Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 30, 1836, p. 2

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hi torreot will urst all eiiw mill enemies- more probablo iiai ine bttiriors anil sweep wj ri wfl fenr wo shai havo to nnonuiiro in n nhnrt ibuso of lust lime events more frightful thau year don carlo it seem hnvioe nailed for a general levy of the tour revolted province ihc executive junta of nnvarre ia publishing tho degree have issued a proclamation which if somewhat span it h and prnoililoquent appears lo tu oot altogether extravagant in iw enenninms on ihnso bravo mountaineers 11 for three fears neither cmhraion- oor 5ciiriiiu cor scduc- was tine signi ate liberation of mr churchill winch refused the minister at ihe same i lied lo the turkish minister that if in m hours he did not receive satisfaction he would break off all communication with hie turkish government it cannot he furcld how this affair may terminate it is sufficient if it be not amicably settled 10 nvenurn suddenly the hopes which have recently been formed of he continuance of the tranquillity of kurope a later french paper gives some farther de- tails from their constantinople correspondent respecting this nffjir aud adds from the lon don time the following paragraph lord podsonhy in ins last official note addressed to the porte an answer to which was looked for with imich anxiety dernaods vlwlmfc nmm m hat some person should he indicated with latitte spoke with hvusuatelo- whom he can coofer on business relative to english subjects as to is not willing 10 have any farther communication w of foreign affairs nor aasaasioafiun tioos nor intrigues nor proioue nor roaa cres uor flatteries nor anything that impu dence cnuld iovem has been able tn quench the sacred fire which glowa in your uomf and religious honrt uuitcd in the tamo opinion the same religion tho atfe prlneinlee tho same lovo for charles the idol of our hearts wo will form around p august throne a rampart agaiost which the fires uf our ene mies will be ettiniuhed thtfir plans will fail their general bo disgraced iheir soldiers n ill perish the rigor and the unflinching spirit with which the carhsts have prosecuted this coo- test against such fearlul odds leaves it yet doubtful whether the exotic evans 3t nit condottieri or the minions of a liceutious queen or the associatesof the murderous fo ri or mina will prevail over these brave and simple peasants contending for their religion and loyalty- the french chamber were diseasing the budget m quencc and force and asked why there was an increased augmentation of ten millions asked for he said the prosperity of france was not owing to the ministry but by the revolu tion which had enriched us agriculture and o the imperial dynasty which had giveo a spring to industry the election of messrs marcel and dicux hare alarmed ihe doctrinaires who begio to talk of dissolving the chambers a reinlorcementof two battalions of infant ry and some curaissers and artillery had left madrid for basarragon to which destination would also proceed 3000 troops of the army at vittoria movements of jioyal per tondgts the dukes of orleans and nemours are on their return from vienna where the proposition for an al liance of the former with an austrian princess are said to have been coldly received they will repair to the royal palace at compeicne in france to pass some time meanwhile there will not be an assemblage of royal sove reigns at the court of france as was rumored but louis philippe will proceed to his country seat at eu where it is said two steamers are to be put into requisition between the coasts of kflgjaad aod france that the sovereigns of those countries may have an interview after the fashion of napoleon and alexander io or der to strengthen their alliance and serve out measures of future policy two editors of roueo mtfrs rivnire and dcgouve denuncques lately fought wnh pis tols when the latter was shot in the right hand the worst place possible for an ednor which of course terminated the affair horace veroet the celebrated painter is 00 his way to st peiersburgh to execute several tableaux for the emperor of kussia sydney papers to february 12th represent the people ns dissatisfied with the proposed australian land company several of the bush raogers had gone round in gangs and flogged the gentleman owners 00 their estates for treating their servants badly the operation for removing the cataract from the eje of the duke of sussex was suc cessfully performed by mr alexander in about ten minutes the royal duke bore it patient ly and it now doing well the eiking charles x the duchess of angouleme aod duke of bordeaux and made- uioselle are to reside at tophtz the king of prussia it is thought will visit france io august when he wl child who immediately hec3n lo make the most dreadful out fry- the rather of the wounded boy and some of his friends drawn bv his shfuks seized on mr churchill and dragged him heforc the cadi who on hs own private authority cfiucd the bastinado on the folea of the fret to he administered to iwm tlitt punishment is centrally reserved fur l slaves or delinquent greek at the close of tin first andicttce of turkish justice so cru- j illy severe mr churchill was borne rather 1 than in before the uci kiteodianil then by i a formil order of the sultan to whom the 1 miner hud been referred he was loaded wiih rons and thrown ino prison in company canals m the united states the buffalo journal gives the aggregate at 3000 miles 6orwhth are in new york 817 in peon svlvama ml io ohio 340 in maryland and pennsylvania 100 m louisiana 100 in new jersey 1 iw in south carolina c how tlu ivorld ix given to lying we find the ft lowing paragraph in the new bed ford gazne jvr rrfrjjuon sen and mr hottc we arc inform d says the new york transcript that mr jjupli hoxie has advertised fur sale a firm in connecticut belonging to the father of the nolonous richard p robinson the pro ceeds of neb it is said be will receive in time the chaplain of ci an j w that body to avoid llie victorious british removed from one place to aoo mr white shated in its removals and its perils io the year 1 736 mr white and two other episcopal clergymen impaired to knglaad to receive the office of buimp mr white and and we think his revc eompaoions also chronicl gazette saturday july j 1856 lo agriculture i per canad i sore commonly t imsc i bill one upper canada tnflss tlc cofiltfil ambndor on l wfajl nnw posilive a lot- hail pej hastened io demand ineifnndl- j w purmr from his emp the 1nrri advemsed hy mr hoxie beloncs 10 unoiher mr robinson of aooiher family ith the mioisiet ii jnixeu statks come incoj- mrlanehohj catwtmphew have just learoed with extreme pain that n young daugh ter of mr herman thon who with his family was 011 a visit 10 trenton falls is to be added 10 he number of victims who have perished at that most dangerous fall on friday last mr thorn was carefully conducting his wife over a narrow pass hav ing this fared daughter zerelina in his arms when a faithful servant stepped up and beg ped permission to take ehnrge of the little girl at era mr thorn declined but was finally jnduced by the difficulty of the pass to give the child over to his servant he had scarce ly done so and turned again to his wife when a stream the last ever uttered by the lovely child burst upon his ear and he looked round to sec his servant strucghog in the boiling eddies and to feel that ins own cherished daughter he was to behold no more the man had slipped upon the ireachcrous rocks and with his charge war prenpiiateri imo ihe whirling stream the little girl instantly dis appeared the man sustained himself until a slick was held forth by which be was drawn from the water tbtts perished before the eves of her parents io the early blossom of life ere sin had touched or soirow faded zerlin thorn in the sih year of her agcdecnheil to us by one who is himself a father nod bi known affliction as a child of stirh uncommon love liness os to attract the regard of all who ap proached her but a little week ago said our informant to us and the tear stood in his eye as he spoke hutalutle week i took this lovely child on a fishing excursion at suritoga buoyant wild spirits heahli and happiness and now she is a corpse if such be the deep and natural impression made by this ealainiiv on one not bound by any ties of blood to the deceased how fearful and overwhelming the blow to those who save her being and who were doomed to see her torn from their aflvction by a death so suddeu and so hcarwendinc every patent will sympathise with their griefs but there is one only soutce to which they may look for eventual consolation al the latest accounis the body had not yet bceo recovered n v american cannri or hrndal coat in tltf ihtilrd states a vein of tins superior ipialuy iif cikii so celebrated in knglsnd has been recently found i jf i tn f 11 nritii f a l iy 12 leet thick by proltsur uwjgers while making a reeonnoisanre of the geology of that state his supposed the vein is inexhausti ble the late war of the parkrt boats the lockport democrat gives a detailed account of this affair and as is generally the case apply the blame in this instance to the old line but remarks and we believe justly ihat u in the series of quarrels which have led to this affray both lines are about equally impli cated both have before threatened and done violence to each other and the conduct of both during the whole season has been dis graceful passengers have been annoyed with thcirconttnual broils to match each other in rudeness and violence the managers of ihe op- poim hofttt have act a irish value upon the ntio according 10 his usual cusiom the king of sazooy died at dresden june 6th the threedecker montebello and sripion 74 are to sail immediately from toulon for the fjj from sotne imporiani infiominon received the scipion belongs to admiral hugoflssquadroo news from the isle of bourbon to march to speak of a dreadful hurrieaoe there which de stroyed many of the negro camps sugar canes c the french princes are to give at font a ta bleau io august sever brilliant fetes to the royal dukes and princes of austria and prus sia whom they have invited to visit tbern in return for the courtesies they received at those courts coxstatctltfofix the gazette of augsburg soys of dates from constantinople of 23d may ihii 1r chunk hi has been set at liberty but that lord ion waftjf the english ambassador is not satisfied and thin he demands as a reparation to his overomeoi the dismissal of the reisjleridt it is believed that the sultan will yield but for the solicitations of the ambassadors of france russia and prossia lord ponsopby will before this have taken his passports and left coostantioople setcing thread a friend who happens to be aware of our fondness for pieces of in formation down even to corners of siatislics passed an hour or two lafely with a commer cial friend from whom he received ihe following information n the town of leicester there are two houses that coofinc themselves ex clusively to the manufacture of sewiog thread an article intimately connected with ihe i wooder that have sprung from the spinning jenny and the steam engine and which wfien spuo thrown wound white or colored as the case miy be is exported to all pansofthe world find retailed at home io amazing quantities for the use of the multitudinous seamstresses of britain each of the houses iceep6v travellers whose sole occupation is 10 vend a commodity as essential to the needle our w for 11 a very different deserip- as oil is to the lamp but of which bearded ttan of packet boats from the present dis- men wot very little when they carelessly lift gracefully conducted worse than nuisances and listlessly examine deafly lahelled pirn will ply on our canal next eaon show on a ladys worktable aod in qut e another part of ihe state in re- sard to the alledged purloining of money mr hoxie assures us hat he has never yet been able to ascertain that the wretched young man has ever wronged hm to the amount of a sin gle cent com adv a turksh newspaper has been established by the sultan who is said to be a contributor to i io nnitation of napoleon perhaps who used tn wtite for the mouiteur at paris- wc should like to see some articles of his majes tys inditing they must at least be curious and ive wuld wish 10 know whether he does any honor to the craft or not we hope that some of ourcotemporaries will propose an ex change foi his gazette which has been print ed ftome frtufi and is cnlled taakvimi veekai or tablet f events one half is id french and is calm the monueur oriental o lobe pipers ihwji this which has been fimling in the newspapers of europe asia and ame rica since he year 1829 as to the proposed exchange send the globe embracing a few of the generals manuscripts before they have been corseted by the cabinets it would bo curious lo m wm writes ihc best the sul tan of the m world or of the new lb more of rhe spirit tff the times a man named bvd was recently r tn nicholas county k or murder he was sentenced to three yrs solitary confinement and after a hearing wf argument from the prisoners at torney the judge allowed irim a new trial ad mitting ln lo hail himself in one hundred dollars and two aunties io two thousand dol lars the maysville eagle says the course pureed by the judge created we learo a good der of excitement at carlisle aod on ihe last evening of the court as he was return ing from the court house to the tavern at which he boarded some mischievous boys drenched him pretty profusely with srwer wa ter thrown from an engine which they had clandestinely obtained and secreted near his pathway the commonwealths attorney who was arm and irm with the judge was al so a little stained with the nauseating water but consoled himself with facetiously remark io iiat 7iw misfortune resulted alone from kftping bad eompany r djtireiiing suieide the coroner 00 fri day jifid an inquest over the body of an aus trian gentleman named josrpii a mance aged years who came to his death under the flowing melancholy circumstances from the testimony it appeared thai the de cease took lodgings at the house of mrs sis- tare 70 broadway io the beginniog of april last aid continued there until the moment of his dojtfai lie was a gentleman of extraordi nary ruainments mid latterly had manifested much jepre5ion of spirit ooe of the wit- nee staled that the deceased had frequently declared to him that he was weary of living and hj resolved to commit suntide on kriday morninc he camedown to break fast w th the other boarders but was absent from dinner one of ihc waiters remarked this eimumsiance and knowing that he wm in his chamber and perhaps indisposed he weni i vli 1 1 f4fui the door wtfvwn ut wor and huiio tlu door loc ik rtiftitijli the keyhctli and saw ht iir lyntj m the window heneh alarmed hmwwiiiiseriiid ihe profound he office of think his revtfuti were consecrated on ibi of february 1737 by the archbishops ol canterbury and york other prelates being present bishop white has execrated every bishop of the episcopal church 10 the united states excepting only the bishop of michigan who has received consecranon since the confine ment of this venerable jricod to his church bishop white nl beer itmarknblc in ins long life for the faithful dichar of all hi duties as n ril iten no less than thse t curcyman and if nc- iher hrtt nor edd prevented hioppearancc in t sacrerf osk so alfto tho mutations of weather wars equallj inoperaiive to keep him from the ballot bftlc from pubhc inceiincs 01 religious or pbilnnirmpic occasion snr even from a sceuo of cnnfljcralion j wlula he had strength lo he of service to hi felluw- 1 merti the mnjestie form of ih venerable deceased was seen until n shon timt bcfire his death in our slreei with gratification by every citizen nodlhe iepcftful salutations ofall that adrficssed him showed ho general and how deep vru tho respect which his long life nf piety had inspired the duliop was one that seemed in conntft ihc present generation with tho great aod god that had passed away and our citizen ivcneed not confine the remark to the episcopal dcnominalinn our ci i- zens felt a degree of jusrifijoc pride in ihe conscious ns that a nan so loved and so revered was of their numhar it is not strange then that dtmnc h last sirknes they shoulj have enquired wiih enecr cx- peclancy for uf health or thai at his death tlicrc shoiim have been a general gloom a great and good mtn had been taken away and it was seemly tlim th people should lake it to hcatt bishop while after lingria for a few week iti ed yesterday about 15 minutes before 12 oclock noon rrrainiiii hi menial faculties to the last mo ment in the nmrning several clergymen on their way to church called to sec him he inquired after thrr health with his atnuil urbanliyof tone nd white ftirroundcd by 0 few friends not of his imme diate family ho ceaed to be of them- thcro was no niruggle to mark th moment of his spirit diso- hilion tint he passed fro lift af he parsed through it cairn and seiene and rill of edification family pride the richmond compiler speaking of family prije says it would be a curious task to the genealogist 10 trace back family histories and ascertain how many are descended form the grille and virtuous young women who were poi out by the london company to virginia i a matrimonial spec ulation in ine year 106 says the compiler ninety fair ones embarked lor the new world on errands of love and mercy aod the next year sixty more adveotared and became wives to tho young pldnietf ttho it seems purchased them for a hundred pounds of tobacco each to the editor of ihe courier enquirer jlvertfs rotary engh sir rv publish ing 11 m ie from john mar n relation will do me ie following leilei from mr of charlotte north carolina to jlverts hotary rnie you a particular farr mr harris has charge of one of the most extensive gold mines in n c in which he bit used a kotary engine made by avery for nearly a yeir to the entire satisfaction of all who are interested in its operation numerous other letters equally favorable might he published if necessary i am desirous to lay this letter before the public for the purpose of calling attention 10 the engine and also to the fact that a joint sfock company is now being formed for the purpose o manufacturing them in this city or its immediate vicinity a plan of the company may be examined and terms of subscription to the stock ascer tained at m office is nissati- d k minor bank of british north america we promised in our last number 10 revert to the subject of this institution intending to show forth some of the important advantages which its ample capital is well calculated to assist in producing in the british colonies we fulfil our promise with pleasure and as pertinent to the subject we subjoin a letter written in november last by mr maoahan of kingsion to hugh macgregor esq now in london and which we understand mr mac- gregor had published in the london times it will not be deemed over rash to hazard ar opinion that the publication of this letter with our friend macsrcjrors own personal representations helped to urge on if nut in duce the formation of the company now an nounced to our zealous friend macgregor upper canada stands much indebted for good will and successful endeavors to dissipate the delu sions with which our colonial foes attempted to blindfold ihe lords gojerich and stanley and it must be recollected with becoming pleasure and gratitude that he manfully fought the great fight with mackenzie at i be colo nial office aod gained the contest even to the restoration to office of mr solicitor general hagerroan and the appointment to the chief justiceship of newfoundland of the ex-attor- ncy general bouhon having roost thoroughly 1 convinced the colonial secretary that the re- moval of these gentlemen was ao act of in discretion erroneously committed as founded upon the misrepresentations of our fseudo patriots the radical faction with which this j country was theo cursed our friends time is now equally divided one portion being devoted assiduously to use ful efforts to undeceive the lord glenelrr and sir george grey upon the political questions which agitate the colonies especially as re gards lower canada and the other with like diligence in maturing projects of high commercial enterprise io this province and obtaining proper encouragement 10 emigra tion his plans with outlines of which we are sometimes indirectly favored ore always in our humble esitniaiion reasonable now nod again speculative but never hazardous or improbable of execution to his exertions we heartily wish success assured of his un ceasing endeavours to promote and procure solid benefits for ihis colony in the remarks made by mr maoahan we fully concur wnh lum w ihilft m i 9 couoiry in the known world are there so many natural facilities for iinihought of incalculable improvement we join him in opinion that the want of capital has been the only stay to the full devclopement of our great resources aod the rapid increase of our population it is true that the unhappy political excitement of the country for several years tended serious ly to prohibit the introduction of capital and checked the growth of these provinces in po pulation but as he prophetically said the eeedf m lands have in the hands 0- rteo for the instances jvengedss bushels of whwy 0 the best samples of other mrkeu ivt r our other productions in like proportion our commerce is now limited to an of 964 arrivals annually at quebec c port of entry and diffuse capital litaralwis caiada rt ppr bl one w tion nnd slabiluy to our lumber fmeuii us against our colonial enemies at homf w abroad insure us agiinsi the vaacii nauvresof j powlett thompson j ejjt omnc enable us by direct contraction great britain and ireland oinirnduretih our best grmvih of white yellow jfld pine oak elm and in fact all our f timber our spar deals staves inndspilttt oars hoops fte- our black walnut cbmi soft maple and other iadigunous wood h much admired in upholstry and upon the in there let the truth confound and confute tb- prejudiced gentleman sir robert ppiat who ignorantty declared the baliic trade u ber for superior in durabtlirv and temcii- whereas ihe direct reverse is the fact has been fully established even io cargoes rf red pine shipped by myself that canadm limber excels the baltic trade limber m erm quality and for the truth of this assertion i may refer to ihe talented nailiaoiel tould esquire to whom the cargoes wer ctiamsrw at present e trade wnh our neighbor jon athan for all his notions tfiat we rfquirr- give us capital in ahundaoce we will thereof turn ihc tablet nd forre him to trade wiih in aod instead of buying wooden ouiineird cast iron ascs at home he will preftf conung to our honest shores not feirin rit lynrhing or burking law assured of hiimc- ney a worth under the salutary protection our respected laws and fearless of danger from fraud or trickery for 10 ihe want of jouoduw or proper protection at home brother jooattm is now feelingly alivr tiie advantages of our inland navijitiw enhance miienaliv ihe several positions birr assumed by the application of moderate ca pital thai is comparatively speakin stici capiial as a well organized provincial liaci could attord to supply to the purposes m ulaciurers might ship iheir wares from the manufactory direct to china if neerffj the acricuhwrist ai present tranjpons decree nt pleasure briber and thither tie ship owner in gnat britain might freight m ship for 1 he interior of ihi vast continent im9 miles inland and hail her return united its most valuable producis the rrmilirw grant could transport b his household fn- from his native home to ihe very acres tf hi selernon and port wiihour iraosshipmi hi produce to 3 llritih tnrket isome of the works having this dcsipi now in progress others nn n scale of w maniiude are for pieseot purpomi m the rldeiu canal for us purposes and k xl ob vf iv allnok sir vour fit silence and cm ji the root i1 1 he burst opm ihe ihn nn ilirtuvinl tin itiilirimhtie ti 11 1 iltiiii iinri milft ay a prgiol the controls of whie ihe ground he had discharged into his heart and near him were scattered a number of writings some ot i which he finished but a few moments before h j deprived himself of his existence the jury after eme consultation returned a erdicii hal ihe deceased had committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol after the inquest we were permitted 10 rea the several papers left by the deceased an from amongst them have selected the follow ing copied verbatim which while they shoe the morbid state of hi mind show also tha he was a mo of uocommon auainmeois- his reflections which arc mostly in verse ar written in ihe german scla french and english languages our lions are mostly from the latter al he deceased left a roid watch and other pro wrnu dear on iour naij ronraining questions respecting ihe u oiary nginflhas been dulv i received therefore incoi wj your tq fiuestliransmutovouih- following answers ist the diameter of 1 s eogmeor length of arm is b feet 2d its estimated wcilfot power was considered bv the maker 10 he equal to twenty horses whtcb power h h generally perform ed since it has been in full operation or so considered by myself ay we as ollirrs em ployed at the estoblishn am nol pared to say what mj gtotwiofd have by an additional pretsure of steam but cockle is now scattered to the winds a new and a bright era now dawns upon us and when it is generally known how much tt re- il vionn lrhifv inil rmirto v ano i this favored und what full protection from laws duly administered respected and obeyed under a form of government and constitu tion dear to the hearts of britainers wcarc i blessed wiih where according to the old saying every man can rest unroolesied aod happy under his own vine and his own fig- tree- myriads of our countrymen will hasten to join and rejoice with us in the blessings we solidly possess wc therefore most sincerely hope soon to see removed those checks 10 the rapid advance- meat to wealth and proneriiv of these col foifss is in healthy operation land canal maugre the viruleat oppoiii the unprincipled faciiooists is also ra surm ful operatiun the saint lawrence ciul the onlv hip canal is progressing rervhrci ably in upper canada and if met wiih ip nial spirit in lower caoadj would at tv complete 540 miles of the iolaoj mfjpmi from quebec to which i before alluded tw rail uoad at fort dover is underukifti spirit ihat in embryo vet to connect two wirh lake simroe or direct tolnfcehw is mom fjvoribly coostdered the hwp of that well known engineer n hb euif of the ntfrtfts route from the bar quniie lo lake simcoe nd lake hurirt j very favorably received and klin p lion are making to induce the iei5l j j i f ttlkfc iwl- the proxjhvtsat present are urvameriai 2 if cypltallfits undertook he several 5 routes of internal communication clndiv navigatioo wiihour pjrallel would b lishrt j iventan italian gwy uy udouiiiouni pretsureot steam hut ment to weaidi and profperiiv of these colo i t mis s mflt bv us t n nies wuidl narks lh course of capitr1 freely 100 ion per square inch n the boilers and re- 0 t e r wki iuenlv not over 80 lbs fiown fgr h rjvored pmqds of hs j i selec tough h 3d the machinery aoj npparatus used are of a very complex ch chillian mills two arreatrt one hunariao washing machine four shakers fmaking rwo sens of shakin tables and on of six inches diameter 110 feet in length are the various kinds of machinery used an set in motion hy te a dvantaces which these interoi municanoos afford co the kotary knine circulated any patronage until they desist from disturb tng the public peace from rochester to uuf falo uplift their violent contentions there are line boats wiih food accommodations and if they do not go so fast life and limb will ooi be endangered upon them the affray was renewed on wednesday cveoiog by the kcj bird coming up io an old line boat with violence and breaking in her stern near middlepcrt our rastcrn and western editorial breth ren will be doiog the travelling portion of romrnunity no more than justice and fli the same nnie a crcat heneht by copying the above paragraph and then let travellers show plainly 10 both of these liues thai they believe in the truih of ihe few lines which are printed in italic above hy promptly applying the ran edy therein mentioned only let this be done lakinga fair if oot a low not under 130 per man pirn the collections of ibe representatives of the ftousesin question de- lend materially on the nature of their beat for the time being in populous towns they are large and in country districts smaller bni average they are per week during the eotire year well 55 multiplied by 130 gives tia a sum of g760 wbtch again multi plied by 10 the number of travellers leaves an annual return for thread alone in the haods of two houses of 67600 sierlin nor is leicester the only town in which cotton thread i made the art we believe was known tn edinburgh before it travelled to ensland and ad- them ihat they are not to he supported there is an end to them buffalo com vertiscr the following from the black rock ad vocate which no doubt is a faci we presume the fastidious taie of some rroders would ob ject to have published oo the plea that the parties implicated are so respeetahle far dif ferent is our view on ihr contrary we trust publicity will lead rn detection and that ihe perpetrators will imvc the measure due to their offence duly meted io them brutal qhttagek most inhuman out rage we nre credibly informed wiscomniit- ofcgow paisley leith andmanv hernia- i a fovv da siic0 6n person of a girl j retain a large share of the same business st t possible ro gua as accurately ine tnrowers an as an exciseman enters a beware atock the result we are certain woold appear incredible dumfries courier we copy ibe following from a paris paper under date of n constantinople may iia melancholy even and one which may produce very fteri- ooa conaequencos hat throwu our capital tiiually io quiet into a great excnrmern a mr churchill an kogliah merchant was musing himself with footing m oeiafc orhood of the cily when unfonnnatelv rome ibttt from his juo itruck the leg f a turkish clvcn yearflofna daughter of mr- bcbon a swiss residing on ihe plain in tins town by three young hko two of whom are con nected with espeeiable families in ihe neigh liorhood the irl was employed wnh two oi it associais in caihering strawberries iu a fijd when the villains rushed upon nod at tempted to mi2t i hem two of the girls ef fected their escape leaving ihe other to the mnv of ine inoosrns who afivr accom plishing their lieodmh purposes lied for the iirijjiftihg wiiehim tjiorirl w taken home in iiu nlifioftl tn4hs siiii t- mid ilidon mon- dy from b ifjjriw she rciived loef factual tfforis have thus f it been made r ar resi tlii perpetrator of the brutal deed perm potters field i am the fool of time and terror dav steal onr me and ffleal from mo yet 1 live luthm my hfe yd dtesding stilt io die knowledpr is nt happmefts anrl science bui an exchangeef ignorance for that w hich is another kind of ignorance t give birth to those v ho can hut sufkr many yeara and die mciltinka 19 merely propagating death and muliipfymg murder i know nor what i could have been but feel 1 am not what i should bo let it end ay boftlydolheyhrarthedrad purhapa because they cannot feel the jolting there lurk a with within my hreast for rrm bill not lo lerl tis rem softiifthallinjhe that wish fulfill and i bi afocp without ih dream of what 1 wai and would be still haviog noticed the coroners jury find ver ones a verdict of insanity against a man fe stnqgly attached to a wretched life than in the r opinion he ought to have been i unable i write like moses aod some others after deaiiv mend lobe beforehand with those gentlem declaring them first rate fools if thev should pronounce me mad but mv precaution haps superfluous they will not insult an m- known solitary strancer in the manner heir kindness reserves lor friends only besides ihu real worth of a jurys verdict even in a capiiil case ihe recent villanous acquittal of a fold murder has very deary shown i desire mrs sistare to keep all my proper- ty as a small mdemnificaiion for the tro occasioned to her house by my maonerof leav- iccotiliog to circulation 20 machiuery ing n bishop of the diocese of penn some four yeartpa senior of that church in til r fmu children of john v josreit a mcncel death of bishop h have lhf morning the paiuful duty to announce lootv reader ihe death of the venrrble williqivu whiie d d jtvlvanitj and hniied states and at his death believed to h the oldest iroicmant uishnp in the world bishop white was borne we believe in mary laud on the 1th of april i7js so that he l morr than ss years of ac fir wn a soiindl whit in poluicil principles at the tune wiifi tfae profession of such principles involved iov porunt woifdefttiodh he war for a looff making altogether horse power lb the engine sint i 6rst erection hfla been kept in constant operation sundays and accidents excepted 5ih vhen in fuirope as b lhe m2 chinery has been for fou months past 3 cords of wood have been fou sufficient to raise steam enough to carry the whole mach 24 hours 6th the quantity of water evaporated per hour as near as i could ascertain when in full operation has been abou 60 gallons 7h the kngiue wa firsttarted about the beginning of sept 1835 and continued to work he pump and lour imluonly until march ijhb at which lime the whole machinery was nhrairlr iomiii sin lhe cost of repm been very tri- hiog the whole expense of repairs that could properly be said to belcsrg to ihe engine du ring the whole time wl 00l cxc lcn do ia rs 9ih wiih careful me io gel out of order inih tliecosi comiimyfid wiih an eoffioe of equal power w no j preuilie mmh ewdraehalfihatofihe p engne j i lii wri w ofuwibtt engine of houm abou 20 horse powor i vwul c prefc per j lhe uoitry lo the kn p in conclusiou sir nlie tntwriff your eu ik 1 i ny re- nrut ul isl05 o ffi in erec- kind s srally of ihc pislon am sir veryrep ifiuk ft kn yours tic john riarrl5s n c ueatton it is not lia great continent and those prejudice elfm terests in some antiquated notions in oihers aod blmeable ignorance and apathv in a few give place to energetic measures and combi nations of moral worth struggling wiih lauda ble emulation to promote the general good in this province nature has been superabun dantly prolific especially in the facilities for luternal communications and as we deem i the improvement of these great facilities of i paramount consequence to the province wc beg to refer oor readers o the extract from the admirable speech of judge turrill of oswe go published in our last and which was de- liverej on the floor of congress as affording in itself a far higher topographical view of the protince than wc can pretend to give and we strongly recommend a careful perussl of these valuable documents to the community kingston isth november 1535 hugh macgrcgor esquire dear sir i have perused with pleasure the prospectus or the bank of australasia in corporated by royal ch3rter wnh the reading of which you favored me the plan of operations upon which i am gratified io hear you were consulted strikes me as a very good ooe and i think ihe direc tors who seem to have given the subject due consideration perfectly justified in concluding that capiial employed in colonial banks of issue and deposit conducted upon sound bank iog principles cannot fail to result profitably io them hut with you i join in opposing the j opinion set forth that in no part of the world could capital be employed more advan tageously and securely than in carrying on the ng upon soucd principles in business of bank ohn clancy who ciingraied oi david clancy om the county cork r informed ihat lhe in- ncv their i w man and efcn cft r i cftt n m komon under cftor oj miy daly tlhoir mother having on the passage out t tute and ihe uncle peedily to iheir ftfeljk uv u mm ppliea he airir illmnhkc tor ti i a onto mr manib kingston islll full ftin died children are tlejii- requested to cumo scv i the colonies of auslralasia the austvala- j sian colonies hav undoubtedly advantages t peculiar o them but i am prepared to arjrue effectually the very obviously superior ad van ta- i ges which our own good and nearer at home colony of upper canada possesses oof m one point of view alone but in matters in chief connected with manufactures agriculture commerce and trade lo point of manufac tures an all wise providence has placed upper cnuad1 io a most conspicuous and favored po sition in variety abundance and richness of mineril substances in the superexerllent and countless hydraulic privileges breaking every stream great nod small into thousands pf ca- iiracis which if oot as imposing af the worlds greatest wonder niagara vet to the keen tye of n uinchinis and manufacturer wnh capital a thousand times aye immcasur are not unknown i neighbors and those british sculers ho happily for themselves and lo the rubm disadvantage of our colonization forrotri ous opinions and are unfavorably impm by interested ship owners designing lij a bers or more commonly persons wliohitt bibrd a species of radicalism ia eniiir- hink unwisely thai the democratic priirj the admiration of nat tons bfttrrasvi radicalism than ourconstuutiottal polity pper canada little do ttef coowfc how widely republican principles differ mil ory irom the democratic practices of our pr besmeared neighbors of u thnst glorioutftu and jutted states asl obserredwradiio ragcof iolaud navigation are not iosioib known to ihe hundreds of thousand to ibe ontied stales connected wirh orcoocerwdia the western states and territories- tbtfr taneof the present route from ihe ailande shores io ihe western countries would be sr- tencd even by the ccinmuoicaiion beiwm i later huron and lhe day of uinte at ihu point alone 5s0 miles and would ia tu 1 common course of ihe carrying trade ia tilt lime and freight save io the rodceratd wrr- ral rnillrons of dollars annually ii wuou with some few other comparatively small kfr provtmenrs approximate the u within fifieeu diys travel of us tbe lwis- tenia ns and the other more remote sit days hy the rivers mississippi and ohio it fact and in truth the advantages of intwtil communications which nature has rettftrrfu facile in thrse province are in erey trprtt as sure sources of wealth and humafl prw- ity as if xc possessed the farifaraed nnof potoi and golcondt todevelope ihesead- vantages fully all we require is capitalt oufr duce capita freely nod it will wjfwjm spirit of enterprise and infuse suchasptntcf iudustry as will prove the healthiest branch ct that fteallt trh e that trplt bl- that confessedly cloriocs the dhitish ation let not the viy mof murinss of a few despised demas ing ihoir political creed from such fin i0tf ces as mackenzie ogrady co w j the quaint notions nor the fanciful drrfia a bostoman democmm spring bidtwj the powerful ravings of a bewiuered poliftia likejohq kolph let not ihe dpd and fixed intent of a fierce desirucnooist it papineau in short i sv let not the deresta- ble bowlings of bated ban lers like thesef ter the british capiiaii the british ap riaa the british mehanic and labour frcr comin to this lavourd portion of w5jj dominions abroad this land of true jw and peace the day i hope is not f when nil the cockle will be uprooted aod seed for ever destroyed i could descant for an age upon the jwj rous benefits lhe introduction of ctptt these provinces ioto this province especj would be productive of suffice u to w thnt o few millions iorested in proper menu would advance this colony to jjjt of propemv which tr would ruirenoivft consideration io imagine tjie c ao mueh woum enrich thousands beyoo prcsem population and wouw beinaj work of a very rapid f succeasioaof ably more pleasing and grateful io fact invit- j and salutary imprwratnts to wwj ing such to lix upon a choice embark his mo- if taken in hand with spirit aod pf and although noisy only in the torreota i judgment and discretion as easy at to a speciea of visual language pro- j tiate a snanuh loan on the royal nejr ai yet r misinc a rich reward to intelligence aud h ttarry fjcmbf n- 1 let but the australasian or tome jt but tuc austrajanan or p aueh companies establish baokeof fctlf

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