Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), November 12, 1836, p. 4

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j tailoring business d- seeley would respectfully inform the inhabitant of kingston and its vici nity thai he continues to carry on the above business ai his old stand in store streel di rectly opposie the commercial hotel and he bones by pupctualiiy strict attention to busi ness and reasonable charges to merit the con tinuation of patronage he has so liberally re ceived the past year and he assures the public that oo pains will be spared on his part to give every possible satisfaction j ds will receive the most approved fash ions every spring and kail n b orte or two first rate journeymen will find constant employment by applying to the above none but first rate workmen need apply kingston 3d may 1836 90z barber and hair dresser haftkct sttaite kinostoh is grateful for the liberal patronage he his received from the public he hopes to merit a coari of it ttrazor jhoned and dressed january b7 1835 just received and for sale at the chronicle ga zette office coroer of king and brock street i large quantity of excellent wrap ping paper on moderate terms- july 11 1936 4z to millers the subscriber begs leave to inform mil lers and the trade generally that having eu re based ibe slock in trade of mr lewis ostwick burr mill stone manufacturer be will continue thebuaioess of making french burr mill stones of the 6rst quality having on hand four pairs or stone finished and a large lot of burr blocks which he will make up to order on the shortest notice all orders for the above to be address ed to a clark at the kingston foundry whom he has made his agent for his stone building business geo mccrabby kingston augost 16th j8s6 14z the cobourg stsr will please copy this advertise ment one month and so nd their account to iho office of this pper bay river the splendid steam boat z a b 3 owtaiiio th e steam packet h caldermafttiit will leave prcscott for the head of the bay of cfcuinte oo tuesday and fridays no tho arriviil of the steamer dolphin touch ing at hroekville and ganatmqoe she will leave kingston on her upward trips oo wed nesdays nnl saturdays at half past 8 oclock a m and will call at the following pla tes bath facdbftlcksbuitgii adolphmtown hallow ell scaplans k otice an apphcii w maa nt the next session or tho legislature of mt otice is hereby given a subscribed in the grand cast 4 da thi province tor an act io the town of prestol jiilioitown with a capit 0 100000 to istuhlish a hank in thn pistrict of the that all stock river naviga- instalmenis due frapclud by roatjirs mills mohawk village sopiiiaatihgu hellkyille amkliasbukgh office of thecaiaraqui bridge company t kingston u c july 28 1836 j mrotice at ameetiogof the directors i of the kingston u c july 28 1836 at a meeting of the i cataraqui bridge company held his day a divideudof 5 per cent was declar ed on the capital of the bridge stock for the half year ending 30th june 18s6 which is now pavablc at the companys office 9z j marks treasuw- and arrive at the trent and carrying imaco the aarae evening she will leave the trent and carrying placo on the eveniogs of wednesday aud sunday for belleville and leave helleville an prescoit on moudflys and thursday at half past g a m calling nt all the intermediate pbicea tho b0ckville will leave punctually as advertised aud as she will stop ouly a few nioutes at each place except when there may be freight passengers are requested tu be in readiness- the speed and elegaot accommodations of tho baockvillk are 30 well known ihai they require po further recommendation for freight or passage apply to tbc captaiu oo board or to tho committee s benson s hartlett belleville j- j miller hallowcll t mcnider kiogstoo robert harvey rrock- villo aod the followiog aoewts thomas praser prescoit hcary lasher bath john andersnn fredricksburgh samuel casey adoipbufvovro samuel soloies sophins- burgh win porn co mohawk village thomas mcmahon ameliasburgh sheldon hawley river treot charlet uigar car rying place also it the stores of john coun ter esq aod messrs truax phillips kingston 16th may 1836 07z 1 83g lake ontario thc steam- coat capt i j0hn5oj4 i lou pressure engine of 50 horse poicti the ostlt steam doat which pliks rflgg- laftl1 bctucrn kingston andosvveco ill leave kingston every monday n w wednesday and i ntiay mornin at half pai oclock and oswego every tues day thuisday and saturday at same hour until further notice and on sundays will make an ratlf trip leaving kingston at g a m and returning the same evening the canada which has run for many years between toronto aod niagara is schooner r ff and is well known to be second to notie ss a safe seo boat she is well calcula ted t rt convey both freight and passengers with safety and expedition for freight or passage apply to mossrs- trobridgf cjrant oswego messrs truax phillips kingston or to the captain on board kingston may 23d 1836 94z joticb application w i he legislature at i next act of incorporation to construct a kail turnpike road from w harbour to mai 20g a or y lake ork road reach he made to sesstonfor an or he ton company on which are not paid upon or before the first monday in november next will be declared forfeited and then sold by public auction on that day ai the hour of twelve oclock noon at ihja office for the benefit of the company as the la w directs public notice is application will be hereby given that made at the next meeting of the legislature for an act to in corporate a company for the purpose of impro ving the harbour at goderichon lak hu ron- n trotn thence to schu- mlotlce is hereby giteo that an applica- i lion will be made i the legislature at the eosucng session of parliament io establish ih concession line between gore b and ihe first concession souih-wr- of green point ownship of sophiasburyh in prince edward district- wtotice application will be made at the i ensuing session of parliament for the continuance of on act authorizing the magis trates of the london district to continue the levying of onethird of a penny in the pounds for a limited period to defray the expeav of buildiog a new gaol with suitable yards for the said district notice is hereby given that certain in habitants of the disirict of niagara will petition the provincial parliament at its next session for an amendment of the mutual in surance act so as to allow two companies to thejaid district mtotice ia hereby given that application notice i will be made at the next session of parlia- fv1he undersigned inhabitantsofthetownor m for a charter for a bank to be entitled j- kingston in the midland district hereby t freeholders bink of the home district with a capital of one million sterling i of england psalms ff with and without music sold a the chronico gaxctte ollice kinrstnn may 17 i83fi chur- hymjvs 91 nkw goods the subscribers are now receiving by the last arrivals from lokdok liverpool and glamow extensive assortments of the various kinds ot staple aod fancy dry goods laces small wares itc ate ifcmimf the habit of importing robert armour co montreal may 3fi 18ss- looz bank of bri sorth a capital l 000000 stealinh iv 50000 stfares of j50 bich thacc- rouinii or which have ulzv sobsraia- ju u kh a la a d jjro tbc ant autoex alt rcsrived vo the colonies with pouiia to 1kcuase the c 4 fit ax- london directors geoeoe d rosco attwoop k edward bfoojrr esq roeeet baowv esq- sia rosee csbtfbeti- baet robeet caetee esq wllluh robeet chapmajt esq james johjt commie iq jamxs dowie es- oliver fajie eaq alexaifdce gilitspie juif esq gsohob riijumd boburwir es jim wiuoj wftiut jea ttilliilke it capt lojysojv hillurd propelled by a low pressure engine of 100 horse power the only boat that runs between prescoit end to ronto without crossing ihc lake to or from oswego will on the opening of the navigation commence tier regular weekly trips running as follows vi2 upwards will leave prescott for niagara every satur day evening after the arrival of the montreal stages or steamboats touch ing at brockvilte and gananoque kingston sunday morning sun wltntecl immediately two journeymen cabinet mnkersond an active young man as apprentice to the same business libeml wages will begiven none but persons of good habits nerd apply kinfftn u c may sflfli e 1336 cone wool m anted cash p for clean wool nf a pod quality m ihc fleece at the woollen fac tory gan may 17 1836 93ui ttotic hereby iven that application i will 1 made to the legislature of this province ft next sessioo for tbe amend ment ofth charier of the marmora foundry coropany an increase of its capital to 3500 prayog that express bank- ttotice n hereby given that the inhabit- i nu of the fourth concession of ihe town ship of fredcricksburgh original in the hid- u district intend lo ptiitioo the legislature soccagf a its next iittiog to hiv the boundary be twoeo lot no tirenty6ve and tho goro of fredericksburgh cstfibhied as a guveroiog bouodry for the fourth hfth sixth aod seventh cooeecsinos of ihe said tuwoship from number twenty five tu number sevcoteeu iuclusive totjce is hereby giv 1 anis of the t johntowo distric that the inhabit anis of the tuwonhjp of leeds io the wl ii peiiioo the legisla lure nt its next fitting to oatahliah the west crrt nouadary lino of said township notice is hereby will be presented t given that a petition o tbe house of assem bly ai the next session by the inhabitants of ihe township of seymour newcastle dis trict praying for an act to establish the new survey of the said township made hy depu ty surveyor alex campbell in the year 1833 tijotice tbe subscriber intends apply 1 ing at ibe oeit sitting of ihe provincial parliament for an act to enable him io col lect tolls on limber passing the slides creeled by him on ihe first and second shutes of the river bonne clicre io the township of hor- iod uathurst district c j bell ing priviteg h e l0 company otlcp hereby giveo that application io made io tho igitlaturo at its next sessiript fnr a charter for a compaoy to be cotitledi b upper canada life insur- unco and p company with power to inao rimti v rebl estate and with a capital uf one mllhoo public noticeapplicati made by the subscriber at l ion will be the ensuing session of the legislature for an act io incor porate a joint stock company to be styled the caledonia mineral springs company william parker notice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature at its oejc fitting for a charter to authorize the construction of a rail road from st catha- rioes to the niagara river at or near ihe of niagara town x notice that they intend lo apply to the provincial legislature at its next sittings for the enaciruent of a law authorizing foreign ers to possess real estatein free and common io this province under such stipula- t as may be found necessary to guard against political interference or undue specu lation tending to monopoly- notice the undersigned inhabitants of the coun ty of hastings in tbe midland district hereby give notice that they intend to apply to ihe provincial legislature at its first sit tings for the enactment of a law authoris ing foreigners to possess real estate in tins province under such stipulations ns may he found necessary to guard against political in terference or undue speculation tending to monopoly notice the inhabitant of the eastern p3ts of the newcastle district aod the western pnrl of the midland district intend petitioning the legislature at their next session for the fofrnaiiun of a new district with the county town at the mouth of the trent tvotice is hereby given that application l will be made tu tho legislature nt the next ensuing session of parliament hy certain inhabitants of ihe township of king to repeal nt act passed in tho 1st session of tho 12th parliament entitled an act to authorise a new survey of the towoship of king totice is hereby given that the inbab l itaots of the townships of gloucester ogoode cumberland rustel ncpean gomi- bourne march huntley torbolton fitzrny pakenham macnab hnrtoo ross weft moath aud pembroke of the ottawa and ba- ihurst district will petition tbe legislature t its next sessioo to furm them into a new dis trict having kytowd for its capital aod also into two counties- totice is hereby given that application will te inn do at tho next sessino of tba provincial parliament far iho extension of iho capital stuck of ihe gore bank 7votice is hereby given that applicarfoo j- will be made at the next session of par liament for a loan for the huron fishery company on lake huron and also that the said company may be incorporated by char ter tvotickis hereby given that application j will be made at the next session of the provincial parliament fur a charter for a joint stock company to construct a harbour at the mouth of the river bayfield lake hu ron iu the district of london notice is hereby given that application 1 will be made to tbe next session of the provincial parliament for a loan to complete the louth harbour- i kotick is hereby given that application will be made at the next sessioo of parli ament for an act to incorporate a cotnpany tot constructing a kail road frum the city of toronto to the phore of luke huron in the lnndun district otice is hereby given that ihe inhabit ants of the casittn part of the london district nnd of ihp iownhip of walpole aod raioham in the niagara district will peti tion tbc legislature at us next session to form tlnm into a new district having simcoe for its dtstrcl town iv j otice application the will he nude to legislature at iis next sitting for an act lower i a dam across the river thames in ihe towoship of clutam in the western district may li even ar- cobourg and porthope ids city of toronto monday morning hamilton monday afternoon and rive at niagara on the same evening downwards will leave niagara for prescoit every tues day afternoon at 7 oclock city of toronto wednesday morning at totice the inhabitant of the district of nnam rill renow thnir niplicaloo at the enstiug session of the legislature for ao act to mihorise ilia removal of the site of the district tnwo and public buildiogs to a more cental nod eligible situation withiu said district m1ake notice the subscriber will petitnu the legislature ac the next ses sioo for tie privilege of erecting a mill dam across tliemrauch of the river st lawrence between sleeks island and tbe main land at be rspidufmoulinette tbtotice tbe inhabranls of darlington j will potition the lcaslature at ihe nexi session for an act to incoporate a company authorising the constructio of a wharf aod harbour at the mouth ofiiarbers creek in said township of darltogn in the newcas tle district mtotice is hereby givo thai an applica xm cation will be mad to the provincial m otice is hereby given that ao applica- 10 oclock iod porthope wednesday h rr m p rapid uy wuli which the british nonb fmeriesa colonies have advanced in prosperity aatt commercial importance tbe um increase ot ihrcqputeljoisalia high rate of interest tbe fluctuation of exchange the io adeqaacyoc lb cpitai 0ready employed for bankirjg opera tionj and the incnastng facili ty of injercourae with tbe afother country pout oulum diflcreoi settlements of british narih aracric as affiwluf tmcure field for ihv prosfcafc rmployment of capital for which purpose antl with view of promoting tbe mercantile and agricultural- interests of tjte cglqaiea ihe present company hss been catanstied tae management of the companys affairs in vested in the london court of directors and the banks in the colonies are to be con- dcied by localboards appointed by them a gefleral meeting of toe proprietors is to be hld y culi in london to whom a statement of the companys aflaira will bt submitted power has ben rraeired to tbe directors to apply for and accept on behalf of tbe estab lishment a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a pajmaitof 10 sterling per share to be paid within a period to be named in the letter of allotment at the rate of exchange thereio fixed aod the deed of settlement to be signed at tbe time of payment after payment of the deposit the remainder of the capital will be required by instalments not exceeding iio sterling per snare at such intervals of not less than three months as the director may find necessary to carry the ob jects of tbe bank into operation of which due notice will be given cobourg evening kiogiton thursday morning touchin at gananoque and brockvilte and ar rive at prescoit in the afternooo passengers leaving niagara nn tuesday evening and the city of toronto wednesday forenoon by the william iv will arrive it montreal on friday evening passing the thousand islands in the day time this boat so fayorably known to ibe travelliog public as a orst rale oea boat and combining the indispensable requisites of speed punctuality and comlortable accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors trust receive a very liberal support for freight or passage apply at the post office at prescoit or brockville b phillips kingston h e nichols cobourg harbor co port hope j brown toronto d c gunn and a land hamilton j niven ik co niagara wm duftand wrn wynn queenstoo i or to the captaiooo board 0j1u freight payabu on delivery to con- siptees andau parcels and luggage at the risk of the owners unless given in charge of the purser and booked prescott april 8 1836 9gz lake ontario 1836 jon vill be made to tho next lession of the leislriure of this province for ao act to establish a bank io the to wo of amherstburgh in the wmro district with certaiu branch banks to hsloog thereto and with a capital of 250000 notice is hereby given that the inhabit- aot of the first concession of the township parliament at its next sosioo for a grant of sum of money to improvithe harbor of the n the toxnship of whitby port of windsor notice the inhabiants of loughbo rough willl petition be legislature next session to make null thretlines of concession of the new survey as hey interfere aod agree not with the old sirvey or to have commissioners appointed u settle the disputed liars hi lc of darliogwo will petition tho sioo for an net concojinntioe between ihe district of newcastle lature at the nextsea- t orrect the survey of the the 6m and iccood totice iu will coocesiionof the said township iv this steam boat otic the luhabitaou of the district of prico edward will petition the leg islature at its next iittitf ftr ao act to incor porate a baok io tbe said district with a cap ital of 100000 tk otice is hereby iveo that the lohabit- a ants of the towoship io the roar part of tho newcastle district will petition the legis lature at its next sitting to erect the said towoships into a separate district with peter borougb as chief towo totice the undersigned hereby gives l notice that applicailno will be made to parliament for au act to enable mim to erect a tollbridge ovor the kiver thames from the totvo of chatham to the north baok of the said river with a privilege of demanding aud receiving toils therefor duriogsuch period as tho legislature may datermine j wood s hereby gicn that application be made to the legislature at its nex sitting for a charier to construct a ca- oa for ship navigation fron fort erie to some point on the niagara rivtn below the rapids ttotice is hereby giv that the legis- 1 lature will be petitioned at the ensuing session to pass an act u establish the side lines of lots io the seconlconcssion wet ocgrno point m the township of sophias- burghrom number fiftyhrighl to the town ship line to run the same course the side lines in tbe said concession up to number fiftyeight itotice application will be made ai mk- tvimuv smiimi otarltamool ftlr an act to erect the county of hastings in the midland district ioto a separate dijirict ll 41 iffl i notice thelnhnhitanl ship of oxford in the johnstown disfci pvr tv otice is hereby given 1 and it otice the inhabitants of craniab haldimand and adjoining townships will apply to ihe legislature at its next sil ting to charter a company toconsiructa har bor at the mouth of keelers creek near col- borne newcastle district that the owners occupiers of lands in the first con fession of the township of nepcan io the tfaihurst district will apply to he legislature 7tt its next session for an act to correct the coocessiod lioe between the first and second concessions reserviog to the owners of laods to tbe second concession reasonable remu neration for any improvements which they itiny have made prior to the publication of this notice and also to correct the side line tjotice j hereby given that application i- will be mode at the next session of par liament for an act to defino the limits of co bourg aod to establish a pulice therein tj otice application will be made at tho 1 next meeting of tbe provincial partia ment for an act to authorise tho resurvey of the concession line in front nf the third concession of the towoship cf winchester io tho county of duodas w otice is hereby given that application will be made to tbe legislature at their ocxt session for ao act to he passed appoint ing another trustee or trustees in the room of tho late hooorable peter ruvsell deceased for rbe purpose of carryiog into effect ae will of the late jobo white esquire formerly at toroey general of this provioce by which cer tflio lands in the province of upper caoada ere devised to the said honorable peter ru tell to be sold by him for the payment of the debts of the said john white esq will ntiuo the parliament at its next sessioo lor an act in establish the eastern boundary of the said cooressions as the governing bouoda- tvotice appltcati i legislature at its ion will be made to the next session for an act authorising ihe ereciioa of a milldam across the north branch of bear creek at ua upper forks in the township of sum bra in the western district 1votick applicati legislature at its i 9 the nndersigoed commissioned to represent the court of directors io america and to visit the several colonies for the purpose of putting tbe affairs of the bank into operation hereby gives notice that he will be ready to receive aod consider applications from persons resi dent io the province of upper canada who may be desirous of becomtog shareholders io the capital stock of the company addressed to farm ai the post office at montreal on or before the 10tb day of august next robert carter wew york ulh july 1836 office th form of application to roaxar cabtu esq post montreal aw i request that you will allot to me sharra in the bahk op bairnm noa aucuici and i hereby engage to pay the de- pccl0 sterling each upon so many of such shares as you may allot lo mc at the time place and rate of exchange to be speci fied io your letter f allotment and at the same time to execute the deed of settlement i am sir your obedient servant signature at ungth place of abode dale all utkes must ax mil taid oswego captain w s malcolm will ply on lake ontario and ihe si lawrence river between ogdensburgh and niagara as follows commencing april 29tb 1836 upwafcds leaves ogdensburgh on friday evening kingston u c- saturday morning sacketts harbor noon oswego eveoiog rochester sunday morning toronto uc- for niagara and lewis ton monday moroini whrre she arrives early giving passengers all the day to visit the falls of niagara aod return by the boat downwards leaves lewiston on monday evening rochester tuesday morning oswego afternoon sacketts harbor night kingston u c wednesday moroiog and arrives at ogdensburgh the same evening touching at french creek morrtstowo alex andria and brockville 00 parties intending visiting the falls of niagara buffalo or the different ports on lake ontario will find the route via oswego or rochester to be the cheapest and most expe ditious co passengers leaving niagara in this boat on monday evening will arrive at mon treal on thursday evening passing the most interesting part of the st lawrence river by day light filz mrotlce tho inhabitants of the village 1 of hallowed aod pictno will petition tho legislature at its next mhtiog fur an act to unite tht said villages ioto one town under a new name to define the limits of the said town aud to establish a police therein tvotfce is hereby given 1 will bo made at the er that application eoftuiog session of parliament for the improvement of tho navi gation at the whitersh crpek io the towoship of south crosby jobnttotvo district m otice is hereby gi that no applica- iou will be made i he legislature at the eosuing sessioo of parliament hy the stockholder of tbo baok of upper canada for an act to increase the capital stock uf that lostitutioo tvotice application will be made at l the ensuing session flf parliament for a charier fr a baok at niagara with of 2uo jm a capital application will fee made at the next session of the provincial parlismoot for the extension of tbe cap of the commer cial bank midland district to the extent of 500000- that totice is hereby give will be made to tbe legislature maps for sale at the chronicle and gazette oflic of tbe midland and prince fdwani maps dis trict u- c comprehending a tract of coun ty of from 80 to 90 miles io length being from near gananoque in the county of leeds to brightoo in the coumy of northumberland shewing at one view the different townships concessions and lois both sides ofthe interes ting and picturesque bay of quime and lands not surpassed in the province kingston september 1836 24 just received and fur sale ai the corner cf king and tiruck suoct heady reckon ers and lcnnics grammar kingston jm iti i93 application t its next session for the improvement of the riv er trent according to the plans and estimates made by n- h baird ey- by aid of the pro vincial government or fulmg in such aid that further application wif be made for ao act to incorporate a company lo carry that improvement into effect otice application will be made at mjotice the hamilton and port dover aw rail road company will at tbe next session of the provincial legislature apply for an act to alter and atnend an act passed io the fifth year of his majestys reign enti tled an act to incorporate sundry persons under the style aod title of the hamilton and port dover kail road company totice is hereby given that application i- will be made to tbe provincial parlia ment at its next session by inhabitants of tbe niagara district for an act authorising the construction of a canal for ship navigation from the welland canal to the town of ni agara also for an act authorizing ihe con struction of a canal from the town of niaga ra to the chippewa or welland river at or belotv port robinson for boat navigation passing through or near st davids also for an at authorising the construction of a rail road between niagara aod st catharines also for an act granting or loaning a sum of money to build a new gaol and courthouse io a oiorecentral part of the towo of niagara or authorising the magistrates of said district to borrow a sufbcirnt sura on the credit of the district also for an act to incorporate the trustees of the niagara market reserve and to loan io them or authorize them to borrow a sum of money to erect a new markethouse thereon notice application will be mado at tbo ensuing session of parliament for b chartor to construct a rail- road from tbo river detroit in tbe towoship of maldeo to oin the sandwich and bertio railroad mi otice application i the inhabitants of du will he made hy dundav in the gore district to the legislature at its next session for an act to incorporate the said town and ikfiur the limits thereof also for an act to es tablish a baok in said town of duudas with a capital of 100000 mjotlce applieatioo will be made at x the ensuing session of parliament for a charter for a rnok in the western district with a capital of 200000 on will be made to the next meciiog by tbe inhabitants of the townships of malabide yarmouth westmioster nnd london for an act to incorporate a joint stock compaoy to construct a hailrosd from the towo of lon don to davenport to imereect the navigable waters of ca6sh river and to construct a harbour at the mouth ofsaid kiver notice appliati lgisaturt at its ion will be made to tbe next sitting for an act to establish the roads and bridges as they now are across the twenty mile creek in the township of gainsborough and also to establish the side lines ofthe 5th h cnn- ressions of said township according o the original survey to otice appl x the nf xt sitting ication will be made m ng of ihe legislature for olj4 lv t 1aaj 4 iv4 tt bour at the mouth of ihc twelve mile crerk in bronte gore district iv otice is hereby given that an applica- tion will be made at the ensuing session ot parliament by the president directors and others interested in the port dover joint stock harbour company for a loan of money to fin ish said harbour mrorice 1 will be is hereby given that application made during the ensuing session ofthe provincial parliament for an amend ment of the grand river navigation compa nys charter ihe same beinj an act made and passed in ibe second year of his present ma jesty aod entitled an act io incorporate a joint stock company to improve the navigation ot the grand river i notice tbe be reuetved former applicalinu will by petition nr the ensuing session of parliament for forming tbe county of simcoe ioto a separate district with bar- rieas its capital woticr application will be made at the l nxt session to obtain a charier to rriake navigable the bed of the twelve mile creek from st catharines welland canal to the foot of mountain at perrys mills wiih a capitol of 25000 the chronicle gazette stephen b merrill prater notice is hereby given that application will again bo mado at the next session lament for ao act to establish a bank st catherines io the niagara district of pari at miotice application will be made at tho ensuing session f parliament to amend the charter f london aod gore railroad to cuntioue the aame to the de troit and niagara rivers with loave to extend its co n advance it the end r ihe ensuing session f parliament for a charter for a bank at chatham upper cana- oada with a capiial of 5000 1vot1ce is hereby givein ll application 1 will be made hy juht strange escj aud others to tho legislature next sessioo to foim a company for th construction of a turnpike road from thehown of kiogstun to the village of napance in tho tuwoyhip of richmoud in the midland district kiofimoo ith july i8vj 9z tiw i yrn ivtathi tiantta dl lcao cepj thm an tiirr- ttotice is hereby given that application l will be made lo the provincial parlia ment at its next sessioo for an act to enable the magistrates of the hoea district to im pose a rate of one hsfp in the pouod for six years on all rateable property throughout the said district for the purpose of raising a fund for tbe erection of a new gaol for ihe privileges lal stock to 500000 and fnr banking jotice is hereby given that x itants io the third cpncessioo i zi ino otice is hereby gi tanls of the townships zroy pakenham macnab hat the inhabi- of torbolton fitzroy pakenham macnab horton ross westmeath and pembroke in the distrirt of bathurst intend to mako nrplicalioo next ses sion of parliament to haw tho said towo ships tunned ioto a separate couoty the iuhab- n the towo ship of norwich between the front line and the first quarter lioe intend to petition the ootiuing session of the legislature for an act to make ao equal division of the lots betweeo the front line ofsaid township and tbe first quarter line io the third concession of said township of norwich wtotice au application l o tu the legislature a its for the establishment of a rank n ith a capita of 200000 to bo styled johnstown district bank will he mado next sossioo at brockville the mrotice is hereby given l session of tho proviuc that at iho oext cnii parlifltneot the iiihabitfints ofthe newcastle district iutend tu apply for a charter for n bank in tho now- caatlo district to bo located at cobourg bank of upper canada tublc notice is herehv tjiven that a mt general meeting of the stockholders of this bank is requested to be held at the bank on wednesday the 24th day qf august next at 10 o clock jii the forenoon for the purpose uf fcieciioff a director to serve during the re- mmndrr ofthe present term in the place of the hon- pitcn kobittsosr who has resigned aod fur busmess which will be then communica ted uy order ofthe board thos g ridout cashier dank of upper canada toronto j3ih jpy 1836 8y i lift jnir i imwsnspnftf who baffl usually pub juhhl tor the flunk nf upper a canada wilt be pkucd to girc thii notice one inicrtion crvins twenty shillings per annum if paih or within th tui iwo monili if puid of ihc year twentyfive shillings jjrfcc of abbcrtfecraents six linesand under bft6d fiist in9enionnnd7d each iiw ijuent insertion ten lines and ntvle fe 4d first instrtionand lod eochsubsequeut iiicrttiiv sbeve tcq lines 4d pel lioe far the in insertion and id per line fpr every subneournt mrtion advertisements without terilfriidiivtrrtmftjnmrte iillforbidy and charged accordinlv a liberal discount mudc to murirtiitiii and oilier whti advettim for three months intl lament no sdycrittcmcnt received after tkh oclock the mornings of mhlicaiton any person procuring aix subscribers lothcpspr and paying mutt lor the tame shall be cniillccf to a seventh copy grajij iocoqiiiry pnnlncc received in payment at c markcl piico slfi tuts john signed k fl t dtvid chisholm esq- andrew portcotist list william mclnfoah esq george browse esq alpheua jonta esq henry jones esq jooufi taylor esq h wjiitmnrsh esq j k flartwcll esq meaam c ic j mcdonald john rcun bin allan mcphcrano esq win ilorke esq thos mcmahon esq thomas dnnorcst e t d appleby e thrmifts parker esq w robertson esq ckariei digcar era joseph a kcelor eeq kenneth mackenzie etf pavid smart kv john ballard eq ralfo claiht em qucbec three rivers montreal lancaster matilda prescott brockville penh richmond bastard qaiiitnoqiic batb napancc ilallowcll aiichashurjh siiphiaftiurffh shaunotiville pu belleville river trent murray cnhiornc cnbnrg foh hope t onnio rtagtiro

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