i and kingston commercial advertiser i pauv tvery wednesday and saturday at uihbcej corner of klu and brock vtrmf nec rege nec populo sed utftq t twonf- shilling nor nmim t if pmd in idtwu j j at tn end of aba yr t tvemtj five skulliagft j vol xviii kingston upper canada wednesday december 14 1836 wo 48 list of lettkks remaining in the post office at king ston 00 5th december i83j rated with british postage asselstuieh jlrtrmaqv mary asselstine michael liddle joseph atkinson mrs jlnnsleitiots joseph k armstrong mrs- j aosley danirl alhnhaydrnmessrs sedan mrs saml balch mr bsrreitjf beaudory john b banram suhvao bitwise euiher bradley george bryan john link sarah knflamtne michael maclntiret cani john mccarthy ttttfc mcdoueiil owea mclnois allan mccaon thomas mrdunolj joe mclean john mcoonell anqus mcdrrfnot james boioccalebor ahrarumcrea dr john bnnet alva blackwood thos bircjsalk uich 1 rd bfsnitrev john w bucknrr peter campbell thos chelny mr cassidy daniel council mary cad ii n caldwell john cleatcr john connelly thos carbury john counter george cowan alex i creiguc william clancy john cuniflmrs fdwd couion cfpore clements charles mcdonell ronald b mrdonald wm mcltory w mcdavitued hugh mccarty dennis mccullough kobirt mcconnell jamet mcmurrsy andrew monauglnon mary tlouugal alex 2 kooilvh murdvihe vehdftfi huh itfrifflw atrxr tfrlaughlan john vlv lough ivier licdoa1l donald tea vltrah wm isieison aon vi swell mrs uaihison john scott vlarlia william uclondge mrs tftrrill john baa british northamerica established in london capitaione million sterling provisionatcommittee for cohdocting thb itralrs op the quebec brakch james dean esquire john malcolm fraser esqcire plrb pelletier eftqulrfc george pembsrton esqoift willram phillifs esdirfc fm1he shnresreerved for ihjs district hav- ing been allotted and the deposit of 10 sterling each paid upon them the necessary arrangements are now in progress for the com mencement of business in quebec 4 earlv as possible all communications on the business of this branch are requested to be made to the pro visional committee by letter addressed to the office of mr william deleary notary pub lie no s3 st peter street robert carter commissioner from ihe court of directors quebec 1 8th august 1836 i7z c fruit tvvcs garden seeds reynolds bateham proprietor of the rochester seed store hor ticultural garden and jvursery okfer at wholesale or retail a large and superior assortment of fruit and orna mental trees garden field and kloweu seeds geeenhocse and hardt plants sec 8tc the fruit trees are all grafted from bear- iog trees of the very best kinds arid the seeds are raited in the most careful manner or im ported from the most respectable sources so that we are confident that with regard to bind quality or price the article sold at this estab lishment will give general satisfaction orders from a distance 7ill be promptly at tended to ami packages forwarded according to order catalogues may be obtained of n palmer druggist kingston reynolds bateham rochester n y nov 1836 362 misceix clirk charles deuoy gregory dnjimnondcjptt2jiiliri mrs darm thirles millm jhn ihit of ango dulhha joseph pvncy alexr bltsettthaa doooghue p penotuvur francois derby lewis r- donojhue thus dove john pouslas lluffh develin ii y pnilev willmn dnelly mary divimtpon mchd dormoi ellen everiue mircy ellisl n e efay eltmbeth kdgar janiea kgn everden israel kvan hoah kvfritttf charles ftrqiinjr johu foster jfttnci tirr edward r finfraji hugh fusion luiy kitubvinj rev john fmjohnb fullff lio ford iver puzpairitb thos gnvesgeorse uranger juuies graiou juieplk urevn william gage freeman gntni john i griruvs james horn juhn harrison elizabeth hftiniltuit joseph hatch peter hnriy thus nudmf 111 hotfcoii rivhurd hirkson e s hatilcy patk allc hotntnp gore hvwlu charics hipor anne hitvey john joimison mr jordni jirnes jhnon jidm jackson henry insram mary levin- jfilin inson julia kelly william kioslla miry kilpairickt jho q kirk jnmes ktipatrick thompsmt link koberi or jamvs musore jnnrs jnorton wuluw vityin william tim nitgem frodk r oitu joseph oriclly peter otouli jine odonnd michael ourian john odonoush mary ptilior juhn kresion pner packinshmtn james legman jinns pierce phitdui ivrry mrs proanoher michael printer alexr inllips henry ptts jercmifih uisley oden rrid jtjliri kider pisoal coe sinutl kose esther ros uitvij iiowc s 11 i sorehruc eltinor spencer strait ano mh patrick stephen george on nmuel iloan john scrimes uirhard jstewart samuel tariff cornelius 4parhttii adolphus ipooner reuben 4nnok tunis steveiis mr smiili jason steward george sierrin lewia si- miclum clnrlvs ivlbov george trtiitcrjne thtvaite juhn thompwir john ivtt benj ptivhr john riioiim in vane mrs wirns minerva vincent samuel willis henry ward william iv right uflal vvtlmot joim wood robt nmmn john white eleanor vvaexuuer mary va250ner mr e- wills riiomas wehh thomas wans amos twilaon john s lindsay william ltittpktn julia vourex john little robert voutcx charity rated with united state postage anderson george blvthe william barkly mr hnwfey thomas collard abraham crif chnrlc cromley widow chanter orrin cjrrathers james define oliver deaa jos p doro andrew dewitt erent davy thomas ervio samuel eaion leorttard eaton rinsom a kinney patrick lthtm john heyland john hefferan margaret hfrsey daniel hamilton james hopkins major s holland susan mrs hwfcios david ltntnod isaac lindsay william lucas dennis mcleao hervey mcblaio clark mcnaiiiara john mcgunmgle jamca mclean edward ucuniftv charles imoyera david imiyerhofter a g mitchell hugh mftlion mr ociliashn michael purdy micajali phillips norman hanson samuel iltng john kussell mr smith col abijah smith james shea james short joseph small patrick webb cjptedward2 iward phcebe warwick mark lyourex john robert deacon jtctiag p m- n li such of the above mentioned letters fl are not retired within six weeks from this date will be returned to the general post of fice at quebec as dead letters just received aud for sale at the comer cf king and brock street ready ueckon- eraud lcnnies grammar kingston jan 16 1836 information wanted of wm harrison an englishman supposed to be in belleville u c- or geneva u s auy information of him will be tbaoklully received by his brother john harbison front sfrcet kingston 6ih august 18s6 editors hill confer fcptrtkwhr favor by copying the above john clancy or david clancy who emigrated from the county cork some four years past are informed that the in fent children of john whelan and ellen cla- y ut n n i re nuvv in kiugailm uh4w chargeof mary daly their mother having died i agents or the claim of any individual fo notice vo chelsea and other pensioners who are paid by the commissariat the assistant commissary general here by notifies the above description of per sons that they must make reitsonal applica tion at the beginning of each quarter to the dearest commissariat office for iheir pensions in cases when pensioners reside a distance from a commissariat office which might ren der it inconvenient or explosive to the pen sioners to apply at the beginning of each quarter or if from sickness or other good cause application cannot be made personally even once in the year an officer will be sent annually to visit those stations to identify and pay those who cannot for these causes present themselves ata commissariat station the pensioners are enjoined to keep pos session of their instruction papers- as their pensions will be paid ooly to them in person on their being identified thereby it is further notified that the government wi1 tot under auy ctrcumstaoce rtcoyuic on the passage ou the children are desti- tuie aod the uncles are requested to come speedily to their assistance further information may be had on applica tion to mr manahan kingsion i61i1 july 1836 5z ck just brushed and for sale at the boo store on the corner of king and broi street a large assortment of account books of best materials and workmanship for sale at montreal prices y- blank bonks or paper well and correct ly ruled to any pattern at short notice kingston june i 1s35 information wanted of avery swan by trade a barber he left watertown n y about the open ing of the naviauon last spring should h see this he will let his disonsorate wife know where he is anv person that knows where he is will be joins an act of charity 10 inform his aid wife at wnteriown september so 1836 children fhcnd society kingston committee at a meeting in kingston on monday ihtr 30th instant of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent objects of ihis insti tution called at the request of capt orrok a sent to the society in canada for ihe pur- ete of establishing a branch committee at jhrstodj for the reception and distribution of children in the midland district the fol lowing gentlemen were respectively consul ted members of the same with power to add to their number viz venerabix auchdeacon stuart l l d rev r d cautwricht a- m honorabic john kirbt huxoicirlv jotw macoxt thomas marklakd ks j p james sampson ksq j p wiluam locie es j p jams vlacrarlane es j p juhy marics k-k- j- p- thomas scobcll esq- d a c g the lutc gentleman being also appointed corresponding secretary of the said commit tee the committee give notice that they are ready to receive applications for children through the secretary who is prepared to give every information on the subject no com munication will be attended to unless the postage be paid kingston june 32d 1836 children friend society the subscriber bes leave 10 acquaint the public that he has been disappointed in receiving 1 lie number of children which he expecied only 15 having been sent out but the remainder viz 85 boys aod girls will arrive in the course of the present season and the applications hitherto received will be at tended to john orrok secrttary for the canada bank of british north america established lit london capitalone million sterling frovtslokal committee por conducting the afatrs of thc hontbeal branch willtam cunningham esq austin ccvillier s albert fun1ss robert gillespie jon escfc james hillar estfc the shares reserved for thisdistrict having betn allotted nd the deposit of i0 sterling each paid upon them the necessary ar rangements are dow io progress for the com mencement of business in montreal as early as possible au communications on thebusioess of this branch arc rcquesed to be made to the provisional committee by letter addressed to the office of mr etiuute gut notary public notre dame street- j robert carter commmionerfromthe court f directors montreal august 27 18s6 debt contracted by the pensioners commissariat kiasion 15th march 1836 75z grand finale of 1836 december sylvest er cioae this year with a gruu flourish throwing all that have hitherto been presented to the public in the gloomy sihade a single glance at the follow tng brilliant list of schemes must encourage all sylvesters correspondents to make speedy application to ensure a merrt cheutma a hant newyear address s j sylvester m 130 broadway n y capital thirty thousand dollars virginia state lottery class no 7 for the benefit of the town of wheeling to be drawn at alexandria va saturday dec 3 is36 capitals 80000 10000 4000 3000 2000 50 of si 000 64 of 200 c ickts 10 shares in proportion certificate ot a package of 22 whole tickets will cost only 3120 halves and quarters id proportion deluy not to send your orders to ponunes home thirty thousand dollaks 50 prizes of 1000 dollua 1 virginia state lottery class no 9 for the benefit of the mechanical benevolent society of norfolk to be drawn at alexandria va saturday december 10 1836 capttats 830000 sl0 6000 83140 83000 2500 820ft0 50 of 1000 20 of 500 tickets ten uoltars a certificate of a package of 25 whole tick ets will be sent for iso dollars packages of halves quarters aod eighths in proportion magnificent capitals 40000 si5000 10000 100 prizes of 81000 vmsimui hmtc lottery on no 3 endow inj l lwesbiirs academy and for other pur oses lo be drawn at alexandria va sa turday dvcenibrr 17 1636 tbicil and splendid scheme 40000 15000 kw0 5000 2 of 2000 of 91 900 100 of 1000 ticket tm dollars certircmte of a pnckae of 25 whole tick ets in iliiafe munificent scheme may be had for 140 dollar packages of halves and quarters in proportion fron the invert ct unpublished let a nar rative of alln ramsay in a garretroom in oudd house wa discovered some time aitf- amnng a dims of lumber a pair of old wjp9pi o which had been thrust a umhrf of lc accounts cod other written paprt chioq hg 0 the times of the celehratf pfwmeni forbes aod hii soo mr john ftfj ot cuiloden it is well koowo that in ifft of bis public cares aod professional poi d forbe cultivated a tate for litt 0 t c0 versatioo of authors hl friend aud patron of allan rams d of thomson the following communi appears to havo beon addressed to him uft ramsay when lh president then lord al of scotland was io london attondio his parliamentary dutteg h is wrhteo in humblo depcodent tone which respect for uw genius of th author of the gentle stepherd loads us to regard with something lik morti6calioo wft preservo tho origin spe f lhe edinburgh apriloi5th 1736 11 my lord i wish i uld wht upon any opportuoitys whorelo i nm fl my ready nesa to serve aod shew pj gralitude for the regards that you have hto with wil ye give me somethiog todo here i pass sort of balf idle scrimp fe tending a trifling trade that scarce nfford l needful had i not ot a parcell of gtineas from you and such as you who werepl to patroois my subscriptions i wti dot bave had a gra a at 1 think sbaaebut why should i ivjieo i open my tuiud t one of your good nisj to hint that i wsh to bve some small cominiasioot when it may happen to fall in your way to put we into it bookselling good for oothiug poetry thats failed tne or rather my admirers have ceased to ferly frae twentyfive to five mnd forty my tnuse was nowther stvutr nor dorty my p gaos wad break hi tether een at the wagging of a feather arid throw ideas acour ulua drift streesing his wins up to the lift then then my soul was v a low that girt my rhymes sae nfikrowj but did and judgment gin toav lww affyour sang3 and learn to pray i hope to do something yet that may chaocq to please aod if i still have a place in yourtodulgcoce ill be 41 your lordship bumble happy servant ofuiinessfs to fix the guilt upon hnv- tho 1 mr morru by his proprietorial rigwt a of o mob increased with the loudest five hundred thousand acre and by the hgb uproar din that ever was heard aod would have loro him council aud guard all io pieces if the magistrate had not sent him to the tolhooth by a strong party and told them be should be tried for his life which gave ibero qio uua- of preemption became as soon as he bad ob tained the coosiion of the indians possessor of oearly three millions of acres of forest aud it is from that vat speculation that suhio- quently sir wiilhun putney the holund faction and sent them quietly home j could company mc parish and others acquired have acted more discreetly had i beeo in ivr- teuss place to the honorable duncan forbea of cullodeo his mjcstys advocat m for scotlaod metnbr of parity u loqdoq 11 v thegalt letters fom the cobourg btaft lo this number we publish lettered of mr gaits series ou projects of improvement io upper caonda the first three letters beiog as our readers will perceive chtefty introduc tory we qre prevented from making many observations ipon them lest we should antici pate subjects which greatly coucern the public in the future aumbers it has however beeo already clearly shown that the caoada cora pany was formed solely at mr gaits sugges tion with tho view io the first place nf w- deriog the disposal of the waste lauds a source their laodt uoder which the genesee settle ments bave been made it is mdmitted on all hand with respect to the inferior purchase that in ihe commence ment great ertqh wera committed theae the ottoada cnmpoy prefitiog by their epo- ri9cfe may avoid que of the earliest agents of the holland company a colonel botmc began it is said by erecting large establish ments for manufacturing ranplo sugar all tbe year round mr williamson to whose care the pulteoey purchase uas consigned acted better but still it is aaid with injudicious pro digality io so much that at on time it was i am told a question with the heirs of sir wil liam pulteoey whether the whole speculation should not be abandoned mbscqvently how ever on examining funhcf ioto what air williamsoo had done ibey changed iheir minds and eveo qiade a provision of 20000 for bi family the holland company bavwg mixed iuoif of profit to the government aod utility to the province in general and io the next for the with loans it now 1826 difficult to aay understood object of raising a fuod to relieve what are its profits but in so far as the lauds 1 allah uamsat thft following will be immediately recog nized as a true decriptino cf the incidents o skilfully and powerfully wrought up by wal ter scott io the heart of mid lothian a true and faithful account of the llnhla- shew that hnppeued ift edinburgh wednes day the 14th uf aprila 1736 at the hung iog of wilson the housebreaker 41 oo the sunday preceding viz- the lllh the two condemned crimiualls wilson and robettsoo were tukeo as usul by four so gers out of prisoo to hear their last sermon aod wilson who was a very strong fellow took robertson by the headband of his brecks and threw him out of the seat held a soger fast in each hand and ono of them with ins truth while robertson got over and throw the the sufferers by the war losses to advocate whoso claims mr gait was officially nppoinr- ed at tho very outset of his colonial life the 2d and d letters chiefly have reference to matters of fact respecting the first settlement of the old state of new york aod coosist for the most part of memoranda made about the time of iha psifthmttinitni of the canada com pany theo ootes tend to illustrate the are coqcerned they have become greatly pro ductive oor oao the lands of mr parish bp considered by themselves the effect of other speculations havo made them not productive the general result however has beeo greatly successful during a period not exceeding thirty year a ttilderpess has been settled with ai0fttattoa of kvre ba jive hundred thou sand souls many large ond flourrsjiiog towns views of mr gait regarding the formation of hve arisen no less it liu heen computed ac that compaoy aud thd process aud progress of colonizmiou io british america much will be developed io the course of the thia linoo than two hundred and twelve iocludr iog the villages extensive manufactories have been established a canal eicavated icter- publicatiotj of these letters that has relatioo to ciiog the 8ate of new york for three bun- the caoarta company its ohjert operation aud practical effect but this will have to bo gradually unfolded io order to bo clearly un derstood by the public aod wo will not forestall the design we shall however io justice to mr gait as an injured man rake every opportunity to enlarge upon the different topics of interest as they occur in the succeeding letters particu larly thosa which refer to the treatment he has received for what may be called disinterested services to advance the prosperity of ibis pro vince letters concerning projects of improvement for upper canada lv john galt esq lcttjut iii to the editor or the cobourg sur sir the state of massachusetts sold the dred ond eighty five miles opening ibe navi gation fro the lnkea of canada to new york since 1825 the progress of the couo- try has been uninterrupted aod i understand ia fiill progressing aud the lands whftb were contracted fur at little more than tiyo ahiuiog ao acre are onw selling for four five aod even sevea dollars an acre io many places at aucb higher rates i am c sic 3 oh 3 3 alt orteoockasc all prizes maryland state lottery class no 27 f 1936 to be drawn at balti more saturday december 24 1636 schcmeu 30000 s00fti 40001 5200 83000 10 of 81000 20 of 8500 20 m 250 30 of 200 stcs tickets only 10 dollars a certificate ol a par baa uf 25 whole tickers will he sent for ho dollars packa ges of shares in proportion ooio tehis lottery all those tickets having no drawee number on them will he each enti tled to tftree dollars without discount you cannot o better than adventure in ihis schfmfc pows pushed oer the elder and plate nt the i a christian population very oearly equal to door made his escape throw the parlt i ttrt w it i proposed the canada compa- close down the back siai got 0 of the 1 ny should pay in fifteen years fur lnd which poteraw port uvfoe it whs hut the mob ma h ri urwjb through which higu- sir c heads tour through the manu facturing jfricthi work it one of the most eoteriaining we have ever rad it is a description of a tour through theipaonfac- turiog districts of england in the progress of which the author visited most of those won derful establishments where the art aod ioge nuity and iodutry of the boglish people ara right to purchase indian lands to messrs gor- 1 sf ac engaged in the fabric or production ham aod phelps for 300000 payable io three yearly portions of 100000 each and these gentlemen lust qo time to having them surveyed they found that they had in consequence acquired about two millions of acres for which they were to pay in three years 300 000 a price for lands then totally uninhabited king way and assisting hiiro got fiieuds mo ney and a swift horse- aod fairly got oft oae in ii w be heard of or seen this made ihem take a closer care f wilson wlo had the best character of thcrw all till his foy made him seek reprisals at hiis own hand whioh had gained liim so much pity o in raise a re port that a great mob ifowd rise 00 his execu tion day to relieve biro which ooyse put our magistrates 00 their guard and may bo made some of them unco fieym as was evidcoccd by their ioviiirg in iso of ihe regiment that lyes io tha cannungate who were i drawn up in the laud marker while the criminall was cou- ducted to the tree by captain purieus nod a tron party of the city guard all was rs put up for a long ed wujj 05 look at this virginia statr lottery class no- 8 for the benefit of the town of vellsbur o be drawn at alexandria va saturday dtrcember 31 1836 capitals 650000 sl0000t 6000 5000 4000 3500 35 prizes o 1000 dollars each 25 prizes of 500 dollars each 23 prizes of 300 dollars cojeh goo prizes of 200 dollars tickets only 10 dollars a certificate of a package of whole tirke will besvnt for 130 dollars halves quar ters aud eighths in proportion s j- sylvester 130 broadway n y strayed or stolen frol the premises of the subscriber atiofot iwo miles from the town on the bath kod a red heifer with a short tail about a and a halfohj whoever will re turn said heifer or will cive information where she may- be lound shall receive a reward of three dollaks edward noble kinssi november 25 1336 41a party hush psalms sung prayei hour and upwards and he man ha n all decency and quietness after he was cut down and the guards drawing up to gfl off some unlucky boys threw a stooo or two at the hangmao which its very coinmno 00 which the brutal iortdus who it seems had ordered his party to load their guos with ball let drive grst himself among tho innocent mob and commanded hismeu to follow his c- ways have been opened a rapidly tnciraiog population plautel iwul the various ramifica- tious of law and magistrates established 11 the plan which messrs goibim sod phelps adopted in the location of their gigan tic speculation for such under the circumstanc es of its furtnntiup xmust bo described was exactly sjmilir 10 that by tyhich ihtr lands of the cnoada company have since been survey ed aod located they caused the whole to be intersected hy n number of rnarkedjincsnnd trees at right angles in such a mhonertiit to divide thft whole country into one hundred ad two tonoships whereof seveutjroine lire squares of six miles 00 eacsidc and tweoty- three irregular figures the tract bring thus divvded corham and phelps proceeded to sell by towoships aod actually did sell or covenanted 10 convey fifiy- two townships to different persona iu less ilian tiro years aud on the 19th november 1790 they formed a contract witlimr robert mor ris for all tho remainder of their purchase it would appear however by the inaoutr in which they thus in the course of mo years from the dale of their cnotract wilh maachu- nmnle which quickly cleansed the street but left three mcu a hy and a woman dead up 00 the spot besides several others wouoded they were not sufficiently prepared 10 sustain their uoderlauiig nor were pojteartd 01 the means or waittut to see ihu result of the gene ral progress of the country for it h on record tlihi uwiug as they themselves stated to the some of whuin are dead siuce aftrr the first are he took it in his hed when half up the bow to order another volley and killed a iaylcr in a window three stories high a young mm 1 i heavy exnenscs to which the canada bomna- geotle woman aod a son of mr mathesoo the t mi mmam l-t- 4 mioistes and several morn wore daogerously wounded aod all this fiom no more provoca tion than what 1 old you btfoto ihe throwing of a stone or two that hurl nobody believe this to be true tor i wa ana eyewitness ond witliio a yard or two of being shot as i ivm with some geotlemeu iu a stblers uinduw opposite to the gallowg after this the crazy tiact of brut marched with hi ragatnuflius to the guard as if he had doutft nothing worth notic ing hut was nt long hero till the hue aud cry rose fiotn them tha had lut friends stnd servant demauding justifce he was takou be- u will not be j 1iik they were uuable u rrcot their first iustaloieut- out of that proceeding a ncv arrange ment took place by which ultimately it would seem that iustcad of mkiug the remainder of gorhatn nud phelps purchase as mr morri bad covenanted to do he eogaged to lako a he name country from the govern ment of massachusetts containing about five liuudred itiuusaod utrc for wwch he pqid 50uuo and by other deeds be ijhw ohlained a right of preemption to four several qiiiioti- tie ofciht hundred thousand acres etich for foro tbo council where ttherewcrc abundance thss right ho paid 51000 of almost every conceivable object of human consumption either for necessity or luxury the author is sir george head brother of sir francis head the present governor of upper canada and like htm a man of shrewd close observation decided talent and indomitable liveliness add good humour he saw every thing that was curious wonderful or iofer itig and describes all that be saw with exceed ing force spirit aud brevity we feel confi dent that every one who reads it will woqde to fiod that after all lbe louring and tfarallirg that have been crone io eugfaorl now much yet remaius to be described that is indeed re- uiatkabte and irorthy of description 11 provincial parliament to cstabl1sr a loati affd trcst c0mp4ltv whereas the establishment of a loan and trust company with a urje capital will pro mote the agricultural and commercial iate rests of the province be it therefore enacted sic that from aod after the time thi i act shall take effect john henry dunn george i i r r l i mirkland william allan augus tus baldwin george cropkshanks john ma- cauhy johu hamilton john kirby joseph wells chrisiopher widmer samuel street george munro james newhigging joseph cawthrajohn baldwin allan napier mac- nib jesse ketchum and charles cuswell small and their successor be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate under the name of the upper panada loan nd trust company to b established iq the city of toronto in ibis ptovince and by that name shall have power to contract snd be con tracted with may sue anil be sued plead and be impleaded answer and be answered unto in all courts havin competent jurisdiction and may have and use a common seal and the same break alter and renew at pleasure and shall be vested with all the powers requi site to adopt hybtws and regulations and 71lh all pricileges necesary to the objects of their iocorporation as it is hereinafter defined and limited 2 jtnd be tfc that the said company tlmll havo power first to make insurc qq lives sccood to grant and pqrcha qafltiilrei third to mke aoy other contracts iprolvtos the irm or use of money and ha duration of life fourth to receive mopey jn trmt aod in accumulate the same at ucli rate of interest tis may be obtained or agreed mpon or to al low such rate of luterest thereon may be ugrced to not in either case exceeding seven