Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), August 10, 1836, p. 1

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and kingston commercial advertiser batte every wedjtedr d mturdky m corner of kin s uii flruck iqt i vol xviiil nec rege nec populo sed utroque ivcniy shilling pc tuoam if f tg i jffttrf at nil ii1 of di thmly4 ftfalull i kingston upper canada wednesday august io 1830 no 12 extract from a royal proclamation dated at iht castle of st letcis 30th march last ic- tuing toll o the military canals on the qi ish river from the 1st june next to the 31st isy 1837 xolls oh th military mstu on tu ottawa 7rotfgi fa wroje of the canal for the passage of any barge upwards ihyfiw smium halifax currency dowu- irsrds 117 shilling tike currency por everj durham boal upwardly fifty ioihiogs halifax currency downwards ihir- itfivo shillings and eightpence like curren- for every boat far cabin passengers up wards thirty shillings halifax cuneocy downwards twenty shillings like currency for every batieno from thirtytwo fl for tymo feet inns upward thirty five shillioxe if ijii x currency downward tweutyfivo sliilliogs tike currency fr nny luueau uoder thirtylwo feel long upwards iweiiiysve shillings halifax cur reacy dowuwurus seventeen shillings acd ton pence like currency for every skiff c- upward twelve shil ling sixpence c downwards eiht shil lings aod eleven pence like currency grenviu count onhj forrvery itarge upwards aiul downwards fortytwo shilling antl a pence ilulifax cur now for every durham jv upwards nnd dtmowsrdi twenty five shilling like current for every boat for cabin passengers up ward mm duwuwards fifteen thilliugs like earrtocy for every batteau from thiriytwo to forty two feet long upward aud inmnvhrns sev enteen shillings and sixpence like curren- for every itneau under thirtyiwn feet upwards md thwtju nrtu wefvt bil lion ninj motnre like currency fnrevcry skiff c- ufmuftfi ami dwn- nrdt iix shilling ami thrco penue like cur rency chute a blondrttu only fur every barga upward fourteen shil ling and two pruce halifax currency down wards 6vo shillings aud teu ptjuce like cur- reory for every durham boat upward- eight ihillingi and four pcuco downwards three shilling aod seven pence tiko currency for cveiy iwm for cahiu pasgiojrers up- want five shillings ilownu artli u shilling ami eight pence like currency for every buteau fruin thirtytwa to for- lytwo feet inn jiv i li five liillir and in yeott dnwotimrd two sliilliug iud six pence like currency for overy bnuoau under ihirtyiwo feet ppwirdi fur shillingv auil iwo pence down- wird one shilling aud nine pence like cur rency- i or every skiff c upwards two svillinri ad n petiuy do owird4i eleven peace liko curmicy- carruhn cannt onhj for every bare upwardt one pnund eiglll i- rii and fiiur pence downwards cluveo ihitlingtaod eixlit pencr like currency for every durlmm boat upward sixleeo ihillingt aod cihl pcoce doutiuitrds sevca shtlltogs aud one penny like currency fur every bool fur caliiu pasteugers up- wnrdi ten hilios downwiirdi three sliil- liast and four pnce like currency for every bmteau from thirty twoto for- lytwo feet long upward eleven shiuio- aod eight peace iluwnwards five shillings like curredcy for every baticnu under thirtytwo feet hn upwards eight shillings aid four rence ilitwrnvards three ihitliugs nud scveu pcuce like currency for every skiff c- upwnrds four hiliog nd two ponce duwowardi one shilling aud oine pencejike currency rufi- onwards and dowowaids ultceu i liko currency for every steamer at the chute a blond- at n locks upwards and dnwuwaids coveo ihiltiogs and six pence like currency for every raft not haviog previously paid toll on the itideau canal tu be charged as un der oak and standard sravcs twelve shillings aod li pcoce for each lock staituo- all other rafts of whatvtr decriplion of wftoj eight fcilliujf ac iuck stntioo furovery raft hnvin previtmty paid toll oo the uideau cauiil on lhc conditioti that tho troprietor or pllatc pnduco n itiiinralo to tbnt effect to he cliarrd as follows ak and standard stuves ten shillings for each lock statioo all other raft whatever of whatever des cription of wood six shilliogb for each lock station rtftipasfing through ihe grcnville canal not to exceed seventy feet by sixteen those piwiog ihrough ihe citato a ulondeau and csrillom caoals not to exceed oqo buudred fret byiwcoiy six fcirottfrom a royal proclamation t dated at toronto mth of abrfmet i8s5 levying twu on the rideau canal hon kingston to bytuwn oe from fct- t0v jo hlnlrlmn cihio passengers 4j each children uoder 12 years of age 2s each sheep pigs nnd calves 6d oath dry goods wioes aud spirituous liquors i 6d per too irvo sod salted fish 3s 9d per too salt and sea coal is lod per too hen per baiifael thteo farllnoge other kinds of grain and potatoes perbush- u oae farthio rye aod buckwheat floor aod corn i per bushel one hairpeony rkm per barrell 3id jjcefand pork per hnrre 31 d jot ah per too 2 3d- jrl ash per too 2s 3d ul per foot lu bonis or scow p plot elm ac a timber west iodia isiavee 3e 4d par thousnod tho soma io boms or scows is 8d per 1000 heading per 1000 is 3d deals per looofeet io rafts 2s 6d tho same io boots aod scowl 6d boards modpjaoks per 1000 feet io 2i 6d the inme io boats or scows is cd shingles per thuuiaod m laths eftvtotl or split per 1000 3d saw logs from kingston tj bytowo and from bytowo to kingston is tnch tho aairro through oacb lock id- per log ash oars 2d per pair tanners bark per cord io raft is tho same in boats or scows 4rf lard butter tallow bees wax and ho- oev io barrels 4d per barrel fhe same in kegs 2d per k fire woofl io rafts par cord fa tho same in boats or scows 4d appks per barrel 3d tobacco anlie rate of 8d per hogshead stone frumquarriea 6d per toiso saud aod limo per barriquo id coaches carriages ood waggons in 3d each caleches gigs nod carts 71 oacb cheese per hundred weight 2d beor and cider per barrel 3jd all other merchandise at tho rate of 7e 6d per loo steam boats passing from kiogitoo to by towo jo per rip steam boats pussiug from bytowo to kiog- ston 20s per trip steam boats passing from perth to bytowo or kiogitoo aod ifiogicoo to perth 5s per trip steam boats patting from bytowo to perth jos per trip from kincsfooto bytowo enrryiog pattea- gers in addition iq the merchnodize or pro duce they may carry bargo 5s durham bojft 3s 6d largo bnueax 2 6d small bntteax is- gd from rytown to kingston barge 10s durham boat 7 lurpo htteraut 5s small ithttenux 3s boats aod cnooes for the first lock 6d aod id for each lock afterward id addition to the oierchsudizo or produco they may tarry rrnm kingston to first rajiidt nod from first rapids la kingston from first rapids to by- wwfc yuti fain ftxaxsn a mw hwnw tflhih passengers s each ildrcn uoder 12 years of ago it each at cstilo and horses 2s euclu jioep l nod calves 3d each itry guud wioes nnd spirituous liquors 9d per too vori and salted fish is i0d per too 3w and sa coal lid per ioo wheat per bushel one halfpenny ft ve ntid buexwhual flour tod curo meal p nushcl ono farthing inur per barrel ljd jjtef and pork per barrel id ptr ash per ton is 74d sari ash per ton i 7 v ubards and planks per 1000 feci i0d iftrdi boner tallow bees wax aod ho- m per banal 2d- omi same per kig id 5019 from qunrris per toijo 3d mkccso pr hundred weight id rrer nod cifler per barrel m all other articles to be suhjtct to the same lo fts from ftiogstoo to llyiowu nod ajfar- l passioa ono or more of tho locks between iiof and first rapids ot hetweeo first r aod bytowo to be charged wtih the he toll as if they had passed tho wholo dis to eg between either of ihose places the mansion house kingston u c r suhsctiher respectfully hecs leave to uuitj to tho travelling public that ho cou to occupy this eiteosivo and well kootta hotel- hc mansion hotrar is pleasaotly situated sjre sirtft hlnsj tho pnnrina and ren steam boit wharves aod no establishment of lis kiod in the upper province can surpass it io the eicellcoco and comfort of it apart ments both parlors aod bedrooms tbirryfour in number nil of which aro furpished io the very host stylo tho lintel has lately undergone a thorough repair nod is at present in most excellent or der aod condition for the accommodation of wow i tho public tho subscriber having kept a hotel for many years has acquired experience in that hoc and therefore trusts that with unremitting at tention to iho comfort of his guests ho will contiouo io meiit public patrorjnga in the rear of the mansion house there is a large yahd aod oxteosive stahliog aod where a livery stable i constantly kept qthe manstou house carriage and por ters uill always be in readinca to convey pas- soncersarid luggugo to aud from tho different steaip boat s carmino kiogstoo juoe22d 1836 103z farm for sale 1 fill resofercclleoilandbetogwest half of lot no 4 in the first con of fteftoricksburgh pleasantlyaituated biy f qointe and cooventeot to a landing there are about 60 a variety of fru cession on tbo steam boat acres under cultivation trees a frame dwelling house and a new barn 50 feet by so the stock crop mtn may be had by the purchaser at a valua tion- the greater part of the purchase money may remain to the hands of the purchaser for further particulars apply to the subscri ber on the premises tames silliman frederioksbijrgh july 8 1ss6 3z whisky thf subscriber respectfully iofatms his friends and the public in general that be has made arrangements for a consigaanent of 30000 gallons whisky part of which is now ready for inspectioo at itis store lower end of quarry street opposite carrells tavern the above article i 0 the best quality of fered for sale in this market and will be sold on the roosi reasonable terms for cash tavernkeepers aod retailors will find it to their interest to call joseph carbury kingston april 14ib 1836 s4z bank of british north america capital 1000000 stealijio iir 20000 sinncs or 50 cacu thsu foouths op whtch have iirn subsckia d ik england afd the ktmaljokr are kkm i- fm for thccolotllcs with powea to mcausc the capital the traveller guide of neat map of the fall aod islands visiting the falls of niagara with a neat map of ibe fall and islands plan of the village of the falls 8lc handsomely bound or sauat the chronicle and gazette office kingston may 6 1836 90 for sale a quantity of excellent writing iok at the chron gazette office corner of kiog london directors george dt rosco attwocdj eso edward blocht esq roaxtt bhowh es sir komui campbell brt roarat carter esq william horcrt chafksm esq james johh cumauhs et james dowie esq oliver farkcr esq alexakoir gillcspic joh william mrdlet esq william pembkrton es george richard rosisok esq m p johv waldron wright esq tbo and brock streets 9sz lake ontario 1836 the steam boat oswego cbpjbih rvc j ftlwtwrn wllv ijy pn laje ontario and the st mwattwfttethir and niagara as follows commeocinsr april 29th 1836 0pwards leaves ogdcnsburgh on friday erening kingston u c saturday moroing sacketis harbor u noon oswcgr l evening rochcai sunday morning toronto uc- for niagara and lewis ton monday niornin where he arrives early giving passengers all the day to visit the fall of niagara aod return by tlie boat do wh wards leaves lewistoo on monday evening rochester tuesday morniog oswego m afternoon sackens harbor l night kingston u c wednesday morning andarrives at ogdensburgh the same evecing touching at french creek morristown alex andria and brockville ct- parties intending visiting the falls of niagara buffalo or the different ports oo lake ontario will find the route via oswego or rochester to be the cheapest and roost expe ditious imiim leaving niagara in this boat on monday evening will arrive at mon treal uo thursday evening passing the most interesting pan of the st lawrence river by daylight 81 steam boat sir james kempt capt fkascis baker wm shaw sailing master varill on the oppnin nf th w w vwvv wr vinlar trips as usual w ill leave kingston for ie bay on tuesday and friday mornings win leave hie head of th ba for kingston and prcscott on wedneso and saturday mornings will leave prescott for kingston and th bay on mond aod rjiuudayevenings im mediately after the arrival b boa frotr the rapidity with which the british north american colonies have advanced in prosperity and commercial importance the vast increase of their population the high rate of interest ibe fluctuation of exchange the in adequacy of the capital already employed for banking operations aod the increasing facili ty of intercourse with the mother country saint out the different settlnneots of british forth america as affording a secure field for the profitable employment of capital for which purpose and wiih a view of promoting the mercantile and agricultural interests of the colonies the present ctnpaoy b5 beerj established the management of ihe companys affairs is vested in the loudon c of director and the banks in the coioltes are to be con ducted by hi- boards apptnied by them a general meeting of the proprietors is to be held yearly in london to whom a statement of the companys affairs will be submitted power has been reserved to the directors to apply for and accept on behalf of the estab lishment a charter of locorporaiioo or act of parliament a deposit of 10 sterling per share 0 jj twb wltlinitytffflafeta letter of allotment at the rate of exchange hhercin hied and the deed of seitleojeni to be signed at the time of payment after payment of the deposit the retnminder of the capital will be required by installments not exceeding jelo sterling per share an such intervals of not less than three months as the directors may god necessary to carry tihe ob jects of ihe bank into operation of whicfa due notice will be given the undersigned commissioned to represent the court of directors in america and lu visit the sereral colonies for the purpose of putting the affairs of the bank into operation hereby gives notice that he will be ready to receive and consider applications from person resi dent io the province of upper canada who may be desirous of becoming shareholders in the capital stock of ihe cotnpany addressed to him at the post office at montreal on cr before the i cr day of august next robert cart1er new yorkj 14th july 1836 form of application roijlilt cartcr esq post o me riaa north kingston 4th march 935 73z to roan carttn esq post office montreal sir i request that you will allot shares id the bake or br america and i hereby engage to pay the de posit of 10 sterling each upon so m 0 such shorts as you mav allot to me 1 the time place and raie of exchange to be speci fied in your letter of allotment and at the same lime to execute the deed of settlement inn str v our obedient servant signature at ungth place ootorfe date alt tkttfifts most be post tatd- ono half per foot 10 tjui or icowt ooe fanhiog iitm i rartl namely- uaftom penny per cubic foot one rtrthog per cubic foot- sudhd suves liosper ioou 1000 llwt id bottl or p leathersoleandupperofvarioos tannages calf skins kips c c for sale by larocque bernard co who will keep n large assortment constantly on hand may 18 i82 just finished and fur sale at the store 00 the corner of king aod book- brock street a large assortment of account books of best maemlsand workmanship for sale at montreal prices k blank booksor paper well and correct ly ruled to any pattern at short notice kingston june i 1835 for sale 4 t ibe commercial wharf kingston foot a of store street whiskey salt plaster of paris st water lime by the subscribers truax phillips kingston 23d may 1336 95z notice wright ingersoll have beer forsale at mr florence donoghues tc- vern kingston in barrels and smaller quanti ties to suit purchasers fredericksburg 10th january is6 notiofc rwill e subscriber bc ta lo arqoainl m friends and the public rencra tha hd has received nvoices or dig f nnicle par tho ship thalia from liverpool aud aro now 011 the way from montreal t1 black and blue faopcrfine west i e cloths oltvo green acd medly color do do do double and single milim gatstortlyt do do fnney buckskins the latck lo0il pattero f vienna ami marseilles veatinit with suim hid trimminp for the nbcv tjje whoe xxiii he found inferior to oone lho alrkei both for durability aod cheapoc tho latest fashions fc received and gentlemen accommodated uiih asuitin iwolvo huurs j o takes this opporty of reqoeb those customors whoso ac ar0 of i standing to cull nnd setho hs a gcarco urticlo in market and lhc preicll t ijunl of upper canada public notice is hereby riven tltnu a general meeiinr of the stockholdei 0 this bank is requested 10 be held at the kbk on wednesday the 24th day of august next at 10 oclock in ihe forenoon for the purpose of electing a director to serve during x re- mainder of the present term in the place if the hon- peter rbmmiti who has resined nnd for business which will be then comnmi ted by order of the board thos g ridout cuir bank of upper canada toronto 13th july 1336 the edltots e nwpr who bavr i lii paf would bo very acceptable tt lim j0 oliphant idii kingsmn 14th june 18 jfew testament for schopls jtt the comer of king brock street just published aod 0fo for m a hand- some edition of this b- io the press mummys english reader kingston ang 1 1835- new goods armstrong fe3k in lhe al trillion of ihe public v s d stock of dry goods cr i i for the bjink of upper can to giro ihis notice one incrtiou villbs wte iiitd just received a d for sale by the subscriber u 1 ii h ii il 14 14 u 1 k ine oij cognac brandy u hollaodgininpipesagas jamaica spirits l p port wine madeira sherry in pipes and qhirter casks teneriffe champaigne julys brand scotch ale in bottles muscovado sugar doubt retined loafdo best white wine vinegar day martins liquid paste l tm coffee spiers indiso starchy snc button blue turkey figs cuij raisins almonds ifcc c armstrong c gber ogston 8ih july li36 a w toes and liquors whith gltfm from day 10 day receiving by nys barges kinsion 1st july i3 dr meagher at the medical brock st immediately adjoining fl and inlandcumpa- i kingstou cabinet w house sfore st oprosixt tue cwyftciaft hotel e cone aofusl l i93- 0 6r mrs tolkiens and directly opposite mr johj q phanis kioeston july 191936 for sale a number of copies upper canada g lute provincial justice towoshi j nusl c- stc at ihe chronicle aa uueu of- 6ce corner of king and brock streets kingtion 19th july 1836 speech of da trohas rolfm a the constitution al dinner or gutlph on the 95a july 1836 the chairman theo rose aod said have another toast tat propose to viu the hoalth of a gentleman through whose oal aod per severance wo are much iotlchtod for the grch victory we have won it is needless for me to expatiato on his claims you heard him at guelph aud you are anxious to beor him again i give ynu dr thomas rolph of aucastcr health and prosperity to hitnw this toast was received with loud and cuuti oued applause dr rolph then roao aod spoke to the fol lowing effect gentlemen i feel that i am not at nelson but at guelph to say i thank you nould inn feebly eiprcsi the overpowering emotions your kindness bus awakened io my breast it is impossible that i should not bo overcome by this more than kind reception but you know little of ji if ynu iruagio that any feeling personal to myself or any gratification of my own could give that delight which my soul experieoces u tho triumph of tbo constitu tional cause iu this cuunty nnd the piovineo at large in the arduous sirupglo iu which wo were engaged i gloried 10 takiog a prominent and coospicuous part for ibis i have beoo lavishly traduced 1 have been called a hire ling of tho government geotlamen my support of the cuoslitutiooal cause liko your owo was ardent and enthutiatie but sponta neous free and unpurchaseable it was the offtpriog of grateful loyally aod fervent at tachment to british supremacy i have been also accused of nppcaling to the passions of iny irish fellow countrymen i flin- hack tho foul calumny nu those who invented it nud thus imputed to me the envenomed malignity of their own cankered and ficudliko hearts it was themselves nho attempted to aroue tho iudigoation of the sons of erin by the un- assim ffsftsgai8s8f m msm ife- hood that tho british gnveromeot wore about establishing tythes in this province they well koow the jnst natural nud excessive sco- sitiveness of the irish people on thnt subject ihcy knew that their hatred of tithes was ns lasting as their love uf justica they well knew ihat some of them had lot thir nearest and dearest relations in some of thecnsnogutood conflicts which their collection had at limes occasioned and they vniuly iniagiood thai by this shameless assertim they would enlitt the irish aguiust the govoroment- gentle men i appealed on tbo contrary to their good sense their indomitable patriotism and abovo all to that unquenchable loyally which is ns indigenous to their nature as the sham- ruck to their soil they responded nobly 10 the appeal and defeated the hired exertions of that incarnation of mnlignily who wrote addresses fur the li raenihers and whose very existence was intorwoveu iu the return of a similar house of assembly tu tho lust who would cram nnd gorge him with tho public plunder loud cheers gentlemen wo have triumphed aye glo riously triumphed the cloud that had been collected so bog and threatening to break in tempest and ruin on our heads has passed harmlessly nway the seige that was drawu round the constitution is raited and tho ene my are gono juvat ire tt doric castca wo nitty tiuw go uhroad without fear and iraco the dangers from which wo have escap ed gentlemen if the house of assembly had succeeded in their profligate designs of rendering the executive council responsible we should imvo papinoau bod his guilty satel lites ruliog the lower province aud bidw mackenzie perry and thegaug the rulers of this the colonies might still have been end ed british colonies but the power and author ity of great britain would hnvo pnssed away va are fully justified then in love in our fa ther land tu shout our pteaus 10 celebration of this spleodid triumph one that will he as re- oowucd iu the annals of cauahisu history ns the wreating of magna chart by the hnld british barons from the hands t king john under the streaming red banner of st gcoego in tho achievements of great britain en thusiastic cheers gentlemen we ete awnro of the difficulties which wo had tu surmount but we entertained the condoling hope that seconded by the intelligence and energy of british subjects we should bo euauled suc cessively to efface the rcmainbriioco and tho effects of ibai wicked faction whose only ob ject was the destruction of the constitution aud their own aggrandize incut tu the new house of assembly we luok with sulicitudc and anxioiy but also with full cunflncuce nj hopeful expectation we feel convinced that by encouraging agriculture by promoiinp m- igratioo by giving to comincico uninterrupted activity thru the public welfare will gradually resume now strength tho into hutltt which had well oigh shorn the province of its glory was a strnugo mixture of periucss equivoca tion aod obsequiousness thcro was an avt dent porpnic io be uncivil scarcely controlled by their apprehension of failure they were always willing to wound and at tho same time most discreetly afraid 10 strike at uoe moment they looked big and lold the govern or that thtey wero ill treated they then stopped tho supplies irtiplored their constitu ents to sanction this act of avowed hostility agaiust the government nnd then insolently dcfiid the governor to mabo an appeal to ihe people by the dissolution of the house when he did so at iho rcquesl of an outraged people they shuffled and paltered and hoally ihey crioged and betrayed a great anxiety 10 abatr insulted constituents to subtnit if they couhl but discover some plausible way of letting themselves down caay but it would not do the great bulk of tbo canadian population oxhihiicd again tluit dotifol nod devoted at- lachmeot to the mother country for whieh in years post they so freely shed tbeir blood even thoo tjf them who opposed the govern or did so uqiler mtlafcen ootlons and wroog impressions the emissaties of the allianee society had been actively circulating tbeir false malignant treasonable papers buk they iouod their cajolery of linle use ihp great mass was sound amongst tbean many were to bo found exhibiting that pairiotisca wblch sees the whole country iotioaiety con nected with individual prosperity amongst them was found that overbidioe love pf li berty that devotion otba iutitatlona of iho country tbtspiritbteb beholds tn nbediecea to the laws ibe first duty of 1 freeaaanin word all those qualities which unite the mem bers of socioty and give to it its strength and promote its harmonious aetioos may tboy long reap tho rich reward of their zeal 6deli- ty and patriotism aa tboy have already secu red the fervfmt affectioo of every native bri- tou loud cheers gontomen io the djs solution of the latojfoutoof aasambly and the election of the present the only obslqtle to real reform is removed 0 very thing human there wall bo aboaes of power which uo poasiblo constitution ean wholly guanl against the present governor cooporatiog ivitb the present parliament ill diligently and faithfully correct whatever is amiss tho important task of real reform therefore will be heoceforward the main object of bis attea tion and in discharging it wo cannot doubt hut that he will be guided by the soma impfer tinlity aod the saino solicitude for the public welfare which he has endeavored bitbeno iq display io all the acis of bu governments by fixed principles will aecuro to every maq his property commerce agricultore and mat nufactures will be 00 longer obstructed but have free course like rich springe nf public and piivate prosperity cheers when tho new house assembles it will be matter of utile consequence how the two leare ed doctors from norfolk and oxford the in lelleetuaf qemini thoso brilliant onstella tions of the political zodiac the castor and pollux of reform por nobite fratrum will vote with reference to speaker this tiie- i there will be no coqueuings nn fitrtalrona with them no commissionerships promised tours chalked out and appoiotmenu formed the ouly apprehension is that the unoeo will bo too insensible of tbeir merit ton regardlesa of their patrintism loud laughter cveq jockey of norfolk must not be too bold as neither perrys buftoooery ltidvoir solemnity nor mckenzies scrupulosity will bo forth coming 10 bis aid what a dearth of talent there will be now this celebrated triumvirate has gone false were their words aflvcted was their wit so often did they aim so seldom hit loud laughter but gentlemen although the conduct of theso pseudo patriots was any thing but calculated to excito merriment in tho country they so pluodered and deceived yet i always took consolation in the hope that no dubt every tfcnta w ftv tte 6et of which the surest sign is in tba end when things are at tho vorst they soenetime mend cheers and laughter gentlomon the preseot condition of that a- haudooed aod miscreant factioo is quitohepe less that of the constitutional reformer cboer iug and encouraging io the extreme the for mer without a leader of any consequence the latter with the governor aa tbeir guide and coadjutor tho former will move io jockey of norfolks train like a flock of geese- birds of a weak fliht move always io aline but the il wonderful aod majestic to its soar ings shows n its very stoops the power of its wings tremendous cheers tho late fa cctious houso of assembly knew thai ther was some terment in the country and iustead of endeavoring lo allay it they increased it to tho utmost of their poiver itecausc ihere were not watittqg ariful aod dangerous men desi rous of keeping alive the worst spirit amongst us but they were defeated thoso who loved their country who respected its laws who venerated its institutions thoso fho clung to tho sources of private happiness aud publie prosperity were resolved to uphold with firmness nnd with temper the government uor der which ihey lived and the constitution in which they gloried reared by the accumu lated wivdiim and defended and supported by tho alfcctiuo tho courage nnd the zeal of suc cessive ages ihey wero aware it might be just ly said to combine more political advantages nnd tu ho ulloved by fewer imperfections than any other uhicr has hitherto existed io tbo wuild they saw in the governor a roan who if not thwarted in liia endeavors to act in an- cunlauce with tho gracious instructions of aj patriot kiog afforded the fairest hope and promise of gradually ood safely amending all that is valuable in the government of tbo pro- vine of consolidating all tho parts of this nourishing colooy in ono real and practical union of mutual benefits aod universal prospe rity i ii of boart and of resolution obo dienco to the inws onergy against oppromon aro the surest foundations of tho happiness of a country lt is by theso means that upper canada will maiuiaio i name its liberty end glory defended by tbo migbtj arm of great

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