loo indiscriminate io serve u political put which publishes it is i from the circumstance of a letter under thesig- nature of hawkins being published in the brockvillc recorder of the joth instant which id evidently not ihe production of a johnsloninn as i am sure the affairs ef this district cannot bo a matter of moment belonging lo another hawkins slates that the presiding justice of the midland district at the late court of sessions departed from his former very qcccpla- lilc course of proceeding by introducing politics into his charge to the grand jury and by using direct imputations against a certain parly in this province charging them with being delud ed and actuated by a degree of revolutionary restlessness and impatience i suppose the worthy chairman meant to say that there were some people in thiscountry who kneu something about revolutionary movimem rn that they were so restless he was afraid they would leave the country if that was his meaning the soon er his fears arc realised the better it w nut until i saw hawkins communication that i ever heard the personage alluded to held any office of emolument under this government but why does not hawkins tell us what office or offices he holds to which ho or any other person with out an equivalent contributes one cent who pray are his worships parly that monopo lize the places of honour and profit in the pro vince or where is the proof that lie is connect ed with any party at all hawkins is nut so good a lawyer as his great namesake or he would come to the proof at once and not content him self with bare assertions but perhaps it will cholera on tho gtl save a great deal of trouble if h will tell us her of cases ii- whether he himself does not belong to a us consequences to pose yet tho papor expectable ooo sod to tho existing gnvci n- party and what sort of a one it is 1 should much like to know what the church to which the presiding justice belongs has to do with lus charge to the grand fury and indeed in many other parts of his letter hawkins hasthol proper lo travel out of rhe record but he thought his opportunity too good a ono lo let slip and has therefore embraced it to pour in his old worn out artillery against the chairman his church kings college dr strachan and the clergy re serves it appears in the eyes of hawkins to be a crime that his worship told the grand jury that utmost freedom prevails with respect to religious opinion and worship does ii mean to say that such is not the case and that he has not the power to go lo a wooden church as well as to a stone one as far as ii is con cerned i do not call either of them a place f worship as his deity appears to be vox populi it seems also that his worship belongs to tho favoured party who have the selection of juries a duty which till now i always under stood devolved upon the sheriff but here the cloven foot is seen it was a fine opportunity to lug in mr perrys bill a measure the most foolish that was ever attempted to be foisted up on the legislaturo of any country and which certainly went to show that the schoolmaster had not been abroad in that honorable members neighbourhood hawkins suggestion about the political part of the charge being fit for a news paper is very kind and i wonder he did not re commend the m watchman as a proper vehicle for its publication it would certainly have cut a pretty figure there although hawkins does not belong to the bar yet he no doubt professes lo possess somo legal knowledge and if so he must have forgotten that in cases of treason or sedition grand juries can be charged in no other way than politically but perhaps this is a sore subject for hawkins admitting for argu ments sake that the political opinions of the chairman had thir supposed weight with the it into their heads to inquire the political creed of every raggamuffin who was indicted for as sault and battery or petty pilfering what would the answer be why that they know as little about whig or tory as hawkins did how to conduct himself in the country he has choaen for hie asylum and refuge in my first query you will perceive lhat my impression was that hawkins was not an in habitant of brockvillc or of the district in which it is situated the query now is who and what is he he is not a member of the church of england his political opinions are those enter tained by mr perry he may bo a lawyer but has not been called to the bar except that of the public which watches him closely further more guns he is not a native of this country and he does not find it convenient to go back lo that from which he came from this i leave the public lo judge who mister hacking fo b w generally lavorah merit it is true that the inst french pa pers we received of the 3d contain somo allusious to such a belief having gone abroad but not that there was any foundation for it one thing is certain thai tho cholera has thrown paris into a stale ot the greatest alarm and produced a state of thing there calculated lo exile our fears in no ordinary degree we regret thai wo do noi find a statement of the progress of tho disease to the sib m our last account of it wcro hut to the afternoon of the 3d in london the number of cases seems diminishing latest from englani by the mouongahela cnpt dixty ar rived last evening t thu port from liver pool we have london and liverpool dates 10 tho 7ih of april for which we are iu debted to mr saoderou of the colfee house the papers contain little of interest the second reading of the reform bill was to tako place in tho house of lords oo the 9th a passenger iu tho m meutions that little or no alarm appeared to exist in lon don on account of ihe cholera and tho dis ease was considered as subsiding the irish lithe bill was read a second lime in the mouse of commons oo the 9th after a division of 119 to 21 the returns from all the different parts of loudon give the following results of the of april total uuni- total number of deaths 2470 the morning chronicle of tho 4th ult contains the following article which how ever is discredited by the courier and the globe of the ensuing day we believe ihat we may sincerely con gratulate the country on ti probable creation of peers by gazette of tomorrow the number may be considered by reformers as somewhat limited hut it will revive and substantiate their confidence in lord grey the discretion of the premier may justify the delay of a large creation at the present moment we have reason to believe that th w tho tyrant himself since tho refusal which ho had met with from spniu is said to bo desponding as to the issue of tho 2oming conflict tho coufidenco of don pedros friends remained unabated two poor croatuics died inst week of ttarvatioo in tho streets of dublin irish poor mr sadler has given notice that on the lotli of way ho will apply for leave to bring iu a bill for estab lishing a permanent provision for tho suf fering ami destitute poor of irchiud by levy upon all ihe real property of that part of tho united kingdom and more particu larly upon that of tho absentees murdkii in galwat mr clark of the western argus newspaper was murdered oo mouday night last aud his body thrown into a lake thcro are upwards of 800 persons coufined there for trial at the pres ent assizes mukoer wednesday night last five nncd villains entered the house of a man named tate who resided at dundrum and stabbed him to death with a bayonet they theu turned to his servant fired at and so severely wounded him that there is no hopes of his recovery clonmet adv from the jilessager ties chambrcs of april 5- france it is impossible any louger to doubt that there is au organized band iu paris who poison the wine the milk aud tho water throughout the city and the environs the people are greatly exasperated the citi- yens aro in a perfect dread and cry loud- y agaiost so inferual a conspiracy keep the body warm parlicub y the mom ach bowels and feet avoid placing the feot upon 4 workmen obliged to work n damp places will do well shoes or u to v cuv cold or wooden vbstain from sleeping with o windows n order open return homo at to avoid ihe cold anc avoid as much a an early p jdampofthonjghtnir mksiblo xwssive fa- p liguo- ov tho tiidgly recom- wo will give a few facts e following noblemen and commoucrs ill form part of tho first list marquis of douglas lord seymou lord f osborn mr portman lord headly eailof llaudaft earl of traquair baron darcy baron of bryanstoo enron matthew baron linton earl of dundonald baron cochrane earl of duoraveo karoo duuraveo sir f godmanstoo sirt leonard mr leigh mr g u gilbert sir j st aubyo baron preston baron brentwood baron lyme baron restormel baron penzance the london limes of the third holds hear them and which unfortunately appear too true at gros caiilon three men in succession have been arrested ou suspiciou of poison ing one of loose delinquents entered iheshop of a wine merchant when he was quite alone end asked for n bottlo de via a vingl ou and whilsi tho latter had gone to the cellar for it he drew a packet from his pocket and threw the contents into a large jug which blood there tho merchants wife however who was witting concealed by a curtain aud watched the mans move ments ran out seized him by tho collar and held him until her cries brought her husband and others to her assistance the villain was immediately taken to a neighbouring cors de garde s where two others were brought immediately after charged with the same offence tho peo ple were so enraged that they would have killed them had it been iu their power the whole neighborhood wnsiu a great uproar thecoramissairo do police had tho great est difficulty io conveying them safely to the prefecture iu another instance of the kind a man entered tho shop of a miikwoman living in tho ruo do bac and asked for some warm milk which she gave him in a mea sure and he poured it into a cup ho took from under a part of his dross lie theu put his fingers into it for the pretended purpose of feeling whether it was warm and saying it was cold attempted to throw it agaiu into tho tiu milk pail but feeling some suspicion from the reports in circula tiou aud not altogether liking the appear ance of her customer the woman closed the lid of the pail snatched the cup torn his hand and threw tho milk iuto tho gut ter the same oight at villejuif two haw kers entered tho houso of a milk woman and attempted to throw a poisonous drug into slthid pttila if hluk v bit ii wuo nhisul to be nken to pari io the kue do colombicr nn attempt was iu con- foreign news from the jf y courier ty enquirer latest from europe by the extracts we give in our following columns it willbe seen lhat advices have been received from england to the 8th ult they reached philadelphia by the packet ship monongahela aud we make our ex tracts from ihe penusylvauia inquirer aud united states gazette on the great suject of reform in eng land there is nothing defiuito the ro- marks made by the london journals io relatioo to the course which the british ministry will adopt to carry tho bill through tho house of lords wc conceive entitled to little weight the creation of peers which the morning chronicle of the 4th announces would take place the fol lowing day was evidently not made as the circumstance would then oo longer bo a matter of doubt on the 7th ihe last date received from london there are besides iu this list names which it would he evi dently impolitic in lord grey to place there that of lord cochrane for instance and ihe number is so small that it would probably not equal the number of votes which the minister would loso by the mea sure we look with much anxiety for the decision of ihil question for on it depends tho continuance in office of the present ministry and the proservatiou of peace iu europe tho details given in the extract from the paris messaser des chambres of t various attempts made in that sun tho beverage of the people would tho first view seem loo monstrous for belief it would not be done tu gratify any private feoliug aud the act is loo atrocious this language there is little chance we understand that the second reading of the reform hill will be carried in the house of lords by more than the scantiest possible majority of the bill passiog the committee without au entire chaogo of it most essentia elan ses there is no prospect whatever not the most remote with a body of peers com posed like the present although however a defeat upon tho first great question which is likely to raise in the committee may be repaired by an immediate creation of poors who would aid the government in rescinding the oh noxious vote upon bringing up the report it is abundantly certain that a defeat on the second reading itself must ho altogether ir- j retrievable yet how tremendously daring i mat ki poison the well of a baker s ihmmr now plnyed hv men in power rniriice of which tho wells are every where the miostcrinl lists for tho house ol feci covennd and fastened with are not represented as offering more than i six for the ensuing stage of the bill a ma jority of six in an assembly of 400 mem bers cholera in dublin it is still doubt ful whether any cases of cholera havo occurred in dublin havo met and after due examination of the cases reported as cholera aro merely euahled to state that the symptoms of these cases very much resemble those des cribed as attending tho epidemic cholera in england no decided case of cholera however appears yet to have exhibited itself belgium and holland brussels april 2 this couutry con tinues dreadfully agitated troops are marching towards the frontiers from all directions the fortresses are victualled the hospital preparing and from the pre parations and orders isscd by the war minister a rupture with holland may he daily expected- it is in contemplation to call out the second levy of militia for the year i8j2 amouotiug to about 12000 men at ghent tho troops are already iu motion whatever may be tho wem season do not go too lightly cl sobriety cannot be too s mended consequently avoid excess of eating and drinking for it has hccn l ved that druokrds and dcba havo been most exposed to the attacks of tho cholera let your fond ho principally neat and meat soups eat as little as pos- of caar- cnterie and salt meats and abstain entirely from heavy pastry abstain from undressed fo of every description all cold drinks taken when person is heated are at all times danp water used as a beverage ought io he clear filtered water is bettor thau ad other lostead of drinking it pure it tf be heuer to mix io it two teaspooofuls i brandy or absinthe to a pint water lightly mixed with viae is equally good the excessive uso of strop very pernicious and taking uo bran dy when fasting is equally ersous who have contracted the habit of doing so should at least first eat a pie pwd- tho sarao objections apply w drinking wditc wine fasting all beer and cider of bad quality ought to be avoided every person who feels himof sudden- ly a fleeted by dull pains in the limb hea- i vincss or giddiness of the head a feeling of oppression uneasiness about l chest hcartburu cholic should immediately a ply to a physiciau or the uext bureau de secours persons thus affected should immediate ly go to bed aud lake quire hot ao iafu- siou of peppcrmiut and flowers of tho lime tree and heat himself by every possible means prepared chloric solutioos being univer sally recommended as a useful precaution against infection of any kind it may bo de sirable to give the following simple receipt for making them take one ounce of dry chlorate of lime and oue quart of water pour a sufficient quantity on tho powder to make it ioto paste and then dilute it with the remainder strain oftihe solution and keep it in glass oreartbcui vessels well stopped a portion of this solution should be poured into a shal low bowl aud placed in every room io the house the chlorato of soda is nearly as good it is to bo used in the saino manner iu the proportion of ooo ounce of chlorate to ten or twelve ounces of water the prefect of police requests all pro prietors of houses all the physicians and the inhabitants of the capital i make bim immediately acquainted with all the cases of cholera that may come withiu their knowledge specifying correctly the name age sex professien aud abode of the per- sous attacked signed ursquet approved ll tho minister f commerce aud public works count ipargout obtained from dublin for 35s or 39s but the prices increase as the season advances tho colonics to which emigrants to north america can irococd willi the most advan tage aro stated to bo lower canada up per canada nod new urunswick the following is a correct i it of tho prices of grain and wages wheat per bushel in lower canada is lid rye about 3s m nc l i hi and oats is 3d shipbu wages to 3 9d in above rates of wages board and are found by the employer wilh- gd per day in new expense of living and the of labourers id per day shipbuilders carpenters joiners coopers inasous and tailors fts per day from a calculation made with respect to upper canada it ap pears that the yearly wages of labourers there hired by the year are from 27 to 30 monthly wages from 1 10s 10s daily wacs from 2s to 3s nil the lodging out board daily wages vary from 3s 6d out of harvest to 5s in harvesttime the wa ges given to mechanics may be staled to be from 5 to 7 bruoswicki the rate of wages aro somewhat the same as in lower canada but it may be remarked that when labourers have become better acquainted with the work of a particular colony they may be able to get increased wages the mechanics most in demand are those connected with housebuilding shoemakers tailors and ship builders a- o find plenty ofetnployment the follow ing are the prices of a few articles of ne cessity in new brunswick bread the 41b loaf 10d beef per stone 3s 6d mutton 2s tid pork 2s 0d veal 2s 4d saltpork jc4 issper barrel coals are about 30s per chaldroo houserent at st johns is from 5 to 6 for familes occupying one room and fur familes oc cupying two rooms from g to 10- by ihe disease the prefect of p t itliukt ot tilt mjoka liks i i i t t 4 mmi55i03 sicned with a lock aud key so nppireheosivo aro pcoplo of these nefa rious transactions many ladies havo thernstclves gono to the wells of their bakers for the purpose of seeiug thatprecautiouary measuueshad beon taken the water carriers paclock their pails i he board or health nqf jatvc ljc 0 fas dowu banned- cally morn ht g chronicle march gn the commissioners appoiutco if inquire into tho subject 01 emigration io me lrt tish colonies io north america ihave issued a notice dated from the colonial office iu which they gave somo useful information to persons desirous to emigrate they commence by stating the natuw of the as emigration it affords us much pleasure in perusing the latest papers received from the mother couutry to perceive the numerous notices uhich are taken of the very extensive emi gration which will tafce place during the items aud can merely say lhat let them follow each other like wave after wave ihey will be received with a welcome by those who arc desirous of seeing this pro vince coloured by the children of old eng land an order of council was issued on the 28th march obliging all vessels sailing from the united kingdom for the uoited states or british america with fifty p er sous on hoard including the master ack crew to be provided with a regularly wjo- cated surgeon from london edinburgh glasgow or dublin aod also with a medi cine chest such as is generally made use of on board of his majestys ships preparations are now making io all parts of great britain for emigration to ame rica two fine ships the marmioo and the caroline ofsootoos burthen each sailed oo sunday last from the london docks for quebec with above 200 emigrants on board each vessel proceeding to upper canade there were many familes consist ing of from ten to fourteen individuals who appeared from their stxiiliug aud content ed faces to have left few objects to regret behind them we understand lhat these are a very different class of persons to those who io former years have emigrated to our american colouies most of thera being respectablo farmers aud tradesmen the vessels are engaged lo return to london for the purposo of carrying out other set tlers whose passage is already engaged ships of the first class now fitting out in the docks of the port of london lo carry passengers and goods to those colonies atfat march 25fc from the old quebec gaztttc from trkland by the rlvfctk a waicrford paper of the 4th april was brought by ihe city of waterford cap tain graudy for tho exchange room it contains london dates to the moroiug of tho 1st apriaday later we have oo perusing it made the fol lowing extracts waterford april 4ih the statement of lord althrop being about to be summoned to the upper house is strengthened by the latest london papers aid receives coun tenance from other quarters lord durham hasceased to be a cabinet minister in fact he is dismissed no rea son is assigned by the only london jour nal that aouounces the fact but wccaniate upon private authority a quarrel of a se rious aod personal nature between bis lordship and his illustrious relative earl grey the difference originated io si clause of ihe reform bill dublin mail lord grey has gone to windsor by invi tation from his majesty for a day or two lorulon evening paper 31st tithes in ireland are to be extinguished and a trifling land tax is to be imposed oo the irish landlords the arrears are to be collected but of course tho indigent treated with the greatest indulgence lb it is understood that the ministerial plao of relief for the west india colonies u the loan of exchequer bills aod lhat the u- lauds adopting the measures of govern- mem will have as a bonus a lesser duty oa sugar dublin april 1st no case of cholera reported today la an affray on the 30tb ult which was caused by a party of the police having seiz ed a still one man was killed aod two wouuded by the police who were obliged to fire in their defence enniskillen ckro niclt colonial the rage for migrating tocanadaand sistanco which wil meat to emigrants upon various othea one of infant tin te 5th of capital to and two regiments other of light boric aud several batteries of artillery have received orders to march toward the frontiers two batteries of ar tillery and lancers have been ordered io brussels from namur two vessels ladeu with hall and amunition left touroay on the 27th ult for antwerp and on sunday last several campaign materials left the same fortress taking different routes the fortresses of liejro hoy namur aod ghent have been provisioned for 3 months aod the head quarter of the army have been removed from brussels to lou vain at antwerp the troops are nightly put under arms and the horses harnessed to the guns the dutch and belgians themselves think that nn appeal tonrmsis highly probable because they arc both making tho most aoxiousand expensive preparations fomhat contingency portugal our madrid and lisbon letters continue to strengthen the impression lhat in the approaching struggle between the brothers for the crowo of portugal spain will act neutrally the latest accounts from don pedro ktato that he took possession of st michaels on the22d amid the congratula tions of the inhabitants and au cxpnditioo under admiral sartorios was to sail agaiut rjadoria upon the suthi which it was con fidently expected would also succeed in restoring lhat important island to the lawful holland by tho brig louisa capt brcwuir from amsterdam which left tho tcxel ou the 5th april wo havo received amsterdam aud haarlem papers to tho 2d although thee journals are later than any dates iihat have reached us from these pla ces by the way of england or trance we do uott find they contain uny political intel- ligeocw of importance no judication is j given iin them of au intention 00 ihe part of the dutch government to accede to the 1 21 articles of the london conference we j havo besides been favoured with the peru- i sal of letters from emioont nouses in am slerdairu received by this conveyance which i state positively that the king will not cofl- seut toj ihe terms of separation from bel gium haiddosvn by the great powers aud j that were ho lo adopt these tcims it would lose hi the attachment of his subjects kuch ir tho determined spirit uow prevail- tho hollanders that they talk be afforded h govern- nod proceed lo remark subjects couji w our north american possessions gnvern- meut they state ivill not grant any pecu niary aid to emigrauts nor will they after their arrival he provided wiln grants of land gifts of tools or a supply ol provisions the laud which is for sale w 0 lo public competition and lh- price must depend upon tho oftors made generally speaking it will hardjy fetch less than from 4s to 5s per acre indeed iu good situations it has lately reali j 10 and even i5s government however i declining to afford pccuujj thougl taucc have beeu facilities to jss15- at some pan m- iniong resirstioe to aflbrd emigrants upon thir arrival and with this view agents are t be main tained at the principal colonial ports who will gratuitously jive every requisite infor mation to persous upon ifagr fu godine protect them against imposition am p0 out to thoni the most advantag y 0 conduct to lie pursued according io circum stances in cases also where t private ngland and france combin- j engagement canuot immediately obtain ed these agents will procure c iu some of ihe public works in progress io the colonies iu order to provr a frauds aud also lo prevent ai improper expenditure at the first motneu of arrival it has been arranged that moi ma made payable there instead girtog ii into tho hands of emigrants in th country money may bo paid into ihe hands of smith payne aud n of ed aod say they woold prefer to sink iu thecnujrest than submit lo conditions which they consider would disgraco them fuirther extracts from late paris papers the cholera in paris the ifirst paragraph of the instructions of tho bairjs hoard of health thus speaks of the fatality of tho cholera as compared wuhfu other epidemic is a grave disorder it is when expected sovereign of or rug pu at tho lutolligcuco tsclfu satisfactory for don strong iu all tho material was becoming daily from lisbon miguel thoug of defence weak in the fidelity of his troops pu tho cholera however more alarm in lhan dfangorous when it actually exists other cpjdoniic maladies such as the small pox thfe scarlet fever aud certain nervous fevers lhavo occasioned much greater rava ges sifflgo io those countries in europe where i has prevailed aud met with the most frvvorable circumstances for its pro pagation it has scarcely attacked more than ouo individual io 73 aud in some ci ties its anacks have uot vet exceeded one in 200 individuals tjuqj far says tho gazette dc trance of 31st no professional man no student no nurs qor assmaut has experienced any ill eftecfts from the malady this alone should icassure people agaiusl any appro mgraut to will give thee cauadas less sum than 20 ou iudivjduab the best 19 to letters of credit so receive the aiib lhe they will not howu t a of any one new south wales is daily increasing par ticularly to the former nearly 100 ships lt ut fm tittm rc obw hntfirr nil ill llip docks of london to carry passengers and goods to those colonics belvs messenger vast numbers aro flocking to liverpool io embark for america and the ships are all full for tho next voyage emigrants should manage to reach liverpool at a time they are uot likely to be detained it would be a charily to form a society in this town for giving emigrants information reading mercury frome march 14 tho parish of frome has offered fifteen mouths pay to any poor family now receiving parish relief to as sist thorn io emigrate to upper canada provided tho whole sum does not exceed 600 this amounts to double the sum granted last year and will probably be in creased by private subscription and in com- pliauce with this liberal offer from the pa rish amhoritcs of that town no less than m0 persons belonging to frome are about io emigrate to upper canada j they consist of eighteen families and eleven single indi viduals it is expected they will leave this place for bristol on or about tho 21st io- srant a great number of familes are anxious to follow them from the same parish but it has been found impossible to provide suffi cient funds about seventy persons emi grated last year from the adjoiuiog parish of coislcy aod nearly the same number from bradley in this county nothing of the kind is more striking than the boldness and confidence of success with which these poor persons set out for such remote parts of the world about ninety persons have quitted frome for america within the last year from whom letters have been continu ally received inviting their friends aod re lations to follow them many of which let ters are now published iu a cheap form and certified by the clergy churchwarden fwist arrivals health law on friday night last about 10 oclock two guns were fired in the harbour and io the rooming the canada from greenock aod ihe intrepid from hull were seen at an chor off the st charles they were boards 4d in the morning by the harbour master aod health officer aod a yellow flag hois ted at the foremast no communication was allowed with the port as they had do certificates of the health officer at the quaratine station in the afternoon ihe board of health ordered them back to grouse isle and they set sail without laod- iog a passenger or even the letter bags a stop with respect to the bags ool alto gether necessary il strikes us about 3 oclock they arrived at the station yes terday the canada had a foul bill of health the cholera existiog at greenock the intrepid had a clean bill of health- it is understood that prosecutions for viola- lion of the health law have been ordered against the captains and pilots the pen alty is a sum not more than 100l the pilot of the intrepid had however we iftaro wintered in england and was ignorant of the quarantine laws quebec gazette we uoderstaod that his excellency has not coosidered himself authorized under the quarantine law to incur the expeow of continuing the line of telegraphs to grosie isle and that only the telegraphs at quebec and the island of orleans will be in operation we think we ought lo repeat ihe suggestion that some mode ol communication should be established between quebec aod groue isle the letter bags ought to be forwarded soon after a ship arrives there their purifi cation miglit be effected at a very trifling expense- no delay of any kind cither la ship or passengers ought to take place but what is strictly necessary his excellency has communicated to he board of health despatches instructions respecting tho cholera received from the colonial office one of the despatches recommends the establishment of the strict est steps to euforce quarantine a series of questions is at the same time addressed lo the board haviog for their object to ob- taiu all the information possible oo the pro gress aod type of the disease should it un fortunately manifest itself to canada old quebec gazette letters from london of the 22d march stnie that mr- stuart attorney geoeral who it was said was to have gooe oo a vi sit to the continent had not yet left loo- dou j2 account months enable overseers and four other gentlemen of frome as bein faithfully copied from the originals with the exceptions of occasional corrections in spelling and some omissions for icaviu ofprivate matter previously to thedepar- england are stated to be march ad aprili turo f hc poor persons ibe benevolent la- rs those wh employment emigrate later i not find so abundant au 0 course less time before the appro a yj 16i the commissioners siwgesl that persons proceeding to canada should also bo provided with the mcaus of dies aod gentlemen of frome who are ever willing both with hand aud purse to as sist their poorer brethren provide them with cloths oeddiug tools and almost outn- hcrlcss articles not excepting religious paying for books without regard to expense every the journey which they may hai t0 mako emigrant has his separate bag aod parcel after their arrival at quebec t coa uf j well filled ami carefully packed tension ofcouiagiou extract more even from the vopuhp instructions as to the vhotra may bus ve the strictest cleanliness both iu lud dwellings avou1 q chuueus of bciug chilled aud obser person conveyance will of course depei upon hc distance but the average appeu be fit tho rate of 160 miles for about y passa ges from london to quebec or t j wick may bo engaged either i exclusive of provisions in case the price is about g in icw inclusive or the former tho latter one huudrcd and fiftysix persons have left frome on their way to bristol to cm- bark for canada the greater portion of these emigrants leave the country io con sequence of the ontreaties of their frreods who havegoue before them and prospered il is with much pleasure we aooounce tho expected arrival iu this city of the rev ro bert alder as the represeutative ofthe wes- leyan missionary committee iu london formerly the wesleyao missionary at this station a gentleman who was generally admired for the abilities he possessed and for the kind benevolent and geoilemanlihfr demeanor by which he was distinguished we hope therevereud gentleman will ex tend his tour to upper canada where tho- ryersoa methodists have unfortunately for the traoquilily of that province taken root and endeavour to exercise a cootroul in af fairs of church and state which is daoger- ous to the permanence of good order and the public peace montreal gazette the choleka at barbadoes a let ter dated st- thomas april 7 aod ad dressed to tho editors of the journal of commerce says letters received yes terday from st kitts state that an eog- lishship of war bad arrived there from barbadoes with tho cholera on board twentyfive cases occurred in three days but none of them had as yet proved fatal 3 buti from liverpool aoock7ami the principal ports of ireland i js n deal lower- in fact march the coiuuiisiouerj say it utav t is aud mobablv b april bath chronicle emigration to canada van river aud new increasing the fast day on kridny to avert the cholera was kept io all the churches of quebec by the performance of the usual religious services the offices aod shops were all shut the halifax papers of the 2oih ult ar rived this morning a jp session of ihe legislaturo r newbrunswick has been called for the3id there ore nearly ooo huodrod i may to revise the late revenue act the rage for emigrating diemau land swan south wales is daily