Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 20, 1836, p. 4

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m n ot i c e commissioner for crown lnd office toronto 10th may 1836 5 the times bflj places for sale of crown lnds and clergy rcitrvct during the presot year will be a follows jv the ivestrjy dldtrict for crown loda and clergy reserves iu the county of keotaod town lois in chat- ham aud erroll at chatham n tho hi tc- day io juno and oo iho first tuesday in jufy august september aod october following for clergy reserves io ilia cuuniy of es- ex and town iols in saudwich and am- hon tburjh at sandwich on the third wed ncaday in june and oo tho third wednetday in july august september aod ociubcr fal lowing refereoce may bo iuado to the agent for the crown fur ibu dutrict mr- henry jones residing in chatham for further iu formation ijv the london district- tot clergy reserve in the couoty nf nor folk at simcoe oo the lit june aud no the 2d july 2daueut 1st september 1st oc tober aod 1st november following for clergy reserves iu tbc couoty of ox ford at bhuhlford oo tho4lh jon and on the 5th july 5th august 5th september 4th october and 4th november following- for clergy reserves id the couoty of middlesex nod tovtolotsin loodou at lon doo oo the 8th juoe uod oo the 8th july 9th august 7th september 7ih october aud oo the 9th november fullowiug reference may be made to the agent for the crowofor this district john baskin esquire residing to loadoa for further iofor- maiioo jv the home district for town lots iu port credit and brooti io this city on the 23d may lottaot aod for such crown l9ods and clergy reserve as are for sale at this city oo tho second tuesday in june aod oo the sccood tuesday in july august september aod october following jv the newcastle district for crown lands clergy reserves aod toaii lots io peterborough aod lindsay at peterborough oo the first tuesday io june aod oothe first tuesday io july august septem ber aod october following for town lnts io the village lately survey ed tft the moutb of thotreot io that ton o oo the 15th of juoe aod on the2od wednes day in july aijjust september aod octo fcerarffewng refereoce may be made to the ajteot for ihe crown for ihis district alexander mc donnfxl esq- residiog at peterborough for farther information ijf the bathurst district for clergy reserves io the couotics of lan ark and carlton at bytovro on the 2d wed nesday io juoo and oo the 2d wednesday io july august september aod october fol lowing for town lots io richmond at that town oo the same days jv the ottawa district- for clergy reserves ia the counties of frmeotiaod russell ai pytown oo ihe 2d wednesday io juoe and oo the 2d wedoe day jo july august september aod octo ber followiog reference may bo made to lb ageoif the crowo tor iheae districts john mc- nalghton esq residiog at bytowo for further information schedules of tho particular lots to be sold to each towoibtp specifying also the terms of sale have been printed aud will be put op at the court hoose nt the office of clerk of the peace aod sherrift aod io other conapkuouff plae ia each district which schedules may be had oo applicatioo to the commissioner for crown lands or auy of the abov0oaraed agents schedoles are preparing for the midland aod other districts io which there are crown lamia or clergy reserves for salo aod noti- u of those sales will he speedily given peter robinson 1st otu 95 1836 lake ontario h stamboa l on steamboat arrangements for 1836 sbeat ssitaih tt1tited will apfcft the 1st op iftssj tlx as follows i stitesj rnii it ii wxllxaia it capt lonsojy billiard propelled by a low pressure engine of 100 horse power the only boat that runs between prescott and to- ronto without crossing ihe lake to or from oswego will oo the opening of the navigation commence her regular weekly trips running as follows viz op war os will leave prescott for niagara every satur day evening after the arrival of the montreal stages or steamboats touch- stiff at brockville and gananoque kingston sunday morning cobourg aod porthope suoday even ing cny of toronto monday morning hamilton monday afternoon and ar rive at niagara on the same evening do wf wards will leave niagara for prescott every tues- day afternoon at 7 oclock city of toronto wednesday morning at 10 oclock cobourg aod porthope wednesday evening kinevton thursday morning touching at gananoqueand brockville and ar rive at prescott io the afterouoo passeogers leaving niagara on tuesday eveoiog aod the city of toronto wednesday fovnoofliby the william iv- will arrive io montreal on friday evening passing tbc thousand islands in the day time this boat so favorably known to the travelling public aa a first rate sea boat and combining the indispensable requisites of speed punctuality and comfortable accom modations will as heretofore the proprietors trust receive a very liberal support for freight or passage apply at the post office a prescott or brockville b philhps kingston h e- nichols cobourg harbor co port hope j brown toronto d c gutra aod a laod hamilton j niveo fciss wm duff and wm wyno 22j v t0 ltx ca on board tomfmght payable on delivery to con- ifgnea nd all parcels and lvgvan at the sfgjtpf unit a given in charge of the rutftrnd booked a a the great brita1v capt whltrnlti going up tcavf tuesday do prescott brockville kingston osweo cobotir port hope do do toronto fridny do and arrives at niagara queenstoo and lew isioq the same forenoon coming down leaves lewiston saturday ai 2 afternoon ningftn do at 3 do toronto do at 0 do port hope sunday m ning cobourg do do oswego do night kioeion monday morniog brockville do noon and arrives at prescott same afternoon touch ing io going up and coming down at alexan dria bay and french creek passengers leaving niagara by the great britain oo saturday will arrive in montreal on tuesday evening the united states capt van cleve going up leaves evenloff i0 aod prescott sunday do kmgstnn monday wednesday forenoon jackets harbor- do do evening oswego do thursday moroing rochester- tuesday 5 p m morning noon kvemng morning evening just arrived great and important news from virginia h his day notice has been received of ihe virginia schemes to he dratvn during ihe month of aurust presenting a series of prices never before offered iocluuiog 3 capitals nf 30000 i do of 25000 as well as 4 do- of siooooin grand consolidated lotteries to be drawn io august early that distot adventurers may forward iheir orders iu lime to s j- sylvester 130 broadway n y nil notice t fiiveo bo enabled to toronto do and arrives at youngstown and lewiston ear ly on wednesday morning giving passengers all he day to visit the falls and return by the boat coming down leaves wednesday 7 evening do 8 do thursday morning do eveniog do 12 night friday morning and arrives at ogdensburgh same afternoon touching goto up and coming down at mor- ristown brockvmle alexandria bay and french creek passengers leaving the niagata by the uni ted states on wednesday evening will reach montreal on saturday evening lewuton youngstown rochester oswego sackets harbor kiogsion 40 vires of one thousand dollars virginia state lottery class no- 10 for tho benefit of the petersburg bed- mech as- sociatioo to be drawn at aleaudria va saturday august 6 136 scbemfi25000 8000 4000 3000 2000 dollars 40 prise of 1000 dollars 50 prizes of 200 dullara69 of 150 dollars 55 of 100 dollars c tickets sin share in proportion certificate of a package of 32 whole tickets will cost ooly 130 halvesaod quarters in prnponioo delay ool to send your orders to fortunes home h oqpassengers by either coat will ps th st lawrence from kingston io montreal by daylight f3parlies from the south intending to risii niagara falls will gcd it a pleasant and ex peditious route to lake the lake steamers dt oswego or rochester pated may 26 is36 bay river the splendid steant boat rosmfr mills mohawk villacsh sopmiasburgh bemkville antu asdunch carrying placte 2 211 2e 8 h calder masteh will leave prescott for the hail of the bay of quinte on tuesdnyt find fridays oin tbo arrival of the steamer dolphin toutlh- tog at brockville nd gaoaooiue sheuilll leave kiuxstoo on her upward trips no wedj- oeidays aod saturdays at half past 8 oclofkt a m aod will call at the following plsa- ces bath 1 k li ksburflll adotpiiustowk haixowell scanlavs and arrivo at the trent aod the same eveoiogs she ill cave the trent and carrying place oo he evenings of wednesday anil sunday for belleville aud leave belleville for prescornt on mondays and tbursdays at halfpat 6 ai m- calling at all the intermediate places tho baocrvillfi will leave punctually an advertised and as she will etop ooly a few tunnies at each place except tfheo there may be freight passengers are requested to bo iio readiness the speed and elegant accommodations oir the hhockvjllk are so well knowo lhat ihejy require oo further reeommeodatinn fmv freight or passage apply to the captaio oin boanl or to tho committke s beosoo s bartlett belleville j j miller htllowtll t mcnidcr kingstoo hobert harvey brock ville and the fidloivjog aornts thnmms fraser prescoit heury lasher bath john anderson fredrickshurgh samuel casey adulphustowo samuel solmes sophias hurgh wm portt tf co mohawk vilbge thomas mcmahoo ameliaburh shcldou hatvley river trent charles biggar car rying place alao at tho store of john cnun- inc ivi i imii akjri itun l plihtltit kingston 6ih may j836972 98z ce q repeated representations having been roade to the commit ihe kinztfon by men in business tbdt it would greaily accommodate the public and allay the apprehensions which many eotertain by the rapid movements of both the kiup- hon and brockville consequent on the opposi- lioo if ihe days of one of the boats were alter ed aod ejpressin a wish that the kingston would ulte other dajs although eonvinevd that they had the right of keepiog the days of last year and the injustice of another bot lakiny the same days when there were other days of ibe week unoccupied the commit tee of the kiogston beg to intimate to the pub lic thai in order to afford them greater facilities and coovenience they have decided on altering the days of sailing under the con fident expectation that it will he duly apprecia ted they iherefore give notice that for the future the steam boat irginia state lottery cusis for iii beoefit of the mechnaical bene volent society of norfolk to he diairo at alexandria va saturday aug f3 1836 cpitalg thirty thousand dollars 30000 10000 6000 3l40 83000 2500 2000 50 uf 1000 20 of 5u0 20 of 300 tickets ten dollars a certifieaie of a package of 25 wbou tifk- ela will bo seoi for 130 dollars packaget of halves quarters aod eighths io proportion lottp- bfl 17 jacod bokter master d o if k- w it us will leave ihe carrying place on tuesday aod friday mornings ai 3 oclock touching at ihe river treni ameliashurgh belleville sophiasburgh culbprfsons scanlans wharf hallowtfll adolpbostowd iredericksburh and bath io kingston will leave kingston same day at 6 p m touch ai fairmans ga- nanoqutf brnckvillr and arrive t prescott in time for the steam boat cor montreal dpwards will leave presroii every wednesday and saturday p m iinniedtaiely afi the arrival ofibesieamhoil from below touchinij ai brockville french creek and arrive ai king- stun early next morning will leave ki ngsion lake ontario the steam packet every monday and thursday morning ai 9 oclock touching nt the inierniediate places and arrive at the car rying place same evenings in time io met the mrwfs for conn pnrr nj i tu- fuuiu all packages and luggage a ihe risk of th owner unless given in charge 0 the puisef and booked every aitention will be paid to the comfort of passengers aod ihe boat is adapted w take freight horses 8tc stc may 27 1836 qy grand consoupatkd ry class no 33 fcr 1836 to drawo at wilmington wednesday aug 1836 scheme 20000 5000 3000 2000 dolbir 1640 dollart 20 priatesofl000 dollars 20 of 30030 of 150 tickets only 5 dollar a certificate of n package of 25 whole ifek- 1 eta will be sent for 65 dollars packages of shares in proportion virginia state lotterv no 4 for the benefit of the tojrn of well- hurg to ho drawn at altnrtndriji sagifly aug 20 i836 v scbfmb tatrfy taflhsnrf dtihntf 15000 86000 5i00 4000 10 of 1000 5ofw0r 20of500 20 of 40030 of 00 c c tickets only jc dollars- certificate of a package of 25 wholo ticker in this m ii ii schen may be bad for 130 dull are packages of halves aod quarters io proportion mtotlce is hereby given that tho 1 partnership between iho undersigned at poini henry store under ibe firm of edvard noble co expired this day all persons indebted to them are requested to pay the amount of their nccnunta to edward noble who will pay all debt due by the 11 firm edward noble andrew mcadoo david duff point henry may 10 1336- 92z ffdavid duff cootiuues ihe business at the store removal oren strong ereby lenders his grmful acknow ledgments to a generous public for tlie very flattering suppon he has received while keeping the steam boat hotel in this place and bees to acquaint his numerous customers hit he has this day opened his most splendid establishment the north american hotel cobourg situated near the steam boat landing where be will thankfully receive and promptly attend the call of his customers af fording ihtfm accomodations which shall not be surpassed by those of any establishment in the province said stand will be found to af ford itery great accommodation to persons ar riving at and taking iheir passage from this place in ibe several slam boats lhat touch daily at the wharf the proprietor of the above establishment continues his line of stage to the kicelnke and from tbence to peterborough which is well furnished with good covered carriages first rate horses and careful drivers seats may be taken at his house in the kingston and toronto mailstage horses iiod carriages are constantly in read iness to convey passengers st luggage to aoy part of the country cobourg u c may 1st 1856 100z uppfi c1kada mutual flu uh notice the suhscriherhavin made arranpemrnis to carry on the btfalmm nf auction eer and geneital commission merchant in ih extension find wmve- nicot premises furmnrly occupied by parkiir j v kztcsorio store street takes this oppor tunity of nonoudciog his readiues to rece cooigncnents anrus cameron auctioneer cnmmissioo merclnnt kipgsiop may j4- w oni ninnth a meeting onhefreehldaoeiwit irrd district dnly cocifaed hy pnica vertrsement pursuaot ioao act passed sss year of the reign of wm iv mltdtdz to authorize the establishment of myio surance companies in ths sevei l kird this province held at ibe cwu h ot town of kingston on monday ihe 6th dw june instant at 13 oclock t ooon purpose of coosideriog whether it be is to establish in suck district a firt tn company on the principle of matpjlff i ranee io conformity tvithtke proviiiooi i the above mentioned act and upwards of q members heinr present n the said meeting hmr cauauy en hftt iog beenca t tho chair aud mr w da we appoioied sfc reiary it was resolved that the freeholders sent m ilns meetinff dcero it expedieot tot a kire insurance compaoy upon the pciotipj of mutual insurance within the midfaoddii- trirt pursuant to ihe siatute lately passed resolved thai h cssady wmgarntt and thomas kirkpauick ksqrs be a comu tee to open a book and receive subscription stuck and whereas the freeholiers then pt- sent beinff forty or more aodhc sum for which they bound themselves to effect ioty- ranee amouoicd together to x i torrtoty anl upwards nd arc i hereby ordained con stituted and declared by thetaid act lobe a bo dy corporakfand politic in lact byariduftdp the name and style of the muural fir n- rance company of for the midland district now we th undersigned tn freeholders per- sent at the saidiiecting aod bound loum insurance with the said company aod ban mcftihers thereof do hereby give notice that we rail a meeting of the said compaoy to w held at the counhouse in the towo otkilf- ston aforesaid on monday the 13th day of jb ly next at f9 oclock at own for ihe porjwe of decline seven direclors to manage td conduct the property affairs and concemuf the said company pursuant to the provision of the said act h cauadt tdavio john smith kos kinicfafkick i jonx mowat wm ojiinvtr wm- ihikvcix jawts meaftoer jmw plant bowll i hksry smith jr joseph iiruce- kiosstqii 7th jonfi idw jvd irui ma 3 moth virginia state scheme lottery ny 5 emlowiug the leemfr academy aod for oilier purposes tu ita dnnvu at alexan dria va saturday a or 7 1830 capitals 30000 wttl s000 3000 dollar 2 500 dollars 1067 dollars 100 of 1 000 dollars 10 500 dollars 20 of 300 dollars- 64 f 200 c tickets ten dollars a cerrificaio of a pack6 of whole tickets will ha sent for 130 dollar- halves quanera and eighths io proinriiori- orders tor si ogle tickets or packaeeb must r rdlresed in s j sylvester l broadway n y o cauadilj capt n- johnson a low pressure engine of propelled by a low pressure engine of 50 horse power the oivt steam boat which plies rgg0 larly between kingston and oswego witsh leave kingston evry monday wednesday anj kriday mornins hair past 8 oclock and oswego every tues day thursday and saturday m same hour uoiil further ootice and on svhjmti will make an extra trip leaving kingston at 6 a- m nnd returning tlt same evening the canada whirli ins run for many years between toronto and- niagara is schooner rigcd and is well known to be second to none as a safe sea bmi- she is well calcula ted to convey both freight and passengersi with safety and expedition for freight or passage apply to mefsr trobridgr fit gram oswego messrs truak phillips kingston or to ihe captain oo board kingston may 23d 1836 94z tust received and for suit at the corner cfkmg and brock street iready reckon ers and lennie s grammar kingston jau- 16 18s6 migrant agent jhurch of england psalms tf hymns with and without music fold at ihe chronire gzetie office kingsioo ma 17 1836 93 wanted immediately fblwo journeymen cabinet makers and an j- active young man as apprentice to the same business liberal wages will be given none but persons of good habit need apply e- conk kingston u c- may 20ji j836 94z wool antiml cash paid forclmo wool of a good quality in ilie ftaece at tbo woollen fac tory ganannquo may 171j6 93ui notice to emigrants rjlhe undermentioned goveqnment agents will on application afflbrd emigrants information relative to the crtown lands for sale in their respective district and ihe con ditions upon which they may bie obtained mr- tv j btotti emigra a pres cott johnstown p rici mr john mejvavghton agent to the com missioner for crown lands jlyiown bath- urst district mr anthony manahan kingston midland district mr- alexander mcdonell aent io the commissioner for crown laowjs peterboro newcastle district mr- john b askin agent for the com missioner for crown l3nds london london district mr henry x jones agent to ihe com missioner for crown lands chatham wes tern district they will also give information as to routes distances and rales of conveyance those pans of the province to which fmi grants may be desirous of proceeding and di rect those hi want of work to places where thev can obtain it the undermentioned gentlemen have been furnished with maps of the townships open for location and will give emigrants infor mation relative to the lands for sale jo their respective ocighborhoods mr pringle cornwall frattr brockville mckeozie buih- baldwin fairfield brown information wanted f william beaton rfl bow fihnder active ynutig he lefi pittsburgh a brow canadian irowsers a big supposrd io have gonf to any information respecting him will fully received by his filths 1 donald beaton pittsburgh july 7ih 1330 sui editors in the united states will confer a favour by copying the above a nil man had on when niriuof coa srey i rutiah cap and is the uniicd states be thank- rcpairhu and tanin of puno fortes t p wind pkactical piako forte tuftfr ad rbftbcat respectfully in forms the amatoupj 0 piano fitne that he has made arrangement to remain in the town of kingtco a tow weeks during which time he will be happy to attend to tho above busi ness j p ivi ii it possession of testimonials of ahility which h o wi he happy ro produce address comn hotel kioeiloo june 151830 b i notice cvmmssimktr of proton lands office tqjknto 10th may 1836 rwihe times at places for the s and olein reserves durioj year ale of crown nog the preseot the to j prffpu april 8 1836 ogz to sell or to rent usssb m pious dwelling mouse pleaiaotly tituatej in the vi lage of nspime the house contains eizh rooms and other conteniedcee and accomrno datioos suitable for a family apply macplierion esq napanee or in kinffaion lodr dieh kiafttoo 9tb april 163 tailoring business d seelev would respectfully inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vici nity that he continues to carry on the above business fit his old stand in store street di rectly opposhe the commercial hotel and he hopes by punctuality strict attention to busi ness and reasonable charges to merit the con tinuation of patronagt he has so liberally re ceived the past year and he assures the public that no pains will be spired on his part to give every possible satisfaction j ds will receive the most approved fash ions every spring and fall n b one or two first rate journeymen will 6ml constant employment by applying io the above none but first rate workmen need apply kmcston 3d may 1836 a 41 if u boileville hallowell cvbourj i kinfsmill pcwt hone elliot dwich bostwick iv sliioiev ironside amherst burgh emigrants in want of information or em ployment on their arrival at toronto are di rected to apply at the emigrant office m tho public buildings a b hawkf chief emikknt agent jw y canada emigrant oflico 1 toronto may 24 1336 nyiloo the utter of the klttrfa cbromic montrt gzeite cotrarg sur and the uadfea time 1 requtbted to insert th above notice n xhtn rtspect- i trd to continue the amv until ihn 11 of october next kingston pcntal surger lf a wood dentist remain a few days at mcdonalds motel in the practice of his profession will ue 36 follou mlfdlaffd district at belhvilte fan crotvo lands in h cnunty of hastings no the 20th june 20th julj 20th aujusi ssoih september 20th october aud tist novfrnher at jsapanee tate crown lands in the cnnn- ties of lenm gf addinton on ihe 24ih june 25h jtuljr 24th aujuit 24th sop temher 24th october and 25h n at kingston fmr crown iands io the cnuoiy of frontenac no the 90th juoe 28th july 29th august 29ib september 28th october aod 29th november at belleville ffnr clergy reserves io the county of hoistings on the 20th juoe 20ib july 20th atncutt 20ih september 20th october and oiat november at jvapnnee for clergy reserves in the couu- ties of lrflox 8 adding on on the 24th juoe 25th july 241th august 24ih september 24th october aod 25th november at kingston fmr clergy reserves io the county of frmntenac on the thirtieth june tffemyeihth july twentyninth august twentyninth ffiepiemhor teotycighth oc tober and iwieotyflijolb november schedules of mhe particular lots to be sold io each tntvnwhiip aod specifying alio the terms of sale htavo been prioied aod will he put up at the ciuorl hciubo at the office of the clerk of the jpeace aod sheriff aod at oth- te places in iho idistrict which schedules can he had on tippllicaiioa to the ciunmisainuer for crown landk or io samuel s wil- wor esquire dopuly survevtjr who will foiude tn iho dititiict anj superintend tbo sev eral tales 105 peter robinson children friend society xcinoston committee at a meeting in kingston on monday theoth instant of persons desirous of furiherinc the benevolent objects of this insti tution f called at the request of fi orrik agent to the society in canada for the pur pose of csablishmg a branch committee at kingston for the reception and distribution of children in the midland district the fol lowing gentlemen were respectively constitu ted members of the same with power to add to their number viz rv r xv k archdeacolf sluart l l d- rev r d- canrvvrjcht am mi oracle john kirby honorahle john macaulav thomas markiand ks j p james sampson esft j p william locie esq j p james macfaklane esq j p john marks esq j- p- thomas scobell esq d a c g the latter gentleman beinij also appointed corresponding secretary of the said commit tee the committee give noiicc that they nre ready to rfoeive applications for children through the secretary who is prepare to jftve every information on the suhjeet no com munication will be attended to unless the postage be paid kwgttbbj jub6 53j i8s8 churtrens friend society he subscriber begs leave io acquaint the public that he has been disappointed in receiving the number of children which he expected only 15 bavins been sent out bui the remainder viz 85 boys and girls will arrive in the course of ihe present season and the applications hitherto received will be at tended to john orrok secretary for the canadas gore bank the annual general meeting of the stock holders will be held at the office of the bank on the first monday io august nexi at ten oclock a m fjr he purpose of electing directors for the ensuing twelve months a sterne cashier hamilton 8tb june 1836 hum i oi unction may js i83 barber am tl hair dresdcr marketr aqnibc kiirottoff ms grateful for the liberal patronage he fans received fronm the public he hopes to mem a coniinuamce of it- tpruzott hconrd and dressed ty 27 iw86 f storage and wharfage the subscriber havio been in the above business for nearly thirteen years wishes respectfully to inform his friends and the public that he continues at his old siand known by the name of mcguires wharf where he will be ai all limes ready io receive such property as may be entrusted io bis care and he has determined that all steam boats shall he at bis wharf free of wharfage n b steam boats may be supplied with wood on the lowest terms john mcgcire kingston 27th april 1886 87z to let vjvrom the first dav of november next lhat commodious house and store lately occupied by messrs j 0 bryce lit co situat ed on the west side of store street in the town of kingston near the commercial hotel these premises are exceedingly well adapted for commercial purposes beinz situat ed in that part of the town best calculated for all kinds of business if necessary possession vvill be given on the 1st of june next for further particulars application may be made either to james nickalls juo esq kimrstoo or to robert maxwell esq montreal bank quebec kingston 8lh may 1835 6sr new goods he subscribers are now receiving by the last arrivals from lohdok licojool and glasooiv extensive assortmonta of the es2f1 knds of staple and fancy pry goods laces small warr5 c- c thai ihey are in the habit of importing- robert araiour co montreal may 26 i8s6 looz 4t a general meeting of fc stockliumera of the bunk ol moaiwa held at the knk nt tlie 6th juoe iwoite honorable samiirl han having been ippo cd chairman of ibesflu meeiinsr iw shufntfil hi j hi bftiih uf the fastiiuik mu submiued with sundry other explanatory dp uments attrr which ihe following uesolinum were proposed aod adopted ntnrinc comrii eente namely no u knotted that the thank of ibe stockholders be eiven 10 ihe presideaii tkfc president and directors of the baok forthfr able management ol the business ofilieliui 101 ion 4 no s resolved that the iliaokof the stockholders be given to the cashier btnj holmes esq for the zeal and ability showaiy him in his department nf the baok no- 3 kewfotcf thm the thanks of the stockholders be conveyed to the prcmuoinj directors f the huebee branch of ihelowiu- non for their zealous attention to itieafliiri ilnieof confided to their charge no 4 r soloed thnt tlie ihaoks of the stockholders be irien to alcr smpson ei for ins able conduct of hi department of lle qnebfe uraoch of ihe bank no 3 ttisoloed thl ibe sum ol b hundred pounds he eivn io mlmirk mom as a consideration for his trouble 10 w- perintendincr he concern of the bank no 6 resolved that the sum of um hundred pouml b presented 10 he hononuf john stewart a a constdcrahoo wrhw hie in superintending the affursof imw urnnclt bank no 7 rrsohed that io as moth j char w of the corporaiioo will rxpire oa 1st of june next it is expedient dial iwwj rectors adopt ihe necess rv steps for itsrw al anj in the event of failing in amjfr t it thai ihey call a meeiingbf take into consideration the most eljmttti safe in ode of continuing the bostar no 8 resolved that thetoregoiafrw lunons be inserted io the public pilm winch the bank notices are usually pawii montreal 6ih june iaj6 r to the cashier of the montreal bank a sir we have to report inemld1dtt liolders elected as directors opmfimmbbi for the ensuing year t b akdeisojvf chablks baopwjb the hor- lorn jeer john jaajivsoa kq wiuuv lw- james looin es 1he hoi ptili joseph massoa john k iojut h fcq h l roma eb joseph snirrgrfcs john tokctv mwa john moisoneaa montreal unlt 6th juoe i83fi kh c tait d p ross david torrance -matf- diling in ram ir ofihesiockhowm sp the chronicle tebettf stfphen b sifrritl ia1 ifsks cum twenty shillings per annum or within the first iwo month of the year twiniyfivc shillinpa urice of 3ibn tisrmrtf 1 six lines and under t 6d fiiat ioliontp each snbsoriuent insertion ten lines aadaadrr 3 4d- first insertion and iod eaeh subsejoeatotert above ton lines 4d per line for wm io and id per line for every subscouentinttrtrf advertisements without writammsietim till forbid and eharced anoimw u a liberal diacount made la iants ampn who mlvertim firr throe roaolm and vtqa a no advert iscrtient received after taaow the ninrnina of publication v any person prunng ni t u 5 ui and paying numiatty tor mwt l io a seventh cpy gretis ki a wmii op firm l j icycnuniry produce rceetivalllw m the markcl prica i to milcer3 just received direet tram ftiabufte- turers in kurop with whom iwange- menta have been made fbrtooattaat supply of articles of the belt quality via real dotoh bblting cloths aasorted blirirmorfta pit t cut do do frenc burr stooet fw sale bv larocqttb bernard tu july 39 i8z john biffnell efffl dawd chisholu tq andrew porteous bflq- william mcintosh eaq george browto esq alpbeua jofiac eq heiry jone eq jotfiah taylor eq h whiimarth j k hartwell e nlmn c j mcdonald john don eq allan mcphernn esq wiii rorke eq thomnpdrinoreirt esq t d apoleliy baq thomoa rorker esq w robertsoo e4- charlea bigtfar em- m joseph a- keeler en kaitnethmacfcnisi f david srnirlzf john billxtq ralfo citnoh abq i tfajjakftri b howml lancatwv

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