Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), November 2, 1836, p. 4

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l ontar steamboat arrangements for 18 g the rbltf bextaiet touted tss wia after tue 1st or mm wi kwmwl 5 p m morning noon krcdin morning evening the united states capt va clevjs going up i leaves bcdensburgh and prescott sunday kingston monday sockets harbor do oswego do rochester- tuesday toronto do and arrives at yoongsiown aod lewision ear ly on wednesday moroins giving passengers all he day a visit tbe kalis and reiurn by the boat coming down leaves lewutoo wednesday 7 evening yoongstown- do 8 do rochester thursday morning oswego do evcpifig sachets harbor do 13 niglit kiogsion friday morning and arrives at ogdensburgh same afcernqbrf touching gom up and coming down a mor- ristown broekrihe alexandria bay and french creek passengers leaving the niaparaby the uni ted states on wednesday evening will roacb montreal on satorday evening ea the great britaix capt whitnky going up leaves prescott tuesday evening brockville do 0 kingston wednesday forenoon oswego do evening cobourg thursday morning port hope do do toronto friday do and arrives at niagara queenstoo and lew- isioo he same forenoon coming down leaves lefwiston saturday ai 2 afternoon niagara do at 3 do toronio do nt 10 do port hope sunday morning cobourg do do oawego do night kingston monday morning brockville do noon and arrives at prescott same afternoon touch ing in going up and coming down at alexan dria bay and french creek passengers leaving niagara by the great britain on saturday will arrive in montreal on tuesday evening 0- passengers by either boat will pass the si lawrence from kingston to montreal by daylight u foparties from the south intending to visit niagara falls will gnd it a pleasant and ex peditions route to take the lake steamers at oswego or rochester dated may 26 36 ff osz fresh importations comprising a general and extensive stock of useful fancy and staple dsi oods til the subscriber is now receiving ex the regular traders from london liverpool and glasgow his usual shipments and which having been carefully selected by himself in the british markets on the best terms he can confidently recommend to the pub lic both as regards low prices and superior quality john ii greer kingston 12th october 1836 n pll oclah ation ujr canada f b- head lieutenant governor william the fourth by he grace of god of th unifrd kingdom of great bri tain and ireland kins defender of the faith to our lielnred and faithful legislative councillors iff our province of upper canada and to our knights citizens aod burgesses of our mid province in our proviocial parlia ment at our city of toronto on tbe tveoiy- teventh day of october iostant in be com menced held called aod elected and to every of you greeting jv here s hy oot proclamation bearing date ih list we thoui dfteeuih day prorogue of september 9 6tto prorogue our provincial parliament tn iho twenty seveoth day of oc- mher instaot at which time at our city of toronto you were held aod coustraioed to ap pear now know ye that ire taking into our royal consideration the ease and convenience of our loving subjects have thought fit by the advice of our executive couonl rmd to relieve you and each of you of your atten dance ar the time aforesaid hereby convoking aod by these presents eojoiuiog you aod each of you that on tuesday the eighih day of november next eotuiog you meet uj in our provincial parliament aiour cny of toronto for the actual despatch of public business there to take into con sideration the state end welfare of our 5id province of upper ciuada and therein to do a may nccm necessary and herein fail nut in ttstimnnv whereof wo hnve caused these our letter 10 be made patent nod the great scat uf our said proviuce 10 bo hereunto affixed witness our trusty and well beloved sir francis bond head k c ii c c c lieutenant governor of our 9il province this sixth day of october iu tbe year of nnr lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty- lilj aod in the seveoth year of our reign f b ii by command of his excellency in couneil- s p jarvis cft cciv- d cameron stcretary n otice an application be made at the next session of tin legislature of thw province for an act to establish a hank io the town of piescott in the district of johnstown with a capital of 110000 mrotice application wj i 1 the legislature at i is ne tcotice i be made to session for an act of incorporation io consi a rail or turnpike road from windsor harbour to the main or york road and from hence to scbu- gog lake in reach hereby given that an applica- ion will be made to the legislature at the ensuing session of parliament to establish the concession line between gore b and the first concession southwest of green point township of sophiasburgh in irince edward district notice is hereb given that ihe inhahit- i aotfi of the fourth cooceitlno nf the town ship of frderiekhurgh original in the mid land district iuteod to petition the legislature at its next tittiog to hive the boundary be tween lot no twentyfive aod the gore of fredericksburgh established ru a governing boundary for the fourth fifth sixth aod seventh concessions of ibesard township from number twentyfive to number seventeen inclusive m otice is hereby giveu that the inhabii- of the township of leeds in the johnstown district will peiitif n the legisla ture at its next sitting to establish the west ern boundary line of said township notice is hereby given that a petition will be presented to the house of assem bly at the next session by the inhabitants of the township of seymour newcastle dis trict praying for an act to establish the new survey of the said township made by depu ty surveyor alrt campbell in the year 1833 notice the subscriber intends apply ing at the next sitting of the provincial parliament for an act to enable him to col lect tolls on limber passing the slides erected by him on the first and second shutes of the hirer donne chere in the township of hor- ton liathurst district c j bell public notice application will be made by the subscriber at the ensuing session of the legislature for an act to incor porate a joint stock company to be styled the caledonia mineral sprines company williamparker slz tailoring business jd seelev would respectfully inform the inhabitants of kiogsion and its vici nity that he continues to carry on the above business at his old stand in store street di- ftspei b fttiftfcvoftmy vkkkklfolion 10 busi ness and reasonable charges to merit the con tinuation of patronage he has so liberally re ceived the past year and he assures the public that no pains will be spared on his pan to give every possible satisfaction j ds will receive the most approved fash ion zry spring and fall n b tr two first rate joumoymen tfill find constant employment by applying to the above none but first rate workmen need apply a kineston sd may is36 90z 1836 lake ontario the steamboat kay jtlver the splendid steam boat if otice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature of this province at its ocit session for the amend ment of the charter of the marmora foundry company reqili ring an increase of its capital to 150000 and praying that express link ing privileges be granted to the company notice is hereby given thai application will be made o the legislature at its uext silting for construction of a charter to authorize the rail road from st catha rines to the niagara river at or near the town of niagara w nz nue is hereby pi made in il application iiture at its a a ess wits h calder masteic von thai le l4ginl vfi wt 9m i cftfwfttfi r a t ompauy 10 be entitled m the upper cfttiadfl life intur- nnce and trust company with power tu loan money ouvcal estate and uiili a capital of one million will leave prescott for bay of quinte on tuesdays the arrival of the the head yf and fridiya the on in- at tt ttillialfl it capt lqjvsojv billiard propelled by a low pressure engine of 100 horse power the only boat thot runs between prescott nnd to ronto without crossing the lake to or from u vvego will 00 the opening of the navigation comoience her regular weekly trips running as follows viz 1 upwaros will leave prescott for niagara every satur day evening after the arrival of the montreal stages or steamboats touch- injat brockville and gananoiiue ljiogston sunday morning city of torohto monday morniog hamilton wpndaf afternoon and ar- 1 rtfe at niagara on the same evening dorwarus will leave niagara tor prcscolt every tue- ay afternoon at 7 oclock 1 city of toronto wednesday morning at 10 oclock cobourg and porthope wednesday evening tm t kingajoovthokday raonning touching v gananoque and brockville and ar- rive at prescott io the aftprnooo passengers leaving niagara on tuesday evening and the city of toronto wednesday forenoon by the williau iv will arrive in montreal on friday evening passing the thousand islands in the day time this boat so favorably known to the i travelling public as a first rate sea boat and combining the indispensable requisites ufi speed punctuality and comfortable accom modations will as heretofore ihe proprietors trust receive 3 very liberal support for freighter passage apply at the post office at prescott or brockville b phillips kingston h e nichols cobourg harbor i co port hope j brown toronto d c i cuno and a land hamilton j niveo i co niagara wm duff and wm wyno queeoston or to the captaio on board goau freight payable on delivery to con signets and all parcels and luggage at the ruk of the owners t unless given in charge of the parrer and booked prescott april 8 1836 96z steamer dolphiniouch jtrockville aud gnaauoqnc sieuillj leave kingston on her upward trips on wed- j nesdnys and saturdays nt half pnsi8 dclock m nod will call at the fullowiig pu rogijvs mm mohawk vi sophlasblriir ameluscurftf and carrying place ac i it a ccs bath fftldftbtcksbtmcii anotrhrstown hallowell sca lans and arrive at tho trcot the mo evenings she will leave tho trent and carrjinplaco on the evenings of wednesday and sinday for belleville and leave belleville fr pvatoii on mondays and thuisdays ai lialfpan i a m calling at all the intermediate placet tho brockville ivill icavo punctunly a advertised and as she will stop oply a few ninntcs at each place except when ihe may bo freight passengers arc requested tu be in readinetii the speed and elegant accnmmodaiioos of tho iirockvillk are so well knouo fhat they require no further reeommcodatinn for freight or passage apply to tbe coptaio on board or to the committee s itaoiobj s itirllcti bollevillo j j miller huhoweli t mcnider kingston itobert hnrvcy brock ville and the following agknts thumas fwtr psrtt jiijry lasher is 1 1 anderson fredrickburgh samuel casey adolphustowo samuel snlrnes sophias- burgh win port 4 co mohawk village thomas iwcmahon ameliusburgh sheldon hnwley river trent charles ijiggnr car rying place also at tho stores of john cnun- tcr eqt and messrs trust phillips jcih ftliy 89697 mrotice tho inhabitants of the district of niagara itjii renew their npplicatiou at the ensuing session uf the kmw for an act tn authnrie thn removal of the site of the district town aod public buildings to a more central and eligible situation within said district otick the inhabitants of darlnion will petition the legislature at the next session for an act to incorporate a company authorising the construction of l wharf and vithitdiiy ichliiuuh a ilsttbcrs creek in said township of darlingtonin the newcas tle district n pari otice is hereby given at an applica cation will be made r the provincial for a grant of ih harbor of tbe the township of whitby anient at it a sum of money to port of windsor in be made r next session mprove mt otice the jnlubitans of luughbo- rough willi petition theegislature next 1ake notice tho petition the legislature privilegu of stihscriber wilt at the next ses sion fur the privilege uf erecting a mill dam across the hrauch of the river st- lawrence between sheeks lila m and the inaiu laud at the rapid ofmouliueite to make null three of concession new survey as t jm interfere and session of the agree not with the old surviv commissioners appointed tu etle lines or to have the disputed t otice 1 will be notic lion ice u hereby given that an applica- will be made to the next scsiou of the loulaiotc of this province for no act tu esthlih a hank io tho town uf amherstburgh in the western district with certaiu uraoch hanks to belong thereto and with a capital of 250000 n otice is hereby given thit the inhabit ann of the first concession of the township of darliujtlftdj in tho duirici of newcastle will peuii i the legislature at the nxl stun for an act to correct tho survey of the concession liue between the firt aud second concesiion ot the said township is hereby iven bat application made 10 the legislature at its ncxisittin for a charter toostruct a ca- nnl for ship navigation from f erie to some point on the niagara hivtr bdow the rapids notice is hereby given hat the legis lature will be petiiionci inc ensuiog session to pass an act to csblish the side lines of lots io the second concession west of green point in the town of sophias- burgh from number fifiyeigm to ihe town ship line to run the same course the side lines in the said concession u number fiftyeicht w otick the inhabitant of ihe pitrict of 1iinco edward will pel it ion tbo le- lutura nt its oci sitiioj fr an ace to iocor- johnl p n ll csaid district viih a can- ital of 100011 kingston ia on tas the steam pkket of 50 1 just received and fur sale at tbe chronicle ga- zette office corner of kin an 1 krock street a larse quantity of excellent wrap ping paper on moderate terms july 11 1336 4 capt n johnson propelled by a low pressure engine horse power the only team boat which rllt acg0 arly bfctlveen kingston akdoswcgo kingston every monday and rriday morning at half past 8 oclock nnd oswego every tues day thursday and naturjay at same hour until further notice and on supnays will make an extra trip leaving kingston at g a m and returning the same evening the canada which his run for many years between toronto and niagara is schooner rigged and is well known to be second to none as a safe sea boat she is well calcula ted in convey both freight and passengers withsafety and expedition for freight or passage apply to messrs trobridge grant oswego messrs truax phillips kiogstoot or to the captain board kingston may 23d 1836 m otice ants of tho townships w hereby given that the inhabit in tho rear part of tho newcastle district will petition the lcgi- laturo at in next sittio to erect the said towoships iota n separate district with totcr borough as chirf towu ivotice the lohabitanis of crumahd llaldiinond and adjoiniug townships will apply io the legislature its ncxi sit ting to charter a company to onsiruci a hnr- bor at the mouth of kecjers creek near col- boroe newcastle district joticfc the undersigoed hereby gives nonce that application will bo made to parliament for nn act to enable him to erect a riilluridpa over the river thames from the iown of chatham to the uorth baok of the said river with a privilege of demaodiog aod receiving tols therefor during such period as ihe legislature may determine j- wood tv otice the hamilton and port dover rail rood company will at the next session of the provincial legislature apply for an act to alter and amend an act parsed in the fifth year of his majestys reigo enti tled l an act to incorporate sundry persons under the style aod title of the hamilton and purl dover kail road company t w iv will leave wednesday otice the rohabitaotl of the village of r alio well and picton will petition tho legislature at us next sitting for au act to unite the said ilfncs into ouu toivn under n new namit u define ihe limits of the said tmvn and to tihlisb a police therein mfotice thereby 1 will be nnde at given that bpplhfblioq be ensuing jesgioo of ameot r the imprnventent f iho navi gation at the vhiteflsh creek in the township of south crnsly johnstown district prli wroti 1 lion on ice ih hereby giveu that nn pplica- will be uiai to the legislature at the eosuing fieseiuo of parliament hy ihe stockholders u tho bank of upper canada for an act to mcroaie the capital stock of that institution- q4z bsubcr and llalr dresser habkct soane kingston niefal for the liberal paironnge lie ins recurved from the public he hopes io merit a coninmnce of il ooruors honed and dressed jaouarr 47 18s5 church of england hvmjvs with and wiiliout music ni ihe chroniro gazelle office kinrsino fllay 17 183l psalms tf sold 93 ly ice application will 1 the ensuing sefision of par chartnr for a uauk at niagara of jeauokx ho made at lament for a with a capiul wanted immedialcly two journeymen cabinet makers and aciive yonnq man as ar for sale of kegs of the best printing mw very low for cash chronirle gazette ortirc kintonr january 7ih 1s36 ink situe business an pprcnticc to the liberal wages will be given none but persons of good habits need apply e- conk kingston u c may 2th i8s m a pplication session of the i the extcosi rial bank 50u000 ill be made at the next rnviucia parlhtmcut for on of the capital of the curmner- midland district to tho extent of otice is hereby given that application will be made to the provincial parlia ment at its oext session by inhabitants of the niagara district for an act authorising the construction of a nial for ship navigation from the wclland canal to the town of ni agara also for an act authorizing the con siruction of a canal from the town of niaga ra iu the chippewa or wetland river at or bhow port kobinson fo boat navigation passing through or near st davids also for an act authorising the construction of a rail road between niagara and st catharines alio for an act granting or loaning a sum of muney to build a new gaol and courthouse in a more central part of the town of niagara or authorising the magistrates of said district to borrow a sufficient sum on the credit of the district also for iti act to incorporate the trustees of the niagara market reserve and to loan to them or authorize them to borrow a j sum of money to erect a new markethouse thereon notice is hereby given that application will be made to the provincial parlia ment at its next session lor an act to enable the magistrates of the home district to im pose a rate of one halfpenny in the pound for six years on all rateable property throughout the said district lor the purpose of raising a fund for the erection of a new gaol for the nroe notice is hereby given subscribed in the grand that all stock river naviga tion company on which the instalments due are not paid upon or before the first mobdafy in november next will be declared forfeited and then sold by public auction on that day at the hour of twelve oclock nooo at this office for the benefit of the company as the law directs ln- vot1ce is hereby given that certa l habitants of the district of niagara will petition the provincial parliament at its next session for an amendment uf the mutual in surance act so as to allow two companies to the said district notice the undersigned inhabitants of thetown of kingston io the midland district hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the provincial legislature at its next litunss for the enactment of a law authorizing forrisn- ers to possess real estate in free and common soccage in ibis province under such stipula tors a may be found necessary 10 gu that public notice fs betfc giteo application will ije made at tbe nai meeting of the legislator for an act to ia corporate a cotopaqy for the purpose of impro ving the harbour at goderich on lake hu- ron mrotice application will be made at the iu eniitnr session of parliament for x ensuing co- 7i ma continuance of an actjtuihonzmg j tb lutes of the loodoo district io continue iht levying of onethird of a peony 10 the pound for a limited period to defray the expense of- building a new gaol with suitable yards tbe said district foe totice is hereby g ww venthai application will be made at the next session ofparlia- incnt for a charter fur a bank to be entitled the freeholders bink of the home district wtth a capital of one m llion sterling n otick is will be my rd asainst political interference or undue specu- to monopoly- rrovjocial ihe capiia hereby ftiven that application dc at the next session of the parliament for the exteutioo of i slack of the unre jjrtnk lation tending notice the undersigned inhabitants of the coun ty of hastings in the midland district hereby give notice that they intend jo apply wotice 1 will be the provincial legislature at its 6rst sit tings for the enactment of a law authoris ing foreigners 10 possess real estate in this province under such stipulations as may found necessary to guard against political oeis hcteby civen that application will be made at the next session of par liament for a loan for the huron fishery company on lake huron and said company may ter be tlso that the incorporated by char- n otick is hereby giveo that application will he made at the next session of the terlerooce or monopoly undue speculation lendi he 0- to provincial pariianieni fur a charier for a joint stock company to construct a harbour at the mouth of ihe kiver bayfield lake hu ron iu the district of london notice the inhabitants of the eastern pa its of the newcastle district nod tho western ait nf the midland district intend petitioning the legisla fur the furmatinn of county town at the mouth of the trent ure at their next kfltti a new district with the tftjotice ia htreby given that application x will be made to ib next session uf the provincial parliament lor a loan 10 complete the louth harbour k tv otice is hereby ptvon that rtppltc l will be mndo to the legislature tinn nt the next ensuing session of parliament hy certain inhabitants of the township u king tn rpirnl ao act passed in tho 1st session of the 11 th parliament entitled an actio nuihnrise a new survey of the township of king ij otick is hereby given that application will be made at the next sessiouul parli- incui fur an act tu ineurpuraie a company lor constructing a rnl uoad fruni the cny of toronto u the shore of lke huron tu the lundun district totice is hereby given a itanis of tbe townships that the lohuh of gloucester oklic cumberland russel nepeau gnul hourue ulfchj huotley torbolton fitzmy pakcnham maenab ilorton i ivrtt- meath aud pemtiroke of the ottawa and ija- thurst distiicts will petition tbe legilnrure at its next session to form them iotn u new dis trict having hytrnvn for its capital uud buo into two counties will hjoitce isheriby given i hut the luhabit- eaurn pjrt ul the london of th tuwiifrhip uf vvalpole and kainham 111 the itjari uiyinct will peti tion the lvgliluluttr at riv text seion totonn l hem into a new uiiftct li vii bicocoe lr us dibtrct towii district and inhain m 11 d 011 ill ho made to he legislature at its next bitting fur an nanus iutui09ltip ol clmtuut iu the western net otick applicai re at us act toereel u uim iteruaa the kiver iijotjcm application j- the ensuing session of par bo made nt anient for au an to reel the county of ilmtiu i the aliilland district into u separate district ktotick- tlw luluibitatils of the 7th tjih iltlu ind luih cuueestuit ul the tuwn- ol txioru in the juliiisiowll oistnet will petition the pnrlinmcoif at us next scrfioo lur au act lottablih the ifatcfil houndaryol shi kvmce is hereby civen that tho owners nud occupiers of land io the pirt con cession of ilia towoshtp of nepean in the bathurst district will apjdy rn the legislature it its next session for no act to correct the concession liue between the first and second concessions reserving to the owners of lands in tjie second concession reasonable remu i oeratioo for aoy improvements which they may have made prior to ihe publication of this notice and also to correct the utio lines notice is hereby given that npplicnion i will be aiale at the n session of par- j liamcol for au act tn defiathe limits of co- i bourg and io establish a police therein oijlulftjll yuveru mg uotfftifc lo pick application will be made 10 the a i 1 latute at its uext session for au act authorising the eiecuoa ol a imilldam across the north li ranch of liear creek at us upper forks io the township of sum bra io the western district jvotice appliealion next meetine of the will he tnado at the proviocial parlia ment for ao act to auihome the resurvey uf ihe concession line io front nf the third concession ef ihe tuwoshtp cf winchester io the couuty of duodd notice is hereby given that application will be mode to ihe logislaturo at their next sessioo for an act to be passed appoint ing another trustee or trustees in the room nf tho late hooomble peter russell deceased for ihe purpose of carrying iuto effect the wil ol the late john white esquire formerly at toroey general of tht province hy inch cer tain laods iu the province of upper canada were dfnrited to the said honorable peter kus- sell to he sold by hirn for tho payment of the debts of tho said john white esq 1vj0tic- application will be aade 10 tbe m legislature at its uext meeting by the inhabitants of ihe townships ol malahide yarmouth westminster and london for an act tu incorporate a joint stock conupaoy 10 construct a haiurod from the town of lou- duo to davenport 10 intersect the navigable waters of cattish kiver and to construct a harbour at the mouth of said kiver notice applieation will be made to the legislature at its mxi sitting for an act to establish the uuadsuud bridges as hey now arc ueros the twenty mile creek id the township nf gainsborough aud auo to establish ihe bide lims of the olh bib curt- cessions of said township according to the original survey notice a pplicuion ihe next sitting of he will be made at te legislature for charter to form a company to make a har bour at the mouth of the twelve mile cnvt in uronte gore district olp joticet lion will licucnt hereby given thai nt lie nude at the by the pres mjoticb application will tho ensuing session of pari charter lo cuosteuct qiivtn qmivuniiutfliv join tho sandwich and benie bo made at anient for n a rail road from the iiwttshipof maiden to men hers interested in the port 1 harbour compauy fur a loan ish said harbour ipph enduing mjton i dinciors and ove si of 1 jihul slock oiu v to tin kaimtoad lotice applicaiio wi 1 the loliabirauts ol lhiud district to ihe ill be made hy das in iho gore el to ihe legislator m ltd next session for an act to incorporate ttie said town and de6ue the limit thereof ttaoforao act iu es tablish a baok in said town of duodrts with a capital of 100000 el once wi it be ihmioi s hereby civtn that 1 nade during iheensui of the provincial parlinriont for an amend ment of the grand kiver navigation compa nys charter the same being an art midfrnud passed in the second yrar of his pn tent ma- tesiy and entitled an act 10 joint slock compnnv to improve ihe 11 ot the grand uiver eorporjie a mzatiuq mjotice applicotioo l iheensoicj sessiou of charter for a uaok in the wesiero district with a cnpiral of 200000 will pa hi lie made at tw otick application will be made at the j- uext session to obtain a charier to make ameot for nj otick the renewed ion of p of siaicoe ii u former ppltcatind w y petiiion at the ensu arliarneot for forming the couoiy iolo a separate district with uar- ne as its capital nav ifjable the bed of the twelve- mile cieek rom st catharines welland canal to ihe foot of mountain at perrys mil with a capital of 25000 the chronicle gazette stephcn b her rkinter n otick is hereby riven that applicai will ngain be made the next scsi of parli mill nn lameut for ao act m mlahluh a laik at st catherines in the niurara disiriet shillings fir stcvms per anniim paid in advanee pnd ut tlic ttitl tltotlcb- icatroo will be rnnde at cssion of phrliameut to emend tho charier fur tho loudon and gore kailroad to contioud the name tn ihe de troit nud niagara rivers with leave 10 extend its capiul stock to 500000 aod tor hanking privileges w notice will be i cas qa ash li wool wanted pail forclcai wool sherby eivcn that ipplicoiioo made io the legislature at it nexi session for i lie improvement of the riv er treat nicurdinjj io the plans and cstimaies made by n h kami esq by aid ol the pro- ooverumeni or falirt io such her application will be made for icorporaie a company io catr inprovement iniocltect viiicilll that fun act id ii an hat otice is hereby given that iho lababi- lants of the townships of torboltoo fiizroy pakcoham macnah ilorton koss wesimeatli and pembroke io ihe diatrirt of ifathiirst intend to make applicatioa oext ses- siiio of parliament io have the said town ships formed into a separate county mjoticeis hereby given thai the inhah- x hants to the third coocessiou in tho town ship of norwich between the front lino and the first quarter line intend to petition ihe ensuing session of the legislature for an acl 10 make an equal division of the lots botween the front line of said township aod the first quarter line in the third concession of said township of norwich bank of upjtfr canada public notice is hereb v ijiyen h n of a ttiry i 1 iiurirr may 17 leou iy in iho fleece at the woollen raod fac- ikiui its charter fnr a nnji with 1 rice appljcaiioa will be maje at for a ppcr cana ensuing h of pathanicnl otice an npplicniioo will bo made t iit oexc sassioa forlheebiablishmflnrof n itaok at brockville ih a cupiial of 200000 10 be mlcd the general meeunp of tbe siockhomers of s 1 l lo i md at the bank on wednesday the 2jh day of au nexi po clock in the torenoon for the purpose lecildjr ft director to serve during the re mainder of ihe present icnn in the place of ihe hon feter koeinsom who has resigned and lor business which will bt then cummuaica- at of twoniv nr wllhfii l ii- iii luu nittrilli it uf the year twenlyfivc shllktlgs jmcc of abcvtfscmcnts sx lines anl under 2s 6tl lisi insunioj and 74 each subetucnt insertion tcnlinus ami uintr 4d first insti lion and iod each subsequent inurtiuu ftbeve ten line jd pur line for the tirtl iniriion and id- per line for every mherauetii mritimi adcrtwcnionl3 witltouiicwtedijv iuijiiuiicj till for but t and tliaryou avcordinjlv a liberal divunnt midu to irtvictmni mm ujitr who atfvcrluv fur three mmifhs and upwnrdk no tqvemsemcftl received aficr tus oei- tk m tin mornths rfiuui0uliiil any mrend proeitiinn six cuhcribers tn the paper and paying annually lor ihe frame shall be entitled to a egvrnth copy yrrt io country phnlttee received m payment al the market priu john biffncll eeq v led johustown district ilnuk s llhuk ii chaihttm i cjpiial ffajonoo 1 otick is hereby given that ai ihe next sessioo of ihe proviocial parliament the iiilmhinnts of tho newcaatln district intent io apply for a charier for a bank io tho now- casliouialrici to ho located al cobourg by order of the board thos y ridolt n 1 cashiei bank of upper canada toronto 13th july lw tho edlcon of iiiiii i kqvc oaua nhed for the i in of ltp r wili be to give ihu notice one internum 8y iy pub plcacd david chultollllj gm andrew portcoi kso william mcintosh esq genrge browse eq a ipheu jones eq henry jone9 eq jniafi taylor eq hwhlimarthem j k hortuoll eq messrs c j mcdonald john deftfla eq v in mcpherson esq win llmkr esq- th mcmahoo efq thoma drinoreni ksq t- d applehy esq thomu parker etq w roberlwn eeq m ghuu bijfjtr eq joseph a kccfer efo kenneth mackenzie e pavmi snurt esq john ilimf colli lq 1 lull clew lq qoebe three uiveit m on treat loncastvr matilda prcucon brockville penh richmond basmrd gananoque bath napanco hnllowcll arnciiasbiirgh snphiucburffh shannonv r0 belleville luvrr tlclu miinn cilhorn cpbotirfq tort hope taimttv ninfa

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