Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 14, 1836, p. 4

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prize medals fllhe natural history society jl of moktreiloffr three prize me dals for the three besi essay 5 that may be presented on the following subject 1 oo the connection between the language and the chariier ot a people 2 on the physical history of rivers ia general mntl of the st lawrence in particular 3 on the circumstances which affect cli male io general and tbe climate of lower canada in particular 4 on the comparative captation of prairie and forest to the settlement of a new country 5 the changes thai have taken place id the habits of exotic plants cultivated in the northern pan of america particularly as re gards the chances induced on their agricultu ral and horticultural properties the conditions are ist- the essavs shall be presented on or before the 20th of february 1s3u j the essay may be in french or en glish 3d- the names and residences of the auth ors must be concealed to ensure which e3ch essay shall have a motto and shall be accom panied by a sealed note superscribed with the same motto and containing the name and n-s- dieace of the author this note shall only be opened in the case of the essay being declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be des troyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the property of the society 5ih the society reserves to itelf the right to withhold the prize should no one of the es says on any particular subject appear deserving of it the essays are to be addressed to j s ivicobd esq corresponding secretary of the society andrew h armour recording secretary the editors of all public papyri in th british provinces will confer a favor on the society by giv ing an insertion to the above or by noticing it in the editorial columns of their respective journals for sale by the subscriber t tffldh lbs- american cotton yams ivwm nos 5 6 7 8 9 10 500 lbs batting and 200 lbs candlewick 200 large and small looking glasses a large assortment of travelling baskets wm wilson wta canada mutoai in3cuance ffee com past a t a meeting of the freeholders of the mid- a- land district duly convened by public ad vertisement pursuant to an act passed in the 6th year uf the reign of wm iv entitled on act to authorize the establishment of mutual in surance companies in the severs districts of this province held at the court house in the town of kingston on monday the 6th day of june instant at 12 oclock at noon lor the purpose of considering whether it be cxpeuient to establish in such district a fire insurance company oo the principle of mutual insu- ranee in conformity with the provisions of ihc above mentioned act and upwards ol 40 members being present at the said meeting henry cassadv et having been called to the chair and mr w dawe appointed sec- it was resolved that the freeholders pre- sent at this meeting deem it expedient to form a fire insurance company upou the principle or mutual insurance within the midland dis trict pursuant to the statute lately passed resolved that h cassady wm garrau and thomas kirlt patrick esqrs be a commit tee to open a hook and receive subscriptions for stock and whereas the freeholders then pre sent being forty or more and the sums for which they bound themselves to effect insu rance amounted together to 10000 currency and upwards and are thereby ordained con stituted and declared by the said act to be a bo dy corporate and politic in fact by and under the name and style of the mutual fire insu rance company of for the midland district now we the undersigned ten freeholders pre sent at the said meeting and bound to effect insurance with the said company and being members thereof do hereby give notice that we call a meeting of the said company to be held at the court house in the town of king- ston aforesaid on monday the i8th day of ju ly neil at 12 oclock at noon for the purpose of electing seven directors to manage and conduct the property affairs and concerns of the said company pursuant to the provisions of the said act david john smith kingston oct 19 i8s6 33gi fashionable saddlery warehouse robert chanonhouse saddler and harness manufacturer respectfully informs the gentry and public of kingston and its vicinity that he has commenced business opposite the chronicle gazette office king street where he will be constantly supplied with a general assortment of every article comprised in the above business and which be ofiera for sale on the moat reasonable terms best saddles euglish materials carriage harness silver aod brass mounted gig and taodom do sleigh and waggon harness black mounted ladies and gentlemens riding and driving whips in great variety 0cau apprentice wanted kingston 1 lib oct 18s6 soz commercial bank- 31 i notice is hereby given that the remain ing instalments on the new stock are called in as follows 10 per ceot on the 3d january 1837 10 1st march 10 1st may 10 l4 1st july 10 1st sept payable at the bank its offices and agencies by order of ihe board f 4 harper cashier kingston oct- 26 1836 cj nowbmpera accustomed to tdvrtise for the commercial bnk will please copy this end send their accounts to ihe bank notice wright ingersoll have beer for sale at mr florence donoghues to- trern kingston in barrels and smaller quanti ties to suit purchasers 57z fredericksburg 10th january is36- superfine cloths rwhf tejimvww rift- m iiod io his spring aod summer importa tions ao extensive assortment of winter goods among which will be found black blue and olive green superfine cloths of ihe very beit weal of ngland fabrics black and mixtoreacassiojeres petershams pilotclotiis flushings and other suitable goods for winter wear all which will be disposed of on rea sonable terms for cash or approved endorsed note at ninety days john ol1phant merchant tailor wanted immediately three or four journeymen kingston october 25th- 1836 s7z an excellent farm for sale bring lot no 16 second concession military tract within two miles of ihe tillage of hallowell county of prince ed ward oo the road to west lake containing about 210 acres one hundred acres cleared and ia good fence a good orchard in full hear ing a good barn aod a two story dwelling house lately built 40 feet by thirty besides a large cellar it is well watered by a good spring creek ufticient for sawing carding or fulling be sides othersprioffs a clear deed can be iv- en the subscriber on the premises will how the property and treat with a purchaser samuel bakek hallowed 7ih of i ith month 1836- 38owi new publications at the chronicle v gazette office for sale careys library in weekly numbers at 25s paid io advance the family magazine in monthly num bers at 7jd each bulb very entertaining and interesting works also a slumun preached by the rev hen ry esson for the st andrews socieiy at montreal on st andrews day 1835 with notations c price 2s kingston october 5 1836 for sale at the commercial wharf kingston foot of store street whiskey salt plaster of paris water lime by the subscribers truax phillips kingston 23d may 1856 95z 5ew testament for schools at the corner of king and brock street just published aod now for sale a hand some edition of this book also an elegant edition of murrays eng lish reader church of england psalms tg mkaws with and without music sold h cassady thos- klukpatbick wm garratt james meagher htiiffiy smith jiv kingston 7th june 1836 johk mowat wm thirkil johw plamt boweo- i joseph bruce 99f notice to emigrants w1hk uadeiroeukobed tovfnieoi agents l will on application afford emigrants information relative to the crown lands for sale in their respective districts and the con ditions upon which they may be obtained mr w j scoff emigrant agent pre- cott johnstown district mr john mcjvaughton agent io the com missioner for crown lands bytowo bath- urst district mr anthony manahan emigrant agent kingston midland district mr- alexander mcdonelt agent lo the commissioner for crown lands pelerboro newcastle district mr john b askin agent for the com missioner for crown lauds london london district mr henry j jones agent to the com missioner for crown lands chatham wes tern district they will also give information as to the routes distances and rates of conveyance to those parts of the province to which emi grants may be desirous of proceeding and di rect those in want of work to places where they cm obtain it the undermentioned gentlemen have been furnished with maps of the townships open for location and will give emigiants infor mation relative to the lands for sale io their respective neighborhoods mr pringle cornwall eraser brockviile mckenzie bath baldwin belleville fair6eld hallowell brown cohourg kingsmill port hope elliot sandwich boatwick port stanley ironside amherstburgh emigrants in want of information or em ployment oo their arrival at toronto are di rected to apply at the emigrant office in the public buildings a b hawke chief emigrant azent for u canada emigrant office tmm9 mt y it if the editor of the kingston chronicle montrtaji gizettc cobourg star aod the loodon fjmes ar rtqaeittd lo inter the above notice in their respect ive papers and to continue the tuna until the 31tt of october next to sell or to kent large and commodious dwellinu house pleasantly situated in the vil lage of napanee the house contains eight rooms and other conveniences and accommo dations suitable for a family apply to a macpherson esq napanee or in kingstou to dr dieh kingston 9th april 1836 82z new works for sale at the chronicle gazette office a brief account together with oh servations mude during a visit in th west indies and a tour through ihe united states of america io pans of the year 1s32 3 togeiher with a statistical account of upper canada by dn thomas rolpm the works of juh dryden in verse and prose with a life by the rev john jwitford in 2 vols lord rotdan a romance by allan cud- oineham shcppurd lee a novel written by himself the diary of a descnttyec the doctor japhet in search of a father complete ratttin the reefer by captain marryat midshipman easy by the same the parricide a novel by the author ol jffisserimus george balcornbe a novel memoirs of mrs htmans h fchorley also an excellent assortment of silver pencils kingston nov 4 1836 37 notice the present members of the kingston vol unteer kire company 16 io number on ly in justice to themselves take this opportu nity ot inlomiios the inhabitants of the town that from thfir diminished force they do not deem themselves adequate to the performance of those duties that the public may expect of them it therefore behoves the inhabitants to meet and take such measures for the public safety as the exigency of the case may re quire the members will however io case of fire until some further arrangement is made to place the fire establishment on a more ef fective footing attend with the small engine and render such aid as may be in their power by order james nickalls juo captain k v f c kingston nov 2 1836 the holders of caps and belts which be long to the town will return them forthwith to the coptaio ai the court house 37z j n at the chrooice gazelle office kingaion may 17 1836 93 t wanted immediately wo journeymen cabinet makers and an active young man as apprentice lo ihe same business liberal wages will be given nooe but persons of good habits hed apply e cone kingston u c may 20ih 13s6 84z wool wanted cash paid for clean wool of a gnod quality in ihe fleeco at tbe woollen fac tory gaoanoque may 17 1836 93oi barber and lit ii dresser markct suaue kingston is grateful for the liberal patronage he his received from the public he hopes to merit a coiinuance of it corazors honed and dressed january t 1835 n olficfc of the cafarqui bridge company kingston u c july 28 1836 otice at a meeting of the directors of the cataraqui bridge company held his day a divideud of 5 per cent was declar ed on the capital of the bridge stock for the half year ending soth june 18s6 which is now pavable at the companys office 9z j marks treasurer 50 just received and for sale by the 8ubscb1ber barrels no 1 north shore her ri ncs 0 casks table cod fish jo bbls greeo cod fish 10 dbl siove 10 single do john mowat kingston deer 3 19s6 45z twotice i hereby given that application 1 will be made to the legislature of this province at us oext session for the amend ment of the charter of the marmora foundry company requiring an increase of its capital to 350000 aod prayiag that express bank ing privileges be granted to the company mtotice is hereby given that application i will bo made to the legislature at its next setbioo for a charter for a company to be entitled the upper canada life insur ance aod trust company with power to loan money oo real estate aod with a capital uf oue millions notice the inhabitants of the district of niagara will renew their application at the ensoiog session of the legislature for an act to authorise ih removal of the site of the district town aod public buildings to a more central aod eligible situation withiusaid district rilake notice the subscriber will jl petition the legislature at the oexl ses sion for the privilege of erecting a mill dam across tho branch octhe river st lawrence between sheeks island and tbe main laud at the rapid of moulinette totice is hereby given that an applica- i tioo will bo made to the next session of the legislature of this provioca for ao act to establish a bank in the town of amherstburgh to the western district with certaiu branch banks to belong tborcto aad with a capital of 250000 notice is hereby given that the inhabit ants of the 6rst coucession of the township of darliogtoo io the district of newcastle will petition the legislature at the next ses- sioo for ao act to correct tho survey uf the concession line betwun tho first aod second concession of tbe said township n otice- the inhabitants of the district of prince edward will ootitioo ie leg- iocor- a cap- nce edward will potition th islature at its next sitting for no act to porate a bank in the said district with ital of 100000 i1jotice is hereby given that the inhabit- j- ants uf the townships in the rear part of 3 legis- satil b sanj the newcastle district will petition th lfliiiro at its next nil tine to erert tho lature at its next suuu iu crcci un towoships into a separato district with peter borough as chief town tvotice the undersigned hereby gives 1 notice that application will be made to parliament for ao act to enable him to erect a tollbridge over the river thames from the town of chatham to the north bapk of the said river with a privilege of demanding aod receiving tolls therefor during such period as the legislature may determine j wood tvotice- the inhabitants of the village l of hallowell and pictun will petition tho legislature at its oext sitting fur au act to uaiio the said villages iuto ooe town under a new oame to define tho limits of the said town aud to establish a police therein lotice is hereby piven that application j will be made at the ensuing session of parliauieoi for the improvement of the navi gation at the whitefish creek io the towohip of south crosby johnstown district totice an applicmon wil1 he nade nt the next sesaiou f the legislature of this provioce for an av to establish a bank io the town of piescoft in the district of johostowo with a capital of 100000 ttotice is hereby given that ill si hi subscrtbed id the grand riwr navi 6 he imeifssjs notice application will be made 10 i the legislature at ns next session for an act of incorporation to construct a rail or turnpike road from windsor harbour to the main or york road aod from thence to schu- gog lake in reach notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made ro the legislature at the ensuine session of parliament to establish the concession line between gore b and the first concession souihwest of green point township of sophiasburgh io prinre edward district notice is hereby tiven that the inhabit ants of the fourth concession of the town ship of freilericksburgh original in the mid land district intend lo petition the legislature at its next sittiog to have the boundary be tween lot no iweotyfive aod the gore of fredericksburgh established as a governing houodary for the fourth 6fth sixth aod seventh concessions of tho said township from oumber tweoty6ve to number seventeen ttotice is hereby given 1 aots of the township johnttown district will pc ture at its next sittiog to establish the west em boundary line of said township public notice is hereby given ihit application will be made ai ihe nut meeting of ihe legislature for ao act io in corporate a company for the purpo or impro ving the harbour at godencb on lake hu ron notice is hereby given thai ceruin lo- habiunis of the district of nagara wil petition the provincial parliament jtsrex session for an amendment of ihe mutual in surance ac so as to allow twocoinpanes to ihe said district if otice- application will be made at tbe ensuing session of parliament for ihe continuance of ao act authorizing the magis trates of the london district to conttoue the levying of onethird of a peony in tbe pound for a limited period to defray the expense c buildine a new gaol with su liable yards frr the said disinct notice nphe undersigned lohahitani soft kingston io the midland dis noiice that they letown of rin hereby c nonce that they miend to apply jo ihe provincial legislature at ns next stnzs lor the enacment of a law aulbormns i- uret ers io possess real estalein free ami common soccage in th lions as may against political interference or undue specu lation tending io monopoly mtiitice is hereby given i liit application will be made at the next session of parlia- menl for a charter for a rank to be entitled the freeholders bmk of the home district with a capital of one m ilionsterlinff iu inclusive that the inhabit- of leeds io the itioo tho legisla- n otice is hereby eiven that a petition will be presented to the house of assem bly at the next session by th inhabitants of the township of seymour newcastle dis trict praying for an act to establish the new survey of the said township made by depu ty surveyor alex campbell in the year 1833 notice the subscriber intends apply ing uf the next silting of the provincial parliament for an act to enable him to col lect tolls on limber passing ihe slides erected by him oo ihe 6rst and second shuies of the river bonne chtre in the township of hor- ton bathurst district c j bell public notice application will be made by ihe subscriber at the ensuing session of the legislature for an act to incor porate a joint slock company to be styled the caledonia minew springs company wttllam parker t he otice i herehy riven lhai application i will he made at tli4 next session of the provincial parliament fr the exteutioo of s province under such stipula- t capital stock of tho gore bank be found necessary to guard t otice is hereby given that application will be made at ihe next session ol par liament for a loan for the huron fishery company on lake huron and also that ibe- taid company may be incorporated by char ter m it notice undersigned inhabitant of ihe coun ty of hastings in the midland district hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the provincial legislature ot its first sit tings for the enactment of a law authoris ing foreigners to possess real estflte in this povioce under such stipulations as may be found necessary to guard against politic in terference or undue speculation tending to monopoly tlxotlckis hereby given ibat application x will be made at the next session of the provincial parliament tor a chart r fr a joint stock company to construct a harbour ai the mouth of the river bayfield lake hu ron io ihe district of london n otice the inhalhlanlifthe kastern pais or the newcastle diricu and ho western part of the midland district intend petitioning the legifilaturo at their next ieioo for the formattoo of a uew difrict with the county town at tho mouth of the trent n prov the louth harbour oticb u hereby given that application will be made to the next session of the ncinl parliament for a loin io complete n w otice v is hereby given tbftt application 11 be made to the lagitlaiur at the next ensuing session of parliament hyrcrtam inhabitants of the township of king to repeal an act passed io tho u session of the j ah parliament entitled an act t iiuthonsd a new survey of the township of knr- orick is hereby civen thii application will be made at ihe next session of parli- aimot for an act to incorporate a company for construeiio a rail road from the city of toronto m the shore of lake huron in tbe london district n its notice is hereby given that appticattdn will be made to the legislature at its oext sitting for a charter to authorize the construction of a rail road from st catha rines to ihe niagara river at or near tbe town of niagara otice is hereby given that ihe luhah- hiiis of tha towuhiw of gloucester oseoode cumberland rmeel nepenn gul bourne marchhaatley torholion fiijny pakedham macflab honoo ross west- raeath anctpemliroke or the ottawa and ba thurst disticts will petition the legislature at its dext session to form them into a new dis trict having bytowo forjts capital and also ito two counties- jj otice is hereby given lhal ihe luhahit- acis of ihe eastern part of the london disirici and of lh township of walpole and rainham in the niasar district will peti tion the loci sin t re at its next session to lorm tliem inio a new district biviog simcoe for its district town ttotice application l the legislature ai iis 1totice the inhabitants or darlington 1 will petition the legislature at the next session for an act to incorporate a company authorising the constroctioo of a wharf and harbour at the mouih of barbers creek in said township of darlmgtoo in the newcas tle district n otice application will ho mnrlc at ihe ensuing sossioo of parlttnicdti fur no act in erect the cnunty of hastings in the alidlaotl district into a so par llo district will be male to next silling fur an act to erect a dim across the river thimes in the township of chauin in die western district notice the inhabitants of the 7ih sih 9i ik anil lotli concessions of the town j ship of hxlorj mi the johnstown district will petition the parliament at its next session fur an al to establish the eisiern boundary of the said concessions as the governing bound a notice is hereby in that an cation will be tfiade to the provincial parliacneot at its next session for a grant of a sum of money to imfove the harbor of the port of windsor io th township of whitby notice the inhabitants of loughbo rough willl petition the legislature next session to make null three lines of concession of the new survey os they interfere and agree not with the old survey or to have hat the ownwi ii the first con township of nepenn in lha pplica- bathurst district will apply tjffotlcb is hereby civen l aud occupiers of land cession of tha to the leeilature at us oext session for an aet lo correct the coacessiou hoe between the first and second concessions reserving to the owners of lands in the second coucesaion reasonable remu neration for any improvements which they may have made prior to the publication o this notice and also to correct the tide lines ry mfotice appl 1 legtdiiture at notice is hereby rii will be made at tin tven that application oext session of par liameot for an act to define the limits of co- commissioners appointed to settle the disputed bourg ond to establish a police therein lines mtntir t t mtotice applicati mtc hereby given that application 11 dcxt mce of tl x will be made to the legislature at its meet for an act io auih next sitting for ii rl for ship nai point on the niagara a charter to construct a ca- aiion from fort erie to some river below ihc rapids on will do madent the he provincial rnrlia ore the resorvcy of the coocessiun line in front of the third concession of the towuship cf winchester iu the coouty of dumis cation will be made to the its nest session for an act authorising the erection of a miludaru across the north branch of bear creek at its upper forks in the township of sorabra ia the western district otice application will be made to the ix legislature at its next meeting by he inhabitants of the towuhips of malahule yarmouth westminster and london for an act to incorporate a joint stock company to construct a kftilkd from the town of loru don ro davenport to intersect the navigable waters of cauuh ttivcr aad to construct a harbour at the mouth of said uiver notice appthttln lcishitur- at its i v made to the sitting for an rrijffes as they 1vtotice is hereby given that the legis- i- lature will be petitioned ai ihe ensuine session to pass an act to establish the side lines of lots in the second concession of green poinr in the burgh from number f ship line to ruo the lines in the said concession up to number fiftyeight mioti 1 will ice is hereby given that npplic west township of sophias- ftyeight to the town- same course the side tion be made lo the lg at their next session for an act to tic passed appoint- in nnuthcr trustee or trustees in the room of ihe late honorable peter russell deceased for tho purpoo of carrying into effect tho will ol the lite john vvhiio esqoire formerly at v torney geueral of this proviocr ty wlrirh jn tiin lauds in the p oo wil nixt act to establish the roads ixod now ate across the twenty mile crek in the township of gainsborough and auo to establish ihe side lines of the 5th gih con cesstobs of said township according to the onainnl survey lotice application li the next siltm of ihe k i were devised to the sai the efihabiiants of cramah sell to he sold hy him otice lljli- maljimand and adjoining townships wilt apy t0 e legislature at its next sit ting c charter a company to construct a har bor at t mouth of keelers creek near col- borne newcastle district cur rovinre of upper canada d honorahle peter kus- for the payment of ihe will be made at legislature for a charter to form a company t m ke a har- bour at thi mouth of ihe twelve mile creek bronte gore district 1 hail road he hamilton and port dover d company will at the next sessi of the provincial legislature apply for a act to alter and amend an act passed in th year of his majestys reign enti tled an act to incorporate sundry persons under he style and title of ihe hamilton aod port dover kail road company tvotice applic 1 tho ensoinc sessi charter to c river detroit join the sandirich and bertie tv of ation will bo made at g session of parliameot for a ostroct a rail road from the in tha township of ililden to kailroad otice is hereby given tion will be made at i parliaruem hyth prsidt ohcrs imercied 10 ihvyn harbour cortiptny a lu kft mid harhoiir thai an applira- ie eooiug sesion if dithslofa and lvti vtlajthufc n of money to 6a n wtotlce is hereby civen t hill be made to the pn hat application rovinctal parlia ment a hs next session by inhabitants of the niagara district for an act authorising the coosmiciion of a canal for ship navigation from tlie welland canal to the town of ni agara also for an act authorizing the con struct of a canal from the town of niaga ra to the chippewa or weluod river at or blow port robinson for boat navigation passing through or near st davids also for an act authorising the construction of a rail road between niagara and si- catharines also fot an act craoiinj or joining a sum of money io build a new gaol and courthouse in a tiiire central pan of the town of niagara or authorising the magistrates of said district io borrow a sufficient sum oo the credit of the district also for an act to incorporate the ensuing session of parliament for a trustees of the niagara market reserve and charter for a bank at niagara with a capital t lo loai o them or authorize them to borrow a notice application will he made hy tho inhabitants of duncis in the gore district to tha legislature at its next session for an act to incorporate ihe said town and define the limits thereof also for an act to es tablish n hank in said town ulduudis with n capital of 100000 o i ice is hereby mven thai application will be made during the ensuing session of the provincial parliament for ao amend ment of the grand river navigation compa nies charter the same beinfftni act mideand passed in the second year of his pit sco i ma jesty and entitled an act to incorporate a joint stock com pan v to improve ihc navigation ul lje grand river i miotice application the ensiling session o o v ill ho made at g session of parliament for a charter for a bank in ihb western district with a capital of 200000 otice- application will he made at the nrxt session to obtain a charier to nuke ravisuble the bed of the twelve mite creek from su catharine s welhini 5 foot of mountain at capital of 20000 err y canal lo the mills with a miotice tho former applicnti i he renewed hy petition ftt the miotice j- tion w hereby giveo that au applica- ii be made to the legislaturo at the ensuing session of parlinmeot hy tlie stockholders of the bank of upper canada for ao act to iucrease the capital stock of that institution ft otice application will bo made at i the ou will ensuing seesmu of parliament for forming the county of simcoe into a separate district with bar- ric as its cap ital of 200000 jagara witn a capi application will seftsiod of the prov of sum ol money to erect a new markethouse thereon be made at the oex ncial parliament for i iktotice is hereby si the extension of the capital of the commer- j w he rnidp in f 1 cial bank midland district to tbe extent of 500000 w otice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature at its next session for the improvement of the riv er trent according io the plans and estimates made by n h baird esq by aid of the pro vincial government or failing in such aid that further application will be made for an act to incorporate a company to carry that improvement into effect ttotice application will be made at i i the eosuiog session of parliament for a charter for a bank at chatham upper cana- nada with a capita of 50000 ven that application he provincial parlia ment at its next session for an act to enable the magistrates of the home district to im pose a rate of one halfpenny in the pound for six years on all rateable property throughout the said district for ihe purpose of raising a fund for the erection of a new gaol for the same notice is hereby given that application will again bo made at the oext session of parliament for nn act to kuhlifh a hank nt st caerioes iu the niagara district tjotics application will he made at j- the cosuing session of parliament to ameod the charter for the loudon aod gore railrnad to continue tlie same to the de troit aud niagara rivers with leave to extend its capital block to 500000 aod for fiaoki privileges the chronicle gazette stttntclff b merrim- pointer in if paid in advance paid at tte end s ttotice is hereby riven that application l will bo made by john straogo etq and othera to tho legislature at its next session to form a company for the construction of a turnpike road from the town of kingston to the village of napaoee in the township of richmond in the iviidlaod district kiogstoo 3th july i83a- 9z the l canada gazette will pleue copy this oo- tice- xo pice is hereby given that the inhabr xy tant of the townships of torboltoo fitzroy pakeoham macnah horion ross westaitmth and pemhroke in the oiatrict of bathurtt my otice is hereby iven that ihu inhah- x itanta in the third concession in the town ship of norwich between the front line and tho first quarter line intend to petition the ensuiog sessiou of the legislature for an act to make an equal division of the lots hetweeo the front line of said township aod th first quarter line iu the third concession of said township of norwich ccmsi xwnlv shilling per anni or within tic tirai iwo mfjnili it i of the e ir twoaiyfive slntliocs 33vtct of abcvtiscntcnts sx lines and under se6q lirsi insertion and 7 jo each subaetjuent insertion ten lines aod under ss 4d first insertion and lod each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for thr imt insertion and id per line for every ftubspqiti h w rhop advertisements without w rilun do yi tiuiitiserteu tut forbid aud charged accordinlv a liberal discount made to lovuhanfk and other wlin ailvcrlie fr three months and upwards ni advenisement received after tfim ochck on the mornings nf publicaiion any perwn procuring x suhsciiher to the psptr and paying annually lor ihfftuici shall be entitled to a icvenih copy gratis icy country produce received in payment at the market pric john bienelli eq t maps for sale the chronicle and gazette office nteod to raako application next ses sioo of parliament to have the said to ships formed into a aepnrate couut wa- 4i tne un ran tele and gazette office maps of the midland and prince edward dis- j v t iricts u c comprehending a rract ofcoun- joaiali taylor eej y of from 80 to 90 miles in lenth being from h vvhiimarab esq in the david chushoho ej andrew portcous ksq william mcintosh esq gerpe browse esj alplieu june esq henry jone esq mjotice au application xa to the legislature at its will he mado next sessioo for the establishment of a bank at brockviile with a capital of 200000 to bo ityled the johostown district ilaok near gananoque briehton in the ta w otice a hereby giveo lhat ai lite next sessioo of die provincial porliaineot iha iuliabiiaols of tha newcai dialrtcl ioteod to apply for a charter for a bank in the new castle district to bo located at cobuurg couoly ol leeds to county of northumberland shewing at one view the different townships concessions and lots both sides of the interes ting and picturesque bay of quiole and laods not surpassed io the province kingston september 1836 24 j ec hart well esq measra c j mcdonald john din esq allan mrphcrson esq wm rnkr esq tho mcmahoa esq thomaa diinoresl esq t d appleby esq tbonins parker btw w robertson esq charles eq jomph a iccelcr esq jusl receivei no for sale at the chronicle ga- zette office corner of kin an j brock k x sfreet a large quantity of excellent wrap- n moc e ping papkr on moderate terms i ejsg lulu tl ioa john jfallarrf eq ju ism 4z ralfe clench eq quebec three rivera imonircah lancaster matima pmcoit brockviile perth- richmond basurd gaoaooqua both napanee hallowell amelia r hi sotna5borfh sliqiinonvillc po brlleville river trent murray cnlborne cottatirs port hope toronto nigira

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