the subscriber ws leave let and tlie trade general to millers uecs leave to ioform mil lythat having purchased the siock in trade ol mr lewis bmiwick burr mill stone manufacturer be will continue the business of unking french livrr millstones of tlicfirst quality having on ham four pirs of stone finished and a large lot uf burr blocks which he will make up 10 order on the shortest notice all orders for the above 10 he address ed to a- clark at the kiugston foundry whom he bus made his ugeui for bis stone building buines geo mcckabby kingston august 16th i83u 42 the cobuurg sar v ill plia cpj mem one niol and at ml their office of this paper this advertise- account to tho glorious commencement for 1837 sj sylvester offers to his friends toil correspondents a handsome kw yua s present in the following brilliant list of schemes to be drawn tu the month of january 1837 sogrenth number of large cap itals are rarely offered in one month and they are p wi deserving of attention 3 prizes of 30000 dollars each 4 90100 2 25000 all io be drawn iu the month of jan uary ltt there be no delay in addressing your orders to s j sylvester 130 broadway newyork i t supekfine cloths he subscriber is just receiving in addi tion to bis spring und summer luiporta- lions an eitoi assortment of winter goods among which will be found black blue aod olive green super6ne cloihs of the very best west of england fabrics black and mixtures casstmeres petershams pilotcloths flushings and other suitable goods for winter wear all which will be disposed of on rea sonable terms for cash or approved endorsed botes at ninety days john oliphant merchant tailor wanted immediately three or four journeymen kingston october23th 183g 37z an excellent farm for sale king lot no 16 second concession grand consolidated lottery xtra class number i for ih37 to be e drawn at wilmington del wednesday jan 41837 scheme 80000 85000 ss0o0 8v 000 1330 loof 81000 10of500 20 of 300 20 ofssoo stc tickets only 5 dollars a certificate of a package of 33 whole tick- els will be sent for 65 dollars packages of shares in proportion n military tiact wiihia two miles of the village of halloweil county of prince ed ward on the road to west lake containing about 210 cres one hundred acres cleared nod in good fence a good orchard in foil bear ing a good barn and a two story dwelling house lately built 40 feel by thirty besides a large cellar it is well watered by a good spring creek sufficient for sawing carding or fulling be fides other springs a clear deed can be giv en the subscriber on the premises will show the property and treat with a purchaser samuel baker halloweil 7th of 11th month 1836 ssowi xew testament for schools at the corner of king and brock street just published and now for sale a hand some edition of this book also an elegant edition of murrays eng lish reader new publications at the chronicle 6 gazette office for sale careys library in weekly numbers at 25s paid in advance the faul magazine in monthly num bers at 7jd each both very entertaining and interesting works also a sermon preached by the rev hen ry essoo for the st andrews society at montreal on si andrews day 1835 withaoiaiions 8wprice 2s kingston october 5 1836 church of england psalms if hymns with and without music sold at tbe chronica gazette office kingston way 17 1836 g childrens friend society kingston committee at a meeting in kingston on monday the 20th idstant of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent objects of this insti tution called at the request of capt orrok agent to the society in canada for the pur pose of establishing a branch committee at kingston for tbe reception and distribution of children in the midland piciai tu f lowing gentlemen were respectively constitu ted members of the same with power to add to their nuepber viz vmia bif archdkacojt stuart l l d rev r o caiitwrjght a m iiottorabuc john kirbt honoeabta johs macaolat thovas marvlivd esq j p james sampson esq j p william loort e54 j p james mcrarlawe esq j p john marks esq j p thomas scobbll esq d a c g the latter gentleman being also appointed corresponding secretary of the said commit tee the committee give notice that they are ready to receive applications for children through the secretary whois prepared to give every information on the subject no com munication will be attended to unless the postage be paid kingston june 22d 1836 children friend society the subscriber begs leave to acquaint the public thai he has been disappointed in receiving the number of children which he expected only 15 having been sent out but the remainder viz 85 boys and girls will arrive in tbe course of ihe present season and the applications hitherto received will be at tended to john orrok secntary for the canada bank of british northamerica established m low don caitonk million sterling provisional committee mr conducflag the affa1u or the queoec branch james deajt esquire johw malcolm fjuscr esqrjire pirrse pelletieb esquibe gcorok pfmbrtoh esqoire william phillips esquire nphe shares reserved for this district hav- iog been allotted and the deposit of 0 werlingeach paid upon them the necessary b 1 arrangements are oow in progress for tbe com mencement business in quebec as early as possible 7 ah communications on the business of this branch are requested to be made to the pro- ipfmmmj coairoittee by letter addressed to the v d d notary pub lic no 333 si peter atreei robert carter r commwwff from ihe gmut of directors quebec lsth august 18s6 f 17z xotic0 wtright 1ngersoll have beer jlt forsale at mr florence donoghue td- mnw ffttf in barrels and smaller quanii- um io sua purchasers 57 fradsricksbutgmoiu january i83 irg1nia state lottery for list of letters remaining in the post office at bath 5th december 1836 avlsworth bone sulikaio richsrd kiler zacariah asselstine wm lake joha arroiiaff francis ayte bowen jr bound mrs blanchard epbraim benjamin elijah 4 boughton d orson r e benefit of the monongalia academy class number i for 1837 to be drawn a alexandria va saturday january 7 1837 capitals- 825000 7000 4000 s25o0 i 4200 1486195 prizes of 1000 dollars tickets only 10 dollars a certiscaieofa package of 22 ticker will be sent for 100 dollars halres quarters ant ightbs to proponion co look at thiscu 100 prizes of 1000 dolls virginia state lottery cum no- i for ihe benefit of the mechanics benevolent society of norfolk to de drawfl at alexandria va saturday jan 14 1837 rich and splendid scheme 330000 s000 4000 3000 dollars 500 dollars 100 of 1000 dollars 10 of 500 dollars tickets ten dollars certificate of a package of 25 tickets will be seoi for iso dollars halves quarters and eighths in proportion fj grand scheme fj thiktv thousand dollars 5 prizea of 1000 dollars i virginia stat lottery class 1 to be drawn at alexandria va saturday january 31 1837 capitals 930000 10000 96000 3140 3000 2500 2000 50 of 1000 20 of 500 tickets ten dollars a certificate of a package of 25 whole tick ets will be sent for iso dollars packages of halves quarters aod eighths in proportion nearly as many prizes as blanks 14 dracr ballots in each 25 tickets f capital thirty thousand dollars vircina state lottery classno 1 for the benefit of the petersborgh be nevolent mechanic association to be drawn at alexandria va saturday jan 28 1837 capitats830000 15000 6000 5000 dollars 4000 dollars 3000 i 2000 10 prizes of 1000 dollars 15 prizes of 600 dollars 20 prizes of 500 dollars 20 of 400 30 of 300 50 of 200 c cvc tickets 10 shares in proportion acertificaie of a package of 25 whole tick ets will cost only 130 dollars halves aod quarters in proportion s j sylvester 130 broadway n y fruit trees garden seeds jtc reynolds bateham proprietors of the boehetter seedttore hot ticuuurai garden and jyursery offer at wholesale or retail a large aod superior assoriment of facir and orna mental tftett garden field and flower seeds geeenhocse and habdt plants c c the fruit trees are all grafted from bear ing trees of the very best kinds and the seeds are raised in the most careful manner or im ported from the most respectable sources so that we are confident that with regard to kind quality or price the articles sold at this estab lishment will give general satisfaction orders from a distance will be promptly at tended to and packages forwarded according to order catalogues may be obtained of n palmer druggisti kingston reynolds fc bateham rochester n y not 1836 36z htrojuniio ebenewr bramard alonson cooklio thomas cooper william close john ciarfc muthfw comer jacob comi henry comer lwis clang h william collier willi oi dick geo m dortf samuel down w jobo fountain mr fralick john c eraser daniel j fralick zatariah fralick benjamin fralick martin fralick john p flino richard fralick l j gristwold juatinan gannon william gradf john gordincer h wm gilchrist duncan gilchrist peter hogle labastian haigh milo henry henry irtid william johnston jacob information wanted of wm harrison an enslishman supposed to be in belleville u c or genera l s any information of him will be thankfully received by bis brother john harrison front street kingston 6th august 1836 editor will confer a particular favor bycopvin the above pj 8 for sale a bout 7000 acres of land situated in various parts of upper canada cheap for ready money only will be sold in lou to suit purchasers apply to c hatch land agent of to j linton auctioneer king august 1 1836 13z notice fwlhe present members of the kingston vol unteer fire company 16 in number on ly id justice to tblraselves take ibis opportu nity of informing tfte inhabitants of the town that from their diminished force they do not deem themselves adequate to tbe performance of those duties that the public may expect of them u therefore behoves tbe inhabitants to meet and take such measures for the public safety as the exigency of tbe case may re quire the rnembers will howerer in cate of fire until some further arrangement is made to place the fire establishment on a more f fective footing attend with tbe small engine and render sucb aid as may be in their power by order r james nickalls jud captain k v f c kingston nov 2 183a the holders of csps mod belie which be long to tbe town will return them fvnh with to thecaptain at the court hoose 37z for sale by the subscriber kino uj arnmcfld c yarns x uwv nog 6 6 78 u 500 lbs batttog and 200 iu candle wick 300 large and small looking glaaaes a larg assortment of travelling qasktts kingston oct 19 ia aai lowrcy root link john lot rachael mrs lake daniel p madden jaoes mccoonell john milligao david macintosh angus miller henry moynaugh john madden john miller peter madden w c macduff thomas nelson samuel neequis mr rocbar edmond roderick george storms john shory miles jr storms sheldon 3 shibley david smith george jr sills william shioey patrick tammonds william taylor john vroman samnel vosbury annm williams richard 3 ward margaret letters for amherst isle bary samuel brown james hitcbins richard henderson john huttoo archibald johnston john list olr jlktters emaining i lhe posl office at king ston on 5th dumber 1836 rated with british postage asselstine h xarmany mary asselstine michael liddle joseph atkinson mrs jlanglcmois joseph armsuone mrs j i sarah aosey daniel faflamme michael allenhaydeome maclutire capt john such of the above deemed within six weeks will be dead letter office quebec w j mckay letters as are no re sent to tbe p m list of letters- tv emaining in ihe post office at nap aoee on 5th december anderson thomas ausnt manuel booth john bumham william battle martin bower englesoh caswell samuel conoly f casqiey samuel caflftnd john e clefk james m chamberlain char1es2 conger peter r campbell archibald drivii alio dernorest james detlur georgo draper clark embury george eaton samuel s empey fletcher empey john seor forshee j j forshet alex h forshee john frettz john foot david grooms zepbeotab godlooe ii ganthtew michael hays james hatvley john johnston james kifiinicrly henry kenoey john knight doctor luca george 1888 lappio james 2 lalor john uwis j b mcdonald charles mccoonell john 2 mccariher charles moses peter godfray miller george nowlao michael oliver charles pruodeau pierre pomeroy dauiel plsi ur payette martin quackiohuih jas russell honry 2 robertson alexander ripeu thot vai 3 rice z smith samuel jr shamahoro asa snider solomon sager joha w spencer james spencer james s- spoocer henry 5 spencer rufus smith jacob somes gil d sills william varly hiram wiodover peter 4 waroer charles wall valentine windover john watsoo john a whiteroa francis a mupfrgrsok t 1ft x- b siuch of the above mentioned let lers as are mot retired wiihtn itx weeks from this date will be returned to ihe general post office at qivebec as dead letters british boot and shoe estab lishment the subscriber respectfully in timates to the in habitants of belle ville and the neigh bourhood that he has opened the above establishment next door to dr waltons office and having laid in a stock of the best english and american leather lasting c and engaged some of the best workmen from the states and in canada be will be enabled at all times to serve the public at rxtkaoktumkt low pbics with any article in the above line which can not be surpassed in any city on this side of tbe atlantic from the experience tbe subscriber has had in tbe business having been for years boot maker to many of the first nobility of eng land and scotland he flatters himself that those favouring him with their orders will be con vinced of the supeiiohty of the articles m c reid belleville front st oct 23 1836 39z n b six workmen wanted for the above esiablishmemt and none but first rate need ap ply also two apprentices who can briug proper testimonials of character bedard mrs saml batch mr barrett jf beaudory john b bariram sulivao brwise esther bradley george bryan john boice ga leb or abram benoet alva blackwood thos birdsall richard 0yamrev john w buckner peter campbell thos cheley mrs cassioy daniel connell mary cady h n caldwell john cleator john connelly thos carbury john counter george cowan alex i creague william clancy john cuniffe mrs edwd- coulson george clements charles clark charles delany gregory prummondcapt david charles davis orange dullaba joseph dawney alexr diesetthos poooghue patk denoocour francois derby lewis r ponoghue thos dove john douglas hueh davelin h v pailey william donelly mary davenport kichd dornan ellen everitte mercy ellis n e i eley elizabeth edgar james egan patk everden israel evan huzh everitte charles fleming john vosrm uniet- farr edward r fioegao hugh foxton lucy faubavin rev jobi farrjohnb fuller baizee ford peter fitzpatrick thos graves george granger james graton joseph greco william gage freeman grant john grimes james horn john harrison elizabeth hamilton joseph hatch peter hardy thos hudsoo john hudson richard hickson e s yafffvjk hallc horning george hewett charles haper anne harvey john johnson mr jordan james johnson john jackson henry ingram mary irvine john inson julia kelly william kinsellamary kilpatrick john new works for sale at the chronicle gazette office a brief account together with ob servations made during a visit io the west indies and a tour through the united state of america in parts of the year 1 332 3 together with a statistical account of upper canada by da thokis rolpr tbe worfce of joh dktdcic in verse and prow with a life by the rat john mitford in 2 tois lard rotdan a romance by allan cun ningham shepparj lt a norel written by himself the diar of a desenuyee the doctor jafhet ws search of a father complete ratttin tke reefer by captain marryat midshipman easy by tbe same the parricide a novel by the author ol misscrimus george aideomhe a novel mmoirs qfmrs heman hfchorley aiso an etcelleo assortment of silver pencils kipgstoinov 4 1836 37 just revived aod for sale at the corner ofkio and brock street ready reckon ers and lemnes grammar kifpatoak jan 16 1836 for sale a t t commercial wharf kingston foot jm0t 4we street whiskey salt plasteft of paris water lime by tbe bobetfviberi i truax it phillips kiagawdv 33d may 1880 9b mccanhythos mcdtugal owen mclnnis allan mccann thomas mcdonold jane mcxean john mcdooell angus mcdermot james imcrea dr john mcdooell ronald b mcdonald wm mcrory w mcdaviuied hugh mccarty dennis mccullough robert mccoonell james mcmurray andrew mcnaughioo mary mcdougal alex 3 mcdonell murdville mcfaden hugh mckinley alexr mclauglilan john mclough peter mcdonell donaldseo mcgrath wm masterson ann maxwell mrs mathison john scott martin william meloridge mrs merrill john 3milligan mrs 2miliio john mosure james norion widow navin william needham thos nugent fredk r otto joseph orielly peter 3 otoolet jane 3 odonnci michael obrian john odonough mary pimor john preston porter packngham james pegman james pierce philetus perry mrs 3 provancher michael pender alexr phillips henry pitts jeremiah iuiglcy ozden held john rider pascal roc samuel rose esther ross david howe samuel spencer sarah ann small patrick stephen george scott samuel sloan john scrtmes richard stewart samuel smith cornelius sparham adolphus spooner reuben snook tunis stevens mr- smith jason steward george gitrfrfii lewis mlicbael charles r loyst george imter i hw tho jy 1 nompsonjonq tett llenj- taylor john thomas william vac- mrs varjs minerva viorent samuel willis henry ward william wnght urial wilmoi joha wood robt vyaldron john while eleanor waggoner mary wacgoner mrs e wills thomas wehb thomas prize medals the natural history society of montreal offerthuee prize me dals for tbe three best essays that may be presented 00 the following subjects 1 on the connection between the language aod ihe character of a people 2 on the physical history of rivers iu geoeral and of thest lawrence in particular 3 on the circumstances which affect cli- maie in general and the climate of lower canada in particular 4 on the comparative aaaptation of prifie and forest to the settlement of a new country 5 the changes that have taken place in the babiis of exotic plaots cultivated in the northern parts of america particularly as re gards the chanqes induced 00 their agricultu ral and horticultural properties the conditions are 1st the essays shall be presented 00 or before the 20th of february lbs6 2d the essay may be in french or en glish 3d the names and residences of the auth ors must be concealed to ensure which each essay shall have a motto and shall be accom panied by a sealed note superscribed with the same motto and containing the name and res dience of the author this note shall only be opened in the caseof the essay being declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be des troyed 4th tbe successful essays shall remain the property of the society 5th the society reserves to itself the risht to withhold the prize should no one of the es says 00 any particular subject appear deserving of it the essays are to be addressed to j s mcord esq corresponding secretary of the society andrew h armour recording secretary the editors of all public papers in the 8ftih provinces will confer a favor on the society by giv ing an insertion lo the above or by noticing it in the editorial columns of their respective journals vvrk can1d mutual iksuakcb vtrc coh fahfa bank of british north america established it london capital one million sterling movtsiokac committee foe conducting the av kauli of tuc montreal bajfctf he mid- bltc ad- at a meeting of tbe freeholders of 1 land district duly convened by pu vertisement pursuant toan act passed in thesth year of the reign of wm iv entitled ao act to authorize the establishment of mutual in surance companies in the several districts of this province held at the court house it the towo of kingston on monday the 6th dy of june instant at 12 oclock at noon the purpose of considering whether it be expedient to establish in such district a fire insurance company on the principle of mutual insu rance in conformity with the provisions of the rbove mentioned act and upwards of 40 members being present at the said meeting henry cassady esq having been called to the chair aod mr w da we appointed sec- reiary it was resolved that the freeholders pre sent at this meeting deem it expedient to form a fire insurance company upon ihe principle of mutual insurance wuhin the midland dis trict pursuant to the statute lately passed resolved that h cassady wm garratt and thomas kirkpatrtck esqrs be a commit tee to open a book and receive subscriptioos for siock aod whereas the freeholders then pre sent being forty or more and the sums for which they bound themselves to effect insu rance amounted together to 1 0000 currency aod upwards and are thereby ordained con stituted and declared by the said act to be a bo dy corporate and politic in fact by and under the name aod style of lfc mutual fire insu rance company of for the midland district nowtveluf unuersigtielrien irelidltlers pre sent at the said meeting and bouud to effect insurance with the said company and being members thereof do hereby give notice that we call a meeting of the said company to be held at the court house in the town of king ston aforesaid on monday the 18th day of ju ly next at 12 oclock at noon for the purpose of electing seven direciors to maoag and conduct the property affairs and concerns ol ihe said company pursuant to the provisions of the said act david john smith john mowat wm tnirkfm john plant botfeu joseph bruce 99 william cunningham es austjn clvillier es albert fuftniss 5 robert gillespie jun lsq james millar esq the shares reserved for thisdistrict having been allotted and the deposit of jio sterling each paid upon theratlie necessary ar rangements are now in progress for the com mencement of business iti montreal as early as possible all communications on the business of this rranch are requested to be made to the provisional committee by letter addressed to the office of mr lvritnng guv notary public mitre dame street robert carter commissioner from the court of directors montreal august 27 1336 no tt c e the subscriber would ioform the inhabit ants of kingston that be has placed at mr mayo 1 inn a valuable feather renovator where he respectfully invites the gentlemen and ladies who wish to have good and dura ble beds 10 call and aee the improvement he i now making on feathers new or old he has recommendations from different countries io ihe united sioies also from the 6rst class in brockville the subscriber will be ac countable fur all beds trusted to his care thai they shall be done in good manner aod not damaged jason smith kingston nov 2 1336 3fa for sale th e undersigned offf n tur sale his house and lot in kingston now occupied by mr arihor foster application to be made to thomas kirkpatrtck esq kingston or to the undersigocd at the river trent adam h meyers trent 23d novr 1836 44gi just received and for sale by the 9ub9 barrels no i rnesa 0 casks table cod fish 10 lib grel cod fish 50 criber north shore her- tabu ims green 10 dbl stoves 10 single du kingston deer john 3 1330 mowat 4bi barber and lis 11 drcsacr market square 1cing5ton aieful for the liberal patronage he h is public he hopes to received from the merit a continuance of ft corazors honed and dressed january 97 ld35 office of he f iinr i bridge company kiugsron 0- c july 23 i63g- j mtotice a l meeting yl rhe i- i of the citaraqui bridge company held his day a dividend of 5 per cent w declar ed on the capita of the bridge stock for the half year ending 30th june 1936 which is now pavable at the companys office te iwklteremicta wanted immediately two journeymen cabinet makers and an active younq man as apprentice to the same business liberal wages will he given none but persons of good habits nctfd apply e cone kingston u c may ih 136 94z kirk james kilpatrick thompson little robert or jameswams amos lindsay william wilson john lampkin john lyourex john little robert vourex charity rated with united sttc postage anderson george blythe william barkly mr brawley thomas collard abraham cone charles cromley widow chanter orrio carrathers james deane oliver dean jos p dorn andrew dewitt erent davy thomas ervin samuel eaton leornard eaton ransom a kinney patrick grant john heyland john hetteran margaret hersey daniel hamilton james hopkins major s holland susan mrs hawkins david lammon isaac lindsay william lucs dennis mclean hervey mctuaio clark mcnarnara john mctiunnigle james mclean edward mctuniffe charles movers david maverhoffer a g mitchell hugh momon mr ocjuartao michael pury micajah phimips norman hanson samuel ritfjgjohn kuell mr smrth col abijah smith james she james sho joseph smrfhi patrick wehb captedward2 wafd phabe wafwick mark youtrex john robert deacon acting p jtf n b such of the above mentioned letters as are not retired within si weeks from this date will be returned to the general post of- 6ce at quebec as dead letters just received and for sale at the chronicle 8c ga zette office corner of king aod brock street a large quantity of excellent wrap ping paper on raodcra terms july 11 13s6 4z fashion a ble saddlery warehouse robert chanon house saddler and harness manufafioer respectfully informs tbe gentry and publ of kingston and its vicinity that ne has con business opposite the chronicle ggmit office king street where he will be constantly suppbed with a general assonmeof tt every article comprised in the above buess and which he offers for sale on the mow reasonable terms beat saddles english mate carriage harness silver ah brass mounted gig and tandom do sleigh aod waggon harnef black mounted ladies and gentlemens kjing aod driving whips in great variety kjau apprentice wanted- kingston 11th oct 1836- 50z h cassadv thos kirxpatrick wm gaikatt james mcaouer hekrt shitk jr kingston 7tb june 1836 notice to emigrants the undermentioned government agents will on application afford emigrants information relative to the crown lands for sate in their respective districts and the con ditions upon which they may be obtained- mr fy j scott emigrant agent pres- cott johnstown district mr john mcjyaughtont agent to the com missioner for crown lands bytowo baih- urst district mr anthony manahan emigrant agent kingston midland district mr alexander mcdonell agent to the commissioner for crown lands peterboro newcastle district mr john b akin agent for the com missioner for crown lands london london district mr henry j jones agent to the com missioner for crown lands chatham wes tern district they will also give information as to the routes distances and rates of conveyance to those parts of ihe province to which kmi grants may be desirous of proceeding aod di rect those in want of work to places where they can obtain it the undermentioned gentlemen have been furnished with maps of the townships open for location and will give emigrants infor mation relative to the lands for sale io their respective neighborhoods pringle cornwall fraser brockville mckenzie bath baldwin belleville fair6eld halloweil brown cobourg kingsmill port hope elliot sandwich bostwick port stanley ironside amherstburgh emigrants in want of information or em ployment on their arrival at toronto are di rected to apply at tbe emigraol office in the public buildings num a b hawkb ohuf emigrant agent for u canada emigrant office toronto may 24 1936 hi editor of the kiojutra aod the wool wanted cash paid for clean wool of a good quality in the fleece at tho woulleu kac lory ganannque may 17 1836 93ui maps for sale at the chronicle and gazette office map of the midland and prince edward dis tricts u comprehending a tract of coun ty of from 80 to 90 miles in length being from near gananoque in the couniy of leeds to brighton in the county of northumberland shewing at one view the different townships concessions aod lois both sides of jheioteres- ting and picturesque bay of quinte and lands not surpassed in the provinoe kiogston september 1836 24 notice ws hereby given that a special ad- jo timed quarter sessions of the peace of the midland district will be holden at the court house uf ihe town of kiogston on friday the qfit- day of january next at he hour of ten oclock in the forenoon for the purpose uf granting and renewing innkeep ers licences throughout the midland dis trict for the year ensuing james nickalls jr- clerk of the pece m d kingston 17th december 1s36 49ui the chronicle gazette stephen r- merrill printer twentv shhlme mr u 4t m li li nyiloo t mwm chronicle montreal reacted ta lh bo notice in thir rs jw 4 to continue the or uctober next crtms per annum if pnvd in advsnf e or within lhe firt iwffl rrmnihs if puid al the eud of the year tweniybve shillings jvfee of aobctttstmtnti six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and 7d each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3v 4d first insertion ami lod each subsequent insertion abave ten lines 4d pet tine for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written airectiunsptnsertcfd tiliorbid and charged accordingly a liberal discount made to merchants and othrre who advertise for three months and upward no obvertiscment received after tax oluck on the morninys of pubficsiion any person procuring six subscribers lo the paper and paying onnuauy or the same shall be entitled to a seventh copy gratit c3 country produce received in payment at the market price burnt john bigncll esq rtjpect- lame until the 31t to sell or to rent a uaftj corntnodi dwelling 2m pmsantly situated in the vil lage of napanee the house coutrins eight and other conveniences and accommo- roomi to a dations suitable for a family apply 10d sss na oria kingston kingston 9th april i8s6 822 llanks a reu variety for sale at m chronicle and gazette officf tip david chisholm esq andrew portcous esq william mcintosh esq geurge browse esq alpheus jones eeq henrv jonea esq jii- uji taylor q h whittnarsh esq j k harwell esq messrs c j mcdonald john dean esq allan mcpherson esq wm rnrke esq thoj mcmahon etq thomas demo res liiq t d appleby esq thomas porker esq w robertson esq charles btggar epq joseph a eeeler eeq kenneth mackcmic esq david srnarl eq john ballard esq ralfe ckrcn esq quebec three rivers montreal lancaster matilda prcscott brockville perth richmond bastard gananoqne bath napne halloweil a mel i asb u rgh sophias burgh shannonville p- oi belleville river treat murray colborne cobonrg port hop toronto niagara