Ontario Community Newspapers

Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), July 16, 1836, p. 1

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t f t 4 i- r clicomcle and kingston commercial advertiser alette i fcfifafclafrai eet wednesday and satnrdap tti qf ktk and brock nrtu nec rege nec pupulo sed utftoque twenty uhp pe at the end of ihe yemr ij- ot xviii j kingston upper canada saturday jly 16 1836 nso5 tbe travellers guide jbfulff iso ilw wb of niagara with a rvintmip of the fall and islands pitta tfllwyiuec of the falls c handsomily wylidleat the chronicle and gazette oo may 6 18sg 90 laimht r merchants 4kk reipctfolly informed that ihe o steam hmh toronui alld lady aylmer v ill tow rafts at reasonable ratca between jrtooueal nod quebec tlio lady ajlmer awed upward 100 rafts last seasuo without lotmraoy timber par term apply to fa mullen agetil at mnnirnal m li i do at three rivc j c hart do st peter sreet quebec 5th april 1836 63 in whisky the subscriber fspecifuly informs liia frujd and rbe public in general ihat he has made arrangements for a consignment of 30000 gallons triitsjcv pari of whitf is now ready for inspection at 14 store lower end uf quarry sued opposite carrhistatern theibore article is of tlic best quality of fered forsale in thia uiarkct and will be sol j the 0o3i rcasonttbl terms for cash tavero- keepers and retailers will find it lo ireir ioteresi to nil joseph carbuttw robton april 14th ih3g s4z to let- por one year or longer term if per quired j shop and dwelling house ppwie the napa nee hotel ia the flourish- lllue of npiiie the above premises cannot he rivalled in ptqt of siiimiion in the upper province and jewell worthy the attention f oy person tsirousof entering into the roirrcaniilt line jiog attached to them an excellent store- tc complete iplpic amvw r f rrlt napanw feb is isjli- 03 the subscriber avinc leased thai well known quarry ai hitters bay will on the very luw- ndon the shortest notice furnish 6tonk eiiher it finish dimensions or rirt- fdaa required there is also a wharf ahoul m rods irom the quarry w hereon will be kfflt rubble siooe for sale for terms and pihcr particulars application can be made lo ihe subscriber upon the premises robert barclay kingston gift may 1836 04z h ftt terms a ccltic society or itfeb canapt at a general meeting of the celtic society ofuppcr canada held at the briiisli american hotel in the town of kingston ihe 4lli day offebruary i3i6 the following resolutions vert unaoimously adopted resolved that this society having wit gtssed the inconvenience and loss which rteif fellow countrymen have experienced tin their ariiral in this to them sirane and for eign country from the warn of immediate in- kramton necessary to their location uid fu- tttrc success deems it advisable as one uf the bit useful means to which it can apply a rinioo or its yet limited surplus funds to offer premium lor the bei written essay on up per caoula the primary onject of which shall bt to furnish emigrants here or th intending emigrant at home nil possible information ith respect to soil climate prospect and osof obtaintni employment f heapest and best routeso transportation british and local fccigraot laws necessary advice for the pre- iyitioa of their blllf nnd ihu hllbaaeih of their resources and such other diniiieresied igtl geoeral ioformatton as long pntdvntl ac- quainted with all the localities of ihc province can cive aod emigriois can fonhdemly and vhffefore would most cheerfully receive for hbnb much has been written on ihissub- jfctbylodiyiduals to their friends yet the com- tuniciiions have most commonly been tinct- urtd with their o wo individual success or dip- botfliroents and contain only such local iufor- tdition ascould beobtaiotd in their own imme- diste iodividual districts therefore they do bot deserve nor cm they obtain that confidence mjaited to influence an enterprisinj emigrant or lave those communications issued hy the ddfereoi emigrant societies and land com padies produced much better effects for how ever pure the motive of communication they irenot free from the suspicion ot bein inter- fmed from this society unconnected as its members are with tand or other speculations ibit could be expected in this case to bus their judgment unite as they principally are for tile benefit of their countrymen and as auxili ary to the parent society at home whose bene volent views are so well known and appreci ated it is believed any information beann its laactioo woulj be protluctivc of brent eood as n would be received with confidence by per wm at home desirous of emigrating to bri- lislinanh america therefore resolved that a gold medal shall be wardnl by this society to the author of the most approved essy on the above subject inch ami io the most clear and cornprehen- itthwr embrace the views contained rem with such other information as may woseful to the emigrant eich essay to be addressed to ihe secreta- y of ibis societv enclosioc a sealetl paper ntaintngihe name and address of the au- which paper will not be opened unless mpanyiog essay shall wrnco paper will jbemoihor of the accor successful candidate tb n to m eweeird as well as the successful es property of the society aft sl will t awarded on the islh of ptaberno essay can b received aftr ihe wauaust jeiolredgthat all newspapers in the ca- v spwn l0 fcmicratioo be requested to ffftfspablicity b by order john a machonalo rec rcrttiry a for sale few box r quioabog scvtbe mm k c willaed um24tb 10u extract from a royal proctnmatinw doled at the caitu of st- lncw sink march last e- tjytnp tu nn the military cmalson the ot- w rierfomth uf kie next to the szi may 1837 tou4 0 t miiitawv cjl3 oh 1bz otxaw4 through the whole of the canak for the ptasage of any rnrge upwards eigluy five alifuiag halifax currency dowo- wrdf titly shilling like currency for every- durham hohi upwards fifty diillinci intink currency downwards thir tyfive shilliogi a ad eight pence like curre cy- for every hoat for cabin passengers up- kard thirty sliillinss halifax currency dotvuwartu twenty shillings like currency fur every rattcao from thirtytun o for tytwo feel imz upwards thiriyfivo shillioa halifax currency dowpwarth tireutyfive fthilliogs like currency f an baiteau under thirtytwn feet lonj upwards twetnyfive shillinss ihilifax cur rency downwards seveuteeu shillings nod ten pence in currency fur ev skiff c upwards itvelve shil lings liinaom ii c downward eight sbil- hugs apd eleven pence like currcocj orenwlte canal wiy rorevcrj llnre upwards mid downwards forty- two shilling aodvix pence halifax cur rency fur every durham ilnnt upwards and dowowards tweuty five shillinv hko currea- cy for every boat for cabin paasenxers up wards and dotf umirds fifjbeu ihilliogs like currency ftr every batteao frorn thinytwo to forty two feet lou upivard aud donnwards sov euteeu sjiilliugs aud ixpence like curre- for every ratieau under thirtytwo fet loo- upwards and dwuwhnl- twelve shil lings anil sixpenre like cuireucv fur every sl iff c uptvnrds and dnuo wards six shiliiugj and three ponce like cur rency- chute a btondeau only for ovtry large upwards fourteen shit hs vai itt imt llnliftijc currency iluwtl- wacds five shillings aod toq pence like cur- re tiry fiir evry durham roa upwards eight shillings nml four pence dowdvrdf three slinlitin aud seven pence like curreucy fir evtjiy iniat fur cahiu pastcuer i-j- nards five shihiiifii jow ouards oue slmlliug and eiftht pence like enrrency for every battenu from thirtytwo to for tytwo feet long upvard five shillings and ten pence j dowowards iwq ghillidgi aod six pence like currtmoy for evtry bxtieau under thirtytwo feet upwards four shillings aud two pence down- wards one shilliog uud oine pence like cur- rcucy i or every skiff 4sc upwards two shillings nod n peuoy dow awards eleveo pence like currency carrilhn canal only fnr every barge upward one pnond eight shilltogt iind four pence duwuwurdj eleven shillings aiil eight peore like currency for every durham bott upwards siileen shilling- hud eijtlu pcuce tlou awards seveu shtuings and one peony like curreory fur every rout for cabin pnsenger up wards ten shillings dowrhvftrds three sliil lings and fuur pence like currency for every battenu from thirty twoto fdf ly two feetluog upward eleveo shillings and eight pence downwards five shillings like currency for every bntteau uoder thirtytwo feet l0g upwnnl eight shillings ard four fence downwards three shillings and seveu pence like currency for every skiff c upward four shillings n ml two penre dowowards one shilliog and pine penee like currency for every steamer at the carrillon locks upwards aod downwards fifteen shillings liko currency for every steamer at the chutes blood- enn locks upwards aud downwards coven shilliogs and six pence like currency for every raft uot hhviqg previoply psiitj toll on th itideau cjui tu be charged asun der ouk and standard staves twelve shillings and six pence fnr each lock siatiou ah other hafts of whatever description of weod eight shillings fr each lock station fur every baft linving previously putd toll 00 theliideau caoil 011 the condiiiou thai the uroprifmr or piute produce a certificate to that effect tu he charged as follows pak anil standard staves ten shilliogs for each lock station all other rafts whatever of whatever de eriptioo 0 wuud six shilliogs fur each lock stntion rafts passing through the grenville canal not ui eifced seveuty feet by sixteen thoo passing through the chte a ulnodeau nntl cnrillno cauau not to oxceed ope hundred feet hy tweuty six extract from a royal fror tarnation dated of toronto tith of jstwetnbtr 1335 levying tolls on the rideau caita from kingston to bytowji or tbom bv- ttwfi tu kingston cahtn passengers 4s oach children under 12 years iif age 2s each sheep pigs nnd calv- 6d- eath dry goods wines aud spirituous liquors 7s gd per ton- lrnti aod salted fish 3s oil per too salt and sea coal is iqd per lop whom per huhel three faihinas other kinds of grain and potatoes per bush el nue farthing rye and kuirkwheai flour aod corn meal per hushid one halfpenny fhur per harrcll 2jtk iteef nud pork per barrel 3jd put aoi per too 2s 3d pearl ash per loo 2s 3d oak per fuut iu boats or scows one half penny pine elm aod all soft timber per font in boats or scows one farlhing the same in rafts namely- oak one penny per cubic fool pine 000 farthing per cubic foot standard staves 20s per 1000 the same in boats or scows 10s per 1000 west india snive 34l per thousand the same in bn19 or senw s is 8d per 1000 lleatliux per 1000 is 3d deals per 1000 feet in rafts 2s 6d the same io heaia aod scws is 6d boards aud planks per 1000 feel 10 rafts 26d the snme in boats or scows is gj shingles per tltousand 3d laths sawed qr split per 1000 3d saw logs from kingston io uytowo and from rytnwo 10 kingston is each the same through each lock id pc- log ash onrs 2ii per pain tanners haik perrord io raft is the snme in boat or acows 4d lard hatter tallow uees wax and ho oey 10 barrels 4d per barrel the same io kegs 2d par keg fire wood io rafts per cord s the same in boat or scows 4d apples per barrel 3d tni lc atthe rate if8d per hogshead stone frumquarries 6d per lotto sand and lune per harrique id coaciics curriuges aod waggons is 3d each caleches gig aod carts 7d each clieetti per huojed weight 2d beer and cider per barrel 3d au other merchandize at the rate of 7s 6d per kio stenn boats passtog from kioguou to by- town j0j per trip steam boats passing from by to wo to king ston 20s per trip steam bonis passing from penh to bytowu or kiogstuu and kiugston to penh 5s per trip v steam boats passing from bytotvn to penh 10 per trip from kinesioo to bytoivn carrying passen gers in addition tn the merchandize or pro- diiee they may carry biirge 5i durham boat 3i 6d urgeuatteax 2 6d small i- ix li cd from bytowu to kingston barge 10s durham bat 7 inrtc baitcau 5 small baiicaux 9 boats and caooes fur the firt lock gd aod id fur each lock afterwards in addition in the merchandize or produce they may rarry from kingston 110 first rapids nod from first rapid to kingston from firi rapids to by town and from bytouu w ihe narrows cabin passenger 2s each childrtmt uoder 12 yeare ir age is each neat caul audi horses 2t each sheep pias audi halves 3d each l goods wiuret and spirituous liquors 3i 9d per tnn liiminnd salted fih is 0d per ton salt and sea cftfe lid per too wheat per husm oue halfpenny bye nod bucluxheat flour aod com meal per bushel one quiring flour per harrel w- bcef ami pork prr barrel id pot ash pcrto 1 74d pearl ash per tun is- 7jil boards and plattk per 1u00 feet lod lard boner tl bees wax and ho oey per barrel the same per k id snme from qtlivmet per toise 3d cheese per hundred weight id beer and cid barrel 2l all other aruvl 10 hesuhjeet to the same toll as from kid- to bytowu nnd all ar ticles passing nne m of ihe lacks betivecn kingston and gmt ra or between first rapids and bytnwtt i charrfd tviih the same toll as if ihey had passed the whole dis tance between eitlr of those places the mansion house kingston u c he bubiciilfff rosiccifully h leave i niify tu ihe travelling iuldic ihnt he ronlititir io btcltm ajh wtetrtive itud tvm known i it iel- hs mansion lft pleasnotty situated in slurs slreti litf iii princibal aj ce irnulreet in kiiigij iironvenienl i nil the sieam biml whiirea ami on estnbluhineui if in kiurl 111 ihe 1 ijer province ran surpaat ilia iho eicallencu jm romfuffl irf iti prl- menil hoih pmlor an heilninins ihinyfnur in number m of ra fumiiheu iu the very heat stylo the haul ht bny un n thoroagh repair od is m pvjenl io mcft exrclkni nr- hu1 cuudiliou for ihe accumuiudatioq uf the public the suhscribr having kept n lintel fr many years has acquiroy experience in thnt line nnd thereforo trusts hat wiih unremitting nt- teininii io the co lf ni s ho will coiniuue io meiii p paironnge in the rear of the mansion houst there h p t a r ft e yard and enteosive si ao w a livery stible is constantly bpnt fjytlie mnniioj huae carriage and por ters will always be ij reu lu convey ias- seiireraand luggaj 10 aui frurd ihe different steam boais s carmino kingston june ftoj 1036 103 t rather vle and up various a tannages o skins kips c ste for sate hy wrocqus bernard co o will keep a u a coosmntly w on hauj m iy 18 isz j lsi finished 3 nd for sa al lh book- btore on th- king ami brack street a large as60 0 account books of test m3temlsah wor for sole at montreal prices co- blank books or paperi ood c0t y ruled to any pouvern at short nottce kinirsion june i 935 rt bw sale r ih corniner wharf kington font of store sip nj whisttrv salt bj- the niagara and detroit vers railroap comia at n meeiinje of he commiwonef w m the court house in thdtnvri pf sunil- wichin the western diswtei ofuppef caomla puntunnt in notice on the fimt dy d o tfint for ilia porpnse of carryiog 9 fft iho protfisuma of iho finst seetino of act to incorporate certain pertonstturein wf dtr the ttyle and title of the aiaam a troit rivers raii road cnitxpanys botj unwind commissioners heio pre vli francis baby john prince beta r ard d drake alexander chtmtt fawittjns pron john q watson james dosp ja blauahton joseph woodsjohn odwfe gentt charles bahy wm r fvotft witfiam g hall cha utiot wuham elliot ben jamin p cahoon it was vnanimmsly resolved asfollaft thijnhn prior eq do takey chpir and that charles bnhy eq cootb l act av secretary to the meetings that for receiving suhsci ipiioos v t pilal siork of the siu rail road hooks be opened at the uiidernieuttoued plar ftt otbtrs 00 monday the eighteenth dft f july next and closed n lh wednesday fdlowios uhich mil he the 20th day of july ttl 1 aod hat iho secretary do procure suhseripuon looks nnd send them vtih a copy tf hh act or itcorpnration forthwith to pef od phcej hereinafter meutinued uod tt others xkat wbflp tlio titno shall have elpi for receiving the said ubseriplions the hot ki ho closed and returned hy mail to caf raby ftsq sandwich upper canada that a tpetial tneetiog of the saia commj- sinoers l hidden at the cnurt hntfie to the mwn of saoduieh aforesaid on mpday the fifteenth day of august net for tw purpose of receiving the subscription books w c iog other provisions of the act iutoffci- that ihe fnrening resoluiioos be punished in at least one of the newspaper io wch of the prtneipal places memioocd in the resolu tions nod that ihe secretary he aiiihoricd to direct such publication uccutdineto his discre tion that ihe ihnnks nl the nwelin he giveo to the chu mu ml h iwmtiiel coodnrt in the chair uud to the secretary for his able assist- ocft charlks baby stcrttbry sandwich 1st june 1836 the subscription itnokt will be opened ot the fiilluwrtg places by iho following gentle men x upper canada snodtvich james diiuall esq charles baby esq amhersthurgh tbe hon james iordoo ohnthatn wft ccsrave esquire colehester gordon buchanan esq pi-mmas- rer gosficld prideaux giriy esq mersea win amhridge esq erieus james win iiulc esquire postiuaiter howard duocao wnrrrn esq orfrd david s balilwio eiq postmasicr aldhnrouh james pergu- sou esq duntvich henry coyne ettpiire stiuihivold levi fotvler ksq st thomas belh shaw esq postmaster james hamil ton john k woodward nnd edward er- mftflltogar esquiren alalahide philip hutch- q hayttham the postmaster vi duohum itcnja- idleinu the josl- tnasipr siuicoe 1 campk esq pommas- ter viltnriap frttucn wmi esq pori do ver benjamin mead esq londoq george goadhue esq braotfnid wm rirlutidson postmaster atvaster the poslirajter aod win notman eq puodas the poitroasier and james ewart eq hamilon puatmas- ter miles oreily eq wellington square w kerr esq oakville john qeoile esq st catherines w h mernt aoi 11 smiih esquires nigrthnninmccuriimck esq charles richardson eq chippatva james cuiiiiiiioses aiuj j klcmlvleiyv esqnireft ni- ftra fith stmnel street esq waterloo alex diojia eeq toronto at td offices uf the bank or upper canada commercial ratlk of he midland district joint stuck riukiug cuiiipuy agricuhural batik and the bunk uf the people port hope ifctpntt- master chourg uurge boultoo esq kiiigiou julio vt it and juho curt- wrijjht enquires pteacou hiram noriun esq broekville henry jnoes esq coro- oj archibald mclean eiq lower canada mootreal at the ollicesof the several banks messr gillespie morau co mess kor- syth richardsuusl co aud joseph ituuterl esq quehe at the offices of tbo severa bauks vnited states detroit at the offices of the mfrnimf bank tlte farmers and mechanic bok j he michigan state bank messrs v and jones o newbury esq i messrs g n gallagher chicikf 8ti joseph priner nud mecli kinson e eoua stephen elliut eq ttiin van aluo esq mi messrs gfay and nehurv hsq uiics hunk ifultlu nt ihe mii messrs pran tay- smith esq moo- ralsio simulusky blntk rock puotitic bank wf pontine res uf th dittercut banks lor and co and ishhc h hank of the river the bank of snnduiky hearth esq oswto fiizhurh nif co rochester at the offices of the several banks albany at the oflheg of ihe severalftanksi john townseud esq syracuse at fe ftjb- 1 of the several bank uica m lib nfficos of the several jlank the places tor opening the suhsrripiiott hnnkq in new york phila- delphia boston bammoro aou inhci nieces v i 1 1 be detcrmioud upou and ueodec 10 by the chairman 105 for sale at tbis oflicf 1 io r 0f wrappn pa- isi august 1835 10 for sale aqjnniiiv of elleni wntins lf at ihe chron 8t gazeue office cororf uf king and btuck sireeia 95z plaster of pajjug watkrlime by die subscribers n phillips kingston swftfa 1936 95z n right jjngersoll have beer for3le ni jj fiortnce donogiue to wn kihto ro tjajrelsaud smaller quanii- purcha 5 w just published and for sale 4 t the corner of kin ami brock street a 2000 copiesol murrays english r siereotvpe edition augosi 4 1835- 11 lies to sui jtamtttataii mhttltwony iw just received and fur sale ot ihe chronicle ga sette office corner ofkins an p street a urge qu3ituy of excellent wrap ping paper w olf t t ii l z flaankt oh did you never hetrof tlio blnmey tints found near ihe bank of kilhrney believe h fom m no girlt heart it free once ehc bears ihe aweet sound of the blarney the blarney bo great a deceiver thit the girl ihinki you there though you leave her f nd the never finds out ah the tricks youre about till shes quite guue herself with your blsrnsj oheay would you find litis game blimey there a casile not far from kiluroey on iho lop of hs wall but take care you dont full theres a stone thai contains all ihjs blarney like a magnet its influence uch is that attraction it fiives ah it tottchos if you kiss it they say that from that blessed dsy you rosy kis whom you ptcase with your blarney miscellaneous true jfohility among the passeogen who sailed yesterday io the packet hp england were lord altamont aud hi two broihers nil lads of sixteen years aod under aod soos of ihe marquis nf sligo the present governor of jamaica these ynuihs arrived io this ci ty about three months since attended by their private tutor for the purpose of travelling nmnog us a few weeks previous m their re turn to europe they first made a trip to wnilingioij and returning theoca to this city have since performed the grand tour to niaga- ra down the st lawrence to montreal nod quebec back through lake champlaio to sa- ratoca theoce to lebanon and boston aod hack again b now york they are very fine intelligent lads aad have travelled io tho most uoassuaiipa aod uoosteomtious mnoner nod as we learn have been ever where delighted with thp copptry coopected with the visit of these nohlelad is an anecdote ru once amusing aod instruct ive ve give it as lesson oot only io fo reigners coming among ui but to maoy of our own couolrymeo who are too apt to msume nn attitude of ridiculous pretension abroad when the young lords for they are all so by courtesy their fathpr heiog 4 marquess arri ved in this cliy iih leiters 10 an english geotlcmau luog a resident ofnew york ihej suught advice as to tho direction they should take their mode of travelling c all which was giveo in due form and now my jord ailamnnt added tho gentleman there is no necessity of your being called my lord every where on your journeys you can get aloog just as well without it just as well if you call yourselves hy your own family name of mr brown if you do not exact anything extra ordioary you will everywhere he treated kind ly and hsive nil you want only pay atteo- mud to two or three things and you will get through the country reoarkkhly well well sir what are these two or three tbiogs inquired iheir lordships why my lord replied the gentleman to the first place io the general rush which you will ee to the puhlje ordinaries do upt tuiva for the head of ihe tables hut quietly tako the seats nearest the door whenever you addiess the landlord of a country tavero address him as uciier every elderly gentleman with whom you hold a conversatfpn should he ad dressed as judge or squire and he very enreful in addressing every coachman as cotonel attend 10 thesa thiogs my lord and you may depend upoq it you will get along smoothly enough the hint was adopted at least in part the youog nohlemeo usually travelled under the plain cognomen of the metsrs browos aod have hy their owo unassuming dcporimept been every where treated tviih the utmost at tention aud have returned delighted with a visit which they say shall not b tbe last to tho united states com adv count do survillier joseph bonaparte sailed last week from new york for london with iho dctermipation it is said of not re turning to ihe united stoics a few days previous to his embarkation the com moo coun cilofneir york caused 0 he presented in hipi a copy splendidly boood of the canal mfpoir which had beep written at their re quest hy the late cadwalltr d coldcn esq and published hy their authority compiling thp history of the rise pnrres nnd complex tjon of the new york capals and embellished mill pmny eugtavings nf parts of the canal nod fac simile copies nf the answers nf tho several presidents of the united slates and others in whom the memoir had also been presented by order of the cprnoo council the ptescntaiion was made hy the recorder of new york io due form in reply 10 hi address the count apologising for his imper fect english remarked that ho received with great sensibility this renewed mark of consideration from the pily of new york- ihe city where first he laodtd io america aod which had never since ceased to hooor hjnv with marks or kindness not only the eiiy hut the siate of newyork had beep indulgent to him for he was indebted to a spcrial act of the legislature for permission though not a eiiixeo to acquire and hold lands within her borders iu was about to return tu europe not indeed as an american citizen for du ties to country which took precedence of all others forbade his becoming such or in any way nlteoatios himself from his native land hut with ao american heart which rejoices in the prosperity to which the great work of which tbt hod soohhgioglj now pifseoted to him the biatorj largely cvmricucfis4 irhifb sees with admiration ihe happy loi- eoce of american industry laws hod iotit tioos uojuetlj exiled and shut om owe country ha went to porluqettihe from which ibis deseeodsi aod betwwn ad this there should be friendship always and 00 enmity nr free insri unions bul both je would there tak plenty in br- tog testimony to the excellent dispontiomof the citieor of these united statee 10 ibeir uoparelleled prosperity to their growioe great ness and when it ia claimed aa it be heen by knglajid that it st ker ivork he would be th firat to maiotaia that it 13 irer noblest work jalt amerirrfu importance of the china trade th a too- page engaged by the enropeao aad america nations to china plight before tb openiog of the trftda witb great britain have esri ma ted io round numbers at 85000 bat ia ihe very first year of the emancipated cootmercp a number of shipping nearly equal 10 tbia amount cleared out from canteo far the uci- ted kingdom alone the dauva crafr js the junks carrying on foreign trade is sup posed to be about 80000 tons but the ruluo of their cargoes consisting for iho moat part of coarse manufactures aod raw produce ia small compared with those of tbe european and american shipping prom a tolerably in- iimate acquaintance witb it however we orq oot disposed to estimate its nine at mora than 20000000 thi added to the ameri can aod european commerce will raise thsi value of the wboh foreign trade of the empire to about 90 millions of dollars or in rouo4 numbers to oearly so millions sterling this hows tie great rapacity of that cuuotry for fureigo trade wfaifh ve repeat ii yet io i ilfincy it shows also the vast difference be 1 iiy tweeu the furqpeao aod those even of the best governed of the asiatic paijqoi for tbe esti mate ouofed coajuderahlo as it eern- j ur all not equal 10 mora than poe firth parf of hfl foreign trade of the united kib uf wjicu the population scarcply amouou to ppo teenth pan of that of ctpoa- khipborgh clt hinct library vtoo our much respected towasmaq commodore ihillas is likely to have a vera respectable squadroo under his commapd i the gulf of mexico aod the wen indie- the force now employed there is at fulloifs 1 the constellation frigate flag ebip vsodaltamoop of war warren dq st loujf io falmouth do two schooner of 12 gon each three steam vessels of 4 aunt tac and about so meg tp qavigate ibe risers ao4 ioleti and to prevent the iodiaos from beio supplied from spanish poisesiioos the keys c the following vessels are on the eve of auuli ing to joio comniodora pallas squadroo the boston sloop of war at boston the naicbes do at new york tbe dolphin brig of 12 guns do the porpoise do at boston when these vessels shall have joined ihq squadroo it will make a most eftcpijvo com mand aod give com dallas ao opportunity qfserviog the nation io amostimportapt point the duty of doing service in such a climaic io ihe middle of summer bas beeii cheerfully und promptly assumed by the officers and philadelphia has also furnished a goodly outqr herofaeameo mao this numerous fleet while we see what a naval force l ulj be coir lected at a short notice we may regret that our nation is represented hy only ooeship wesj of capo horn there u none among the ii- lauds of the pacific ooly one sloop of war oq the coast of brazil and a reduced squadroq io the medjierroeao philadelphia united states gazette schuylkill cod trade shipment of coal from maunch chuok for tbe week coding oq the 1st instant 275 boats carrying tons 13250 2232 boais per last report 108156 2557 246 boats little schuylkill 2303 boat 121406 j 1840 toqs 133246 from the macon messenger june 30 indian depredations and murders in oeor pta as we anticipate a large body of in dians iiv0 made their eecapo from the uet laid fur them by qeqerats scott aud sanford and are mny q their way to florida devas tating ihe couotry through which they pass and murdering our defenceleis citizeos with their helplesj wiyes aod children we are in debted to a friend for tho following paiofully interesting account a party of indians supposed to be abouf 200 passed through baker county 00 sunday mnruiog hat murdering the inhabitaou that fell in their way without regard to gporse they were closely prcised hy small compa ny nf men of that county who ware too few in number to ottaek the indiaoi or io any way to arrest their work of butchery upon the defenceless families that they came upon they passed dowo the loulhweet side of the chiceawhtichee creek aod killed mr- wil liam jones his wife and teveral children mrs jooes was found by tho side of a fence witb a small child by bar tide ibe child bad iu heed hrofaeo nod oq the approach of the

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