Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 13, 1832, extra

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f jvee rege nee jpopulo i sed tftroque tuesday march 13 1833 meeting at kingston ne cede malis sed contra audentiorito never perhaps in the history of canada was the above advice of the roman poet more unhesi tatingly adopted than at the general meeting of the inhabitants which assembled by a requisition from the sheriff at the court house of this town yesterday for the purpose of affording the peos pie an opportunity of testifying theirloyalty to the crown and their unaltered and unalterable attachment to its representative in this province at 12 oclock the royalslandard was displayed from the court house and formed as it ever has and ever will the rallying point of every loyal abject immediately afterwards the sheriff took the chair and after the nsual preliminary of reading the requisition expressed himself ready to receive such resolutions as might be offered eleven resolutions upon which the address wan grounded were proposed prefaced by some elo quent remarks by the various movers and se- conders each resolution was proposed in the affirmative as woll as the negative and to the eternal glory of the town of kingston in an as- emblage ofat least 1000 persons comprising all the respectability of the place not a single hand was raised in opposition but the hall actually rung with the loud and continued acclamations with which each wn received anticipating even the repetition of the notices from the chair not a dissenting voice was heard t every person eemed inspired by the motive which united them in one glorious burst of pure and unaffected de votion to the person of his majesty and the sys tem his representative here has pursued to pro mote and secure the countrys welfare an ineffectual effort was made to procure the introduction of an irregular and extraneous mo tion on the subject of british reform but the good sense of the meeting overruled the insidious effort and the manuscript which would be much more dignified in a medical prescription was hy an almost unanimous vote one onibrtunate wight only putting up his hand consigned to the ignominious fate it so justly deserved the principal speakers upon this truly interest ing occasion were john s cartwright george mackenzie donald bethune and thomas dal- ton esqs and mr wm dawes who were all received with the loudest enthusiasm but in deed eloquence was unnecessary to infuse a single sentiment of loyalty every man who at tended went brim full of the conviction that nature beatis omnibus cssededit si quis cognoverit mi and that our happy province furnished them with just causes of gratitude to a superintending pow er for the many privileges enjoyed from his bounty as well as congratulation lor living under a government to which no stratagem can ever destroy their allegiance frequent allusions were made to the sophisti cated statement of the proceedings of what has been termed a general meeting of the counties of lenox addingtonand amotion by t dalton esq marking the disgust at the first of the reso lutions purporting tohave been passed at that meeting wan upon reflection and upon the as surance that the duped portion of those counties were about publicly disavowing their participa tion in qoa infamous a sentiment withdrawn the utmost ood humor prevailed from the be ginning to the end it was a competition who should loudest express his unfettered principles and at two oclock the following address was read when after the thanks of the meeting to the sheriff and nine times nine cheers for hie king and sir john colborne the happiest and most loyal portion of his majestys subjects se- paratnl each heartily rejoicing at tho triumph of justice over the wicked machinations of the enemies of the country and the agitators of the peace and harmony of society the petition was signed by hundreds on the pot and will remain at the sheriffs office for such as may wish to affix their names to this im perishable record of the principles that preemi nently distinguish the people of kingston at a general meeting of the inhabitants of kingston holden at the court house on friday the 2d day of march 1832 upon the requisitionof sundry persons addressed to the sheriff of the midland district john mclean esq in tho chair upon the requisition being read the meeting was declared to be opened it was then moved by james sampson esq and seconded by thomas markiand esq that james nickalls junior do act as the secretary of the meeting car ried john s cartwright esq then address ed the meeting after which the following resolutions were put and carried 1st moved by j s cartwright esq seconded by g w yarker esq resolved that we retain a faithful and devoted attachment to the person and go vernment of his most gracious majesty king william the fourth and unabated admiration of the free and glorious consti tution of the kingdom iu which sentiments we believe that a very large majority of our fellowsubjects in this province fully and heartily concur carried 2nd by james sampson esq second ed by mr wm dawe that the relations which have long and happily subsisted between great britain and upper canada have been productive ofunmingled benefit to this country and ifaould be studiously cherished by all en lightened and patriotic persons on both bides of the atlantic carried 3d by walter mcuniffe esq seconded by thomas dalton esq that amoog the many signal acts of kindness performed for our behoof by the government of the parent state which should ensure our lasliog gratitude there is one which especially demands our present no tice viz the grant of a constitution in the year 1791 formed by englands greatest statesmen on the model of the british coo- rtitution and designed to be as exact an imitation of it as the circa msta ores- of wn- colonial condition would admit carried 4th moved by mr g h mclean se conded by mr duncan vanalstine that we have the highest confidence in bis most gracious majesty william the iv and in his present ministry and that we do highly approve of the principles of parlia mentary reform brought forward and sup ported by them in amendment it was moved by george mackenzie esq nnd seconded by thomas askew esq that the question of parliamentary re form in england is one which this meet ing is not called upon to discuss and there fore that the resolution proposed by mr mclean be not now put carried 5th moved by john watkins esq and seconded by mr a j ferns that under this liberal form of govern ment upper canada has flourished in an eminent manner and now by the blessing of providence and under the mild and fos tering sway of a paternal monarch who is only known to us by his acts of beneficence mid generosity exhibits a rare and cheer ing picture of progressive prosperity com fort and happiness carried 6th moved by donald bethune esq seconded by wm h gray esq that notwithstanding the unparalleled good fortune of our social condition we lament to observe that certain restless in dividuals are busily endeavouring to ex cite and mislead the minds of the people and by a reckless system of misrepresenta tion to persuade them that they are op pressed by many weighty grievances a- gainst the continuance of which they urge the necessity of remonstrating to the king carried 7th moved by george mackenzie esq seconded by j p bowers esq that we wholly disapprove of and con demn the conduct of those persons who by the perversion and distortion of facts the industrious dissemination of groundless complaints the invention of imaginary srievaoces aod other uowttrtkf aw ua striving to agitate the minds of tne loyal inhabitants of ibis province to alie nate their affections from their gracious monarch and to weaken if not destroy their attachment to those institutions the worthy gift of a great and glorious nation which notwithstanding the machinations of such as seek to subvert them it will we fondly trust be the constant pride and care of his majestys canadian people to cher ish and uphold carried 8th moved by william wilson esq se conded by mr john blake that in proof of the highly favored con dition of this province we find justice duly and impartially administered civil and religious freedom the most complete and perfect universally enjoyed taxes so light that the people are scarcely aware that they pay any except the local assessments a debt locurred for purposes of interoal im provement that is iocoosiderable and might be liquidated in the course of a few years an invigorating and healthy climate a country abounding with broad lakes and magnificent rivers and a soil ever reward ing the labors of the husbandman with the most bounteous returns while at the came time the parent state shelters and defends us with her mighty ajgis erects and garri sons our forts constructs for our benefit stupendous canals opens to us the best markets in the world affords due facility to the emigration and settlement amongst us of a loyal and industrious british popu lation and stimulates our industry by spe cial legislative provisions in favor of the staple productions of our country cur ried 9th moved by mr john mowatt and seconded by mr thomas askew thftt we feel thankful to his majesty and his imperial parliament for granting us tho privilege by our representatives in the assembly to assist in making lows for the peace welfare anil good govern ment of tho colouy so far as regards its internal affairs and that we fully rely on the wisdom discrimination and patriotism of the local legislature for remedying all imperfections that may be found to exist in our provincial laws for correcting such abuses as may be at any time discovered in the mode of their administration and for adaptiog them as occasion may require to the ever varying circumstances and re lations of society in this rapidly improving dependency of the british crown car ried 10th moved by mr g h oliver se- conded hy mr george webster that wo are opposed to all innovations on the constitution of our government as now by law established being by past ex perieecq abundantly cooviuced ofitsexcel- dveicy aod efficiency carried jith moved by thomas turpio esq seconded by mr michael morao that in our opinion the conscientious nnd zealous conduct of his excellency tho lieutenant governor in the impartial and constitutional discharge of the duties of his high office should ensure him the con fidenceof ihe neople of upper canada as at also recommends him to aft appyowtfon f his royal master carried 12th moved by robert drummond esq secoodetf by mr thomas smith that an address to his majesty be found ed on the foregoing resolutions and that nho following gentlemen viz john mac- jiul iy james sampson and john s cart wright esquires be a committee to pre pare nnd submit the same for signatures carried the address being prepared was read toy john s cartwright esq to the kings most excellent majesty most gracious sovereigo we the in habitants of the town of kingston in your majestys province of upper canada hum bly beg leave to lay at the foot of your ma- jetty throne this testimony of our faithful and devoted attachment to your majestys royal person and government and to as sure your majesty of our unabated admira tion of the free and glorious constitution of the united kingdom in which sentiments ice believe that a very large majority of our fellow subjects in this province fully and heartily concur we consider that the relations which have long happily subsisted between great britain and upper canada have been productive of unmingled benefit to this country and that they shouldbe studiously cherished by alien- lightened and patriotic persons on both sides of the atlantic among the many signal acts of kindness performed for our behoof by the government of the parent state which should ensure our lasting gratitude there is one that specially demands our present notice viz tlie grant of a cotjupn in the year 191 formed by fflgllats greatest statesmen on tht moitel of the british constitution and designed to beasexoxt an imitation of it as the circum stances of our colonial condition would admit possessing this liberal form of government upper canada has fiourished in an eminent manner and now by the blessing of provi dence and under the mild and fostering sway of your majesty who is only known to your majestys subjects in thisportion of your do minions by your hoyal acts of beneficence and generosity exhibits a rare and cheering picture of progressive prosperity comfort and happiness notwithstanding the unparalleled good fortune of our social condition we lament to inform your majesty that certain restless in dividuals are busily endeavoring to excite and mislead the minds of the people and by a reckless system of misrepresentation to per suade them that they are oppressed by many weighty grievances against the continuance of which they urge the necessity of presenting a remonstrance to your majesty we beg to assure your majesty that we wholly disapprove of and condemn the con duct of those persons who by the perversion and distortion of facts the industrious dis semination of groundless complaints the in vention of imaginary grievances and other unworthy mans are thus striving to agitate the minds of the loyal inhabitants of this province to alienate their affections from your hoyal person and to weaken if not destroy their attachment to those institutions the worthy gift of a great and glorious na tion which notifithslanding the machina tions of such as seek to subvert them it will we fondly trust be the constant pride and care of your majestys canadian people to cherish and uphold in proof may it please your majesty of the highly favored condition of this province we find justice duly and impartially admin istered civil and religious liberty the most comphteand perfect universally enjoyed the taxes art so light that the people are scarcely aware that they ptiy any except the local as sessments a debt incurred for purposes of internal improvement that is inconsidetable and might be liquidated in a few years an invigorating and healthy climate a country abounding with broad lakes and magnificent rivers and a soil ever rewarding the labors of the husbandman with the most bounteous returns while at the same time the parent state shelters and defends us with her mighty cegis erects and garrisons our forts con structs for our benefit stupendous canals opens to us the best markets in the world af fords due facility to the emigration and set tlement amongst us of a loya i and industrious british populationkind stimulates our indus try by special legislative provisions in favour of the staple productions of our country we feel most thankful to your juajesty and your imperial parliament for granting us the privilege by our representatives in the assembly to assist in making- laws for the peace welfare and good frovernment of the colony so far as regards us internal afihs and we fully rely on the wisdom discrimi nation and patriotism of the local legisla ture for remedying all imperfections that may be found to exist in our provincial laws i fy stten aovm rs may beat any time discovered in the mode of their adminis tration and for adapting them as occasion may require to the ever varjying circumstan ces and relations of society in this randly improving dependency of yont majestys im perial crown we respectfully inform your majesty that we are opposed to all innovations on the con stitution of our government as now by law established being by past vxperience abund antly convinced of its excellence and efficiency we beg to state to your majesty our hum ble opinion that the conscientious and zealous conduct of his excellency the lieutenant governor of this province in the impartial and constitutional discharge of the duties of his high office claims our grateful acknow ledgments and should ensure him the confi dence of the people oyer whom he rules as we venture t hope it will also rtcommend him to the gracious approbation of your majesty 1 bus content with our present favoured lot duly appreciating the advantages we have hi therto derived from our connection with eng land and humbly relying on your majes tys gracious disposition tonerpetuate the en joyment of them to your majestys province of upper canada we as dutiful and loyal subject fervently implore the almighty go vernor of the universe that your majesty may long continue to reign in happiness and glory over a peaceful prosperous and united empire kingston march 2 1832 i3lh moved by mr john counter se conded hy w h gray esq that it be resolved that the address to the king now read he approved of and adopted by thjs meeting carried hth ntoved bj d j smith esq se conded by mr robert tolbert that n copy of the address to the king now adopted together with the proceed ings of this days raeetiog he printed and circulated throughout the province under the direction of the geotlemen who signed the requisition to the sheriff and that our fellow subjects in this district be requested to concur in the same carried 15th moved by james alkioson esq seconded by donald bethune esq resolved that the address be now sign ed by those present and afterwards left a the sheriffs office for signatures car ried the sheriff having left and tboma markiand esq being called to the chair 16th moved by john mncaulay esj seconded by j s cartwright esq that the thanks of this meeting be given to the sheriff for his impartial conduct it the chair carried moved by j macaulay esq seconded by mr turpin that three cheers be given in honor of the king and three cheers in hoonr of the lieutenant governor carried with the greatest enthusiasm james nickalls jr secretary to the meeting meeting at haixowell at a general meetiog of the inhabitants of the county of prince edward conv ued in front of herriugtona inn in hal- lowellon saturday the third day of march instant pursuant to public notice jamts cotter esq was chosen chairman and d l fairfield secretary when thenotiee calling the said meeting having been rend by the chairmao asa werdeu m p 1 proceeded to address the meeting aod or plain the object the persons had in view in calling the inhabitants together which he s resumed was to get up ao address to bis ajesty complaining of the lieut gover nor the legislative council and the major ity of the house of assembly and also uf a great many other grievances he was followed on the opposite side by paul peterson who after speaking a con siderable time proposed the followiog re- j solution seconded by heldebrand valleau resolved that it is the constitutional right of british subjects to assemble and express their opinion of public men and public measures which was carried unanimously mr worden seconded by mr mcpber- soo then moved that it is expedient to present an humble address to our gracious sovereign expressing the sentiments and feelings of the inhabitants of the county of prince edward upon the present state of the province aod also the opinions of the people upon certain petitions which have been in circulation through the province complaining of grievances a warm discussion followed upon this resolution in which mr werden mr mcpherson and mr samuel casey took a part in support of it and mr robuo and peterson against it tho question was put and the resolution adopted by a large majority mr mcptremo seconded by mr isaac austin moved that the followiog address to his majesty be adopted which was carried by a majority of about three- fourths of those present at the meeting notwithstanding messrs roblin and pe terson exerted themselves to the utmost against it to the kings most excellent majesty most gracious sovereign we your ma jestys dutiful and loyal subjects the inhab itants of the county of prince edward in the province of upper canada humbly beg leave to express our sincere affection for your royal person and our unalterable attachment to the british constitution at a period when more than ordinary cares and difficulties of a mighty empir are weighing upon the mind of our beloved sovereign we feel it a peculiar duty to assure your majesty that notwithstanding the endeavors of a few disaffected and inter ested individuals to alienate the minds of the people from the principles of our con stitution yet that we in common with the people of upper canada generally havo the greatest reason to be grateful for tho peace and comfort io which we live for the privileges which by law we enjoy for our freedom from the taxes and bur thens which so heavily oppress many of the nations of europe aod for the great and rapidly increasing prosperity of our happy province although the persons thus at tempting to spread disaffection are in them selves contemptible yet from the great industry with which they endeavor to de ceive the people as well as the boldness with which the most unfounded assertions are published it is to be apprehended they may succeed in obtaining the signatures of deluded individuals to the petition praying for your majestys interference in our local matters and to inform your majesty that the people of this province are discontented with our government aod dissatisfied with the administration of ihe gallant individual whom your majesty has placed at its head fearing that silence on our part might bo coostrued into a participation in such sentiments we beg leave to express our firm conviction that not only we but the inhabitants of the province in general envewrft ryfe nrgvt hisffttt for vne owfi and private virtues of our lieutenant gov ernor aod have witnessed with the warm est feelings of gratitude his excellencys earnest nud indefatigable exertioos for the promotion of education for the instruction of our red brethren for the improvement of our roads and for his continued anxie ty and industry in promoting the general prosperity of the piovioce in all institutions of human origin nnd structure there is and must be defects to such defects we are iu common with all mankind subject but when we compare our own with the institutions of other coo- tries we rejoice that greatbritain has not only bestowed on us a constitution but that we have reason to believe that she will continue to protect us in the free exercise of her gracious right whatever may be our complaints we are happy to say they are few and the means of redress in our owo power and we feel a firm confidence that the misrep- rescntatioos of a designing few will never prevail upon your majesty to recommend or to consent to any violation of the coo- titution of this province as graciously be stowed by your majestys late royal fath er that constitution we venerate we have lived contentedly and happily under it many of us have fought ttnd notn few of us havo suffered and bled for it and sire if need be we are willing to do as many of our fathers have dooe lose both our prop erty and our blood to preserve it unimpair ed moved by mr werden seconded by mr hubbs that the chairman nnd secretary do sign tho proceedings of this meeting and have the same published the mee tiog was then dissolved james cotter chairman- d l fairfield secretary ii all owe ii 3d march 1832 a more complete triumph of loyalty and good sense over disaffection and humbug never took place io the county the mee tiog was called by the admirers of mac kenzie and was intended to reecho the grievance petitions which that mischievous individual has been so industrious io get ting up and circulating through the prov ince but the inhabitants of prince ed ward are too enlightened and appreciate too bigbly their happy lot to be gulled by so gross and palpable an attempt to create discontent and disunion among them al though mr peterson came forward with a string of resolutions which it was bis in tention to get passed the meeting and up on which to build a grievance petition he saw the the meeting was of that temper that it would not swallow the trash he in tended for it and he therefore prudently declined presenting them he then at tempted to prevent the adoption of the ad dress but in this be also failed he final ly pot a resolution to the meeting approv ing of the conduct of john roblio one of the representatives of the couoty who has gone as it was stated the whole hog with mr mackenzie this was received withsocb continued groans and hisses that be was glad to take this back also aod re main quiet the meeting was conducted with great order and propriety and not a single breach of the peace occurred in coo- sequence of it that we have learned hal loweu free press declaration op the inhabitants of carleton place and its vici nity be it known onto all the inhabitants of upper canada that we the undersigned his majestys loyal subjects of carleton place and vicinity being aware that cer tain designiog individuals whose object appears to be the total overthrow of tho excellent government and constitution under which we are privileged to live are and for some time have been travelling through many parts of this province soli citing subscriptions to certain petitions said to have been drawn upin or near york u c by the great agitator of this pro vince for the purpose of dissolving the legislative council and recalling our ex cellent governor sir john colborne from the high station in which he is placed tho guardian of a free and for most part loy al people we now for the purpose of makiog known our attachment to bis majesty king wil liam the fourth and the british constitu tion and our worthy governor do subscribe our names and at the same time trusting that no loyal subject will be found in this province to sacrifice his liberty and happi ness by supporting such unreasonable pro ceedings the above was done in a very short space of time aod with little or no trouble the number of names exceed 60 perth ei- wftwr mr d lewis thorpe has requested us to say that he was appointed one of the lennox and addington committee without his knowledge or consent herald such are but few of those public exhibitions of the genuine feeling of this happy province tow ards his most gracious majesty and the go vernment of this country which have been rous ed by the attempts so artfully framed to persuade the people that they are aggrieved and misgo verned a unanimous conviction to the contra ry has been felt and expressed and all the ef forts of the most captious and discontented will be unsuccessful in infusing an opposite opinion as long as men will be influenced by reason guided by experience and stimulated by that in herent principle of allegiance which is the pre cious birthright of the canadian family the example of cobourg kingston newcas tle hallowcllgeorginac will be immediately adopted and every victim of delusion will be roused to a sense of the innumeieble privileges he enjoys and the security by which his public and private rights are guarded will be convinced that our political ethics are of a more superior and legitimate character than he was laoght to believe and finally will admit that the people of uppercanadoore too conscious of the excellence and purity of their political constitution ever to render themselves by any fanaticism unworthy of being incorporated in the great community of british citizenship edifpr chronicle

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