Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 30, 1836, p. 3

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v r ufj with upital io the extent minlodt of toutd bfiuih capital aod i im pro reman i contemplate will the word deposit id ibe world jargt 11 lha word mf lfl iha issues consequent on ova uimi of w bul h crcu f i od vou niy wmo our mono aicui ut ks apod lebanon the british ttcalra ill ftste a stronghold tnd a strooir am io 55 jioele possession capable of pcirtor h war for ceotur tloval charters or legislative jnodytoousioleglingsuchinsiu it piat however and io give ibis t d oo find capital to any rp sustaining nes to come ive enactments tuiions rouble respectable tml kyond 50000 sterling io carrv oo baa under the act oflncorporation which i attained for the marmora foundry co inking business any desirably extent lid be legally and i am sure also profitably t rid oo uoder it tbft merits or his chnr- ifttou ir aware are manifold it owns no itcouo lability no litoiution of lime no for feiture by oonuse no compulsion to carry on fee foundry business if not fouod profitable iwiit possesses all the qualities that legalize af most fafored charters ii has a common vi cd sue and be sued and is recognized i a public act in hc province and io fact it prohibited io nothing except to exemplify tbecbiractenslic hatred of marshall spriog gidirell io every rational improvement on british principle and especially to mark his eoadetnoalion of british north american and caoada land companies in holding real es tate at any time exceeding 50000 they itbiok could be purchased from the present proprietor the honorable peter mcgilt of monireil for 20000 and considciing that the estate consists of 13000 acres of land and upwards 1 deem them worth much more it h superfluous iosaie to you the positioner idradisge of the works themselves or the va lue of the several buildings connected with tbera you have seen them and you are aware that mr hayes he former proprietor laid out 77000 io he works alone a sood deil of that was injudiciously expended bxr although it was so by him and operated a i l j always dow unfavorably him myself and those otfaer unfortunate whose capital he worked upon yet the very injudiciousness of eipeoditurecondemnable in him will be of solid advantage to the future owners it might take between 2500 and 3000 of ready monfry capital to organize the works sod carry on some operations before the full aggrscdizrisent of the company or before a foreign company could wall commence bank ing operations well as to insure further grants of land from the government for their sopport upon a ready money or fixed credit capital to the extent of 50000 more as baokiog capital i venture to hazard an opi nion that as great a return of profit would ac crue as from any other funded stock in amer ica indeed i would not be afraid to name 20 per cent as the annual dividend after the third year jm my dear sir are awaie of the oaiter- fojrrniros ctven io bluckholdet in tut z rious joint stock companies in this province rfptfially from banking companies and it fiiiblithes a faith io my opinions that the jereral banks it appears io me the more nu merous the more profitable hare declared oerer less than eight per centum per annum on the second years operations with an occa- fiooal bonus of eight per cent more to amuse the stockholders with another proof is the high premium the several stocks bear in the colonial market the montreal as the mast- mum being i 25 percent and the commercial bink stork the minimum being only 3 years id operation bearing 15 to premium judging of the probability of your being again called upon to give opinions on colonial bioking matters by influential and mooted raeodoriog your purposed sojourn in london for another season i desire lu put you in pos session of my crude ideas and to urge you to point out with the force and clearness so pe culiarly your talent the unthouht of benefits tbat would accrue to them and to us from the sound investment of capital in this province sod should you favor me wilh a future corres pondence oo these or other important subjects sffrcting this our adopted country 1 shall feel mock pleasure in communicating iu reply my fairly aod fearlessly you i am mv dear sir yours very truly candid opinions to nwi fyintf dsftat in tba um of r elections they wtrt aa much interested as though the oqntestwaa their own od ao it virtually was for the revolutionists in this aod in tha sister proving ara one in heart one ir action ad ontfjb all ihe objects and aima tbat txcita atrf animate oradeitjuctiodist papineautbo general of lb hoat may now weep oyer the defeat of thoa in whom he placed hit chief confidence and may rely upon suffering sim ilar fate whenever intelligence aod truth shall have spread anciently to awaken the people to this he muat eventually come and although the retributioo may be deferred yet it will not be the lew certain or overwhelming the avowed intimate union existing between the papinsao faction and the radicals here has been the means of effecting a uoion wj uust equally u strong and enduring aa it it just and necessary between the friends of british supremacy in botli provinces this union called into open ond avowed existence by necessity may he now kpl up with profii and with aorae effort and organization may tend to bring alkiut a political regeneration in tbe sisier province the triumph of radicsliam hr haa had its influence upon lower canada and wo may now hope that an influence of a different cbamcter will be exerted to cheer aod animate and strengthen and perpetuate the constitutional cause to effectually secure the triumph of good principle in the sister province it i only neoestary that the homo government should change tha policy pursued and forever discontinue that tamo temporising course pursued by lord goa- ford and adopt towards tha french faction a sys tem of ottion at once prompt vigorous and juau then ond not lill then will the malcontents bo ai- iftoced suppressed and governed the steam packet canada capt johnson has die- continucd her regular trips between this town and oswego and baa pone below to bring upthost eorgo when this benevolent design ahall have been accomplished the canada will resume her trips as heretofore the botron jlrmo conrpontr have arrived in town and are now preparing io rxlbt at the upper end of store street the particulars ore given id the hill of the day some idea of the extent of the enmpa ny may be formed from ill fact that i hare are up wards of 60 men and horses the men we should take to be real matchless clever fellowe and the horses faith it does ono good to see such noble snt- cnsla times have been very dull and the penplo most s sleep of late and some amusements are really needed bert then all may have it of the beat and tnost animating character ladies and qemtemeo attending will find the seats comfortably and ples- t jnily arranged the music will we learn be od this company performed with great succcf below und will dubtess pive perfect satisfaction here whi bren kv a rrftnmeo to oor adverlisinp tnlumna that mr wilbur the celebrated kcnirffo- 7ajrvill perform on wednesday evening next at mr bmford steam boat hotel in our lost number we inadvertently orniited noti ciug the ery material improvement of our neighbor the herald the sheet is enlarged the typo new the execution neat and o tbe whole creditable to the eoterprixthg proprietress among the strangers at macdonalda british ame rican hotel jamacnab ofmscnab on his return from a visit to the lieut gnvenor at toronto we learn with pleasure that the macnas is au thorised to raise a highland militia regiment in the townships of maenabi fiuroy and fiornerset 600 strong tht sttarnty st george it affords us much plea- sure to inform the public that this fine vessel is now afloat sod will proceed immediately to kiagara fur ihepurpoae of being repaired on the railway type forces faartes i both raoviircns while the illiberal and oppressive majority afrit lata house of assembly was high in power and threatened to continue unchecked ja the work of division aod subversion for at least two years to come we often regretted the intimate uoion which subsisted between its members and the radicals io lower cana da we watched the workings of the deep hid scheme between the two factions saw tbem uoiting their energies and striving with gadirided effort for thft attainment of objects io which they felt a mutual interest their communion was first covert aod denied but as hey grew in fancied strength and fvlt tbat tbeir standing was secure they threw the cloak aside and unbloshinly avowed their combinations they openly expressed mutu al sympathy and profitred their readiness to eooperate in the work of subversion excision revolution then indeed the friends of ctteoiedl io both provinces with despotic ar rogance arose in the ascendency and like a magic mountain casta dark a deathlike sha dow on the surrounding scene the farther their disastrous influence spread the farther followed the disastrous obscuratioq their power however rapturous it was must have bid the brevity of human rapture here they agitated the elements till tbeir own dissolution followed from tbeir own deeds they shook the foundations of our iostituiiotis till their own foundation yielded to the shock and pre- tipiiated them into the oblivious nothingness from which they sprang lei all successive hgisntoti keep their history ond their fate con- naajjy ficw and avoid the rock on which ey split bul now that the revolutionary banner that wsved in proud triumph is laid low io the oast and the radical baud scattered to the four winds of heaven i what now are we to say of the ooce dreaded union between faction here j faction in lower canada that union now bail with pleasure and rejoice that it listed if they mutually gloried in their suc cess they may now mutually sympathize in lh adversity if the triumph of a faction a gave life and energy and hope to tbe pa- pmeaa party in the sister province the btta mill of that same faciioo will now afford taute for very different feelings the signal jttce which was rneted out to the disturbers the public peace in this province and which hstnighty sweep levelled the bulwarks of tfcetntrny and carried desolation and dismay wo their midst extends its influence to the jpttaiing party io lower canada the latuoijjsie thera have suffered bitter mottir the press of matter already us to postpone remark upon the gratifying celebrations of the 35th july at quebec to ronto aod guelpb these celebrations an just compliments to his excellency sir fran- eia bond headland shall have our attention on wednesday next wc nust d omit the hmgasim fcf mf pgftt ff kihgtlmq ra w join id alike festivny extract of a letter from a merchant to new orleans to a friend in kingston we reached this city montreal safe and highly delighted with our journey 1 am re quested by our party to thank you for recom mending tq them the route of the st law rence the thousand islands the rapids and the ferule and picturesque appearance of the whole country will long have a place in our remembrance the great britain with her splendid accomodations ber bountiful and well arranged table the variety aod good qua lity of her wines the cleanliness and civility of her attendants the hsrrpony and order which pervade the whole wher the voice of complaint is never heard where tbe eng lishman ceases to grumble and the scotchman is at homthe american goes ahead aod all are sati6ed but above all the entire de- votedness of captain whitney to the comfort of bis passengers will never be effaced from our memory i am desired by the ladies to request you to say to him tbat ihy had not bern so comfortable since they left their homes as when under his care in looisiaoa we have generally associated with tbe idea of canada sppw and savages judge then of our agreeable surprise to find handsome cities thriving villages and a coun try apparently in the highest state of cultiva tion the few canadians to which we had the pleasure of being introduced vied with each other io pointing out to us objects of in terest and curiosity di cd at quebec on the ins jamea hamilton esq merchant of that city aged 33 to bakers wanteda journeyman baker uf good steady habits who will havecon stant employment on liberal terms by apply ing to henry qprby belleville july 29 1896 9ii office of thecaiaraqui bridge company kingston u cjuly 28 is36 notice at a meeting of the directors of the cataraqui bridge company held this day a dividend of 5 per cent was declar ed on the capital of the bridge stock for the half year ending sotli june 136 which is now payable at the company office 92 j makks treasurer tt0tice is hereby given h will sale f china groceries o will be old by auction on ifalnctdny the 3d jiugu0xt at the stores of t macn1der to close several consignments positively without remr the contents of io holds china comprising a very handsome assortment of breakfast and tro stiff jugs chimney orno- meitjj plover poia with umds dtiert fa tc 80 barrels aod hhds whisky 9 hhds secelion red wine 3 pipes keinforcing port wine 3 qr casks port wine very superior 2 bags savannah coffee 1 bag pearl barley 10 kega plug tobacco 14s 18 u blue paint 4 ground ginger 3 boies black lead 6 london soap white 6 jars maccoboy snuff 10 kegs rape do so barrels cod oil 2 hhds- double boiled linseed oil 1 pipe olive oil 4 boies starch 3 cases pot and letter paper 5 m quills i cotton spools together with an assortment of summer goods which will be gfciotf well worth the no- ticeof the trade sale at 1 oclock ft jacks9n auctioneer kingston 27lh july 1836 9y ventriloquism mr wilbur the celebrated vttrtruoquist announces to the public his mention to exhibit on wednesday evening near aug 3d at mr bam fords hotel kingston specimens of the won derful gift of ventriloqiism paat atasr ao amusing tooversatbn with an old servant in a chmoey fart ttlcond his celebrated fire scene fart third sending his voice ooe aaodred yards from a window where a supposed person will call his dog which is heard hoeating io the street fait akjfcth a laughable dialogue bhi screen in which he will represent four different voices two of which answer from a deep cellar there will also be an jmusiog afterpiece by tie learned dog who will answer no ordinary question on arithmetic history of logic aod perform a to conclude with songs enlivened vvit t violin by mrs wilbur for particulars and tickets see larg bills kingston july 30 1836 boston arena cofll qsbqjoj mo piosaqnfav 6 9s8l l l lq saiva axivm j oouony coiutt f jr jo ffang wj u uwuussjbn3ubd u 0 ox p jo taaad luyjksa u 0 lia moadia eaj3 ia dn panp pos wj h mq uatjung s q s fc sies i jaoooqag suttcs jsej aqt olos 33 okli oiis u jsaooqas 55 cod fcarl of ift for sale acres formio lot no ii 5th c kingston 25 acres are well c- a fenced a log hous j and gardco thereon 19 acres have brought into cultivation within 12 months by an english fanner and bi sons- and is now bearing a crop of wheat jjookjog well oo th wood land is abundance ojf g maple the situation is pleasant dista at 9 rfltm ntm khtbtnn price including crops js20o and i possessioa given ir required- apply iww thomas ask kingston july 29 18s c cfxtic society op b canada mjotice if hereby gl hal lhe lime for i receiving toe esms a by the socieiy is jiosiponed from lsi of august io lhe loih of september riej john a sflacdonald secreiarv kingstoo 27ih july ljg m medical hall t fcx sfeagher apothe- cates iod drugisis beg leave o cq lheir frjends and ihfpowlcgou haubeyhave corameoced abo7e mentioned busoess i brocfc str nex door q mrj tolkeiosand opposiie j oliphaois where ibey will keep coft qq i a generausaomtoentorprr chemlctl9 p rumebt paihti dte sto ci al of wlich lb ffsff 0n m0al isooable terms n b thev have now o b s i ey have now bn hand of s5 ow koot sevvz with a fe boiesbest kzu ar brock st kingston 26 julyi for s rphe sloop john marks burthen jl about 50 tons cil fasicned wilh rigging slc compleie h received a tho rough repair on mr mclo re railway war rants her now in perfect j for immediate busincs order for usitiloa n i i j morton kingston 37th july 1 3 8z that applicatiod bo mads by john strange eiq and era to the legislaloro at its nxt sesiion 10 foim a coropaoy for tho coosirueiion of a turnpike road from the town of kiogsioo lo the village of napneo io the township f rtcbmood in tho midland dutnct kiomton 30ih jly 1836 9 th ur canda guatla will pkua eoyy ih ao- tice notl the subscriber liavm- qdcrnston to telw sson requests that ftjlcu cootracied previous io sent without delay lo boat office precolt all agreement eolere rafis in season i83ti an sold thesteamboat messrs- itcsj ol king v vlie bont vlc 1st tusi tuny be lv mentilley steam tuis extetisire esublish w be opened at kingston at till- head of store street on saturday july sotli an monday aupust 1st only this arena for thisseasoni w newly and completely fitted out with n sitp band of muste a first kite company if equestrians t obsessing unequalled iftudiftj a stud of lanoverian and arabian hor w for beauty and management excel previous exhibi tions offered to such a liberal a discnmiopt- tng community all patrons are particularly iavited to view the arena while fining up to p them how comfortably ihey will be aod on what a superior plan thia lrats aena is erected it is likewise ptope 8lal the strictest attention will be p w and oelther a word nor action produced that can offend the most susceptible ntod but such amusements selected ascadot tomsiruci as well as divert the genteel cv of society upwards of sixty men and m af occu pied in this immense establnient which comprises some of lhe most celraied porfbrm- er and musicians io the couv- n ose la leuts io their professiou or gmwim cootenieot seatsre prepare i whladies s- large bills are posted p public hotels first performance in th apnoondoors open at oneo e dr gw performance to commence at halfpast ont second performance in the fvcmogdoora open at skven and perfortnance to com mence at halfpast seven admittance to the boxes 2s plt s 3d- children under ten years olg dmmaoce with their patents to the box al talf price no half price to tbe pit july 19 1836 6ni bank of upper canada public notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the siockholdem of this bank is ivquesied in be held at the btnk on wednesday the 24ih day of august ntxi ni 10 oclock in the forenoon for the purposo of electinij u director lu serve during lhe re mainder of the present term in the place of the hon pktcr roqiksoif who hasreslgned and for business which will be then communica ted by order of the board thos g ridout cathicr bank cf upper canada toronto lstb july 1ss6 8y tb i-iit- r- 1 dewipiper whn hive rtmtyjf pub- ubu for ibe bunk of uper cnd trill bo pkaied to gifa thi ootiee om inicrtioli bank of brit north a capital 1000000 stlhliwo iff 50000 shahuft op 50 each thrkfi- rovaths or which iuve run soascuia cd ik ukglakq atd the hcmallfde are ftesehved for till cotoh i with jowri to iflcacase the clfttau london directors george dc itosco attwood et edwaqd btoomt es robert brovk esot sir kobeet campbell battt robert cabtcb esq- william robert cjiarttak esa- james johk commits esp james dowit est- oliver farftca esa- alexakdett glllestie jujf- es william mtdlsv esq william pehbekton exq george ricijaao h in esq john waldhok wright esq m p the new goods just received and br sale by subscriber seventy packages drv goops comprisinfr a general assortmitit of fancy and siaple goods suuable lu ww wwieh will tc sold by the pi relai1 ai v low r upt finent alsot 250 bolts assorted canrasses half aod unbleached a few case of chimstts best london hats mens and btys sizes and daily expected a large assortment of crockry dinner services and china wm wilson kiogsion july 20 1836 6gi forwarding united lines op the rideau and st lawrence the ottawa and rideau for warding company beg leave io notify their friends nd the public generally that they have uniwd their line with that of lhe canada inland forwardiog and insur ance company although a decided preference has justly been given to the rideau line from the supe rior craft in which goods are forwarded fi well as the certainty with regard to lime and diminution of risk attending the transport set some objciions tiae been raised to the anal being closed earlier io tbe fall than the river st lawremce and to objections he compainy intend this union keep a full supply of boats on the si law rence not with a view of doing theit business generally by that ramie but to accommodate their customers in tbe spring and fail as well as to meet every posstble contingency that might take place on the canal and restore to the company the fullest confidence of the public to faciliate the tffifwjg or mil iw- a c ltwa ontario and trie the company have arrayed for their tranship ment at both the ports of prescott and kings ton but from its eligibility intend the latter to be the priocipal place of transhipment when lhe rideau canal is reopened and no ad vance oo the present rate of freight tvill be de manded from iheir regular customers while the rideau canal is open in the fall their stores ai prescott are those of the canada in land forwarding company and mr w dick inson their ageni will continue to conduct the business there goods forwarded by the rideau canal will not be insured unless ordered by the owners those that may be forwarded via ih st law rence will be insured by the company unless otherwise directed mr b hackett of lhe canada inland for warding aud insurance company will at all limes be ready to receive otders for this com- paov to whom as well as iht companys agents at montreal and kingston application may be made e cush1no agent montreal- w dickinson aceut precoit g brush agents kingstoo june 25 in the rapidity with which the british north american colonics have advanced in prosperiiy and commercial importance the vast increase of iheir population the high rate of interest the lluciuanon of exchange the in adequacy of the capital already employed for baoking operations aud the increasing facili ty of intercourse with the mother country kint out the different settlements or british orih america as affording a secure field for tbe profitable employment of capital for which purpose and with a view of promoting the mercantile and agricultural interests of the colonies the present company hs been established the manacement of the companvs affairs is vested in the london court of directors aod the bank in the colonies are to be con ducted by local boards appointed by them a general mefiin of ihe proprietors is to be held yearly in london to whom u statement of the companys affairs will be submitted power has been reserved to the director to apply for and accept on behalf of tnt estab lishment a charter of incorporation or act of parliament a deposit of 10 sterling per share to be paid within a period to be named in the letter of allotment at the rate of exchange therein fixed and the deed of settlement io b signed at the time of payment after payment of lhe deposit the remainder of the capital will be required by instalments not exceeding 0 sterling per share at such iraervals of not less than three months as the directors may 6od necenary to carry the ob jects of the bank toio operation of winch due notice will be given the undersigned commisstooed to represent thecourt of directors in america and to visit tbe several colonies for the purpose of putting lhe affairs of the bank into operation hereby gives notice that he will be ready io receive and consider applications from persons resi dent in the province of upper canada who may be desirous of becoming shareholders io the capital stock of ihe company addressed to him at the post oaks at montreal oner obviate these j before the 10th day of august netf- to robert ca new york 14th july ier 1836 rter form of application robeit cirta esq post office farmers would respectfully i into for lowtncr of to be fulfilled by the present owners at akr upon signed j h queenion july 7 ikug 5 notice to debtoi creditors all persons indebted h f h latelojfihm p m- herso e f hallowell barrister arc e makf immediate payment to undersigned or they lawdirects and those tenmwnl on mil ktlaie arc requested io logj copies thereof without delay m a ancrituso atioroey for the jtstaie signc eliza hlacpherson hallowcll isibjuly 1m6 bn kmhrtant to the subscriber inform the public tha he is now manu facturing tafts improved patent thrashing machine which is decidedly the best machine now jo use he would only say io those wishing to purchase the article io call and se the opera tion that they may be satisfied that it is the greatest manual labor saving machine ever invented price low terms of payment n b the subscriber having furnished himself with a caovam thrashing floor he will be able to thrash in the held all orders for thrashing promptly atiended to either in the field or barn on reasonable terms s n baker kapanoe milla juiy 5 3s6 2ewui to montreal sir i request that you will allot to ma shares io the baxk or british nobth aucaica and 1 hervby engage to pay rtte- hfc- posit of lq sterling each upon so many of auch shares as you may allot to me at the time place and rate of exchange io be speci fied in your letter of allotment and at the same time to execute the deed of settlement i am sir your obedient servant signature at length place of abode date all letters most be post fid dr meagher at ihe medical hall brock st immediately adjoining mrs tolkiens and directly opposite mr john oli- phnnt kingston july 19 1336 6ewz 3 t ost on the just received ftnd for sale m the chronicle gazette office a town ship manual neatly bound comprising all the laws now in fotf tabling io ihe towo- ships among which are the highway and assessment acts new tovvhship mcenn net tbe laws respeciiis boundaries line fen ces and water courts innkeepers the law andofficof constable tue law of landlord and tenant distress for reward road between kinion and collin bay a gentlemans ultie cloth olojikw the above reward will be paid oo delivery of laid cloak at ihe chronicle office kingston or at the house of ihe subscriber charles cheshire mount charles eroest town 23d july 1836 7z jnst received and for sale by the subscriber fine old cognac brandy hollands gin in pipes st cases jamaica spirits l- p pcirt wine madeira sherry io pipes and quarter casks tenepffc champaigne julys brand scotch ale in bottles muscovado suffar double relined loaf do best while wine viaezar day martins liquid pate blacking tea coffee spicfs indico starch and button blue turkey fgs currants liaisius almond c c c c armstrong greer kingston i8th july 136 gz li c 41 44 h it 1 if 4t i lake ontario summer arrangemef 1836 d m u court of rfr quests at summary funbhioent an jury law the laws relative to mtlu and milldams flour poland pearl ash sutuie labour travellers weights measures su and on many other towrcsting subjects by thv author of the m vrovmtial justice ft- price one dollar kingston december 5 1333 ot for sale a number of copies upper canada sta tutes provincial justice township ma- nuil c- c v the chronicle gazette of fice corner of kins and brnck streets kingston i9ih july 1836 the aro and rapid stwm bom oneida proplltd by two powerful low pmtore tafia cattaxtt alvlk sfdtb vvill uatil tht 15bof8eptettberjiaxt nly between ogdcmbmygh and awhcv ra touching at the intermodule porta h fol low qpwakd8 leates ojrdcosbunh wed evaoior kingston flj c- thqrsday mornbg sacketv harbor io mooa m oswego 4 tveoi u genesee tiiver friday mornings toronto u c k trening touching at youogstowo and retching lwit ton early saturday moroiog leavp5 lr wrioj sunday eveomp genesee riter mopdty momicg oswego do tfterooon sackeis harbor monday evening kingston uctueaday moroiog touching at french creek momstown alex andria and brockville aod tfrriring at ordeoti- burgh tuesday afttrrnooo itirsi to k b allkh ogdensburgh whits sc uooxeie morristowo j w flmi alexandria smith merkice frnchcrek j coukter kingstoo u cj s bccklev clark sacketvharbot hcnrt fitzhucv oswego jouiv t thowsftiprtrocfaesier jimss browh toronto ubed smitm voungstowoi got reynolds ltmstoo june i86 tte wholesale warehouse hamilton receiving by the subscriber and for sale by wholesale only on moderate terms 950 kegs i boxes of tobacco 50000 cigars of assorted qualities st domingo and la guayra coffee rict pepper pimento cloves nutmegs and other spices raisins currants figs nuts of all sorts a variety of preserves pickles nd cor dials w scott burn hamilton may 30th 18s6 looils new shoes thr subscriber basjuil received bis spripg supply of ladies boolfl and 9hmi tt tbt latest london fatbioni and most tpprovod shapes w thirkell tciogsmn jqoe28tb 183q s caution the subscriber hereby forbids all persona purohasing the following four nmea of baud given by him to robert mcizvttv vis ooe note of 35 payable in ten day from date another of 25 payable ia one year from date another of 25 payable in two years from date and another of 25 payable in three years from date all dated onthe 27th june 1836 u no value haa beet received john hkss eroest town june s3 1836 fti commercial bank m d- potice is hereby given that at a meeting x of stockholders held at the back on the 15ih inst it was resolved thai the in stalments on the new stock be called io aa follows 10 per cent on the 1st day of march 1836 10 2 may 10 1 july 10 1 septr 10 i 1 lf notv payable at this bank its offices aod agencies such of the new stockholders as may wish to pay in the half or whole of tbeir sock at once will be allowed to do so oo the day tbe brsi instalment is due by order of the board j i harper ftwftw- kingston dec j8 1835 53 tba fnllotrint newspaper wilt pltue iftttrt tha above advert it en cut natil nftrober cjlptriot toronto hamilton gazette niagara reporter saad wich emigrant cobourc str bathorst coorterj corntrall unerrer ad montrsi hi aette- commission office t i e undersigned being about to establish a depot for the reception of we india dry hides begs leave to inform hit friend and the tanners of this province and the ad- joinipg states thai he will be happy at all times to receive tbeir orders aod furnish tbe article at the lowest new york prices j b clarke kingston 1st july 1b6 6z scobelis r inspection store kscobell general inspector of pot ash beef and pork presents his cor dial thank to the merchants apdotbtr inhah hants of kingston aod the vicinity for the liberal patronage they have extended to hint during the past year and he bcgslee to in form ihero that ne has removed bis inspection business from the hon j kirbys siore to ihe large and convenient store and wharf of mrs forsyth lately occupied by mr a- mc- dooell where he will be always ready to in spect such articles as may be consigned to him for that purpose and bo hopes from his long experience punctuality and strict atlentiod xq business still to merit the approbation and support of the public n b for sale 5000 lbs weight of smoked ham 3000 do cheee 2000 do upper canada butter 2 tons of lard in kegs for family use- sou barrel salt r scobell- kiugton april 14ih 1835 57 4 u u r to wanted lvo good workmen for tanking or ccurvisg courcntent and regular pjy by applying to jl or cturvuvc will nnd regular the undersiued soon frederick belleville july 7 1850 fanning 3ui napaxee brewery the subscriber having procured a first raieand experienced brewer at his new establishment is able ro offer very superior berk of the finest body aod flavor the public are invited to give it a trial a re7ulor supply will be kjtt ott hod u kingsion in barrels and hof barrels by vhi barton pmrlie ami by mr mo at arnters iqq paul wright napance nov 10 1835 48 for sale kegs of the best printing ink very low for cash chronicle gazette office kingston january 7ih 1936 30 ruling machine for sale cheap for cash applr office wl chronicle fit gartw

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