Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 17, 1832, p. 4

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from the m itfocatc on an aeolian mai harp of ihe riewlif whence comes ilic power thy trembling wires disclose wlmi spirit liiinu is wildly wandering there to steal repose oh listen to the sound impetuous rushing on the priaonm ear like trembling symphonies at once unbound in joy and fear now on nights breast it faints and round a parting requiem seems to pour as moonlight waves seek in their dying plaints the silent shore p art lltou the breath of hoi glad but uncertain in her promise fair and yet whoso magic voice can cvercopo with our despair or art thou memorys moan when sighing strings such lingering murmurs tell restoring dreams of joy too early flown and loved too well vainly i question thee again i hear thy voice again thy sigh oh airharp wild must these forever bo thy sole reply whose purse wns open lo the claim ol cvury misfortune am whose jiicsence graced and enlivened cvory scene oi hmusemcnt it is not difficult to per ceive that i lie favor of the mother gouiu- limes elicils an ilusupprosecl feeling ul rogrot for the misfuitunes of llt so whenever on the conmnty the name ofyoting nupolcon is mentioned itinungsl the upper di you soou perceive iliai il they d not refuse liflll the considers ion due to the son of napoleon ihey do not at the same time forget lllllt lie is tifco the son of the grand duchess of panmi the glories the fall and the misfortunes of the emperor gave an eclat lo the imputed eriuisaud failings of the wife which no length of lime will eradicate from the public mind times correspondent surprising- wonderful as dominc sampson would say a private letter received the other day from paris an nounces the marriage of miss frances wright to a monsieur p formerly of this city and adds mrs p and the child arc both well wo presume the lady still gives lec tures but probably inculcates u different species of philosophy look at il how ever in every point of view it is beyond louis philippe napoleon ii a doubt one of i lie most astonishing ua- anjd henry v tural or philosophical events which has louis pbjtippe has to encounter the taken place during the present century rival pretensions of two competitors to oh love love miserable exciting his throne i ethciial passion what strange effect the one presents himself with all the thou givest rise to philosophy lhe very graces and attractions of innocence and j genius of reason the goddess hersclfjias adolescence to a nation sensible to the been subdued melted and bound mighty genius and justly vain of the silken chains for some years p gloriousachievementsofhisfather his progress of philosophy in the two titles ire imperisjiably registered on the i had been as rapid as eclipse ovet brazen pillar of the place vendome in the civil and criminal codes of the coun try in the recorded humiliation of al most every capital in europe and in the innumerable fields which attest the matchless skill of the general and the military prowess of the nation the iron yoke under which the proudest of his subjects were obliged to bend their necks with humility and the heartless v m 01 w ambition that sacrificed whole sucrcssive barbarism as cesar said generations to the aggrandizement of 0 single family are willingly forgotten in the sympathies that survive the reverses and sufferings of the latter years of the emperor the other an orphan before his birth suffering for the follies of his grandfa ther which his tender years enabled hint neither to comprehend nor con- troul unfolds to the gaze of france the records of eight centuries of its history and suppliantly points out in the inse- parateunwnofhwancestorsduringthntflitho larer end nud sounds doable a he long island course or as the steam boat north america in a sunny day of june under a full pressure of steam or as a railroad car between albany and sdugp- ectudy selfpoised selfsustained di vine philosophy was elevating her aspect putting out ignorance as you would a taper with a tin extinguisher until this untoward event took place which casts us all again into the age of darkness and 9 folding his roman toga around him in ihfl capitol so we say lo miss wright tf ut bruit n y courier euattirtr ten russian horn band thiscele united hand avc their second concert at the adelphi rooms on tuesday moraiog before n numerous audience the band composed of twenty fivo individuals who play upon about fiftyfive horns all funned uf brass of a conical shape with ihcinuuth piece bent the lowest of these horns is eight feet long and nine inches in diameter long period with all the glories and reverses of his country his own cliffis to the throne his friends refer with becoming modesty his partisans villi malicious triumph to the prosperity and success of the iesoration us a pledge of the happiness that awaits franco under his sceptre snch are the illustrious youths whose contradictory pretensions as destructive of one another as they would bo of those of the house of orleans louis philippe has to contend with cut whilst their i i nw t roups at wrwii soldiers vrou names and lite leading points ol uieiriwt flnuli of the romnanv find tinuc to supply excellent inscriptions audibly by ipi jhis desk thuir performance which coi sist uf overtures national airs with vat fuions c is cxircmly hieclivo and w canik the irfgfaest instrument which sounds e is two inches and a half in length hy one in diameter some of iho horns hut not all have keys for one or two semitones when playiug iho hand is drawn up four deep the trebles in front t and the very low horns laid on trosiles at the hack so that the per former cfti raiso the mouth piece with ease while iho other end rests on iho frame one man plays the three lowest horns blowiug them in turns as they arc warned not the least curious portion of this ma chinery is iho conductor scorn before him on a desk his t rati as at what sohtie win the for thfi banners fcf faction lo anv man acquainted villi this coimiyi heir chanc es of success must hpponr very remote indeed of louis philippe neither can be the direct inheritor nothing hui the chance of escaping from an irehv and a new reign of tenor can reconcile the french to submit to the pupil of prince metiernich or of the jesuits before we take leave of this subject let us for a moment consider the curious points of coincidence and contrast which the fortunes of these youths present both born on the steps of the same throne which every probability announ ced they should one day ascend they were both in the helplessness of infan cy suddenly precipitated by the storms of adversity from the station in which their birth had placed them and pre cluded apparently for evei from the high destinies that seemed to await i hem the father of the one fell under the i win stands fronting would call the heat tjiio ng a litilu stick or cane oj jewelry plate coods book imkdinu e perfumery ac r jackson tabushmekt f tiii must rapturously applauded it ho doubted that to acquire their preset state of proficieacyhe band ha been sii- jeet to constant and diligent practice will out which such unity of effect aud correc- nese of time could not have been attained- thelracrl effort were highly pleasing but particularly the cossack snog which ivci loudly eacoredlouon wwr a ladt3 olmnlok of clubscluu are just a modification of monasteries ply- ces of frtnn female attcutiousi hdi as in former days the finest architecture it best situation jho most elaborate cuisshu the most refined cellar are devoted to thei use the principal modern improvemeoti are the omission ofwsiiuz ami 1 1 ro- and substitution of magazines fur misiak whoso enters here leaves hope be hind should bo the wcdocsdayn athc- uceum ladies night motto the dcej bmhnf ins kn llio other bcorc he visions which haunted last ni was ol enough to be conscious ot ins i ail a youn lady should pray fgr ha sevc pray liugeridg fit of illness to impress her deb nog lover iviih a ju feminine valuation f 0 wraaod agues nro the best stepping stone education of both o the cure of their l0 lho h altar- miss londons ru relations and the choee of llieir pre- j maace qnd r mysterious disappeabancb a 51 joss became practically an orphan by the fall and capliviiv of the emperor this common misfortune consigned the ceplors is likely to prove fatal lo th fortunes of the pupils both at an illlo w thomas mcloan no english gentleman when crime was impossible were ban- i who arrived in this city about two month lined from their country and though ago from bristol no board the james crop unconscious of a fault wore condemn- p lias disappeared from his hold under circumstances which have occasional considerable alarm among his acquaintaii from tho thou of bis arrival he has re- be us leave lo rctun lis lltnrks to the nllicers of ilie iotl regimen and the lmiliiary slatlonetl ul kingston generally lor the oiicoutigtmeni they have given him since his oinueiuement in the above line and a ihesane lime to assure them it is hii inontitl and will be his endeavour u- luinishnn as- sorlmenl this year more voiiliy llcir pa- uoitagc than what his slock wasduiing the year that is past kingston 25tl feb 1832 tf jewelry plated goods perfumery c r jackson be leave grate- fully to acknowledge lie liber al support he has met witl snee his comuieiiccment ill ihe abovu mite from i he ladies and gentlemen of kingston and the public generally uid likewise to assure each thai it will be ins con stant study and unremitting attention to merit a continuance of their patron age ii j hnsnowon hand a small assort ment of good jewelry plated goods perfumery c at unusually low prices and is in expectation of an excellent as sortment of the best sheffield plated goods and london jewelry lows per fumery c of the in os approved kinds by the lirst spring arrivals likewise a good assortment of lanies and gentle mens wiiting desks aid dressing ca ses furnished wilh ihe best materials also ladies work boxes dinner lamps ground glass shades chim neys tea trays double and single percussion and flint guns patent le vel and common shot belts and pouch es pigons and wilk powder patent shot and a good assortment of the best fishing tackle ajj ihe above 9btl wrious other articles will be had from ile manufacturers and sold unusually low kingston feb 25 1s32 if bank of upper canada totice is hereby given that js cooks will be opened on the first tjiy of august next as there is a re- siiictiveclause in the late charter to prohibit its being done liil six months ubscrip- of ibis lo wit t the towns of kingston niagara york bockville perth sandwich amherst- biig london cobonrg cornwall id hamilton in the district of gore uder the direction of persons hereafter to be named tllos gtridout 8sfc of upprr canaila ceshicr vork2lthliti l-2- j n 11 in addition to the current half yearly dividend a bonus of not less than eight per cent is intended to be paid to ihe stockholders urn t g r clergy reserves commissioner uf crown lands ojjice vork ut february lfci j proposals for ihe purchase l clergy reserves having alreadv kingston chmiku office npilk subscrilur bavm- engaged nn nxporionend ami rcjiitarly bred bosk- binder inforuwlho public that ml kinds of business ill ibis lino will be perlorn- ud at bis oflico wilh nearness and des patch and on moderate terms tho following is a lit nt the price when books are brought in by iho j tiion and credit iiuaniity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in to the public rvh subset iber respectfully begs 6l lave to announce that ite has la- kiii the house lately occupied by mr i nomas uamloid known as the steam uoal hotel but belter by the comfort it conferred on travellers under his respectable management and hopes by assiduity and atiemion to preserve that excellent establishment in full ruputa- eolio full bound incutcd quarto octavo l2ino ldmo lo do do do calf- id calf oroa- do do do do 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 5 3 2 half binding in calf folio half meiited quarto octavo l2mo i8mo hound do oo do du 0 0 8 6 3 binding ik sheep t folio full bouod ami orua- 0 17 g mcuteij quarto do do 0 7 g octavo do do 0 3 4 i2ruu do do q 2 3 81mo do do 0 1 8 also ledger blank work and ruling to auy size or pattern for port folio aud fancy biudiuc separate charge jambs macfarlane kingston 13th april 18s9 the boakd of ed ucation fr the johnstown district gives notice i1at from the present lime it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which ihe use of american books to this end every possible care will be taken lo provide all things conducive to comfort of the best ihat money can purchase and he doubts not but that all who honour him with their patronage will find pleasure in recommending their friends to the same treatment and attention ihey themselves shall have received the stabling and other accomodations for horses and carriages are extensive and of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will be constant ly employed to keep them in all res pects ready and applicable to the im mediate use of travellers assoon as il is possible the house will be constantly furnished with the new- york montreal and other provincial papers and the subscriber especially begsto announce that he ha already ta ken the means to procure for the bene fit of bis gueslsthe daily london times as understanding it to be the most inter- resting of alllhe london prints during the season it is his purpose to keep a never fading supply of the finest oysters that can be obtained theodore brockett sieam boat hotel kiogstoo nov 8ih 1831 salt rheum this inveterate disease which has long baffled ihe art of ihe mom experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la cranges genuine ointment few cu taneous diseases are met with more re luctance by the physician and none in which he is so univcisally successful thisointmenl has stood the test of ex perience and justly obtained an unpar alleled celebrity it immediately re moves the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous re commendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be its only commentator it has in three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had resisted the power of every remedy that was tried iinot only at once gives immediate relief in salt rheum but cures tinea capi- las commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children qj there is nothing of a mercurial nature contained in it and it may be used on infants or others under any cir cumstance whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george bent montreal sole agents for the canadas kingston llih july 1828 t if er the passing of the act lor s lins to the increased capital bmk at the following places n teaching is prohib d ue mas ters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by bfitisb authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained bv each master whose cer tificates have passed l board on ap plication to dr htibhell that the compliance of the school masters is desired w a former regula tion enjoining the uf of prayers at the commencement of school to the mor ning and at its close in the evening a form adapted to gene use may be found in mavors spellingbook and is recommended for is purpose by the board printed foims for he quarterly certi ficates o be signed b twotrusteesmay behad on appliciio to atliel sher wood esq brockviito- jun 1832 litiioglia ph y prom tami stoao he subscribe begs to announce to the public the establishment of t t 1 ilric pre a kings on by 1 1th tjllhu ijj sold i ivcn i dtit tii i j w quantity uiun are authorised to be during the ensuing year the conni sinner is compelled by his instructions to decline for the present receiving anv more applications for ihe purcitnve of clergy reserves and to prevent dis appointment he requests it may ho dis tinctly understood thai npplicions re ceived after lids date can be of no be- neiit to the applicant as lo preference or otherwise peter robinson commimioncr ufcrnwn lands a mill our fin ihe name of william ht prt ess where will be executed all kinds of work ap plicable to ihat useful rt such as maps plans views circuts music head ings of merchants bili and steam boat notices willi the sketch of iho boot if requited blank deruvwnd memorials ihj mm0 mlriiirdwtnviii- rh nee c able emblems bills of fc c c persons want ilia any kind of copies ol their own hand writing will be supplied with prepared paper aud che mical ink ih that purpose o tazewell n b caricatures sketch being supplied khujsion august 12th printed hy the 1331 oin the sui very loi valuable farm for sale on teasonable terms thai beau tiful farm on the rond leading lo bath aol si mites from kiugstou the property of and lately occupied hy iho subscriber consisting of about 100 acres of excellent laud the most of which is in a hivii state of cultivatinu there 13 built on the pre mises a large nod commodious dwelling house almost in u with extensive sheds and other outhouses altogether furmiap il most comfortable establishment for a res pectable family tho whole front ef the ijol is fenced wilh a substantial stone wall tm 1eot hijh there are two livioz springs of excellent water on the and several hearing fruit trees for further particulars apply either nt this office or to tho subscriber iu store street kiosston duncan vanalstine premises cd to a punishment inflicted by common law on guilt alone both undergo the penalties of exile at this moment in dis cs tant countries and the barriers of hospi- j rtwmrjffi ihbleranceopontotbeunlorunaicof and wa well known to boa man of vcv every country in europe are irrevoca bly closed against the innocent offspring of her late masters will the currents of their fortunes run parallel as they have hitherto done till ih disappear leinperatc regular habits ami quiet anolj- irusive maaneiw on a former visit lo llii couulry he had icidetl at the samohoute aud it is understood that the object of ln last arrival was the purchase of some landei in ilioshenccoiuic gravel fivorv lhlofrlprjk tnesdaymor- scems to announce llnl thv f m kj l r tor i i i i walk not irtkiujj wall nun anv portmnioflii llmrbrn history hmhwo pw lpp om iu any infolatinn bin duo cimtr rq tito bin ami cold oinnnorfl ol iluiia louisa mover per mitted her lo occupy the slightest space in ihe aiicciroik uf the french public ho should he olihcilt an unuiunl tiin moo however he ha uot been seen bmnl of hy any person of tltu iiouhi hy auy 00 of us irieuds resi utf 0t- n in iii whilst ihe simplicity and amiable ctour- f l wl afaiduou enquinct havu trricsuftac duchess of be ry made her i v every prolmblu mniko m aunivslfivouriie the parisinosho 1 1 t p tir r x lani il- 1 it kill in wil ixiii mkiiii i i- t i iicl man uuumriicil ain universal fivouriic the puiisiauswho ffffgei cvrry ihiu have not inroiieu pnssewiml or iminuepeiiucut proporiv- um gay giddy goounutured princess y cour if jirq persons wishing lo bring ou their friends from the north of irelandto quebec lo embark from lon donderry can have their passage se cured by paying ihe following rales at the office of messrs buchanan go montreal rru lul 2 12 c s children liom 2 to 14 years of ago 1 q 3 under 7 years of age 17 the above sum includes water and bscriber oilers for sale at y low rales for cash or short approved credit 00 tierces and 230 barrels of mus covado sueur 51 puncheons and 30 hhds of high ly unvoted and strong proof jamaica rum 10 barrels of fust quality plantation coffee 20 bags of pimento 2 pipes of best holland gin 2 pipes charanlie brandy he has also on hand 20 cooking stoves of a new and highly admired pattern well furnished with tin utensils 100 boxes of sheet iron 30 boxes of t d pipes 10 groce each 10 bands of best english glue 1 cwt each he is daily expecting a large supply of superior wines of different descrip tions and an extensive consignment of stoves single and double of potash and sugar kettles and hollow ware all of which trill be disposed of at the mon treal prices the transport from thence simply added a m ana han kingston oct 18 1831 books for sale he following books are for sale al the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of jkt iji4rfjftkt jtvs from tbe ear liest period to the present time by iho rev h h milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g lockhart esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d london edition 3 vols 18 mo life of nelson by robert south- ey esq with a portrait the life of alexander the great by the rev j williams wilh a map natural history of insects illus trated by numerous engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by j ohn gait esq 18 mo the life of mohammed founder of ihe religion of islam and of the em pire of iho saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate 18 mo letters on demonology and witch craft by sir waller scott bart 18 mo with a plate history of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols is mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions with illustrations of their climate ge ology and natural history and an account of tho whale fishery by i professor leslie professor jameson and hugh ivurray esq with maps c is mo life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george croly with a portrait is mo new and impioved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the em lies i ages to the present time with illustra tions of the geology mineralogy and zoology by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh mur ray esq with a map and wood en gravings is mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq in 3 vols is mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cru sades by g r james esq 18 mo with a plate by in for ma tio n wa nted tghn mcqueen a native of reland emigrated from glasgow r v scotland to upper canada in 1830 k ii t r 0l du he wrote for his family in a leiicr dated near gananoque and his wife and six children arrived in is31 in distressed circumstances any information re specting ihe said mcqueen addressed to mrs mcqueen matilda posi office will receive her grateful thanks january 9th j832 by law no passengers will be receiv ed on board unless provided wilh pro visions for that period s buchanan lxchangc cnargeiible on the above nolettcis received unless post paid montreal nov 25 1s31 mary queen of scots in 2 vols h g bell esq the continuation of the family li brary will be regularly ieceived at ihe chronicle office immediately as the volumes are issued from the press of the messrs harpers of new york to render the family library sf il more worthy of patronage the publish ers propose incorporating in il such works of interest and value as may ap pear in the various libraries and mis cellanies now preparing in europe par ticularly the national and the ed inburgh cabinet libraries all these productions as they emanate from the press will bo submitted 10 a committee of literary genilemen for inspection and none will be reprinted but such as shall be found calculated to sustain the ex alted character which this library h already acquired mrs parmentier offers for sale at ihe horticultural botan ic garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wine grapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and her baceoas fbmfi a kw ftu jfl of monthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished lo purchasers mr james macfarlane editor of his paper will receive orders for fruit and ornamental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded without the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid allhe office of ihe chronicle reference john macaulay john kirby john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquires n b it may be proper lo mention that the necessaiy directions will bo sent along with ihe different trees as to the manner of treating them trees received in ihe fall can be safely buried in the ground until the spring when ihey can be planted without receiving any injury from the frost provided ihey are enirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken that several orders will be made up into one package wilh a view to save the expense of car riage the subscriber having been appoint ed agent in this province for mrs par- mentier is now ready to receive orders agreeably to ihe above advertisement james macfarlane kingston 2 maich 1831 william johnson barber and hairdresser next door to ihe london tavern lenders bis grateful acknowledgments o the public for the liberal support he has met wilh since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry lo me- lita continuance of the public patronage kingston 30th may 1829 jm ust received and for sale at the chronicle office a very handsome and fashionable assortment of visiting cards february 11 tb 1832 as n wanted drafunlondoii british silver for wliioli nighest raio oi kit jrston premium will h a ii seu oct ic3l he aiuhlt ihe ven hy for sale lot n 17 in ihe ninth concession of the town- sjiipof loughlmio for particulars en quire at ihts ollire khlstoi augusb ijs2s jew stereotype e- dition of mavors spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from the 32sth london edition a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper ihun the former edition storekeepers and others wishing lor supplies will please give in their names wltuout delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1830 the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james macfarlane at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum ii sent by mail twenty shillings subacription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s gd first insertion and 7d each subsequent insertion ten line aid under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id- per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written direclions in serted tilt forbid f and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writings and delivered by wcdscsdat nook at the latest no advertisement received after ninc oclock on theday of publication ic produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john rinell esq david chishohn esq andrew pnrteoug esq james mcintosh esq john cameron esq r cline esq george browse esq alpheus jones esq heorv jones esq josiali taylor esq h whitmarsh esq j k hartwell esq messrs c j mcdonald john dean eq allan mcphersnn esq thomas parker esq joseph a- keelor esq james o btflmtie esq david smart esq william allan esq danir1 ro esq john crooks esq charles biirgur esq j d gilbert esq w robeiisou esq quebec three rivers montreal lancaster lochiel cornwall matilda prescott brockville perth richmond bastard gananoque bath napanee belleville ciamahc cohoiirg port hope york viuoria niagara murray adolphuetn river trent

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