Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 31, 1836, p. 1

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w r and kingston commercial advertiser dvertiser t bed o vrr y wnl firmly mid hnchttbkjr at v wsrt 6iriift of king al mmck trct nec kege nec populo sei utkoliue j twentj 8mutnt pr at 1h mid of tfae yrir yijrii xviii i 1 v snrawim kingston uppeb canada wednesday august 81 1836 ii hi forwaiidixg pnted lines op the rideau and st lawrence frgje ottawa and ridfcau for- x warding company beg leave to notify heir friends anil the public generally that they hav united their line with thti of ibe canada inland forwarding and losur- aaeeoompany although a decided preference hns juaily beeagireo to the rideau line from the supc riot craft in wbicli goods arc forwarded it welt as the certainly i regard to li iu lj dtaiotfifon of risk aitcoding tho transport yetoroe ohjeeiions have been raised to ihe caaali being closed earlier in 1 lie kail thin ihe itivrr si- lawrence and to obviate lhfw ouwtuons llrt company intend tins union to keep a full supply of boats on the si lau rence not wiili a view of doing iheir business generally by that route bui to accommodate iheir customers in tin sfuinz and fril as wiol its to meet every possible contingency ibat might tave place on ihe canal and restore to the coropaay the fullest confidence of ihe puhlie 34mlfiw ihe transport of god destin ed far the l or 5 of lvs ontariu nd erie ihe company have amused lor ilitiriraiistiip- meat at both ilie vans of prrtccu and kings ton but from its eligibility inti ml th latter 10 be ihe principal place of transhipment when the i j- canal is rcopcued und no ad vance on ihe present rat of irtish will be de manded from iheir regular customers while the canal is open in ihe fell their stores at prescgti are those of ihe canada in land korwardiftgcompativ and mr w drek- lowfj iheir agent will coittcufc tocooduet ibe business there goods forwarded by the ritleftq cutalwlji noi be insured unless ordered by the otvmrji ihos that may he iorwrited tin ihe si law rence wth feg hisurvd h otherwise dirt icil mr r hackeit of the canada inlnnd for- warding an lnuraitc company will 31 all time be rttfdp to receive orders fur lliis com pany to whom as wll as ihe ji mpanys acqis at montreal and kingston application ty be mi b cushinc8 agcni montreal w dickinson ant frescott o- brush agent kingston june 23- icn bsm to t ihe company unites canada iftln crown opficti jure 30th 1s36- kotice lj hereby ffiten thai the courts of oyer and terminer and central gaol delivery and of assise and nisi prios in and for the different districts will be as ful- lows town cornwall bwkviik pwth kinpon hsqiiltm sanriwich lrtdun arabemj plctaft district t enter ti jnlitistowit daihurm iveftem london niacin prince edw noma court commencing month v 1st august tttfsruy 9ih august monday s2d auuf thoriijy irt sept mondntlfit august mordjv mi do ttttrdmsutli do thumliy slit sept mtm1a 2h d vrdndy sh oct mtfidy l7iii oc of which all sheriffs coroter msgis traces gaolers nd the peace officers are commanded q iie notice lif order of the court charles c small clf tk of the crown and flea prtzb medals the natural history society of moaratai offer thuktc pimze me dals for the three best essays that may be prtsenied on the following subjecii i on the connection between the language aod tin chamcter of a people 80 ifc ttit7l tiicittry f rivff li eneml and of tltt si lawrence tn particular s on ihe circumsancc which affecl cli- mute in general and the cltraie of lower canada in particular r 4 on the compamive aopiniinn of prairie and foift io ihe sciument of a new country 5 the changes that bsvc ufcen place to the habits of exotic plants cultivated in ihe northern parts of america particularly as re- rirds the clmnes induced on their agricultu ral and horticultural properties the conditions are 1st- the essavs shall be presented on or more ihe2tth of february ist sj the eisay may be in french or en glish 3d the mmes and reijenro of the auih- nts nust be concealed to entire which each esoy ihftll have a mmo and hall he accom panied by a slmhd nnie lupcmribra with the time mono and containinsr the namv and res idence of the auihor this i- snll only be opened in the mm of the lissay unite declared worthy of a prize ohtr wise l thull be des troyed 4ih the successful essays shall remain the property of ihe society 5ih the society reserves to itself the rizhi to withhold the pms should ooone nfihe es- eayson any particular subject appear deserving ofh the essays arc to be addressed 10 j s mcoko stj correspoodiog secretary of the society andrew h- armour iltcordinz sectary the editors of all public paprs hi h briwi provinces iit confer favor on ihe siciely hy piv- iog an insertion to the above or by noticing h in the edioriit coluntnsof ihir respective journals notice hpile subscriber begs leave to aequaiat his frieodt nod tlio public cencrnlly that ho hat receiv iovmees of the fdlowitig oriieles per the shipthaliti from liverpool and are pow oo the way from montreal viz black aod blue superfine west of tfnsland cloths olive green acd mediy coloti do do do double and single millm cnsitneres do- do faocy buckskins the latent lniiiloo patteros of vateotia and marseilles vesting wilh suita ble triftminn for thu tthove the whole will ho luuod ioferior to none in tho market both for durability aud cheapness the latest fashions akvay received and qtotltrjiu accomrtiodated witb a suit in twelve honra j o lakes this opportuoity of reouesttog those cuftomers whwio account are of long tlaodiiig i c gut sctilo as money is a scarce uco iq market aud at the prostoi time ould b very acceptable to him john oliphant kuaitoil mtb june 18u0 i0u notice chelsea end other pensioners who ore paidby tbe commissariat nphr asaistftnt commissary general here by notifies ihe abov description of petw sons that ibey oiuftaiilcekvsoiuri applica- tiop at the beginning of each qutuier to ibe nearest coramrssariat office for their pension in cases when pensioners reside distance mm commiseariat office which roigbt ren- mt u looonventeot or expensive to the pen- sionerg to apply at the begtdoiug of each quarts or if from sickness or other good cause application cannot be made oersonally even once in ih year an officer will be sent annually to visit those stations to identify and pay those wiio cannot for these causes preaeot iheraaelyenat a commissariat station the pensioners are enjoined to keep pos session of their instruction papers as their pensions will be paid only to them in person oo ihir being identified thereby it is further notified thai the government will not under any circumstance recogoie ajrents or the claim of any individual for debt contracted by the pensioners commissariat kingston 15th march issg tv bank cf briti north am capital 1000000 sxc rung iw 30000 shakes op jg50 each thrcc- rouaxhs of whicu mavi deek tubsceig- p ik k5clan0 150 the kuuikde kt kbstrtvi fca tin c oioxies wirw powca toihcttsae i the capttal lonjjon dlftectors geoagp dc rosco atxwoopj esq edward bioowt es robert bkown esq- sm uoacar camviiup bart- kobcat cfttkit es wjlltam uohlrt capma esq james john ccvmas esq jaaies douis esq otivcn farrea esq abhah0ta otrrptii jeii rq william mldjlv e william wimbcktoit esq gogg richard itoiksoir esq m p johw waldhoct wright esq the rapidity with which the british north american cohmtes have advanced in prosperity nod commercial importance the vast increase of iheir population the high rate of interest the fluctuation of exchange the in adequacy of the capital already employed for banking operation and the increasing facili ty of intercourse with the mother country point out the different aeuleroeots of british nonh america as affording a secure field for the profitable employment of capital for which purpose and with a view of promoting the mercantile and agricultural interests of the colonies the present company bss been established the management of the companys affairs is vested in the london coun of directors and the banks in the colonies are to be con ducted by local boards appointed by them a general meeting of the proprietors is to be held yearly to locdon to whom a statement of the companys affairs will be submitied power has been reserved to the director to apply for and accept on behalf of the esiab lishmeot a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a deposttof 10 sterling per share to be paid within a period to be named in the letter of allotment at the rale of exchange therein fixed and the deed of settlement to be signed at the lime of payment after payment of the deposit the remainder uftlie capital will bt required by instalments not exceeding 10 sterling per share at such intervals of not less than three months as the directors may find necessary to carry the ob jects of the bsinlc into operation of which due notice will be given scorklis inspection store bscobell geaeral inspector of pot ash beef and pork presents his cor dial thanks to the merchants and other inhab itants of kingston ani the vicinity for the liberal patronage they have extended to him during the past year tod he begs leave to in form them that he bastemoved his inspection business from the ha j kirbys store to the large and cnoveoiew store and wharf of mrs- forsyth lately occupied by mr a mc dooell where he wille always ready to iq sped such articles as nay be consigned to him for that purpose and hopes from his long experience punctuality strict attention to business still to merit the approbation and support of the public n b for sale 500ft lbs weight of snokcd ham 3000 do cbeew 2000 do uppsr canola butter 2 tons of lard in tags for family use 900 barrels silt r scoliell kingston april 14th 1s5 57z the manson house kingston u c the subscriber rmpectfolly bees leave tn notify lo tho travelling public that ha cootioue to occupy ais extensive aod well kuowq hotel tat mavm horn is pleataotty situated in sure street beiogthe principal and coo- tral street io kincstoo istonveoient to all tho steam boat wharves and oo establishment ofttskiadio the tpfw province can surpasi it io the excellence nd comfort of its apart ments both parlors avl bedroom tbinyfour io nutnber all of wheh arc furnished io th very best style thtj hotel has late undergone a thorough repair nod i at prrsoii in most excellent or jer hod condition touhq accotomodatioo of tbo ptitilic thft subscriber havhg kept a hotel for many years hii acquired axpsricoc in that line and thereforo trusts dial with unremitting at oku a to the comfort of his guetts bo will continue to merit public patronage a rear of the mnniou houst there is o large yard q fexteosivo stabling and where a livery b is constantly kept uthe maiiiioa house carriage and por ters ttju liivvay be io rendiness to convey pa- sijaud lugago to aud from the differeni sh boats s carmino ihgsioo june22d j636 103a r o merchants and other lands for sale stlfl acltes of tjable land is ofter- ww ed for snlc on mosl advantages l it is situated only a few mus from ji vtllage of berlin in waterloo township gore district and is not exceeded by any m lhe province for fertility and is in a good senh containing about i5 acres clear j whereoii is erected a l05 dwelling h gtc a good title will be given and o may be had immedifiiely this would well suit a small emigrant family wl limited means and afford ihera a ug ant ebmfortablc home thetermsaremoder- apply by letter post paid or persoaal- h w peterson waterloo township gore district uc jl 1st 133c ffjijic ij ji un of sella in the ljalliu magaxincj cheerfulness- see how the day bemclh brightly before us blue is the firmament green ia the earth grief hath no voice in tho universe crmrut nature is tinging with muic mod minh lifl up the looks lhi ore sinking i gaze and if beauty can rapture thy sul virtua htmalf shall allure thee to glodnrs gladness philoophja guerdon and jnl enter the treasurica 1 rr uncloses list bow she lltfills in the nightingale lay breathe she is wafting the sheets fron ths rosea feci ahe it coot in the rivulets puy taste trom theprapoand the ncctartae gushing flows the ted rill in the beam of thosun green in ihe hill the flowergroves meshing look she is always and every where one banish than mourner the tears thai arcttickling over the checks lhat should rosily bruin why should 11 man like n plrl or a stcklg suffer his lamp t be quenched in the fuiib siill may wc batilc for goodnvs and beauty still have phdanthroy muct 10 csy glory rewards ihe fulfilment of july rest tfill pavilion the end of our uae what though corroding and muliiphed stirrowf legionlike darken ihis planet ofoun hpe ia a balflm the wounded heart borrows even when sngoish hath palsied ita p avherefvre though fate play the pari of a traitor ar oer the stars on the pintona of bpe fearlessly curiam that sooner or later over the stars thy deflircs shall have scape look round about on the face nf creatim stdlu god eanh undtolorted and tright comfort the apiive too lonj tribulamrx thus ahatt ihou reap thy tnoro r t 1 1 delight love but iflove boa hallowcrf envu purity only ilsrnpiore should phare love then with wiuo and dtriihl- fnqlin4 all that 1 just n exalted and fair acl fnr in actiori ro wiado and glory fame im mo rtalinjy these are ill crown wouldt ihou illurmme the tablets of story build on achievements thy doom of renown honor and feeling vtfere given to cherish cherish them them though all else should decay landmarks by thcr thai are never to prrudi siara thai will tlutue on the dukiei day courage disaster and peril once over frcebcn the spirit ts showers ihe grove oer the dim gravjlbal the cypresses eovcr soon ihe forgethbjjenot ries in love courage iheo friends i though the universe crumble innocence dreadlcsa ofdonger beneath patient and trustful snd joyous and humnlr smtfrs through mm on darkness and dratb ty from fourpeuce 10 oun penny win iko plaee on tho first of september the twelfth of july has passed over with out bloodshed at least without iub of lifo but at belfast nevrry aod several other places tbe oraogemeu mt as usual had proceiiorie and indulged ihemscuca vith playing party momi the stamp office arrangements for thotraos- actino of buioess under the oew stamp tyt tern are in a stato of completiun thirty per sons are added to tho usual number io the stampingrooms and additional rooms are appropriated io expectation of a large in crease of circulation sir john fraokliu r n will anil the lat ter end of this month for van diemena land to assume the government iu tho room of colonel arthur mrs norton has commenced proceeding agatost her husband to the proper cuort for separation transmission of ffeiesppers- tho chan cellor of the inchequer is ui 10 introduce n bill 10 consolidate nud amend the liws re lating to the conveyance nf newspaper hy post tho followtrjg will he among the prin cipal enactments all newspapers acut through the general post or deliverttl by tho penny or twopenny post and vice versa nre to be free newipapor sent by tho twopeo ijy post are unlj to pay one peuoy aod may he sent within post towns at tho liko rate newspapers sent from the united kingdom by packets aod viceversa are 10 go free graph ebould oothavs7efi muwftiimi qoee- tioo 10 coojeciure madame malibru and hor car rptuc m de itoriot sailed for antwerp ejbstihdskf morn- tog in the ateampaeket 8oha and they wer expected to reach the pleasaot chateau of tho prima doona at brussels yesterday thednko cbarlea of brooarffick aod sevenil distiogiusb od amateurs of the drama war present tth departure tbe duchess of st albans who occupied bar box at qrury lao on saturday evening bad iq interview wilb the accom plished confotrtcc after tbe coocltutm of tbe performance mod after expressing baradmirm- tioo of bar cranscendant powers of singing and aetiog begged her aocepiaacsi of what ahe happened to hold ij her binds- no embroi dered handkerchief and a cut bottle for both of wbkh madame malibrarj cheerfulty ex- prettfed her ackaowiedgmcuu h aamt the following generirt orjtef ha been issu ed from the horse guards dated june 30 h lord hill 6oda it expedient to revise and extend the benefit of the regulation under which thesoldierof good character is ibdulged with permission to purchase his discharge up on the recom me ad aiioa of his comanading officer his lordship is convinced that the popu larity of the mtluary service generally and tbe success of tbe recruiting service caooot fail to be greatly iocrcasrd by granting that indul gence to as liberal an exient as may becorisis- lent with the maintenance of the efficiency of newspapers may bo sent from ouo colooy to the army aoother via ihe united kingdom hy packet boat true of postage newspapers aenl front tho uoited ktugdooi to the colonies hy pri vate ships to pay id and vice versa news- with that conviction on bis mind lord hill earnestly recommends to commanding officers of regiments and depots not to refuse their support to any case of amplication for dt pnpera to or fmm foreign coootrii to pay 2d charge for the regular compensation i which provided that in case a aatisfnciury proof i the plicattt cm4kx sfcxifl be accmofwaizuhh given thai any foreign stale receives or sends i hie newspapers to or from the united kingdom m want of a moderate number of men to tree uf duly then 00 duty is to he charged on i complete the rank and file of a regiment ooght oowspapers to or from such state if hy pack- of its l0 mns ofdjaappoioltog a deserving soldier of his discharge there bs ing do difficulty of obtaining recruits at lha present low rate of bounty lord hill will tfrjeordingly watch ihe fu ture operjtioo of the admirable system of dis charge for compensation and give bis decision io favour of every case in which the com manding officer hau rroleubnm cirtueaslab cial proof of the unworihintw of tbcappticaat accounts from spam vary hut ttllo from h being ll5rm undetstdod tht extgencirt the usual leoocof intelligence from lhat on j miy arisc o flj gj suspenaioo if happy kiosdora iugti othoat hot if by any other teasel they are to pay id poathge newspapers to be put ioto tho pnsi office within scvn days after date if goinr ont of the uoited kingdom cardioalcheverus archbishop t bordeaux has had a severe paralytic nitack from whicl it is cooiidered dnuhtful whether ho willi cover- foreign 1ntbllxgexce the underaigned commissioned to represent the court of directors io america and to visit the several colonies for the purpose of putting the affairs of the bank into operation hereby gives notice that he wilf be ready to receive and consider applications from persons resi dent io the province of upper canada who mav be desirous of becoming shareholders io the capital stock of the company addressed to bin at the post olgce at montreal on or before the 10th day of august next uobbrt carter new york 14ih july 1836- form of application to robiat caateit esq post office montreal sir 1 request that you will allot o me shares in the bank or british nohtu atftitfca and i hereby engage 10 pay the de posit of 10 sterling each upon so many of such shaica as you may allot to me tit the time place and rate of lxchange to be speci fied in your letter of hotmrnt ondat the same time to execute the deed of beulemvot- i am sir your obedient servant signature at lengthy vlace ouoorfe all letters must be ost ta1d bnnli of upper canada public notice is hereby given thai a general meeting of the siock holders of this bank is tequesied to he bjd at the bank on wedntraday the 2lh day of august next at 10 oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of fjectin a director to serve during tbe re mainder oftheprcseru term io the puceuf the hon pet robknof who has resigned nnd for busiueis which wilt be then comujuotca led by order of the board thos- g ridolft caiirr bonk of itpprr canada toronto lsth july 1936 8y the editor af newspaper who have tuuaity pub- tiihjffrthe bank of lppr caaadwin be pleaacd to five tbi notice ooc ioertioo fousale aquaniiw of cxcellcdi wmmg ink 31 ihe chron gaswuc office corow uf king aod biock streets 3z ce society of upper canada mulicr ia hereby given lliat rhe rime fur receding ibe essays as advertised by ihe ocieiy is postponed from ihe isiof august 10 llic loth of sepietnher next john a macdonald secretary kiq2stoo97tb july 1830 8iei suling machine for sale cheap for cash apply at the office of the chronicle st gazette information wanted op wm harrison on enzlishmao supposed lobe in belleville u c or s s any information of him will thankfully received bv his brother john harrison fron street kingiton gih aupusi 1836 editor will confer a particular favor by copying he jtjuve commission office npbe undersigned beinc about to estnblish a jl deriui lor the reception or west india dry hides begs leave to inform hti friends vrnl ilie ttdnrjl of this province and tbo ad- gibing si3tts thai be will be happy at all rimes iu receive their orders and furnish the luiclc 81 ihs lowest newyork prices j 11 clarkr kingston 1st july 1936 6z 5 father sole and upper of various j tannftescalf skins kips c sic for sale by larocque brrnard s co who will keep a l assortrnrji constantly fuwud may 3- x just bbubcdp arid foral at the book store on the cttfflfrof king and buck street a large ossrtmnt of acconnt boofes urbest muleriauand wurkmanshipi for sale at montreal prices 0- uuuk books or paper well and correct ly rultd 10 auv pattern at sliort notice kmjsion june i iss5 for salk a t lh commercial wharf kinzsmo foot a of store street whiskby salt waster of paws k waterlimk titf ibe subscribers- y truax st phillips kinstn23d may 1336 9z notice wright fclngbrsoll have beer fortlc ai mr florence dotwghes tff- mnii kingum in barrels an4 snuller quanti ties io uit faiichaser- six fredrickibur lotu jjnunry 183b latest from england by the arrival al new york of the packet hip columbus london datea to he 211 abd liverpool io tho 2ad of july were received the iotelligcoce y this arrival is dot very im portant io the houtq of commons on the 14th ju ly ibe report of ihe comoittuo to which was referred the bill for rtguuiiog the salaries of tbe clergy was takeo up and debated at tome icuglh it provisions were opposed by sir hume and m b aoj upforied by sir robert peel aod lord joiiu icuiell mr c- bultar moved as an nmcodmont to allow the archbishop of canterbury 8000 per oooutn he archbishop of york 7000 tte bishop uf londoo 4500 nod the otbor lllishops 4000 each in lieu or their present enimlaineoti tho amendment was rejected 6b to 44 nd tho report agreed to- on the 119lb it was agaiu takeu up for a third renditug and was vehemently opposed by mr limine sir hu bert los mr fowell button ffind w bui- icr their opposition was so strrouoos tbat the debate was adjoorotd to the322od the bui for the reduction of stamp duties oo newspapers was agaia oodler discussion oo the i5lh io committee a ollnuso allow ing 25 per cent discouot on the jpeooy stamp to the irish newspapers was agrocd to- the size of the sheer liable to the pcooy stamp was fixed at fifties hundred and tllllflj loporfi cial inches the chancellor ottho exchequer stated that ht had undr coosideiration a pluo fur ftccurior the copyrights of original articles published in newspapers- it pains us much to learn that we majesty is indisposed but we trust not setriously all that has reached us oo this interesting subject is contained io ihe following coniimuuicaiioo forwarded apparently hy a priwnle party to the london standard we exceedingly re- grerto hoar that the king has llieeo slightly indisposed tut the iftvt few days bul are hap py to add that lit majesty is mw better aol intends icaviog st- jamess palwe for wind sor castle today july 21- euphratcs expedition the ilast accounts a battle was fought no the j lfac graql of diflchargcs absolutely oecessiry i2ib of july between ueoerat iva aud the mch m lhe ern of a regiownt for carlists near st sebastino but without any acl ftfr important results the royalists nppcar to i his lordship will en these occasions as- he uctiog more upon tbe nftcmive than lhc i certain the number of meo wanting to coi- have been fur some time past the atrocious p fe to the last returns of the system of butchering prisoners is still pursued ft eminent to which the applicant belona although the regulation to question was to a frighful extent- don cnrlns is said to have appointed tho french general boor- moot bis commandcrirjcliief a popular tumult broke out at figueras oo the lllli io which the govroor and several others were killed the king of the freocb has created cap- lain basil hall a commander of the order of ibe legum uf hnnoor in consideration of it services he has rendered to tbe sciences aod particularly those of navigation and astrono my framed to reward the good and irfficient soldi- er only yet experience baa proved ibatia ar my derive great advantage from the occasion al discharge for the regulated compensation of men cf indifferent character and whose habits may bave rendered thrift permanently intoipiepiim well as pien yrhq pyp tgfff tpo long ifi i ittitf hf d e riio a io be iiia h fiif tbe mns all cases of the above nature are to be specially submitted by commanding officers st james palace juue 15- tbe king was for lord hillsdecision and his lordship ex this day pleased to confer the hooor of knight- 1 ppcu shall beitinhi power toiisencum hood upon capt w- syruonds r- n survey- or of his majestys navy whitehall june 23 the king has been pleated to direct letters patent to be passed un der the great seal of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland granting the dignity of a baronet of the said united kingdom to ibe following gerjlemon and the respective heirs male of their bodies lawfully hegotlen viz john power of kilfane in the county of kilkenny eq sir francis work ma d macnaghten of bushmills houss in the coon- j m i 4 ty of antrim and of 61 aha o to the county of 44145149 54l 5 57th 6id and armagh knt john kennedy uf johnston 6a of the cavalry the 11th and lsth in the county of dbblio esq lieotenmt ge- hav been iq ioce lgl9 and lhe 4th oeul sir william houston g- c b j ft sjnce i of lhe i the 16tb steam navigation to india an experiment aoih 36th and 54th hie been abroad since ber hegtments of men of thisdescripioq without predjudice 10 the disciplto of the ser- v r coraroand of the right honoura ble otrclort hill commanding ia chief john macdowild 4djuontgefieri the jirmy in india the kings army novr serving io india consists of the following reg iments cavalry 4th htb i3ihand 16th light dragoons- infantry 2d 3d 6ili9th 13th i3t t3 the gih and 55th since 131 the 13th 41st 44th and 49th since 1822 the 3d since is23 the 40th since 1981 the 3d 31st nod in steam navigation on n grand scale is about to be made under the direction and at the ex pense of the east india company- two vessels of the largest class anr nearly completed with 57th sioee 1s35 the 39th since 1827 the which it is intended at inteivals of about a 23ih sinrc 1s23 tbe 63d since 1829 tbe 62d month each that ihe voyage to bengal shall an l s js30 and tbe 9th since 1632 be made by the cape- the steam engines of j jp p rate at which the regtmcou are each vessel will be or 200 boiw power ar- rc f india isoe yearly- one or two rangemeots have been made for a supply of regiment have been relieved within twiaty coals at stated places for which sk0 tons yn n india the service averages above have been ordered and tliy aro said to be so tt years in all other foreign stations wh chosen as to allow the power of shram to ariftul lcrti i regirnents stationed abroad be kept up with little intermission during the except in india leave in the united kingdom whole distance- t four out of their ten companies as a depot mr ellman in his evidence before the agri- i to and from which an interchange of officers frum culootl chciocy left him att belet about culmral committee ys 0t the new poor i and privates takes place which renders the one hundred aud fort miles fromi bir down lnw wfl lue sivtton of tbe county of foreign service which is nominally ten years tho euphrates aod ho has iniptrrcd tho arabs with such n friendly ijisposiiioq nnd admirh- liou of i111 power that they showed him the rroaiesi roganl od favor aod llouhed upon him ns a magician whom nothiing cuttld re- sis 1- the marriage of the duke nf sfomerrtt wilb miss shaw stewart only dauhucr of sir m bex ii one of six or seven oqhf for each individual hwt ahltbi qouon h bed the corps oo he lndi jf ua s ht ihodie uf lute bi een oojy jour- dpois for rvcruiiidf codhwio j of one com un i shaw swi likc io liohnnoucd i hue loujou imp may diitw shi il- towardl the cloo of tho preset month cot- i u the mntirr t ho wmihilily innuifewcd hy ly trousseaux f grcnt ina arc in a tho dueheu f st aumn o th ioirnuo forunrdmicofcoinpictimi t0 ooblo duko 1 ocemlwi of iiiiulnmov hp s r jmy wm hplicvc completed hb uixiietll yeor fcetiu tho haodkerchiof we irenime v the fair intended brwi i d lihiny yeon of wepl in tear whether it is e i not lhe imemim of j pty ch fcod uj w skeleton eoneiwioj hidamo gereia lleibrm de fiei io favor of a captau four sewaoje four cor ihitcounuv wwi unifarr vuh nod do it ihe drommer nnd ocrtsonally a few men col- liodorlocarrt nny from it a few itom uf ircid from tho rccrutiiog pariiee io pi f embark hoomidi tlw elloi8 pnmp fom n yearly to till thecasualtes m the rejt tthscumiancovs or the cut hotilo iniftllt contain tn volatile cologne water or hrflddfi hccorj- ihe tcdtictino rtf tho dcffshikhrt stlldpdu mg lucircuinstaucca the writer of the nra- b jtathbunvf hm received from frieod at buffalo a small pmh tooiioio u copy or the deed of ssigoeut executed by kntliban of that r oo the 1st mst to- othcr ith o ichctfute of his real aud powm-

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