoairroi eastonkobsatci rtlhxkkimptn ith new and improved barea will be prepared at the opening cf the navigation to five pajaage lo emi grant and to tranapoet property of all dca- cripltoriri tvith incrcaaed aafcty and ditpateh frtihtvpwrdchgt4frbf weight al nrf ultnc ta tariff pritu jdcfedor r the subscribers from tbc tacijitrta which they poatem and their determination to 6o the bwiac m trotted to them aliafactorily tnt thai they will command and merit a share of public support fottjf matthte east0n o co james ross henry easton january 1 18 u 53yy cbtnsh afd ahemoan royalmtste amsimps of 1230 tana iwlhen and 440 hone tower outf cowrolrf tjfllf atmittly rommaol acaoia enivjftrrja cairooi ii ti edbv e c miuxa ii cjtiahn ctllejtntrji will l dwton and liverpool call- jnal jlilifv as follow 1841 fr bmk f fojr fe march 1st march 3d ircr sticau boat will at theopenrngoftae vip- ntion coenmenee njyint the bav of quinte betwixi kwc and ihlicvillt days of sailing from kinplon monday weneaday fridays belleville tucadayt fhuraday ov saturdays each morning at 9 oviow precisely macpherscvk crane kinr march 10l 70a milder si mills c h b 01 l d e r s b london inform ihe nfnhiiar 40 parlour stovea with grate and ovan 3 cookine stovea very eomptelc- 75 smve stand so ah pana ito pin dog irons also 50 ton horse shoe and axel iron 3 do sick plater 5 do aborted irva j j 4-vty- liill ilhj 4 hl k f f 0 kvtle tsty fa cattle find tlmv cnmb but nf n dcaeripiton whit ran he very highly recommended to uhc din pit re baen joiiml greer ltnitr ficpror- kinevlnii lolh vl 140 t xnticr snisrmiifrs ooj ihr htsnc tio- rotw f rhi imimhrr vi f oiirt or ulni luto bcvffuiia iti tlem lo uiili v 10 mr john il greer v ho itdi t-wtwr- icd lo s rant receipt and aejuitl c k j hacd0n a co- kingiinn atls detemher ij itier canada vskv kaa r asks fir 5bl v ihe suberi jhi joip h greer n b frecni price r gal ru st cakf of mir t 1000 wnted borrow iwiti of year to c artvil iijft ftivurily for the- pymrntnfilh pnpal d k pwn i unitieiimurtsl pctirctv in the tovn of kinc aon apply at to- office chnw ciraa4nv4p kiotnn uth e isii 01 fie totice sii lec leave to infnrm jtj ir and uio ptitdn that he nd vrarrry on the ttnti ftwii lii i il t ittfiv ly jrcupcil hy rii n mefjhinnr eai of mr midratf t wlhtw atl rvklenj in ibe nhotv imw ttlu pnrntuatk alien vd lo on tie aufterl john meeliiinnv kjn4 fduarv lhli s1 g7im t i ii intc rt ii mewrns owen coa frorv eg leave o of kinn and tbc puhlic fcncratly lhat they are otnt opening n hraneh of their edtaldidimcrtjn thia lown and hope hy atrid attentioilo rhiainethia merit a continu ance of lha liberal and dittingunhcd pa- ironat wt na hrreiofirc ocmotvrifi upon then jw w eaxatiu kinsvnim 101841 72x fj pgn ihe opening of the navigation the lve aea extensive assortment of ca wagons ovc eke of the ltf waaj and beat materia and ft hilton u batrd cabintt makers cv unaoiitertr plftcc d amies montreal eg leavv lo inform ihc inlahttanu of irivrvt0 oft ftllli4 llnl llp f1it nnthenpenn of the nailgatlon ro eommenre ijeralion in their ithfofhwl ne-a- in thai new rfnre now huddng on rhe comiff of clanrnre and quarrr strci where iliey will beepronlantly on liandand make u tifder every ankle ii iheirbnc of ihe wry be1 thcnption and n rca ton mile term anti hpe by iheir adlirrenre tn 1hec rue lo vecun a h re of public pa ir miey- kinetn mareb 10 is4i 7v calaaav caledc briup acaet csjaati afw t cel olia april l ith crunnia pjumw may lt ricdonia irilannia may 10th acadia caledonia j line 1st colombia acadia june itilh brllanaia colnmeoa july 11 cajfdont march 16thmaick lolh april 3d apiil ijth may 3d may ifrh jim 3d june sth july 3d itih july 19th auearl3d march hi march 19lh apnl 4lh april 30tb may 4lh may 19alt june 4lh june i oth july 4th july vkb au cil 4tb brtlitiriia july acadia calrdeoia aufcat colombia acoaa aajoii hihaniit isth britannia auutt i9lh paa money 25 sterling from halifax u liverpool from beaton to liverpool 9125 from lltlifiv o uotloo 20 tiw shifo carry rxprrirnccd surgroas the unicorn plin between pktou and quebec in conneclioa with halifax si cunakdk co halifax gb svmr qapaec- 4x s s lewis bailot tbc subscriber has on hand and aclling at very low price ax excellent iort3fent of staple aad fancy goods tn the new stnm adjmnin mr wir kino stueit duncan mckay krnprton 2cih january 1s4v1 60a fj sale 20coanrhaia 10 catrs straw bonnets tbc hiet price paid for private exchange on england wm wilson- o kinptn soih march 1841 7jrnvi j thclale joiit stuaxce etq will ptcaoe call and aettle uc aane with lle un dersigned without delay and thne liaving claims againat llc aid liale will present ihcm duty a u then lien led r liquidation mary strange executrix kindlon 10th dec itho- 47um xi o rjawfysa revtmwr jilu measurer and landscape gardener la- of quebec aoj moniresl liavinf made armnemelsio praence his prof in ajiju branches in this place gentlemen i- sifu- i avaifin the m et ver f h pro- fcaoonal scrvcca will find him at ihe lamb- inn llolljo kindlon jtth february 1341 cx seasoned pine llmlter for sale he subscriber ha rum n hand 20o000fvet seafoned pine t incli lumber for mic ennsimnc nf i j flooring ij inch wiu board inch iloartl cmch hank 3 by 4 tby 4 and sltjrfl inch senilm- now irjirf bi ihc bfllk of lata ontario on llio ftl lbc river rouge and can o- shippc rarlr arrillltald barker fllwkham near toronto janmrr 1811 7 for 2 sale by the subscribers boxes pipes 30 bsk upper canada wlnaer r hat rae 5ih dec 1840 45i a ivacodsta ew copi es of thi work fr sa at ihe chronich gaaefafl octojsj neatrto march 17 is4l albany et lock hospital vrnims llavtea lvirit ofwa ourarklt h is nnrfot- tntlinj h vfii rrrho4 m n h trfirim ml nf visorraj rniil 7 e fiilfvluvmnhkri nt itft dprns mi4 hi ovi rerhia- j nte ci i thm nj en tfifi lhmh eiticlv iili i i s iii ilil hkc i rnr ki tfr4 rrri- 114 m iv rnnke lvlf r mhtlfr1 ili kid it f v hvirawknf mpdnti tiks mi41 rtrismetil i m ib b 4rri1tij itl tltrt 1- irm i ihrti ici fok sale al tht chronicle at cxu orsee a choice avirlmrnt of pocket bl- bll8 dusk deeds and memorials j forateatirwchnakl6 tiaaetlr oave a0r mavljlimi in all its various branches neatlv and expcdiimvujy executed at the cjirox- tctc t gtltrc ornci comer of kipl and brock street a suncrnr ruling machine in ionmant tipcraiion tim chronicle a gazette is piimithcd every wrdneday and satur- day t ihr olhreoinerof kgmxwl hrock trcrt kinton c c jt11x ckekhtok rrmtr fttrnis twenty si i annum if paid in 4 ranrcor tvithtii ihe hrl tun eionrjtf if paid ailtie end nl the year twenty ai c suunp frit f t4wtum4mu stm lines and under 1 1 6d4irst rntertionand 71 each aialoerj urn 1 imcriion ten lines and mh der 3 4d nrt inuriietn aft h i- each lahsr- niiem insertion nvve tea lines 4d per line fnr the ml iniertion aod id r line for ev en uhisui nt ifikitin advertivmotc wiihoat fertfrrndirectiaoiia icned fiitrw andcaarrd accordingly tl i rc7leif rial oh wrcrtfaesfces c kanini tti n or prfrrous o 7 wsdoy eiwr fr rfaj fcer fli ir nna received an the meiiiin of puhhv-il- ahltrrauhkaculrnide tn me rr han is ande- it ers who lveriie for three ntnnlhsand rawtuavi any i- non procuring ts mtleribrv to ie aprr and owiaolfy for the same 5 tier tks o a octei entitled p j evenih rov rom ct rtiralri pnsdisee rrceivrd in thr miiit price- payment the vj agents m mdinn esi i isrker k iyjon umuker k kimnel rhifke f- il hall- jer keel tswroas ih n i kvi jmni amhrvn ko mmtjihifk ivillian eft i u lleorjae luatdic aiittw ivtcni ckatlnfl ti j- rulan mflherton ll ate hitirunn ki jiti ijiuir r david saarl rvji alhlrnh june- en jnhn iuoell km iy rierbrtn r rve iin km jeaiimelvirillrui kq m e0 i4 j- hnacb janvo shpin tbitj itdiu iuii neilslimtt ki ihiikam mr 1 ti i k t ivi tn tra i lfln t amehiarturvb bath rwlaevjue rrockviljci mtlovtu taaadfr km i nbour ihmme llnnnrrmrillr ricdeirekshtari i ianmnfnc llibtimajid iulnn it ftaiscojler monirelf murray napaitr hijrara tetih poil ll tresentt grr rtsvei trent hirbtniit st andre niloisetjfrlllri snih falb life 7fasr vanvterl hi htli u tiling u whim nierit ha i wi i in i er ith