Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 24, 1836, p. 3

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3 and 6 if ste that at ibe adjournment of each and every quarter sessions it aball be the duipofihe clerk of die peace fcxfyffljah the treasurer with a list of the orders passed during such session according to their prior- iiy aod it shall he the duty of the district treisorer to pay the said orders according l6 the respective dates and numbers in which the same were passed at the said sessions provid er always that the officers of the court shall be first paid nod the said treasurer shall s resent on the first da of each seasioo a llance sheet of the receipts and expenditure of the district funds for the preceding quarter from whatever sources the tame may be de rived 4 and be it tfc that whenever q order is passed or recorded by any oumber of magis trates in any district within this province the si me shsrtl not be rescinded unless at leist the same number be present 5 and be ir e that in such districts where there are not convenient rooms for court of quarter sessions and the district court to sit at the same time the business of the court of quarter sessions shall first be disposed of on each day in preference to that of the district court wanted 7 anted a aituatioo as govuhoths w either in a school or private fanijliy by a lady who harbven many years accustomed lothe instruction of youth she underlie to teach the frmoh aod english lahouugu nd all kinds of fancy work letters address l0 fijjw cre of mr whomaa smith hatter ktngstoo will oieet immediate attention kingston dec tt 1836 ffciy consideranon of ihe subject and that there suit will be on their return to their seats the speedy passing of a hill io which the interests of the province are so deeply concerned a- b vi understand lhit cpt dunlnp the oricinrtl mover will brine lis address again forward under another fcrm liu we learn from turonto tht mr draper ha been called by his excellency the lieu tenant governor to the executive council of this province mr draper is an able man nnd his services in the department will doubt less be of gcat advantage to the country the patriot says that tt is the wish of his kxcellency to increase materially the number of members both in the executive and legis lative councils improvement of the tnnta report recom mending the appropriation of 77000 for the improvement ul this noble river we are most happy to learn ha been adopted by the house of assembly by a ltrge majority wc regret to say that we have not received any new york or albany papers by the two last posts the house of assembly adjourned on tues day last until the 2j of january several of the members have arrived in town on their way homewards- onr friends in glenburnie and otlters in the mbit of supplying us with firewood are re- specif ally reminded that good sleighing is come and that at litis season printers fingers wilt fretze without a goodjirc birth inthistouqjoft lhc ma inst mrs- daughter mjod of a forth chronicle gazette ma- editor 1 perceive that i was prema ture in cougratulating the public and you late ly upon i the prospect which wns supposed to exist of seeing a geological survey or the pro vince commenced next summer my error originated in a paragraph in your paper which staved that an humble address to his excel lency oo the subject had hern authorized this however i find is not the case on the contrary the address has been negatived a decision which is much to be regretted par ticularly if it be persevered in for i think it is quite impossible for any individual who is unprejudiced to ask himself the simple ques tion wheiher such an investigation into the mu nernl resources of upper canada be not likely to lead to useful and important results if conduct ed with intelligence candor and honesty not io receive from bis own breast an affirmative answer it is useless to go over the ground of argu ment in favor of such a service most of it mjst be too obvious to require ti there is however one portion of it which as it touch- r ihe interests if particular individuals rather i san ihepiblic nuy be overlooked it is that the operation of a geological survey would have a direct at wll aft indirect tendency to chekihe influence of unrounded hopes in the acuta whether arising from the deceitful re presentations of others or from a too sanguine deposition in himself while a uhe sameiime it would open to hi irqutrfntanc all the min erals oo his firm which rv rvdlty deserving of notice and in lie eveot of the dicovery of ra- luime ore fitc woum derive all the ad van lag from them which a knowledge of the fact and hit proprietorship would eiv him where in at present lii i imm in ih n- q he iiopustil upon by mterisicd and more know- q individuals who might induce him to part willi his property much beneath it value there seems to be a misconcepiinn abroad respecting the claims which government might iijtve to property on which valuable ores are discovered i am not acquainted with the precise uv on the subject but believe that the rlaiiu extends only iu ores of the precious met afc gold and silver and with regard to these ii is not very probable that the hand of government particularly as at present ad- ininisiered would be hid upon such without a handsome indemnification to the owner of the propeny upon which they were found and whoh pecuniary means would not allow him firubiblv io work hem himself 1 should be tftanfcful if one of your correspondents would affor1 us the exan law on this subject and al so information upon the nature of the objec tions which luve beii urged in the house of attembly agajotf the service in question as iliey appear not to have been published and i cannot uoticipiue thcui the expenses of nh an undertaking could not surely have hren brought forward aaaioai it i know of no service which promises so much which could be earned into effect for one hundred linitm i he sum such a survey is likely to cost the grant of 500 a year for gvc years would accomplish much fcow much 1 cannot be ex pected to say it ik to be hoped that a small portion of the short recess from business which our mem bers are now enjoying will be devoted to a re- to chelsea ordnance sigrrjfcen- w1ch pensioners residing in or near beverly br0ckv1lle prescott and cornwall mfotice is hereby given tfcfci an a officer of the commissariat will bet the following towns on the days opposite eatfh for the purpose of identifying and paying p sioners who are unable to attend at a tcom- nmsariat office viz lllh january 18s7 wednesday at broqfefjhe 12th thursday at preajtou l saturday at cornwall 16th monday mc0fnril all pensioner in the neighborhood q the aforesaid places are hereby informed thflft un less they attend on the days above exp do other topportonily of receiving thei pen sions away from a commissariat office will offer until next summer pensioners at beverly aod its vicioin can be paid at drockville charles a clarke a cfe commissariat kingston 16th dec 1836 c 49 government contract ealed tenders will bt receive a f ihis office until noon 00 monday he 3th janwxry 1837 for excavation required io be performed between brevrers lower mills and kiogstoo mills payments will be made as ibe work pro gresses but only for such parts as are i- x 3 led to the required depth bottomed up aod complelrd to the satisfaction of the stjor royal engineer the tender to state the rate per cubic vard io halifax currency any additional information that may w re quired can be obmined on application at the koyal engineer office bytown or from j thomas burrows clerk of works kfafliton mills b ctimmissariat bytown 14th deceoiber 1986 j mj iv to let that cemmodious hocsb aod stoe lately occupied br mr tboma wiu kor further particulars ap in brock ply io street kingston dec 13 1836 eubinley 4ti tim received 8n for sale at the 9 chronicle gazelle office a town ship manual neaify bound comprising all the laws now 10 forcy the town ships among which aw highway and assessment acts new tftwhship meeting act the laws respecting boundaries line fen ces and water courses inokefepers the law and office of constable e law of landlord aod tenant distress tor- rem court of re quests act summary banishment act jury law the laws relative 10 mills and mill dams flour pot and pearl ases statute labour travellers weights fc measures c and on many other interestina subjects by the author of the provincial justiee co price ooe dollar kiogstoo december 5 1s35 64 receiving storing forwarding commission baslness the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has leased the exten sive storehouse tfvd wharf one of the largest io tapper canada lately erected at port haullton by anmcnab ew aiioated dirtcilr in front of ibe splendid nfr siode hotel aod is oo prepared to attend ft the abote business to all ha branch and trusts from his long eiperieoce together wiife punctuality and at tention to merit ihepit of the public th2 upper stories are fided qp j superior manner for the receiving and shipping of grtfin and from the fneai extent of the store house aod wharf every facility o merchants aod others enaaged in ihe purchase of pro duce slc will be given as well as the receiv ing and forwarding of merchandize of any aod every description to all parts of the pro vinces or neighboring states with the great est care aod despatch the charges will be as low as any other re spectable establishment george l corbett hamilton gore district up oaoada nov 23 1836 49 commercial bank mu d tkfotice is hereby given that ihe remain- 1 iog insialmenu oo the new stock are called in as follows 10 per cent on the 2d january i8s7 jo 10 10 10 ii h 4k k u u u 1st march 1st may 1st july 1st sept payable at tbe bank its offices and agencies by order of the board f a harper cashier kington oct 26 18s6 scf newspapers accumnmcd to sdvrrtise far the corfinercial bank ivitl please copj this and send their accounts tn he bank army contract for lumber sealed tenders will be wcjjwdjj this office until friday at mhw december instant for supplying j tie of lumber as may be required by the com manding royal engineer t bis o g a period of three years commenctog ibe 1st day of january 1837 specifications to be seen on application at the offices of the commanding royal engineer and commissariat the names of two persons to be inserted m ihe tenders who may be willing to become metics for the performance of such comract ma be entered ito- commissariai omee kiogstcc vcdec m is36 49iwi commercial hotel 5toie st rte kingston u c braham truax respectfully in forms bis friends and tbe travelling cototnunity that the commercial hotel will be fcopcocd oo monday next dec 26la jhisspaciousand well koown hotel baring iilcti entirely new furnished painted and ci rated and several conveniences added there lo ibe proprietor hopes thai the patronage formerly bestowed upon the establishment wjii b renewed the table d hot will be kept in the verv bst stvle and tbe bar supplied wiih cboee wines and spirits of most superior quau arrangemenis have been made for the moo- tre stage to put up at tbe commercial hotel rslfv supplied on tbe shortest notice to ant pail of the district an extensive addition having been made io the yard and stables ample accom modoiioa can now be afforded for any number of horses carriages sleighs andj waggons- themontreslgavttethetorotilocotrftsponden- j liion and the wsianown north american sr re io giva the above thres iaeenions asch and charge the adrti- 49 first rate horses and careful drivers seats may be taken at this house in tbe tcington and toronto mailstage h orses and carriages are constantly in read inefis to convey passengers st luggage to any ett of the country cobourg u- c may 1st 1836 looz to millers just received direct from the manufac turers in europe with whom arrangc- hieots have been made for a consiao supply of articles of the best quality viz real dutch bolting cloths assorted blacbmores patent do do french burr stones for sale by larocque bernard co july 2s ibe notice hpbb subscribers to ihe kingston 1 dock company are requested to pay into he haodsof thetiessurer ihe following pay- hicnt viz io per cent the second payment on 1st mon day in january 1337 loperceot the third payment on 1st february 1837 10 percent the fourth payment on 1st monday io march 1837 10 per cent ihe fifth payment on 1st monday in april 1837 10 per cent thcstnh payment on 1st monday in may 1837 10 percent the seventh payment on 1st mon day in june 1837- 10 per cent the eighth payment on 1st mon day in july 18s7- 10 per cent the ninth payment on 1st mon day in august 1357 10 per cent the tenth payment oo 1st moo- day in september 1837 j counter treasurer kingston 5th december 1836 46 t eather sole and upperof various jj tannages calf skins kips fcc c for sale by larocque bernard sl co who will keep a large assortment constantly on hand may 18 i8z ith a the travellers guide visiting the falls of niagara w oeat map of the fall and islands plan of tbe village of the falls fcc handsomely bound for sale at tbe chronicle and gazette office kingston may 6 is36- armt ij wood contract 5 commissariat j kingstou uc december 1896 sealed tenders will be received at this office uotil tuesday at noon the third day of january next for supplying his majesty s troops staff and departments sec at kingston points henry and frederick with such quantities of fuel wood as may be required from the 15h day of april 1837 to the 30th day of september 1833 both days inclusive the wood is to consist of fair and just pro portions of bard maple htckory black or vet- jow bircb iron wood and beech and of no other kind whatever each slick to be four feet long from calf to point and uone less in dia meter than three and a half inches aod every cord of wood delivered to the troops 8tc shall not contain less than one hundred and twentyeight cubic feet namely four feet high four feet wide and eight leet lon no rot ten or crooked wood is oo any account to be issued to the troops oor permitted into tbe iwl wood yards toe contractor will be required to have al ways at least four months of wood at each of tbe wood yards which shall have been cut and piled two months at least previous to be- in placed in tbe yard the tender to express the rate io words at length for which each cord will be issued to tbe troops c to halifax currency and pay ment will be made monthly for the quantity issued by a check on the bank of upper can ada the condition of the contract and any fur ther information may be obtained on applica tion at this office two good and sufficient sureties required for the due performance of the contract whose names must be inserted at length in the ten ders 45bwi scobelis inspection store kscobell general inspector of pot a ash beef aod pork presents his cor dial thanks to the merchants and other inhab itants of kingston and the vicinity for the liberal patronage they have extended to him during the past vear and he begs leave to in form them that he has removed bis inspection business from the hon- j kirbys store to the laree and convenient store aod wharf of mrs forsyth lately occupied by mr- a mc- donell where he will be always ready to in spect such articles as may be consigned to him for that purpose and be hopes from bis long experienca punctuality and strict attention to business snll to merit the approbation and support of the public n b for sale 6000 lbs weight of smoked hams 3000 do cheese 2000 do upper canada butter 3 tons of lard m kegs for family use 300 barrels salt r scobell kingston april 14th 1835 57z the mutual fire insurance company of tu midland district being now legally organized the board of directors are ready to receive applications for assurance addressed to the secretary at his office io brock street kingston where the rate of premiums bylaws and form of ap plication may be seen by order of the directors w dawe secry kingston 20th september 18s6 2lz removal oren strong hereby tenders hta grateful acknow ledgments to a generous public for the very flattering support he has received while keeping the st earn boat hotel in this place and begs to acquaint his numerous customers that he has this day opened his most splendid establishment the north american hotel cobourg situated near the stem boat landing where be will thankfully receive aod iiromptly attend the call of bis customers af- ordiog them accomodations which shall not be surpassed by those of any establishment io tbe province said stand will be found to af ford very greac accommodation to persons ar riving at aod taking their passage from this place io the several steam boats that touch daily at the wharf the proprietor of the above establishment continues hts line of stages to the rice lake nd from thence to peterborough which is well furnished with good covered carriages tl j i pbtceb cvbest ih kiwostos mapket- fin io 17 1 3 3 4 0 i 10 17 6 35 0 10 flour per bhl m per cwt barley per bushel oats do do rye do- do peas do- do- potatoes do do beef per cwt turk do do butter per lb 0 mutton do 0 veal do o pork fresh do hams pork do candles moulds do dips soap o8tper doz fowls per couple cheese per cwt 40 o fj 7 p load wt unknowp 17 6 wood per- cord 8 0 wheat per bush 5 6 pork meas per bbl 100 0 do do prime mess 0 0 do prime 75 0 do cargo 00 0 do per lb 0 6 indian com do do 4 0 indian meal do do 4 0 odji o a 8 a m a a a n 0 0 o 0 o 0 1 s 5 6 7 9 s 4 10 0 2 s o i s 2b 42 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 n i 43 5 10 e o 86 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 2 0 2 0 0 6 0 4 8 o n 0 9 0 4 6 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 h 0 6 for sale at the chronicle book stosb a very neat and useful almanac for 18 8 u aioa quantity of silver pencil cases december 1836 for sale a quantity of excellent writing iokt the chroo gazette office corner of king aqd brock streets 9z to notice chelsea and other pensioners who are paid by the commissariat the assistant commissary general here by notifies the above description of per sooa that tbey must make personal applica tion at the beginning of each quarter to the erest commissariat office for their pensions in cases when pensioners reside a distance from a commissariat office hich might ren der it inconvenient or expensive to the pen sioners to apply at the beginning of eah quarter or it from sickness or other good cause application cannot be made persmally even once in the vear an officer will besent annually io visit those stations to identiffand pay those who cannot for these causes prtsent themselves ac a commissariat station the pensioners are enjoined to keep pos session of iheir instruction papers as their pensions will he paid only ro them in person un their being identified therebv it is further notified that the government will not under any circumstance recogmize agents or the claim of any individual for debt contracted by the pensioners commissariat kingston 15th march 1856 757 r mr r y eo professor of dancing espectfully begs to annqunce his mention of remaining in kingston for the wioter season to give lessons in the new est and most fashionable style of danciac- mr y is at present giviog lessons in mrs tpeatherstoncs school room where he basvuf- 6cient room for any number of young ladies who may booor him with their attendance classes meet on wednesday and saturday af ternoon at half past three schools aod private families attended on the most reasonable terms kingston oct- 1 1836 27 kingston cabinet ware house store street opposite the commcbcul hotel e cone august i 1835 mz for sale oakegsof the best pluntlng ink w very low forcasb chronicle gazette office kingston january 7th 9s y to let the stone house op queen street wiib or wiibout the adjoioiag shop aod premisei corner of quarry street apply to thomas askew kingston dec is 1835 49z mutual insurance company of tht midland district the board of directors are now prepared to issue policies- printed forms of proposals may be procured at the compa- oysoffice opposite thecourt house no let ters receired unless post paid by order w dawe see kingston 27th oct iss6 s5z stoves stoves of various sizes just re ceived and for sale by charles willard agent kingston 2st november 1836 42z 100 i cash cash fivk dollars ift cash per 100 lbs- paid for raivhide st pork store kingston 1st october 1s36 ssz h sharp begs leave io inform ihe inhabitants of kingston that he has opened bis boot aud shoe shop in the new building on the coroer of king and brock street where he will keep on hand and manufacture on the shortest notice all kinds of work in his line at the most reasonable prices kingston sept- 14 isicu 22i6 strayca or stolen from the premise of the subscriber about two miles from the town on the bath road a red hetfcr with a short tail about a year and a halftfc whoever will re turn said heifer or will jie information where ahe may be found shall receive a reward of three dollars efcwaltdnoblk kingston noreraber i2 1336 4z 90 new gooos the subscribers are now receiving by ihe last arrivals from lojctfojc liverpool and glasgow etiensie aortmeni of the various kinds or s4plb and fancy dry goods lacks small wares cc that thev are in hehabit of importing roberi armour st co montreal may 26 ifige iocs to millers the subscriber begs leave to ieform mil lers and the trade generally that having kirehaatd the stock in trade of mr lewi mwicki burr mill stone manufacturer be will continue the business of uipkiog french burr mill stones of the first quality having on hand four pairs of stooe snished and a large lot of burr blocks which he will make up to order on the shortest nonce all orders for the above to be address ed jo a clark at the kingston foundry whom h his made his agent for bis stone building business geo mccrabby kingston august 16th 1s36 14z the cnbourg slar iu please copy this advertise ment one monili nod aend ihcir accouat to the office cfthis pnper- superfine cloths thk subfcriber is just receiving in addv- tion to his spring and summer importa tions an extensive assortment of winter goods among which will be found black blue and olive green superfine cloths of the verv best west of england fabriea black and mixtures cassimeres petershams pilotcloths flushings and other suitable goods for wioter wear all which will be disposed of on rea sonable terms for cash or approved endorsed notes at ninety days johnoliprant merchant tailor wanted immediately three or four journeymen kingston october25th 1836 37z an excellent farm for sale bring lot no- 16 second concession military tract within two miles of the viluge of hailowell county of prince ed ward on the road to west lake containing about 210 acres one hundred acres cleared and io good fence a good orchard in full bear- ni a good barn and a two story dwelling house lately built 40 feet by thirty besides a large cellar it is well watered by a good spring creek sufficient for sawing carding or fulling be sides othersprtngs a clear deed can be giv en the subscriber on the premises will show the property and treat with a purchaser samuel baker hailowell 7th of 1 ith month 1836 88nwi new testament for schools jjt the corner of king and brock street just published and now for sale a hand some edition of this book also an elegant edition of murrays eng lish reader new publications jit the chrojwclb gazette office for sale areys library in weekly numbers at 25 paid in advance the family maoazikc in monthly num bers at 7jd each both very entertaining and interesting works also a scrmozt preached by the rev hen ry esson fpr ihe st andrews society at montreal on st andrews day 1835 with notations c price 3s kingston october 5 18s6 church of england psalms tf hymjvs with and without music sold at the chronica gazette offico- kingitou may 17 1836 5 childrens friend society c kingston f a meeting committee at a meeting in kingston on monday the qoth instant of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent objects of this insti tution called at the request of capt orrok agent to lie society io canada for the pur pose of establishing a bmnch committee at kingston for the reception and distribution of children in tbe midland district the fol lowing gentlemen were respectively constitu ted members of the same with power to add to their number viz venerable aacudeacoff stcart 1 l d rcr r d cartwrigbt a m 9 m hovoaadte johh kiaar hohgatkle jokk macau la t thomas maarlajid es j p james sampson ei j p william looib esq j p james macfaelanet esq j p john makes es j p thomas scosell esq d a c g the latter gentleman being also appointed cottftpovdtag scvmuny of kt w c tee the committee give notice that they are ready to receive applications for children through the secretary who is prepared to give every information on the subject no com munication will be attended to unless the postage he paid kingston june 29d 1836 childrens friend society the subscriber begs leave to acquaint the public that he lias been disappointed in receiving the number of children which he expected only 15 having been sent out but the remainder viz- 35 boys and girls will arrive io the course of the present season and the applications hitherto received will be at tended to john orrok secrttary for the canada ban k or british north america established lit lokdoff capitalone million sterling- provisional committee foe cohdpctino the aftatos op the quebec branch james dean esquire john malcolm fraseh esqbiu- plerre pelletier escire- george pemberton esquire willtam phillips esquire the shares reserved for this district hav ing been allotted and the deposit of j310 sterling each paid upon them ihe necessary arrangements are now in progress for the com mencement of business in quebec as early as possible all communications on the business of this branch are requested io be made to the pro visional committee by letter addressed to the office of mr william de leary notary pub lic no 33 st peter street roltert carter commissioner from thecourt of directors quebec 18lh august 1836 17a notice wright ingersoll have beer for sale at tr florence 19onoghucs tfl- vera kingston in barrels and smaller quanti ties to suit purchasers biz fredaricksbarg lotti january 1s30 glorious commencement for 1837 x jfi j sylvester offecatahia 0mtf correspondents a baodsona naw ycaj present in the following brilliant list of vm b drmvn id th mo of january rpa i gtqhi noral of large cap- liabs are rarely offered io one month rij they are all well deserving of attention 3 prizes of 30000 dollara each 20000 a 25000 tujuw be drawn in ibe month of jjn nary let there be no delay m iddkssjujj your orders to p m s j sylvester m broadway nwyorb grand consolidated lottery kxtra class number lfor 137 to io jt drawn at wilniogtoq dth wedotsds scheme 30000 5000 3000 9- 000 1230 loof 1000 jo of 500- 20of830o 90 of 300 8tc tickets only 5 dollars a ceru6cate ofa package of 22 whole tick ets will be aent for 65 dollara packagea of shares in proportion virginia state lottettr for the benefit of the monoagalia academy class outnber i for 1857 to be drawn at alexandria va saturday januarv j 18s7- capitals 8000 87000 4000 fl500 j 4300 1 486 3 prizes of 1 000 dollars i ticket only 10 dollar a ceniboate ofa package of 22 tickets will be sent for 100 dollars iulres quarters and eighths in proportion dolook at this 100 prizes of 1000 dolls virginia state lottery class no 1 for the bene8t of tbe mechanical benevolent society of norfolk to de drawn at aleiandria va saturday jan 14 1637- rich and splendid scheme 30000 tsooo 4000 3 dollar soo dollars 100 of 1000 dollars jo of 500 dollars tickets ten ibbars certificate of a package of 25 tickets will be sent for iso dollars halres quarters aod eighths in proportion grand scheme thirty thousand dollars 60 prizes of 1000 dollarst vinzioia state lottery clais 1 tubedrawo at alexandria va saturday january fil 1837 capitals 30000 10000 6000 3140 30001 2500 20001 50 of 1000 20 of 500 i tickets ten dollars a certificate ofa package of 35 whole tick ets will be sent for iso dollar packages of halves quarters aod eighths in proportion nearly as many prizes as blanks 14 drawn ballots in each 25 tickets capital thirty thousand dollars virg1na state lottery clatsno for the benefit of the petersburg be nevoleot mechanic association to bo drawn at alexandria vo saturday jan s3 1837 capitalsflfflooo 15000 6 5000 dollar 4000 dollars 3000 2000 10 prices of 1 000 dollars 15 prizea of 600 dollars u prizes of 500 dollars 20 of 8400 30of 300 5p of 200 c c tickets 1 0 shares tii prmtim acertificaie ofa package of 23 whole tick ets will cost only 130 dollars ha fret ud quarters in proportion s j sylvester 130 broadway n y fruit trees garden seeds e reynolds 8c bateham proprietors of the rochester seed tare hot ticultural garden and jvursery offer at wholesale or retail a large and superior assortment offiorr airo oatt- mblttal trues gaadep flkld 1hd flowttl sctos gcccffuotrse airo hiftdy puxts c c the fruit trees are all grafted from bear ing trees of the very best kinda and the seeds are raised in the most careful manner or im ported from the most respectable sources so that we are confident that with regard to kind quality or price tbe articles sold at thiaeatab- lishment will gie general satisfaction orders from a distance will be promptly at- uojj ij cuid packages forwarded accordion catalogues may be obtained of n palmer druggist kingston revnolds sl bateham rochester n y not 1836 6a information wanted of wm harrison an englishman supposed lobe in belleville u c- or genera 17- s any information of bin will be thankfully received by his brother john harrison from slreef kingston 6th august 1836- editora will confer a particular ftvor by copying the bovr for sale about 7000 acres of land situated io various parts of upper canada cheap for ready money only will be sold in lota to suit purchasers apply to c hatch land agent or to j linton auctioneer kingston august is 1836 is notice the present members of thejlvingston vol uniecr fire company 16 in nqmberon ly in justice to themselves take this opportu nity of informing the inhabitants of tbe town that from iheir diminished force they do not deem themselves adequate to ihe performance of those duties that tbe public may expect of them it therefore behoves the inhabitants io meet and take such measures for the public safety as the exigency of the case nay re quire the members will however in case of fire until some further arrangement is nada io place the fire establishment on a more ef fective footing attend with the small engine and render such aid as may t in their power by order james nfckalls jun capterin k v f c kingston nov 9 1836 the holders of cans and belts which be long to the toiyo will reiiirn them forthwith to thecaptaio at the court house sz for sale by the satraertber fi iilffcfis atnericae cotton yarns lbs american cotton nos 56 789 10 500 lbs bnttins and 200 lb cjndlewick 300 large and small lorvkm gussea a large assortment kwfik ip 1890 59gi t kingston oct

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