Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 16, 1836, p. 3

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trdi thtfn tad uiuao ourtewei by muraqr our pxxiii taoaf our politic enraiof tbt iin irrtw that hit lit upon ui durtn tfnn mnloofcftl for encounter warn from the qurwrmftnd dillon i tbii ctrne upon ui unptriratfyi for the rtry lime we were jutt recovering tgttbe w fret of emieeileienl from die giant aottfce it- vbcible adim thorn however in sober iffneu wbert theturprise of the moment for in tcu we w1 a kxndtr struck had pused ovr wo mflhwqf begeoto look about an and the mon w reunited and reflected die more we were ted to wonder thet tba editor of the patriot tliould have felt it neccfl- wy to dwell upon the subject an aeriowl end milt aucb a fine ado about nothing efia jnv ipirlted impresaive and elegant aa it we piigbt have been all well enough only that in tfce pre- eenteaee jta prevailing characterise is thai it had othing at all to do with the enhject prctioos toheutoeleotom wc devoted nflrtelvee hm and eoul to the wnrk before ud ltobard our duty 10 effectually eipoiing the mifdoipgi of the radical majority of the lio hnue of as a cm my we krpi the counties of lttai and addirigtun con- linoauyin our minde eycaelectcd aoch tnirla and puhjeets aa were calculated tn shaken the peo ple and publiahedand circulated among t rem extern number of our paper the tone and temper of which we endeavored in adapr to the atte of the cqtnleraiei thinking men whom we were anxious to iufhseoce that we weie devoted in the buine i puiir for aceording to the patriots own eonfossiiinyaar ex honationa to the people of lenox and adnptofi flight make the vrry alone to rie fd mutiny ffftinst the miscreant domination of perry and bid- awll realy fiiend dauti it did curt btfoni a oa thai we were in danger of moving the very foundation of nature although we contcsaje would railier have done aonif thing even in ihatway than to have hilm in promoting mr caftwrighpa elec tion butefter ihia fiatemeiif tviiaf becomes oflhe patiiota leciure indeed friend dolon aecms to fcava forgotten what he waa at it i at range thai aflerour having struggled in benefit the people in tnoee connliet we ihotjtd bv orcucd of inconsisten cy merely hecaoao we jtd not ehouto tn keep up our fire alter the enemy had fallen and did not eon- imoe to acmir iho field ovfn ofier the entire radical band waa routed we l i reserve in uraelvee rhe pnvhege or determining what apiri aod temper are catcutated to render our idhour most useful and hill iri r our poodns of heart by epeaking even of our politico foes in term aa fair and candid ai the case may admit without conaulliog the pecu liar nniiooa of even our good friend of the patriot peopl- are amcrimea liable ro rnnuk cvgo while eaiimaling their own importance and we cannot 0x- actly discover why it ie that catkin of ourcontem- ponrica should be so ready with their strictures wurea dictations or whatever thev nttyhooe to tfhr nivc w st but couriers p mtkw uitrwe jrthinlwpertolake of the een- rfnwuteppliticaj lc tbil may be disseminata h ux the consttittfion u ia wiflfelnga of deep regret that wo ban to notice of bra wintffield lady of captain wrwmfcllipieni aad tldest daughter of that high ly eateeme pfflcer lietit col miichell who ha commanded the rojal artillery at this poet for near ly fin year the amiablu manner aa excellent qualitiea of the deceased were well known and duly estimated by a large circle of acquaintance in this town who now with feeling ofkeen sorrow deplore herlo k ad observers misible we may communication is ioad- have boeo wrong io at tempting to frame explanations and apologies for the editor of ilie whig io our last number bur really it waa not easy to resist the impor tunities of a neighbor who louse his own worde hud become involved in a most horrible men anobaerverv article ia a happy one bis strictarea are rery pointed and hissatire irresistible nod would afford us the luxury of a laugh at the doctor expense but we have resolved to allow what has or may appear io the whig to pass unnoticed o vole nee j inti we have reason to know thai io this painful mi h waagoffrncdby tht beat feelings of pur uatore the accused wat a youth id hw employ and toward whom he stood io tlls relation of guardian and he doubtteas igld toward him just u he or soy other pareftfi would himself deaire to have a friend act i8f a n at a distance from the parental reef w might be m unfortunate as to stand in the same situation among strangers iothe course he took therefore mr hoxie did no more ihfl to fulfil the goldeu rule of the saviour of mo who has taught that 4 all things whosoever yc would that men should do uofo yeu do ye the seme uoto them- p this gray we have seen it somewhere sta led has beefl confined in the penitentiary for a brutal assftult u his wife- on the iffluilt of robinson a great flour ish was made about his tallin upon his fathers neck aod itfpn if so it must have been sheer aclin his conduct immediately after ward was ill of indecent levity and on the day follnwirg his language respecting his fa ther whert the gaoler wa makiog out his bill was nfct only disrespectful but unfeeling sale of government linton nd jackson notice thb subseriber beps lenvo to qumot his friends and tie public genet l1at he has received invoices of the fullivi8 rlictea per the ship thalia from liver nol aro oow nn tlio way from moutroau v black aod hiuo superfine weal of koahri clolha olive green ami medly colort i- llr do double and single ahum caasimw a do fancy buckskins the lateal ludw p f valentia and marseilles veaiitirs w suita hie trimmings for the above tin tthofa will be fouod inferior to oone iu iho im for durahility and cheapness tht latest fashions always revived fiutl geotlemeu accommodated with astt twelve hours j o takes this opportunity of requesting those customers tvhutfo nccounis w f stnnilin to mil oud sefile bs mones b scarco article in marker and at iho tfescot time would bo very acceptable in him john olffhant- kiogstun 14th june 1836- 10z the article in the petnot alhouh we were in frutfi itrppirvd to find so much rodomontade twiddle and humbug where wo hd a riht to expect something better our contempnmrici have right to thitdi for them selves and while we claim the samo privilege e may be allowed that this should be the fcainn of modoraie measures in ihc pail amen t aad tbrottfihou the countiy ihe tone of party poll tica should b- jn-dt-rau- the people a npw pre pared in act upon rational views and 0om princt- plfs ilitj need rriwn not invective sd the jtiat feelings and pure oi cplrs vh cli they hoveevineed si the late election can only ha sircngihened and eonfirmed byjudictoos fair ad moderate means many of ihe electors who came nobly forward and vtted for conalrluijonal candidates at ihe election 4 becaae thy detested the violencof ihe-n- uiji pany with which ihry had acted and god for bid that ihey ahould now find even a lytbe of that violent spirit among ue let the spirit and temper efoor journal be such as the intelligence and good tssteof the peoplo require above all el iherehe no petty bickerings among constitutional editors tad ei us not be nvr anxions to differ wth and mie- ifpresent one anniher we cannot cl without adding sa wnrrhy of attention at the present period the admirable advice given by hc celebrated sorke to the ii fr bishnp sent out to canada it is jtodeitioff moderation morchatton jbz cowstitotiolf awo maclekzl we have reteivej the two first numbers of a oewspaper published at toronioby william lyon m4ckeo7ie and entitled the constitu tion this association of terms 1 he con stitution and mackenzie sounded vry queerly to us at first and for the life of us we could amfofjeervphow it tts thrrr thenttthu w grievance report the eternal admirer of the aeihbouriog stales the bosom friend of pap isesu the leader of the routed radical faction io tins province and the distinguished enemy of every thing of british character cr inbueoce ahoold take it into bis head all of a sudden tike to fall in love with the constitution strange as it was however yet for the moment it really seemed that the ethiopians skin was changed aod the leopards spots removed but upon inspection we wore forcibly remind ed that ail was not gold that listens and that although the outside may be specious and pre- posessing yet the inside may be filled with corsiog and bitterness we always had a aoiioq that the name of a paper was designed to convey some idea of its character and no doubt that chosen by mr mackenzie in this attempt would be proper enough were it not fora trifling mistake which in the hurry of publication has probably escaped his notice aod which he will do well to aniend io his wit the error to which we refer is one of otoiuioo and when ihe blank is supplied will ge the name uf the paper in full thus 4aicoositutiod perhaps mr- mcken- n regards the error in name as unimportant m feels confident that what is omitted wil eleirly undersiooj as though it was ex- passed aod of this we entertain no doubt itver io the numbers of the papers before us mr cunsthta resumed his labours upon the w canaltatta of principles in his jw ay and complains with a sickening j ah the lau elections in all ho the paper has been some time in get- te k c0dens prp deliberately e ia not an over abundance of argu- dl and the editorial department betrays t r7 l0 sa much of that violent spirit t i characterised his writings object of this pa per is doubtless to awaken yopathy and pave mr mackeniies ai favor but in ruth lbc hopc bt k lorne one there vas lime be could mislead the people but that uia w dot how he uncivil to our h n first arrival and having gooe t- the form of an introduction we will to the editor of the chronicle gsieua- sia i regret exceedingly thai a few of the oraogemen contrary to the opinion of their more experienced brethren walked in proces sion on 2th tnst i would ma hope that the lgood work of union among irishman which was so delightfully progressing will not be interrupted that the actings of a few will not be chareed upon the tttofe i do hope that the thinking and respectable among both orange men and catholics- so far from being led into heat or animosity by either the ignorant or uq- thinkingncis of the lower orders of their res pective parrit will use their influence to re move every hindrance to conciliation the union of irishmen f in conjunction with the rose and thisile has proved in the present instance the salvation of upper canada let it be perpetuated let not our constitution and the interests of our nome province be sa crificed to party spirit let not what has al ways been the curse of ireuod become the curse of canada we are brothers from the sod let us ac as such wishing well toevpry catholic aa well as tery pwwopl the friend of a patriotic objjrqhr eingptoo july m 1896 u ti some future opportunity he ootica from the n y commcrctal advertiser court op sessiufs the following extraordinary circumstances traospired in the court of sessions yesterday war ajrawe fnio liie sirpawts cf bc ticbvs ai the courier and enquirer william d gray a remarkably good look- in youog mo very dark eus rather small and slender in make hut elegant and genieel in appearance dressed in n neat black suit and the celebrated companion of richard p robinson waa charged on three indictments with stealing articles from different persons com trowsers vest hat c the prisoner smiled wen the third iodict- meol was read apparently at ihe idea of their coming so thick upon him he was standing by the side of a black man on one of the bench es who was also charged with stealing cloth ing one of the indictments wk for grand larceny and ihe other two for petit larceny on being asked if he was ready for trial he answered no he had na witnesses and no counsrl nor had he had an opportunity of get- tinj a he had been kept at bellevue in a dungeon io the dark separate from the other prisoners had no opportunity ot conversing with any person or of procuring counsel if the court will allow him a light room and pen ink and paper he will endeavor to procure counsel and be readv for trial next week this gray is the individual whose cloak it was said richard p robinson had on on the night of the murder and which was found io the yard in rear of thomas street io regard to his complaint of having beeo kept in the dungeon the recorder staled that the manage ment of the prison belonged to the keeper and was only under the jurisdiction of the judges it was necessary at tiroes to keep prisoners secluded as some of them had many persons calling to see thro and madean improper use of privileges but in the present instance there was still another ao important and most revolting reason why the rigors of the prison were enforced upon him it appears that while robinson was in prison at bellevue gray was also there and they contrived during thai time to keep up a correspondence by let- letter written by robinson to him whilst both of them were in prison was fouod upon him in which robinson states that he himself would be tried on such a dav acquitted on such a day and that if he gray wanted io get clear of his wife and to get married again that he would be able when he cot oat to get a divorce from his wife as he robinson after his acquittal would go and seduce her aod be ao evidence for him to prove the criminal coo- verfation adding that it was not the first lime he obliged a friend in that way this letter was wriiteo only a few days before robinson was tried for hts life the court decided the prisonergray should have till monday next till 11 oclock and the counsel he might en gage should have access to him and a proper room be allowed them and this young man robinson is the boy in whose behalf such efforts were made to en list the public sympathies the court room was packed with his licentious associates to hiss and applaud as opportunity might occur in furiheraoce of the design which was man ifest from the beginning to browbeat the com munity mock public justice and procure his acquittal at all events the young man ve rily appears to stand out alone and above all others in his iniquity o monster of ihe hu- mnn species history affords not a parallrl to his case we have said however and we say it again although nut a particle of douht exists tn ihis community of his guilt in the lakin off of helen jeweti thai the jury did right in his acquittal under the circum stances of ihe case as presented tn them by the public prosecutor on the testimony laid be fore them they could do no otherwise we are aware that the district attorney has over and over again been charged with corruption in this matter we believe no such ihing he probably supposed he should be able faith fully to try the young roan and convict him and yet spare the feelings and characters of rite gmtemtn who lodged with lusina town- send and her precious household on the night of the murder the counsel opposed were moreover an overmatch for him and his hu mane feeliogs and truly amiable temper ena bled his sagacious and eloquent opponents to persuade him to yitld tou much there is one fact in regard to the depravity of robinson which we believe has never hern published his private journal which is a loathsome record of his licentiousness and his consequent diseases was ascribed to his but our pen revolts from the office of carrying out the record of his if possible deeper uifrmy great surprise has been expressed by the public at the untiring eflons made by mr hox- ie in behalf of this wretched young man but ill wbo are acquainted with mr hoxie know card the subscriber takes this opjprtumty of returning his thanks to citptn bonter of the sieamboat kingston and c7 baker of the sir james kempt for the vet haodsorae manner in which they rendered tl assist ance in taking the schooner st- lh off a shoal near the stone mills the schoo ner having when heavily laden rp p l shoal during adcase fug jobs ives kingston june 3d 1836 to cutlsfa ordnance n g pensioners mtotice is hereby given that officer of i the commissariat will be mmuogers hotel at belleville on monday the i in jtlly next to indentify and pay all suchtfenstonrrs as are from sickness or any other reasonable cause prevented from applying in f l stores by messrs amounted to about 13000 they realized more than was anti cipated moy of the principal merchants from both provinces and the united states being presrtl y ivotice tsiereiiy given that a genera meeting of i the stockholders ia the midland district land comnfciy will be held at the court house at ffrtgston on saturday the 23d july 1ss6 at half twelve aclock thomas askew treasurer kiogstoojuy 151836 6dt auction sale of groceries and crockery on tuey the i9ra infant will be sold all the stock in trade in ihe store formerly occupied by j abbott nearly oppo site the commercial hotel store street by or- der of a truax esq consisting of delph china glass ware groceries liquors wiks ncts pais hams c and every article io a general line for which see handbills sale to coenmence each dy at 10 oclock uiml all isfcatavof j linton a b fit cm kingston july 15 1836 5y notice the subscriber havnsold the steam boat qccejrsron to the messrs ives of king ston requests that allclaimsagninst the boii contmcrej previous to the 1st inst may be sent wiihout dahy to mr menellley steam boat office prceolt all greemitt wlw witt fet wftftf tf 5v ft i rafis in seasqjn 183b are to te fulfilled by the present owner al ihe prices reed upon sgoed john hamilton commissariat office therefore all pensioners residing in th bay of quinte af noti6ed unless they avail themselves of ilnsopponuni- ty no other will offer until ueit yea of receiv ing their penisons away from a co chas a clarke a c g commissariat kingstoo osth jyje 1836 p s if there ore any pensioner residing tn the neighbourhood of the stoppfttt places between kingston aod belleville wfto cannot travel if they will come on board tlpsteamer brock vtlle on saturday the 9th of juty ihey can then be indtotified by a conmisssnat officer iflsewdi fashionable dancing k r yko respecifuhly begs to inform the ladies and gentlemen of kingston that he iniends opening on acadcmt for three months wlure he will sire ilkssons in the jvtwest and most fhionabit tyle of dane- queenstun4july 7 1836 52 notice to debtors creditors a ll persoths indebted to the estate of the tate lawyer p macphrrson esquire of hallowed 1ivimit ore requested to make immediate pay i x undersigned or they will be proceeded against a law directs and those having claims on said catane are requested to imde with the same certified co pies thereof whout delay signed klhn a macpherson attorney for the estate eliza macpherson executrix hallowell fa j 5 fmlhe crediif 0 patrick mcnikch arc m requeedh mee al jj house in front street on tueftday the 19a instant at 11 o clock in the forfcnooo for the purpose of com ing to ao artaqg for the seuleraeot of bis affairs c armstrong kingston jy 13j l93ci 5y tohn clvcy mm who eroiai j b v rockviile c c viz q0adaillcslaz0urfetasgaclopaocswalt- zes spanish swcdisisx bivakiak polish and scotch dances mr yto begs to observe that his style of dancing has been much approved of and is most easily acquired six lessons being suffi cient to eoableany lady or gentleman to enter a ball room with confidence- a ju venile class on monday aodl thursday eve nings from seven till oine senior class on tuesday and saturday evenings from eight till ten for the first mootb mr- y will give three lessons a week after which a public higo ece a weck when all pupils are invited toatteoj for terms c apply to mr y at mc donalds hotel a first rate violin player is engaged kingstoo 7th june 133ti i02gi the subscriber has for sale aa excellent assortment of garden seeds very low for cash james macfarlane kingston jany 8 1936 or david clancy grated from the county cork some four yearp 9r informed that the in fant children 0lj whelan and ellen cla ncy their sister 8re d0w i kingston under charge oi mtftydaly their motherhavingdied on the passage out the children are desti tute and the 4j are requested to come speedily to their oss v 9ih further jnfononiiion may be bad on apphca- kingston 16th jluly i3s6 5z voung mavn just arrived from en gland who dim served an appreniiceship with a surgeon anjj apothecary is desirous of obtaining a situation either as an assistant to a medical practitioner or in a chemist and druegist store most respectable referen ces can be given apply at this office if by letter post paid to t y kingston july atah jsjg 42 wanted two good y0kkmen for tawikc or currting vill meet with good en couragement and rvgular piy by applyiog to the undersigned wufn fkbldkriclc fanning belleville july iggg g to chelsea ordnance and greenwich pensioneus residing in aod near the counties of ijeedi and grenviilem up per canada notice is hereby i iht an officer of the commissariat i fa t wakneus hotel t prescoi on tuesday the l9ih at lusheirs hftel at brocltville on thursday the 2sst al t inn ner the stone wills at bevei ofl f thessj insi io identify and pay qf 5uc pensioners who from sickness oran ol reasonable cause are prevented jrniii applying in person at a commissariat office therefore ill pension ers residing in or o t 0 mentioned places are notified un ta advan- tageofihis npporiuiv 1o r their pen sions away from station no ton other will offer until next year- chah commissria kiugsion 9ih july 1336 clarkr a c g lake ontario 1s3g the stfcam boat oswego captain w s malcolm will ply on lake ontario and the st lawrence river between ogdenshurgh niagara as follows commencing april 1836 toward leaves ogdenshurgh on tricl uwmg kingston u c saturday morning sackeus harbor noon oswego evening rochester sunday morning toronto u c for niagara and lewis- monday raornins whre she arrives early ng passengers all the day to visit the falls of niagara and returu by the boat t0wkwaus leaves lewislon on monday evening rochester tuesday morning oswego afternoon sackeus harbor night kingston v c wednesday morning and arrives at ogdensbuwb the same evening touching at french creef morristown alex andria and brorkville co- pariies intending visiting the falls of niagara buffalo or i lie different ports on lake oniario will find the rouie via oswego or kochester to be the cheapest and moat expe ditious do passengers leaving niagara in this boat on monday evening mill arrive at mon treal on thursday evening passing the most interesting part of the st lawrence kiver by day light slz sts1m boat sir james kemp capt francis baker wm shaw sailing master will on the opening of the navigation commence her regular trips as frsusl will leave kingston for the bay on tuesday and friday mornings will leave the head oflhe bay for kingsnn and prescott on wednesday and saturday mornings will leave presrott for rtaffsfqo nnd the bay on monday and thursday evenings im mediately after the arrival of the boats from below kingsion 24th mirch 1s36 78z forwarding united lines of the rideau and st lawrence the ottawa and rideau for warding company beg leave to notify their friends and the public generally that they have united their line with that ol the canada inland forwarding and insur ance compaoy although a decided preference has justly been gtfo to the tlidoau line from the supe rior craft in which gcoila are forwarded as well as the certainty witn regard to lime and diminution of risk attending the transport vet some objections have been raised to the canals being closed earlier io the fall than the jtiver st lawrence and io obviare these objections she companv intend this uoion to keep a full supply of poura on tfcest law rence nut with a view of doing their business generally by that route but to accommodate their customers io the spting ami fall as well as to meet every potable contingency that might take place oq the canal and restore to the company the fullest confidence of the public to faciliate the transport of goods destin ed for the ports of lakes ontario and krie the compaoy have arranged for their traoship- g im to farmera tphesubscriber would respectfully inforjn jp pulsulyll he la oaw awiu- fbciuriog tifrfljffbfettateirt tkkaftftlmo machik w hicu taoiddly the best machine ooir ifl ose he wcfold only iay n itnwviittiog m purchase tlut adseirfte opera- ttou thartey may be aemfled that ft fa the greatest manual labor lavmg machine ever inwoted phoe low terma of payment easy t n b the strbkiver harij taroshed himself with a caovfcti thrtihtd- yioot be will be able ro thrash in thrltem alt ordtri f j hnisbing promptly attetffted id eraefia the field or barn on reasonable unr- a s n bakrr- napanee mills july 5 1856 sawui ali ac it july septr novr ca 11 menl at both the porta of prescott and king too but from its eligibility intend the latter to be the nriocipal place of irniiahipfiieiii when the riaedu canal is re-opened- nnd nn ad vance on the present rate of freight will be de manded from their regularcustomers while the ktdeau canai is open in the fall their stores at prescott are those of the canada in land forwarding company and mr w dick inson rheir agent will continue to conduct the business there goods forwarded by ihe rideau canal will not be insured unless ordered by the owners ihose that may be lorwarded via the st law rence will he losured by the company unless otherwise directed mr k hackett of the canada inland for warding ond insurance company will stall limes be ready to receive orders for ihli com pany to whom aa wel as ihe company agems at montreal and kingston application may be made k- cushkvo aeent montreal w 0ickinson aeent prescott g brush agent kingston june 25 lim commercial bank mi d- v o 11c i is hereby givn that at a mcettog x of stockholders held at the bank on the 15th nst it was revoked that the in stalments on the new stock be called in as follows fopercetnuntlrerittlsty dnhrycbf83d 10 m 2 may 10 m 1 0 l 1 10 1 pavahle at the bank its offices and agtdcles such of the new stockholders as may wish to pay in the half or whole of their stock at ouce will be allowed to do su on the day the tirsi instalment is due by ordr oflhe board f a harper cashier kiogstoo dec j8 10s5 53 the following newapapetf will pleste iniert ttie above dvrtittiucfit unlit fovcmutr hlvl pi n toronto hamilton gazette niagara reporter siod ivteh euisrunt coloor siar biliurbt counor cnrnfftu ohacrvcr and montreal uaxnte- scobelis inspection store w scobell general inspector of pot jtwa ash beef and pork presents his cof- dial thanks to the merchants and other inhab itants of kingston aud the viclniiy tot the liberal patronage they have extended to him during the past year and he begs leave to in form them that he has removed his inspection business from the hod- j kirhys store to the large and convenient store and wharf of mrs forsyth lately occupied by mr a mc- donell where he will be always ready to id spect such articles as may be consigned io him for that purpose and he hopes from his lung experience punctuality and strict attention to business still to merit the approbation and support of the public n b for sale 5000 lbs weight of smoked hams 3000 do cheee 9000 do upper canada butler s tons of lard in kega for family use sou barrels salt r scobell kingston april 14th 1835 m notice chelsea and other perrsione wh vn paid by the commissariat he assistant commissary general here by notifies the above description of per sons that they must make pcssonal applica lion at the beginning of each quaritrr to the dearest commissariat office for their pensions in cases when pensioners reside a distance from a commissariat office which miht ren der it inconvenient or expensive to the pen- sionera to apply at the beginning of each quarter or if from sickness or other good cause application cannot be made personally even once in the year an officer wj be sent annually io visit ihose stations to identify aud pay ihose who cannot for these causes preseut themselves nt a commissariat station the pensioners are enjoined io keep pos session of their instruction papers ns their pensions will he paid only io them in person on thir being identified thereby it is further notified thai i lie government will not under any cikumtuqc recognize agents or the claim or anv individual for debt cootracied by the pensioners commissariat tj kingston 15th march is36 75 kingston cabinet ware house store fitrer opposite thc commercial hoixr e cone august 1 1335 loz c a uti on the subscriber hereby forbid aril person purchasing the following four zraua of band given by him to rofacvt mcfcittie viz one note f 25 payable in ten days worn hte another of 25 payable in cme year from dnte another of jb payable it two years from date aod another of 25 payable in three years from date all dated on the 97th june 18s6 as no value faasbeen received krnest town june 23 john hfss 1836 flz wholesale warehouse hamilton keceivingby the subscriber and fur sne bs whuisuipooly onmoderate terms 50 kegs i bores of tobacco 50060 cigars of assorted qualities st domioga and la ouayra coffee rice pepper pimento cloves nutmegs and other spices raiains curraota fiea nuts of all ons a variety of preserves pickles and cor dials w scott hamilton may 30th 1836 burn looiie sale of teas public sal op teas win take place at the warehouse of the ageota m the hon east india company at montreal oq friday the i5fi july at eleven oclock in the forenoon when the upset prices will be as fol lows viz twankay 2s 6d hyson skin is 10jand2s hyson ss 4d yopog hy son 9s 10d souchong 3s qohea is 4d gunpowder 4s 3d catalogues will be published and shew- chests may be examined duriug the thre days rlmpdinlc thp dav of salf wmk isfep agents to the hon e india compaoy montreal qsih june 1836 lot new goods armstrong queer iovite the ftt tention of ihe public to iheir splendid new stock of dry goods groceries winea and liquors which they are now from day to day receiving by the ottawa and jnlaad com pi- s v barges kiuston 1st july 19sg 11 wew shoes the subscriber has just received his spring tiupply ofladiea hoots aod shoos of tho most approved invest iuuilon hpes faahioni and wm thirkell- kingston june 23ih 1836 105 lake ontario summer arrangements fok 1 936a to t the par wilkins of shuter on the 1st may rnrrship exnan enuint by muiuil consul they request these indebted to ne tinn in mke imnudiaie pament m lhetroffle nnj hope tins nmfication ve the jveto and rapid steam boat oneida propelled by i wo powerful love pressure engines captjiit abkcr suitb w until the 15th of september next ply between ogdensburgh aod jviago- ra touching at the iotermediate ports as fol lows op wards i leaves odenbursh wednesday evening 11 kingstoo morning 11 sacketsharbor do noon 11 oswego do evening 11 genesee river friday morning toronto u c do evening touching nt youngstowoand reachewia tea mty vaiiv nuvnfe downwards leaves lewistoh sunday eveninff h genesee river monday morning l oswego do afternoooi sackets harbor monday evening 11 kingston uc tuesday morning touchiog at frenchcreek morristowo alei anclria and brockville and arriving at ogdens burgh tuesday afternoon refer to e b atxbbtj ogdensburifh winxe st hoojrea morristown j w ftxrcr alexandria smith merrick frenchcreek j counter kingston jc booctsv clark sacket hert fitzmdgh oswego john t trowbridge rocheier jtmis browk toronto oscd smith voungstown gut kcyolds lewistoo june ls3ti 39z b suffieiro nnj phospectos foft publtshing a copperplate map of the midland district the subscriber proposes should sufficient encouragement he given to publish a mtpof the midland district including one raue of townships in the newcastle dis trict on a srale of ipo chains or 2 miles to nn inch exhibiting all the mail roads cross kftcis rivers rivulets lakes churches that bit heri is the abj of kiodoesr 3sq h ileri farnii f sale f jrailacrfso jlw hall of lc ko4 4t iix rhe firs con cession of wvshofgh pleasantlysituatcd on the bay ol q eoovenient to a steam boji boding there are about 60 acres under culiivim r yarieiv of fruit trees a frame dtt lhng housk and a new barn 50 feet l 30 the stock crop i 8tc tnnv be had by purchaser at a valu- j tion the greater p 0 ilte purchase mouey may remain in the h 10 of the purchwser for further pariitiuju spp 0 iht subscri ber on the premises i iambs silliman 4000 notice ffkt nqn oali timber 4000 f sqnie pine do wantko to itedelivcrcd ai ihe lun her yard of c st j mcdonald io kingston apnlv in javks connor on the prpfiiijes kingsion coih feb l3i6 c3z prevciil ihe neccss ly of making a further nil tliey ptoimse selling off kir pre- ifnl swch ufchixa glass and eattth- fnwakr ai hublic auction on iht 10th may and recommend the snnie 10 ihe aiuotiou of fwtrailf piiwic cnrnlly joseph siiuteu r 0 wilkins bv joseph shuter ctinlfttfaes may be bd at the store on an eirly ddv april 19 mreiins mouses posl offices saw mills ortst mils towns villages wliartessieani boat lnndinci 8tc c by lot concession a ud township the uiderncd being about to build copptpltte priming prcs is d to print publish varnish aod mount the pro nosed map in bis own township and ihere- fnre inofcs to a ceaerous ind enterprising public lor patronage and support lim map will bfi nearly s ly 4 feet it will nbmcefourrg 0 towoshtus from the bay of qnpr back also wolf howe and anihctat i onda with the small islands adja- oem and will be executed in a style roii new testament ior schools jit the cornr of it d brack stnet just published and no for sale a hand some edition of this bowl- in tfe press murrays fv0lisji kapaek beewery ihe sumcrihf iiavina proeuin a fir- rait and rierieioil brpicr st 11 evw rbiahluhmpnt is awt w oitcr vry j beer of the ronl ho nnd rlrg the public an- inviicd u giw it a iri ji a regular supply will i 1cim on hnd in klnesiun in brreis niid ua barrls by mr rirtos ptuimps aid by mr mayo at the i nrni to 8 r authors map of prioce edward u will f puhhsed oa a copper engravings colouied varoislicd mounted on rollers and delivered io subscribers at four dollars per cony payable oft delivery p v elmokf ilaiidwell october 1935 fi c3 v ider- 1 im airatis ion in pau we ieht for j1 icfcsof the i 5jr very hw fur co oiiton ezftlor ir lv sale est printing sh t jjhteoffif aotiaif th iss6 j ink

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