Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 17, 1832, p. 2

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ffuld his mairim paze unci llie smile or suit delight which is hhiiiiu tip his countenance we should ltmy liial lu is v ni iftlm hi ir clime of anda1niit ami of the dark miw waters of the guadalquivir perhaps heitfijiedilutlnjeanothftr exquisiic vohini- which hji contain further deed of ho inort cliivalrmu ivr in authentic history f stntd tnnra bay navagcrn spook ing ot it arlimvvmenu anil garihav says thai ua plain has been trampled so frequently or hv inch numerous armies as thai of grenada whether his yeuius lead him in cxpiutti litniier on the exploits of the zegrisand abcucernjjcs or take winss survey new ohjiri across ihu atlantic and alleghany herlil ttin litcrarv la bours of washington irving will always lind a kaily way to the understandings and hearts of englishman fmterj magaz inc foreign news thccuuul commence according lo rule ihrcu bidder to make an auction a kiuftsduty to ho paid by the nurclt a kiildivr tic pulirmnaii luds 1 paddv iho owner waits conte ptdiremau co i parson himself and then iivmi proctor or eehia by n third tiiimi his cow he bold hell t that the parson will have o pay lithe and iho kings duty into tho gain- railway aecidtnts- on the j jo lion lehigh itntluay jan i as a irai 11 a good p id the tscr for ihe bids 7 for niedly for the to clinch the fideut thru if en and us own ore it will ho neon to ho 2fct jouary and from london to tie ltk or pre vious advices from the firmer pine were to the i3tll and from til inttc to 19 utlt january by this arrival the refusal of rssin to ratify iho proceedings of die londocou- loihe lepniaiiovf bel is full cofirmed ferenco hi relation giutn from holland austria anil prussia if ah plane 0 wagons at i wor ian- the u attending t the rope whicli was detached when only a them had reached the lop and ho and tifhir- ri hirlnirtf secured porfinn d from the boston patriot latest from europe the packet ship dover capt nve from ar- liver- rived at his port last eveniujj pool having called jan 21 parliament reassembled on tho 17th nothing important had been done by that body it was stated that the prussian govern meat had ratified the trealy relative to belgium conditionally the ratification 10 take efted only to case it should ho ex changed with those of all the other powers il was reported that the russian govern meat after several discussions had come to the deteriniuaiion of not ratifying the treaty and that the austrian government had come to the samo resolution it is stated that holland had signified her iuteotion not to pay the portion of the interest of tho russian debt charged on the king of the netherlands there had been an alarm in london occasioned by iho rumour of the appear ance of the cholera in westminster and that a private in the military hospital had been attacked with it the symptoms of the case were reported to the centra board of health who announced that there was no reason to believe that the case wat om of asiatic cholera a paris paper states it does not appear ou what authority that russia has formed an alliance with the schah of persia to reconquer khiva and was defoliating for l iuah tu llcifit on iliu mat to cahul it ii alleged that russia has offered to repay to persia the expenses of the last war ou condition of being permitted to have a free passage through the north of persia there was a destructive fire in glasgow hy which several large warehouses were destroyed the value of property lost j estimated at 150000 most of which was insured a london paper says considerable con sternation has been excited at the pavilion by the refusal of her majesty to receive the wife of ooe of her illustrious cousorts brother five of the persons convicted of being concerned io the bristol riots have been eotenced to he hanged and jan 27 era appointed for tho execution sentence of xleath was recorded against 19 others but their sentence was commuted fur trans portation great onertions were making to save the lives of the five bristol rioters under teuteoco of death a petition at livistol in their favour had received 7 or suuu names a petition to the kiug io favor of five of the prisoners condemned to death was drawn up on the 14th and sigued by a number of the tnosl respectable inhabitants of bristol it contains the following re marks whicli aro interesting as illustrating the cause of the disturbances there and the conduct the mob during their contin uance tys notice theeutire absence of any testimo ny showing a guilty premeditation that il ha been made evident thai tho excesses of the mob arose from tho impulse of the mo ment hod that amidst the excitement and the devastation of property they restrained themselves from outrages uftecling person al safely we heg also to call your majestys most gracious comaidcrution lo aoolhcr important fact the guilty conduct of most of the criminals capitally con icted began at a late period of the riois when tho unres tricted access to intoxicating liquors which unfortunately fell iu their way and the impunity that attended tho first outrages involved them iu a depth of crime which in all probability would have been preven ted had the proper measures been takeu to check their mad and criminal career aud to restore the peace of the city at the silting of the nottingham speei3l commission the prisoners indicted for burning nottingham castle were dischar ged with an admonition the crown uor prosecutiog for want of testimony there were some convictions on other indictments for arson ami wc persons were sentenced to death the crimes for whicli they were condemned wero committed subsequent to a reform meeting in october last but were uocouoerted willi its objects and procee dings four others wore convicted but the court recommended them 10 the mercy of his majesty the last official report respecting the cholera slates that on the 17th there re mained in all the diseased places 145 cases new cases on tie 17th 45 recovered 30 deaths 8 new cases at newcastle 15 gateshead 0t north shields ami tynemouth o whole number of cases from tho com ineneemeot ill england 1490 deaths 460 fever prevailed to an alarming extent in glasgow and many neaths occurred british slacks london jan- j9 3 per ccut consuls without the dividend 82i- a laro piratical vessel of 23 runs and icetl captured aud carried by ii jj m ship primrose after an action of 7 toura in which the pimte lost 101 and the primrose j 50 men the captain of the p lost his left arm tho pirates were chiefly spaniards and were m he sent to bnjtland fur trial tho manchester bmukiihu state that a gentleman liifth i trade ha burn for evera days in that town and vicinity pursuing on the part ol government ill extensive ami miuulo in quiry into the state ami prospect of the trade end tho condition of tho labouring classes in kilkenny aud kildarc the peasantry thus bttfile the titheinan a colters cow cum wnaodsn part overbalancing those in front the whole descended n llh amazing velocity and in iu contact with stone coal hey were thrown off the line into an ad joining field the wagons were dashed in pieces and the hhds tubs c stove most of their contents butter oil treacle c lor arnnijuiina iuiurj700 the neuon and plienix engines fuur days alter camo iu contact in a fnj from their starting at wrong periods the n was much damaged two met had les broken nod a third was much hurt uouo of tho passengers were injured a china clay mine of vast extent has beeu d it nio ajpea proba ble have followed a bimilar inun arid franco even insists on a oolcupliance with that part nf the protocols nich de clared that some of the belriamriresse should he dismantled it is evida there fore that the seuleineut of all tl difficult points connected with this impornt ques tion is as uncertain as ever auwbco in addition wo consider the troubleistate nf the public mind m france th danger which threatens the general tratuility of europe becomes very apparent ei4glapd on the subject of reform io prliament doutiug further has occurred iu liaud oo creation of peers or any otbc decisive time one step at present british he emergency for measures of er than they seem io pursue would think that the of the northern pro ministry are no equal to of the times wlch call t more eoergeti charae- either able c willioa the folio cessions mado io them by france woe therefore unavailing franco has withdrawn iboso concessinns rtltl ihos that the af fairs of belgium not nearer a vcltle- ment than they wfi lvlien lhc conference in london began ij labours the utfor- ttiuate fate of pohnutf the suppress in o in italy and jcrmany of the spirit kindled in those countries by the late revolutim in france have no doubt emboldened the three sovereigns to withhold their aseut to measures which they only couotenaurud when rnoro imminent danger threatened them piince murat ba been compelled lore- sign the command f he foreign legion in belgium it iff sitl that the french ministry without absolutely demanding hu dismission had so intrigued that it was impossible the prircc couhl any longer re main at the head ftf his regiment extract of a private letter from madrid dated the 16th install immediately af ter a council of wiolstew an order was despatched to the military commandants inces to retain only the y for the different all the others to amadura orders have likewise been sent to pampaluoa for two regiments froitf garrison to he march- to miscellaneous extra- i front the eviilmcr taktn at the uuri muiiioi on cot brer ton letters ere read appointing col b to tho com- mi a rt b maud of three troops of dragoon guards to troops strictly uectssa garrisons and to snd waids calicia and ksl ilay ilated jai 15 2 liicovticd ou the estalc of the iirl oiv icccivcci tooay shrewsbury it lies kithin four feet of the i suaderlond new cases 1 remaaine surface am will last for a i newcastle ncv c ic recovered the population returns ol great britain j6 died 5 remainiog75gatehead have jyt been printed by order of parlia- new cases 2 no recoveries died 1 re- rmojw 0o of england malulug 16 walker 1 new case died m ljujlij nu increase of 16 per ccdi 1 other particulars not stated north 1 elds aud tynemouth new cases 6 ilio island recently lormej in tho me- no recoveries died 1 remaining 17 duerrauenti near sicily disappeared dec houghton and llolton new cases 5 re- 24 j it sunk during a violent earthquake coveries 6 died one remaining 18 so the captain ofa greek ship passed within reports received from other plans a sunshot of where h was auu saw ouly a i caso of spasmodic cholera is repoited to ing is the report o cholera ed to galtcia th intention of this is keep bodies of troops upon the frontiers of portugiil ready to enter that kingdom in case the expedition of don pedro should ing there have cations hetween m ter of justice and marine the latter solved to send io hi covered will a shnj low overseer of little lever chronicle just come to liandoo wei kind of n rock depth nf water the eating age eaiing rather than drinking appears the preseuiutauia huong englishmen of distinction and the vice of gluttony inublsonn be iutrodbced into lhj couiinitiatinn instead ofthatoruruokedness gtutlony however u nut the word for the thins wo arc sadly in wain or a noun de- liimimr iho tin nu ilihu ktiruivvu atuu uess nf modern fashinn the optra nvitsfor mr malthus at llie bolton ftessinnsronm on monday seen uihi a circunistaucc occurred that would nearly have driven mr malthas had he been present to distraction at tho ahseoco of ihe moral restraint four fair damsels were brought before mr allen and major wntkine by the to swear lo die usual affdiatrun orders for having illegitimate chihlren the first ap peared with her fifth child all hy different fathers the second with her fourth hy two different fathers the third with her third nil hy different fathers and the fourth with lierlhiid hy one father in the meantime a lady from farnworth ivho had been similarly unfortunate presented heiself he foro mr ridgeway la aflttiato upon a far mer her sixth illegitimate child she bad liecn fortunate cntmh ti have three fathers fur her stock bolton chronicle playing cards re now advertised mnde of si lie these arc strange times in which we live since our hands are limcd with silk while kg p nt whist aud our beds that they may be sofser than feathers are made of cast iiwii in a slate of decay egypt aud damascus lienor grounds than mere asserted that tho kgypttnn at sr jean d acre olid that tho chances nf success in the war between tho sultan and the re bellious purlin were all upon the side of the former fimm hmiilan papers wo have received intr files nf london papers to the evening nf jan 1 iu which we lind a few para graphs deserving of notice hiich we have extracted below tho london times on the subject of the and which ter- have occurred at durham initiated fatally go6e the death of col lirercton had produced every where a painful seosation it is ma nifest from the whole course of the trinl that nothing hut the most refined and active hamamty could have induced this amiable officer to abstain from the employment of the force under bis orders since it is on ro- euid nu oj cvloctiic uf cuu u fit rth nesses that he all alon persuaded hiin- self be would be ablo to prevail with ill rioters by conciliatory inean io disperse trkland we aresorry to learn that the county ol limerick is in a most deplorable statu of disorder the following outrages are sta ted in a siuglo number of the limerick nesilav morning a diabolical murder wfis committed in tcmplcmure tho victim was a miii- man named short ao apron- lice lo a brazier in thai town of the uhltio of cublfing he was waylaid ad iiiurder ed within a quarter of a mile from his boill0 ot tho uinedny while a man named no vj ii ivos serving processes for the quarter sessions at loughrea be was waylaid by iwo armed men who beat him in a most unmerciful manner leuviu him as they opposed ilead thev took all the origi nals from setvc a pi him first sweatin in ui rjcess henin on v turkey is has revolted riot upon rumor it is army had received a cheel never to day night lljodweuifljt hnuse of john kcrwan in the parish of killimore county galaway wtu forcibly entered by a large party of terry alt they got possession of hisguopow- der and ball and some money monday the village of newport was thrown into a i hv the treaty of the allied powers relative to bel pun tl i says that iho emperor nicholas on jo 30ili of december professed bis desire to ratify immediately and bis minuter xessclrodc gave the most positive assuran ces thai tho eiiipcrur only delayed this solemn confirmation of an arrangement j in ado by bis servants in his name to fcivc i the king of holland time t ield with a ooil fraco to the advice of his allies that the cmirl of austria is as decidedly friendly to the arrangement and thai the ratifica tion of prussia was ready to be exchanged as soon as ibe others reached london the london courier professes to be heiier informed than the times hut dues not de ny ttio probability that kussia will ratify ii a scene of j st of great consternation oy me appear- 1 j auce of two powerful factions natned ken- uedy and murname who canto into 6ftftt j an oppostto party of the uame of dcviit i io consequence of the atlmonnion of tlto priest ou sunday the latter faction did not nyofthc 47ib regiment from nnuab ami 1 ustrong detachment of police arrived ear ly 111 the day and remained until i he kennedys and murmunc ltd dipcrel thelatierhad ariikd ibenielve with sttckl scythes htii guns monday iicm however hui been appniuicd fr the grand conflict between the utscreaut a few nights a- go patrick warren residing at kill gal- effect n landing tr in spite of the cabi nets of london and paris the kios is re solved to take pat with don miguel let m perier and lord grey lake warn- been very warm alter- calomarde the minis- m salazai minister of in cunscqueuce has re- s resignation four days later from england the packet ship silas richards capt holdiedge has arrived this morning from liverpool bringing london papers to the 24th january and liverpool to the 25th ioclusive no apobg is necessary for the very brief epitome which we arecouipelled to give of their contents the reform bill i under full discussion in thfl fif th mrenffth f the ministers is undimifhed the new peers hid uoi yet been created reports were currem ihat there was much opposition to the ue creations among the old peers who thenelves are friendly to the bill itissaid tlitif earl grey advise to the creation of tlm proposed uumbcr of 1u the duke of pnihmd stands ready at the bead of 40 reluming peers to go a- gainst the bill tim morning herald enn- iradieisilie story in y t even should it prove true 40 moe new peers would be created or 1u0 if iccewary to carry the bill the courier adns that there are diffi culties iu the way mt thinks bey will hu removed it does n suppose the promo tions will take place n anticipation to pre vent a free discuss- of tho bill in the lords still it mists that neither the kiug nor his minis will hcsttnte in ex ercise the royal prewgatlvo to ensure the hill iu the last resoi- bkimol rioteis the judges had appointed friday lbs 27th of january for the executinu of the live men sentenced at bristol lord mellnurne had written a letter ailvisiog that ihe petition fur mercy on their behalf which had received 0000 signatures should bf forwarded at an early lay many of ihecnnvicts sentenced to transportation had a rived at ihe hulks at chatham aud woilwieb while how ever the bristol riorrs were likely to re ceive the royal elenenew it was said that the five coudeinned at nottingham were lo bo executed on lhc25lh too national political union u petitioning iu behalf of tho whole tho kmpcror of russia was about to vibit the pr ssian capital one account states that be had actually talkon biidipor lure for st pctersburgh jeer the courier uays politicians to speculate of this journey but it i the treaty without modifjcation the population of loudno according to i j oji lheceosusufbe last year is 1474cm vaherencc 0 males aud 7tfdj28 230 men has into ascension of whom gr l ml arc female french cfoit list it appears by the paris papers that the debate on the civil list ha terminated and the jtrojet ie hi as amended been carried by a targe majority the amount nf the civil list i i20u0u00 of francs or about 460000 sterling which is little more than a third of the sum re- coived by the last sovereign but enough for the head of a people to whom the luxu rious habits of a court commendation london courier the following is an extract of a letter from navariu dated dec 24- 4i on tho lothi thu sessiou of the nalioual assembly of greece was opooed aud definitively con stituted uhcu m demetrius zamudos a hydrior was appointed president m iaurpro nacos a native of uomeliu vice president aud m kneao nlsoa romeliotc the secretary all the deputies from the islands with the exception of those from hydra were present couot aususnu ca- way was attacked by a party nf terry alts well armed who dragged him nut of bis bouse and beat him nearly to death for say ing that the terry alls wore bad tellows the house of a pour man named michael caluau near springgrove was entered hy a party well armed who ncirly mur dered him on asking why they were heating him they answered fur giving lodg ing to a man named lally whom they con sidered au informer dublin journal uklgtum the npprehensioub of a quarrel about the settlement of belgium had vanished the latest paper says it is now pretty cer- ain that the business will be ratified before prussia has already sent in her j two frigates a and tin the dutch king talks several transports there is poit lllls sub- c leave it tu upon the motives lust ihe somctbin beat the order nf ihe magistrates hy scrgt ludlow the troops were called nut by col b hut he did not act with promptitude and effect the mob reoccupicd the streets the moment tho trt ops left them col brereion said the moh is good humoured being asked to lend a party to dislodge tho people from the loafs ho said take my advice let them llone ii into and they will go home to led being told that the troops ought to re he said if i am to fire i must have at explicit order by cbs pioney esq mayor nf bristol col b said the people are good humour ed and i am tired of shaking hands with then i protest against usiu force il is courary to my opioion aod ulloecessary col bs familiarity gave eoolideoce to the rioters waiiam flarman solicitorsaw col b shake hands with some of the crowd pull of his hat and wave it when the mob cheered they asked him are ynu for re form he answered lam aawellasyou boys gnyas a sheriffs officer saw col b speak to the mob and advise them to dis perse the inoh cheered him and cried the king and reform the mayor on the second charts id colonel b came to ask him to draw off tho i4lh dragoons the mayor refused ceil b said that they should only go 2 miles off col b refused to bring them back saying that it would only bring the men to certain d08truction aud that be would take the responsibility on himself alderman hillhouse said that after read ing the riot act he insisted the noting must be put down col b said 4 the troops caunot and shall uot fire mr gregory demanded that the 14th should be soot for the col replied i will not sir the whole of the evidence shows that colonel breretoo was actuated by a ten derness towards the mob which gave them cnufidence and there cao be little doubt that mnrh nrnvprtr wntild have n destroyed if indeed any had he acted with decision the melaucholy terrriioalioo by the death of the accused by bis own haud shows that he laboured under a state of mind easily overpowered hy difficulties that his acme sensibility his humanity his charitable character and the universal res pect paid him by his friendsand neighbours while they must make us love him as a man oblige us to confess that ho was with out the decision required of a soldier five of the bristol rioters have been or dered for execution abeut iweuty are to be transported for life wo understand that letters from londoo uf the 6th january slate that no decisioo on the complaints of the house of assem bly of lower canada agaiust the attorney genera was known on the 5th at the co lonial ohice it is added that mr vigera observations on mr stuarts roply to the charges relating to the kings posts e- dated late in october bad not then been givf n in but were daily expected sir stephen remnant chapman the newly appointed governor of bermuda arrived at hamilton en the 16th january air buchanan american minister to russia was at washington he will imme diately leave that country for st petors- burgh governor don died at gibralter jan uary 1st the legislature at halifax has passed a bill imposing a similar tax 00 emigrants arriving iu nova scotia to that passed by the parliament of l canada and which re no longer a re- about the refusal of the autocrat all hut certainty of his assent another paragraph gives ihe following ac count of the dutch qucstiou at the last ad vices m it was stated that the prussiao govern- meoi had ratified the treaty relative to belgium conditionally the ratification to take effect only in case it should be ex changed with those of all the other powers it was reported that the russiau goveip- nieot after several discussions had come to the determination of not ratifying the treaty aud that the austrian goverumeut had come to the same resolution wo have nu doubt that the latter ac count is the true ooe u tallies too with the later iutellignco from paris tho con sent of the prussian government to ratify the treaty relative to belgium 00 condition that it should also bo ratified by russia apd austria amounts to nothing those powers having declined to give their assent to it po dlstrias commission president of the provisional we lake th opportunity to obscrvo that of government prououueed an opening address gave au aceouut of the administration of tt0 present situation of tho country and resigned his power iu- ollica at tho board n l0 m tf lhe assembly the great est tranquility reigned in all greece the lnglish admiral was at nauplia london courier later from europe weyesterdny received from the office of iio philadelphia luquirer slips contaioing tho news wo give below received by the ship hull cap cromwell from bordeaux tho dates by this conveyance front pari worth 5 i seized or o shillings the tithe the statement of the london papers pub lished yesterday that m perier had do- j dared to the british government be would resign unless they consented that the bel gian fortresses should not bo dismantled is evidently incurred it would he out of all rule that tin minister of 0110 country should give such an intimation to the guvernrneut of another besides when the liberal par ty in the chamber of deputies attacked fl perier foi having given his assent to the measure he l defended it it is high ly probable seeing the protocols of london wou do be assented to by the other continental powers and that lhe con- very important to induce line emperor m quit st petersburg at this ne year aud we may presum decisive will take place iu tine cuoference until the interview bciueeo the kmpcror and the kiug of prussia shttlll have taken place cholera while thisdisemsc wasdyiog away in the quarter where nt first broke nut and waacoofiocd for snimetimc withiu a comparatively small circuit it was ex tending its ravages northward and ihere was no average diminution uf ihe number of cases reported hon pedros expedition consisting of corvette a choouer and wiih a largo steamer were to sail from belle hie 00 the 14th february all the vessels beting well man ned and the sailors aod soldiers in high spi rits the einperordon pedro vas 10 leave paris on the 25tb january to join the expedition jamaica a slip from our correspon dent of the beacon office news room at norfolk coutaius advices from falmouth to tlth feb on the gih his excellency the governor issued a proclamation de claring martial law to be no linger io force this measure was taken by the advice of the major generals of districts hut was considered hy many persons as being pre mature still the governor is enforced to order out the militia to qvp rebellious or bring in runaways at any unie ilis with regret we perceive that the fceliog oxcited by these disturbances has vt itself iu an improper chaunel aud thai the dread- tul lessuu seems to have done little good the baptist meeting house at falmouth and moutcgo bay were deinoliehed and lhe methodist church in the- fnrmei place was much injured by au infatuated mob who ascribed to the best incurs for remedy ing a great evil the unhappy consequences growing out from the nature of the evil it self was likewise recommended by the colonial minister notwithstanding it is sanction oil in that high quarter and the measure it would seem is tn be made geueral through out the british north american provinces we do not yet see any grnuud for altering lhe opinions we have already expressed up on it nova scotia halifax feb 22 for several days past esisnn ol iho harbour has mostly been covered with that nnthiug ice the sou wind and the rain on mouday night loosened it in some measure and yesterday morning three or four ves sels were enabled to leave the port the duke of york packet endeavoured lo get out but did not succeed n house to bring iu a bill to authorize the appropriation oftbeuum of three hun dred pounds yearly for five years fur the conveyance of the mails by a sieain ves sel ooce a week between pietuu and charlotte to wo during the summer months the route which mr canard proposes for thu boat was that ho should be at pirtou to receive lhe halifax mail with wbirh proceed to charlnttctown thence 10 mirnmichi calling at liedeque or any part of the islaud that may he deemed ad visable thence back to charlottetown aud with the mail to pictnu which would nearly occupy the week new brunswick st jottr n il feby 20lh- in the house nf assembly 00 mouday last a dis cussion arose on the subject of a petition now in the course of signature in fredo rickton praytog his majesty to appoint a bishop to preside over the established church in this province- mr simonde moved a resoluliun to declare ihat any such appointment was uusulvisahle aod in expedient aud that it would only add to the public expense and create general dis satisfaction the debate which ensued took a most extensive range mr par- telow moved as ao ameodmeot that al though the house if called on for such purpose would not make any pecuniary provision for a bishop yet lhat it regarded an interference with the religious rights and privileges ofany denomination as high ly inexpedient and improper on these different mntiuos very warm debates eosued during which an hon mem ber staled lhat he feared from lhat day the banners of war were unfurled in that house and that there would thenceforward be no peace the question being taken 00 mr parte- inws amendment it was lost by a majority of ooe yeas messrs- clinch wyer gil bert slasou harlow ward panejnw weldoo cunard vail end and chandler 12 nays messrs scott allen smith j humbert taylor harrivon hayward sitnuods kinnear s humbert brown dow and raukin 13 it appears by a notification from the se cretarys office which we have iuserted for the information nfall concerned thai his iilajeaty kxuoinuit u imttuu to bbt determination to collect the quit items in this province frum midsummer day last a report has prevailed iu town for soras days past that iu a secret session of ihe se nate of the united states the decision of the king of the netherlands on lhe boun dary had been acknowledged and recoived by the general government and that des patches to lhat effect had been received here by the american cutter swiftsure and forwarded to head quarters sufficient time has since elapsed for the publication of the documents but we are yet uninfor med officially on the subject it is reported hero from uoquestinoable authority that tho home government has signified its absent to the proposition of the assembly of this province embodied in a petiiiou to the kiog at the close of tho last sessioo ofiering to pay the salaries of the custornhousu officers throughout tho province at the rates slated iu the schedule annexed and amounting altogether to 4250 sterling we have heen informed lhat the total amount of customhouse sa laries upon the existing scale exceeds 8000 and that government has in a spirit of true munificence undertaken to makeup the difference during theconttou- ance of the preseut establishment this setriement of a loog pending and difficult question will doubtless give universal satis- factiooi the reverend commissinners tn whom were entrusted the office nf selecting and appoioiinz a clerzuuan to succeed the kev dr bum in ihe pastoral charge of saint androw4 church in this oily have appointed to thai situation the rev robert wilson a m of the presbytery of glas gow mr wiuon was to be ordained on the first monday of the present month and would leave glasgow for the scene of bis labours the latter part of february or early in march belleville meeting from the belleville phanix pursuant to a requisition from several freeholders a general meeting of the inha bitants of the couoty assetnhied front of the belleville house in this place on the 10th iost for the purpose nf adopting an the frost last i address to the king ou the subject of cer- night was again very severe and many tain grievance petitions industriously cir- persnns have walked across the harbour culated by mackenzies disciples accor- the cygnot packet sailed this moruing for ding to the best estimate we could make bermuua a resolution has passed the house of assembly iocreasing the duties 00 goods from gt britain to 5 per ceot a message was received hv on the spot there we persons r while present about 800 esq having been call ed to the chair and mr stephen benson appointed secretary the moetiug was open- the asseraledby thomas parker esq with a very pagan ini we 5ccit staged iu a letter frum brighton inserted iu the courier that sjgnnr pagauiui has refused au offer of a 1uu guiueus from the mnnager of the liverpool theatre for six uihts add that he demauded 111000 to may for fifteen nights ut the vauxbalj gardens during the bly from his majestys couocil announcing j neat aod appropriate speech some per ils assent to the bill authorizing the issue ol j sons present having denied lhat any at- 25000 in treasury notes we under- tempts had been made to circulate the no- stand that of this sum 23000 will be io torious grievance petition in this couoty oae pound notes and 2000 iu 10s notes several highly respectful and independent on tho lgih instant mr stewart brought farmers stepped fonvard aod proved that hut scasoii under the consideration of the house an alteration that had taken place in his ma jestys council and of which in common with other members be had only been made acquainted through the newspapers he thought information of the change should have been communicated to that house and gentlemen should learn from what authority it emauated aud they should also know under what cooslitoirou they lived he said his object in making the motion was to ohtaio information af ter some observations messrs stewart tniacke and bliss wero appointed a com- mitiee to wait upon the lieut- governor on ihe 2th his excellency informed ihe house by message that iu making an additioo to the couocil the object was to render that body less liable to the influence of crown and govcroment officers but although he should ever feel happy in com plying with tho wishes of the assembly yet without his majestys permission he was uot authorized tu give the house the other information which it asked for ou this subject cimrlottftown prince edward isl and feb 7th the following resolu tion was passed by iho house ou the 2d instant the steamer to be employed is oue belonging to mr cunard of halifax built to run alnng tho novascotia coast aod an excellent boat resolved that it be recommended to the the petition had been presented to them mr samson then came fonvard to con trovert the assertions expressed and im plied in that seditious production but no sooner had he commeuced to expose its falsehood absurdity aud inconsistency than a few of the disaffected party made it a point to interrupt him at almost every sentence he uttered repeated applica tions were made to the chair lo command order but tn no effect to fact it was ftp- parent from the commencement of tho meeting that impartiality was not to ba expected from that quarter it was quite evident that there existed a perfect understanding between the chair man aud a few clamorous individuals who who were about him certain it is that they were rather encnuraged io their inter ruptions than otherwise this highly un fair aod reprehensible cooduct excited the indignation of mr samsons personal friends to such a degree that they were 00 the point of demonstrating- in a wry un equivocal manner their disapprobation of the proceedings of several conspicuous in dividuals mr samson observed this ruovemeot and anxious to prevent it jump ed from the platfoim amongst them he was immediately raised ou their shoulders and carried iuto the inn followed by at least two thirds of the persons present at tho meeting whilst this was transpiring the chair-

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