Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 20, 1836, p. 1

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and kingston commercial advertiser mtt pumuheil tvrry vr ill oday uil latwnl at thofflc ofkluj and brook trec nec rege nec populo sd utrtlque twenty intlilnfs pw at tfc ad of tfce vol- xvi i ki5gstox upper canada wedxespay july 20 1836o the niagara and detroit hi- vers railroad com tan y at t meeting of the commissioners held at iho court llfhc io ihetmvn of saod- wicbio the wuiero district of upper canada pursuant in notice oo the first dty of june ifl stsat for the purpose of carryiog jqto effect the provisions of ihe first section of at jtct to incorporate certain persons therein natnedifh der the style and title of the jviagara and ttoit rivers rait road company tod tbe following commissioners being present via francis baby john prince beta citato rich- urd i broke person john the travellers guide visiting toe palls of niagara with a j neat map of the foil and islands plan of the village of ihe falls c handsomely bound for sale at the chronicle and gazette office kingston m g 1836 90 lumber merchants a re respectfully informed that the new steam roatf toronto and lady aylmer will tow rafts t reasonable rates between montreal and quebec the lady aylmer last season without ujudcr chewett otom jot- c tvzzm g watson janus dougj john pv upwards 1w rafis joshltoodsmngxam timt r icsbabu wmr wood william i hffi for terms apply to fa mullew apent at montreal m hart do nt three rivers blaughtonjosep gentle chat les baby tt r wood william g hau ckas elliot william elliot ahd ben jamin p coaoon it was vuanimmtsly resolved as follow that john prince esq do rke the chair aod that charles bahy esq continue to act ss secretary to the meetings whisky sfflvh np subscriber respectfully i pnal mock of the mid rail m books he a friends and the public in gene- opened at the uodcrmeotioned places and t has made arrangements for a consignment of jchart 5ih april 136 do st- peters street timber 8910 informs his general that he 01 bars 00 monday the eihternth day of july next f ridrl closed on the vtdoesdiy following which will he the 20ih day of july next and that the secretary do procure subscription hooks and tend them with 11 copy of the act of incorporation forthwith to persoos nod ptices hereinafter mentioned and to others that 11 i iii the lime shall have expired fur receivrog the said subscriptions the books ho closed and returned by mail to charles baby ng sandicich upper canada fflat a special meeting of ihe said cotpmis- siooers be holden at the court house 10 the town of sandwich aforesaid on monday the fifteenth day of august next fur the purpose or receiving the subscription hooks and carry- oiher provisions of the act iuto effect m thatth o t least a foregoing resolintiins 000 of lhe nfwajiapcrs in each of tho principal places meutiuncd in these resolu tions and that ihe secretary he authorized to direct such publication accuidirg 10 his discrc- aw that tho thanks of iho mcelinc ho given to the chairman for his impartial coudurt in the chair and to the secretary for bil aide assist sore charles rajiv secretary sandwich 1 1 june 1836 the subscription rooks will he opened at the fallowing places by the following gentle men tjppktt caada- baotlffirh james dougall eq charles itahv fiq auiliervthurgh the hon jame 30000 gallons whisky pari of which is now ready for inspection at his store lower end of quarry street opposite carrells tavern the above article is of the best quality of fered for sale 10 this marker and will be sold 00 the most reasonable terms for cash tavernkeepers and retailers will find it to their interest to call joseph carbury kingston april mth 1836 8 the subscriber having leased ihat well known quarry at hatters bay will on the very low est terms and on the shortest noiice furnish stone either in rooeh dimensions or drifts- 1 lit ei as required there is also a wharf about ten rods from the quarry whereon will be kept hubble sione fur sale for terms and other particulars application can be made to tbe subscriber upon he premises robkkt barclav gordon ihhtham ww- cos colchester gordon huclmuan i gofiehl iiiiffix cirty wm amhride esq- liiile eonirc kingston 2lsl may 1836 94z farm for sule 1 fkfh acres ofexcelleot landbetogwest w half of lot no 4 in the first con cession of fiedcricksburgh pleasantlysituated on ihe bay of quiote and coofeoient to a steam boat landing there are about 60 acres under cultivation a variety of fruit trees a frame dwelling hooseaod a new barn 50 feet bv 30 the stock cfop c may be had by the purchaser at a valua tion the greater part of the purchase raooey mayreroain iq the haodaof tbe purchaser for further particulars 0pjtt ta the subscri ber on tbe premises fames silliman frederlcksburgh july 8 1836 3z ccltic society op tpper cakada at a general meeting of the celtic society of upper canada held at the british american hotel in the town of kingsion the 4th day of february 1836 ihe following resolutions were unanimously adopted resolved that this society haviog wit nessed the inconvenience and loss which their fellow couotrytnen have experienced on tbeir arrival in this to then strange and for eign country from the want of immediate in formation necessary 10 their location and fu ture success deems it advisable as one of the most useful means 10 which it can apply a portion of its yet limited surplus funds to offer a premium for the best written essay 00 tjp- eer canada the primary object of which shall e to furnish emigrants here or the intending emigrant at home all possible information with respect to soil climate prospect and means of obiaioing employment cheapest and best routes of transportation british and local emigrant laws necessary advice for the pre servatron of their health and the husbanding of their resources and such other disinterested and general information ns lonp residents ac- tu4lni0t with nil the localities of iho province can give and emigr3nts can confidently and therefore would most cheerrbtly receive for although much has been written on this sub ject by individuals to their friends yet the com munications have roost commonly been tinct ured with theirown individual success ordisflp pointments and contain only such local infor mation as could be obtained in their owo imme diate individual districts therefore they do not deserve nor can thy obtain that confidence required to influence an enterprising emigrant nor have those communications issued by the different emigrant societies and land com panies produced much better effects for how ever pure the motive of communication they are not free from the suspicion of being inter ested from this society unconnected as its members are with ifrnd or other speculations that could be expected in this case to bias their rive esqujre fsq potimas esi mersea krieu james wm posirnhsicr howard duncad warren esq orfunl david s baldwin esq postmaster aldboroujgh james fergu ton inq duimirh henry coyne esouiro smlbwuld levi fowler lq st tboinan beta shaw esq poslflpmtrr junei ilamil ion john k voodwnrd aod edward er- mdfioer esquires ftlalahide philip hutch jcinson eq kaynharn the pontmaiter vi enna stephen elliot eq dunham 1 c n 1 i win van allan esq midimeion the post mailer simcoe i campbell esq postman ter vinoria pmticii walsh esq port do ver benjamin rlead ksq loodoo george gnftdhue esq hraotfoid win kichardsou potiinasier ancaster the posuraster nod wm notman enq duodas the postmasief aod james ewari esq- hamilton postmas ter miles oreily esq wellitikioo square w kerr esq oakvii john geotle esq st catherines vv h merrit and h smiili eiquircn niagara thomas mcconnick esq charles richardson eq j cliippawa james cummioes and j mcnlickin esquires ni- zm falls samuel street esq waterloo ales doufilas eaq toronto at tho ofbces if the bank of upper canada commercial rank of the midland district joiot stock baokiog company as bank and the bank f ihe prupla piw mopo the pfhl master cobourg uurgo itoulloo esq kingston juhu alacaulay and john s cart- wrighr enquires precott hiram norton esq brockville henry jones esq corn trail archibald mclean esq lower canada mootreal at the offices of the several banks meisrs gillespie moffait co messrs for ty lb rirhardsoo co and joseph shuter hq- quebec at tho offices of the severa baoki bnitbd states detroit at the offices of rhe michtran bank the farmers aod mechanic bmk and the michigan state bauk messrs dorr and jones o newbury esq- messrs- gray and callagher chicago new bury esq st joseph farmers and mechanics bank poaiinc bank of pontine buffalo at the offi- tes of the different banks messrs pratt tay- bjcs w ih ppay for lor and co ud isaac h- smith eq- moo kii sandusky bhck uock foe hank of the river the bauk of sandusky hearth esq oswrgo fiizhuh and co rochester at the offices of the several bank alhaoy at offices of ihe several banks joho tovrosend esq syracuse at the ofli eu of the several hanks uiica at iho offices f llie several bunks the places for opening be suhseripiiou bonks ia new york phiu boston baliiinnre und other places j he determined upon and attended to by chairman i05z for sale at this offlce reams of wrapping pa per 15 hiaugnst 1835 10 a for sale quaoiily of excellent writing ink at the chroo gazette office corner of king brock street- 9sz extract from a royal proclamation dated at the castle of st lexcu sna march latt le vying tolls on the military canals on the ot tawa river ft am the 1st june next to the slst may tqii6 1837 just published and for sale jt the eorper of king anil brock street woo copieof murrays english reade biereotype edition 1 f august 4 1835 11 and mo pap just received for sale at the chronicle the benefit of their countrymen and as ouxilt ary to the parent society at home whose bene volent views are so well known and appreci ated it is believed any information bearing its sanction would be productive of great cood as 11 would be received with confidence by per sons at vru destous of emigrating to bri tish north amrtcs therefore resolved th a gold medal shall be awarded by this sofcty to the author of the most approved essay to the above subject which shall in the most clear and comprehen sive manoer embrace the views contained herein with such other information as may be useful to the emigrant each essay to be addressed to the secreta ry of this society enclosing n sealed paper containing the name aod address of the au thor which paper will not be opened unless the author of the accompanying essay shall be the successful candidate tbe rejected as well as the successful es says to be the property of the society as the premium will he awarded on the i3th of september no essay can m received after the first day of august resolved that all newspapers in the ca- nadas friendly to emigration be requested to give this publicity bf order joutf a macdojuld bee secretary oa t military canals otf the ottawa through the whole of tfu canal for tbe pajinge of any barge upwards eightjffive shillings halifax currency down ward tixty shilling like currency for every darharo boat upwardij fifty shillings halifax currency donnwards tbir- tyfivt shillings nd eightpence like curren cy- fortvery boat for cabin passengers up wards thirty shillings halifax currency downwards twenty shillings like currency for every battcau from thirtytwo to for- tynvo feci lung upwards thinyfive shillings halifax currency downwards twenty- five shifting like currency furny batteau under thirtytwe feet long upwanb twemy6vo shillings halifax cur rency dowuwards seventeen shillings and ten peaee tike currency for every skiff ic upwards twelve shil lings sixpence ii c downwards eight shil lings aod eleven pence like currency greitville canal only forevery barge upwards aod downwards fortytwo shillings and sixpence halifax cur- reocy fnr every durham boat upwards and downwanjs tweotyfive thilliags like curren cy foraury boat for cabin passengers up wards and downwards fifteen shilling like currency forcry battean from thirtytwo lo forty two feqoof upwards and downwards gov eoteen shillings and sixpence like curreo- for avery jlatteau under tbirtytwn feet lou- dpwards and downwards twelve shil lings aud sixpence like currency for every bkmfi fcti upnnis and jttwo wirdh hinifipi and tbreepeoce like cur rency chute a blondeau only for every barge upwards fourteen shil lings and two pence halifax currency down wards five shillings aod ten pence like cur rency for every durham boat upwards eight shillings aod four peuce downwards three shillings aod seven ponce like currency for every beat for cabin passenger up wards gvo shillings dowowards one sbilliog and eight pence like currency for every batteau from thirtytwo lo for tytwo feel lung upwards five shilling aod ten pence dowotvards two shillings and six pence like corrency for every uateau under thirtytwa feet upwards fnor shillings and two pence down ward nne shilling aud uine pence like cur reucy fur every skiff c upwards two shilliogs and a penny dowowards eleven pence like currency carrillon canal only for every barge upwards one pound eight shillings and four pepce downwards eleven shillings and eight pence like currency for every durham boat upwards sixteen shillings and eight pence downwards seven shilliogs aod one penny like currency fur every boat for cabin passenger up wards teo shillings downwards three shil liogs and four pence like currency for every batteau from thirtytwoto for- tytwo feci long upwards eleven shillings and eight pence downwards five shillings like currency for every batteau under thirtytwo feet loos upward etghc fjlyt c few fwx downwards three shilliugs and seveo pence like currency for every skiff c upwards four shillings and twopence dwowards one shilling aod nine pence like currency for every steamier at the carrillon locks upwards aod downwards fifteen shillings- like currency for every steamfer at the chute o blond eau locks upwanfa and downwards ceven shillings and six ptvee like currency for everv raft mt having previously paid toll on the kideau canal to be charged as un der oak aod standard staves twelve shillings and six pence for each lock station all other rafts nf whatever description of wood eight shillings for each loci station for every raft having previnnsly paid toll 00 the rideau caoal on the condition that the proprietor or pihit produce a certificate to that effect to be ihtirged as follows oak and standard staves ten shilliogs for each lock station all other rafts whatever of whatever des cription of wood si shillings for each lock station rafts passing though the grenville canal not to exceed seventy feet by sixteen those passing through iht chate a bloodeau and carillon canals not to exceed one buudred feel by twenty sis- raft and 3d gd west india staves 3s 4 p thousand the tftme in boats or sc 1 p l0o ileadiog per 1000 is 3a deals per 1000 feet inr 2s 6d the same io boats aod c lp boards and planks per 100 feet to 2 6d the same in boats or sc 1 shingles per thousand m laths sawed or split ffl 1000 3d saw logs from kiogsrap bytowo from bytowo to kiogstotf s tbe same through eachf ld p 0 ash oars 2id per pair tanners bark percortf raft u the same in boats or setf lard butter tallow wax and ho ney in barrel 4d per bawj the same in kegs 2d j fog- fire wood in rafts perrd is the same in boats or sctf 4d apples per barrel 3d tobacco atthe raie of 8 p hogshoad stone frumquarries 6d oi saod and lime per barfl coaches carriages amj waggons is oach caleches ggs and cartv h cheese per hundred welftht 2d beer aod cider per barf 3j- all other merchandize at be rate of 7s per too steam boats passiog frtfff kiogstoo to by- town 10s per trip steom boats passiog froft bytown to king ston 20s per trip steam boats passing froft to bytown or kingston aod kiogsttrtito perth 5s per trip steam boats passing froftbytowa to perth 10s per trip from kiugstoo to bytowhi carryior passen gers in addition to tho nit or pro duce they may carrv birge 5s durham boat 3s gd largo batte 2 6d- small batteax is gd- from bytowu to kington barge 10s durham uuat 7s large bsww 5 small batieaox 3s j boats aod cau6 for bril lock6d and id for each loct id addition to the merchandize or 94c9 iv may carry from kiogstoo to first rapids aod from first rapids to kiogstoo from first rapids to by- town aod from bytowo to the narrows cabin passengers 2s each childrou uoder 12 years ot age is each neat cattle and horses 2s each sheep pigs and calves 3d eacb dry goods wines and spirituous liquors 3s- 9d per too iron and salted fish is i0d per too salt and sen coal lid perteo wheat per bushel one half peony rye aod buckwheat flour efld corn meal per bushel one farthiug flour per barrel 1 jd beef and pork per barrel ljd pot ash per too is id pearl ash per too is 7jd boards and planks per 1000 feet j0d lard butter tallow bees wax and ho ney per barrel 2d the same per keg id stnne from quarries per toise 3d cheese per hondred weight id beer aod cider per barrel 2d all other articles to he subject to the same toll as from kingston to bytown and all ar ticles passiog one nr ronre of the locks between kiogstoo and first rapids m betweeo first rapids and bytowo tu bo charged with the same toll as if they had passe the whole dis tance between either of those places the mansion house kingston u c the subscriber resfettfulfy bes leave to notify to the travelling public that he cootiuues to occupy this eittnjo afld well knowo hotel the mansion house is pleasantly situated in store street being the principal and ceo- iral street io kingston is convenient to all the steam boat wharves and no establishment of its kind in the upper proviuce csii surpass it io tho excellence and comfort of its npart- ments both parlors aod bedrooms tbirtyfour in number all of which ar furnished io the very best style the hotel hs lately undeooe a thorough repair aod is at present in ost excellent nr- der aud condition for the acommodatioo of the public the subscribe haviog kept q hotel for many years has acquired experi6t ihat line and therefore trusts that uit uoremittiog at tention to the comfort of h guests he will coutinue to merit public patr in the rear of the mansion house there is a large yard aod extensive stahtiog and where a livery stable is constantly kept cthe mansion house t vmin and por ters will always be in readme to convey pas sengers aud luggage to aod tm the differeot steam boats s carmino kingston june 22d 1836 i03z from tbe boston rccordsr the last walk i supported my sister to take ber final wvfk io the garden it was fine evening in the month of june aod the garden of which she was particularly fond was dressed in its best ar ray the voices of manifold bird happy be yond uttereuce were pouring out their liviog trains of joy love sod harmony- my little children as happily as they were playing no the dazied lawn she carefully visited all ber favorite plants she spoke of them with more admiration than ever before and wa jointly paid them any little attention which they happened to re quire at length her measure of strength was exhausted and we turned towards our quiet habitation tbe big tears started from ber eyelids and were again suppressed one last look brother said she as she turned round to the spot which had so often contribu ted to her innocent gratification it was in deed the last look that she was taking aod she eotered the cottage to come nut no more martha by tbe rev dr reed the verflsl eve was aoft and pure the cotisge garden fair and feeble was ber step who sought to breslhc its helmy air upon her brothers arm she leand that rrn from childhood d vu r a nrf tenderly ber plaintive tone rose munnuriag lo bis ear the birds with merry watbling seetnm hor languid heart to cheer the robin by her bounty fed oonfidinp hoverd near and mid the incense breathing flowers and neath the cmbowrin stiftdf the infant nurslings that she lovd in sportive gjmbols plsyed grty twilight oer the hovering scene ahtofcftttihata threw and in its ruby cup the rose received the freshning dew yet still that lingering form was seen with wesned steps io sway all pensive es a parting friend was it tht tatt walk soy 7 it uu the tear drop 00 her check in pearly richness bore the lingmge of her deepfsrewell who trod those psihs no more but her ntxt otdk mid brighter flowers in holier climes than this the seraph habitants of heaven alone con tell its bliss l h s fp extract from a royal proclamation dated at toronto 1 2th of november 1335 levying tolls on the ruu canal ous town or from alii ga- office corier of king and brock e quantity of excellent wrap- r on moderate terms j im836 4z for sale few boxes real qoinabog scythe stones c willard- kiogston 24th june 1636 km prok kingston to town o kingston cabin passene 4s oach children under lf2 years of age 2s cttcb sheep piss aod calves 6d each- ry goods wfas aod spirituous liquors 7s 6d per too imu and salted nh 3s 9d per too stilt and sea coa oj per t wheat per boxhcl ihreo fariliiors other kinds of graj arj potatoes jftrbosh el one farthing rye and buchvlvheat flour aod corn meal per bushel on halfpeony flour per barrelled iteef and pork pm barrel 3d pot ah penop fig 3d pearl ash per ie ovit- r fool boats or scows one half penny pine elm and j soft timber per foot in boats or scows ooe the same io rafi oarnely onk one peony pei ru fool pine one farthing p cubic foot standard sm 7 1uo0- the same io boats or scows 10 per iooa t bather sole and jp var m- tannagescalf skg kips c tor sale by larocque bernard co who will beep a large a66t ctn on haud may 18- l8z just finished and lur s atthe book- siore on the corner of ao brock jng sircet a large assortment of account bowleg of best materials and workmajp f m z montreal prices- ix blank books or paper vell and correct ly ruled to any pattern at sho notice kingston june i 1835 for salfe at the commercial whirl kingston foot of store street nhjgktff salt piastek of paris atkrume by the subscripts tltuax v phillips kinssion q3d may is36 053 kotwjfi right ingers0i have bee orsalcat mriorenc i ta vern kingston m barrels and sina quanii- tiee to sun purchaser w frtrickhu 1- inth jdqj tv l6 from the london court jonmsl- lost and won 0 the third 5easoh ft he shall propose this seasopj and then i shall havu the graii6catiob the delighf tba exquisite triumph of refusing hicn it will on ly serve him right such was tbe language of florence nevilles eyes as she to otem plated with 00 little satis- faction the graceful reflection of her figure in the glass before which she was attiring for tbe first ball of tbe season of whom was sbo spoakiog of whom thinkiog why did that short rosy lip curl with such beautiful scorn as the last look was given at the snowy dress which hung in its lacefolds like summer clouds round the fairy form of its yonng mistress florence was ut that momeot picturing to the subjugfr- tioo of one high heart which bad obstinately refused doing homsge at her shrine of one being in the wido world who had dented bor power calmly gazed at her undoubtedly love ly counteoaoce aod traoquilly disapproved her style it was insutfersble so kloreoce determined that ber third seasoo should be dis tinguished by the conquest of the haughty high and handsome earl of st clydo not that she cared for him oh no she was only determined to make him propose indeed there was 1 sort of playful wager between her cousin emtna neville and herself on the sub ject and florcoce felt her credit at stake if she failed have you thought of your nager florence said emma neville as they descended to the drawing room together to be sure you thiok i shall lose it 1 cao rend your thoughts lf he is the st clyde f the last seasoo you cerptioly trills laughed emma that man is invulnerable florence jvovs verrons nous verrons said the beau ty aod tnking her fathers arm he sprang lightly into ibe carriage it was a hrilliant ball the rich find the no ble the young and the beautiful all wero there aod in tbe centre of an admiring circle dazzlingly conspicunus stood florence she was preparing to waltz wiih a tall dark un bending looking personage who was appa rently quite indifferent whether he supported hor light figure or that of any one else this was lord st- clyde florence on the con trary was ell sparkling gaiety she was dan cing with him for the third time- another ruomeol aod they were flying rouod the circle with rapid grare things wenton exceedingly well florence knew her ground aod the game she was play ing and as she passed emma the cousins ex changed glaoces that of floreoco said he is woo l that of emma not yet- am afraid yo0 aro fatigued said lord st clyde ai he led his partocr to a seat oh no not much replied florence but the rooms are very warm it is impossible to dance and still more to brcalb particularly here she was in one coner of tlhrttfti most crowded nod removed frtftn eiibsr 4st orwjadew the eoaserrmorias an cool aii d die btyl bet tie did not offer to lead tor tfaerw reoce wes perfectly aware that the toues were cool but sbo knew also that they had another advantage they were perfect grovee of the cbotcest flawen tad orange tnm eodseqoedtly no spot was ever better suited forn hirtalion for at proposal wish eaperieoied policy however she only leatilhl gracefully back aoctgeotly fanned hariairli- ltird si clyde stood by ber side he sraa any thing but m ball room man for though ma figure was faultless aod bis denctogjust enough to shew itoft bo bad none of fbwt charming fluency of oeowsmtioo which educing pan- ner should bavo be could not pay a eoupu meot if be did not feel it be stoold not if be thought it was expected ihereford bad be been mr st clyde jr be would have been m great bore in society as it was bo wn a de lightful young man so mnefa proper rwrn tbe golteppe in qustne routed tbt earl from a reverie are you too much fatigued lo join io tfao galtoppe miss neville v oh yes i oever gauoppe it fatigues me so lifjt possible you like that romp lord su clyde the earl persisted but floreoco would not dance be persuaded but she would not listen he cootfescudtif to vepemt lhe request and almost allowed- coo pliitieot io escape bm 00 florence wrfs firm tbe earl said 00 more but drew himself up suddenly florence rose with her brightest smile l am too selfish my lord that gmfloppe is so inspiriog that i cannnt resist il a change came oer tbe spirit of st clyde he was another creature and florence was herself again all triumphant tbe neii no mem tbe dancers were throw u loto confusion there was a rush toward tbe windows and lord st clyde was seen darting through tbe crowd toward the conservatory with a faiotiog figure in bis arms it was floreoco nevilhv the cousin bent affectionately over the io sensible girl and tbe earl kuelt by bar with m glass of water it was my fault exclaimed 01 clyde io eo agitated voice i mads her dance goerf god bow lovely she looks abe dees not re vive whet shall we do has no one salts cried emma call mj uncle i think we had letter go home ob who has ny salts the earl was already gone for them with a stifled isugb florence opened her vridebeea tiful eyes and started up it not well done good heaveo floreoce well py dear did yon oever hear of any ooe fainting before yon will lose the wager cuxini two my deer floreoce how you frightened me never mind hosb here they come now take papa to the ballroom for my boa aod leave the fast tp me emma did as she was desired and foreboro to ask aoy questions until they got home then she anxiously inquired did hkr pro- pose no provoking man bui very ncarlyv dm- 1 tes but it will oot do florence thatt man doea not care for yoo never mind that he shall propose but do you oot care for him qu irnporte be shall propose never i will make him remember this is only the first ball of the seasoo t lady montosgle gave m fete t ber villa ar putoey mr and miss neville were there of course florence bad an eiquiiha bequer- but she saw lord st clyde advancing toward her therefore she prudently dropped itioto the centre of a largo myrtle busb you hive no boquet miss neville war nne of hi lordsfaips first remarks are yotr not fond of flowers yes passiooately said florence but f have lust mine i am sorry for x fear i shall not find aoother so beautiful will yon allow me to endeavor to supply its placo with this was the instant reply florence smiled and blushed a ihe took it the smile as an but the blush nature for she could not help it lord st clydes eyes were fixed 00 her face and the ooit moment she touod herself walkiog with him whilst mr- neville was speaking to the hostess whose gaunt daughter wss looking very spiteful floreuce played her part 10 admiration lord st clyde was io her power for she had eo gaged him in an aoimated flirtation they were staiidiog on tbe brink of a beautifat foumaio when the earl exclaimed do yoll koow the lauguageof flowers istsa neville no ssid floreoce but it must be very pretty do you know it my lord yes by heart 1 then tell me what these flowers mean exclaimed the beauty quite inhnieptly as she offered him his boquet which ffas composed of a white rose a pink rose bod some myrtle and ooe geranium the earl bssitatod snd laughed ihen suddenly recovering himself he said thcy speak io their simplo language the sentiment that i dare uot in words ek- press florence felt her heart heating but she on j ly laughed that laugh encouraged tbe earl floreoce forgivo me if

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