Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), December 14, 1836, p. 3

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can mature his plans and speculations within the compass of ninety days under these impressions we should be bap- py 10 see a trust and loan company estab lished forthwith upon correct and just princi ples within the province in regard to the bill before us we should be most happy to re ceive the strictures of our correspondents upon jts merits the tost office department tu grand mail bag w on the 28th of october lait atcideully dropped from the stage belvreto bath and kingston it was not missed by the mailcarrier uitil hii arrival at this place when an immediate tearcb was made for it but the bag was not discovered mnti the following morning when it was fruiod in the possession of a man by the name of macaubr who had picked it op on the road near the floating bridge care- fatly preserved ii and was on his way with it to the poit office at kingstoo we now i earn with pleasure that the deputy post master general having taken this matter into hia con liberation has given tbe man the sum of fire pounds as a reward for his honesty the cooduet of this man macaulay forms a striking eontiait to that of the persons who about 18 months since found the lost mail bag near matilda they were tried for their lives for rifling and destroying the mail bag while in their possession we learn from toronto itut on the 9th ins his eiccllcncy came down to the efonm in state and pvn hi nsent to the supply bill for the last year and i he grafton harbor btll we alfto learn ihnt on the same day the house of assembly had pard a resolution granting 500000 for road nod bridge v nhftervo by the pal riot ihat the housein com ulstfti of supply hod granted 3000 for tho im provement of windsor hahnr the annexation ofmontreatto upper canada mr mckay raltbiwcd resbnions on this sub- jeci hav hern adopted by ihe house of assembly by a larpe majority wr ehall publish some of tbe debates on the queanon in our next number tie p4fuentj jejsffje we have received prc- fidfiit jack antra mtup transmitted to bolli houses of congm on the gtli inat from wont of room we are obliged hi poaipqoi our extracts loin this document till saturday we are requested to slate ll of the female benevolent su 05 a bazaar for the sie of article in aid of the funds of it the managers iety propose hav- lseful and fancy this charity on wednesday the is1i1 of j moirv the bazaar will he holden with permission of the sheriff in the grand jury room at the court house at 12 oclock noon those ldtc who feel disposed to contri bute iiuir assistance tu preparing crudes for the sale are requested to send their contribu tions on the dav previous marking the price of each article to mrs k ii v one of the direct- tresses or co mrs dobba the secreiary donations in aid of the lunds of the society will he thankfully received hv the directresses ihe secretary or any of the managers in the rourte of yesterday urwl in day some snow hafa ihealoroij pappeaianoeftflhe weather ifass kirenaon nflbrd every prospect of the com mcrtcemcnt of winter a prtjbyttr of tht chinch cf england fame too late f r thia days paper it w ii ojjpear in the chro nicle on saufdav vtica and cfltitg steamboat canal we arc pleased 10 ic as hie n y commercial advertiser that notice is given of an applica tion 10 he made tu the legislature t the com- ming session to incorporate 1 company 10 con- rui a areat cnal adapted to lake vessels from oswego to utica this application it is understood is 10 be made only in case the state should not be disposed 10 underiake the work the capital proposed is 2000000 and from esnmates and surveys already made it is believed that lite expense will fall much short of ihi sum 50 areai are the natural fa cilities for a canal of this magnitude through theosweso and oneida rivers and oneida lak- these waters with the exception of a few ra pids requiring hot linle expense for their im provement are now navigable fnr larftf vessels and constitute about iwo third of ihe dis- ine from oswego to uliea with such fa cilities nftnnied hv nature or bringing ihe trade of the western lake alxmi 150 miles nearer 10 ibis c iv in ihetrown hoicoms thfrl great work mut certainly be undertaken forthwith either by the state or by private enterprize from the qwpi palludittn our commrrcr the amount of revenue collecied at our cusiomhnuse during the month of november was upwards of 19000 of this amount about 6000 was for duties on wheal from canada- we ore not prepared t this lime 0 state the amount of increase of duties rolled eel at this port the present season as compared with the last but it will nut be far from 70 or 80 per cent our friends about the fttf not been navi of the season croaking of the buffalo siar are that the vvellnnd canal has able for a considerable portion whv do thev entirely overlook the equally important fct stnied in the article from which they t their information that noiwiihxandin the bad stale nf this canal the amount of goods forwanled through it from ibie pott to the upper bikes is larger by 300 percent than last year the lurmer ap- krs to be very palnieahle to them but the er is not digestible and is therefore omii- ied ib that we fe 3 discounted 900000 dollars nod the girard lino k 300000 thiols wero becomiog easier there com advertiser married oo tho 8th instsni by the rer h grnssett at the home of mr- beckett in toronto edward hroper kaq of dnndas to mrs bc biquj relict of the mr wm bioler of rochester to let nphe stone house on queen street wiih or wiihoui ihe adjoining shop and premises corner of quarry sireei apply thomas askew kingston dec 13 1836 48s 10 to let thatcemmotlious house nod store lately occupied by mr thomas wilson in brock street for further particulars ap ply to eubinley kingstoo dec 13 i8s6 48z army contract for lumber sealed tenders will be received a tn s office until friday at booff tlu sofa december instant for supplying such quanti ties of lumber as may be required by the com- qianding royal engineer at this station for a period of three years commencing tbe 1st day of january 1837 specifications to be seen on application m the offices of the commanding royal engineer and commissariat- the names of two persons to be inserted io the tenders who may be willing to become sureties lor the performance of such contract as may be entered into commissariat office kingston u c dec- 14 1336 i 43iwi receiving storing forwarding artd commission business the subscriber beg leave to inform ihe public that he has leased the exten sive one erected storehouse am wharf of ihe largest io upper caoitda lately 11 port hamilton by an mcnab esq situated directly in front of the spleodid new stone hotel and is now prepared to attend to the above business in all its branches and trusts from his long experience together with punctuality aod at tention to merit the patronage of the public tbe upper stories are fitted up in a superior manner for the receiving and shipping of grain and from the great extent of the store house and w harf every facility to merchants and others en7i2cd in the purchase of pro duce c will be given as well a the receiv ing and forwarding of merchandize of any and every description io all parts of the pro vinces or nelgbbortog states with ihe great est care and despatch the cliarses will be as low as any other re spectable establishment george f corbett hamilton gore district up canada nov 33 isst is list of letters nemmning 5ih december the post office at batb i3sg aylswortb bone soli- van asselmine win armiiagf francis aylesworth bowen jr bound mfs uunchard fphraim benjamin flijah 4 bouhton d orson benjamin ebene2er brainard alunson c tnklin thomas cooper william close john clark matthew comer jacob 2 comer henry comer lewis clunz h william coitier william dick geo m dorty samuel downw john fountain mr fralick john c- fraser daniel jr 2 fralick ztciriah fralick benjamin fralick martin fralick john p flinn richard fraliok l j grisiwold justinan gannon william grady john gordinerr h wm gilchrist duncan 2 gilchrist peter hnffle lahrtstiao hfliehl milo henry hnry irvin wtllinm katn richard killer zcartah lake john lowrev root link john lot rachael mrs lake daniel p madden james mcconnell john million david macintosh angus miller henry moynaush john madden john miller petr madden w c macdutt thomas nelson samuel eeauis mi rochar edmond 2 roderick george storms john shory miles jr- storms sheldon 3 shtbley david smith george jr sills william shiney patrirk tdmrnonds william taylor john vroman samuel voshury anna williams richard 3 ward margaret ltuersfar jlmhent isle bary samuel brown james hitching kirhard henderson john hutton arrhibald johnstoo john johnston jacob such of the above letters as are do deemed within six weeks will be sent to dead leiter office quebec w j mckay p ml re- the list of tgemainlng in anee ot 5ih december b the government of the we have the satisfaction to state private advices from upper canada warramed in saying thai that province has determined to make wetland canal a national work forthwith and put it ii a state of repair and increase its capacity with tins canal in order we defy competition tb sttam boat canada as this boat was en tering our harbor on friday nishi from king ston the wind blowing a s al xhe nie wm driven on the east shore where she grounded so firmly that it has been impossible to get her off the high winds that have pre vailed since thai time have wore her about until she is now a perfect wreck and will soon so to pieces all the cargo and furniture we tarn have been saved she was commanded by gap- py flq eipcrienced and competent seaman who we learn was a part owner and no blame we be lieve can be attached to him for the accident anderson thomas aussant manuel booth john tlurnham william battle ftlanin bower knslesolt caswell samuel conoly f casmey sjimuel clnrland john e clerk jimes m chamherltiocharles2 coner peter b campbell archibald davis alin demnrest james doilnr george draper clark embury gcorgrt eaton samuel s empey fletcher empcy john senr forshee j j forshee aex h fufkheo joho froitz john foot david grooms zepheoiah godlono jl gaothiew michael hays james hawley joho johnston james letters the post onc at nap- 1836 lappio james 2 lalor jllm lewis j b mcdonald charles mcconnell joho 2 mccarthert charles moses peter godfray miller george nowlao michael oliver charles pruudeau pierr pumcroy daniel for sale at if ik chronicle book store x vkry neat and dsepul l m a n a c for 1837 also a quantity of silver pencil cases december i9s6 new grocery tvijve spirits teas sugars frowt street vholr8ale retail- splogsac brandy ojund gin in wood and bottles madeii sherry and port wines jamatf spirits demcwra rum scotch and canadian whiskey loaf muscovado and cast india sugars old hsn young do twankay gunpow der nd souchong teas superftr muscatel kaisins valeria do currtfms figs alrooods spaoish nuts rice fi riv aod oatmeal moch coffee rio do pepprt allspice mace and cloves pickle mustard olive oil maccrftoy and scotch snuff londtf and american sperm candles soap nd candles alsoi00 barrels jvo 1 herrings and a quantity of stationery a mcnabr kicsston december 7 18s6 46z for sale by the subscriber at his wholesale warehouse front street muscovado refined and bengal sugar hyson twankay hyson skin and bohea teas very superior maderia wines blackburas brand do brand common best sherry commoa sherry very superior port commo do teneri do do do do do do newton gor don braod it tt ti bruce and other brands cognac and bordeaux brandy hhdssc pipes very superior brandy in cases uf i doz schedan gtiuia case and htids jamaica rum champagne jollys brand scotch htsky isle cambletoo u- c do bordeaox vinegar london porter molasses nuts ad almonds raisins and currants rtce amd coffee rappeeand maccoboy snuft caveodlush and plug tobacco soap aari candles london mould candles wax wicks cocoa nut candles sperm do wax do t d pipes starch and blue pepper and pimento nutmegs and cloves saltpeii and fpsuni salts shot nos 3 4 5 wrought and cut nails tin plates ix ic carron sioves 20 24 27 30 36 inch olive oil bmlrd atu raw linseed oil best lotndon white lead green plaint window glass 7x8i to 18x24 north shore herrings no i oat meal and barley saltna h 400 bbls saleratws c 8cc also a much more extensive and complete assort ment ot dry goods han ooy form er gfocki he has ever offered in this market which xtrwy be found well worth the notice of the trade t macnider army wood contract j cow i kingston u 3d derember 183g filgaleo tenders will be received at this office until juesday at noon the third day of january trt for supplying his majestys troops stftft id departments 8lc at kingston points henry and frederick with such quantities tff fuel wood as may be required from tht i sth day of april 1637 to the 30th day of september 1sss both days inclusive the wood is to conijst of fair and just pro portions of hard mapte hickory black or yel low birch iron wood beech and of no other kind whatever erth stick to he four feel long from calf to point and uooe less io dia meter than three and a half inches and every cord of wood delivered io the troops c shall not contain les than one hundred and twentyeight cubic feet pamely four feet high four feel wide and eight feet ion no rot ten or crooked wood jg on any account to he issued to the t roops flor permitted into the kings wood yards- the contractor will be required to have al ways at least four months uf wood at each of the wood yards which shall have been cut and piled two months least previous to be- ing placed in the yard the tender to express the rate in words at length for which e3ch cord will be issued to the troops c in halifax currency and pay ment will be made moihly for the quantity issued by a check on ih bank of upper can ada thecondition of the contract andany fur ther information may v obtained on applica tion at this office two good and sufficient sureties required for the due performanceof the contract whose names must be inserrea at length in the ten ders 45bivi montreal transcript wanted well recommended respon sible person ro aci as agrnts for the montrkal tuanscript in low- en and upper canapa- 10 whom the most liberal encouragement will be cien letters post paid addressed to the subscribers st r street will be punctually at tended to the transcript is published three times a week and delivered o town subscrib ers at ten shillings per annum payable in all cases six months in advance for country subscribers the terms will be fifteen shillings per annum including postage likewise paid half yearly in advance no religious or political discussions are ad missible into the transcrip rates of abvefttisurq the same as the other montreal puiffw every description of book and job work done neaily expeditiously on reasonable wwfts 4hubkibm h an assortment of type inferior to none in thecanadas lovell mdonald montreal november 94 45li armour and ramsay wholesale and retail nookslleas and 6tatjohkrs st francis xavier street montreal beg to intimate io their friends and the public thai their stock of books and stationery is now very extensive atnong the former will be found the choicest works in theology science and belle lenres to which additions of every ntwhook of merit are made shortly after publication their assortment of pot post foolscap and other writing papers mercantile books and every anicleof plain and fancy stationery is very complete and they can with confidence recommend it to the notice of upprr canada merchants both on account of qunlityaod moderation in price a large stuck is always kept on hand of iiibes common prayer and psalm books to gether with nil the school bobks in ordinary use in upper canada orders for books from england the conti nent of europe and tbe united states execu ted with expedition and on moderate terms montreal 93d nov 1s36 42z a the montreal gazette commercial political and literary journal is published by the subscribers three times a week on the afternoons of tues days thursdays and saturdays nnd contains the latest news received by the mails it is despatched by the tirsl post after publication to country subscribers and the annual charge io them is only twemyfive shillings includ ing postage the same price as thai of the semiweekly newspapers the montreal gazrtte is one of the oldest journals published in british america it possesses a very large circulation particularly to upper canada and in consequence it offers peculiar advantages to advertisers armour ramsay montreal 22d nov is36 42 new pall goods just received the subscriber would inform the public that he has eeeive per lalo vessels from liverpool and scotlandaa very exteusive sup ply or fall and winter goods consisting nf hid usual general atsortmenl both fancy and staple which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms for cash or short approved credit country merchant can be supplied wiih ev ery article in his line oo the must advantage ous terms william misqn kingston 15lh nov 1836 40bt cloths pb the money market notwithstanding the kemtcvjho continuance of the pressure saturday passed kmm doctor off without any commercial disaster the h payments of merchants on that day are said to have been eicht millions and not a note lay over an opinion is gaining ground n b such of the above mentioned let- that the crisis i- oast and the money market tors u are not tetired wnin go h1 ibortly be easier we hope so oo fru i this date iyil b returned to the general post pf in philadelphia ihff united sales bank officp at quobcc a dead letters pakin geoffio payette martin quacktnhuih jas russell henry 2 robertson alexander itipeu thus van 3rice z smith samuel jr shamahnrn asa snider solomon saser john vv speocer james spencer james s spencer lleory senr sponcer rufus smith jacob somes oil d sills william varly hiram windovcr peter warner charles wall valentine windover johu watson john a wuiteroa francis macpherson p m wholesale warehouse- rilhe subscriber offers for sale at ihe new ji- ifaildtng opposite the resideoce of d j smith em front street a complete as sortment of imported direct from britain superfine saxony black best t do superlative do wool blue drab olive brown fahoue roman mixed drk do oxford do black state drab fashionable mixed fahionafc9e laveider mixed victoria mixed dark mixed sauineus brown invisible green and olive petershams stout iwilleil point witney and extra medium blanket red white and yellow flannels green baize white blue and scarlet union serge merinos moreens cambms and shalloons drab and brown beveneens prints shirtines domestics irish linea russia duck guilts coonterpanes c c for sale the undersigned offer for sae iis house and lot in kioesu now occupied by mr arthur foster xppt lo be made to thomas kirkpanick pq- kingston or to tbe undersigned at tbe rir trent adam h meiers trent 23d novr- 1336 44 fresh arrivals armstrong greer in addition to itgfr fal1 stock of groceries jijvp iry goods have received by the lately barges of the ottawa aod ridau company a timber extensive supply which nave oow p for the inspection of ihe public and which will be sold at very low prices s ca superfine middling common broad- cloths west of england cassimeres in reat variety pilot cluihs plubiog and kerseys canadian cloths petersh and satinetts point whitney and mackinaw blankets eng lish and welsh funael ve fine texture serges baizes nnd milm scotch flannels factory and steam loom cottons printed calicos challies and twill london chintzes merinos tartan plaids fld camlets gentle mens fur caps india ttuhber cloaks and fishing frocks lambs wool shirts and drawers irish linens lacons and french cambrics ladies mufft boas and tlmwffc worsted woolen and stlt hosierv silfc and cotton velvets and velveteens osna burghs and sheetinjr sail canvas no 26 north west buffalo rohes 8tc jrocelies toung and old hthaon twankay and souchong tea best mcltw coflrt muscovado and refined su2ars torhacco maccohoy and rappee snuff priniffe cigars mustanl in kess jars nnd bottles lengliah wax wick candles and soap indigo and fig blue pep per nnd atspic alrnoodis raisios and ztnte currants sago epsom ssalts and salt petre jamaica spirits hollamd gin and cojnac brandy sherry madeira tnd teneriffe wines very fine old port in wuiutl and bottles sau- terne jolys sparkling champaigne scotch ale in bottles wants a situation in a respeeiahle drv goods or groce ry store a youth from the country of respectable connexions who can be well re commended he is 16 years of nge apply n ibis ofhve or by letter addressed a b penh post office 40z nov 12 isan card thanks to the pub- begs to inform them that he has james linton in returning the inhabitant uf kingston and lic in genera removed his auction commission business to the extensive premises formerly called the old kings head inn kiffo street having spacious rooms and ia ready to receive goods on consignment of all descriptions fvrifing aixtiows tuesday s thursday s and saturdays n b monty advanced olf goods kingston november 7 i3i6 38 the montreal herld will pleae io odvriis this twico a week for one month and chare this office- unclaimed booka y1ng in the bindery here for years 14 a quano bible by henry 8c 2 vols the performance on the harp in highlands i vol by john gunn jiis of england by m kvaos 8m o sketches in switzerland scott 1 vol 8mo farmers magazine 5th ed 7 copies of byrons works meif if not claimed and paid for in two month from this date they will be sold for the ex penses of binding chronicle gazette office ine by john guon england by m evans 1 vol nd italy j 1 vol 8roo n 9 vols phi- ktiission s4rh aucnst 1936- ig crockkrv glassltvare fa store street kinnsioo 25th nov 1s36 v for sfc tft 4sz leavetn that ha aod well cassimeres office day of pfflces current in kingston mahtct fine flour per hbl 400aop lf perewc 17 6 a 20 d tjnrley per bushel 2 0 2 6 oats do do i 9 a 1 n rye do do 3 s a 0 o peas in ro 2 4 a 2 0 potatoes do do 1 10 a 2 o bceiper cwt- 7 6fl25l trrkdo do 35 0 a 42 6 ruuer per lb 0 10 a 1 0 mutton do 0 3a 0 4 veal do 0 5a 0 6 pork freh do ogaoo hams pork do n v a o 7i cnndles moulds 0 74 a os do dips oap kin2ston december 7 1336 mcnabb 46a notice subscribers the the subsckiukks to dock company are requested kingston o pay into ihe hands of the treasurer the following pay ment viz 10 per cent- the second payment on 1st moo day in january 1837- loperceot the third payment on 1st february 1837 10 nercenr the fourth payment on 1st monday in march 1837 10 per cent- the fifth payment on 1st monday in april 1837 10 per cent the sixth payment on 1st monday io may 1837 10 percent the seventh paymvaion 1st mon- dav io june 1837 10 per cent the eiemh payment oo 1st mon day io july 1837 10 per cent the ninth payment on 1st mon day io augutt 1837 10 per cent the tenth payment on 1st mon day in september 1837 j counter treasurer kingston 5th december 1836 46 akmy cont1uact stra vv comtmisariat kingston 23d november 133g tenders will beiteceived at ihis until monday at noon on the l9t december next for supplying and delivering to the ordnance barrjckt departments at ihe pons of kingston poiot henry and point fre derick eight thousand bundles of straw of 12 lbs each to bedeliivered n equal propor tions quarterly the tender to express the rare in currency for which each bundle off 12 lbs will be deliv ered security required for mhc performance of ihe contract i2gi scobk1l1s inspection store rscobell geneva inspector of pot ash beef and pork presents his cor dial thanks to the merchants and other inbab- itants of kingston and the vicinity for the liberal patronage they limve extended to him during the past year amd he bogs leave to in form them that he has removed his inspection business from the hook j kirbys store io the lare and convenient store and wharf of mrs forsyth lately occupied by mr a mc- donell where he will ine always ready to in spect such articles as my be consigned to him for that purpose and hq hopes from his long experience punciuality strict auediioo to business still to merit the approbation and support of the public n b for sale 500h lbs weight of stroked hams sooo do cheese 2000 do upper canaufr butter 2 tons of lard in keiga for family use sou barrels salt r scobelu kingston april 14th js35 57z kirs per doz powlvpn couple cheese per cwt may per oad wi unknown wood per ronl wheal per bush- pork ineis per bbl do do prime raesa do prune do caro do per lb indian corn do do indian meal do do notice jtpenders will he received by the sob- scriberon orbefoteibe lothdeeembrr for 4000 feet of oak timber to square one fuoi at both end straigbt also 1000 feet of tjjve to square 13 inches straigbt john counter kingston december 9ili 1s36 47ii removal oren strong hereby tenders his prateful acknow ledgments ton generous publie for the very flattering support he has received while keepto the steam boat hotel in this place and begs to acquaint his numerous customers thai he has this day opened his most splendid establishment ihe north american hotel cobourg situated near ihe tearn boot landing where he will thankfully receive and promptly attend ihe call of his customers af- fordiog lliem accomodations which shall not the province said stand wil be found lo af ford very great accommodation to persons ar riving at and nkio their passage from this place in the several steam boats that toucti daily at the wharf the proprietor of the above estahlithment continues his line of slaves to the rice lake and from ihence to peterborough which is well furnishrd with good covered carriafea first rate horses and careful drivers seats may be fabeo at this house in the kingsion and toronio mail stage horses nnd carriages are constantly io read ines to convey passengers luggage to any part of die country cobourg u c may 1st 1836 j00z to millers just received direct from the manufac turers in europe with whom arrange ments have heen made for a constant supply of articles of the best quality via real dutch bolting cloths assorted biackmores patent do do french burr stones for sale bv larocque bernard cu july 9s ibz commercial bank m o- wtoncfi is hereby given that at a meeting in of stockholders held at he bank co the isitv inst it was resolved the new stock on ine that them- be called io a i the mansion house kingston u c the subscriber respectfully begs notify lo the travelling public continues to occupy this extensive known hotel the mansion house is pleasaotly situated in store street being the principal aod cen tral street in kingston i convenient to all the steam bnm whurves and oo establishment of s kiuil in the upper province cao surpass it in the excellence ind comfort of it apart ments both parlors and hedronms thiriyfuur in number all of which are furauhed io tbe very beat stylo tho hotel has latoly undergone a thorough repair and is at present in most excellent or der ami condition for the accommodatioo of the public- the subscriber having kept a hotel for many years has acquired experience in that line aod therefore irut thatuilh unremitting at tention to the comfort of his guests ho will continue to merit public palroeago in the rear of the mansion house there is a large yard and mtedffivfl stabling aod where a livery stihle ts tujimantly kpt the mansion house carriage and por ters will nlwnys he in readiness to convey pas sengers aud luggago to aud from the diftcreot steam boui s carm1no kingston juoe 2sl ls3i ltklz stalments on follows 10 per cent on the 1st day of march 1836 10 2 may 10 july 10 1 f septv 10 1 tsovr pavable at the bank its offices aod agencies such of the new stockholders as may wish tojfty ihtheivmvh8lh flmvskw to jay in tbe bailor whole of their stock at onoc will be allowed to do so on tbe day the tirst instalment is due by order of the board f a- harper cashier kiogstoo dec s3 1835 55 the fallowing nrwpaperg trill please insert th above advertisement until nnvetober next patriu toronto hsmiltoogmxette niaara reporter saorf wich emigrunt cobour star balharat coaaisr cornwall observer and montreal gazette the mutual fire insurance company op the midland district being now legally organized tbe board of directors are ready to receiveapplicatioeis fur assurance addressed to the secretary at fats office in brock street kingston where the rate of premiums bylaws and form of ao plication may be seeo- by order of ihe director w dawe secry kingston 20th september i8s6 24z to let- a good tavern stand in ibetowq of kingston knowrt as tbe colboltne arms hotel there is a room 64 feet long in the house with folding partitions application io be made to david leahy on the premises or h smith jua esq kingston 24ih sept 1336 252 for sale at the store of mr thomas brisks ii junr- in store street kingston a few copies of the supplementary volume to a treatise on tin- theory and practice of ag riculture adapted to the cultivation nnd econ omy of the animal nnd vegetable productions of ncnculturein canada by william ftvaus secretary to the montreal agricultural socie kingston lqth october 1836 soz from that i to let the first day of november oext commodious house and store lately occupied by messrs j d bryce fe co situat ed on the west side of store street in tho town of kiogston near the commercial hotel these premises are exceedingly well adapted for commercial purposes beinj situau ed in that art of the towo best calculated for all kinds of business if becessary possession will be given on the 1st of june neit for further particulars application may be mado either to jmes nickalls juo esq kingston or to roberr maxwell esq montreal baak quebec kingston sth may 1835- gsz m blanks a creat mriety for sale at chronicle and gane office the a card s twigg higs leave to intimate that she wishes to receive pupils for itistruc tion on the piano forte and from hef experi ence and the nunibtr of years ihat she has taught in kington ho it els encouraged to hope for a share of pomie patronage highly repectmbie references cm be given if rrqutrtd terms may he known on application to mrs rwigsfi at her residence in clarence struct next door io mr kveritts store kingston 2d nov- 1336 362 j and for sale at the town- ust received chronicle gazette oflice ft ship manual neatly boun4 coaopxisiofj all the laws now in force relating to v nwn- ships amonr which are the highway ahc assessment acts new towhahip tneeting act the liws respeciin boundaries line fen- res and water courses innkeepers fat few and office of constable the law of landlord and tenant distress for rent court of re- quests act summary punishment aet jury law 5 the laws relative to mills and mimbams flour hot and pearl ashes statute tabouti travellers weights measures oj and on many other interesting ubjecp- by the author of the provincial justice ix price one dollar kingston december 5 1335 ft

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