Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 31, 1836, p. 2

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ol estate from the iowmt naturally felt by coaoy of our fellow ciloi hi all thios rela live 10 this estate will endeavor to ly the whole before ourtrendete 10 morrow in tho mean lint vo pcwuti them with neynnpsw ol ihe schedule which ii ft follows the vahio of ill rc estate standing in in tnne at btdtfllft and ntnjwrn fails flud their vicinities is estimated at 83937650 n which ihrro are iucinohrntires tiotnuntini to 859v soil leaving balance of 81 707750 the estimated value of pcrvuial property is timed it s4800- this properly cumisti of buihlinz innlerinbflrovcry description tock lif ennds of vaiiuii kind in several stores in i a ii observe rjotij faiih and liicndhtp in is fhnnitagti aug 7 is3ti sir arriving at this pl on the evening of i he 5th insi- i ww molc acquainted with ihe reitiistim of jn klines on ilic gover nors of tennetwo kcttukkji mississippi md louisiana lor loftomn from each stoic tllv letter of gft haines and ilie proc initiation of ov catinoji of tennessee made linowo ibe ijjsis is ill requisition itearuih hi rw sonsatipifd by gen gaineintiiinslsliiit with ihe rvlaiiuiw we haw nteiuiuiiitd with mexico lliire the exlsn nee of the v1 war m in willi these which ii is our riijiv nrd wish tocullivnti wiih thai governimtil as lous ltiiftalo horse cnachea canal hnfttltj and shares in several banking institution v gazette 7fra the n v commercial adrcrtir must disastrous kvknt wv have this day lo place on recufd on of the ainst ineluiehuly nccidenis that ftnte m rutted in our waters aiicndii wuh a lo uf life thai is deeply nflltetmj this invrntii4 about half- past live oclock the ferry boai which plies between the navy yard anu urouklynat llitt f0olofyalouttret in comae t wiih the sworn hull bosion capt totvnsend ftod in lcs than three mi- no ft every rctiol the ferry boat had dis- appeared having nuw in a rat gvo giihoimof water the particulars o at a we nvr leen ahled in procure thm we have obtained from a cenileman in onr employ who was standing on ihe oock when the acctdeni oc- curnj from uftfh- towoscnd from hveral of the passencis and from our rvponer who has bn ftcutfly pnjaged ihe whole of ihis moroing in ohiaiinns all ihe information within his reach on both sides of the river it appeirs that ihe unforiunate boat was this morning unusually late in making her firt innreour with lie uotivd stoics i feel my- sfir called tn to iitfttmi jmi thai thai rrinni- in las no i romvid mv oprolianon imo iltt uim if the men cnlm tut haveho brauslti into ihe riu you will iwifrwfili raits them lo he mustered nl iliharil ud await fto fonhrrorxlrrj from ihe aedfh cwviumeni in feri io nuv other rttjotuoii vm ihe miltllft the hthto volunirers authnrized hy ihe continued r ertion this vigorous power of prufimlfid an wjrchiiir tnvetintitifi thisca- recti n 2 ant wiu swecpinje comptenemluo of qltfs amt icw loug reaches if ihooghi hint pi t hiir ho ftq1l th pah- lifcd moo i fnvr it tm io if iio lvej win r failhii uno could imvi tn i ihe ground and llrij drwmd honors hy ih lock this is i poww and these the hardy ahteecmrii whieh nre to enrol your names anun the p tnrn of ihe earih- hut how ire you lognin the nfrve and ihe nlertrixesof thtc pith and mo i tell you as imilo caiffd ihat fur this most he yotli work oor leaehera- b you not wnnt- io votif ant vu will acenmplh all llrtlycor paia inends and country have a right to expw niirnile hy ttwilj nil mt wppertwe ns mojtva pivenunent now i town n wed a hc minivers ihcnvwlvrefti at lel h i holt rm m the iuitetj itimiiith- at i thwr ivfrol ww- cftatrftpd tn kahr meirt i t olininisitrinn t lower timtmn llnme vanquislied enemy no re- nsdeeds which were highly li ro il in iw mr limi vviluce lim vr mm l with reurasc tneni i w hoc ino v i not ihat of sirai lilhilni- apli t lilc atlllloy orhtdl lo mr iva1 sir o int el bn isjcniah lr ialtlwn mk ajr- iole dr bnwrins d j rcli rpeand mated i hn hajinuil ihcifi loeihei t d hv weid uon hsid ihlfcoll iulpvrteit the invrinir d on tin- rhno phuah imuu ilijiiiiti ipm 0cooh ikiuki mft mr calc- mr stewart c objt for mnirlv h- metnbefu who tt to oppftw efttmblhifl cour- no crowinj over a flection opon the m calculated to leave lasting tod ioeelc im- presiions upon less rrenerous minds shewfog clearly thai he could if need there were pieoilily lead on under them conieil they ilare iv iij as niagnaoimously extend clemency to the conquered brain c- ft nw w mply tik whfthet it bt true that so important reatttn of tho bkitiih cok- eritutio nj the law of primaptnilure in reality rsciua tuch a ledmg of horror in the brtiuk coti- ilitutiontiliit of afontrtol a eipreiscd in the pan praplijioil quoted if such he thefnet we toll them ftniliotid wlw ittprarienmlst commiwiefltheeomleiin cd ihechnin- plain and si lwaec railroad was celehra- itlwml volunieer auihorizeii iiy me j nd at st ja n jvrjr brillmot style af- male act of cttlgrem have been iippcnitnrd j icr ihe heah w the ktnc of enaaiid that of anmnc the stales ami territories marci to the ihe pritdeiitf t hired sutes immediaiety iheaire rf net on i w appnhimleil bomllill followed jotnpatsit d wiili the warnosi from the indians thy re cgnsijered suifi- wihet of a rtn iweowimied srod feolirt rjem mmbined wuh iik rrsulw ttovpe 10 mwroi th dfhiah inuinees nnd iherrpiili mainuin the peace of ihe ffocmer ajnmu ler- he the rrl of gosfonl prnied the health initiate the war which rtnw xits teiih ili if the ehref cngiowr wm ii citsey rq of crrel and seniinule- all ff ibrm haw rot j nvw vori wlh l p compliment been brpughl into the fiow but gen gaines wi implied i hiii iftoo volunieers hi arkansas and ifiooin misouri had received orders o he organized and held in readiness for aim hon in a vi clorjuem speech preiented imr yera service should the emergency arise casey in imnam of the overseers with a malting their eniployment necessary on the j fine cold met frontier now commanded hy him- the cir chunh ul ferlwmticnl wm ind revenues i ul al thirciiiirrtillifcipbnooiil 1 win prne in this nperentl lwer bihweeof p ifliauient it wns m1 mioivn ihat tin bills wee j tutijiirvd snj i lotiiiled m ihe report f the cxclistysiial coooi snne ni i thohpln it was mil loiinjj linn ifli iu onnl eouriesv ami rmiiloati io euonv the bilu it lebfoiiglr in wilhunt nbwsiiia ad i puhctl ihrnitjh cerlairl sia fs h ihoopbt with ilitirpriisiapi tmion nnd wbrn lift em ful ad eniinlvronvtcciofthirferir jtttirlic os il mnin4l htn to torn riuml and hfeel hin i h riiii uml j feint nt fp f ui paud hefoop vi what he a nrlei rn expect ivm lhnmilij temlentea who ind tliintreid- lv t nlloeeioiw vnce he rem frnaailon of ihe jv i nrnnni vo tnd suopore lit orm moos mvof wincli in lnoiiih frtmrofta e a member u mr s abilities bad heeo extolled by his emntvers and his conduct fully appro ved by ihosi his control mr mma- iw he lell e dm- to bwcliwki cumsianre makes the prmmi requisition of gen- gaines still more unaecounuhle partic ularly as it is believed ihat our western fron tier is now tranquil under iheee drclimsfi- imp and ihat bein so detained some fifteen res you will please cause the troops called for mechanics who hd been wailing fur her and bv ihe requisition in fpiesiion if i toy have who were anxious to cei from lon2 island t d r to be dischargwl thev will he had sot on board a small boat and were mafc- j pij as oon s an appropriation by congress z their way oter uine great vsenion to j can be nbiaincd for this purpose i am rery respctfoliy bead the boston- the boston liodm herself close upon the small boat and i he tide running tery strong sbifitd her position at this mo- mem the lerry bot was seen driving with the current fst upon the boston capi- towns- end being himself fi hie wheelhouse rang i the bell io stop instantly gave the signal to bacte ihe boat and run to the engine and direct ed the engineer to back with all force- ii was loo laic the boats came in contact and the lerry boat went son almost iostanily the passengers wiih whom we have con verged all concur in the opinion that the unfor iunate event was not caused by any improper conquer on board ihe boston and that their anxious desire to avoid the small boat tended in some degree to bring the steam boais in contact- when i was found that ihe ferryboat was sinking capt towosend ordered all his small boats io be inanuvd but a few moments elaps ed before i hey were down and in the midst of ihe drowning passengers tenor lwwe were picked up and earned on board the boston one of the persons saved was a ivtnale whose hus band and son were on board both of whom were drowned this female was kept on ihe surface of the water by the buoyancy of her dress her husband was unwell and she with her son was accompanying him to ibis city in addiriun to those saved bv the boats four persons climbed up the bows of tbe boston aod got on board a passenger who was an observer of the whole says that it was a most painful scene to witness the agony depicted on the counte nance of the passengers when the boat was going down their cries for aid must have been heard at a great distance every thing that would host that was at band was thrown over from the boston in the hope that some mieht thus be saved since the above was prepared our reporter has returned and furnished us wth the follow iu2 the vour idji servant anducw jackson to his excellency mr mrehead governor of the state of kentucky the heahh itobert u livingston bf also of new urk the assistant engineer who was absent w received with loud applause and a warm aeknowfc dement of the geal and efficiency o thai centhnnin similar honors he able and assiduous secretary as well as mr pierce and oilier e unhid suns resident mrr- rr canada who had siven their si liberal and enliirhliid wny n ibis work the tbfe the liilk ni lem thai which wh evni fr a ihiid icad ni on 1lisdav hud jnc o far tfidirik if oy deviation 00 ibi part f the oonsirv ihnt lo aban don it tn il fate at thi nitc of ih svumi and thrr ih ninner i which ihcv wei cnfiiiuiued wouitl vk ihe aenficeol honor al rahrr than lor tin iniiiqailay bmtsell open to inrhan imporition he wotii oni t ou he the nines are ominous his excellency coinn amonfst us for the first time and ex presses cfes graiificauon at hmfiwl ihe court of directors of the mammoth bank of british north america decide fully upon s- lahlishing a branch of ihat bank in kingston with a capital commensurate with our wants and wishes if we may believe our new cor respondent slink powers the lord glenrlg is determined upon removing sis be nys the governor and his secretary and the records pack and bgsg kingston as the legiti mate seat of the provincial government and we are to have half connaught as settlers in the midland district our own opinion is that iherc are a great many truths in the relation f our friend mick powers and we all along knew that a party designedly interested to keep in a state of backwardness the midland district ions exiatrd jn toronto before the opera- the watchword iflj pfl ht the contiomonaiirtsorop- to conquest and glo- canadndesire no doter union with tbem than m present cxiss rhcy consider lha law of pn irieoltirc ai tsstntinl to the marnlcnance of the constitution by which wc are governed and that without it republican institutions mutt inevitably eiipplanl those which now exist in our opinion hii papineau nor didwrll could propose a mev nci siireofa more prnictu and democratic tcrrdenty iltnn the aboeilmn of the low of prnnopfniiure we do not desire io 1 ennwdored as wishing inj rv to any mm hnl we do think on patriotic prourxfs int nur british and irih friend in l wcr cariada should not tippnrl a that promulgntes ihcpo litieol opinions ihii from lime lo tim appear in trj ldhmnc coeftlkh ine indeed they concur in rhent in which case arc rerommnd their coiriiog theallianrof ftun olhcr commnnity than the loyal people ol cpprr raoftda ions of the cauada company were commenc- nbeilaiinjlyamlch iheta- t f kingston had ten limes the m iv luktn the vcnmni of hetounrv hadl ow v hm memberi ukeiiixeepioiwicihc rporiofib i trade it has now before ihat era loronio was were paid to mr lindsftj citizens of chants of lf aid in the ir til eretehasiuvl comtnsirnr r or to the- lil on btnff brnnfbt fwrwapj and that ihemioirry on a joenin ie oilier cngaaed economvas rfl rapidity of opera iiup which marked this jn is to be atcrlbed lo the diligence and abiliiy of the enquirers in preaerrins ar little york indeed but os soon as the cana da company and the colonial land granting dejiarimeut went baud in gloee toencourase svmlemerts to the far back west and north west and drew to toronto the eniire emi- fnre whihifhoulriiiosipplcd ncraily lu iiosc ho grauon causing them thus to pas us by un- noiieed so won then commenced our retro- gresfton md their advancement we have often nnd olien lime after lime f pilty difleicd fnm them hun thre wmibl bo onu tfvoimd nf ramplaint but when ilic bilta wen atlohd r in tnunonved and lo procred to in art- vanrl ifv with ln rcmak be ibonehl it voulj he a ha h pnedini to vim ihe immsliy wiih ecu htmntant dccisjons 7vre to church properly two trials of great import ante s nflcvnns the peace and prosperity of webley an meihodsni in lb is province came on last week at the coon ol assizes in the core dis trict before mr chief juaiiea robinson the plaiottlvs were ihe truiee of two of our cha pels io that district who brought actions fur damas asaint certain persons for forcibly euiering the chapels without the consent of the trustees the counsel for the pliintilt were milti oreilly and w h draper ksqrs and for ihe defrinlants notman ksq the casrs wire ably argaed on both sides some of ihe trespassers claimed a rijjbi io ihe use of the chapels on ihe ground ot tiieir beinff iminwrt nf the metiitdist epi cnal churih to which the properly was on gimlly conveyed and in one of the suiis ofle of the principal defendant was a person nam ed in iic original deed as a trustee in both cnscs a verdict teas rendered for the plaintiffs with costs and damages the decisions in these soils are important noi only in iht they serve to teich angry fchfeoiatiea throughout the province that they are not to take the law intn their own hands and decide upon their right to enter premises in the possfstion of oth ers without their consent but more especi cially because the legal title of ihe westeyan methodist church in cannda to ihe property originally deeded to the methodist epicopil church became a subject of consideration and after being ably argued by the eounsel on koih sides drew forth the following decision of the chirf justice on this point in his charge to pha mooy and tga fact the men the minus he work done bar very mooy anu r small cost 0 y f agreeable era wcolleciiod not onlyot the itockbolder hui of all travellers who have now a dehah- nde rrom su jot0 s l0 la rairie in hr uie most desolate way ever trodden by tl fa fil mm qr hjt at in do of l he house mr hume contended that the reforoiors who bad so hberilly supported thegovero- i ment were josiifitd tu refusing their oesedi io bills that went lo appoint additional bishops to the numbers already in the country and if not io add to iheir already immense revenues at least to equalize and adjust them in such a nanner as io give ihe people no hope of relief from iheir pressure and this at ihe time when there is a general outcry raised a2ainsi ihe wealth of the churchy fcul vfhvn au towbil- he admitted that ihe tills had auned cerrain mas n the hooe before tin evil tendency of their enadtneuis was hsevered the moment ii u ihe refi r mi ia ii happy to her that this intle work which was hoijcfe3 n h the praise of judge wrfglii and other eraiornt engineers has excited through- a steady and unllinci n7iad out ihe brf provinres ihe nobeit swril or enierprize among 400 of the elite vf mon treal and cltttfttc were the earl nf cosford sir charlfi crav sir george and lady ginpsj mr secreiiv elliott e we can dd our personal icirtignviu that of the wrr of the above article e have recently priced ever the road and consider tl in every rpw gootl us any m ihe united stales tic engine imported from knqland may be a pd one but it a not of sofiieieiu power to de the work required of it we un derstand im an 0h lias been sent lo phila delphia to r one from that eiiy in the course of m wg ft4 w b vrr en for cousideraiion of access fr- ork and she whole dis lance of at- til four hundred mius nay be per formed to i is l thirty hours nvcm adv enqoiftd whjf sir john colburne the com missioner of crown laudi and the kieeuiive deparlmenii could not with as hub fear of offending the coloniil secretary have given encouragement to the midland district settle ment as well as io ihe home district but to ua ptupottn we cum ttd vivj uew that deviation frtfm the home insiructions would tilc eodjsc the aoeul number of this valuable month ly misselhmy has been received 4 and we have jot been enjoying a ramble hroub its ppes an intellectual real of no ordinary charac ter unlike many other literary pubhcaiions issuing from the american press filled with second rate poeiry and commonplae tale too tame io he imerfsiin and too fashionable to be instrueiiog- the zodiac throughout every pae imparls many useful lessons to the reader well calculated juettndaet idonca tut to improve the heart and please the fancy scattered throughout eieb number tike wreaths uf floweis decorating the path of the traveller are many spirited and soul stirring emanations of the columbian muse arid biog- rapbical sketches ond sciemific illustrations are so admirably blended tint ihetmoj iicoh rjnoally relieve i jr4tird with iheir variety elemnts of vtfofoojy oni htuwm on comparative lnatani and animal pnwnrfi are anirlvs of sierlinc valuo and ihe kssay on muton tktii lefturts upon american literature cannot he read wiih indifference- the prn- itogtuirs tjimjtntiw are calling out to he re- ivased from so heav a burdeik and to have he principle of applanation applied with infinitely more excusable in our behalf than atcwtenffhi zjj wth omimnihihle rty determined to offer all ihe opposition in jr power on miure reflection he mr htine was free to admit that the reformers ffintih have been mora on the aeri and ihey tvnld have been so hut for the euiifiilence whcl ihey had in ihe judg ment and diecrjiffio n f the ministry with ibis feelinp u houshi there was eontt ground for excuse l t he was of opinion ihat n would be much heii r to i05ipune ihem un til next session of ptjamem to afford lime 1 with the home district the inhabitants j ihe magistrate the grand jury petitioned and prayed fr encouragement to settle the townships immediately in rear of us from the mouth of the river trenl io ganno- i cqm but in vain and in place of doing su he enemies lo our prosperity transgress in ft rue huns as they whimsically lell us by giv- becumc the subject of general remark steam ptfkttfor liverpool we learn thai this vessel wrhich lias been so loos talked a- bout is no rapidly building her frame is up nnd her machinery in prooes by mr paul sabbatun he will have iwo engines f 150 horse powr kvery ihinsr je under coturn to bertntslr abouttie 1st of november she mr ahotiby followed and inok a similar view of the state of h ministerial party as that taken by his hoirable friend who had preceded him he condemned the bills and justified the ministry u abwudonin them several other iibert mcrr r ihestnc view of inaiivrs mr vconnell wn free to admi thai inore inrj eneouragetneni to settlers to migrate to townships 300 riies mere distant from ih great markets aod scarcity accessible from the great distance of lund carriage we have often poin ed out the cruelty nf those measures io the senlers themselves who were after arriving at toronto baffled for a whole reason in retching their lands 50 distant and have consequently had to spend a miserable dreary winter to the fnal thmiuishrneni uf their link- 31 whilst had iliey but slender ineouracemrnt in this diftrirt they might by is io be an j ti- dl tatc it and will be ferry boat wns nimed the general jackson and was commanded by gpi cole cm c says b when lesaw he boson lc m 5ven 0 bt oowrf nped lis n and backed waer hui th w mvlwt p a rworj the jury that the clmne ol the title and covenmeni of the r lurcb bavins been made comma idel cipt- u co bbio whose m- in accordance with ihe disciplinary power v and per vi 1 the pub hi be inde stopped ins eng boston bad considerable headway when tier en concussion was creat the captain of the ferry boar supposes there were about twentvlive persons on boera four teen of whom were milkmen and boys two women aod several other passengers md the deck hands of the boat there were fourteen horses on board all uf which were drowned being attached to milk carts and wagons io fact not an 3riiciecould be saved as the boat sank io two minutes af ter she was struck the passengers and crew made every effort io gel on board the boston bui we regret to iate that six at least of ihe number were drowned some of them succeeded in jump jns on boatd and others in catching hold of the ropes and punk that were thrown hi them by the passengers of he boston- the nanus of those known to have been drowned are as follows mr silas wright an need man and milk- rnau residing at the wallahout who snempl- ed tojumpon board the boston bur struck his breast against the railing befell into the water and was seen toxiok but did not rise fftfo we understand that mr wriahi was an old aod respectable inhabitant at thai place and had been sick nearly all the summer and was yet in very feeble health- mr edward alexander a milkman mr aexmder lus left 1 wife and two children to rooum his sudden and unexpected death mr christopher klannagan also a milk- man in the employ of mr underbill at the walhbout mr klannagao has also wife and two small children mr james comllv a milkman and two small colored boys sweeps who redded 111 ihe neighborhood of the navy vard ind were io the habit of crossing to the city every morn in as most of those on hoard were picked op airf put on board ihe boston and by her car ried 10 her landing place at the foot of cham bersstreet it could not yet be ascertained whethenherc were any others drowned mr george mcctinery on discovering that mr wright did not succeed in his effort to jump on board ihe boiioo threw himself into the neer and was afterward picked up by one ofthe small boats and thus saved none of the crew of the boat were drowned about half an hour after ihe accident the bot arose to the tup of ihe water and remain ed it is supposed about twenty minute when the change of tide caused her to sink again mrs- wright wife of silas wright who was drowned one of ihe women on board was thrown irio the water and while strog- iine seized hold of edward alexander and bl him wiih so strong a grasp that it is sop- posed be could not el tncaie himself andsink rxfiatmcdtnnd was drowned mrs wriohi however did not sink with him but was pick- 0 up from her perilous siluaiiou none of the bodies of those drowned bad iweo found at 12 oclock the united states and mexico the presi dm fohwog out of the line of condor indi cated by his latter 10 the governor of tennes- aee which we published a few days since has written to the govroor of kentucky insinm- inff him 10 discharge auch volunteers in ihat vcnte if may bave enrolled themselves fur rtrvice urider the requisition of general james the following is a bottv of ihe frenideth flsictoferenwi edfnrihem prt and j vaptain coln has rercni- made a ior on ihe canals and we under- iv p here fore the identity of the church wa rrvl hrirli iialr t ll iny persons reiusirig to ttshikt to the rrulail ons made hy the conference in iss3 and or- canizins themselve cuhtrr under the old or any other name are in fact ftcedets and can- not be considered as bavins any nile whatever to the property of the church it is hoped that ihe result of these two prosecutions into 1 which the plaintifft were driven by the vio i lenee of their opponents will be to prevent 1 similar agressions in future and to quiet the public mind as to the regularity and icznhtx of the proecedmes uf the conference in effect be union guanlun stand was rflnfiml e menofthrhf tera caution should hav members of his ni ihey brought such 111 report of the eomm inquiry parnenlarly stitue of the 11 lines siunmcii whom v not recommend am smallest ilcepc tend rrveiiiteof the kstah iu sttam communication to aj york the first of the series or steam vafor ihe ame rican and colonial steam natation compa ny under the management of j directors or ihe dublin steam company has been laid dnwn in thepresrot week by messrs wil son clarence dock this vessel will h of ue burden of iwkl tons w- rn rf j0o horse power by fawceii co t iiverpool paper jov 10 s slf eoucatiov ct um wrt the edikfuion moral tftd inteltecttlftl nf every individual most chiefly be bis own work- there is 1 prevailing and hull mistake on ibis subject it semis to be supposed that if a young man be sent first 10 a grammar school and 1 hen to college he mut of course become a scholar and ihe pupil himself is ap to ima gine that be is to be t lie mere pasting recipient of i nf t ruction as he is of ihe liht and aimos phere which surrounds hint liut this dream of indolence must he disipaied and vrm must 1 be awakened to the important truth thai if ytu aspire io excellence you must become ac live and vigurous cooperator with your lendt ers and work out yurown diimetion wiih an ardor that cannoi he quenched a ncrseve rjnee lhu considers ootbmg done wllllfl any thing yel remains to be done iv ly upon it 1 hit ihe ancients were right qniqtte sttt left a fttftuntr f ahcr loth in the morals and intel- t jeci and thus become emphatically the ar- ebiieetsdl our own fununet mow else should it impfkti that ythiok mm who have precise ly the same opporhjniiiis should becoultnu- ally presenting us with such different result nnd raibms to such opposite destinirs i dil- ferenet- of talent will not wive if because thai diffrencc is very often in favor of the disap- poinied eandidaio you shall sec issuing from the walls of ihesimesehuols nay sometimes from the fosom of the same family two youn mm of tfhom ihe t ne shall be admitted to be a genius of hifih order the oilier scarcely a- bove the point of mediocrity r yel you will tee the genius shrinking and perishing in poverty obscurity and wreirhednefs j while on the oiher hand you will observe the medioere ploddinir his slow but sore way up ihe bill of life gamin steadfist looting at every step and mounting vt length 10 eminence and dis tinction ift omamem 10 u family a jdesmnir 10 ins country now whose work is ibis manifestly their own they are the arehi chronicle gazette wednesday atglftp 31 jjfi latkb from eiope by the packet ship ger4 uihoirn t1u rlmtye amved from uverponl t nmniinir the iiliinojtcoiiinctialadvrm rreetl ihrfr uiirlon hte tn th mtb liverpool to the 2cfh o july jncmiivc the drtnle on rhe eaiahli4ii n hill was not esomed on ilw ct a wn exp ww a qnoiqrn if liic iioikc not hefllf in nmeno cnsiijerdde piuail 11 hal lieen nrratoned t rhcevenr n cwnan oftl is aid to have bvn a ronference h- id at ihernreten nffiee in the nwrnin nrlw4 mtmterf am ibe vehement ppnmn ol ll- m mr- bnlbirmr b 01 nd nllie a whirl there wa n much ifrafimmii that john rull 1i1 rmrenrd in rein butonlhm imwever winld noi rio eu meh rrom hm c intprfv 1 ur hill and tha nptcttlf were e li 10 lhrr nmpojulon mr- 0cumit ttiuil willi monster o iheic i and the iadn ibedebateit i mtindiit tbli the tv mnnlteurrif thl landing ol itio irrp rrim lie mi the plains of meerhia neir i ai tln al f btftfy owiarcr len- tontti fnlij tfif nvin euiiiet lew linct f ins writing for file veil pilulens gncrl ilvansh itarnl in t f p thr pimt went httmv rtineiisj conp-jmc-rjr- of hh fl utabillgoll hy mtioe to ticarhory on tlie par ihceommaiiderrifih french i r cperate with ihr br lh lci bm ilul m tnc pnehaof eypi has been u r lf 1 na jrt ne 11 ml llj lcinfi him ioimi tetufun d 1 11 1 aeinrr rje lil h lomj ifnji -i- k m neint fs 5 isniifi a huji been exercised bv the ivn frtiveronieol before 1 jiwtirn even in the iionetxof ceebsiaoical iliey bnd noeeird on the list vf that romrms- vas well known would elonn that would 10 ihe abridge the ovryrown uiurrh he eould i not iherelure tftsem from thrcoubuui pursu- ed bv ins honorable friends vho bad deter- mined on oppoiog the mini ry on the three bills before the commons liit bavinr flone so for be would implore them for the sake of ireland to reflect on the ca afflitous consc- j quertces that would rcsuli if hey persevered 1 in ibcir ileteruiinaiious the ncble lord the i home secretary bad siotcd te coune wbirh in honor he considered himsli hound to adopt at this crisis and ir would be r ihe judgment and ffond sene of the nieetin would meet him to mich an 1 a division nmrttta reformers 1 musf unquestlonahfv led tor ministry and let but he t i 2isptn for the onnotjunnv furre ihemielree into pnwvi i rein tf lerror woultl be ioi fned ireland of two evils i ter 10 rhtmse the leisi and in thni it would be hrsl done by asiria the one hiji with all iis objections r her than to al low the tones 10 assume poe r again a desultory conversation eiued in which several members supported the views ol messrs hume and alionhy and others ap proved of ihe policy sulesied by mr ocnn nell thai it wis neeesary t bury all differ ences rather ihan 10 pive lo torir even a n chance of returning 10 oftiro the decision we believe come 10 wn ihai surh member as ihnujht there would be no eoinpromise of prinerple in snppnrlinff the mititniers in piss in the bill appointed for a third reading oil the above evening the eihlihed church bill were at liberty to do so but there was an nl in 1 sviteri impression thai ibe other two bills buil be prpined uiui np session ut ad nit l of further pqvfjlgttltml and inrjuiry the meeting then broke up proper exenion be put opnn tjieir location in two tavs at the most wrong wromj very wron michs latin would serve here but badly for it seems nothing was fas but all nefis we did not intend 10 resume the subject aain until the grand jury took some ac tion upon 11 but the more vie reflect uion rbt ioiusiire done to us the more we are eon- scienciously ured to agitate ihe question aod we purpose devoting a large portion of our print on the meeting of the grand jury to a recapitulation of all ihe becfjio and praying we have had for our rights yet unjustly with held from us whether ihey ilternaiive a 1 ibis junction reak up of the e who were ut onee more nnd then he dtired into ill- thruhi it bet- w0sof opinion liberality iven handsome awards lor a prize tate essay poem c wiih which the num bers of the volumes will be enriched the prize tale is from the pen of miss lejslie aod its publication is commenced io this number on monunv evening our town was visiled wiih a ihumler siorm and onecupof thunder 0 partieolar wa so unusually powerful as to the residence of capt cameron situated in ihe nonh pai 1 tf ihe town was struek by hjfhlniof and p really injured theehimny waenrar- y deincltiheil ihe roof shattered ihe doors and window hrokn the stove and stove- pipes levelled and the furniture tossed hither and thither damaged and broken thelight- nin entered ai the thimneytoi and ifierpas- siorr through the jiflercni room venl out ifiroush ihe kitchen leaving 115 traces behiod bu injuring not one in the bouse the prescoit vanguard has i ihe true and literal sense of ihe word kicktthebkektl lis expiring gromm actin cnouch in all ctmseiencp imve 001 moved a single heart and ihe last agony has been passed wiihoui otn the sympathy of a friend or the respect rnomy fmm its ashes has sprang neat aod inieresl- neeimen we have seen will prove worthy of support we wish its proprietor every success pbttiiti lifce the ifemd in paper whtrh tfm l hdc nnf ce of hi fa bur v ht mtempi nthm f p ihe lairotjiilr lli retoillebniaibr p ol c oitrt i a 1 if i to j ic piiroaoi eypi lias dcen u rnnh it by ihe french tonul gratal lit five up pr j- ci ofte m down some oj the pyramids for tint kc gf ihe byaderreenfibeahahnrpptui enmmeree i placed on the same iaouog wiih that of f briuin kuia rrtaxcc french rmnut the mrftlfht his exceilkncv the licritant govtn- nok embarif on sunday nioioiojj onboard the canal sieam boat by totrn at half p3bt c oclock under ihe usual sabiie on his way 10 the ottawa district we understand his excellency intends to visit the mcnbb on the ottawa rifer and 10 proceed thence ihe river downward to its conhtience with the st lawrence in lake si- loiis afterwards to visit ueauhartmi ihe seiiory and resi dence of the liiyhi honorable icdward d- bce ity this vimi retunno tilnns the banks the piojert of retoun canada tniisoocmnl sin gle government 1 tngfllinn the earnest oiicro of a portion of nur fellow snbjeclii in thcxower pro vtee rspccia those teiiinj in mnuireiil wc do not nbiie te that a in conidrrl of any impor tance to enquire what loiy he ibe views or wishes ol lpper canadian on tins nnport int quefttin it seem to he laken for prnntod that whatever oor nortiid frfeiil may detideiobcf advantage tn th parlieficoncernrjin ihe premise will at once be eoiourred in by he nod peo b nl llos province at leas wilhmii question or difln uliy wc will mil at present remark on the possibility of our friends having fallen into a rifling error upon this piint our object s to draw their rerious alien- lion to question of a preliminary character and j which we consider involve principles nfthe utmost impoftance to begin ibrn before we wdl ive even a partial assent to our poliueal desiniri bein i einarkid in the fame bnr wtih iheiw wc must he perfectly and cnneliifcively sssund and eoivinced j tliat we bha ibcrwby nt oely ncrf tncianger nur connection wuh loc parent sate but thit the niea- fine wilt ttvtngthm tkat conmctton r we speak on behalf of every toaoriiu ionilit in upper canada m hen we aerf hii ptrftel ftsswanc on this p tnt is 1 a jjnffu no iiefiirv ite slileel countenance will i be given by thefn t the purpnued tuiinn of the pn- vinee many persons mil be disposed to demand why j we deem it necesary 10 muhe tiee observations nnd we admit thai liny may reasonably do o since they imply rhjubl upin q noini that the consitutton oit of lriwetoannd will prohaby declare ihey cnideinf a essential unponenee as wedn nd at thi rilc of fihdnf numemu vnbtcd friends mlm marine railways we would be in draw the attention of oof readers to the article of our friend goahead in this days paper we sincerely hope llftl the hints thrown out by the writer will not be lost upon the com- monuy we observe by the prevort heralj of ih 24th insr that it i in contemplation to con struct a marine railway in that village with out delay dr h d jessup has obered suf ficient ground for the purpose and messrs looker and henderson bave undertaken to famish an engine of sufficient power to draw out a retsd of the brest clss jvcws from th country luy aoi tvheal are muiy barvesiej and housed in zood con- dtttun peas partially secured and oats now being cut the frtst after repeated visita- lions has left very visible iraces behind it in 1 different parts of ihe district some fields ol buckwheat have been much injured aod will probably produce nothing rait wy from laciint to lake fvcoicj via bsiutiirmqrt ohervc by the lower canada papers thil a mftciirtj wa held at ihe eienory he fisth adapted iirilanla whea lldue bauharnoi on scries of rroutm4 weto adapted for the construc tion of a t ol w4v hy ihm route the proceedinja nf he inceimq wo shall tfivral lea ffttton wednesday the right hon edward frieo has headed the sub- crpbon with a mtm of jcloocq fpeculaio imvd been af1mt union ftftntf of our brethren nfthe picss as to the spenkeitip f jo new honm of assembly and mr mcuan slor- moot and mr menalib of wentworlh arcmeniion b- rwr w iiiv i qj 1 grtntnd tor bahevinfthkt wedbtroit their ditcrction i cd thcllvfl probable candidates withot at least we will answer with perfect and becoming candor in the food city of montreal there ia published n daily jon nal entrlted the ttt morning courier which mtramai to apek ihe leniimmu uf a large number of ihcbrilirh inhahiionts if i vial pkee in of the fi lawrence his kxe- ieucy will have m p e bftve from time 10 rime noticed iho hadacondprpmrtiiniivof secmioffceograph- lwff f doetrme which wc think aredi absolve you genius unexerted is like 1 he- poor moih that loners around a candle till it scorches iiself 10 death if genius be desirable at all it is only of that ureal and mnennni- mous kind whieh like ihe comfor of south ameriea pitches from the summit o chimin rnzo above iho cloud and sustains iiself at pleasure io that empyncal region with an en ergy rother invigorated thnn vreakened by the pqu it is thk apirtiv i uxjth and un9 io hiii in j 063000 f ftno- muft lie added 170000 francs hr the ineccise of ihuiiiiicsini theej ft e na susar forlmuratms mnnlb nfjtfl sr itml ihe hmon iniiam rnmho rim m nmnth of jtj30 nboui 35uo0w franci- frotn tho london ajorain chrtiitiicta tt jjiv 23 mrbtutfl at tiik ronitii ovfv n i itfiernrtoii purrunnii q ft eiienl o lirl john homell u t iwu piaeeal rh reinimorr h inr imi- 1 that mirpic a ly well pleased the vite unqnalled for sur rounding scenery the salubriiv of the air ibe beautiful material in lime stum f building 111 general pomiiunand ahuve all the full hailed welcome with which ibis excellency wm rcetpi all conspired to oinpress him fn- vonhly with kiticsion ii- reply n the address i ihe inhabitant i peculiarly riisijri niched for ihe mnrheij rranl 110 fallvn foe ddffwed l the royal comonwioner by a larce body raflhe pen4e of british an irish descnr r din n montreal and who claim in be cnfli- intmnalieip ihe kdnorof uie courier observes the eft o t t ut ri i ti ri ni into cjnmla tho cniriah law of rnmourniinre lnttol ttc fa a i moat too rrgi for any t tho vintieatura nrnai bseqnuma friends to believe that it could be for a moment vntariained hj ttefonnera e the ptitilioucra undoubtedly arc hid the editor find ihe htonttrottf noimn n h own in any pcama 01 undue parriality upon the fub ject wo think that mr mclean should ad will b ihe speaker wc believe that the difnity of he wlttaiion iheeharncier of ihe house and its in terest rth the other bmmhtu of the lesutura will 6c as fully ueiaiirl he- ibe appointment of mr mclean nt by that of any other member of the house whatever certain it is that tho tjfuttion was never more ably tilled sll ire important duliea more imparnallv and satisfactorily performed than while mr mclean was speaker in a former par liament mr mcnabb however would be a very proper person to fill the speakers chair ttm ediitr of tho hamilton gfcgttl saj that mr manahnn the vrtrr for hastings piring iicwu ijmi tht btt and sagely iniimatra thatar a nctfl mtmbtr to innvr uca pretension bor ders on preemption i really ne were not aware thai it wo ireuon for a una member o b an- didarc for the speak arelnp euch however would eein to bathe can from ihogaseue soriouly ihink our contemporary might hava rssrvd bit caunic rclleciion for aome othar object fox w lieve him lo ba mistaken in hit notijon roaptcunf mr manahait that tomo of that gantiamirj ivien in ni li0 regarded oj dmvlui tpl pcfton poseirf hu ruopt aiv indafatrble n

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