Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), September 21, 1836, p. 1

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and kingston commercial advertiser snmtte i v ptttbd every wcdndr aud suy 2i0i oror ki brok imu n nec uege nec populo sed utroqvb twmlr shilling pmr i at tb hd of tfe jtui tyfltfl0 fajiii w pli t idtum vol xviii kingstox upper cainada wednesday september 21 1836 y i ritfeaii scobells inspection store kscobkli general inspector of pot ash beef and pork presents his cot ankl to tbe merchanis and other inhab- hiiu of kingston aud the vicinity for the llbectl piwmge tbey hav extended to him dudes toe pat rear and he begs leave toio- fona them that he has removed his inspection boness from tbe hon j kirbyss store to dylutl and convcojeot store aod wharf of mrs forsyth lately occupied by mr a mc- dooell where he will be always ready 10 ip- spect web article as may be consigned to him for that purpose and he hopes from his luog eiperience punctuality ami strict attention to business iiill to merit the approbation and trt of the public b for sale 5o0fl ihs weight of smoked hams 5000 do cheese 000 do upper canada butter 2 tons of lanl in tegs for family use sou barrel salt r scobetl kingston april hthltfss 57z the mansion house kingston c c- the ptihtuiher rmpecl fully bcs icvc lo uuiify to ihe tiavclun- public ibftl ha follinin m occupy this extensive and well known hotel r mtaainif ilousft ia pleasantly situated h 5iro bteeii being the piincipal aud -e- iri street in kingstou j m luiivcukol in ml the shambnl woarrc pnj no establishment wlh kiud in the lipr province run tirjass it ii ilis cchfute and comfort nf if bpurt colt boili pmlur aud bedrooms thirty four nootuber ij which tire furuislcd iu tho i he ii- i lum lately uulrrsnue a thorough pir noil it at present iu intat cxrfcllrui or- ter ami roodiiiuu for the utcoiimndation of tu pekke the subscriber having kfpi a ilnvcl for mnny h acqutrei ql imrefbrft trust notice to chelsea nod other pensioners who are paid by the commissariat rtlir assistant commissary general here by notifies the above deser sons tint they must make personal appl tion at the beginoigof each quarter to nearest commissariat office for their pensions in cases when pensioners reside a distance from 4 commissariat office which might ren der it inconvenient or expensive to the pen sioners to apply at the beginning of each quarter or if from sickness or other good cause application cannot be raade personally even once in the vear an officer will be sent annually to visit those stations to identify and pay those who cannot for these causes present themselves at a commissariat station tht pensioners ere enjoined to keep pns session of their instruction papers as their pensions will be paid only to them in person on thf ir being identified thereby it is further notified that the government wii not under any circumstance recognize asents or the claim of any individual fur debt contracted by the pensioners commissariat kingston 15ih march js36 75z bank of brit north a capital 1000000 stmkmo ire 30000 sharks or 50 each trbbe- poufiths op which iiavr bffcw subscrib ed ik htfgland and thft kkmaijdu are reserved for the tioloff js with powfcr to jftckfcase thfc capital notice flphe undersigned lnhabitadts of thetown of kingston io the midland district hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the sittings next for ptton of per- provincial legislature at ha nal applico- the enactment of a law authorizing foreign the trs lo possessreal estatein freeand common soccage in this province under such stipula tions as mfey be found necessary to guard against political interference or undue specu lation tending to monopoly kingston 10th august 1836 a manahan jp mpp john cameron lawrence herchmer j t brigs jun a- mcnabb k b armstrong james sampson jmacrarlanejp- john strange j p geo w yarker john mowatj t macnider joseph bruce douglas premiss s muckleston s a irons w m deao e h hardy r mclean thos mee wmthirkell thos- bamford john roy charles wilurd wn garralt james mcdonald geo armstrong p fleming expcrtriiic in tjifll liuc that uitb unremittinj oi- tu4 mjel hu will hvtit thevt i 0 iid wltfro a livery fltioo to ihs rniifort of k the ww f the mansion i a ii g e v a ami exteitaive sfftbling and gtiiltt it constat tly kl gjtuc mnnsiiku uau carrlaso nod por ter will always be ju readiness tacouvry prnfitraand luggue to aod from tho dilfieut stertfn isoatt k carm1xo kiustiau jimo ssil 1s3c 103 london pirectors georue dk rosco attwood esq eotfaru blockt esq roackt buowrr esq sir kobekt campbell bart roftcnt carter esq william itontrt chapman esq james johi cvmmixs kbq james dowie em olhea farker esq ttkdh grer william wilson david john smiih w- hgray j p w b smyth james fraser k m rose thomas wilson a foster c hale francis mhill chazles henth james williamson w dean c hatch l veckley robert anglen wm bowman john p bomrcrj h earl n palmer william burke epbraim cone thomas baker tho uppr cansda gasetta will please copy tliis notice list of betters remaining in tho fust office at bath stb sept 1636 ayleivrorth bowen jp kaoo richard aylegworth haskil ayleavrorih b llorj alteij johu ash dr hrandoo jame 2 boujamio ebenexor bonjamiu ejijaii tfadgley alattbiaa brovfq satnl lllaochc mr bedford john burdjh a ii clarlc mather esq kaoo ricbt lee jawo liok jn esq miller christopher ruiiifit- david miller wm millar cama miller eorco jmadjou james madde wm jr madden john moynnh jnho imcleoa roderick 2nelsoujaoo eliza- chamberlain jas etqjperry mavid comr jacob comer lenis cooper wm duncan hugh daly calh doro w john doak robert dick geo ellis lake edttard gnrtou fraict d jr french thomas fralick j lewis fralick l j fellows jaroos file isaac fourifl j r j esq gordanier john hess johu hartman timothy hartio joieph hoftle jarnci hoagh james jackson george sotfce the undersigoed inhabitants of the coun jackson christopher ty of hastings in the midlaod district such of the ahive weks giii pcm esq alxakdsr uimesiif william mti k tcsq- william pemberton esq georuc richard robiksok esq john waldron wricht esq hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the provincial legislature at its first sit tings for the enacimeoi of a law auihoris- log foreigners to possess real estate in this i province under ttlcb stipulatioos as may be found necessary to guard against political in- a lerfereoca or undup vulrttmni trndiog to mononolv uillevill ifith august i8s6 deemed in six letter uftice uatli 5ib sept iperryt benjamio perry obr jr parker john jreoota john k i vuimjil william jroachft edward v sjitm noisoq stocko- james ishnce- i i jacob v spiiftom g horatio stapoly joho slouy eli ivvli soiii- john 5 storms samuel storms sheldon sheoy patrick thornton sman 2 tremaiae c g 2 vosburtfa anoa vermtv john walk joho walker emelra waters bulkley wrigb simcoo letters aa are not re will bo in to tho doad one of the latest uumltre of bolls life con tains in tho corner appropriated tu the gallery of comicalities a representation of bq mipa verishod thjrtf detected iu the aet of pocket- pickio- tbe dialogue is as usual to the point hollo my cove dont try that freak but march sway yoov trotters hence 4 by gorn 1 ell you to yiur cheek i woutfar at your irapadencc 4 oft nr youll bo coopd i vow at quick as lightning or a rocket what business had your hands jal no gropihg inside of my coat pocket 1 1 i ii urn i y a voiir pjinn sir 1 didnt viss lo break ibo laws and hence i hope i ocv miyrtir if i dont tell ye hovrit ras the truth your honor shall be tid my mawleya aaitainly vas there but ven it sn unkimmen cold vons plad to put em any vhere i wm j mckay p m 1880 m p- the rapidity americao pkizb wbdals- tile natural history sogirtv jfimirntaitiv r thukephizeaiu- uals forilik ibrvc hvtt ebsavs that tony be preaiej on the uilliiwuit subjects i oo the tronnedhm ixlwn the 1angc3g and the chancier of a people 2 j the physical history ofrwvrs jq general leufthcsl lawrence in particular s oil the rircuimunros winch affect cli tnne in general and the climate of lower canada iu prncuar 4 on tla- comparative aoapiation of prairie anil torrst to the settlement of a new country a the changes llmi have taken pluce in the habits of exotic plants cuhivatrd in the northern parts of america particularly a re gards the chaoses induced on their agricultu ral and honicuitural properties the conditions are 1st the essays shall be prcstrntid on or before the 30th of february lsiti j the kssay may be u french or en- 3j the names and rcsidtm of the auth tr ntujl be ronccalrd to ensure which each esav shall have n motto and sbfll be ccom ltuied by a sealed note superscribed willi the tjror motto a d containing the nam and res nlencr of the author xhta note shall only be opened in ihecascofih tsay bona declared wuriliy of a prizcy otherwise it ahall be des- trrej 4th the successful essays shall remain tbe piuperty nf the society 5h thf society reserves to itself the rishl to witliliuld the prixe should no one of the f- titvsoa any particular sutjclm appear deserving of it the ey rare to be addrtftted to j s- y coio eiq corresponding secretary of tbe society andrew h aumouil recording stcrtiary the editors of oil public paper ii lha briish poviftccv wll cunler a favr o the sth ty hy fiv- iflyan inrridfi 10 ih ahtue nr by notiemtf 11 in the mirbl columns of lliwr frtpccttvtijiuruau with which the british north colonies have advanced to prosperity and commercial importance the vast increase nf their population the high rate of intrrjt the fluciuoiion of exchange the iii adequacy of the capital already employed for banking operations nod the increasing facili ty of intercourse with the mother country piinl out the different settlements of british north america as affording a secure lield fur the profitable employment of capital for which purpose and with a view of promoting the mercantile and agricultural interests of the colonicsj the preseot company his been established- the management of the companys affairs is vested in the london court of directors and tlic banks in the colonics are 10 be con ducted by local boards appointed by them a general meeting of the proprietors is to be held yearly in london towhottta statement of the companys affairs will be submitted power has been reserved to the director to apply for and accept on behalf of the estab lishment a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a deposit of 10 sterling per share 10 be paid within a period to be named in the letter of allotment at th raie of exchange therein fixed and the deed of settlement to be signed at the time of payment after pgymrntof the deposit the remainder ofth capital wilt be required by instalments not exceeding 10 sterling per share at such intervals of not lew than three months as the directors may find necessary 10 carry the ob jects if the bank into operation of which duo notice will be giveti amanafaan jp edmund mumey smiih barton j t parker j p h baldwin wi spencer benjamin waltoo james ft qi b doogal h w yager mnrtin ryan william mccarty samuel m benson james mcdonnell peter oreily john addison william wordrop tenas dafoe h 1 hereb 2ven thfll application t tu the legislature of this ext sessioo for the amend- rtcr of tho marmora foundry to merchants aau other lands for sale rtl cllksof valuable laod is offer- ed for sale on tvost advantages terms it is situated oulv a rsw nrlcs from the village of berlin in waierloo township core district and is not exceeded by any in tbe province for fertility and is in a good seulemfni containinc about 15 acres clear land whereon is erecid a log dwelling housec a good title will be civwi and posmssion maybe had in mediately this lot would well suit a small unuprani family ith limited meansj and afford them a su od comfortable home tbe terms ar moder ate apply by letter post paid or personal- to h peterson waterloo township core district uc june 1st 1s3g removal oren stkong hereby tenders his grnteful acknow ledgments to a generous public for the very haltering support he has received while keeping the steoni boat houl in this place and begs to acquaint his numerous customers that he has this day opened his most splendid establishment the north american hotel cobourg situated near the steam beat landing where he will thankfully receive and us next sessioo for the p ueod the call of his customers af charter of the marmora foundry i 3 them accomodations ch shall not 1 be surpassed by tbose of aoy cwsianhsjimeni in i the province said stand win be found to af i ford very great actommodatiea to persons ar i riving at and taking their pisage from thi 1 place in the several steam rjats that touch daily at the wharf the proprietor of the above establishment continues his line of stasis to the uice lake and from thence to peterborough which n well furnished with good covered carriages first rate horses and careful drivers stats may be taken at this house in the kingston and toronto mail singe horses and carriages are constantly in read iness to convey passengers 8c luggage to aoy part of the country cmay 1st 1856 100z province ut tueut uf the on iocrcase qf ilfi capital to jjjoooq dn praying that express bank ing privileges be granted 10 the company a manahan jas macfarlane jas sampson gko w yarker kingston j 4 133 the u c tfttetio will pleaae insert this ii w commission officer tihe utidersigned beidp about to establish a drpot for the reception of west india 1 leave to inform his friends no the tanners 1 hiss province and the ad- joimng states that he will be happy at oil times to receive their orders aod furnish the anicle i the lowest newyork prim j b clarke kingston hi july 1836 cz 1mther solkandllppernf various taonapcb call skins kips c- fct- or sale by larocquf bkknaud co howillkeepn larcc assortment constantly oahaadmay 19 l9z the undersigned commissioned to represent the court of directors in america aod to visit the several colonics for the purpose of putting the affairs of the bank into operation hereby gives notice that he will be ready to receive and consider applications from persons resi dent in the province of upper caoada who may be desirous of becoming shareholders tk the capital stock of the company addressed to him at the post office at montreal on ct before the 10th day of august next kobekt carter new york mth july i8j6 form of application to robert carter esq post olficc montreal sii i request that you will allot to me shares iu the bate or buitish north america and 1 hereby engage 10 pay the de posit of il0 sterling each upon so many of such shares as you may allot to me at the lime place and rate of exchange 10 m speci fied in your letter of allot mrni and at the same tiuid to execute the deed of settlement 1 am sir your obedient servant signature at length vfatc of abode dote all lettfifts must st fost taid bank of upper canada public notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the siockhohlers of this bank is requested to be held at the bank on wedoedity the 24th day of august next at 10 oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of electing a director to serve during the re mainder of the present term in the place of the hon plter roaixok who ha resigned aod for business whiirli will be then communica ted bv order jf the board 1 thos- cridout cathicr bank of upper canada toronto lsth july 1s6 8y tbe editor of witpcr bo have al1y pub- hshfd for the bank of upper canada will be pleated ftitrtioa important to farmers fmihe subscriber would respectfully inrorm p that he is uow manu facturing r imp patent thihsiiin machine which is decidedly the best machine now in use lie wfliili only sav to those wishing 10 purchase iht article to cll and sec the opera tion that they ma satisfied that it is the greatest mam41 ulmt fllachtne ever toveotcd price low of payment easy j n b the subscriber haviog f himself with canvass lk floor wil be able to thrash in u mi m ordm for rbraahiog promptly ti l0i cilhcr iu the field or barn 00 rcason terms nn tt c s- n bauer napanec mills july 5 m flowui cobourg children friend sffclely ki9to 4 t a meeting in jo the 20th instant citv o toronto and t nomk nac caundar for ihz yfr ies6 aqd this work s now in ula add wi be completed about the 15th hf au n h wtllcmiuinanal 1u11 householders of th of toronto and itsltberies ns well as alphabetical list ofthe inhabitant housi of xhe 52 iowoshtpsorihehomeij disli ia me ihe number uf the lot concession- it med will contain commercial cous matter ilie city of toronto and ihe council a post office 1 register or legal act of g vil ecclesiasicn1 al add misccllau- nrorpotaiion of me aws enaciej by ihc abli sic utc as hii work will contain i alike nfal lo lb unftf inhabitants ot itic oily and ofihe home ni as well as i the inhnbitanit of ihc pi rcntally iis circulation will be great aj it bereforeoflvrs t an rxcvlltnt medium for advenise- ments which will b lmtllj 3l a rate as may walton cbeweus bsildinss kfnllwt ciiy of i orontoor urt llie usua terms i an early anpiicalion is cu toronto july 29 1s3g- ed tort of ncppm i ibis ill have a copy wine irk aoiil wul to l thit notice noe a aod for sale quantity of excellent writing ink chron gazette office conic urock streets at the of kinj 93 and the puttie to this notice the kingston i for 183 will be pumshed j hc chroniclc and oazeuo office bo lhc ullvr c0ll oi septcmncr nct- fhe 3ticoiion of m genewlly is respecirolly w kingston august 3 vgsjc the trftveluig guidit visiting the falls oeot map of the of the village of the f bound lor sjlcat the c ollice kingston may g ipi commltwd kingston ofl monday t of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent objects oi his insti tution called at the request of cffpl orroh ageai to the society in canada ut he pur pose of establishing a branch c itwuuue at kingston for the reception and distribution of children in the midland district the fol lowing gentlemen were respectivrfy consiim- ted mcruhers of the same with power to add to their number viz vcnerablk aftchdklcox stvakt l l d rtv u d caktwricht am honohable johfl klrby honouaix johit macaolav thomas marklakd ei j p jamfs samfo esq j- p- william logic esq j- p james macfanlae esq j p h marks esq j p thomas scobell esq d a c- g the latter gcntlcmao being puo aopoiotd corresponding secretary of thu saiil commit tee the committee give notice that thy are ready to receive applications for children through the secretary who is prepared to give every information on the subject no com munication will be attended to unles the postage hc paid kingston june22d 1836 children friend society the subscriber bezs leae to acquaint the publicj that he has been disappointed in receiving the number of children winch he expected only 15 having been sent out but the remainder vjz 85 boys and girls will arrive in the course of the present season and tb applications hitherto received will be at tended lo john orrok sccrttary for the canada t of nitgittfc with a fill and islands plan fls c handsomely ironicle and gazette 90 new testament fw sc jt tht corner of king broek just puhlished and t for sa same edition of this storage and wharfage he subscriber havinrr been encaged in the above business for nearly thirteen yrs wishes respectfully to inform im friends and the public that he continued at bis old sistnd known by the name of g mccuiies wharf where he will be at all times ready to receive such property an may be entrusted io i his care and lie has determined steam boats shall lie at his wharfage n b steam boat may he wood on the lowest twow- john kingston 27th april 18sg from the lqrt tnue le iters on thecanadas no iv to jtfr- joseph hume ad mr john jlrtkur botbuck manbers of parliament sirs 1 lurn now to lower caouda ood in rcferecice to your partixant there 1 assert that uodor the preteuco of claiming a republi cid belfgoverumeot tbty aro eodeavoring to destroy british comtnerco aod interests in that province to put a stop to british inunigra lion to termioato briiiih ioflueijce to bring the pupulatiuu speaking the englih language into complete subjectioo to the french inhabitants aod thus to reestablish the ancient french ascendancy my proofs in this case m they have beeu from lha begin ning shall be derived frgai the acts and say- tfot vrf yrfr irrrrrwrt rtromw v oul not from the epithets or statements of uo adv ro party mr g i robioton asserted thus much io his place iu the house of commoni uu the evening uf tho lglh intnol which 1 prnpote to prove mr roebuck denied the truth uf this statement d called opo mr robiusno for his authority i katw oothior of mr kouioson i j i i to what party he is attached but for the truth of this ttatemenr io this m stance i can adduce nuutorous authorities a fow will answer my present purpose if theo a you seemed by a sucof io the house of commons tn intimate the dcudly opposition of tho mouse of assembly to a uud company formed for the express purpuse ot settling the wilderness parts of the province with british emigrants nod of devolopiog its latent resources is no authority in this cnte will you admit nsauthoriiy the luud deuuo- tiatiun of tho aembly against the expendi ture of a farthing hy the government for ihe promotion of immigration into that province will you admit as authority the pushing of a hill during its late session to impose upun all ships ad vessels coming from british puns a quarantine of 21 days btfmo they should be permitted to laod a bale of goods or nn emi grant in the province or if all this be do authority eicept to prove how strongly you qud your canadian compeers favor british commerce and humigrjulon aud interests in that proviuce perhaps the fulluwtng extrac from tho wijirtc newpper the lending french journal of your puny io lower caua da will he admitted as possessing umo thurify iu support of the assertion which 1 have undertakeii to mlibluh i in examining with an attentive eya what is passiug around u it is cay to oonvioce itoestlf thiit ourcouotry u placed in very criti cal circuutstaoces and that a revolution will perhaps bs necessary to place it iu a more na uiral aud ics precaiiuus situation a consti tution io remodel a oaiiooshty tu maintain theto are hie objects which ui prasoni occupy all caitadians may be seen according in ths that there exists here two panics of oppoaiio interests aud mauncrs he caimdians and the eng lish these firstborn frcuchtnoo hwve the habits aod character uf such they have in herited from their fathers a hatred tu the eng lish who io their turn seeing them the chil- drco of frapce tfetest them these two par ties can never unite ii will uot always re- maio tranquil it it a bad amalgamattuit of iutereats of manners of language and of re ligion which sooner or liter mut produce a i collision it is sulttcieotly believed that a re volution is possible but it ii believed lo be fir off as fur me i think it will not he delayed let them coosider these nurd of a rcat wit ter aod they will uo longer treat u revolution aud a separation frum the motltor onuntry n j o chimer i the rtftftiut mifotune fr a man politically says hc i to obey a foreign pow- or uo humiliiiiuo pu torment uf tho hcari can compare to this the subjected nation at least if she be out protected hy mrno extra ordinary law ought not tu obey this sovc- j thnt all wharf frtc of supplied with mcutire b7 some in the press it cad fir murj bow hays english kip2uii a i im kington cabinet ware hoiie store strttt opposite tmc commsrciai hotel aorai las i reign probably sitjc tlie folhiwiuc faoi a speech of mr rodier momherof tho assembly deli vered shortly lcr the season of cholera io lower canada will also ho admitted hs some authority the tholctji ww mdc a pre text or opposing drituh inuuigraiion although it appealed iu various dnces in tho cauada mihi io the united ie whore no einigraut had never been cen when i ee ay country in mourning aod my oativo laod preseoling lo my oye nuthiog but ou vast ceuietciy nslj nhat has hceu ibe cauc of all these disasters and tho voice of hodltodl of my fellow ciiizetis respond 1 frooilqefrlodsfaf- it is emigration itisdoi eoutjab e ieil aoaoogst us avericiona egettas wi0wfiv ouier spirit of mnrty lhamctubj o bcsofod uy a simple adtication of coonter to eorrcb themselves n the expense of the canadians end then eadeavov to eb- slave them they must uo ri4 theprselvaeof iheir beggara ant cast ibem by ibousaodt on ourahoree tbey must seod us aiserftble be ioga who after baring partaken of tbe bread of our children will subject them to tbe hor rors of hunger anu umery tbey aiuitdosull more they must sead ui ia their train peaii- leoce and death if i present to yob so nsef eocholy a pictoro nf the cnnctilfon of tbiicooo try 1 1 bare to encourage tbe hope that we may yet preserve our tiatioaeiitj em avoid tboee futpre calamities by opposiog barrier to thi turreot of emigration it is only in ibellouto nf assembly we ceo place our hopesi and it j only iu the choice the canadians npko in tbetr elecctont they can insure tbe preservation of their rigbis nod poltticul libeniea tbe following from mr paplooaua owq pen will perhaps be admitted as atui beuer if not the best auihoritj tbemcxtracia are made from an address of ieo newspaper colomoi in length to the electors of the wesr ward of montreal or rather to ihe freocb ia habttanu of lower canada wbicb mr pap- oean published after hrieteetiob to tbe assem bly i wish it were admissible to transfer tbe whole address to this pluce but i must re strict myself to two or three pages which wifl bo tufrcient to illustrate tbafeeliogf and viewa of your canadian party mr papineau sayfc- the consiitution bss ceassd to eiist of right and in fact can no longer be xpaici- taiued but by force aod violeoce employed for the oppression of the many in he interesia of a rfnili bund rf pensinoert who work it well uu ioi- uwi wui who f6rr uhtt good of the jnoiijcr country sot pf the colony canuot bo too soou driven from peblic lis be cause iiify are ion much corrupted to fee re- furmed too rotten to be cured thoir coq tact is contagious no booett man should ac ur iissociato with thorn and thereby priip even for m few days thoir calaoaitousadmieia- iratlua it the french puriy has nor it ought not to entertain a shadow of hope tint it will abs tain any justice whatsoever from aoy of the authorities constituted as they are at preseot io this country if h would entertain the same opinion uf the authorities in eogbinf that it eutartaini of tbe authorities ia this country ihise obstacles could easily be over come the affections of tho rriliah for ireland and the colonies has never been any tiling else than tho love of the pillage of ireland and the cullies ahaodoqed io the cutting aod carv ing oftho llritish aristocracy and its creatures query have the colonies beea pillaged or made what they ate hy ihe british govern mem u restrict your consumption of british pro duce as much as possible your enemies are out numerous enough to injure yoq you are sufficiently pumeroos to injure them break ill eenuiiibb ia buiifiju aod iuterest wilb those who separate tbeir af fectioui nod idtorestafrom yours pardoo the ignorant who is mistaken chastise the rogue who deceives let those who are so presump tuous as o prefer their own opinioos and learn that whauoever be their titles to fovofs from the administration tbey have oo claims tu the confidence of tho people bow not your heads 4cc 1 could easily occupy columns nith exam ples of audi authority as the above but out of the mouths of these three witnesses my evfry word is sufficiently established what cuncluitions theo does tbis three fold authority establish i hiuk lu that your french constituents io lower canada have suock for a government of nationality tba is a french government 2j thnt therefore every mao io oftice without 6icepu0n is tt he deposed 3d that british commefo atid immigration are in be opposed in every possi ble uay 4tb that every man speaking ibe bugluh language who will not give in bjs adhesion to the nationality government is either to bo ruined io his business or chas- tiied as h rogue ihat is if ihe nationali ty puny can do il 5ih that tbe british arc to he regarded and treated as pillager nf the colonies notwithstanding rt the bri- tisir have given the french inhabitants of lower cauada ten times more liberty thao a french king ever gave ihom aod have pro tected and fostered them as children for more ibna half a century without u farthing ituiy neratiou i know not sirs which is the greater pro- diy of hutnau pervorseness of priociplo uo4 feeling the above examples of french ingrat itude hearriestiieas arrogauce and ambition of your owu conduct iu origiuatiog and pro moling such a nationality against tho iater et character feeling and rights of youc own coautrymeu 1 do not impute bad qkh tivos but 1 must say thai i eovy neither jour feelings nor your reputatiun in sucb aa advo cacy and character 1 am c a canadian the vrpcr cavum life utsoaamcc and tust compalfv to tli editor of the patriot toronto hib sept 1836 sir a you have occasionally devoted your limo and paper to advocating tho ottab-

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