bank of brit north a capital 1000000 sterliko iff 20000 shares op 50 each tlincc- f0ukth3 of which have betn subsrkib- ed im kngland and the kumalndeft are reserved for the cqlowh with power to lucftels the capital london directors george dr rosco attwooo es edward bloukt esft- robert browh es sir robert cahpbell dart robert carter esq william robert chapman james joh commiks esq james dowib es oliver farrer esq alexaifdr gillespie jurr william medlet esq william pemberton esq george richard robinsoit esq m p john waldroh wright esq esq esq the rapidity with which the british north american colonies have advanced in prosperity ond commercial importance i he vast increase of iheir population the high rate of interest the fluctuation of exchange the in adequacy of the capital already employed for banking operations and the increasing facili- ly of intercourse with the mother country soiot out the different settlements of british forth america as affording a secure geld lor the profitable employment of capital for which purpose and with a view of promoting the mercantile and agricultural interests of the colonies the preseat company bs been established the manaaement of the companys affairs is vested in the london court of directors and the banks in the colonies are tg be con ducted by local boards appointed by them a general meeting of the proprietors is to he held yearly in london to whom a statement of the compaoys affairs will be submitted power has been reserved to the directors to apply for and accept on behalf of the estab lishment a charier of incorporation or act of parliament a deposit of 10 sterling per share to be paid wilhin a period 10 be named in the letter of allotment at ibe rate of eschahge therein fixed and the deed of settlement tobe signed at the time of payment after payment of the deposit the remainder of the capital will be required by instalments not exceeding 10 sterling per share at such intervals of not less than three months as the directors may 6nd necessary to carry the ob jects of the hank into operation of which due notice will be given the undersigned commissioned to rrprescnt the court of directors in america and 10 visit the sereral colonies for the purpose of puttinq the affairs of the bank into operation hereby gives notice that he will be ready to receive and consider applications from persons resi dent in the province of upper canada who mav be desirous of becoming shareholders in the capital slock of ihe company addressed to him at the post office at montreal oner before the 10th day of august next robert carter new york i4th july 1836 office n form of application to robert carter esq post montreal sm i request that vou will allot to me shares in the bank op bjmtish worth america and i hereby engage to pay the de posit of 10 hhting each upon so many of such shares as you mav allot to me at the time place and mm of exchange to he speci fied in your letier of ilotmen i and at the same time to execute the deed of settlement i am sir vuur obedient servant signature at ttngth plare of abode date all letters most be pot paid for sale bytlie subscriber 1 t i ft4h hs american cotton yaros tww nos 5 6 7 8 9 10 500 lhs billing and 200 lbs cmdlewick 200 xktt and small looking glasses a large assortment of travelling baskets wm wilson kingston oct 19 1936 sjsi notice th e times and places for the sale of crown lands and clergy reserves during the fvvn pmt will i 4a fallow jjv the jchjvstotvjv district for the clergy reserves in the county of leeds at beverly on ihe i8ih of october and on the ijih november following for the clergy reserves in the county of greoville at kempt ville on the sim of octo ber and on ibe isth november following jv the eastern district f clergy reserves at soutliwicks inn williamsburg on the 24ih october and on the 21st november following reference may be msde to james west esq d s matilda for further information schedules of the particular lots to be sold in each township specifying also the terms of the sate have been printed and will be pui up at the court house in each district at the offices of the clerk of the peace and sheriff and in other conspicuous places in each dis trict r b sullivan commissioner of crown linda office to 27th sep 1336 34s i fashionable saddlerv warehouse robert chanonhouse saddler and harness manufacturer respectfully informs the gentry and public of kingston and its vicinity thai he has commenced business opposite the cbronicl gazelle office kin street where he will be constantly supplied with a general assortment of ewry article comprised in the above business and which be offers for sale on the most reasonable terms- best saddles english materials carriaza harness silver and brass mounted g5 and tandom do blesh and waggon harness blab mounted ladies and gentlemens riding and drivii whips in great variety toan apprentice wanted kingston 11th oct 1836 s0z bay river the splendid steatn boat sis 11 roomps mills mohawk village sofniasbukgh belleville amklusbuftgh aod carrying place calder aiistek will invc present t fnf ihe hal nf iho bay of quitiic on tuesday and fridays cm the arrival of the steamer dolphin touch- ins at brnckvillc siml jnnnunqiie shi tt ill ictiv kington on her upward trips n wed nesdays aud saturdays st half prist 8 nelock a al and will call at iho following pla ces batk fredericksckgii adolphustown hallowfll scanlans and arrive at tho treut the same evenings she will leave the trent nnd carrt in placo no the cveoiugs of wednesday ami sunday for belleville autl leavo belleville for prescoit fin mondays and thursdays at halfpasi 6 a m calling at all the iotrrmediate places the brncrcvillc will leave punctually as advertised nod as she will stop onlv a few niniitci nt each placo except when there may bo frcht passengers are requested to ho iu readiness the speed nnd elegant accommodations of the bnockvillk arc so well kitmt n dial i hey inquire no further recommendation for freight or passage apply to the captain oo board or tit the committkk s ifonson s rartlett belleville j j miller hallowell t mcnider kingston linhert harvey ilrock- ville and the follmving agknts thomas fraser present henry lasher bnth john andcrsoo fredricktdmrah samuel casey awiiptloslottn samuel sotmcs snphins- hurh win porit y on lass ontario- th e steam p a c k e t caxtadiis propelled ly a low johnson prtfmlirs horse powir engine of 50 w the only stkol boat which pliks rf-gu- larlv bktvxten kingston andoswego ill icve kingston every monday wednesday and friday morning at half past 8 oclock nnd oswego every tues day thursday and saturjiy at same hour until further notice and on softnavs will make an exira trip leaving kindlon at 6 a m and returning ie same evening tlie canada which has run for many years between toronto and niagara is schoonrr kicsed and is well known to be second to none as a safe sen boat she is wll calcula ted ft convey iwih freight and passengers with safety and expedition for freisht of piissae apply to msrs trohridje qtnu otwego messrs tnii phillips kinssion or to the captain on board kingston my 23d 1836 94z n otice an application he he next nsini of the legislature this province for an act to etdpih a lauk in the towo nf ptesrott io l isrict uf juhiuinun willi a capital of jl made at wtotice is hereby piven ufi subscribed in the grand tiou company on which t- are not paid upon or in november next wi that all stock river navipa- instalments due before the first monday ii be declared forfeited tli fuoticfi applicati i ihe lesislature at on h be made to lis next session for an act of incoiporaiiun to consiruct o rail or turnpike liusiil from windsor harbour inthe miin or york koadand from thence to scliu- 202 lake i kech ond then sold by public auction on at ihe hour of twelve oclock noon office for the benefit of the company law directs- it at as dayi this the p ublic notice is hereby given thvi application will be made at the oel meeting of the legislature for so act to in- cornoratea company for the purpose of tmpro ving the harbour at godericbo lake hi roo church of england psalms fy hymjvsi nnl wiihnoi music sold ai the chnwire fcoiio olbce kiorimi mm 17 183fi njoticb t horeby given that an apphca- 1 tion will be made to ihe legisbuire at ito ensuing session uf parliament in establish ihe concession le between gort b and the first coniression southwest of green point township of sophiasburgb in prince edward district n jot1cr is iicrriv riven that the inhabit- 03 tliomai mrmahnn hnwley river trent ryiog ploc ter eq kinzstou xmohawk vilhtge aineliaslinih shchloo charles blggtr car- also at the stores of john coon aod messrs truax phillips 16th may 1 63697 maps for sale m 4t the chronicle nnd gazelle office maps of ihe mid hind and prince edward dis iricts i c comprehending a tract of coun ty of ivon 80 io 00 miles in length being from near gananoque in the couy of letfds 10 brifihton in the county of northumberland shewing at one view the different townships concessions nnd lois hoih idesnf the inieres- tins mi picminsque biyof qninte and lands qui klirjamed ihe pnivinip kfaim t 111 t i iotf- jltst receivnl nnd lor sale ai ihe mrncr tf klus ami brack street ready keekon ers ami lumues ratninar kinmn jin lfi i8jt wantm immediately wo juurntfvmen cabinet makers nnd an aciive ynu man as appreniire to the same business lihtwl waftm will hesiven none but persons of good habits need npply t nnh nf the foorih conresinn of ihe town ship nf freflerickhnruh original in the mid ihioi district ioiend to peiiiinn ihe leilamro nt lis nest iiiing to liive the bnutinnry he i ween lot no tncoty bve ami the gore m freileriikhiirrh eiahlihed ns n ntvernins hlinttdar for the fourth fifth wih nod seventh rootcisoiis of ihu siiifl township from nninhcr twenty five io number seventeen inclusive fotice itberatty givdi that the inhabit 1 nois of ihe township of letds in the johntnun disirici will piiin the lesislii- lore at il next mlfiflff to estahluh the west ern itotiioury liueofftaitl township htotici is hereby iven lhai certain in- w hnbitants of ihe disirict nf niagara will petition the provincial parliament at us nexi session fur an amendment uf the mutual in surance act so as to allow two companies to the said district n t ml notice heunjersicnedlnhabiianisofihetownof kjnsion in ihe midland district hereby cive notice iliai tliey intend to apply provincial legislature at its nexi ihe enactment of 1 law autlioriziiis i-n-n- mvssbval kitateio free ami common this province under sikii stipula- ai may be found necessary 10 guard djeflinll political imerlcrence or dudue specu lation tending 10 monopoly otice application will be made at the ensuing session of parliament for ihe dntinuanceof an aei authorizing the magis trates of the london district 10 continue ih ltyinsof onethird of a penny in the pound fur a limited period 10 defray the expense j buiwin n new gaol with suitable yards fct j ihe said disirict i n ers to poj soccagv i in lor vice is hereby given thai appltcaiioo will be made at ihemxi session of parlia ment for a charier for a bank to he entitled ihe freeholders b ink of the home district wuli a capital of one m llloo sterling n xotice is hrrehy iven thai application ie inside at lha next aeaaiihl of the pnrltainenf fr ihn exteusiuu of piial stock nfilie gore llmk 1 nrvitit m c n kidsmonu may ffiih e conk iss6 njz cash paid for clran wool of a pod qunliiy in 1cc at the woulleo fac- lory fiiiijihqrt may 17 1830 93ui oticb h aiven thai application will be mn u lhe igwlmuw of this 1 next session fur the amend- jlirter of the mirmori kntmdrv jrina on increase of its capitnl u2jo000ahj prayina that express bank ing privileges i emitted to the company w province ai men of the company requ notice xx i el tn next session hereby given that application triple m ihe ijsithiturc m ir a clinrter fur h ouipny o tice is hereby mv n that i elhion will hi presented to the house of asspov my ai the next suasion by the inhabitants of the township of seymour newcastle dis- 1 rici praying for an act 10 establish ihe new survey lif ihe said township niade by dtiu ty snrvevor alx campwli in theveir 1hs3 tvdtick- the suhscnhir inlands apply- i iny ni itie qexi siitinq of llw provincial rarliameni for no aci to enable him to col lect tdls on timber passioff tin slides erected by him on the first nnd second shutes of ilie liner itnmtc ghrre in tlie township ot hor- ton uathurst district c j bell 11 public notice application wi made by the subscribed at the enso he session of the legislature for an act to incur- poraie a joint stork company to be style m caledonia minenil orinss company william parker notice the undersigned inhabitants nf the cnun- iy of hnsiinss in ihe midland diatrirl hereby ive notice that they iniejid to apply to ihe provincial legislature at iis lirsi a- lings fr the enactment tif a law anihori- ini foreignera io possess real etiaiv in i province under such siipuuiions as may found necessary to uard aeainst poliiical lerferenre or iiodue speculaiion tend monopoly notice is hereby given that application will be made at the next session of par llameni for a limn lor ihe huron fishery company on lake huron and also thai ihe said company may be mcurporaied by char ter ft f us he n- to otice is hereby given that application will he made at the next sesshffi of the provincial pitrlninent fur a cbarnr for a join stock company ioconinirm a harbour at ihe mouih of die kiwr bayfltild lake hu- ron in oe disirict of london n otice- the inhabitant of i rs of ibe newcastle dmtri wentern part of the midland dii pfiomdx the legislature fur tlie fiirmatinn of comity town m iho m ic eastern l aod the ict in heir next wtiort a new liiric t with tho iuib nf the trciti- mrutigk will b ft is hereby civen lhat application made to the nexi session uf the provincial the lmtth parliament harbour for a iojo iu complete at n jfotice u hereby riven ibnt applicntmn will lie made to the lilatuh- at ibe next nimiiii- session of parliament by certain inhabitants of the township of kin n rvl an act passed in the tal tfcsion uf the 12ih parliament enliiled an act m turborio a new sorvcv if the tow nthip of km oiic is hrehy ffiven tint applicniiiia will be made at ibe next session nl parli ament fjr an act io ineorporate a contpanv for coiisiructinz a bail itoad fnm ibe ciiy of toronto to the shore uf lake huron io ibe london diru1 fvrii ii lie entitled tfl uvrfi nnd tw limi mihi mii real of one miiaa upper niinpai estate canada l h u nd to fe instir- nnivcr ti t cipilul tvtotice is hereby given ibai bpphcai j will he made io ihe legislature at ft next ein i mil n aituosi ruction tu u ur a ch of a kail inlaml r town if ntaq m rter to nui road from vct oi ion ita liorize the si chiiv in mr iiu mrutickit 11 itautj of is herrhy rwm that lht innah- latttti ir the tnwimhips uf oloucct ooede cumberland rttmth n poao iol bimirue march lltiuiley tfirludiim filknyi pnkmiham macnab hmtod rs ve tneaih and pembmkc of the otlhwil nnd i j a 1 hurst district will petiiino the legibmir i its uchi bmbnii in form them into a new on trifi bavins rvrnwu for ilscatrtt and all m itttf iou4hm hereby sjiven that the inhabit- ihe eastern pirt of lite londoa of ibe township of walpole and he kfiasan diirci will peti- ltture ni it next session to form ice is of district and uiinh mi in lion the leif them mm n new district h ivin sirneoe for iib litriei town n thames western barber and hfli dresser mark siuare kingston jotkrthc iulmbitan 1 nf n 141 r will renew he en t tniie qeshflii is grateful for the liberal patronage he b received an act to nrtllftfl ihe the ditiei town ami more ceniid aud eligih dititcl il r of i heir nf the lifili retnovjil of lie disirict ipplieaiioii itilurc for the site of none will pi die hutblius io a suuktiuo withiu said ick- the inlmhnaniof darlington puiiiiun ibe lejislaute at the nexi session for an act io inrurporie a company authorial ni the cooitruction ot a whnrt and hartatur at the itimith of barbrs crevk in said township ol darlington n the neweas- ile diairiri he hopes to from the pub merit a covmuance of it ooraiurs honed and dressed january 7 is8 ind si reet a ping papkr july ii is3g for sale at ihe chronicle ie office corner of kin an arse quantity of exeellent on moderate term ga- brck wkap 4z to millers nflme subscriber begs leave to nform mi- ers and ibe trade generally lhai havme purchased ihe siork in trade uf mr lewis botwick dorr mill stone manufacturer he will continue ihe business of making french burr mill s tones of the first quality bavin on hand lour pairs of stune finished and a large lot of burr block which he will make up to order on the shones notice all orders fur the above to be address ed 10 a clark ai the kingston koundrv whom h has made his ageot for his stone building business geo mccrabbt kingston august i6ih 183ti i4z the ctbmrg sar v ill pleam cpv this adveiii- nirtnl ffr auiipjl office ofthis paper k e petit i siimi for t across rhfl ermirh of the river between sleek mmd and the tho rapid f moulinette notice tin rtllhcribef wil 11 the legislature at tlie next sea q privilege of i rec w t in 1 mill ilam lawrenec iiu bind at n otich it heieby z tnado i i ton vitl be he leiluic nflblfl ealaltlttfh a hnok iu ihe ton o of amite in tiia vvritfern duirieti with ceriaii llankn 10 lieluor thereto and uit 25iuuu ven that an applica nt ibe next ttessinu of pivince for nn act to burgh iin llriurli a cftpiial of otice 1 hereby given il 1m aptlica- canon will be made to the provincial arliameut at its next session oir n cram of a sum nl money 11 improve tin harbor of the pun of windsor i a the townshpof wliiibjn uf notice tlie inhabitant rough will petition the legist lougl n bo- tore nexi session m make null three lints of concession of the new survey as they acrce not wiib nf uld survim n ret fere and or io have commissioners appointed to se the disputed lines its nt ihir nnd flind their accuunt to the ollite nf ihncaaraqm brdffh compaov kinfiinn c july 28 lsg- j notice at a meeting of the dirertors of the caiaraqni rridje company held bis day a dividend of 5 tier cent- was declar ed on the capital of the bridge stock for the half year ending sofl june lsfi which is now payable at the companys office 9z j marks treasurer he inh re tiiu nbip nowra4ta is hereby riven that i f ihe first cnnecsiin of i of darliiiftlin iu iho dttfttiel of will peiiiioi the leglidittufq at tho uesti ses sion for an net to correct tho survey of the ctinwhinutlim bettveen ibe first aud second roneeaiioimf ihe said loiruahin m to tice the liihah l o pruveo edwnid w ulnture at rs oem itiin fir an a nttrate a ii ink in ibe said district x ital of on anis of the pitrict i petifinii tuc le- in inrr- ih a can- i lte is hereby given ii application will be made to the lclalure at its next silting for a charier iqomtiic a ttai tur sitp navigation from puim on the niagara itiver ca- ert erte io some bow ihe rapids r otice i hereby riven thai she inhabit ants f rha luvvmlnps in ibe rear part of the newcastle district will petiuon the leii viiiim- at its next iuum ft creel the nl low nsbip mm a iiparhu district y iib peicr hnrnuh a thief lltltn- ttorice is hereby jiven hat ibe leis- j- lature will be petitioned f ensuing session tn piss an aci to eiowtah the smf line uf lots in ihe second rmeessinn wesi of green point in the townjip of sopbtas- borab from number fiftyeish o ibe town- ship line to run the same tfittise the sole lines in the said concosiun tip to number kiftyeighl iv notic noric pat the la og loff called in 0 10 10 10 commercial bank 31 d jtotice is hereby given that the remain- h instalments oo the new stock arc as follows 10 per cent oo the 2d january 1337 1t march 1st may l 1st july 1st sept payable at the bank its offices and agencies by order of ibe board f a hauper cahbier kingston oct 2g 1836 cp newspapers qccuitamcd to advertise f r the cininvreii 34nk will pleaso ropy tliif and mid ihvfj aituunij tu tbo bank m if l ii 1kv goooas he subscribers are now receiving by the si arrivals from lownoif liverpool and glasgow extensive assortments of the varfntis kinds ot staple ami fancy duy goods laces small wakes stc stc thai thev are in ihe habit of import in kobekt armour sf co montreal mav 2h s3b looz fu1zk medals the natural history society of montheal off r three prize m e- dals for the ihree best essays that may be presented on the following subjects 1 on the connection between the language and ihv character of a people 2 on the physical history of rivers in general 3od of the st lawrence in particular 3 on the circumstances which affect cli mate in general and the climate of lower canada in particular 4 on the comparative aoaptation of prairie and forest to the settlement of a new country 5 the changes that have taken place in the habits of exoiic plants cultivated inthe northern pans of america particularly as re gards the changes induced on their agricultu ral and horticultural properties the conditions are 1st the esavs shall be presented on or before the 90lb of february tst 2d the essay may be m french or en glish 3d- the nimes and residenres of the auth ors must be concealed io ensure which each esnv shall have a muito and hnll he accom panied by a sealed note superscribed with ihe same mullo and roniohiinje the name nod re dience of the author tins potcshttll only he opened in the cased the esay betas declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall ue des troyed 4th the sucrrful essays shall remain ihe propeny of the society 5ib the society reserves loiielf ihe riffhl in withhold tilt prize should no one uf the es says uq any particular subject appear deserving of it tlie essays arc to he addressed to j s otcoku ktq corresponding secretary uf iho society andrew ii armour recording svcntnnj the editor nf all fubtc rir ri ihe drlml prnvinces ji coufif a lavr on the hnell ty by piv inff in intriion tn tin nove or by notlgllll it in ihe cdtoriil clouw of thi ir mepectitr mmrualu ce 1ho tinderined hrretiy gives itiiii aimlitiliif m1 hu ttinitiu iiimro for an ci to rouble bioi io errci a tidhjrijfth over ihe river thauir frum ihe ton om chatham in the onrth hunk of the said ri l a privilea f deinandin ami receivjir lls thcrefur ilurin- nuch pci inl as the leieltttlira may determine o ticr the luhahimiits of crimnh6 haldimand nnd adjoin g townships will ppty io ii legislature t it nrxi sit ting in charier a company toistruwa har bor at the mouih of keelers revk near col- borne newenstl oistriet n otik application will act mii be rnsu in ereel iir sess bo dirrin bo midc nt on ii pirltamrnt fur an comity of hailing in the itiio a mparma dftrtcr n jutice is hereby c that tbo flwjien nod oecnpicr of land in the plml con remo of tha township f nyan in tbo raibnrsl putrici will apply 10 ihe lruilatore at lis bexl session for an act iii cnrrcrl the conresim line between ihi- eirm noil second tonccfsotm rejtprvinj to ihe nw mrs nf landl in the sirnud cnotesiim reasooalila reom- nrraiion for any improvement w hirh tloy may liivc made prior h ihe pnblieatinn nf tlib notlre and also to correct the side liues ffotice- application will he made to he leisl nitre at its nexi siltintr afl aci iorem a dim across lb river in tie tuwiishiji of cb nam to the diiriit t ice- th inhabitants of the 7ib 1 lih nod 10th chcmions of ihe town- ship ofjtahird in ibe joiniown disirit will petition ibe parliament at iis next sesiun lor an art totstahlish the eastern btiundarvf ibe said concessions as the governing buundi- w ifoticr- application will be made ioihe lvjf slaiore of iis next session fr an a- 1 authorisins a crenoi uf a milbdam across he north llranch of bear creek at its upper forks in ihe township of sombra io ibe western district lion will le made to the more at ii next meeting hv ihe s of ihe townvhi3 of m i hide othe u htnb jiven thai the oeftl t fur nn ael in defi and tn clablib n p no iitts i hereby will he made at itiimrt biiurj pplirnwnn ni nf par- e the limit of co- lice therein will be mad pr iviio oil in miihnrio iho re nr line in front of tbo iwotlce aplication x nxt in ee tii is nf the incut for nn ael the concession nuircsiiin ef ibe tni uslup cf wiocbeilcr the ciojcity of dnmlas ll iho parlia- i viv of third 0 mtotick applir l leiris lubibiiaii yarmouth westminster and london tor an art io incorpuraic a joint stock company a conslruci a hailroid irom the town of lon don iu dtvenport to intersect the naviate waierof catfth river and in construct a 1 ubour at ihe mouth of said river nona lei ice- a latere t 1 1 at anon wm its next totice hereby eivnn thai applii 1 will be made tn tho lzulaittro at next session for nt act to be pnvsrr ins number truiee toicps in f tlie bite honorable ivicr lnsirll fir tbo pnrptma of carry in a into flw oi 1 1to laia john ivliilf- eqnira for nrnry general of iiim prnvinrr in proviore if i ibe airl llnnorable pi minn tlwir i apmint- tbe roiin riernm r ibe will merit at- i hi- made io ihe sitiioff for aa act io establish ibe roadsaod rridaasihvy now are arrows the pwentv mile crek is ibe township of is tinsbnroush and auo to establish the side lints d the 5th ijih ctm- remonx of said iwnship according to tlie original survey mjtoticr- application will a the nexi siniii of the lei hc lain i anils in i were ilcvicd h ly wfiirh cer- ppr c iniida er riis- made a lure liw charier ii fnn a ctrtinanv in m ike a flar b ur at li ui nhl of ihe twelve mile crctk in uronte gore district sell tn lie nl by bim fur ibe pay debts of ibe said john while erj ocl tif lite n tice is hereby given thai an applica tion wdl be nude at the enjoin session n othk apphcaiiuii will hi- niadn the rnauuie session nf parliamrnl fr i t in rom1rnet a rail iih i fenfti 1 im j wood mtotin mie mill i nf llji nioll and i lcnmaturj at jm nckt units the od milages ii new nam lo hfine town mid tslahlih biiants of ilia village irom will petilitiii the silling fur an aci to own under n 4 nf the said herein tv otice the h hmi road corn 5eson of ibe provin for an act iu alter and amend an ar in ibe filth year of his majesivs reian enii- lied an ai to incorponile ondry persons under ihe style and title uf i honhon and pori dover ilnil rund compv ion iort dover any i l ir t 1 x al liislaiore apply amend an an tianed totvnbjp of ioin ihe saoduicli luidiiarlia itiiili rivir dolfoit in ihe 111 i ih at a lo t ol pail nbeis ii irbm ish sai he e iincm hv ih nterescd in ibe it company fjr i htrhnnr presitlent directors nri dover joint slok loan of mum y to ha and ihir tt ice is hereby ji iwotice applica iricr s iv to one hi ra the i a pidi at lltotirk 1 ii ill v poilinuieiin gallon m iio uf suuih johastowu disiricr u hereby given tl miide m tho onau for the itnpmivemeut of tl whiiefib creek t pillli ksilnh if o navi ie township wi ineiii at niiara cmirue from the azara st ruction ra io the otice be totic 11 tin nil h hereby given that an hpplica- e made tn the leinbituro nt the erimjiik scsailon nf pirliiment by tbu btnckhohb oflha bank of upper canada- for nn act ltl r l sj stuck of that institution is hereby iiven i apdtcaiion made to the provincial prfi- js next spfsiou iy lebabiums of the district for an act ulhoristtb the ion nf a canal for niwigjiftnj vvviiand canal to tl rwo of nt- isn fur an act auihe con- nf a canal from till f niaa- chippewa or well i river at or hlow port robinson fo is navigation psni2 thronffh or near st d i j f an at aolhoristm the cunsir i n r road between niagara and 81 c-uharine- also fur an act brantlns or b nn a sum or money lo build a new gaol a coonhuuse in a liuire central pari of ihe i own of niagara or authorising ibe maaisiraie of said district m borrow a saffirtpoi sum o be credit o d fur an tlrfiiie lahlnl a capi nn will lohahilhols nl indis in the laail itorc nl ii- act in lurorptiraia he aid be limiih ibeicnf he made by in tho gip ipxi ssusiooi ptiw nnd finu for in act iu e- i liink in said d of 100000 town oldnius with i ol t grand river iven that apjilictimn iroaiam nsvtig rimu of ih provineial parliament for an amnd meut of the grand river navigailon compa nys charier the smv heioj an aci made and passed tn ihe second year or his in ent mo- jesty and i i joint stork rnniled an act io inrorpnraie a company tu improve the navigation barter for t iv i ic5 a ppliralion will to n adtat enr for a western dittflct twotj x 0j lie rosiins stwmn of pirliau liaiik tho lb n capital nf 200 010 notice be rana sesinn if p nf simeiq tie as its c n ot will f par ai u tim former applirniitifl w ill wed by pfiiiiinn n tin ensuius rlihinetit rr fouiini tbo quunfy iho a separate dutrul with ijr- ipiiil ce is hereby riven that npplicatitiu gain bo made at the next sevtmu ntncnt fur nn art in ciahih a liuk iilbrrinrs iu ilia niagara pinrirt ice application will be made at the xi session io obtain a charier to make navigable the bed of ihe twelve mile creek from si catharine s welhiml canal io the foui nf mountain at perrys mil with a capital iifj5w0 on otc5 applirniinn wi lip ftsvtots scsinn of p charter fi n if ij20llf0- w iliuk at ntagar ii he mado at irtiamrot fir n with u capital pplm w made at tlio ho se5r of llw pinvitieii purliamoi the exienym the capiisil of iho cot rial hank mwisod district tu iho exteut of 500000- next r fur nnjr- dkinct ao trosters of ihe to loan io thenk or authorize i sum of money to erect a new thereun the for an art i incorporate the niagara mar reserve and bent to borrow a market house n otice- a ppliralion ill be made at he ensuing srssitm of parliament to amend the charier fur th londnn and gire tail itmot m enntinue ihe same io iho do tool and niagara rivrp with leave in extend iis capital dtuck to 500000 aod fur hanking privileges the chronicle gazette tbih9 r- mkrr1ij printer tweoiv shdlhff pnid in advanrg pod at tlie cud nc ick ii otic- is hereby iven that npplicati c made io the legislature at n for ihe improvement ul ibe ui cordinj to i lie plans and esnmai next scssi er trent made bv v bfll q jvernmeni or fa its v- es s hereby civen ll0t application be made to the pnvincial par mem at us next session ivw j l0 the msiclsirntes of ibe horn pose a rue of one halfpenny tll p fur rv ennhle in im ide pr- vine i that forth aet to inc tmprnveoi hy aid ol ihe pro- mg in surll aid rapplicalion will be made fur an rporarca company to carry that ui imoeffeet six year nn ail raiea ilic said district for i fond for the erection ul a dc raroe lie pun kny tbrouhou se of raising a v gaul lor the w2 ice iis of tbo tn tihiii is hciehy kivq03 wtotu a i the uin3 application will be made at chan nada wit g session of rsrlianient fur a a bank ai chatham upper cana- i a capital nf 50000 y slveoi x will l oiada by john 8i rtl nai hplhic ane kh a other io icislature at iis next setfiii io fimtn n- tho ciinslructioo of turnpike l from ihe tou n of kloksloo lo tho villafi pmi lowosliip uf rieltmuntl iu lll midland district kirs ultbjuly iffll 9z the i gatcttf will pl5e criy tbif u ticti hat thfl lubabi- 1 turlhdtoit litzrnv pakeolmni mntoalk horioii- rn wesimeath and pembroke ip ll italbnrst intend tn tuaki pnl rainn in if parliament to have lowo- vhipi funned jtitu tfcnaraie ioutmy j otice i hereby civen that ibe inhab ian jn the third collection in the towu ship of norwich hetueen the front line and tho first quarter lino intend to peiiticn the ensuing icgjtiuu if ilia legislature for an act in make an cqusl divuinn nftllfl hits between the kfonl line nf said towuhip ami tbo first quarter liur in the third cuucesstuu uf itl tuuosbip of norwich a opt notice an to ihe legislature ut j i fir the estamhdtrnpiii nf n llatl p ii ill bo mat is uext sejiu k at llmckvillr- llllll a capital of i0u jkx l be jnhosttiwn pisiriei naukt iho in lhat ai otice ik hereby riven h sotm of ihu provincial br inhabitants of lbs newcastle apply fur a charier for a bil castle district to be t nc uext incur iho iuteml to the ntiiv- kried fi cobourg bank of t canailn public notice is berebv etven that a general meet in of the iockhoders uf this bank is requested io be held al ibe bank on wednesday ibe 24ib day of august nexi at loovlock io ihe forenoon for the purpose of klecnns si director to serve during ibe re mainder uflhe present term in ihe place nf the hun pkter koctnon who has rtsjr ed and or busiocas which will be then communica ted by order of be board thos g ecvms per anrimn f or wiihu the first two numth if ofthe yettt twniyfivs siattiic ptta of stdberhsc mciits s lines and under 2s 6d li si insertion nd 7 d each subwrpwnt imerliom ten unto am under w luirslniseitinnand lud each subsequent insertion nbovu ten lines ad pv liihr for the lira inseriion and id per line for ever subsequent nainn vdvrlicmciiltviilifiui xvrificn dirci ifunjitscrlecj tilt forbid and charged aecordmslv a hlteial discnoutoiadilo inervhanta urdoihera tvlm uivrriisn fur three innnihn and upwmd nn wdveniriikiii received alter tkn oclock on tbr innmmfis r inhlic iiinn any nii m six sutiscrthers to the i r and paying annually inr the ame sbull enotltrd to n aeviii b copy rttfix tcj country produce recctted in payment t the otaikol price 0qrittx inbn bhrndli eq ridout cashier 8y dank nf upptr canada toronto l3ih july 1836 the editor of m9smwf who have usually pub- mthtd for the bank of upper cutd will be pleated lo give thii notice noe tnffrlioa david cbisholiiti can andrew pnricons ksq whilttoi mcintosh eq ucirr brntts l50 m iplicus jnie5 csq henry jnne isq iomuii tjtylftr kn i vliiiiiiiish csn m m j k hatiivtli ksn mww c i mcdonald jidtn dan esq albm mi pbersm esq urn fri ke rsq tbis memahon eq tlinniaa diiuorest esq t u appbby esq thnniu purker eq w itoltertson eq cliarhi bijfffar en joseph a kcelcr len kcnneib mackoasici esq david smart eeq john ballard eaq ralfc clench eftq quehtc three rivers monrreul lancaster matilda presenll brkville perth ricbinoiid tt si lib gnnunoque cfi npnnce hallnwell amrhasburgh sipbm5biifjli sbannonvillc p bellevilje river tionl mnrraj colltorne ciburp port hup toronto niafdr 0