Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 3, 1832, p. 4

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the following vc beawtfbl specimen of ora- 1 your shore craving the rcpclil lory we extract from n laic english paper deliv- d by the celebrated charles phillips know untiring ctp to many of our readers as ihc friend ami biogra pher of the lale john philpotl curran bl a pub lic dinner in london to celebrate the reelection t principle if ofsir john key uavonct to the chnir of lod j because her mayor the chairman proposed the heahh of mr phillip and the liberty of irelanj when mr phillips addressj the company in nearly the following words chron i cordially rlianfe you for ihc corn- sliment you hatc conferred on mo unci thank this company for lie way in which i hey have recurved it i foe i have no claim to it abstaining as i have cautiously done from all political discussion i have no reason to expect it but indeed you have judged right ly that such abstinence has not been l on of an charity because up o this hour the blessed sunshine of reconcili ation never shone on her because up o this hour you have ruled her o divide and govci administrations icsolvcd themselves inlo a faction and her re ligion was tillered but as a war cry and between two cabinets she had no pro tection and between two churches she was taught no christianity cheers many a time was parliament petitioned by the people many a time was tc r word reform sounded in their ears but it only awakened the echoes of cor ruption i he jobbers the contractors the statepaupers took the alarm and the venal pension list shouted revolu tion mai k however the result of it caused by anvforgetfulncss either ofmy the fullness ol the lime soon came native land or of the injuries she has those puic constituents those sticklers sustained and is susiniwnff tar from for things as they wore grew t evem though society should be resolved into its element and a mere chaos over- snreutd ihc land i must still believe that gortlile liberty surmounting all will change discord into order divide the liihn into darkness bid mans free form arisft oiiccinore erect and cause a reno vated world to spring from the confusion loud and long- continued cheering frtnuiho ruthorlordron n u spectator iiojtrinlucctflagk anl blojty set is done the mod arch deed of piteous massacre that ever yet this ant was guilty of a3 occurrence lately took place in jfurko couaiy winch has aroused the iodiuitbii of ell classes of pppc rn occurrence wide i fo turpitude can scarcely find au cui in the pages of history the follow ing particulars have been tlctiutu who was late book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle 0ice iie subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public thai all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed a his office willi neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price wiion books arc brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf in calf oroa- age related 10 us by v near the place tt in obeving the call which your toast ded utier- seems 10 imply i am only giving ance to feelings which have long lay hid den in my fowl perhaps indeed the time is come when ilie concealment of n political opinion is no longer justifi able cheers when i hear it said and said by men of eminence tbatj no reform itnecossaty i will merely ask them whether thoy believe a perseve rance in the present system possible insane must be the minister who would hazard the experiment of thai sys tem the result hs been a debt whose n for tilings as they wore grew tired the gains a septennial interest attoi litem they seicd wholesale on the country that bote them got a broker to appraise her to ihc last chilling and a bishop to pray for her at the lust hour loud laughter and then disposed of her in the senatehouse by public pro clamation most of the traitors have now gone lo their account thirty where the oilv and horrible deed was of pcrpetiaicd abont three weeks since a pieces of silver have been spent the mercenary and the bribe have passed away and the curses of their posterity aic darkening round their graves the principle of corruption operate- where awful consequences no living can j it will is still the same cheers it foresee a debt which bows down en i sold ireland wholesale it is selling eng land from her natural altitude which land in detail lpoit whom can you cramps our manufacturesimpedes our depend upon a loru s nominee he r commercecrowds our poor-houses- has no churacteresiic oi an m 1 s3s around tottsi wo deprives patent industry of half its gams legislator has he a will of his own taxes not merely the luxuries but the is his vote at his disposal can he of life and forbids c- speak but us his patron dictates i a- silvers who resided oo tow river iu bwrke county was misled under tho fol lowing circumstances his wife went to ilio luusc of her husbands father and in quired fur her husband saying thai he was not 10 ho found at home c she was told in reply that he had been seen in the afternoon of the preceding day passing to wards his owb house and had not been siuce seen bv them- hereupon the fami ly setoff and tracked hint itierc being at that time a slight snow ou the ground to his home but no track could bo found 10 proceed from the house iu any direciion tho woods and river were searched by the neighbours but without success in ihc mean iimo the wife had packed up her effects ami removed to ilie house of some neighbour at length some one in exa mining the fire place discovered human tho folio full bound men ted quarto do octavo do ijmo do itflliu lo do do do do s d 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 5 t 0 3 0 0 2 0 half binding im calf folio half bouuu and orna- medicdf 0 17 0 quarto do do m 0 7 0 octavo do do m 0 3 8 2mo do do 0 1 ltimo do do 0 1 3 binding in sheep folio full bound aod oroa- mooted t 0 17 g quarto octavo 12mo 6imo do do do do do do do do 0 0 a 0 7 9 also ledger blauw work and it to any size or patten for foli fancy kulin pan bicuiafscnnrnte c large james macfarlane kingston loth april l2y o o aad now renewed a portion ofll very necessaries the lieht every mo- e body partly consumed by fire was found buried asliort rfistnnce from tho iiousc largo puddles rp blood whatovccls wbv to maintain thro this they have ihc assurance lo call the rtiji it i as iiiuvn europe an oligarch ascendency to convimtion of lngland upheld the few at the expense of the j like the constitution of algiers it bears manvlo crush infant freedom to re- no resemblance lo it a is pure unmix- hreft many cruit feudal oppression and at all ha zard and at all cost to reelect the mo loch of continental legitimacy louf cheers we waged the war of the scalpingknife against america because she would not submit to be taxed with out being repicscnted the very princi ple of our contention now cheers ave refused to fiance a free will strange anil mnr of- 1 c lio ed oligarchial usurpation plo are iis victims ihc minister is us slate- let the poor peasant infringe one of the statutes and he must pay ilie penalty cut through altered rags small vices do appear robes and furred gown hide flit loud cheers and yel to a house of common whoso seals have been so le arc called upon to in her own interests a redress of her own grie- i bought the pcoj vances or a choice of her own rulers give the nghl ot arc called off laws loucutn ws sought out and subsidised the whole their rights and liberties the have w brood of despotism from the rapacious done so enough therr privileges j vulture oflhunonh to the vilest kite dcdiihm- that cowered within germanv and all squandered their mdustry for ages for what to force the bourbons upon mortgaged to ihc public sereduor wotui- france to restore an outcast aiistocra- j ly attest ir and they will oo so no ion- leach iger who h it that denounces the una- id of king and commons ho aihtftirq reijinr twn tr duluut perceived a very fcusive ctlour iu the bir at ihc i body is supposed lo have been burning the peo- j ive understand that the wife together with another woman who is supposed to have been accessary were immediately secured ant i committed to jail in ftlorgnoton to a- wail thtir trial at the nexi tcrin of thosu- pvnt court we do not learn thai they have made any coufeiou uf guilt bm no tioubl of ihe fact rests on the public mind uo ara lm that the wifo had often d clared to her husband and others that she ould kill him tin deceased ii icpre iave been a inao of cv xperiee could not nor adversity humanize o re priesthooc political wilt semed lo have been a inao of rather ra nt aod iutempcrate habits aud ilie as being tho mother of oue or iwo en- sovereign the murderer we learn by a gentleman from canada that this wretch an account of whose murders wo published a few days ago has starved biin- elf to death in prison before bis death however he confessed the murder of hi fa- ven its gain and earth ftnovt ffl io iiwumt n i reorpanise i ninious demand oi ivmganu uuniinuns i i nowi i made hta- 1 vitak noi of course of pariianicntnry mily a youcg child making some distur but opponents but who else the bo i banco in the night his wife got up to take 1 miphmonffer who cm no longer nial- of it ho loid her to come to bed its victim and force with foreign hjycueis h gloomy refuge for ihc bandit principle of divine light and regal infallibility cheers would any pa rim men i which fairly represented ihe sentiments of england have shed her blood and squandered her treasure in such a cru sade as tins turn from our foreign to our domestic policy and how h- the system worked has not ihc will of the minister been almcst invariably the law of the house of commons ilivy not place and profit boen the avowed a property oi le i anianiori he iigl w n w s0l cilhu yu fojf it bom smecnnsi not ashamed to live up- on lhc fire hjs wifo hca ran oul of hfl on the poor mans industry the pen- houso an after her ho soon overtook s oner tho plmalisr ilie placrmon the her arj butchered heron the snot return- whole leechlike sort of hungry vain- iug he met a son a few rods from tho piles ztoud laughter who would lull house 17 y oars of age whom ha murdered tiie land to sleep while they are gorgin heforc ho ronched the hons met a on its lifeblood hear hear hear aughier whom he also killed iloihen i will not consult this spawn of uzi j f f k wurucred three i a i- r oincr rhilurcii in ihc ir bcu llfivmj rr-ur- luxury as o ihe polcy cf a mnmiio llered owm f- aou lhlu g wiichiust terminate their exstence bjiod sliu un iie started offand 1 know the r answer lint i hin go to called np one of his neighbors aud attempt- tiic pitsons crowded by the fanc uws objects of parliamentary adventure to ilie pooihouse peopled by the lax have not scats in pariiauiei been the palheitr to tho aueilun turnished by mere sieppingsiones to political and tho rate collector i will go lothustai- professional preferment the fact is viug manufkcturori iu iiieuucayin agri- culturalist to the dinnciicss artisen to ed to kill a father nod sun but they defej mseivos against him in retreat severe ded lh hligcd as wc too noto ious loi contradiction i and witness i is result subsidy ufier subsidy granted at command no grant too mon strous for venality uo job loo glaring for a majority places erected only to be levelled and then rebuilt to nicil- derwithout an inmate cheers pen sions lavished without merit and with out limit the liberty of the press out rageously violated ever avenue to knowledge blockaded by an impost ilia rale victim ami the lx victim and the lithe victim 1 will hold in one hand the debt roll of england and in the other a lisl of the rotten boroughs which produced it and 1 will ask him ougitl those things to be his public opinion expressed itself sufficiently where is the country city village oi even parish in the empire which ins not loaded the tables of both houses a penal code said to be improved by with their petitions and who dis- which the life of man is valued a five sents a portion of the peerage and pounds and the murderer and the sheep- almost all the hierarchy deep do i stealer are doomed to the same penally j lament this latter opposition for the sake much cheering the law of for- of the church for the sake of ciirisii- a suicidal wound has bcoi in- on the establishment i blame and he go had are informed several times threatened to murder hi family when drunk but at tins lime ho staled thai he was not drunk and that he had drank uothing fur three jnys previous- rod republican yuz coaud of education tut tlic johisimvn uialoci pvd notice hat from the present time it is thcii irtentio srciy lo enforce hie rcpohiion made some years hack uy which the use of american books hi leaching is pioniuitcd ad the mus- ieis are directed to confuit themsojves o oicii v uvks oi tiemciituiy instruction as are compiled by british authors only a atnjrf m ivvitrt spullliivvv tmj be obiained by each master whose cer tificates have passed the board on ap plication to dr huraell that the compliance of the school masters is desired widi a former regula tion enjoining the us of prayers at the commencement 0 srj in the mor ning and at its close in the evening a form adnpted to general use may be found in mavors spellingbook and is recommended for this purpose by the board printed forms for ihe quarterly certi ficates to be signed bj two trustccsmny be had on application to adiel sher wood esq brockvii j 1s32 iitjuogitaphv from canudtan stone the subscriber begs to announce to the public tho establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by lhc name of william iv press where will be executed all kinds of work ap plicable lo that useful rt nrh as man plans views circulars misic head ings of merchants bills and mcam boat notices with the sketch omie boat if requited blank deeds and memorials funeral notices embtllishol with suit able problems bills of cxdiange c c otc persons wanting tny kind of topics ol their own hand writing will be supplied with prepared papir and che mical ink for that purpose s otazewell n b caricatures pjined by the sketch being supplied kingston august i2th 1 531 to the public the subscriber respectfully begs leave lo announce that he has ta ken the house lately occupied by mr thomas bnmfoid known as the steam boat hotel but belter by the comfort it conferred on travellers under his respectable management and hopes by assiduity and attention to preserve that excellent establishment in full reputa tion and credit to this end every possible care will be taken lo piovirfo all things conducive lo comfort of the best that money can purchase and he doubts not but that all who honour him with their patronage will find pleasure in recommending their friends to the same treatment and attention hey themselves shall have received the stabling and other accomodations for horses and carriages are extensive and of the first class and diligent ni well approved persons will be c ly employed to keep the n a res pects ready and applied to l im mediate use of travers as soon asi house will be consl3y furnished with the new- york montreal and other provincial ivpcrs and the subscriber especially jbcgslo announce lhat he has already la- 4 ken the means lo procure for the bene fit of his gueststhe daily london times as understanding it to be ihe most inter- resting of all the london prints during the season it is his purpose to keep a never failing supply of the finest ovstcrs that can be oblained theodore brockett steam boat unlet kiiifistnn nov 8th 1831 3 b chronicle office viz unify library consisting of vluable farm for sale on reasonable terms that beau tiful farm oo the road leading to bath and ji miles frnm kingston tho property of aud lately occupied by tho subscriber consistiu uf about 100 acres of excellent land the most of which is in a hih state of cultivation there is built tu the pre mises a large and cormrodinos dwelling house almost new irith extensive sheds ml other nuthouses altogether formin n feiturc which robs the child foi rjarent never so the of- i unity much as flicted biated at the severity of the game laws left still unniiiigaicj arc these not individuals but i do blame the sys tem which has dragged a christian the acts i ask you of the peoples re- bishop from his natural abode gnin liio prescniatives or the parsons creatures altar from the deathbed from the haunt of living sin ami the hovel of ex pi ring poverty to dcfilu himself in the du of a political arena immense cheers for my own part i never saw a clergyman on the bench of jus- tra optimist who can deny that scotland j lice ora bishop in the turmoil of the moral educated industrious scotland house of lords that i did nol mink in is literally mocked under the presence i my conscience they were misplaced of a representation cheers but i there is no warrant for it is scripture want you a victim country at which the i there is no example of it among the r must weep i know you will i apostles let our clergy stand aloof the mournful affection which fiom the unbecoming conllicl ii will tuids you towards ireland che by their frails shall you knew them can this system continue ought it shall lu cheers and cries of nol is there a village iu england which has not answered no v is there an a res- el the stoue viog most comfortable establishment for pectnblc family to whole front lot is fenced with a substamird willi 5j feet hih thcro are two springs of excellent water on the premises aod several bearing fruit trees for further particulars apply eiihcr at tins oflire or to tho subscriber in store street kingston duncan vanalstine ii- forgive rs look at that island which cod bus made a garden and man has made a desert look at her nftersix centuries of your dominion her glorious intellect imbruied and debased he fiutlful soi he protect he dignity of their calling may preserve the interests of ciiurch cheers we arc on ibc ev of an evoniful contest let us rely up- peksons wishing to bng ou their friends from the north of ireland to quebec 10 embark from lon- dondcrry can havo their passage se cured by paying the following raes at the office of messrs buchanan oc co montreal for adults 2 12 6 children from 2 lo 14 years of age 1 0 3 under 7 years of age 17 6 the above sum includes water fuel for he number of days prescribed and fljl he subscriber offers for sale at very low rates for cas or short approved credit 00 tierces and 250 barrels of mus covado sasnir 01 puncheons and 30 hws of high ly flavored and strong prof jamaica hum 10 barrels of first quality plantation coffee 20 bags of pimento 2 pipes of best holland 9in 2 pipes chaiantie brand j lie has also on hand cooking j stoves of a liw and higlly admired pattern well furnished with in utensils 100 boxes of sheet iron 30 boxes of t d pipe each 10 band of best cwt each lie is daily expecting a hgo supply of superior wines of different descrip tions and an extensive consignment of stoves single and double ol potash and sugar kettles and hollow ware all of which will be disposed of a tho mon treal prices ihe transport from thence simply addcj amaivahan kingston oct is 1831 books for sale the following books are for sale at the c the i j he history of the jews from the ear liest period to the present time by the rev h m milman in 3 vols is mo illustrated with original maps and wwatrtito the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g lockhart esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d loudon edition 3 vols 18 mo life of nelson by robert south- ey esq with a portrait the life of alexander the great by the rev j williams with a aiap natural history of insects illus trated by numeious engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq 18 mo the life of mohammed founder of ihe religion of islam and of the em pire of the saracens by lhc rev george bush a m with a plate is mo letters on dcmonology and witca- craft by sir walter scolt bart 18 mo with a plate history of the bible by the rev g- r gleig in 2 vols 18 mo with a map of palestine narratwe of discovery and adven ture in iht polar a w siun with jllustrvlions of iheir climate ge ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh jurray esq with maps c is mo 10 groce enguh glue l nose n n mm co sters who are enuoavou- io pei form the promises imuruiei mm iwwea nvt ii uniui son i mg n place 10 pcilnrm the promises deformed willi hnmin misery her giant ihuv made when out of pliro let i strength withering in the poisoned folds rely on tho fnbrician integrity of n kin or your misgovernmenl why is she thus why is she impoverished in tbo midit if plemy why is she ppiiodi- cally wasted with disease ivhde iho brecc f heahh continually bntithos on if all should her by is ile a triennial pauper ou overwhelm who seem- hoin as a roinpcmisuioi ii all liio crtns of royihy loud and repeated chrers lofus not impco a their course by rish intempcraacp ui it lil and anarcliv shou 1 v law no pjiscngers u cd un board unless v quarry strert nearly opposite mr premie store the subscriber bcgslewe to i loim ihe ifthabfrrms kinase- bhdiisyicinity bom englrrj and comracnied busint life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by tho rev george crofy wiih a portrait is mo new and impioved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the earliest ages to ihe present time with illustra tions of the geology mineralogy and zoology by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh mur ray esq with a map and wood en gravings 18 mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq in 3 vois is mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cru sades by g r james esq 18 mo 1 witii a plate mary queen of scots 2 vols bv h g bell esq y the continuation of the family li- brary will bo regularly received at the cbronicle office immediately as the volumes are issued from the press of the messrs harpers of new york to render the family library still more worthy of patronage the publish ers propose incorporating in il such works of interest and value as may ap pear in the various libraries and mis cellanies now preparing in europe par ticularly ihe national and he ed inburgh cabinet libraries all these productions as they emanate from the press will be submitted lo a committee of literary gentlemen for inspection and none will be reprinted but sucn as shall be found calculated to sustain the ex- salt rheum this inveterate disease which has long bafllcd the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a soveieign remedy in dr la cranges genuine ointment few cu taneous diseases are met with more re luctance by the physician and none in which he is so univeisally successful this ointment has stood the test of ex perience and justly obtained an unpar alleled celebrity il immediately re moves the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous re commendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be iis only commentator it baa in three or four weeks cured cses of fifteen and twenty years standing lhat had resisted ihe power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once gives immediate relief in salt rheum but cures tinea capi- tas commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children 05 there is nothing of a mercurial nature contained in it and it may bo used on infants or others under any cir cumstance whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george bcnl montreal sole agents for ihe canadas kingston 11th july 1828 rs parmentier offers for sale at lhc horticultural botan ic garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a 6ne collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wine crapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection of monthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished to purchasers mr idints lflartarlane ttfrtoi oc4as paper will receive orders for frail and ornamental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded without the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid at the office of the chronicle reference john macaulay john kirby john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquires n b it may be proper lo mention that the necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to the manner of treating them trees received in the fall can be safely buried in the ground until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any injury from the frost provided they are entrely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken lhat several orders will be made up into one package wlh aview car riage the subscriber having been appoint ed agent in this province for mrs par- mentier is now ready io receive orders agreeably to the above advertisement james macfarlane kingston 24th march 1831 illiam johnson barber and hairdresser next door to tte london tavern lenders his grateful acknowledgments to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patronage kingston 30ih may 182 just received nd for sale at the chronicle office a very handsome and fashionable assortment of visilin cards february 11th 1832 s alted character which this library has already acquired provium wiih n isions for thai period ix s buchanan exchange chargeable on ihe above ni letters received unless post paid montreal nov 20 1s31 ii be rcceiv- n lnc following line cu with oro- leghorn bonnets inado to any pat tern old ones stoved an altered chip and straw bonnets mace cleaned c according to the hest english fash ions and on reasonable terms m halienby us i wanted drafts on london and british silver tr which the iiigliest rate of premium will ho riven bv lulluo e p- a hapueit ingsod 22d oct lejl for sale lot no r ninth concession of rh ship of loughboro quire at this office kingston oih august 182 in the c town for particulars en- mtew stereotype e- f d1tion of mavors spelling book the subscriber has in lhc press an extensive second edi tion of mayors english spelling book stereotyped from the 32sth london edition a d 1s27 tiiis edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition stoiekcepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1s30 the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james macfarlane at hi- office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion aod 74 tl each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each aub- sequeot martmti above ten tines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing and delivered by wednesdat noow at the latest no advertisement received after nike oclock on ihe day of publication j i rod it e received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bigncll esq david chishohn esq andrew pnrtcous esq james mcintosh esq john csmeron esq r cline esq george browse esq alpheus jones esq henry jones esq josiah taylor esq h whitmarsh esq j k hartwell esq messrs c j mcdonald john dcan esq allan mcpherson esq thomas parker esq joseph a kecor eaq james g belhunc esq david smart esq william allan esq daniel ross esq john crooks esq charles bicgar esq j dgilbert esq w robertson esq qnebee three river montreal lancaster lochiel cornwall matilda prescoit brockville perth richmond bastard gananoque ball napanee belleville ciamahe cobourg port hope york vittoria niagara murray adolphurtn river trent

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