Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), November 2, 1836, p. 3

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postscript br in arrival at new york from malign datea from lhat city bave been received to the 24th sept a peiceawa revolution has taken place in portugal involving i lo change of ministry and the procla- nation of the constitution of 1822 we havo only rtmiogiva the followioff proclamation issued by lhaqaeinon the 10th of september dtptrimml e the interior in accordance with rihiiiationa that havo recently been made to ma by a peal number of ciiiiena and induced by other dtmoofifalwnioflha national will n favnr of the re- toritioq of the pftlilicalcoiithiutiun of ho kingdom of ihc23o september 1822 wirh sich tnodifn ation a- cirettincca require i freely declare that iho iiid conttilul ion is in full force and direct miit the general conea of the poriucueaenattonhall be inv mfjifly convened the member of which besides theerdmary powrre iber possess shall ho inverted wilhpower to make thnnc modifications in the con jfiiuihwi they may think proper tfce minister and secretary nf state nf iho depart rntni of tho interior ad intarim will carry thie tic cm inloeiecutinn and tike pompt inaflures to receive my oath to the constitution and for the meet- im of the cortes given i ibe palace dc necessidahe on the 10th september 1336 the queen thectrlos general uomez has sustained aaevere and overwhelming defeat in spain married on the i3tli bit at iho residence of fraocie cnttrel eq baye du fovrc by the rev mr ritsj rector ordrammondvillr anthony vnn iffland eq md physician to the marine hoaphal in misi eliabeib daughter of aaron alien eq of william henry alpreicot the llih ulr john mogce to miff jane steed hoth of augusta at pietcott on lha 3ili u mr w hmm orrof mahdi to mr- harriet anderson of edward- urn just received mlc 350 stkiirai sleigh bcixb also few jews harp and improved prophe- cookino stoves with copper furniture complete- t briggs jr store street kingston oct 29th 1836 35ii aitd fck cy tod tii cash cash i d i k d lc 25th nit of a linjrerinjr ilne ihtrrat fnrhtud alice collier hummel grocer chmplain at u in i- 1- nn i which alie borr wi wife of mr jfttll siree asd 42 ai quebec on ihe s4hulr after a abort hut ae- vere aicknrw charlee blake infant eon of the rev h- r biirragc ofihit cty alsr vallier 23d ul of cailett fever henry jiihen hamlyn eldtat ton tf mr grant forret at montreal on the 90li till catherine fourth vmpriirihelai gcnr bochuttaftj of beck with upper canada apd 23 at montreal niiih 2lst in eliza collision widow nfrhe late mr noma majrranc at st henry mascflueht on the 8ih i i in the 29th ycir of brajre mits roalu elizabeth cleveland 0lv ivmjtifaughter of dr btyth at mutral m ibe 28th utt mr a m ermalia- kr wire of doutor garrett eive dollars m cash per 100 lb paid for rawhjdatmr scobeiraueef pork store kiogaton 31at october 1836- s3z wanted to buy or rent on reasonable terms a small farm within ten or twelve miles of kingston enquire at this office kiogaiou oct 19th ltj3g s2z notice pm1he times aod places for the sale of crown lands and clergy reserves during the present year will be aa follows jjv the jchjvstofka district for the clergy reserves in the county of leeds at beverly on the ibth of october and on the 15th november following for the clergy reserves in the county of greoville at kempiville on the 21st of octo ber and on the 13th november following jy the eastern district for clergy reserves at southwicks inn williamsburg on the 34th october and on the 31st november followiog reference may be made to james west esq d s matilda for further information schedules of the particular lots to be sold in each township specifying also the terms of ihe sale have been printed aod will be put up at the court house in each district at the offices of the clerk of the peace and sheriff and in other conspicuous places in each dis irict r b sullivan commissioner of crown lnds office toronto mill sep 1836 34gi celtic society a meeting of the celiic society of up per canada will take nufe on thursday the third dni nf aortnber int ai 12 oclock noon ai the british american hotel for ihe traociinn of special business the nieinbers re particularly requested to mpnd j a- macdonald rrcontinz 4cwnry kingston nov 2 i8s6 shy ffuit trees garden seeds c reynolds st bateham proprietors of tkt rochester seed st ore t hor o end jvarscry riail a larjre ticnuural garden ivteu at wholesale or riail a aff and superior atvrtmeni of farit and oreta- nbhtal trees garden ricld and flower sctos geckkhouse and harov plants tstc the fruit trees are all knitted from beit- iii trrs of the very brs liinds aod the seeds ate riid in the niot careful manner or im jioricd from ihe roost respeciahle sources so that we are confi lent iht with regard to kind quality or price ihe articles sold n this estab- hshfnent will qivr cntral satisfaction orders from a tlisianc will ij prumnily at- tenjelio and packages forwardvd according lo order dialogues may be obtained of n palmer dnissbti kingston reynolds bateham rochester n v nttf 1836 s62 wanted x a dry goods siore a respeciabte young man about 00 years of ae who is ac quainted with th business apply wjlsok fash ion able saddlery warehouse kobekt chanonhouse saddler nod harness mrtnufariurer respectfully informs the gentfy and public of kingston and its vicinity uat he has commenced business opposite thvcljronicle gazette office king streei where be will be constantly supplied yitb a general aasortmeot of every article cocnphsed jtf th nbomusiness and which he owra for sale on the most reasonable terms best saddles english materials carriage haroes silrer aod brass mounted gig and tandom do sleigh and wajgon harness black mounted ladies and gentlemens riding and driving whips in great variety rxpan appren kingston fice 1 1th oct in ted 1836 302 to v kingston nov 2 1s3g s6i a card mrs twigg bgs leave loinlmiale that ivi ttfiahf 10 receive pniiils fnrinstihic- non un ihe piano forte and iruiii her expefi- rnce and l lie number of year that tl hs tausbt in kmgfiun she rrls rncuurged to dope far a share of pubiic pairouagc highly rebpeciable rffreaces can be given ifrrqairrd terms may be known or application to mrs- iwiffj at her residence in clareoce siceei iiptt door 10 mr kv mis store kingston 3d nov iss6 36z notice hf- subscriber would ir rv thf inlinbil- tus of k i ihai ii- lias rilaccd at lake on tnrio summer arrangements for 1 836 the veu and rapid steam boat oneida propelled by twopowerful low pressure engines captain abkh smith will until the 15ih nf september next ply between ogdensburglt and jv7ii ra touchtog ni the intermediate ports as fol- lowa upwards leaves osdcnsbursh wednesday evening 11 kinzstonfuc thursday morning sackeivharbor do noon 11 oswego do evening 11 genesee river friday morning toronio u c do evening touching at youngstown and reaching lewis too early saturday morning downwards leaves lewiston sunday evening genesee river monday morning oswego do afternoon sackets haebor monday evening 11 kingston uc tuesday morning touching at frenchcreek mornstown alex andria and brockville aod arriving at ogdens- bjrgb tuesday afternoon refer to e b alien ogdensburgh white hooker mornstown d w vibk wwiniwm smith mkrrick frenchcreek j coihtsbi kingston u c luchiv 8t clark sacketsharbor henry fitzhcgh oswego john t trowbridgr rochester james brown toronto obed smith voungstowo goy rcynolds lewiston june 1636 99z if 11 prices current iv kingston market fine flour ptf bbl 40 0aoo 41 m pekcwt 7 6 o 20 0 barley per burtkel 3 0 a 9 6 oats do do i 9 a 1 6 rye do do s 3 a 0 0 peas do do 2 4 a 2 6 potatoes do dto llooso beefper cwt 17 6a 55 0 iorkdu do 35 0 m 42 6 bulier per lb 0 10 a i 0 mutton do 0sa04 vial do 05a06 pork fresh d- 06a00 hams pork d 0 7a 0 71 candles mould 0 7 a 0 9 do dips o7a0 7 soap 0 4 d fl 4 fes per doz 0 10 a 10 fowls ppr coupl 0 a 1 4 cheese per cw- 40 0 a 4 6 hay per load unknown 17 6 0 25 0 wood per cofi 80s 10 0 wheat per bu 56a63 pork meas per bbl 100 on 00 do do prim mesa 0 0 a 65 0 do prime 5 0a00 do cargo oooaoo do perlb 06a0 7 indian corn du do sonoo lodian meal do- do 3036 liemoval oren strong hereby lenders his grateful acknow ledgment 10 a generous public for the very hattering support he has received while keeping the sttam boat hotel in this place and begs to acquaint his numerous customers that he has thia day opened his most splendid establishment lit north american hotel cobourg situated ne the steam boat landings where he will thankfully receive aod promptly attend ihe call of hia customers af fording them accomodations which shall not be surpassed by those of ony establishment in the province mid stand will be found to af ford vefy great accommodation to persons ar riving at and taking their passage froo this placid in the semral steam boats that touch daily at the wharf the proprietor of the above kstahlishment continues his line of stages to the rice lake and from thence to peterborough which i well furoished with good covered carriage first rate horse and careful drivers seats may be taken at this house in tbt kingston and toronto mail stage morses and carriages are constantly io read iness to convey passengers luggage to am part of the country cobourg u c may 1st 1836 looz for freight or passage npply bridge grant at oswego and to phillips at kingston kingston sept 24 1836 to millers just received direct from the manufac turers in europe with whom arrange ments have been made for a constant supply of articles of the fatal quality viz real dutch bolting cloths assorted blackmores patent do do french burr stones for sale by larocque bernard co juiy2s 18z altmy contracts cnimiiietanat t kingston sttli september i8jc j mtoticei hereby given that sealed ten- ders will be received at this office unnl wednesday at noon ihe 3d day of november next from such persona who may be willing 10 enter into contracta with his maitsiys government for the following supplies lur the use of the troops st a it aod departments at kingston dependencies to commence on the 1st of january 187 aud eod on the 30th day of september following for fresh beef at per lb currency u soft bread at per lb currency m rations of forage at per each ration cur the rations of forage to ennsisr of9lhs of oats 16 lbs of hay and 6 lbs of straw all of the best quality to be delivered from the contractors stores for charcoal at per bushel currency the beef to be of the best quality or o or heifrr properly slaughtered and of equal proportions of hind and fore quarters and no other to be delivered to the troops at their re spective barracks the auet not to be with drawn the bread to be manufactured from th best quality of fine flour and to be warrant ed to keep sweet and good for at least twenty- four hours after delivery to the troops e the carts to be employed in carrying bread and melt to the troops stationed at point henry and point frederick will be permitted to pass and repass the bridge free the beef bread and forage are at all times to be subject to the inspection of a commissariat officer who shall be empowered to reject such as in his judgment is not of the quality descri bed and cause either the beef bread or forag to be immediately replaced or in default there of shall substitute such articles as the market affords at the cost of the contractor the contractor for beef will be required o make his issues of beef to ihe staff depart ments either from the public market house or from one of the most convenient cooimis sariat magazines at kingston payment made monihly by checks on the bank of upper caoada the names of two responsible persons to be inserted in the tender as sureties for the performance of the contract- any fortber information may be obtained ni the commissariat ollice barrack srreer kingston 26bi city of the falls the proprietors of the grounds adjoining the falls of niagara having by the term of their association made a division of the pro perty and agreed to sell by public auction the following valuable hotels houses and premises which are so well known that a description is unnecessary and would merely observe that the proposed railway from chippawa to queenstoo where the chain suspension bridge 00 the niagara is proposed to be built intm will be entailed past the ontario house and to at the court house notice the steamer queenston captain john 1 v is ixtill from ihe ut of october neit tiff the close of ihe navigation run daily from kingston to oswego leaving kingston at 7 m the evening and oswego ai 7 in he morning the iueenston is vnnwn to be one of the safest and best sea ressels oow on these wa ters she is well furnished aod her accom modations are comfortable to trow trust 24z h sharp begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston that htf has opened hi boot and shoe shop in the new building on the corner of king and brock street where he will keep on hand and manufacture on the shortest ootice all kinds of work in his lioe at the most reasonable prices kingston sept 14 163fi mr r yeut professor of dancing respectfully begs to anoounce hie intention of remaining in kingston fur the winter season to give lessons in he new est and most fashionable style of dancing mr v- is at present giving lessons in mm fveatherstone school tioom where he has suf ficient room for any number of young ladies who may honor him with their atieotlance classes meet on wednesday and saturday af ternoon at half past three schools and private families attended on the roost reasonable terms- kingston oci 1 is3c 27z in for sale a number of copies upper canada sta tutes provincial justice township ma nual sic c at the chronicle at gazette of fice corner of kinp od brock streets kingston 9th july 1856 new publications at the chronicle t gjztte office for sale carets library in wmy number at 25s paid io adraate the pihttt mazftrft it ttowbly num ber at tjil each both vef j tmrfttioiog and interesting work also a semot preacbed by the rat iu- ry esson for ihest andrewa ttoemy at montreal on st andrew lj with notations e kica st kingston cfcfobcf 5 188 unclaimed bocks it ying in the bindert here fcr years md a quarto bible by henry kc 3 fols the performance on the harp in highlands i vol by john guon eifl of kngund by m efaos i vol into sketch in switzerland and italy j scon i vol 8mo farmers magazine 5ih ed 1 toi 8mo- 7 copies of byrons works in 8 rola phi tadelphia ed if not claimed and paid for in t months from this dat they will be sold for the pensea of binding chronicle gazette office kingston 24th august 1338 0 ilia cm- ft commercial bank m i ot1ce is hereby aiven that at a meeting of stockholders held at the bank on the isfh fnaci it was resolved that the in stalments on the new stock be called io as follows 10 per ten od 1 1 fl the 1st day of march 1836 2 may 1 july i m septr t r nov its offices and agencies 10 10 10 10 i pavame at the bank such of the new stockholders as may wish to p3y in the half or whole of their stock at once will be allowed to do so ou the day the first instalment is due by order of the board p a harper cashier kingston dec s 1935 53 the following oewtpapers will pleate iiwert the ftbave drrtiereent until nottrflbtr next patriot tornato hamilton gazette niagara reporter saod wieb emieruot cobourc star bathort courier cornwall ohacrrer and montreal gazette the mutual fire insurance company being now legally organized the board of directors are ready to reieapplicatioos for assurance addressed to tlie secretary at his ogce in brock street kiogaton where the rate of premiums bylaws4 and form of ap plication may be seen by order of the directors w dawe sttrn kingston 20th september 1836 24z that valual le mr mivo s lint feather renovator where he respectfully inviirs the gentlemeo aod ladies who wish io have good and dura ble beds to call and see the improvement he is now making on kea liters new or old he has recommendations from different countries in ihe united stales also from ihe first class n brock ville the subscriber will be ac countable for all beds trusted to his care that itify shall be done in good manner and not damaged jason smith kingston nor 2 1336 s6z commercial bank imu l adivldendoffourper cent has this day been declared on ihe old 6tock and also paid in to 15th july notice steamer brockvillk a meeting of the stockholders of the steam boat brockville will take place at have taken kingsioooo tuesday the 25th day of october the pavilion early in the enumc spring from whenct griut uivinutra will mmuimiii ssaia to the premises the proprietors therefure will sell by public auction on the premises upon tuesday the sth day of november next all that and those the ootano house hotel with the stables sheds outbuildings garden and orchard thereto belonpsos- comprising about two and a half acres more or less ex tending from the road in front of the main street or concession road in the rear as also the pavilion hotel and ground reserved for the same comprising upward of one acre as set forth on the map as also the bath house assembly rooms lately built in a most substanuil manner with various accommodations as vill appear upon examination teu ms onefifth of the purchase honey at time of sale remainder in five yeartt payments with interest yearly on the principal after the sale of said premises will be sold the furniture in the pavilion hotel and bath house i consisting of beds bedding carpets tables chairssofaslookiogglasss dclph glass c cc sec all sums under 13 10 0 cash all sum above 6 months credit on approved security with interest samuel street treasurer niagara falls upper carmla september 15tb 1836 q4il4 fttbo following paper will pleaee publiih the ett unfilfhi jim tfl tmfenl ert uu mwut4l focvpajoient to saomel street ejq niagara fall new york com mere ial adttrtiae courier eo- suirer albion aod spectator hfailtoa hamilton rxette kiofctton chrooicle montreal gazette chippewa herald niaeraguaftcr reporter torooto patriot aod courier notice commissioner f crown lands office toronto 19lh august j83g the time and place for the saleofclgruy ueskrvesduringthepresent year will be as follows gore district at hamilton in the county of weottvofth on the 19th september 17th october and 21st november 1836 jogora distrut at hamilton oh the same days schedules of ihe particular lots to be old in each township and specifying also the terms nf sale have heeo printed and wilt he put up at the office of the clerk of the poare and sheriff and at other places in ttic uiiincu woich aubevttka can dc hau on application to the commissioner of crown lands ssiso r b sullivan to millers the subscriber begs leave to inform mil lers aod the trade generally that having purchased the stock to trade of mr lewis bostwick burr mill stone manufacturer be will continue the business of malting french burr mill stones of thefirst quality hvino on hand four pairs of stone finished and a large lot of burr blocks which he will make up to order on the shones notice all orders for the above to be address ed to a clark ai the kingston foundry whom he has made his agent for hia stone sutlding business ceo mccrabby kingston august 6th 1836 mz the cobourg sinr ill plea enpy ihr advertise ment one month nod send their account to iho office ofihrs paper lake millinery c misses rankin t chesnut mil liners and dressmakers o- on the nc payable at in to 1 5th july last its offices and agencies stock w he bank on the first day of december next the transfer book will be closed on the nth day of november and roptned on the hi december by order of the board v a harper cashier kingston 27th october 1336 35il0 next at th british american hotel at 10 clock a m when business of importance will be submitted by the committee stockholders who cannot attend are partic ularly requested to appoint some person in writing to act for them t macnidek j j miller s benson by v benson smith bartlet jr roa hbvet mcmillan mcdowell siod ross iilla fliat jr thomas a corbkttj thos mcmahon kiogston 22d september 1836 committee sl co 25hi a shop io brock street nearly op posite bamfords inn and beg to solicit a share of public patronage which they trust by assi- duiv and punctuality to merit the newest fashions will be strictly atten ded to and work done with dispatch kingston 22d september 1836 25z to let a good tavern stand in he town of kiogston known as the colborjye arms hotel there is a room 64 feet long in the house with foldtug partitions application to lie made to david leahy oo the premises or h smith juo esq kingston 24th sept i8s6 25z steam boat i a and for sale quantity of excellent writing ink at the citron sl gazette office corner of king brock streets flsz hp mutual insurance company of the midland district now intcd forms cf proposals may be procured at the compa nys office opposite the court house no lei lets received unless post paid by order w dawe sec kingston 27th oct 1336 35z ihe board of directors are prepared to issue policies pri it h l to printers fmposltors aod pressmen want- jj ed at the upper canada gazette ticf toronto steady workmen who are desirous of coociant employment for the season aod re gular wages will meet with them on making application gazette office toronto 164 kingstreet hti commercial bank m d otice is hereby given that the remain- ng instalments on the new stock are called in as follows 10 per cent on tbe 2d january 1ss7 10 1st march 10 1st may 10 1st july 10 j 1st sept payable at the baokftts offices and agencies b y order of the board f a harper cashier kiogston oct 26 1836 ic5 newspapers accuatomcdto advertise tor the commercial bank will ple copy this and aend their accounts to ihe bank for sale by the subscriber n 4 fcawfc lbs- american cotton yartja i wutf noa 5 6 7 8 9 10 500 lbs batting and 200 lbs cndlewicb 200 large and small looking glasses a laree assortment of travelling baskets w m wls leather sole and upperof various tannages calf skins kips c c for sale by larocque bernard co who will keep a large assortment constantly on bud may 19 18z sir james kempt capt francis baker wm sbaw sailing master vxtill on the opening of the navigation v w commence her regular trips as usual will leave kiogston for the flay oo tuesday and friday mornings will leave the head of the bay for kingston and prcscott oo wednesday and saturday mo will leave prescott for kiitfston and the bay on monday aod thursday evenings im mediately after the arrival of the boats from below kingstoo 24th march 1336 8 ontario 1s36 the steam boat oswego captain iv s matcolm will ply on lake ontario and the st lnwrenco river between ogdenshurgh and niagara as follows commencing april 29tb 1 83 upwards leavtfsvfjeotturrfhtm triuwy livening kingston u c saturday morning sacketts harbor m noon oswegn evening rochester sunday morning toronto u c- for niagara and lewis- ton monday raorninffwhpre she arrives early givio passengers alt ihe day to visit the falls of niagara aod return by the boat downwards leaves lewiston on monday evening rochester tuesday morning oswego afternoon sacketts harbor nigfif kingston u c wednesday morning and arrives at ogdensburgh the same evening touching at french creek morristown alex andria and brockville co parties intending visiting the falls of niagara buttaloor the different ports on lake ontario will find the route via oswego or rochester to be rhe cheapest and most expe ditious passengers reaving niagara in this boat on monday evening will arrive rt mon treal on thursday evening passing the most the st lawrence river by 8iz wanted a youth from the country prentice in a respect io kingston inquire of the editor of this paper kingston 20th september as an ap- e dry goods store miercsiing p day light 1 juir i iv inc pan of i8j6 24 z si2 reward any person finding ihe body of the late rnlph king tvho fell overboard from the steamer queenston near oswego and was drowned oo monday evening the 17th inst and bringing tbe same to kingston will re ceive tbe above reward william king kingston 21st oct 1836- 33z new goods the subscribers are now receiving by the last arrival from london ltvenruoi and glasgow extensive assortments of the various kinds m staple and fancy dry goods laces small wares stc c that thev are in the habit of importing robert armour 4- co office of thrcataraqut bndge onmpanv kingston u c july 28 ib36 j iv otic e at a meeting of the directors i 4 of the citaraqui bridge company held his day a divideud of 5 per cent wasdeclar- ed on the capital of the bridge srock for the half year ending 30lh june 1836 which is now pavable at the companys office 9t j marks treasurer the mansion house kingston u c the suhscntter respectfully bens cava trf notify to the travelling public thai hr continues to occupy this eatensiva and wall kaovo hotel the mansion hoosc is pleaiaotly sitoated in siirc straal being tho principal aod ctn trnl ftreet io kiogstoo tcnnveoienr to all ibtf steam boat whnrves and oo establlthmeot of ill kind in the tppor provjoce can purpas it to the eacelleoca and comfort of its apart ments hmh parlors and hedrootna tbirtyfoof io number all of which are furoisbctl io thtf very beat style the hotel has lately undergone a tdorougti repair aod is at present io most excellent or der aud condition fur the accommodation of the public the subscriber having kept a hotel fnrmany years has acquired experience in that line and thereforo irut that with odremitting nt tention to the comfort nf hit guests be kill contioue to merit public patronage tn the rear nf the mansion house there is large yard aod eateosife stablibg aod srhere livery stable is constantly kept qjthe miiunioii house carriage and por fers will always be io readfaeit to convey pat- aenkersnnd luggage to aod from the different steam boats s carmino kiogston jddc 1856 103g scobell9 inspection slbre bscobeh general nftpeefor of pot ash beel nu rork prebeota hi cor dial thanks to ibe merchants and other inhab itant of kingstoo aod the vicinity for the liberal patrooage bey hate eaitadftf to btmr during the paat year ami he begs leaf loin form them that be has removed his inspection business from the hon j kirbys siore to the large and convenient store and wharf of mrs frorsyth lately occupied by mr a mc- dunell where he will be alwaya rfarfy to in- apeci ueh articles as may be consigned to him for that purpose and he hope lvo ba loog experience punctuality and strict affection to business still to merit the appvotmtiod aod support of the public n b for sale 5000 ihs weight of smoked tfama s00o do cheese 2000 do upper canada butter 2 tons of lard in kegs for family um 300 barrels salt r scobell kingston april 14ih 8ss 57a prize medals the natural history society of mwthcal offer th ree pr 1ze me dals for ihe three best essays tbtft may be presented oq the following subject 1 on the connection bckreetf tha languaga aod the character bf a people 2 on the physical history of risers in general and of the st lawreace in particular 3 on the circumstances which aflvcr clf mate in general and the cliirfcte of lower canadainriamcmlw 4 ob the conjptratrre wapiatfon of prairie and forest to the settlement of a new country 5 the changes that bave taken place irt the hahitaof exotic planta cultivated in- th northern parts of america particolarly ay re gards the changes induced on their agriculiu ral and horticultural properties the conditions are r 1st the essays shall be presented ori of before ihe 20th orfebruary 1836 2j the essay may be in french or ea glish 3d the names and residences of tie auth ors inusi he conceared to ensure which each essy shall have a motto and shall beeeom panied by a sealed note superscribed with rt same mottoand containing the name atpdrea- dietct of the aulaor this notesball only b opened in the case of the essay wing declared worthy of ff pfiat otherwise it tfhalfbe des troyed 4th the succetsfuresayssliah rettarn ik property of rhe society 5th the society feserres ro ftself tbe tisht io withhold tbe prize should no one of the kr- snys on any particular subject appear deserving of it the essnys are to be addressed to j s- mcori esv cdfrespoodiog secretary of th society andrew h armour recording secretary the editor of all public pipers in ih british provinces wilt confer a favor on 0i society by giv ing an inaerimn ro the above 6r by noticing ft in tha editorial column of ttir respecuvernals montreal may 26 1336 100 to let first day of november just received and for chronicle gazelle office next kingston oct 191836 wilson- s3zi from the that commodious house and store lately occupied by messrs j d bryce co situat ed on the west side of store street in the town of kingston near the commercial hot these premises are exceedingly well adapted for commercial purposes being situat- and tenant distress for rent ed in that part of tbe town best calculated for all kinds of business if necessary possession will be given on the lat of june next for further pariiculars application may be made either to james nickalls jun esq kingston or to robert maxwell esq montreal bank tjutbec kmzstoo 8th may 53z sale at the a town ship manual neatly bound comprising all the laws now in force relating to the town ships among which are the highway and assessment acts new towhsbip meeting act the laws respecting boundaries line fen ces and water courses innkeepers the law and office of constable tbe law of landlord court of re quests act summary punishment an jury law the laws relative to mills and mill dams flour poland pearl ashes staiuie labour travellers weights measures 8w aod on many other dertfa2 suhjem by the author of the provincial juaticv ity frircm wtotice is hereby riven that application a will bo made by john strange etq and others tn the legislature at its next io tn fotm a company fnr the citnittruetitin nf a turopike road from the town of kinidto the village of napanec io the township of richmond in tho midland district kingston 30th july i83c- 9 the upper canada oiizetta will please chy ihia oo ice just received aod for sale at the comer rf king and brock street ready reckon ers and lrnnies grammar ktnrstn jfftl ifi 1h36 kingston cabinet ware honsc store street orrositt thk commeftcial flotel e cone august i 1835 102 dissolution of copartnership the partnership formerly existing aa the firm of ruse cameron is fti dav dissolved by mutual consent all debts doe to and by the firm to be settled by roderick mcbain rose who cootiuues tire business qtf lni own account signvd r m rose angus camfjtotf kmgaton 1 sth september 1 8s6 at the of lie maps for sale chronicle and gazette office mapi iviiir kingston detcaihcr 9 lc5l i- midland anj prince edward dis- itioib u cm comprebtndinr a irari of coun ty of from bo 10oo mile in lensih bpin from nenr giinancqoe in ihe county of lrdi ro briahum in the county of nuriuiiniherlmd slitwini a oe view ihe diflerrni townfhips coneesjion nnd loit ixuti idnofihe interfih tin- and pictursque bay of qineand jaada not urpassed n th- vicvnrt for it the store of mr the supplementary tolumb sale e thomas brisgi jotir store street kingston a fewcopwac kioton scfiembei 1831 04 toa treatue in the theory and practice of a nculiore adapted io the cultivation nd ecoo- omy ul th animal and veueuble produetiona ofacrtfuliureiu canartn by william en secretary to the mcotreal agrteultonrf sotir- tv ktogten 10th october ips 30j

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