aada and thin prnvinco than nny mwtsora tat proposed- in- british america- lit btcaus it would create a spirit of en- ttrnme io both provinces which hai hereto fore tain in a great measure dormant 2nd- it would enahta this 1ruvhcn in it few yean in complete the ship canal now ia progress fmm our grent lkes io the ocean 3rd- it would increase the demand fnr bri tish cmmerca and employment for british seamen to an incalculable client hy ilie in- traduction of large quantities of merchandize for the supply of the southern nod western parts of the continent nf america and the part nf quebec would most probably export lis great n quantity of grain and flour as all ho ports io the united state put together 4uk u would iucrease the revenue of that part of lower canada which would not be included in this to n greater amount than is now collected in bolfc provinces 5th it would double the value of property in that part of luwer canada which would be uttached 10 this and greatly eohance the value of property o every other part of it utsoteed 9 that the preseot boundary line not ooly deprives his majestys subjects residing in upper canada of the natural right they long since should have enjoyed of free access to sea the st lawrence beiog acorn iroo highway in both provinces the control vf a sea port toito and of the wealth ari- ing frpm foreign commerce but it io effect rentiers lha legislature of this provioce pow- erlcis it is in vain to appoint fioance com mittees to raise ay or means or attempt any improvement on which thy are to rely cither on juries or any indirect tax from a sea pnft the principle hem to pay the in tnrest no the loan contracted by the state of naw york to construct lha erie canal was 2 per cent oo aoeiinn doites this was collected in tljirciiy of new york although il came nut nf the consumer to the westward with us the inhabitants of this provioce are the con- umers notwithstanding this legislature has do power in enact that or any other duiy the result of this policy in dividing the country above montreal or a sea port under the contco o two legislatures or uoiting them under one may bo sceo from the effects produced in the state of new york aod the hratc of pennsylvania contrasted with the provinces of upper and lower canada- the me former states have never up tu the pre sent moment had the assistance of one far thing from foreign revenue the whole amount haviog been applied to the purposes of their general government notwithstanding by the wealth created from foreign commerce which centres in all commercial cities or sea pons and having the control of those sea ports under one legiilatore they htve been enabled to borrow money to any extent havo nade many thousand miles of canal con nected their inlaud waters and added many millions to the value of the interior of their country during which period although we have the most easy must direct the ihorlest and best route to the ocean ooly having a distance of 28 miles in length with jtio feet lockage to uoite those waters thereby virtual ly making a sea coast of lakes ontario erie 1 giqft ttitf8 rfflrf ftp t1h pr sent moment the legislature of lower cana da has not made an attempt to improve this communication although he entire commerce nf this immense country is being transferred to the atlantic cities of nest york and peou- aywania they caooot eel or see tho necessity nf immediate action aod his majestys faith ful commons despair of e ve r haviug a free ac cess to the ocean until that boundary line is removed so as to give the legislature of this province the entire control of a sea port hich of right they should luog since havo pos sessed remhed 10 that an humble address be presented to his majesty founded on the fore- going resolutions and that the same be trans mitted through his excellency the lieutenant governor chronicle gazette saturday november 26 1836 house of assembly the gretwille emfion we arc happy to observe by the journals of the house that this question hag been disposed of by the following itecohit ion resolved that this house deem it inex pedient to proceed at present any further in relation to ibe communication presented to this house by the clerk of the crown in chan cery touching the election for the couoty of greovtllt inasmuch as no petition has been the law points out the manner of proceeding io cases of complaints the niagara bank bdl was read and or dered to be read a second tune the bill to incorporate the town of niaga ra and to establish a police thereto was read aod ordered for a second reading 2u bill to establish a bank in brockville ras ad and ordered to be read a second time a cmmiu consisting of messrs mac- ionejj of glengarry cook aod mckay was appointed lo report on the navigation of the fiiver aui bajiins io the eastern district the biu to amend the representation of the people io the provioce of upper canada was read ajjd ordered for a second reading an j 500 copfee of ibe bill to be printed for the use of members motion to tease pete pursuant to notice mr sherwood soodd by me jones moves ib a the sergeant at arms do lease for the use and accommodation of he members of this house for the term of one vear a pew to si peters church in this city pm oq io lhc churches of the following- denominations of christians viz the kirk of scoland the rormn catholics the wesfeyao methodists and the presbyterians on which the yeas and nays were taker follows yeas messieurs boulton borwell cart- wrtfht detlor draper duolop elliott gow- an hoiham jafvis j one kearns lewis malloch mccrae mcdonell glengarry mc donell northmnbrland murney powell rieliardaon kuttan sherwood wichens 93 vys messieurs aikman alway arm strong bockus caldwell cameron chis- holm hauoo cook cornwall duncombo norfolk kerne macnab manahan marks mcdonell starmont mcintosh mcmrckiog merrill mnrrison norrooi purke prince rrkert shade shaver thomson thorburn woodruff m the question was decided in ihe negative by a majority of five common scaoazr the house resolved that iimm he granted to his majesty the sum of 5050 far the support of common schools fnr the present year 1858 to be distributed among the several districts in the province in the same manner as the sum of 5650 was distributed in 1855 tht bill for vacating the uatt of members in citrtain cases was read a second time and the house was put in cummiuee of the whole on the bill the chairman reported that tbe committee had made some progress and ask ed leave to ait again monday 14th nov 183g- pursuant to ihe order of the day tbe follow- io petitions were read of samuel crane and forty others of pres- cott praying that a charter m be granted io establish a biuk in said town of h d jessupand fortytwo others of the town of prescott for the same of john turnbull and twentyeisht others inhabitants of the county of hastings pray- mg for the sepnrauoo of said county from the midland district of joseph a wilfnrd and thirteen others of the district of niagara praying for the construction of a bridge across the river wel- land of c jrobinson and ten others of north and south onllia praying aid for roads- of john proctor and thirty others of the township of king york praying ihal the original survey of said township may be un disturbed of kebecca mrlntee of the township of louth io the niagara distrirr praying relief on ihe ground of her husbands services during the late war of r f child and twentyfive others masters of vessels and mariners navigating lkes ontario and erie praying that the welland canal may be made a public work of c j bell of castleford district of bathtmr prayiog the favorable consideration of ih house to his construction of slides on the river bonne chere in the township of horton in the said district of niel mcneil and fifty others inhabitant of the townships of brock mariposa and eldoo praying for two hundred pounds to open a certain koad in the township of brock of thoms servos of the town of niaga ra praying consideration to his petition of last session applying for a pension of william dowling and sevemvsix oth ers inhabitants of the township of elizabeth town praying aid fur a road in said town ship of robert melville and one hundred and fortynine others inhabitants of the town of niagara and vicinity praying thai a cut may be made from some point on the welland ca nal to the tnouih of the niagara river of lambert f hrooke and fifty one others of the town uf hamilton gore praying aid to reduce ihe asceot of the mountain in rear of said tnwn- of adam ainslieuf the township of bev- erly in the gore district praying the pftssinc of an act to enable him to act as attorney in all his majestys courts in this province of v c crofion teacher of the newcas tle district school praying assistance io place said school upon such a fooling as that tbe pupils may receive proper instruction of jonathan lane and ninetysix others inhabitants on ihe pcnetanguishinc koad simcoe praying aid for roads of w c bell and five others township commissioners for the townships of tiny tay flos and medonte simcoe praying aid for uoads of thomas reid j p and sixtythree other inhabitants of the townships uf fene- lon verulam and emily praying aid for a road and to build a bridge over pigeon creek on motion of mr solicitor general second ed by mr murney ordered that that part of the speech of his excellency the lieutenant governor at the opening of this session which relates to kings college be referred to a select com mittee composed of mesrs burwelcoraper aikman cameron and sherwood with pow er to seod for persons and papers and to report by bill or otherwise mr sherwood seconded by mr norton moves that that part of his excellencys speech which refers to ih length qftlme which intervenes between the courts of oyer and terminer in this province the conse quent crowded state of the gaols as well as the length uf imprisonment suffered by persons charged with crime and to an increase of the present number of judges be refetred to a se lect committee to consist of messrs macnah shade d mcdonell and hothnmwith power to send for persons and papers and to report thereon by bill or otherwise on which the yeas and nays were taken as follows ff messieurs aikman boulton bur- well caldwell cameron detlor draper dnnlop klliott hot ham kearns lewis malloch manahan marks mccrea mcdon ell glengarry mcdonell jybrthutnberland norton powell ruttan rykeri shade sher wood solicitor general thomson wickens 27 jvays messrs alway conk ferrie gow- n v iifvin mjidunidj- sfartwimu mcin tosh mcmickiwr moore morrison parke shaver woodruft 13 mr shade gives notice that he will move an humble address to his excellency the lieutenant governor praying that his excel lency will be graciously pleased to communi caieto this house any information he may have received relative to the future disposition or appropriation of the casual and territorial revenues of this province mr boulton gives notice that he will move for leave to bring in a bill to alter the mode of paying the wages of the members of the house of assembly mr sherwood gives notice that he will move that an humble address be presented to his excellency the lieutenant governor pray ing that he will issue his warrant on the re ceiver general in favor of the speaker of this house for 8500 in pari to defray the con tingent expenses of the legislature which said sum u io be made good during the pre sent session mr sherwood gives notice that he will move for leave to bring in a hill to facilitate the operations nf joint stock banking insti tutions and to protect the interests of the pub lic mr dunlop gives notice that he will more that an humble address be presented to his excellency the lieutenant governor praying that he will direct all reports from sheriffs grand juries and others hearing on the in ternnl arrangement and moral discipline of opt fsons received since the last session of pariitniet lj uj lllli ufjc f house mr norton gites notice that he will move for leare to brtn in bill to authorise the es tablishing nf alternate county courts mr mcdonell of gkiaarry gives notice that he will move for love io bring in a bill to amend the laws relative to the summoning of juries tor the severalcourts izi province mr sollcitcr general gives tttffef lliat he will move for leave to brine in a bill io estab lish a court bf chancer within this icflwfc mr- solicitor general gites notice that he will move for leave to bring in a bill fur thb disposal and management of the school lands within ihts province mr rutntn gives notice that he will move for leave io bring in a bill to establish a bank at cobourg in the newcastle districi ordered that the saint catharines bank jiill be read a second time tomorrow ordered that the inttsui estate bill be read a second time pursuant to notice mr dunlop seconded hy mr prince moves that an bumble address be presented to his excellency the lieutenant go vernor praying that he will be pleased to di rect all reports or communications bearing on that porueo of our national statiatica fisheries to be laid up t table of this house and thaimessiet and kearns be appointed to draft the sa address which was ordered ordered that the bt l0 nholish imprison ment for debt be read a second lime and that 500 topics oflbe bill be fur the use of mttnbers pursuant to notice mr robinson seconded by mr mumey moves that an humble ad- dress be presented to in excellency the lieu tenant governor praying that he will be plea sed to lay before tins huyse any communica tions which he inav have received from his majestys government n reply to the address to the king of last saston and also any communications relating io certain representa tions said to have been made by individuals in their public or private capacities relative to the affairs of this province and that messrs gowan and sherwood be a committee to draft the said address ordered pursuant to notice mr sherwood seconded by mr cameron moa that it be resolved that the bank of upper canada the com mercial bonk ofthe midland district and the gore district bank be required to make the returns authorized by law to be laid before this house ordered ordered that the public notaries bill be read a second time totnorrow pursuant io notice mr riihardon second ed by mr manahan moves that the twenty- ninth rule of this house be rescinded and that it be resolved ihat standing committees to consis of live members each be appointed by the honorable the speaker on general sub jects uch as finance the judiciary ex piring laws public buildings canal rail itoads agriculture roads and bridges reporting printing banking be and that such appointments be maje at the com mencement of each session on which the yeas and nays were taken as follows yeas messieurs boulton cameron cart- wright cook jones kearns malloch mana han maihewson mcdonell guugarry mc intosh mckay mcmickin moore norton richardson robinson shaver wickins 19 jsays messieurs aikman alway arm- strung bockus burwrll caldwell cornwall detlor duncombe jvsjfbtjb dunlop elliott ferrie cowan mcdonell jvarthumbtrland mcdonell stormont merrill morrison parke powell prince runan rvkert shade sher wood thomson woodruff 26 the question was decided in the negative by a majority of seven the bill for the distribution of district funds was ft ad the second lime on motion of mr aikman seconded by mr boulton ordered that the mil in provide for i more equitable mode of expending the district funds be referred to a seleci committee con sisting of messts merrill ferrie kyker ho- tharo and jams with power to report there on the quakers relief bill was read the se cond lime pursuant lo noiire wr rvkrt mnw fir ttie appontment of a committee on the sub ject uf bmking and that messrs cartwrighr macnah merrill and norton do compose said committee with power f send fur persons and papers snd to report thereou by bill or other wise orderrd on mition of mr shade seconded by mr w chiriiolm ordered that rhe twentyninth rule of this hoose be dispensed with so ftr as relates io ihis njoiion and that the names of messrs robinson and cartwright be added to the y elland canal committee pursuant to nutice mr cartwright second ed by mr boulton moves that that portion of ihe journals uf m sraion rfltn io lltft petition of thomas mrkltnd and others re lative tu the midland district school sucieiy mav be now read which was carried and the journal was read accordingly on motion of mr sherwood seconded by mr rirftard50n ordered thai a select committee be ap pointed to enquire into the state of the library with a ttew tu its augmentation and as to the conditio of the books belonging io the house which have not been arranged and deposited therein as also what improvements can bf made for the better accommodation of select committees and for the greater contenience of ihe clerks c employed by ihis house and that messrs draper mckay prince and cameron do compose the snid committee pursuant to the order of ihe day the niaga ra bnk bill was read a second time pursuant to the order of the day the ad- inmrovrnivaveftcy ac liewvwam gov ernor for certaij information was third time passj aod signed and lows read s as the ful- to hts excellency sir francis bond head kntght comntndrr of he royal hanoverian gtteipfacqrd knight of the prussian mil itary order oj merit lieutenant governor of ihe provutc4 0 upper canada fee c tfc mat it please your exccllgmct we his majestys dutiful and loyal sub jects the comitb 0 upper canada in pro vincial parliament assembled humbly pray that your kxcil w be pleased to lay before this huu communications which your excellency may hae received from his majesty s govrrrtment in reply to its address to the king of last session and also any com munications relating to certain represeniaiioos said to have bee made by individuals in their public or private capacities relaiive to the af fairs of this prcvinre archibald mclfatf speaker commons whu ofrfstmbhj fourteenth day f november 1836 j on motion of mr robinson seconded by mr murney ordered that messrs sherwood and cow an be a committee to wait upon his excellen cy to learn whe h will be pleased io receive the address of his house and to present the same adjourned specious pretext of reform may have been in sidiously labouring io effect changes in our go vernment and laws to which u majority of the people are frooi reason and duty wholly opposed the tranquillity so happily festored to us will afford an oppuriuniiy fqr the legislature to discuss calmly stnd dipassnnaiely those subjects which ihe country lias now reason to expect will be the objects of thrir earnest and deliberate attention and we beg io assure your excellency of our anxious desire io cooperate with the other branches of the lvgislature in effecting a just liberal and permanent settlement of the several import ant questions to which your excellency has been pleased tn refer the provision which has been made by law for the relicious instruction uf the peo ple will again occupy our serious aiteoiion and we sincerely trust that the difficulties which have hitherto attended its discussion may at length be overcome nnd that with the sanction of the imperial parliament some measure may be matured which will happily set at rest a subject of an engrossing and paramount interest to the inhabitants of up per canada we feel deeply ihe injury this province has sustained from the circumstances which have hiiheno frustrated the gracious intentions of his late majesty in granting a charier of incorporation to the university of kinc s college and we shall be happy to concur with the other branches of ihe lesislaiure in rendering the insritution effectual for be stowing on the youth of ibe province the in estimable blessings of a refined and liberal education the proper disposal of the school lands and the promotion of general educa tion are matters so intimately connected with the best interests of his colony that we shall feel it our duty to bestow on them our most at tentive consideration the convenient snd satisfactory administra tion of justice and panicularly in the criminal department is an object of such general inter est that we trust if any measures are neces sary for enabling the government to provide for some more fivqucm deliveries of the gaols in the several districts such measures will no longtr be delayed the long period which so olten intervenes between ihe apprthensioo and trial of a prisoner is productive of much hardship and inconvenience and tn tbe present advanced slate of ihis colony we can see no sufficient reason for suffering the evil to con tinue we doubt not that canes nf nealected mise ry from the cause your excellency has alludrd to having long existrd io litis province and we concur with your excellency in thinkins that humanity now rails loudly for the institu tion of some place of refuse for such of our ffllowcreaiuris as are affected hy the loss of their reason we should have much pleasure in untiing with the other bram hm of the le gislature in lightning so iwv as may be done by human means ibe pressure f calamity so distressing oj anrnrion shall he studiedly given tn any suggestion which may be offered nlative to the opening coiutnuniciittuns by which the agruttlihrft fwtw f tk- nifninne may be more readily brought to rnarke and among ihe various improvements of this nature a great western rail road mil no doubt claim our early consideration a an undertak ing of the first iinporiance to this country and tending to promote ihat triemily inter course with ihe neighbouring spates which i should be our desire io roltivnle the state of the welland canal and th mosi expedient nutans of rendering it secure and useful to the public shall engage mil se rious attention nnd we trust it may be found practicable to adopt some decisive measure for the future management and care or that important work we participate in the regret that under rxisnng cirrumsmrices it should not be deem ed advisable tn cortlfncncc negotuiions tviih ihe adjuining province for the improvement of the navigaiinn of the ottawa but inn temporary difficulty we trust xi not he suf fered to deier the legislature from causing a survey and accurate estimates in be made of the expense nf connecting lite huron with the ocean by the waicrs of that noble river we have been a long lime aware that the system sanctioned hy the road laws has been inadequate to the wants and expeemtiona of the public ihat a loose irresponsible and forbearing execution of those law has hither to prevailed and that some efficient means ouglil to he devised for placing the highways under such superintendence as shall involve re sponsibility in order that the statute labour as well as the large sums of tttonev annually voted shall he scientifically economically and impartially applied we thank your excellency for informing us that you ha ve recommended to ml ma jestys government that such portions of ihe military reserves as are not required fur de fence should as early as possible be offered to the pumir as a means nf encouraging eimgra- tinn and ihat yuur excellency hopes to be authorised to adopt n more cnnvenieni and beneficial sysiem in the land granting de partment your excellency has been pleased to acknow- udg john b robinson speaker legislative council chamber fourteenth day of november 133b- his excellencys bplt honorable gentlemen of the legislattvc council i have great pleasure id thanking youfonhc loyal address 1 have just received from you and for the satisfactory assurances it contains coroners inquest thorns a corbel esq coroner at the trent has sent us the following on monday morning i was called upon to hold an inquest on a man hy ihe name ol john mcmullen who was found dead last monday mornine on the road leading totorooio- ver- dict died from excessive drinking of ardent spirits no sunday erening the 20ih nov the above uufonunaie man ha friends n quebec and you may be of service to his fam ily by ooiicin it io your paper the weather since uur last publication has assumed all the appearance of winter some snow having fallen accompanied with sharp frosts the bay boais still continue running we beg also to congratulate your excel lency on the conclusion of nosroeinons by which very exiensive tracts of rich land have been obtained from ihe indians which from feelings highly creditable to their race they have cheerfully relinquished for ihe public good it is with much satisfaction that we receive ihe assurance of your kxcellency conviction of the advantages which ihis province presents to such of uur fellowsuhjecis as desire to emi grate from the united kingdom and as your excellencys judgment must undoubtedly have been formed without prejudice from local in terests we cannot hut anticipate great benefit to the colony from ihe open and decided de claration of your excellencys opinion tn re gard lo those ndvintages and in particular as it respects the security presented mm the in vestment of capital while vonr excellency has thus pledged the responsibility of your hlgll sutimi in order to disabuse the nublic r pw ihe ore before us it is the province of the chemist to do so but i have been informed that it amoantstols percent its snec6c gravity is certainly rather low but this is otving to its spongy texture its low degree of hard lies however would induce me to suspect o priori that ihe copper in it was io sufficient abundance to be wonh extracting he pro cess it must not be lost sight of is a tedious and expensive onemuch more so than the re duction of galeoa it is from copper pyrites that much of the copper of commerce isob- uiincd occasionally sulphur is extracted fron it by sublimation and decomposition affords ihe sulphaies of iron aod copper- it coni3ios a little gold and silver to be continued sometimes a b for tbe chroaicla continued from no 42 of this paper having received intelligence that a vein nt copper ore had been discovered near beverly in the township of bastard i proceeded ihiiher by the route of brewers mills wwn a short distance of kingston mills in a cliff on ihe side of the road and on the declivity of a hill the last of ihe secondary rocks is een it consists of a remarkably thick bed of lime stone carboniferous and soon after ihe crys talline granitic belt is struck the same as that in which ihe rossie leid ore occurs consisting here of syenites and greenstones of a flch red sod dark green colour passing the waste weir at kingston mills the view of whose wateisas ihey cascade over the dim suggests the enquiry why stick a power adqu3te to give mutton tu ny ma chinery has been rolibs teglrcteit i drop ped into a woodland road which in the rainy season must be almost impassable and jour neying on reached brewers mills about 2 p m here refreshing both horse and rider at the hospitable abode of mr hmhetvsod i continued my route to the furnace kails on ihe waters oflhe gananoque where five years before i rested on my way lo some lucrtlinis of iron ore lake some the whole uf the distance from kindlon mills to brewers mills and from ihe intler pine io the furnace falls is iltrtnigh a low country but one composed of crystalline fgrm- nit- rockfc some angular tables 0 wfrimtl r hmemone appear in ihe early portion uf ihe journey but tbey seem io be detached frag ments only the rud continues to he indif ferent beyond brewers mills until the wood is cleared and ihe leeds sciilemeni i renhl ancasier nov 19 1836 to the editor oflhe kingston chronicle s arcideoi i w a ute number of ihe british whig in which the gentlemanly editor of ihai production has charged me with having taken from his piper the account of killarney i hy no means deny it i plead guiliy and lest there should be any mistake i wish it to be distinctly understood that those portions of the work relative to upper canada printed in a different type io the general body of the work have been extracted from the va rious papers to which from time to time i have had access i am happy lo lake this op portunity of thanking ihe editors of those pa pers from which i have made extracts and re- grei thai mv acknowledgment in page 9 of ihe preface was not considered a sufficient state ment of the obligation which i was under io them this must plead my apology for uw gnat offence of making an extract from ibe columns of ihe whig without a special notice of the paper from whence the extract wastakeu 1 have the honor to remain sir your obedient servf thos rq1ph rested on my way to some lociu afchfirt10 do noilnng that is in the neighborhood of which i shall bos wnv promolin5 ffmh ne notim hereafter j as wouw wuh hem iu ja idy one wihiu ills whire the sessions address of hc legislative coun cil in reply to thk speech from ihe throne lb hu excellency sir francis bond head knight comrunnderofthe royal hanoverian gutphic orftr knight of the prussian military order of merit lieutenant gover nor of the pmincc of upper canada sec zfc fa mat it please your excellent we his majrstys dutiful and loyal sub jects the legislative council of upper cana- oj 10 provincial parliament assembled return our rov respecfful thanks for yuur excel- lencyv pch from the throne at ihe open ing oflhe rr5ecr session we rejoice iwm cordially with ynur excel lency in the loyy feeling which pervades this province and in rin- return of that tranquillity which isaoesficofial io the public prosperity this aupicioto change w attribute chief ly io ihe firmne fln deejsino tvith which your exeellency hat avowed your determina tion to support the constitution of the pro vince animating with con6dcnce those who justly revere t ht institutions of their native land and discouraging aoy who tjoder the public inind prejudicial to the character and micrests of tins province we should be inexcunhly want ing in a sense of duty imposed upon us y ihe constitution if we failed on our w 1 pro- mole with sincerity and zeal whoever mea sures may seem best calculated in uphold the reputation and advance the welre of this very valuable possession of the briti crown that your excellency will conimue to be occupied in the most earnest endeavurs to dis charge with advantage to ihe colony ihe high powers commuted io you by our sovereign we can entertain no doubt and in i present siage of advancement at which the province has arrived we are persuaded thai 100 much siress cannot be laid upon the nccf which ynur excellency has advened io p upport- ing unsullied its commercial iiitek amidst ihe efforts which have b indus triously usrd io unsettle insntutl w framed and approved hy ihe experiri it is gratifying to every friend nf order and good government to observe lb resolution with whirh your excellency has determined to abide hv the principles of our ccfpxtkional charier and ihe character of lit pf upper canada must be raised in hcesnrna- lion of their snvereign and of the ofraiinnnl liberty in all countries when u is seen thai the open and onhesiiatfig avowal of your excellencys determination ha called forth that ardent aod ojanly support which conducts you io the kurnarf l waters of ihe ginannque flow over a re oh- iruivcand pnrpbyruic sieniie htu are mills belonging io messrs charlesand jonas juries about g miles further in ihe direction nf lirorkville but a ituleolfthe road to the ml is beverly which i reached about p m having rude about 42 miles dfvtfley has the aspect of having been sen led eerdiy i wussurpnsrd to learn however thai as i set tlement it dates hick so years some uncer tainty in the tenure of land was punned nl o me s the cause the existenee of ibis un- rertainty is io be regretted nnd should be re moved fur the poi in many respects is an el igible one and now has tonw chance of be coming the seat of mining operations i am gratified to perceive thai thre is nt this mo ment a project before the house of aembly which if passed will increase the importance of this locality i look up my residence at iheonlv tavern in the place it is kept by a very obligms nnd iniellienl individual of the nenie nl lewis ihe same who discovered the etfpper vein in ihe neighborhood he en i red with zeal into the object of my visit and look me to all ihe metalliferous indications which have been no ticed hereabouts to understand the geological position of ihe copper ore it is mcessary to state ihni the vi- cinny of beverly is chiraeierisd by the ftp peanncc uf hoih irimary and jeeondary rocks the former consist ol very felspartlmse graimes the latter of ihe old re i safldsione aod whiiish or yellowish semicryri lime lmestones which seme geologists would call transition as they occupy a position between tbe granite am i u mnrnmltp iliev n in disseminated portion specks of graphite black leail a mineral which etnis to be abundant about here and throughout the cal careous strata of this geological interval in this interval but nearer the granite than ihe sandstone which dips away from it it a ra ther high angle to northward the copper vein is situated- it consists of the pyritous copper in association with the green and blue fufmn- aies little has yet been done beyond ascer taining the existence of the vein which ap pears to hold a course between south and east and io dip at an angle of say so degreed to the horizoc but it is as yet too litile defeloped to write positively on these points what is as yet seen of the vein is not particularly pro mising but quite enough so to induce further caufiouj investigation and the probabilities me greatly in favor cf the opinion that below the vein will be found to improve boih in the abundance of the ore it will turn out and in iisqudliiy that observed at present is as before said of three kinds ihe pyritous cop per and ihe green and blue carbonates the two laiier seem to occur only in the upper por tion of the vein either investing ihe surface uf ibe ore or staining ihe minerals in association with it the blue dark cobalt blue carbon ate mure particularly occupies superficially the spongy cavities of tlie pyritous copper for the satisfaction of thoic who take an in teres such descriptions i will here give the mjiieraio ihis ore the texture or structure oi itii or is spon gy or seriated tn the hrge somewhiit com pact in i lie small iis spongy cavities exhibit ing crystalline forms lis fracture is some what ronchnidal its colour internally varies from pale brass yellow to gold yellow ex ternally it is dark cobalt blue or brownish red owing to the united influence of carbonic acid and oxygen lis lusreon fresh fraciure is shining nieiallic exrernlly on the oxydi2ed surface it is dull lis hardness is much below that of iron pyriies which u most resembles yielding to ihu knife easily and giving no lire under ihe hammer its specific triviy is s9 before the blowpipe it gives off hie odour of sulphur nut always very distinct in ihe exterior or oxydating ii ime it loses its lustre turns greyish black and becomes magnetic when allowed to cool the surface assume hlood red colour in the interior or reducing lii me u fuses into a dark brittle magnetic globule which cummuntcatea to nitriuocid ihe propeny of depositing a film of copper on steel from these characters a mineralogiit with out seeing ihe ore would recognize it to he the copper pyrites or pyritous copper a conibina- i lion nfiron copper and sulphur the copper in this species of ore has been determined to exist tn variable proporiioa of from 3 to 56 per cent f have not ascertained the proportion io fnr the chronicle st gazette- what ran be done to check evil and promote good this is a tnosi important inquiry and de mands a serious consideration and no man can write or speak upon ihis subject to advan tage who is nut willing tu say with the poet 11 if i am rtgir thy zrace impart sttll tn the rifcht to stay if i am irrrtn o teach my heart to find the bttter iray the divine teacher siitb im your tight so hiue bforr men that they may tec your god feoffor and glorify your fr other in heaven the lust way locheck evil is in imituuon of christ iu do noilnng that is wrong and s do tu all you this rule of life is very pum and perfectly easy io be utilersiood nnu ifobeyrdno more wars nor nnis would lk place we should need nu lueks nor holts upon our doors but sul titers nor watrlt men to patrol our streets- and the same oivine rule teaches each one how to gvetti himselli do txysrlf nn hnnui the divine injunction this rule lertrhea us to lake nuthing th it is in jiinnn nr mwj ruitnih savmivmi irtliwr ol nwlolging too much in ibings which are in iheniset ves m aoeenti the apostle snd all i hi f iff are lawful for me but all ihings dlv not expedient andlhooahil mav belnwfolto ilrmk wine and other intoicaiing hqunrs vet if my example i likely in prove injurious to any one of my fellow creatures lam in duty boon i to a tat am tbene whuminufiejure or fell ininxirating drink ire candidly recpiesied lo examine i hell conduct bv ihis putn rule is the article whit h f am nuking and selling worw than useless ihen i nm geiting a living dislhmem for we have no right io injure oursdvc or our fellow men that ii miv understand and prarrie the divine rule whuh teaches us to love god with all our bean and our ueigbbor as ourelvus is ihe priyer of every true chhistus nov 25 lssti on a ruffianly in the pre ibis fibre y a rareiul he night or wednesday ust looking fellow wis found corceabd aiismormr thomas menider in as the gttes and mores are shut h inner evrry nighi atdarltil is conjectured ihat the person concealed himself there in the day time for ihe purpose ol rtibherv me was discovered hy the barking of a fruitful watch dog during the nigh i anl was secured hy mr mcktnstiy with a resolution highly creditable to him he was detiinel until the morning wherisirnnge as ir miv appear hoi neverthe less true there was some diflictiliv in commit ting him rogol when the gaoler was nk- rcl io rereive him lie inquired if he had st lrn animated murder nnd as he had not the d not authorise him in receive him the iimi iipnng tn law man wi finally committed c julry hunslri iieiultr inc ilituar sing he was drunk thus does it appear ihat i he breaking into a mans premises in the dead hour of the nighi is n mere venial offenre considered not punishable by law if the biw i hus stands of which i have no doubt his high lime ihita better was substituted in its place fur should such an attempt be made again in the same premises and if the law affords nei ther protection nor redress judac lynch will surely he put in requisiiinn i do not mean ihe least reflection on mr ashley ihe jailer who i have alwivs found o he active and zeal ous in the discharge uf his duly nor do 1 mean io reflect on any individual but if ihe midnight ruffian can thus enier our imu5cs with impunity where is ihe security of life and property communicated great robbery the vaults of the oneida bank were entered by false kevs on sunday last 20ih intitnd robbed of one hundred and kight thousand six hundred dollars a reward of 6000 is offered for ihe recovery of ihe money and the arrest and couviction of ihe ibief waienown eagle celtic society mftdak we are requested to state that the celiic sucieiy upon examination of the mvenil e saya before them have awarded the medal to 14 joseph neilsok kingston we also learn hit the prize es preparing lor the press ssay is now died at lnchnher vitnwff nr siindtiy morning ho 6th innmit mr murdoch mlean a native of nch brnm rnpasilme s tlinh aged 66 mrm trtnic tn america and landed at new yik 1 774 a number d his countrymen and nn hit pas- with mes oui be was udmited iohavclcen insirun l in lie hond ofproviriice of vin the veae ind ii on board ivm being encnlphfd in that dannttfoi whirlpmt ihe curre vrcchan nenr ibe wvturn i lcaorsioiliiid hoih from the coolness nd clf puaeemton which were his thararteriallci in ihe hour of danger tnrl fm ina having previnunly acquired a fcnowledaa nf irauanhp he had not hrpn una nenminihesatrof new york when the rcvnlu- iionary arhmke nit upon which he formed one ot titnsn iru loynliat who under the laio sir john jmhnaon made tfiw war to canada leaving their mil behind through ft tackles wilderness in ulnch hey pufleitd he most iryinp privations from that nmrio he iofc nf ihe war be aerved faithlully in sir john johnsons regimeni nr royal yukrn- alter whn h he stokd m the cnnty nf glencorry upper cunndn no the bank nf the st lawrence thena perfect wildemr in the mai lia nf which iim alwy look au ariive port and sctcd in it s lieillmanl and afjiinnt fr many vtttw mnd mi iha list and aecond war with ihe united siatca he cnmmanfled a company with which ho look a rcolou part in dcfenm of tha oounirr