Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), April 7, 1841, p. 2

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of female in indii talk oflrttk beyond ihc last ncivalyte ol dres lite children or i heir avasvriptt a 7aw mmthf mmim jftrf 4ymc wtftof an offietr ns stiittnth fool theoverland journey to bom- day aofej 0 on ovtrtvnj jownty larove ftvnct ontf egypt o dmkty vy me lot miss fvmg retoh -vifaiiwc- moir flni seork t pasll ivjt- i and incarn ate tlw ogrccawe and ified authom to hatin died at poena near bombay vtlivh imidency be had rjone lo cofftrtire ihc coiwltlior of westcii india with thai of caknttn and its subject province and her rrcmatm dealh is ihc more lo be re grcitej at he combincj in a very contad- mbfedejpee the i7e f iswce veremany pewona ha treated of india who istssoe- ci misec extensive knovrle p witb rremer ron prehension of view and philosophical acumen bill mias rofcertfl ffm among the first if not the first who rendered indian objects popular in england in her 6yeni and corattritict of hinjati excite j an interest in lite lift tail of lift nrnj tns of thinking ihal prevail among ihc native and anglolndiao bringing u- rther britain and india hy her descripiiftiit ofihone nerceaaryeirvumaancef that hap pen lo all as eatinf drinking iforeting wjeepin vfamfhb and f fort 1 irirflti he rifticj the foreeoi eart of much of its fancied ajiwour and fluttered stny-m- honm be die privations and discomforts she pieel before their ere as the draw back a indian luxuries such a retrench ment ha left ibern tl content of ihe only volume misw rvberta lived to fiiiihrrbie lc to bm- bar than to her journey thither this however if the most intctestin- portion of ihe boflk no merely becaoc she looked ai france malta alexandria cairo and a jnurnej through the deerl ol siiex with a kmcstfi yet a mtrc wlbmimg lance than the eenerahiy of ntiri hoi ihi l the frt entire arrnunt wc have met of n journey frnm england lo india performed he steam almost as far a tteam covu car- re for lenvin lniinn in a steamer fr havre she the nee amended th seine a near to paris rp a steamer roum float her aftc a short stay in the capital in parly pfoeeejed to lyont in the dilbenee nl there emharkcaj 10 neamer upoti the rhone which they defended lo mjrsed- les be steam convevance ihey were eveniitfy untied at alexandria vvhinc a party nf fema with a hide hohy mhoc cci moof v uijotit tfplsmhliiif m a jantaary a native servanl and nv tire boatmen proceeded m safetr lo cairo by water and then across ihe desert to suez such i the order which regns under the usurping mehemet ali here ibey were detained throotjh omeihins being wrong about the crack steamer and when thee started ther had a most uncom- fiifttfclfi paae to bomhav m uncomfo-ti- sbc that as matiera were then managed a twelvemonth since m13 rooerts teems ioejined to prefer the longer voyage hy the f unem bomhov be the ptarc of des rjrmtwrs 01 g p um joumey from bombay to clcvuov m vowpas asihs otthe aecommoklttton on hoard tb clor crnment dimrr whetlter imperial oc 4i coompancc he peek n severe thmh measured reunite throughout ojiihttitei the oltiecrs are what 1 caled llsm lber b and take a pndc in sfrrlil their paicngrrs ultcn thee happen lu i tr men of sene they rem it haw no cmrt over anything save the mrftfat tjf lhr htp or the supply of provision die irr mm- datton of tin pp4nco and their jllrof ancc heioc tcfl to chance or the plcmtsro oc a park of hatfraio vrvani- in the urn jh government leamer the um in whole xm 10 l an inftolcot navi iff tbeir painter ihey only tiinkf hey late a salary to receive al nt ftr- l they hare ai doty to prsrm tie rnpany would it ipc micvrl rrfi h vi tier limo4 inn way whiih 44 tnritn- kfiusjl lo a fraud ujoo tlw nust t nfflpv l repairing to nnr rrtsr t and yif wen nrnrid aid r t p at the ninmr arom httiti it aiv tk hire rafnn nllott d m iln n a i i j i lfn nppfipftjb1 it tan to warned eoirjm ami w- s to pot up tiiih ni m wfetllh r whir it i md ithi vlhhonckl inroiitiimid otriftif isil imimmt n1 ivn mnis no v ntitiri hunulnth lf lnjy li irtily nteanh o iitjtplhiff u vr- 1 to tdniion f air wa to inv d mif a kti lf with a mttffi dnf svlntll hk a iilpf if n td i 1 in cxolktl infant 1s a ugyftun mob our itoit was moored in front of a nnr- wvv stop of ground between the river and a larecdilntdated mansion having bnvvcicr gaa window in it which iwrc dsc oten- iatioufcitc of hok alahamoudie tbi circomttcrihed space wo crowded with camebi and their iwfwi fvbl nert nod deir retainers piing to ami fro ttsitit pcopte endeavofjring to sell their vfou cnnimoaitic teedier erilli n mtilhtinhnotn collet hon of men do anl ilonkic i olnxf ved that all the people stirveyej the baby as ahc was carricd ihrovfd- thcoi in her natiw servant irmn with peeliar benignitr slie wai eeriainty a bcautitul dpeciinn of an eniinh infant and iii her preliy white fioek ineo cap and drtwil pwk sdk btmiici would hive attracted at- icmion anywhere such an appavitioh the people now esreoiued at avc had proh- juv oever see before am chee wetv eai tteiitly delighted to icsaholbcn sle vvas inioalv plensetl vnwjns and sjjreaijinft cmt iwr little arms 10 alt v ho approached her tit suv iv tc olhtr tlt we werfci a umtat rather late by fcfco following montiojr our dear little play- thing ihc hnhy bofvmlte journey wonder- folly but it seermm vrre repimfrt thai she hould bftvu pod und unbiiken sleep a pfam and m sinwl o irtile ineofivenieikc in travethng m the daytiio that we eould make no objection to an arrantich which toolo buied to much to bee liealth nd resiifim it was deltfiim to see this lovely htlv creature rlimlly apivaring 0 enjoy iheseeneas much a mrselves j soineiinlci eatcl in ihe lap of her mtrso tviro travel led in a rintr at vtlier at the bottoio of one of our ehajra then in live arm of her mate attendant who rode a dnnkey or in iboseoflhe dlofccymen trudinon ghi hc wenttocaeramody ceownganj lough- nr alt ihe lime and i mcminn her ofteo ni4 only fus ik dvhght she afforded us but ao to show how very easily infanta at her tender age ho wa not tmec lhan sewn minths otd could bo transported acron tlie rjemu of the enguh in efypu mm rbcru tells some nnordnivr libmtrniivv of that hrha and liloekpiaril disregard of oiher trable ttixucry tbey were afterwinh sceit at le advantage hi tniftipllwe f the iideraemion of some tning ro4jnd bul from nil poml they created the strunort degree of inteiesl eqitratic ron ntc oeenr we fovnl ihe equipage ii which svsj were to cioh the desert wad-n- torus at the city of tooth they twted vi donkeyehirf t one bemfi provided f each f die lemal- of the parte whde my friend alt k had also an etc a donkey wall a saddle to ride upon occasionally nothing could be more comfortable than these ve hicles a common armchair uas fastened he a ort of wooden iray which prrjeeted in fiont nlioiii a foot thereby eoa id ine lite pasecnger 1 cy a umoll basket or itlier package ihe chain were then slunrby the arm ti loor lmlonf on upon cutict side and tlun by ntarw if isifct or nps paceil ftcwf were fntenevl un the lurks of ditnuu one in front the mher behind five ion and narrow vchicw of do kind rminioe apcu the ilesert made a utlieirm- ly drll and stngubr appenriitce and wo did ni4hisjgtiui ndmtre each other tt went along the movenwrit was jvlijjht- fultv eay attd the donkies thuueb not iravellin ata quick paee 501 m vey tll our ravmrnile ronvsl hev of two stout ii which earned ihe bed and earpelhaf4 of die whoiu partv thus en abling iji cud the camel ahead the three men raonh urcft tlo mounted upon donkiea and there were three oe four spare ones ii eie nny o the oihcfs ahould kijurk up upon the road in this pani ular it oroner to rav that we were cheated tw had such an accident aeeur- tw the etra anniau aic so weak and in efficient that they coum am have supbed ths plan of on of thoe in tne there were eif or ten donkcymcti and a hoy the latter generally contrived to ride hut die other walked hy the aide af the equip ages although th- journey was rapid allow- iojhttlc time for remark and much of it ii om jn tuk to ihe i tficlo u giictk rvedcirjrfon in ft jt 3 iwi- twoolock vriteffw lebfr appelated by his kcetlrncy tbc li attaint rjovrmoi to ft ceifs the icm aubji of the tck council n4lloueot vcmbly 00 the occa sion ill i in excellency recall the comntiilcc cohfiitin ol sit mirt from the council and ihirlrtn finm ihe assembly being on minber fiorneach ctv piaccsded lo the j al 1 at sbovc mention peoples habit and livling it ii eraliftifl lout u m thai all the othrr mffmbeis l both lloiss wilb their rridcnt sndsprakrr also attenird upon thr occsn oth hsjsjji bdm adjniined tor lb at p1fpfe his kacellency recceed the m in the ktct duuinx room aitcndei hy hil personal suit and ill the oncers of we fcirriioa- toe i01tott11 arc ififn ofthe adjrst vrhkh wx tearf by lh llnoetame a t- ob- ford and of hi fimtmy anajrft the biter vlti cvmlcntly t3ivcied d ww vsilh ferfinuf slrooolio the meodnsrs 1h leliic j after 1 twrc wolsl d puacllm he leave a his euetlticy addlkf wfertfof this hat ha ifatoed with deep pttftft thjl our estecmo lieutenml lisecnisr hi ccn oejltfd ny ll mjj mm ihe ua vrnmem of ihi lro 1 an4 wheies mi exceluftci adiintim of l w- mcnl hasbten eharacfid h asovtio ani lihrral imlkv and lias v eb wis4w- tion t the canaihuene ptovnce and rtbrims ilim lloeseii opinon ibatio the nhrnt ftd jujicions ours farmed oyiti evcrlbncy dunned mcm fv lid in the ycats 1s33 iw may ht attri hike under divine kuhoenc iriminboi ol tbs ih eisunr di bculhe which thrcilened lo iill r ation in a cauntitonl and expenr vjii witls the mhitrf buufli aftl fvheiett ir hnuw of opun thala mbtaodal trmf jlv temed to hi kcllenf tf ssjmfim in which htlj mfm- 41f cneitioo sic he 7 j j f hl msjchyi oaul7ecuf si jlrsorw tint an addiess be m- seated to hit cfflsvjps k l 10 accept from lias often ueen dcsenhl leforc a ffcahucpa mil witl bo jd of hi r e wtt service of lste 1 ca 1 ihd iil a tire m hva 1 which see nt v i charaevie the vulgar aniong our towptmiifsi a foofi mi tlwy are relieved from the relrainu of liw or puhbc npnion of ihe papuans iht onehvc nlte ha wm ed a favourable judgment frum ihe exam pie which ml under her observation this i the sjkeleh of her jftmary and er- vvm tlic jantsarv spoke very tolerable j and afier joiupe wlieit w vjlol fwnrd and enteol into ronraiion he pad lhai he had been in the service of ev- cral enelrth oentlcmen attd had once an opportunity m 2ie 0 lnfland avith a captain in the navy hut that his mother was alive at that lime and when he men- tioncil his avishen to her be cried and therefore he eontd not o the captu had told him tht he would always repent hts ofler tut though he wuhcd to see nfland he was glad he had not grieved hu mother he had been at malta bnt bad taken a dsrfifce o the flulcc it e-oo- acouence of a wrens be had receive i at a affl lh nu and thnen aiiivh r ivil lii llitf martiti of ivwitiiiri ave akij him what mlfl isf in enrs be was ind w im- tmlixiidv rejtieli a yon ihvd mo- hanuod wlm but lvi 10 varum ervice witt hievh imhltow evpnsj a fteoi r r i- hi incand nid lu jf ik niitil tinec i ihervi he whjm newt 4- turn m hi dmy country ihithe and die jaiiirv aptinrently had immcd manitieeni den td thv wealth of cifiat flrain ivom rlh nee in wl pi rt with 1 1 ie tntib an- iininry while 1 auii man r tiipioe i lo lnithii m w imtuiroil of mianmcd rnnivro infi iii inaei wliti isid mr lane trvltthir authir haw reinhtl at cwl le 1 i not unjtvesnand what wt tmtmti ltt tnin ivnlsee splaiiahoo 1dil it ihal i- ill lttfil ih lhdi- ii 1 ii in lb ati ihi w ih n fay lilnrtst tin tij- if u atnh eadfiinv no who wan i tnao in wa rmtbe v nfrt bdy whowih1 ii tbv ehifilo0 ind who ti id bun t lis nibani id fobilhlifivttjinsia be 1 ii h sinl ihit tn klltt u wmitd tell hrr tin- trndi th cniiioiii lliraofie fnniv flsed iit tiouh mixniiidv mij ublfl the irui- iinrrm h- ihvlaod ibtll in run iluitii nlnfwnrh he nuiht v wi elli 11 1 d ih- imi ir ill fl r mm fiid ith in a i iw shlnfi 1nitimtd irvr matir in pand md ldia- on i 4 hf rhti ulilw l hv lir idr lb wsn tin iv in iifherinansipaitmi f r ib v iniiiiad ii intiisn it lo tin o w 11 1 a wovoidl lljiri w i umwu on f 1 rie ii 1 w4tj s y r lv wpin nf u llv i vr at i iv 1 avu u lb t ruh imi vtibvo iitl v fll i pu l of i ulttl wil wv hml i r 01 n ihai in wih mj 1 in- i and h k a n i i ij ii ul e i il itidl to 1 ii u r h tsiftfl l i rirtiult andhi ii 1 hsa tui d iu- it wbi rtui 1 irhiiv d ur i pel mi rsidioi he im ih nrll im il wtrd rll iii 1 ff nl l mtm4 n ikmii tl i tii ih- fi v m ti tiunis 1 m11 iln arrniml we have met kokand to fodia pel as team coul tim eniiri jihimey fnusi by steam almost as fir r l v ire i ii p iv w i- 1 iii id iik of h fmm i cat y i 111 tnl in oii hs h wri in tvrn iti i dritsi nt iit iih nllr wui- 1 iiiw iv id ttu- t ff n l iivlc wl be iv 1 i- f n ni i m jii ii iivl vt nnlerfu iiitt iji iltid uill l bliwil widi p i i tilld w i v- 1 1 ul hi- ulr 1 1 ti t4i l in st hut in- ivtf m t1 i 1 ikld ht ul h- j t nth d aij e rtittv ist ii dill n mi j t roc1s has imparted a frenhoem to her io- hy a power of obfef vatioft tha seized at once the characfcnhtc point ol a ihm however minute an example of this may tte hm m her skctcb of ttic deiutf in firsl trifeine into the desert we all en joyed a mot dvliuhtfu fvvliog ttteeporc pjterv duo ariuod nwvawsl b le eolio and irampid that especially after eneoim ming the nocam mutituiua tda targe anil cro wiled city tt was sordhin to die mind thus b emerge from ihe haunta rrf rirat prrhf vsat ftukvitifi- t n ihere was nolhms didnial tn the apeet of lire ierl nor vh die vvew so bomtdlesi as i had expected in thcae wide plains the fall of a lew inches is sufficient to diversify the protctect ihere is a way offtc eentle activity to be surmounted which cheih die ense with the expectation offtnding a novel scene beyond die sand lull m the distance also range lhemelvcin vvild and fantastic forms many appearing like promontooes jutim out into aorne nnble harbour to which the traveller ccmt to he approaching noe voi ibeo w art 1 1 li m mace iheierft otr own little kabla was nnrfilly h- i rlrmi t taio oery hea of ijreaono and wv encounter td others mihb mnro pntoretpie tw pai th it rvule ij ihnnhae an cm in nnitabrf mi ive thrnkt md epl m jirii lo iik idhctehetn us kolhna for- iiir work ierbi ilu suhjivt hiil jsl it ooveiii to u ifif jiat f llomhay trt far intvrt lo taleniu in ihmate in llie a n wily if mteiele unl in ihv aopjicvmenl- and even tin nvrmim ippieinco iif be isidvri who fn4 provtneat after tin pure whtti- rovn and atyf forms of the di- mcrtirs in the ity uf lle es1aeea the nirlil il s tf hkj ane wrilit was cou neeted wh erni rvtsbmiaeh and perlitips lh liiriin- hintpli- of chath wa afieady ibwomn iteif linn hi 1 in luiitil w itti siindire hik nud dcptcfaiv tef eoril iowii elrkrj it her rritmk niwritr 1- h feirewdiii uuj 1 wntb exit wumgfl sin emssi hr nniiv- hiralion r yt nvnl dtl btth ntorv ihan veon btd in uuelttj an i he ni- lljiilpes lllti tiitmary uv lo v sm n4 krm- it 1 dse worn it irtirstbn who are at this minitid rtiajfii2 ifcr advamv tf im- povnoo iliv hive ii therin lvti d ibsetttvvj svr tnivu u ft s intmly im hv biw bail n ilue 1 ihivi imepiii il eesv filjoli tnd b intim 10 urn d tfi nil t iiiti flre ineimavnjii i itiurh ilerit lhv jin i lilitt kur ihpaitiir nit wlieji iken nil-fd- eacylknty leiitvire on hh rtbrmtni fra- ebt k commemorative of ibr 4 zbs ate d v 1 tint bfirnwricfc and f- rill ot llvcbintc ft xi f j in su fat that p 1 le to btenravcd tv hf- the sid plate the foslei mscjul sf4rninar le fo 14 poecr nerd vir dj jf c mrtt vaa ait eie sdot m iswo y ovtl d piitvjcn lit ai rotji f e evi flrmiwtsia errcsjs if ft 1 f a aitfi rlr4i i tficm vftk corrr- 1 9 iw vajrii ja jjarc 1911 iurtttvd vnonrtatsfy 41 bi iml- tbat this home oolh coocur avith isr ajsrmldy in the above resolutions anj pnsrd address- iru btcsjthlarts ntrtv enfcnen chrted and tottsincd by tbls addrrts i shall be oalded 10 ptcseot myself wilb confidence low stvtftfclad to ten- dft such an accou of my ilewardship as may jitofy her mniy maternal bssil twt lltt intioes wifche ir the hapinesa aod pro perityef her loyal subjects in npw 0ons- wick have notbeniattsiht of by sac nor met majesty delected authority aboted to m wim wsaftl loirtmuuincrnt ustisaflui thiojh bis province tbetsby unrquiroeauy manifntia your readiness lo meet the wih jr- sujfeiboni of iho imperial tpovernmrnl r oil thai tenj to bind and contohdate uie con- neaiuiv of net tbunasrick with crest hitaiei liy thek pfocedin- you have i am well con vinced failhfahy frinilcd ihe thr or your uonititucnu whose gratitude you hava thsteby merited white you have at the same tine no bly susuiocd the lofty eitvm which note drnnswick ha lakcu amoor the coloaiti of the itritith empirf for unibaten loyalty to lbs sovcreipn and rdtcctionate attachment to the mother country and her i oeghl not to tt ruin trom obsersuts ihal aaalonily desirous ts i have tver been to cooducl my adminidraupn in accordance with the bet interests of the commiinity ovec which f was appointed to preside it ha been with no ordinary degree of satisfaction iht 1 have fonnd that principle of government to bs identical with the u ii ralioatla sound jodin sad a loyal vecplc tbe qoeen havinj been pleased to errn nato my ortfcisj conacaon with new bruns wick the painpji riecemitr is imposed upon rnr of biddin you adieu which j know you wjtl believe that i do with feelings of deep emotion aunjc oj v 1 for the conn deoce which you w frankly tcpoied in irt from the firtl hour ol our intercourse a conf denco which bos alleviated and facilitated the anaieu dotitt atucbias lo mr station and rttwreti their performance satisfactoty ami de lightful and as 1 will hope and ai you bsve been pleased to auurc mr bcebcial to the provincfi fmm regret at nay disrfinc from a people amoac whom several of the hp pteat years of ty life bave been paued and to whom 1 shall vcr feel nayxlf bked in sentu menu of unceaiine tegtrd and affcciion and bally from pride and satisfaction al ihc pros perous and happy stale in which i leavs yau in impioriri for the feoplt orthisnom province lb continuance of ihwc blessinsa to wkich ibcir naany bixh minded qualities 10 jirmly entitle thecof i will odd tbat for myself iifllt constuute one of ihe chief coosolatint- of my rrmaininp day lo wilnrsa t booth at a dkvlance the rapid progress which new rjrurjs- urick b destined to snake in all thai relates to be 1 pros pc rile and imptotccm- encund already looks with great interest to the people of new bramwick a to an ion- pcenable barti r ajalnm the spread of untound and unconstitutional npinons on this conlinem and i fwcwo that in th course of eveol that feelns will be elevated into one nrjumpiide in ihe pom5tion of so noble a bulwark of her jlo- noit intiituuans i bare ytl one more obsetvation lo tpake and if that ohvrrvation boule be deemed super- flou i ittwl to your condottr to impute it to its true nolion atnioui desito to perpi- ate to you asfjr as my ail vice or infjurtkc may be perrnitled lo extend tht blestints which mml ever allrnd ihe harmoniout wo in of ihe machinery of which legislation government a composed tvrmil me then to itnnrot upon ton thr ojvantie to the pumic inteirttt which must retell front aecoediojj 10 the distinguished iftdividoaj who may be m lec ted by the sovcfcin to represent her ma- i hmt iolh 1reefn the time jerre nf eot iiimt woietj uu will ii4fd lorcuoic in me and lo wbicb i repeat 1 mainly impute under iho bleuintjof hlvine vrovidence what- ever of r 1 bsve attended my effort to be useful the timber tradk ahd dimes th fltticl from the lenrtoo 0100 of th 2nd instant which was transmitted by our lndon corrcipondcol and published in our ex fro of the 25lh instant is not an ordinary ifr wt- pjper article the gfobc is a trading pftwt rial pjper and it may b fairly peesumeii to ex prctt llic viewsof the ministry 00 thr licnber tade and duties mr u the people embayed in lie lumber isaje hav famished a iwoaf ruaiket for the aricub turol produce of the new srltiemrnit to the a rc u sini ii popelitiou on the bank of the b lawrence and to the indnsirtou clsssv in the towns and fuppliej them with unliah maan- factura in carlisle if the trod i dots isvay with or matnoajly diminiatd by ti alteration of the ihriiet frl the people contin ue p j 1 r i sober moral onj pcecemr and ifcor will soon and new jwlds of mptoymcal to nic fc c ratcu for the iu k ai the arc twi sf steam on tlk wj extraordinary efftrt of snow wattr vjkm fisa the extreme thickness of the itttotttlotie hy the late severe frot- induce mr- dorvi of gothi looee in this town to put hi gold and silver 6sh inlo tubs the mflsl having been empticj of its ice wot in a abort urtte lllcd again by the heavy fall of anew which fell soon after the rarn which followed disasolved ihe mow and the fish were returned to their formrr abode bet such was the effect produced hy the anew vraler that every fish both large and amallfc weni blind imascdialcly die eye lccomioeas whiteatthalef a ooiled c6h u v- v f foe several have tfted and there appears very foe the rideau 7j jt hide chance of any of those lho are rfi basset cr the bare winch it of trie first 7 atltri r i- wfcofcr- lie si jamr kempf j vvn wh f fittl class- rawi company are has wrn trf fw ctaatnordj d b0 this vliaw gjpjiintenud to ply on ijc thes4c4m lfo4t on the stocltt i ot i4wvk alive conlintiin long to attrvlvefc belter ham ucaefots the jveto york ifrrafd g the solv ing table as ahowinx the number of ate boat accidenu in tbn united stair great britain since the introduction oi hir navigation each country now bavin tw steametasel cheat mrtatjf causes v explosion and coupors snagged wrecketl and cotlisioos paint unknown 20 0 48 12 0 0 181 0 0 80 united itatp causes vn explosion and collapses snagged wrecked and collisions burnt unknown ai 35 3o 27 199 live lost ss6 118 471 ul 206 total 272 2147 199 of your hind i 1 towori t ol it- n nsveilh lryvithm at then tttalirw harmoity iillj but wbtih co f kr inysrlf 1 1 mp to tiy owf i t i are to rn- ted ltt rem ind ipm will sny family in my ch l p n i ijigc up itiat my l cssioj with thit nsc piot nieatefial 0ve pr t rewiusernorit will mi lhir uhfiit te- or in ihv ill- tent tuay otetmrtit li in1iv aesty -tj- m1 rfadrrce i likh may have brm jnftevet hare beenca- imi it it i fir bnuitn fj vou a vin in i niihil e j ml clim iml t r jivtijvnil mv childien tijli lit assore ii il tt tkm eeiii nm i wmrh th iiffii4ni j i mi i ilrritfr 1 1m ir lin 1 1 j cbrrtsrit fiiivat whri tne rail a haf hi imti more in this pout tbe htru 3 as can ise asccr- there wwn mthu eountry and in great iw aree aaniee the eno forty nrwi- wmked wth all on board cli arc nol incluikd in the sove- tmmtj frttecwnae lae toaioa 0 si3 sed in many inatanccs by thtr 1 ts h h eeife a density ll b the boiler eao rcsisi bu ltd to lh fy y a iflfaciin apparatus intended j w1 njiiteer vrheneter iho twessur valor 23 n water c6 ft lcr 30 ft tisicr w f l water u jee ste 4 fhs proper dcree of safety tbe ap is consltnctcd on the ptincinle thai f t will su proportion to ih density i loppftll jem of water or rasrenryof agisth heifjhi any fluid will find the same level in or more verseljjprositrd there be a free oiunieation between thvna it may be cal t a oeicurial satety valve nay f and coniista of tfiit ii r j mm ttur lrsnmin tiv mu i oltiv ltnl thai iioiol lllift hoiim itf lur it ilh latw h ii iv lh iri ii 1ft hill ihlrri rotji iliuilltft li 1 1 itlttll 1 t llltlll vb l v ii impipm ni vtiirsi litivt i llt 1 uliat tl tl ai fi in hii hhlmu issssli iihi hj i hp i itl- itt v r ihn frvtil fuwii msl rnu ni4ti l tin ir if nitin lit iinihdi ill u in mil i inlr hit b tjlfe hy sitoiifi j ih ttiht isheii sabsilts ai it ntvilr u p iiml nlvvij mm e all ih itih re til wjt i tn hrlsath in or ft- wheibit llsraii- i eil thi ulti l iftitr ui tn irntitt mol cbwe in ih ihtihiawt snilbavui i j lfet h i fnvm hroi if t i- i j di tdiwitt il ell r if jw v t i iitin tl i- riiniud lti mm ittcii ii yir i ita lrriljur- j bttibhlh hot ikt iminet btlhf prfm p i tit itr y ii i r kvoellnvvli rii mifaivsi rfamt ile il tbi iviotfth 11 iii h i ij i i ttlvtf i j- up i ii h tnr fpi tit ie eier4l i n i i i i iv t m uav- i i lirlli i- itv br i it rim hitl4irj kid t i- m- i uriji colonics tbe ministry ured to imjfttv new by a ttvfwicttcv in the ltventje by the v tiri imfn ttiltoiil- by j ttiril nf chan n uliirk ihei have mtjiilcrd prnh mv in nf 4iujiri abtllnilsliriith hgtwsi t hi n iiii l jn ntmiois pn of ih tjh irrsd ifl ihm with a teebj ritv in the jbnof omrcent th l thry wilt urj on new iluties lr ik ulistv a cbaisir i ihe ttmrr n h no dntrtib thre or- oaany iirrh thutllncinlerrttbc manufictur ante rest ikf isnitnl toierim thr flop buj mlecru ihaen vrrtoftvrsnntmllf whirli jre rviatfsltv fpmintetl stl those th in the fitt imti re i iiclc4 v ihe talriimly i- ai u leptcsentnl a a 11 th r- it hnnt f lrtm it bllw nl t rujilii hijrb tirrtr am the r ihi i pih ti j ifisi mi- i p i h a fhirva- ri re pre sen fit ivitlr ihi 1 nt in jt tiipr lt milttll lrk n e st s tii bil m oil i 4ii iinl if ptt tiv- drills iifjled m tliimii mu and lwijt vn ttinwiifl cv ii tho ennvfltaer nf rut rl of tint imdiiuud to bnti ntfil nylwrns ifiv i tlitt ul f i mr il r ioiiih ii y p ihssf- prhilby ibsn wain roiutver nvi iii- verall b eil n aitr ail le tt ii uvttf inim puetxilimllv ii slhl i iiibmt hit oftirqbi iijwlinn nl the ptrtirlfi wmirn1 mn3 tc cainprliliim nected wilb it seine open lira m re my re- in tint lljtkinary vnlil the prrture of thi itcim evceeds ii roprr loih ll wilt ihi o be hlown o ii i in ul into iho empty rp aliowia thr tivnm to csep by the tettte t al ptin warnitic totbe mcinerr hy ill noieihen the pirore i aain inhteeil to its proper point the valve it retort an the inrriry will en the neat occuiossnf an inerra of pressure he mown hath again till siring ier din on the olhei ssjc h i rtu fll o itr i m i mari1 tti hjjs hull b btrio s licihln t if i ntfti i lnt lh nnrr mutt ihitjrsie jmoti wut n lbi mraavph iiisr flt vv brin io i n tl lk cin sn rompettliun idlfaay lh iw piv e wikim illy ull vt s h i tt frl if ttl attii mo loii ii in ii 111 i nwful int m i i r iv4 kt lib pttv1l pun- t lp1 t till ifll- i ih- t i ir piit irri itoosli i i i pit i mm mil lv in m 1 iu d i ml j i 1 ln ted lht ihi i lh ii ii i lit till 1 1 jlt i i li 1 1 fr lenvin lrsilcini llatavi she ihcnee iar to pari an a in j premie i ir a vf fiaiiv ul the tirred- i sienni ihe sci tcanier ersuhl floit h after a ahnrt slay in ihe capital her pw evvleaj tn lyons in llie pilliencc latere effhared in fl steanier itpsiti iclione which they jesecmlcd to aj jee fly s lends convevane they taere ncntiolh- landeal at alexandria j party nffrmnlcn ivilh a evicu month ittl xvithoui eteort ihem and wnh biri a an a natve rvantj and nfl- ihv3 boifrnen pfrtccciw in safely m iaio by avatcft and then ocr iho oescn fit sura soeli i the oruvr tvhih reivos iinrfer uufrvinf nmiemet ali here lhv deiainej through aoioethin uin 11 hronc tboot the mi iti initii iiont i r tlietlril tf the eic in foyri lehv nnme ft net ilti tiliiwativc hisiml and maclurd ilureir pinipk imhlianl lvli lm to ehfaraewiwe iho vnrnr m eoofiii aauen a sunn as uiey no ivoro insi n of r pvmi krtein uf that tt uthrr l tftl 171 ir irliivt iioi o bliat tinsf ii4 rvtiiitp inl inn hn oltnt hven iwi nuj lrrw ri4ctl in- jiiiplitrj 3 rli hqrpv by ll khvvf of vttr h s i ii miu h mii i i j i i i r 4- r tut it in nfk lm uj i i ih- jj rr i litl iv- iwva- mi inehiwiissi nhlvb j i hurt ii h vam e v pti wnl t f bl itirvim t iniriu an tmi narli i ll s- p wow ii it 4 hf i i nl i itulkvl tv iarv vrth o in il motw ielii ti n fi bim ii t rt4 ihfm t t it h 11 rfvl t t 11 lo fiii in in no wi ihitik uith thr l lv ai imi itsjl t ib ir iil ttth r titttritl ii native 4 ihi ti air pi ii ni ruitdc ir a lnof uflvlts may seihnee baby seme hlile a peniternan tt no male aiicofant of lh- kcvpmo lhimhh4k da rd n fiamrablr udnient nun iho eain unlee her olranlon i oflht jjntify aril er- the svere rrnrk earner n hhenfov he um not p tfcc ivhen iiktv furfei they haj a mot unevn- 1 fpitowe paaswge to bomlmvo uflcomfiri- able tha a- matters were then manajej a tvtavmonth since ms rorert scent iiicbncd to prcrcruie loner voyage by the r r w mrttsss burnlae be ihe place if n aaxi t mil the journey from bombay f4atalov ffi ae e j- rrti rffipiaisi ifce i tiini erj jrine aecommlalnan on hoiod the wv ernmenr steamers tvbellser imperial r cecimparsee ahc pcnbs in severe hnuil mrasure1 ccnure thruuehout somtme the- olncerrj are what is called above llier imaincvt and late a pctijc slighting their paenjeni ivbcn rbey harseri to ih- nen ofen ihey eern to have no eririt over anytiiinj save the ovirbincoflhe jup of the supply of provisions the a r com mo iltiron of ibr rhcners and tler alb n ancc hene left ti ebnnce or the t a pack iirha1fcafo erantt in the bni- ml government itcamers the sum of lw tfttmcf yecmn to be an indolent ntilrfl of hscir pateiifers they only rriucnlc thny hate a sjtan f receive anj only tir i they liav a duly to perform company i lamim it be belie vet iltfpr hnsinet in a wa which i inis niiiimt io a fraud uionthc pitbbr ivr pie vthieb udl tlisal i lu lrtr tani the j mi m spole very bdetiij4e jliihh anl after vuurv when wtf iraieil tisrhaii outtulo the eabtn dr he eami lnvarl aiitintcrv iilitrtiverslitn lie ar iim hi hml uvi hi ik irtnv ofrv ral kiiihb ijentleiiesi mil hail onee an nipivriniiity of uiifi to knlnnl with a eapui in the nnvyt hut ibai his neither vvmii ahve at that time nntl wlri is men- 1tint hi ivilhs to he he viscit nml naal iihl lum lhit be woiiltl alsys npent his filter hut thou he w lo hv kiitrjand he wa tal be bal not iih rtiohty ik bad uvn at mafia lial inken a lrikc ihe httie in tpeii if a ortte hi had rvvisl n tl ri ive ahij i fa ptrsoo he watt j and i a yoirnc rlevfk lo- iii vamms vorviiva rvphmvj a roal be mi i that if 1- tavfjfd v iv m r r4 illi ttj 4 ot iveifivil tvhat ofi inishaiijy lacim hamii wih hjl ijcvis vnli krsthrjl triivrllvo l- llo rlli111 once iit tisetv ims icvt i bni eon- as m rum ni at latirv ihi- upirii vnmn i ottvvr nifliir vu ivx he ri in be idpeieli f tin tisnit in 6rvi mrtltrnf riiln lb b d nj joyt n mol immloi livlin it teniae i vvf thin ffittan ai n i j t onl irampi1 that rpn hiw etrhip- bnnp thi noih an iiinlirijb a j mu routplnry it ivu hmbtroff ii tl mirnl ihu 1 iimior iwn um bannw f iikh and warnler tlir4ieh the rati kij lhn jstmil tlieii w3lili4 irlofc ii 1 r wen isrrtllliij ibmal m ihe lafflsprl mt na ihc vaew i as i lul cxpwtnt tbm tvitlo phiintlte fm4n few i miawm tojkenify i i afivncf sunieimw aeliviiy i in wbte b incuts lite sesm iciib tliii noiid reesie iii ibr ilutlinec also riilrvmeitv in wild ami lantaijk ftinnss ms appiarioj liko pronmnfie imiine rnlo lfolwliiiuolivlniiir lis vibuli i u appiuarhin- xor iisesv ttnnt in i nrw itmw thst m iwlh lvebikiav tv 4 i ithrbrlh4thjt t i jjlv r at ih rilp fft- flliu i ihc tj nt t i in lishiesj i tlkrc i uriniiiintehf the cxpceiatton ufim fkvoiul tin- vii hil i it rnt npv h4 birnjlcf tl uf innciul ti irat f v iwir i leluivnei mv- rf l vjr pi uiryirfl rr art r mm ii fd jv lh ciciir with thr ntaboshaprtpoi t mikii riit i rfesnmrnl mal iii inutrichbit bj ihe re r in a n procme a bftiolio rnird imllhlillcplkl i4inipii pkecsel f x v ibwtftrut mv at s f m rsfaoim rt ii cnsefitf ir litrti lmuarmij ii fatrui lft tarrh lltal ihi i vsttmy in ihe abetr vtjrv 1 1 i pre tt ll i 4 ii 11jt i t i i i i r a u jfhl iiii j arwt i feietl in i ltiti wll le ilrvtitc ibr hemn irftmm lsmi jlitolwi l bne til oar nrie emrivaiion lo i4ki lfd if ihal iki ntn hnnle le deemed supei irntl t rtr rafwniir lo iinpnir it tn nofuenn antiwt deairc to pcrpmu- wll j nay- tidiirtor inriikoce ti rtitppii mu nontli it it vo in h w tal i i in i air ttis ft ihwrf ol ii i r ut ntmhs at to j in the spread of ontnio i iil oa ihis ontincrt remie ef events r inlnorsr j jtril inicf tn a ihilwpukcfher ilo ytam iw atbt ric jovrnah ifciraitiim i puiieti oi lvriov lire operation for the tailijl riitraiioi 6f i eetmj r at its mouth ilieieoy ismttlffts r l ii ihe nvol drmrable haven for safety to be tntiiii m thitkinly thy are alto preoaijnc tlhcir ivfeclt 1 1 tbe sptiti trjde metr mrlro aud tan have built a first cbftf mljctnt iotlsrnonlh 1minlhc pajt win- br kabtire pr juration aie at tnawn in mioiinneate the treat iacreak ol s com- lialmjiirt me ilookrr ilendcr- fo an- elrhni amy iir ar hoti he rear of lhr treaty ty v vlriinitc an leally splm fid vjrilmiawl arc aktiit itiia a new he uie i thrir tirmivs mrrj ii k joneshh bein able to 4lliili itpil riiexh in ibr town ff ihvif rumnv biirrhair jills lissej thiec 1 lmt r i mr olt iw i nit in imti nihas l ullw iwm tnit the sl the ntr ivt prriorroe by lr march ma sj nftlav last in the irrabn tieauc of the med- kpai rill5e in tbi city in rocumoy ttilb a ninihr if pfiial c f icn and cilien vee bad tbe dratirr menifi piescnt m tbe rtpitatiu arid utieilii t the u 4lld crater- il wilb hiiji it wji rvinlrd tlie tlirnl bi1uirrr a icnjlhrf tf fbn a tprrin of iitabnnnt iteertioii nflbe oiau iivftimll t h iljtc- tvlrri wi t ftfhtfere and nrl m rationed by a tijbl mjnty he bad tned rfru nlhfl mraai iv aint tbe pro t m vam tle 4loe hnl ailn jivaa a ctiibl able tit i ihe nntrp nl hi j1 n in i ldl iiiare fcriiur i uftrriniici a avtlti a vien l rrwrdttiic thi ileforvhily by rc4bafin the r ftiit an auso biipm u- taiac l lle ti- ji all tbe dio arfl piiflien wji ul avaivt and thr nonce filled tip liy liripifm a healthy hirlion liom ihc tmfcral almve mr m ifmej airiiilji oht- ilton it lh iclril tkci a trr line mtiiif bli 4titlhilfrin ni ihe mt hi hie fcflb lay iner ilm ofiialnov mp lie hipy tt iv ihul iflatui u alirjr ukii plir 1 n ivitiami etlriif anil lnrr ii rvry fnperiieiuipmr irhrf li ibr ijasjof- luml itiet i li ii utiti r tltr rr4 mlimi l lint in x jt mtrifhtri d lo hit odlce i frirm jti a biv vla miiie ih i i- mm ccfl lllll l tiini t ii lijjilimiht mi itr ti- rii i r l r inhtilt- i eamijtj nlil iii lltr ll hi limtlmiecf vvh iahrtr amt i itnlrtl ur rati ro jftcl lit tnit creciin- irii ose vm i i s of ii i n-tn- i hi lh i in ii i n il ti ih fan en auto tai ptttmlan and eialhp i wreched nmj rafdftr j lilnown 27 llu lo voii whi i v prfntll fa exind the wes pint ever altrn lite biriionioia ivuib irsacbiiteri of itsiri jiiliuon ami ii avef le aibbt vi ii t runliji ti r 1 1 rn i rrti i lull ik- km h in th firemnsnil ireoififftsjvrinit m tfc a to apr rani ym im hanl ir to ibe hfifje ntfrvts msch ntii i iittin arrordinttv lh ltineuidird i dividual vihomav be se- ivelcjbi lln stirriin to ftpttfseir hi ma- v iy in i ivoi iike ihc sum deftee of con ner vrhiihauii wcm phosed to rejmsc in toubirs i repeat f iiuinly jmpair t tin mrmo cr diiiiie trovidrnce vr-hit- ever l mreri mj have attended my cftlt lo be unfult tla 72 ilini tftiitn iii ibil eiili- iv ti i itimti jimi lon i laice sloiebpusui luincirvitly lh tranthiiinriit of ir nil uih nrij nd is en i ii a if i a nl iv m ptcmi in it catratt tltastlhr uflmla hi fiimit utreel bw lii tkivais i till vi f t tlrnti tii4cr liimti thr relirl bu beats nl ti tnwi iri ii ij i ibiir i ermrni p tfi tvrrrnm tl t f ulrv- c jvnidcit of lb in m ilav mlltsv ne tly k by tbe company lo ga for imbbc oilces are nearly itssrh- hrnepcrniasri khvmtr y ft david john jimith j b i rlmivililj sfiilltr rseter ot utw me ai to ufii in hswliihiact 1m the rr7 at w can bo rweir b n there vivri 4i0 m thin rnjui i-i- l tn real ihi tam three sieamer nt fehy ar jib- vrv vvrerbej tvitb 111 on board iw mtf n ittislctl m tj hoi wu viaivo tril it miwinj rrry terive ritirt it ii ir ih new ilerlt jwl ihiniijv uloch tier id and conte nii tw tew i inctjrj slie i lo fwrm lh m l liflf nf slcamrtt ltfoi hinr1vii ivo nilj i to he couitu iarj ty that ex- r no n i- ial it as uuier br riiaihl hirit n ih jnfhsnnra nlea iin bthh iinunir in ivhu h mi imtidrer ivvdii m fii- iberv viantpi t ji rnct nir niv blue babfa ml lts il l a ii jilaarirhk jqij lie tw iber- match ittosfv hitrn- 1lie jsafnr ibt ftati in bmnfiay an novr aa ne iiitw jniepjal in spiral lit tin ieirbe tn jlis ln inrr wmih ivrliji ihe iiee l iny ifer ouch an afrvjtii w dirirfr llcr mapfiy i in m 11 lasiket 14 i ptilyef rin loyal sa bart lav not bn h br mjri jc f4i- ill nr i v eipja triit fr r he mriyvi ji it ixiirtntj u mi te hlkl mssc v fin reril icrvi it s4csned hfhiis l0iresn mwi xj fovn 1 iritarmb as tiaml licoil iliit f pro it irtvrte ibuitf- ntry mr rser ll- 1 itninefi imm orveirktn4 lrfhni totsirda mr icon ilwiy rittintrv jim hantl tlic itfw tnsarimf ro i ryapparenil haifiiiiu niemfieei flr tf otheivvalihrrfgrfai rirairi irtartt n ihe mbrinnikrm ivhoh tin roabrif uiorrd 1 part vvth ilsci n tt travltii nrav nlriiltft 111 iliriijce in hie rely ami in rju aeiiiiixineiiti 1 w rflf ihi an h im the conhn i- tpnii hpnnane in nnr cabin m- h nnd mylf veerc smpred and ifoppiwntoil ai th naierale areofitfatiiif it altiwd t tn- lsrr eabm llotfij in if t sjv uf the lalirn bal rteen appmiuiaiej in lna in manrr to mannel enbjalrr an4 e sivc- tvis 1 pn up tvrili irij vf onaafler i- writrfi snl ihe albtiant mrviteftrrit l fttnir mli tih pnmic alini nvre no vmian m i a ll untw lb- only nean nfntoslliifl inf r iifatitrn nf air wn lo hate it a hfftcr with he a imiuircl of mitbnnittiftl rmr map- an vwhtp m i her author uav ftnrw al lira nni mhmni tvbai ttl utail1 upm finnhcr evptanai t n if lloutih ivle nu that when a plan 41f 11 buil hirm mi i pflaei latttir fite iik pirft 1 the eon tnl i i aili a fit i iiijtir 1 a lb iii llhhaiiflll via in ttoitfr in ih mi rvmfi rtjrt it rx hmi a tir tiviliitii rrsne jie arlihai ir lltr irtnh tji no isi- irti then ior eflt iinij jnlfivbich gutter and ll artkj nje rontrt m u j nnt one nf ibr r ht ihe iw im vtfcw i krnmiln f rile f aaslt i tqjtastt ii ran imrler tbe ti- ion ami ul t luiinmnietmn u lie knetv it umiu nj ceryflkiiir ih- tvv tnim nim jb n jivbni i ial in- lv ittimb ihinitki1 uwaaewlih ivii ilm l tl iuitii ptt hlrfjfi b ftt smtlfl l 11 vt 1 lotul penitial aparnee ainv ivbn u iiraivnrtal aaer ll hil rtiaie- and tablv m4r in ikvrile f il flrirtai pum3 ail tc iur neebsl whli ilerrnst rn ieilttj th- murlfit- prin pb nrilrmh nan abealy hvaipnj iiif j ht jii lmiii m anmi afw ral pivvi tk hut is of jiasji vrevviltii4 mriclo she riiol vt-iipertieial- ihitl mian ieiiit it i 11 il i ill nt a av al aw iinb ih si i r 11 its 1 hi vr the iiinsio uutn mjlihi ai nv anl j vaaribs lint if juri ifim iuont il omilt i lister of iln- hi ijtitl 1411 ontrv fn m kura id anhv tvl lb- ii ti l nl ealie1 ihv mit in i la tott- ri il ant kirt naif hi 1020 er real lianwve stiii lb dncntithi an ivrmn losal bhtft lant ti rtftumim ttik- intvitnvait 41 it emersl i infaivho iinsi- i ndvamv ivin l i tt imib inj i ri naiuv bllf pft- nttil the at- 1 wmuan it eji n-siririb- iliiive baroit hi ritialhd bat vviuh v cee knr mvsvlfl leej it metosny nwrt- ur irii- mm mu iem aisi sd fyspi rn riy irmly fr- my rbia timcr j laxu itvn n ihal my and fwseta wilii itttummf piotiik iwftwijl novr tpnn fartniiaiormr mil bf 01 fbeir mmi1 srcolt ars m ibe patent auav l0tfii only illf masiva l il j d rrrpf fj l- may bava vrei bare been tfntimit ditks le article fti ihv laanfta taar 0 i be fl iiotanl wbirji rw trjinnittvil by our l rortiiteilvtil and pimitfrd in aj rrr nf hi tfith iitttjiit it m an ominarysvn pijirf article the n a a kjjm r ntioisle- rip parvs an4 it may be oirly prraiarncii toea- jij uie iiatoftfie lra and duties uvfutj that lh nolc sjifen b ltf k- w c all ollovt wftoc foment lak ul fc fc watsnlift nanyinhacrhyihefini- iitv ot and law nniil ll ciret a if osity t v daitv boat llwrn h t rjpoiii tatoliy citj4 matwrll if wji il in- iviil he feadv nr freatri sms hi w fi lavrnll m muiry on fso limbe ifi mooter vvhrnetei th prrsnre lo w inoprr dcree ofratrty jbe aji- m coiifinactrd on lh piirvcipie lhi p f jut tn- 0 l drnsilv vil aiippnn un of water or mrrrarv of a riven kihi bat any slnid will fif the urn j 1 1 iviri u itritl chin opi my children lf to astute yit v rerri ronnevic hr ii fiiaiitl unerevr fur i bsron 1 miitaif cs htn n llouoo 01 doth mead ulc vi iuc bol mjtni tcttiic0 ilic col0tial milotai f n alateb iv im a tiiroaed n some of ii ttbc halhlucbsitfpf- veav v piptviblt boir u tjilui itijuiit natter k mtirially alteclint ihr in1riel or n jfr fir t vl to to to w pet a ai me same icvci m al mere v proeiw ir lie fiee belavecn them 2t j ancictirral salrly valeo ami conit fl iter lvilbin which da- ibo tiei these tna e nain f arianed as thai when one it own k lh hfcr oftlbe topis wavte h 1 imra to h aiiftjhooii lim ine tojlty s vrl ire ier1 ha lorelia i s i j ii 1 wbave b ibim r mind- left it in i ii 1 1111 iii i 1 i 1 pi ii ui n iv u 11 f a vi if- istncw au- li- tssd ij i a jart- plt iv t tlt ml av- avi v i matin 1 -v-n- ih jinac nrranrl n 1 rirwsinfcvtesnlp vtbai ibrr hn rate vrnp i niabci iv isalfc by 1 n ibe pnwpeet nf 01 if- cttmtj trroj nnvtlin- fun ieijty with iwfelb thai a nj fj t4 on it ilitutidatttii we aii lln j m rllffllly ar tttre f j rejjnrf an ti wi ti iv hji lln iia 1 pllltrf i i baa ivn tf tlnwt irvmiln f f lul4li arry k- y t a bu1 i vi itnafni t r hi- ivirft p- r rfi nrsfinhpi jv fttt r aiirli iin mfrftftflfrf tfki4dsi enirm urniiitlih 1 1 oj n m nti ft f i ili rnil i tf h nu lo nhi im prift- tv lulttnu h ilii aofli tmj1 ip 7ll i n iib ail v pismn tt lr4i uu iff ii nl t in ih airiii ie iviim f list i ti to noa 1 i v i tv ihr r thi pusf iqolifitt l n iii lvlurlt it y mfann n 4 1 arvut pa4njvrv tinlibclrtu llt isssjii m nvlniu i tbi hau- m 1 rriarm imlilit p ibis n r n ti 01 aqn im kfll x i iff i 1 uii 1 itatt ttha h u 11 j r i if htil ii 111 i n m- r ii ri r t i iu i f- i i- 1 im bvd b i iii i li m1 ir m il v l air iii h 11 i i i v ll v lit ue- fir u l unvn7 ii tl ail l ta 1a laer- tin h j mp 1 1 ai it h iiimiuc u iii 4 f m at roiiei ftinl nl iii rn ia ben i tib tim kwn il- hmarit ar lvsnv 1 fih r tvi rijitf w i hmi i uvllhlh iip l 111 hm f i b umh rtlrvl nut 1 u ir 1 lb ant fsv tjjri 1 tn b ilt u i in in 1 iii irnitriem ioanun i e v it n4 f t 1 vr iiiiftl il ltjni t lira f uith nltieb 1 11 it it luttlnvuh tut jirni lbrn nniviibitb in mm m timiiil ti iam bvni ijipraj pum- tmipwm the v r bitavivrr eont a- i anavvf talt rri m ty irpthi ithuhtiii n bvj iijfa in 1 1 in tn 1 jtiyn l r 1 tiiiila i r v bavi 1 it eseejtiu i i f nt a ill- y mi i ibniii i lh ivts enifh isw n-t- itinii an- mechvirihii rtnmienuji w kaevy tlinr iiiiiov luiwi si 1 ii i u lll iabtr iii uny n it p iirtiitv j m nu rnilipl 1 pes and nlnnvn lullnf ll ihrivi u- tin x nillevar a uiiii tiij i nbhrtltie 1 i mlnr w01i th it uwii ifi irmsnal immt ii vejerwn tbi fuy hi kvc- vtinreainin the m 1 4rnnlhi nnl bavin- ji i the lb 1- bjn ittiiltl iw it ljr t tlain ej 1 li rf je pi li jit ii iho t imntttd oboere 111 tr kvct y t u i if iw lriahn- nu taiii lliekfl unibistai tinj- in lbs 11 irtiae itraiiebtt erdi 1inil kcttueac lrtll hl nitiximoa f e i ttsi resissts mtibis tu nleiituterll and llaasq- lutl cvtiimk- tiiftmt jiiiin1 if tnsr rvan n i mrihh eenrit pztiirii mi tihmjmu win r ttal srrajtfrt h tjiij i tai i kltlvtll fra rr l ip1 ii- t miniilry u urcd lo imiie roew d ha a ijktemv ibc- flrtvniic by ti wrefrop wiliasstnya spirit if rlian ifl whes ihey fc mdtil u 0 aeiiinririjaibjitfaailfi b tr 1ttfi ho 01 mhtlicd any nniio tn- penile and rfllum triili a ferf niv mlrte irojtof ctmiem k 1 1 i criaieifjlkiaih a char intbetiori re hav 1 mi c an- nndoiim lrearnflfvriii i a bataj pvj be uuic mt mvmulgr wlp the landed jni- ihe ship fau nlcrrtt dm rnnnioaersef ttinberfinerilf fl w m pao rrlthv nprcntcl w tboso vho in tbe fiitt imt itre in- f vcted by the represented a i win ricctcd hllril lcl1 tpert lotj atnvosrbor onr pipe iviii mipnri ad tlie valve crm- ttlh ii vi open ib mercury re- mltia sljlsnnary unlimhe pressure of th tjeani evceeds ilspforyt miot- it wall thro be btouii out and u 1 1 into ihc empty s alvrin ihr- item lo r vj1 by the wailrr pij n rit fvafnin- in the miliar r by iu notcivh the fiietjre it aain irdticcd poinl svifl n ml li hmvj a lh- li m- lmllcmiil ijsjin te jtfni mlfaftapv lltfllonm a lt ihc the valve utcvertirtd the anetcurv n ibr neat ocraoti nf an lwi- el pressure h bfourt kack ae411atil unon uiotlicr arde raje ran harilli v ait l ii 1 mt il iv rill r4 tjrstv v fcva hrt lh s i kdtb mitaet mm i t- lui avba iwm saiiihjti 4 4114 bvul at rir rii ire iv ihwu 1it lit tjj ncisicncy intto i i iib ipm i l n- il iii 1 niirftttji ht vniarif 1 tba p tb i ii 1 i- ip e 1 il il d i vl i iipiac t fjn ii a ipraitiatl liul oil lr nl n liy lb lit lb re in i b s ifl httllt 1 bat j 1 b nniltliirii im b lm u i llpa b rwm hm rb j ilil tt i nt d i i 11 ih it 1 hiii it in iinvstr r im tf t i n ttrum in i it i b11 itoi n i hi itfumioirv 1 tliii l i in t- 14 it n ii nil li 1 h l m- a iinii it j p uiii ifie islfh t liflr f irt iff ttiiir a 1 111 iiam uliri i ii rn itmiri tab hi trriiv tail ih iiiil i i111i lu e it 1 1 1 ivimi iht 1 1 pp aa i- a p tf t plttsltll it tav ilb rn j i nn ii fii i 1 1 ibj h im if i ih f rl -a-l- iiif itin 4 mi 1 mn bi iii iiiiit mi 1 rajofltthn 1 ij 11 iibll il 1 i n t 1 ivmibl l b ai n 11- 1 1 jii f i it ivi lttlt 111 11 ubnirupiii n j l pnariiaji ili tbai il iii- mu 11 ui 1 1 v nf a snn if inti tl pil uisamd a 1 imisipil f i infies u iif but mi p- 11 1 hill nlfon liiriili i- aait rbltn m f iihflit mi i ti- nt jiitiig t r tvs s m llii llsisoipi1 ti- bivbi iatkj uh 111 i- 1111 k uibl itah m ibtmi v ul rs ihfjp mi t it i u ml ikai iu ui willi ta owivr rt tv i slnt inth nn ri lnn r rr iu i nl j p nt 0 1 ll ll iipesih l lh lift n i it t ti i- buyi pfj v ill ll in i lm n i j 1 k lbni- ai at 11 f il tr a a i 111 eitiif mo tfl il ml j ihar a 1 i nn tifin ntft j n in pie- nlltt siili jim ti sr i 11 b pvllol i lljrli ll 1 if r 1 i- ii- 1 n 1 1 tiwr i ltiiav atil iilbe iaii in f nr coninnacrsof nnvm im iirt attm r pojeri of mhi wi vein innnt msde hiatal lihvf if- r -ntiiiii- r 1 i tilej ay rvrrn- rt- i-m- tj iiftjpih rf tjios itne sthsttibs tbn mminir never lis- iviii f reai- od at rti- iv citsmirsaei rravih v m rnlnalty it mai i- 011 i iu it- pmljrtion of the ariilr rv i v-ltii- r eoinprliuim iiiik jh n ivi m brinpn i ipai tl lii irchjth may tmi sntne- f-r- ky b it t bniiitit f rmpctition ii 1 mini mill soar ibr 1 f j-jm- vvrtm in nose mv nf ntrntiiv- rrisa f hevenite wtmlw fneally fall n u t0 1 rv- ivllhfllntmtrr iv- think ivsati ii uhirii 1a41i1 mertl if syisti 1 pavfaf j aiiritf lta at ifm irismlt- si lntirir n timwr iot of r tu t aite uliblricvjio ii j mul r iftbl tjlkrli tb b- ir arilt ametleftsi cnl lwlrk tbe i i i-i- n 111 tr i f trom iv ai rnio- jovnsu inisnsnijns si qa thr of r ratio tbe irii ical m ave il ieixatlon fnr the artul restralioc nf nose wav performel by or maicb on saf- ay lat in ibe pcratin theatre of ibe atcd- ftitjre in ibii city in ompaiiy taitri a im nf pinfiiiarsciiljett4en mil vwifb ml fir pleasure it brinr peeil at bc nprratioia a u in c ibc riij andifeer- ily ivilh vtliteh it viaj ik thr hieat itid nri red a rcnjthrf iron afciyrisof ll i trlttbbis b rm mav reapl lie nvl llf jestry prort in tain the b 4tc b a toottidiiabb put nt the me iu prahice t l innfe 1 wri s uith a viw l lesneltin th iefnrniilv bv riwtienin th ff4 vjjk tiaxweil is win re- joi 1 hi- itunird and iviil he ready nn the ojrnmomh rjsihien lo laic br lace in ihi mu bar nu the hive ioir connexin wilh ihe lfrrj 7iixvr rete apt unwen lh rivfrnouwrv capt palierkvi ia receiv 4 tve itolore mated iu pull and tlvtrio in addition to lh new bou hmliix at ibia oc already mentioned hie tett fc livr a liiicf 01 ihc mfrti downed ue be- jievv fitf llie tmal and whieb n l leerivc the itceniton mlne the morl of ihi vtel 1 inialial novel hil hema llie avelu brioui ijleiilvei hr proprietors u have nn iniim of hef tin aheal tbv nitawi lnvtny bje nt0 bdl a ntv luriroun r whicb will take v- ualistn in ihrir rterl on hir openin ol the an aiioe it it rt to rac ocikv ii h lw4 k jtjnvan iummfim cmpity knder ine abk irunaertetil of avtr- mjcpbeinvi crane hitc jtorcd atfon the hrst aid steaii- tl briicfacert to tue kinrmvii ce we nettritnl nn undented aiiltnuity- lhat ibe cvmiiiiv have adli to iheir siek -lurm- tbe pal nl je iban rjwl ul n hen ue say luil eaprnvt for ibe hit ypoyfjt ibis e enormon tuns in the 1oaaii ami we ihmb wv are borne eul rn the i otit with vvn dirtteiiion si to bate mm teceedej lb ivrreas iif hw cbirlly ipfnl i pin war- weubawibyeai by raiin tlinr at itl ive 1 wprviii impjoi 1 ih tiii1iif harlmur icdcclnitralitinojth otretvy reinrrin il ibc nnl jiniablc haven for smlely lo ha fonml in tbu lieinty ibty ore alio prepaifn- lluir vevveu f ibe aprin- irade htvt alebeod and lnan have bmli a iiri clasi taf at iartlsnvoiitlt iliirin- ihc post vaais- linje of malignant uceraln ef sjosa itrniej htv m vnel bv a slilt iahiv ibef meant 19 niit the eaten awiy and lbiitvj i lh it im onic ihe leui pari a afva n fc mt a ui tbe j a- all the it- aj i v- 4tl- wtrt a rtore dr hifmrned a siniu ojcntit il a ym smre tnt the drrsin of th in c mircrii llia 1 been m part mi the inth ue bafpi iti f j u buret aiittij b lay fineeibc orvialioii ljt s- v mkw fi t mrnvue proration are also mlift fn wtniu ihr reai bqtffa of or com- metciil alaime mrj ifnokei v lfriij lo auan in uie reai ol hh mreatty iiiyraleiititeatrreallysplen- rfjd uaiefioamsarl are atia ajding a new uine mtc lo their premise mii ii s donrfeot beint soa ta amim jcionimijarnvi ene- in ibe toiao fr bwwfta bve puihaii tkrrr r a wlra latiu iil t ihc l iaarrvnre wlirf ney are liinr eteittvr nr four aerej raf m liurb aun t nilrin tnwn cieeiin 1 fer se eboifet prrneipally the tanihipment of in 1 li i irim l i ili 114 hill tshwh i llermowi ii imfu nr v- 1 im i m s ni wthlh i i imu tu 1 i 01 i lll rt psjiva ibiei imh 1 il milb p i ut lmttar- itll i it a aifsl rt b llit li ii is t v is itr ii i a p tl c nituw m 4 iii- i h rfi vtnirsii b f i hrmt hl atlti iniw fiiuss hi itrt it l t in ji i naiiil a f ia 11 t lbll avbei tlidpivl hlb tt tvl t f h wb- tr tu mh ans fi t till l il 11 1- ibei ia lv liil- tf uijhi a wib j 1 ai lijen tt n mj j i runnil t d hf i 1 iitvr jite f l ijt iti i it i 11 n iitii rni lt4vr t hi n t tli 1 i tr iil e a14- 1 lrj riifaim ha iti ivla ut j e 1ii hrilltli e nutk nf iltii created a yv tbt- vcix4 hle jnxrtsib b l 11 itmft ml 1 rti lln if ivp btn- esumiv nl imtntlm -vratna- 11 lnfhar class is owned by ibc ilailway coanpany these hots will like thrir destined element as soon as ibc ice will kftf them 10tsx tbcro bas also been nerlcd dunt the wilier tt tn runs ilsublishment tbe following piers and wharsea vit one w feci i0i1 w fc ide u i ft one fti ftel lonj t2 ft aide do ones frt lont t ft wide do onr 3 fret lonf 31 h- hide do one ft ton- tl ft vtde do 0f 6 1 ri ipp a rx tfvie do cmm0lt lfts i fb v do these t r fd wbarres were built under tbo immrdiatc saiprtintenduice of thilmi irtdsv rsbfiblr friend lo imptoreoacnt and mtctpriic henry qildcrsicevc ew tbe prcsidsnt of tbe coenpany in 65 days tbe tinge of stone vtj1 if lately leased by ibc cosnpony to go vernment for public office am nearly rery for occupation sfeaoer si trrorae david john snnilb carj- the cnlerpritins and spiiitcd propketoc of ibis well bnown boat vi making very eatensivo repairs upon her embracing new tjccbi and new boiler by tvbkh bcr speed and conve nience will be much increased be i to form one ol ihc mail line of steamers from kliisjou to toronto and is to b conamarced by tbat ex- pcriencrtj ocaman captain twoby the ocxaiiyc capi maxwell is bein- re paired and painted and will bo icady orl the opening of tbe navialioii total be place in tbe ccniitocforc capl paluison ii tveciv- inja new coal and will as wc before staled be a daily boat belwesn this port arifj 0jweo id addition lo the new boat boiling at this place already mentioned tbe mesrut ivej hav a steamer on ibe blocks destintd we bc- licv for tbe crtal and ibe qiieenstoas cnjne vetsel is somewhat orel but from tbe well- known talents of her proprietors wt have no ifom af her aroirs ahead tbe ottawa comply hare also bail a new i ia itirir own ioejtiaesj avbich wilt take hot station in tbcii ilcrt on the openin of the nariiioa ll is not to oe denicu n tawa i koiwardiiif cninpiiy tinder tbe able manage neat of at r 1 s crane bave ptuved anion the beat and sleadi- rt belief lor 1 lo the kmston ctnmuitily w nndrrtanl on uninumcd antlmmy thai ibe cumpany have nabjcd to tbeir slock durin the ot ocnsol nol lrs hm l a uheu we say then expriisra for the last ratal ibis endofifie ronlr exceeded the encrmom turn of xloyhjq cbirlly saaent in the town and nrisbbarlttaoo w4 tbik we nie borne out tn iho atseitinn ive el out wah pvjtut ihekertfen s co havo iiepim t 4 id harlmir by rauin their j which itideai the ieane alram- areder fnc remark town bor j or made in cywiu wol onrt at whirl rati a 1 1 kiiglant web a trllr the 1st i peeled b pr ivnj ihr aucrflit fa- inc tim ir iv disrate i nate- washing nevl mail weep to b ptr co we at oil elerl jatej 4 t tatin lb the idler half an lm dents hou the tie ptjre on at ommon c jiin fell- tbe laic 11 sampson h anj wa noi nisj iiifotm eda highly man wlno 0fi taavn ottner bavt fnini j ii tort vi u ftm btweenj of ibis 1 major tivtl jy ritrerrj of lc 1 unanimit nu evten auj which 1 to icceivt the mojcl of all urunswicl the adoim leal 0rr m winter rwa f and in con ed 04 rotatocs af v i- si is per dae- orprkw at the mutton do v f tbcstea uowcn rr and landed atcut seve rscoers hon hn 1 1 pbuf van mr khil mosniiix oer 7nr co ni alete the 27ih 11 apprared were to a tlnipi bv aland ibt fallllt aii isttkcmei llltll il i ylll be itai m- tbein lhat iiotise bin it i nt its in val ll om mr h a new 101 i im 1 1 t l ti ir b tbe d e 0 1 om irion rini thwm a ne itit jnp tnf sr n bro iif w rj h letiw rfihttirw ita olfiier i3i f ii t anfrtri will hew iwt- en it ot ihia m mdjtf oesh iy tternter of lobii arwniiiniltj a ettrtl ipmll itiii tbeawuri 11 infer roas ifinronss oiils a utoes ah i 4 m u per doco or jrwk hoii al t mb int msjoma do invftlarri 5 ifw 5te4 liwrn airii an a 11 je bonl evcii rcnarr nt hiwlli tbilip v mr islhta fnoixiin cenf 2nst rii 1 j rfaft of ihult picd fiv n v conip k ftdcf ibotfbi h si nid lb tb hljl an ii w the metv biti it come bt taring l i lhat im ease h uii re llif ftolllj r seal for ti mfc mn new rl linoftj ofrnfvof in r m ii rnrtihmni tuai on urn lhbisi n 2 i hi ikt r iiir uihf aw v- 1 n i iditge tlinlh itef it rm ihe imiho ru spysa tint 1f ibfll w it t0rtl lake adi i 1 ibf rej have tbi prueiikm tf fl m lltl iiell mbtwsttasni mift d imv are wutjw it il v 1111111 lll m il ltt ttbrt lh 1 w w j i lh f tllltttl a j bi iu iei rn f mi iiitiit tfrll p is t j jlm mai ipha ami mp t r i tsieoi n si ns il rii f r infr lsfiiiwi yfiai itvjj b 1 a tain stilt lr iltiia v tiltjili ni anr frfsjsf 7i rv ma f i i ir i i b n 11 ull- i 1 ii ihi mu i kiiiabj ill- lstil isi 11s iti 1 tti 1 14- 1 r mie 1 11 athip n lf h 4 t i- bfj it i 1 1 1 p l i 1 ti t b i ii i i llll i 11 ih i fc 1 itnm i x i tiin titttiiriif ulle- f wtl tt t it uh nltilblfjlll it rwrfsb jt tll 1 1 limiiwrr tli li li j il 1s1rv4il 111i1 in l 1 f ir p ps rfti i h i ll 1 t 11 11 ia t a 1 lf t 1 i b i it i it ii it e nb i 1 11 ttl t ih hriil mil 4 ill hihi r bii fikt i hunt f tthi lb- llrjuiie i fii r 1 t itst l 1 nl 1 hn i tt mm in m wblnifiti in- ii if r frt 1 rilm ialh n hit rh s h tut tm m 61 k j il t ibe- 1 m all ihii lj nl el ua rj n11 iv lfpmii waiib rs al 1 r a vi k anlrn eleiiive ptirran issitf- sbot fim wmj u ma ill 1 9 bl ai il sr id l 1 i ii li la ii i flwlb 1 li t l hf il iom 1 h fl 41 i wil t 1 1 1 pf milrini uei walht n an b jt r rmal ti aa ibi wjlt 1 i 4lhltm rj- iptn un iy lam fhril lanl tmiait kittr 114 iitaliit4baiutv mil i pa- r ti hav hi hill iti fo btof fi fl m trn rhirrew dir klnhrl in em rr ibi una tmnij hl ef iir kss- nib al wzich lar ha i h x tnimer ire naaiiii rvtriitte lriiirs ni the tim aje 7anif ibe cnnit fjsosi im t itinii ifi ihi man i l it r a hal il their w ban r tttiri i all thi tuitf a if ii t in vi atrx lb4er 11 u ji- i nh airaa- w iif w ij 1 lr itiaj lllr iiil llrfpt hil v hn an brthl iit ibphaii at i- tth hi me h ill il ii r nii 111 rr 11 1- im hi l l l it i ii ii 1 lit i r i nrntr r ihh hh 11 lt vii in i i ir i li it m iv ir i nlu and tw rrtilh b bulk nw- ui ojpivj wilb m n i i l ii iiuh i ti a 0 t pirn r if ijtaeaon u ah anl y pmlui j pt ni tbe hill i jn lina ieil in 11 1t btp 1 t ll illy in i hui 114 nt eaaiiei iit km 4laav r tb mm- d b h ithuu xbrr 1 u l lie 1 h 11 m irerilj i ill itr j tbvve ii am ibvt ilinr 1u ae r bvka hv baa v i v i llil ilbl xi iletlril op u iumi 1 1 nrj i rbi t i taa m v 1 7w

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