Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 30, 1836, p. 4

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t muuirittjohn baskix ill london for further iufor- notice- commissioncr for crotrn lwjt oftc tornrho ujlil may liiio- s iijf times and places for sale of crown undj nod cicry reserves during the present year will bo at follows jjv rfs tresticftv district for crown litirja and olerny rtnorvrs in the county of kent nnd town lot in clul bsm aud erroll nt chatham n iho lt tor- day io june ami on ilie finu tuesday in july au us september nd october following for clergy rimerve in tlic county of e sex and tuivo lots in bftodwieh and am herstburb m sandwich on ibo third wed nesday io june qnd on tbo third wednesday in j lily august september and uctoberful- reference may be madn to tbe acl fr the crowo for ihl district mr ilkll jones residing io chailmcu for further iu- formation uf tihc lqjsdoy district for clergy reserve in ih coonry of nor folk at simcoe on the ui june and ou tbe 2d july 2d aueu- ul september ki oc tober and 1st november following for clergy reserves iu tbo couuty of ox fotd nt rlandford on tbo 4th juu and oo the 5lli july 5lh alljtrtl 5th september 4th october find 4b november following for clergy reiervcs in the county of middlesex n town luis in loudon at lon hon on tbe bib juue aud ou tbe 8ih july 9ul august 7th september tib october uod on the sth november follow in reference may be inde to the tbocroftufnr t esquire reidin ut the home district tor town low iu port credit aud brooti to ibit city oo the 23d may iuiaot and for such crown lauds and clergy rcorve as are for sale at this city oo tbe sccoud tuesday in june and on tbe ftccood tuesday io juiy august september and october following jjv the jvbucastlr district for crown laud clergy reerv9 and town lot in peterhorouch nod lindsay m peterborough oo tbe first tuesday io juueod on the firt tuesday io july august septem ber aod october following for town lois in the village lately survey- ed at the mouth of the treut io that touo on the 15th of juno and oo the 2ud wednes day in july august september aod octo ber followior reference may be made to the aceuf for the crown for this district alexander mc- donnell esq residiog at ictetborough for further informal ion wv the mitfmsr tustict for clergy reserves io the couuticsof ldu- ark aod carlton at bytown on the 2d wed nesday iu juoo and on the 2d wednesday in july august september aod october ful lowing for towo lot io ricbmood at thai towo oo the same days jjv the ottawa district for clergy reserves in tbo counties of preicott aod russell at bytowo oo the 2d wednesday io june and oo the 2d wednes day to july august september aod octo- ber following reference may be made to th afidi of the crowo for theae districts john mc- naliito i rcsidiog at ityiovrn for further iofotmatioo tyscbedulesor the particular lots to be tnii in each towothip specifying also the terms of sale have been printed and will bo put up at the court house at the ottces of clerk of the peace aod sherriff aod io other conspicuous place in each district which schedules may be had oo application to the coteroissioocr for crown lauds or any of the abovooamed agents schedules are preparing for the midland and other districts io which there ate crowu lands or clergy reserves for sale and noti ces of these sales will he speedily givco- peter robinson- 1st oct 95z l onta steamboat avrauuemciid for 186 cr artek thc 1st w e m tub or m 5 follows csatec just alfrjv ed great and important news from virginia rgillis day noiico ha ueeo received of tbo j3l virgtllrt srhcmeb to bo drwn during i be month of llrusl pwminj5 i sur k of pnae never beforo oirerel iiieludiog 3 capital of m well a i do of the ghbat dttltauf caft- whitkktj gouty up legw itt tuilv say vtrt hrohvtllff kiuzloq 0wcai cubours tltitliy hon lon toronto ernning do fofiiicon vrnina morn do do gi morn 1 119 noon litviston youngstuu rochester oswgi sftchet lljrbor kingston friday and orrirrtttt niagara jutenbton and lew isiou the same forenoon cotntng iloivn fepwl lewision saiurfay 2 afternoon niatnt do ttonlo do m id dn furt hope sunday mommf coltourg do do losneo jo n i kioamon monday rrockvillc do i and nnivnnl proscott ww afternooo tnurb- aftenl for coios op and coming down at alexau- i dna bay od french creek passengers leevinc niagara bv the great britain on saturday will arrive tu montreal ou j tuesday evening- tr3- passengers by either boat will pass i davuebt nt 0parties from the south intending to visit mayan i lious route to take the lavc steamers ut oswego or kq dated mdv 2c 1s30 tslt ux1tkd states capt van clcve going up leaves h and prvkotl sunday muoday rbor do do tuesday do and arrive it youngstown and lyon wriiietday mornins giving passeogcrj nit he du to visit the falls aod return by lira boat coming own leaves ocdenshur kingston saceterb oswego rochester toronto 5 p m morning noon kveoins morning evening lcwitod e-ir- 530 i do of 2un iu tlramj cotta to he drawn in aogust that distant adventuroi furward iheil orderi as dtdated 1arly 5 may lntterics nil notice i giwo bo onubled 10 ii tunc to j sylvester iso broadway x evening do morning kvcoiog night mortimff pedi r wednesday 7 do 8 thursday do do 12 friday and arrive at ogdonburgh same afternoon touching nirij- up 3nd coining down at mor- risiown brockvilk alexandria bay and french reek- pasene inving the niagara by the uni ted staic rt wednesday evening will reach montreal m saturday eronin e s lawtruce from kingston to montreal by hi will find it a pleasant and ex- ester- 10 prizes of one thousand dofcr virginia slta loitei v clasl no 10 for tbo benefit of the pciet burg ben ulech at- sociaiioti to be drawn at alexandria va saturday- ancni f sent mr 3u0u 50 prizes of 200 hollars 0u of 150 dollar 53 uflno dollars c ticket s10 shares in proportion certificate offl packnge of sb wholo tickets will coit only 8i3u ilalvesand qonnere iu i proportion delay not to send your orders to fortune homo mronus is hereby given that tho l partnership betueco tbe undcrsivneil at point henry store under the firiu of kdward xoblo co expired ibis day all persons indebted to them aro requested to pay the amount of their accounts to kdward xoble who will pay all debt tin by the ute find edward noblk andrew mcadoo david duff point henry m llv 10 is3u 92z cdttvid duftcontioues the business at the store removal oren strong hereby tenders bis grateful acknow ledgments ion generous public for he verv flaiicrinr suppon hr ha received while i keeping tbe steam hoof hotel in this placo s niintous customr opened his most splendid establishment the north american ii otel coboukg situated near the fmfll boat landing where he will ihankfully receive and promptly attend the call of his customers af fording them accomodations which shall not be surpassed by those of any establishment in ihuchidictl bene- tliefrovinrc said siaoo will be found io oft norfolk to drawn ai w3 vf 25000 8000 sjono 3000 ifd wwloacquami doiinr40 1 uiiat ie has 1i113 laj feh ca5a0a mutcal ti l- p4kt at a mcciing of iht land dumct dui c by gjg freeholders of ii mi iv eouile1 i lishitient of muiuj ufta89r veniscmcm pursuant io year of ihc reign of wi to ihorize tpe esiablishmeai of musl 1 heseverildiss ihe court hquwl iowo of kingston on monday ihe 6 june instant ai 12 oclock 11 qo ib purpose of considering whld it be to establish in such district a pie s company on the principle of muiml u raoce in cooformiiy with the proi the above mentioned act and upwards j s coerobers bctnj present ar ihe said awi llonrv cabd eg having beencalich the chair anj mr v da retary it was virginia state iottirycianj fit the benefit of volent socwtt of albxnoctria va saiurdny aug 13 iftjfl capitals thirty thousand dollar s30ihxi 10000 sfiooo sjm0 83000 25uu 2000 50 of i00u 20 of 5u0 20 of 300 tidtta t n dollars a cenificaio f a parkige of 25 whole tick ets ill ho soi for 130 dollars packages of halves ffiinrurd aud eichlhs in proporlion 1 riving ar and lakiog heir passage from this boats that touch bay river the sptendid steam boat h 0alder miitbk- wili iave preicott for tho llmd of the biy of qiiinte on tueftdnya fltid fridays on tbo arrival of tho steamer iklpiiix touch i5 at hrockvmlo find inin shonill leave kiuf tou on lir ipvard trips on wed- noidjiys and saturdays at half ptisl 8 ttclorh- a m uod will call at tho fulloning pla ces h mohawk vibuosi sorhjasburgui amemsdiacm and carryiog ltace fitroeitftiksoftg alkjlphistohw hallowcll scanun 5i and orriva at the trent the atoo kvonio- she will leave tbo trent andcarrjins place od the evrniog of wednesday and sunday for belleville and leave hcllevtmo for prescort on mondays and thursdays at halfpast 6 a- mm callior nt all the iotermediate places the buftcievilix will leave ponctually as kciefticd represcnfuhoiin avin been made to the committee of the hzqn by men iu business that it would ffrily accommodate ilia public and allay the ajtehension winch many entertain bv the rnpd movements of boih the king ston and birfclriffi cunqucm on the opposi tion if the fmy of one of ihe boats wm alter ed and exressiuffa wish that thfl kingston would take other days although convinced lhat ihcy in ibe right of keeping the davsuf last year ai be injustice of another lloat jkinc the me days wbvn there were other dv of the week unoccupied the commit tee of the kingston bcc w intnnatc to the pub lic that ii order to afford them grvaier facilities an convenience they have decided on altering the days ol sailing under the con r station that it will be duly apjirccta- v herefore give notice that ibf the txitanj uy c consolidatbd lotte- btss no- 33 fur j t drawo at wilmington wednesday aug 1836 stirpmi- 30000 5010 3000 lie 17 plans m the several suarn daily at the wharf the proprietor of tbe above establishment continues his line of stages io the rice lake nnd from thence to peterborough which is well furnished with good covered carriages first rate llor and careful drivers seals may be taken at this house in tbe kingsion aod toronto mail stage morses ami carriages are constantly in read iness io convey passeogeis st luggage to any part of the country cobourp u- cm may 1st 1836 looz dollar 1 dollars till dollars 20 prizof 1 20f0 1x10 n20 uf 9ju20 of 150 c tickets only i dollars a crriificaio of a parkae of 25 whole tick etj will be sent for go dullarsphckages of shares in proportion ottery no 4 town of wells- alexandria saurday rnjt ted- tlic future the virginia state i tor thtf benefit of thi hur to uc drawn a aug 20 1890 icnmvtliirtf thousand dollars ff 615010 fcfi000 83uup slotw luof imq 15ofrtoit 20 0 8500 20 uoftkwviottf on e e tickets only len dollars certificate f a package of 25 wholo tickets in this munificent scheme may be had fur 130 xotice the subscriber having made arrangements to mitt on the buintj of auction eer and general commission merchant in the exicnsive and coue nient premises formerly occupied by parker ic hfircsox io store street takes this oppor tunity of anuouueiug his roadioess to receive consignments angus cameron auctioocer comroissioo merchant kiurston may 14 1038 92 the montreal gazette will lcase copy this duf s moath cliilflrcns friend society we appointed sec uesolvod that the freehold m sent at tins meeting deem it expedeot 0 l a i ire nurarke company upon ihc priocmu of mutual lusurance within the midland dis trict pursuant 10 the statute lately passed resolved tbw h cassady wngarnti and thiioias kirk pat rick etqrt be a comoi lee to open a book and receive sub9ripttoair stock and whereas the freehol jen tbea m sent betn fortv or more and tlx sumi foj which i hey hound themselves to effect iosy ranee mowntfj tojeiher o oo0ocurrtact and upward and are thereby ordained cgq stuuted and declared by theaid acuobeabi- dy corporate and politic in fact by and udti i the name aod ltywrf mutual pireltio j ranee compa ay of for the midland diuikl now we thf undersigned len freeholders pre sent at the said meeting aod bound fottfct insurance with the saij compaay and bem members thrcok do hereby ive ooiice tint we call ft meii5 of the said company io u held at the court houe in the towo cf king ston ftfbrccaid on monday the 18th day of ju ly next at 1 icloelf at noon for the porpese of eleciin scvin directors to mdajfe tcj conduclthe propery affairs aod concerns of the said compaoy pursuant to the provtsiwi of he said act h casadv tmn kincpatfiici jutes mimguciu hrrriiy saiitift jk kingston 7th june steam boat dollars- package prnporiiun of halves and quarters io p zzltstcltj 1cob boktsr d o w k w a ma5tcr us advertised and as she will stop only a few i i r carrying place on tuesday itintitos m each place except when there may 1 and rniwi mnrninssial 3 oylock loturhinj k uli frthittufcjtu n4 ra ia um c at the rtvl tftml a nl i i c hit t k tijltu 830 lake ontario t1ix sttumowat it 100 be freight passengers are requested to bo iu readme tha speed and elegant accommodations of the hnocrvtllk are so well knnito that they require do further reeonuneodatior for freight or passage apply to the captaitj oo board or to tho cnmwrrtkf s jvnsnn s itnrtlctr belleville j j- miller malluwcll l mcnider kinsn hubert harvey rrock- villo and the following a cents thomas pranrprmmtt henry lislier baih john anderson frcdrickuurjh samuel cney adolpbustown snuiuti suhnes sophias- burgh win porti co alohawk villige thursday thomas mrrlahon ameliaburrh sheldon nilerm ilawley river treut charles bigr car- i r plac t trent ameliasburh belleville soplnashuin culbertwns scanlina wharf hillowel adjpliustown krjencksburgh and dftta io kineston will leave kinoo same day r g p m 00c al fairmans ga- wnoqu hfockrllle and arrive at prcscott in time lor lb steam boat tor montreal wmi t cewakos l preooti everv wednesthu and saturday v fa immcdinlclv after the arrival m btmt from below loucbinff nt brockville prtni cirtvk and arrive at kng- sum early i inrnrt5- kiflfriion cvry monday and iroui- at 9 oviock touching at ill a 31 moth scheme riucima state lottery nv 5 endowing the lechurg academy and for other purposes to bo drawn at alexan dria va satnrrtny apr 7 83- caritalmo00 sftoo 4000 3100 dollar- 2 0jo dollars l0g7j ilollnn 1nj of iwhi hollar iii of imhldohtrs 20 of00dohnrs3j if 200 c ticket ten dollar a cornficai of a parajo of whole tickets will he sent for 130 dolltrs- hflwes quarters and eigbths io pruporiiaa orden tickets or packygcu iiiust he aihrecri in a for siuglo s j i sylvester croiduay n- vnucu etl alout i6 a till d on when erat ary in hi hi i sunnut i tijiih rap ihe untied and i slates ute pne5aod arrive at the c-k- saiue ewmns in time to meet rying placi tcr eq kiogstou i ftlso it tho stores of john couo- and aleisr trtiax phillips lgth may is3g 97a or cobour 1ort llope and to xasb the op taxizo ktkam p a r k k f william capt losqjy milliard propelled by a low pressure eogioe of horse power the only bout that rati between presom nn to ronto without erqtine be like to or from 0wt will on the opening of the navigaiinn conimence her regular weekly trips running as follows fix will leave prescotl for niagarji every satur- day evening after the arrival of thefkeao montreal stages or steamboats touch ing at brockvihe and gananoquc kingston sunday morning cobourg and port hope sund capt n johnson propelled by a loic pressure engine of 50 horse power the ovlt steam boat which jliks rkcc lakly tctwetv klvgstotf ad otw eco ill leave kingston every monday wednesday the stages ropto- all packifjesnnd loggse at the risk of the owner unb given in charge of the puiser and booked every auetiunn will he paid to the conduit nf iwi- a the boat is well adapted io ukelrtht horses slc- ic i william beaton hiij r flctlvc youi lit left piittjurh a br cnnnilttm irowmfa in sttppoedjfti iive gotie anv informal ion resprctn- turn ivill be thank fully received by his fitfbr donald beaton- pititbnrsb july 7ih isso 3ut editor m dm united sla rt will ennfrr i by copying rhftitlmvc ivnr m f is36 07z jus puiisiffl for sale at the comer of kin- and brork streei own copirsof murray english reader diiltlrenfl rwihr sobcrriher 1 s i n vph jlu f stlc at tbe corner if king nm streei ready reckon ernu kennios grammar ktt8o0 jan ifi li stereotype ednion- august 4 1sj5 11 police o emsmiiii tv nndermentioned government ageni just rccc nd for sale at in 7ette olfice corocr street a lare juantity tf a if lay even- ms- c h i city of toronto monday morning hamilton monday afternoon and ar rive at niagara on the same evening downwards will leave niagara for prescott every tues day afternooo at 7 oclock city of toronto wednesday morning at 10 oclock cobourg nod porthope wednesday eveoiog kinaton thurday roorninj toiiebing at unanoque and brockvihe aod ar rive at prescotl in tbe afternoon passengers leaving niagara on tuesday evening aod the city of toronto wednesday foreooooby the wimuk iv will arrive in montreal on friday evening passing tho thousand islands in the day time this boat so favorably known to ihe travelling public as first rate sea boat and combining the indispeosablc requisites of peed punctuality aod comfortable accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors trust receive a very liberal support por freight or psage apply at the post office at prescott or brockvihe b phillips kingston h e niehols cobourg harbor co- port hope 1 brown toronto d c 8unn and a land hamilton j niven fit 9 niagara wm duffand wra wynn queeoston or to the captain on board vau freight patjabu on delivery to con- tsgnces and all parcels and luggage at the risk of the ovjners unless given in charee of the rtrrrerand booked prescou april 8 1836 9g2 v wednesday and iridjy morning half past 8 oclock and oswego every tues day thursday and saturjay atsame hour until further notice aod on sundays will extra trip leaving kingston at 6 a aft nnd rettirninq hie same evening the canada which has run for many years between toronto and niagara is schooner rigged aod is well known to be second to none as a safe sea boat she is well calcula ted to convey both freight and passengers wiihsafeiv and expedition for freight or pissage apply to messrs trohridge st grant oswego phillips kiogston or board kingston may 23d 183g m on application afford emigrant mforroaiijn relative to the crowo land for sale in itir respective distriris and tire eon- i i linos uon which thtv may be obtained- j seott emigrant agent pies- ping paper- july 11 1sj6 on nwdei ie terms chroniele ga- f king an 1 brock excelleni wrap- he gore baxflv annual general meeting of the stock- 4z agent to llic crown lands peterboro messrs truajc to the captain ou 94z church c to soil or to kent a large and commodiou dwelling house pleasantly situated in the vil lage of napanee the house contains eight rmmt and other conveoieoeet and accommo dations suitable for a family apply to a macpberuun esq napanee or in kingston udr dieh jciqgstvn 9tbapr l83tf 6ft of england psalms ff with and iviihout niusic sold at ihe chrooirc gazette ofiics kingatoo may 17 1836 93 wanted immediately two journeymen cabinet makers and an active vouns man as appreniire to the same business liheral wages will he given none but persons of guod habits need apply r conk kingston u c may 20th 1836 4z wool itantck cash paid forrleao wool of a good quality in the fleece nt tbo woollen fac tory gaoauoque may 17 ljg 93ui tailoring business jd seelev would repifuhy inform the inhobiiants of kmgsion and its vici nity that he continues to carry on the above business at his old stand in store street di rectly opposite the commercial hotel and he hopes by punctuality strict attention to busi ness and reasonable charge to merit the con tinuation of patronage he has o liberally re ceived the past year aud he assures the public that nopaius will be spared on ins part to give every possible satisfaction j ds will receive the most approved fash tonj every spriog and fall n b one or two irst rnic journeymeo will find coolant employment by applying to the above none but lirst rate workrmrn nerd apply- kiiigmoo 1j miy issg 0 co joh- dsirict mr jhkn mraaughton agent to the com- missioot j crown lands bytowa bath- urst disiiict mr anthony mannhan emigrant agent kingston m disirict r mcdonetl commissioner for newcastv district mr jt fi ain agent for the com- missiodii for crown lands loudon lopdon district mr ifrnnj j janes agent to the com- missionti fur crovo lands chatham wtt- j tern oimrjr they vil also give information as to ihe j routes dinaoces and rates of conveyance to those pans of the province to which fmi grants niny be desirous of proceeding and dl reel ihosti in want of work to pluces where thrv can obtain it the undermentionej gentlemen have beeo furnisheil with mips of ibt townships open for location and will give emigrants infor mation trelattve io the lauds for sale io their respective neighborhoods mr jvnglc cornwall fiaer brockvihe mckcozie bath baldwin belleville frfield hallowcll brown cohourg kngsmill port hope jutltoi sandwich boiwi p stanley ironside amhersiburgh kmigrjints in want of information or em ployment on their arrival at toronto are di rected to apply at the emigrant oflice in the public buildings a b iiawke- chief emigrant aent for u canada emigrant ohice toronto may 34 1336 j nyiloo tjis ediirtr f lh kinitn chrooicle mnntrral giitftte iboiirj star and the loadaa lfimci arc rqucitcd t iotnt tba nboifc notice in bcir rncct- jvo paptft and lo continue tho tamo uotit tl slut of octob h l i ii t ac 41 4c notice commissioner of cran lands office toronto joil may 1836 j the time and places f- the sale of crown and clergy reserve duriog tho present year will be aa follows mjiilam di raicr at belleville for crotvn 1041 in the couoty of hastings no the 9db june 2flih july 20ih august- soih sepumbcr 2cth october and 21st november at apanee ff crown iviods io the coun- tiei of lenox sf addtngtott on tlie 24th june 25th july 2lth auguiti 24th sep- toitiher 2lh october and 231 november at kinton for crown i and ill the couoty nf ftottttc ou the audi juno 2flih july 29th august soih ssptbmbar 28th october and 20th november at belleville for clergy reserves io tho couutv of bastings on ih solbjuoe 20th hint commodious house and siore lately july 20ib auusr 20th september 20tb occupied by messrs j d brycc co situal- october aod 21 tt november if ol at aaponce fr clcrjy ii serves in the cottu to let erobi the first day of november next net uf lenox mmgt h ihe24ih juno s5th july 24 ib ansus 24th september 21th october and ih ovember at kingston for clergy reserves io the couoty of frontcnac on the thirtieth juoe tweoiyeihth july urtynioth aogust- mcotyuinth septodliior incotyeichtb oc- luber aud pvtmiyninth jrvember schedules of th particular lot lo bosold in each township nod apeeifying also tho term of sale have breo primed aod will bo put up at the court house at tho offce of the cloik of ihe peace and sheriff and atoth- places in the duirict which schedules eati est side of store street in the kingston near the commercial hotel- these premises are exceedingly well adapted for commercial purposes bein situat ed m lhat part of the town best calculated for all kinds of business if necessary possession will be given on the 1st of june next- for further particulars application may be made either to james nickalls juo esq kingston or io robert maxwell fsct montreal bank quebec kingston sth moy is35- 63z er bo had on application fur crowu lands or to mot foquifo deputy reside iu the dfeitict aud era i salt 105 peter robinson to iho jomrmsatoiipr samuel s wil- surveynr who will uperiotcud tho sov- imufni surgery r wood ilkntisp will remain a few days at mrponalds ilotel m the practice of in- prolvion ytfz kiofinin may js hh 91 w21l51213s ffoesssosi barber ini hair uresscr i grai itui for tin liberal patronage be ins received from iho public he iiohs to merit a roruiniiaiirv of ft- druti honed and dicmssku january l ixt new goods nillle subscribers are now receiving by the last arrivals from loniwn livcrfool and glasgow extensive assortments of the t various kinds of staple and fancy i drv fioods lacks small wares gtctc lhat they are in the habit of importing itobert armour fy co rlonirral may 26 1s36 looz to millers just received direct from the maoufac hirers in bliropo wilh whom arrange meats have been made for a constaot supply of articles uf the best rjualhy viz ural dutch bolting cloths assorted hhiikuiores patent do do kreu ii burr stones for sale by larocqcej bkknakd co july 20 i tz dltid johx silttb jotix mowt jour piat bowm jottra bkcce isjb 99 kingston committee t a meeting in kingston on monday the 20ih instant of persons desirous of furthering the benevolent ohjecis of this losii- tution called at the request of capt orrok a cent to the society in canada for the pur pose of establishing a branch committee at kinson for the reception and distribution of children in ihe midland district the fol lowing gentlemen were respectively constitu ted members of the same with power io add to their number viz vtverabte aacirnrrorf suwrt l l d itflv r d cautwricht a ft hokoftablb john rcirmy hm0k4blk john macauiav thomas maukianp ksq j p jamrs sampson ka- j p willtam logic i4 j- p jlmts macrartane es j p- joitst marks esq j p thomas scobeu- fq d a c g the latter gentleman beincr also appointed corresponding secretary of the said commit tee the commiiiee giro notice that they ore nady iu receive applications fur children through the serreiary whoiaprcpand to give tverv information on the subject no com munication will be attended io unless the postage he paid kiugston juncazd 1836 friend society iintcrther hff iiti lit rnntlm rlw public that he has meo diriappuinted tri recelrioe the number of children which he crcpeeted only 15 having been sent out but ihc remainder viz 95 boys and girls will arrive in the course of the present season and the applicaions hitherto received will be at tended to john orrok seen tary far the canadas at a general mkktlso of tw stockholders of ihe bank of monnol held at ihc bnfc on the 6th june lwilw honorable funnel hail having bo appotbt- ed chairman of ihe said meeting statement of ihe aftiirs of the losthflum submittvd wild sundry mher explanatory uttmu al i wtatb ihefuuwihnutsdiliimi were proposed and adopted ntmine eontr cente namely no 1 itttotvtt that the thanks of ib stockholders be given to the president via president and directors of the back fonhri able management ol the business of tbe lasti- ration no 2 resohed that the ihjnksof tfc stockholders be given to ibe cashier be- holmes eq for the zeal and ability showobf him in his department of the bank no s helved that the ihanks of tht stockholders be conveyed to the preheat j directors of he iuebe branch nf lh losiitq- tion for their zealous aitenuoa to thetfijin thereof confided to their charge no 4tttsotved that i lie ihanks of ti stockholders be given to alex sirnpsoo zfy for his able coodnci of ins dvpaitnicot of u quebec branch of the bank no ortsolcedt that the sum of fin hundred pounds be given to the hoo ptier mdll as a consideration for histroubltini penntending the concerns of the baok no 6 resolved that the mtflrf three hundred pounds be presemrd to ihehooorible john sterari n a fonsidrinon frrhin hie in supciimenvliog the ytfnrs of the tjtiebec branch bank no 7 refitred that in as nitkbasthr charter cf the corporation willcxp 1st of june nci il is expedient lm lh reciors adopt the necesnry steps for h renew- al and in the event of failing in thai retptf that they call a meeting of ihestocwwj take into consideration the most hjw safe mode of continuing the business no 9 ft thai ibf fore jois lunoiis u nvrtfi in tlu- pubhc papers io which the bank notices are usually ptiblishn signed siztjss montreal gib june 18 s iiumers will he held at the oflice of the bank on the first monday io august next nt ten oclock a m for ihc purpose of electing directors for the ensuing twelve months a sterne cashier hamilton 18th june issg 104ill storage and wharfage the subscriber bavin been engaged in the above business for nearly thirteen years wishes respectfully to inform his friends and the public that he continues at his old stand known by the name of 41 mcguires wharf where he will be ai all times ready to receive sueh property s may be entrusted to hiscirc and he has determined that all steam boats shall lie at his wharf free of wharfage n b steam boat- may be supplied with wood on the lowest terms- john mcgltre kingston 27 lb april 1836 s7z to the cashier ofth montreal bank sir we have io report the following slock holders elected directors of the instiigtic for the ensuing vear t b anoehsok e chuilrs bftookt esq trir hon lotus goct john jamicson esq wlluam low bj james logax esq the hex pttcft mgjli joseph missotf- esq john reupath eq hi l roctw en josiph suutta esq jor2i iorrance q joiirr moiok e- montreal bank 6th june 1936 iooi c tait i p ross scrutinm david torrance tlic chronicle gazette stcphen b meraill frljith ccutt twenty phillirtj per inniim if paid in imki or wiihmliie firt two montlti if paidilhi of tho year twenyfvi tihtuines i of stoutvustmtitts sixbnesand under j- d fust insertion ndfi each iih insertion i 1 on lines and undcr 4d first inst iiion nnd lod each subsequent inrikfl above len line 4il per line for thefirt riscrtjos and id per line for every subsequent hikiw advrtrfiscmenu without wriiieiiliwcuut tiuforbu and chuhjco accurdtngly a liberal dwuhl niflde to merchant and v whu adverie rif ihree inniiths and iipvtfdj- nil acivf niscment received after w the mornings f public ion any omnia pnwiiiin six suliscrihen tclnp and paying m for the 4flu shfjh eoniw to a sevrnth copy rrtffl- tcp country nwlhotf rvvivcd in pflm the market pdoa john binrll esq- david chisholin rq andrew portcoiisi esq- william mclntohi esq ir i brotvsr eq alpheu jonri et- henry jon eq i i- in taylor ki tt willi piii r j k furtwell eq mctsm c j mcdon jnhn dean ksq allan mcphron esq win rmke eri thomat deuiorcm esq t d appl hy esq thomas pujit tq w roberfinn k charles biyiar kf joph a keider t kcuneih markenxk bovid sman iq john ballarl knfl hollo clench ew ld tl quebec thr brt montreal loncif imatidi prescotl perth richnio bastard ganajjoqf bath napanee hbiioi shannon i river twt- murtoy- cnlborni coboyn tori htfp toronto

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