Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 3, 1832, p. 3

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1 the w i n t kingston chronicle saturday march 3 1832 by ihe arrival at new york of the ship alba ny from havre we have been furnished with pari papers ro the 12th and havre to the 14th january our advices from england are only ihree day liter llin those received by ihe nim- tod and are unimportant beyond the confirm ation of the fact that his jtfrjesty is determined to elevate a sufficient number of peers to ensure the aocccs of the reform bill the number tfho re to enjoy the privilege is definitively fixed at 45lo50 four will be seleeted from the irish peerage and the remainder from the english and scotch amongst the former is lord viscount poftoiansloun a trustee of the fcoydl college of mayaooih tria a roman fodiolic it is a singu lar fad that the ancestor of agjwtaaflt vis count attaching himaclf to ihe prt of james wc understand that the inhabitants of kings ton have it in contemplation to eivc an entertain ment to lieut col bt on his arrival here next week expressive of their sentiments upon the i issue of i hat gentlemans persecution as well as in testimony of the great benefits tho public must derive from hi professional exertions in the prosecution and rapid progress of the rijcau canal to connesrondcnts severn communica tions all poetical remain still upon ourtemc in future wc purpose gleaning two of the best and hope by that course to encourage the genius and excite the competition of ihe numerous can- didates or poetic fame with which our njgh borhood abounds canadianus trill perceive that we have left to conjecture one pari 01 funny quotation we hope to hear from him a- gsin the prize poem which we publish today is from the pen of a gentleman who has upon several occasions embellished our columns wish his muse under a fictitious signature canadia ii was outlawed in 1691 from which time atf- land theodosius verbal next week cording to debrett although the title was regu majesty who is only known to your maieetva sulrcts 10 this diatom portion of your dominions b your rm acts of bcncticcncc and generosity exhibit a rare nnd cheering picture of progrcs- hvo projipenty eomfort and happiness auding the unparalleled good for larlj assumed hy hissuccessors tlwy enjoyed no aeat m the house of lords nor any other privi lege of the peerage till the present viscount claimed and by a solemn decision of the house of lords in the year 1800 wai restored to the dignity of his ancestors on condition of his sup porting the act of union his lordships present elevation to promote an equally popular measure affords an extraordinary coincidence or circom- otmncee little anticipated when the sentence of outlawry was first denounced in the slormy fate vary of james il the obstinacy of rufsiainhcsitatingif not de clining to ratify ihe award of the london con- ferenccis pregnant with circumstances calculat ed to excite no small degree of alarm for the rc- ult that may ensue from a similar refusal on the part of prussia and austria an extension of the period fixed for the exchange of the ratifi cations has been granted but apparently with out any hope thol it might lead to an immediate compliance without material modifications the address from the inhabitants of cobourg to his majesty will be found in another column it breathes the free and unaffected sentiment of tqyu aad grateful popution otrtutfllhcrfriirt ed through the province by a simultaneous burst of indignation at the groundless calumnies that have with the most unblushing impudence and presumption been heaped upon the present gov ernment by a few whose object in endeavouring o estrange the attachment of the people is too palpable even to deceive those whom they have fruitlessly endeavoured to involve in the cata logue of political agitators we republish the letter of lenox adding- ton which appeared in our supplement on mon day h remains unrefutcd and unrefutable nd cxpoaes ihe miserable imbecility of the chair man who could sign his name to a document wholly at variance with even probability he stands accountable t the public for the hoax that was practised upon his ignorance and sim plicity by those who were ready to avail them- elm of both heraay wrap himlf round with thocwsste iuuvi llfcl ibhal nuhi plaudo ipse domi but the country can ne vr regard that man as honest who could under ony restraint publicly attach his signature to a document to manifestly inaccurate in it most important feature we have glverj the governors a peech onlhe prorogation of the lower canada parliament it r a doturaent replete with good sense and raanly spirit his excellency does uot hesitate to express in very unqualified term his disap pointment at the rejection of the supply bill and as if such a refusal was atittdpated at borne he conclude his remarks on that subject bv ve ry pointedly announcing to them that in obedi ence to the instructions he has received to that effect ht finds himself under the necessity of reserving the bill voted for ihe services of the present year for the signification of his majes ty pleasure 1w mwv ftm wrti hittft wtik placfe in the chamber of deputies in paris upon a question regarding the income of the king if said a member you banish luxury from the palace of the kfag it will soon bo banished from the house of hia rutjttl the word muhjuts caused an electric robuence through the chamber when it appeared to be generally understood that the rt people were the subjects of law but not of in- tividi will that the distinction arose from the title of the king of the french inatead of ths of ffanee former not containing ihe ter ritorial vassalage implied in ihe latter the pre etdent dismiaoed the chamber but the next day the discussion was resumed and 104 of thede- pmic5 entered a pretest against the use ofthe obnoxious word the spirit of republicanism appear to be making rapij we should not be nrpriaed to see it adopted in a country that no form of government seems to atisfy it will bs seen by a paragraph copied from the montreal herald that the officers connected with the knice of the btdeau canal having completed that duty are ordered home amongst them is captain briscoe a gentleman who from a residence here of ten years has acquired the sincere friendship of many and the es teem and respect of all who ore acquainted vrith him captain briscoe exertions upon his section of ihe canal were ardent and unre mining attd will be a source of selfsatisfaction to him when enjoying a less laborious and res pontible command he will carry with him the cordial wishes of the people of kingston for hi future happiness and prosperity great public muting at kingston 11 we cedgmalia scd contra audentiur ito never perhaps in tieltftory of canada was the above advice ofthe roman post more unhesi tatingly adopted than at the general meeting of the inhabitants which assembled by a reijuisjion from the sheriff at the court house of this ttfwn yesterday for the purpose of affording the peo ple an opportunity of testifying their loyalty to ihe crown and their unaltered and unalterable attachment to its representative in this province at 12 oclock the royal standard was displayed from the court housr and formed as it ever has and ever will the rallying point of every loyal subject immediately afterward the sheriff took the chair and after the usual preliminary ci reading the requisition expressed himself icady i o receive such resolutions as might be offered eleven resolutions upon which the adjrcps was grounded were proposed prefaced by some elo quent remarks ofthe various movers and se conders each resolution was proposed in the affirmative as well as the negative ami to ihc eternal glory ofthe town of kingston in an as semblage of at least joco persons comprising all fdueefxyrubitljr of ihc pirn rf rr ifajrfe hand was raised in opposition but the hall actually rung with the loud anj continued acclamations with which each was received anticipating even the repetition of tho notices from tho chair not a dissenting voice was heard every person seemed inspired by the motive which united them in one glorious burst of pure and unaffect ed devotion tothe person ofhis majesty and the system his representative here has puisucd to promote and secure the countrys welfare an ineffectual effort was made to procure the introduction of an irregular and extraneous motion on the subject of british reform but the good sense of the meeting overruled the insidious effort and the manuscript which would be much more dignified in a medical prescription was by an almost unanimous vote one unfortunate wight only putting up his hand consigned to the ignominious fate it so juatly deserved the principal speakers upon this truly interest- 4y dii juim o cartwrlghr ueorgi mackenzie donald bethune and thomas dal- ton gsqs and mr wm dawes who were all received with the loudest enthusiasm but in deed eloquence was unnecessary to infuse a sin gle sentiment of loyalty every man who at tended went brim full ofthe conviction that nature beatis omnibus esse dedit si quia cognoverit uti and that our happy province furnished them with just causes of gratitude to a superintending pow er for the many privileges enjoyed from his bounty as well as congratulation at livingundcr a government to which no stratagem can ever destroy their allegiance frequent allusions were made to the sophisti cated statement of the proceedings of what has been termed a general meeting of the counties of lenox addington and a motion by t dal- ton esq- marking the disgust at the first of the resolutions purporting to have been passed at that meeting was upon reflection and upon the ttbhtt ihitt the m v i vnufm of those tsu- tieswere about publicly disavqvring their parti cipation in so infamous a sentift withdrawn the utmost good humour prevailed from the be- ginning to ihe end it was a ftmipetition who should loudest express his unfettered principles and at two oclock the following address was read when after the thanks f the meeting to the sheriff and nine times iftc cheers for the kiogand sir john colborne hc happiest and most loyal portion of his majeiy subjects se parated j each heartily rejoicing atlhe triumph of justice over the wicked machinations of trie enemielofthe country and this agitators of fie peace and harmony of society the petition was signed by hundreds on tie spot and will remain at the hcrifts office for such as may wish to affix thet names to this im perishable record of the principles that preemi nently distinguish the pcopieof kingston notwiil tunc of our social condilion we latncntlo inforn yonrmajey that certain restless individuals arc busily endeavoring to excite and intslca- the minds of ibe people ami by a reckless system of misrepresentation iu persuade i hem that they arc oppressed hv many weighty grievance again the continuance of which they urge the necessity cf presenting a remonstrance to your majesty we beg to assure your majesty that wc wholly disapprove cf nnd condcimthc conduct ofthosp persona who by ihc perversion and distortion of licts the industrious dissemination cf ground less complaints the invention of imaginary grie- vance and other unworthy means arc ihtis bis j si7 agitato the mind of the loyal inhabi- moll oi tn ioviucmo alienate j affections from vcr roy1 pcraoii and to weaken if not desirov iheii ftuacijicnt to thoae institutions the worthy gift of ft real anc poous nation whlehi rolwilhstandyng t jiachinations of such as seek to subvert them it will m fondly trusl be the constant pride and caro of your ma jestys canadian people to cherish and uphold in proof may it please your majesty of the 1 y favors j condition of this province wc find justice duly ami impartially administered civil and rdigioti liberty the mott complete and perfect universally enjoyed the taxes so light that the people ate scarce aware that they pay any except ihc lecal nssessmenls a debt in curred feir purposes of internal improvement that is inconsiderable and might he liqui dated in a few years en invigorating and kcalihy climate a country abounding with binjldjakci and magnificent rivers j and a soil cter rrvarding li- lbois of the husbandman wiih n lrfh boanteoni returns while ut tlie same time iie parent state fihehers nnd defends rswiih her mgii keen andamwns our fqrt constructs fisf ouf beiwfir etupendous canals owns to us the best maikda in the wcrhl i affoids due facility to tip cmieratinn and teltlemcnl amongst us of a lojsm and indus trious british population and stimulates pur in- notiqe all persons indebted to tho sub scriber cillici by note or book ccounl are rcquestsh to call end settle hie same immediately nnd those to whom he is indebrud arc requested to present their claims theodore brockett kingston march ii 1332 inghl jewelry plated goods perfumery c r jackson bogs leave grale- fully io acfettowlcdgo tlie libcr- nl support he baa mei willi since lis conuiienccment in li above line from ihc ladies nnd gentlemen of kingston nd liic public gcnurally and likewise to assure each thai it will be his con stant study and nnirmkiing attention lo merit a continuance of their palron- age anwuncw tclatum of tocirty m tn topd j- v inmrovi dependency c our ma 5wj y am al lhc s lime clubtry by special legislative provisions in fa vour of lhc staple productions of our coinliy we feel most thankful to your majesty and jour imperial parliament for planting us the privilege by our lteprceeiitativcq in the acscm- liljt to asirt in making law for the peace welfare and good povemmontof tho colony sd far as regards its internal aftairs and wc fully rely on the wisdom discrimiqatkri alia jatriotishi ofthe local legislature for renu dying nil impel fclwni llllt may he found io exist ii onr provincial laws for corrcciing such abuse us nwj be at any timediscovcrrtl in ihe mode of thtirndrririmrntion and for adniting hum as occmiom hj i w i t vfitn ci e y imperial crn we respecrully infoim your majesty llial vk nre opposnl all innovations on ihc consilii lion olour tovcmment os now ly law eeiahlith- tii btine w p experience abundantly con vinced ol it excellence ind efficiency wc hoc l stale to yonr majmty our hunblc opinion timttbc eonscientinus and icaloiis con duct of hi exetmonty tfcj liitenttni cioer nor of thin roince in the imnftirial and consli- nniomal i vis it ef liic rtuiics of his high oflict claims oat gtaiefut acknowledjcementv il should enswelum le confidence of the ptopu dver whom e rules as ventme to hope it will alsureconvseiul hhn to the gracious approbation of tour jjesiv thus wotent with our ptckmt favoured ic dulypptepatinp the advanlsprs we tiav hithct to derived tvom our connection with england and humhk rcljingon your mj3ty8 praciour disposition lo pcipctuatc the enjoy men of hen- lo your tvbtetya province of tjjtper canade we a dulful and loyal subjeus fertenlly io plore the jsimiohtv governor of the umveta that your majesty msy long continue lo reip in mppfam and glory over a peaceful prosper- oub and uwied empire- kingston mare 1 1832 r j lias now on lumd a boutll assorl- ment of good jcwtliy- imatcd goods pcrfumciy c at unusually low prices nnd is in cxpectalion of an excellent ns- oriniont of iho beat sheffield plated goods ant london jewelry lown per- iuinei v c of ie most approved kinds by lite first spring arivau likewise a good assortment of ladies and genile- niens willing desk and dressing ca ses furnished with i he best material also ladies work boxes dinner lamps ground glass shades chim neys tea trays double and single percussion and flint guns patent le ver and common shot liells and pouch es pigons and wilfcv powder patent shot and a good assortment of ihe besl fishing tackle all ihe above and various oilier articles will be had from the manufacturers and sold unusually low kingston feb 25 1s32 if jewelry plated goods perfumery c jl jackson ecs leave to return liisllianks to the officers of ihe 6gih regiment and the military stationed at kingston cecrjjy am fce ncmfatnini i hoy a valuable freehold property for sole or to let and possession given im mediately or on the firatof may next consisting of a bretotry malt house and jtifa all rn lull and complete operation together with an acre of hop land and garden ground ihe whole about an acre and a half in a very good stale of cultivation if lot good security will be requited for the payment of the rent and a lease given for seven years any person desirous of taking the ahove concern can havo any information he may require by ma king hfl necessary arrangement soon as ihe proprietor is going lo europe io reside application to be made on ihe premises io john nickalls brewer kingston uc mtotice itffm sirang mgq l having relinquished the buaiii of auctioneer the subscriber takes tfia opportunity 6f informing the public that he has taken out license to act in this that capacity his aiienti6n lo busi ness and moderation in charges will he hopes induce a share of ihe business of kingston a manahaft kingston lslli jan 1832 if b nd in lo assure them it is his intenliw will be his endeavour to furnish an as sortment this year more woiihyher pa- ironage than what his stock was during tlie year that is past kingston 25iu feb 1ss2 three ou four young gentlemen would be glad lo 6blain board in some quiet and respectable family tlie pi ice would be no ob ject could they he pleasantly silualod address m is chronicle offtee kingston feb s5ui 1832 the stocniiolucrs of ihe sieam boit william the fourth are te- qilmled tn meet at oauannqe on tuesday flhvdrfy of march next at iff aclork fur the purpose of choosing a committee if five direcinrsto manage entaira ofthe stock- holders fur tho eusuing year pursuant to ho articles ufassoriaion john mcdonald secretary gananoqnc feh- ci 1s32 notice mr seager artist from england respectfully informs the inhabitants 6f sairgsion thrt he has taken rooms for ihe purpose of giving sinking profile liiencsscs in bronze for on dollar each he therefore re commends those who may wish lo take advantage of this opportunity of procur ing a just resemblance in bis forrcullc and peculiar style to make an early ap plication as his stay will be very limited w ttimvv trwh tnri 10 nil 4 o clock i- tf mslahciiolt accidest on tuesday last a promising young man in ihe service of mr drummond whilst eating his dinner suddenly staited from the table and running towards lhc table was followed by the other persons in com pany who coming up with him found him on hisfaec choked by the meat having stuck in hi throat his death was almost instantaneous tk jury returned a verdict to that aflacu to the mings most kxitl ist majesty jlwt gracious sovereign we the inhabitants of the town of kingston in your majestys province of upper canada iwimilv beg leave to lay at the foot of your majesty throne this tes timony of our faithful nnd devttted attachment to your majestys royal r in government and io assure your majesty nf ur unabated ad miration of the free nnd gloii constitution of the united kingdom inirfflrii sentiments wc believe that n very large majority cf our fcllow- subjects in this province fully hcariily concur we considerthal the rclatinhs which have long happily subsisted beiwccn grtat britain and up per canada have been productive unmiurlcd benefit to this country and t they should be studiously chciished by nil phluthtenvd and pa triotic persons on both sides f the ailnniic- among the many signal act of kiidncss per formed for our behoof by the government of the parent stale which should tnsure our lastinq gratitude there is one that tproally demands our present notiee viz lhc plant ol a onatitit- uon in the year 1701 formed hy england great- est statesmen on the modi wv the british con stitution and deepened to bo as exact an iiniia- klgston assemblies th li next assembly will take place at myers hotel on st patricks eve the l6lh march 1832 dancing to commence at 8 oclock kingston 3d march 1832 boots shoes leather c th e subscriber begs leave to in form the country merchants no4 other dealers that lie has now on hao4 a very extensive assortment of mens stout pegged boots and shoes calf undj kip do women and childrens boots iiid shoes of all descriptions suitable for country hade warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship and i will be sold wholesalo at as low a rate i as tbt same descripin of articles can be procured from montreal also se veral llsis of spanish and slaughter sole leather of all kinds from damaged to best new york inspected several dozens hemlock tanned calf skio a few do best philadelphia oak tanned d upper leather lining and binding skinsi and all other materials in the shoe and leather line he begs leave also to return thanks for the support he has received for e- veral years past and to inform his cus tomers generally that he expects by the first arrivals a much better assortment of goods in tho shoe line than any he has hitherto imported v ah kinds of best quality boon and shoes now on hand and manufactured lo order as usual a good assortment of best english made povlmnnleaus carpet bags moose skin riding boots ec a j ferns kingston march 3 1832 tf information wanted benjamin clron by trade a bricklayer phisterer paint er and whitcwasher is about gftvsix yenis of age five feet five inches high light complexion light hair sandy whis kers a little bald on the top of the head slightly marked with the small pox eyes neither dark nor light toman nose small mouth pleasant countenance broad set over the shoulders sailed from liverpool on the 3d of may 1s31 on board the william dodd of ply mouth capt chalker bound for que bec which vessel reached the place of destination all safe it was ctirzons intention to proceed to york upper canada and there to follow his regular business he was acquainted with mi chael barnes of that place agricultural ist who is well known to the post mas ter of york and when in england was a member of the methodist society before he left home he was subject to cold shivering fits of a very distressing kind and was of a bilious habit any information respecting the above described person transmitted to the herald office kingston will relieve the anxiety of bis friends fleditnis of newspapers will o- blidge by giving this notice an insertion in ihcir respective journals kinfiston 22l removal john watkins has removed his hardware establishment lo n vcrv extensive premises in store street ncarlv oppoiie to mr jno blakes ta- vernwlwrc le is now opening in additi on lo his foi mcr stock my casks and case esof hardwate cutlery c which were selected by himself in birmingham shef field and other manufacturing towns in england j walkins returns his lliank- to his friends country merchants and ihc public generally for ihe liberal sup port he has met with for many years past begs lo infoim ihem hat ihe ar rangement he has made in england and from his occasional visits personally no house in the cnnadas can supply them on heller terms kingston dec loih 183 1 that notice the stockholders of ihe john by are requested to pay into my nds on or before the 1st of april next ninth instalment of ten per cent on r respective shares david john smith treasmrcr kingston feb 25th 1832 notice is hereby given tenders will be received at this office until the 1st march next from ny person or persons willing to rent hc property well known as the kings ton tannery containing upwards of 3 acres and a quarter of hind now the properly of government situate adjoin ing the town of kingston comprising a substantial brick dwellinghouse cur rying shop stables sheds barkmill sixlytwo vats 25 of which are under cover with an excellent garden a con- slant run of water through the premi ses laid out and adapted to an exten sive scale of business in the tannery and currying line the above property will be let from the 1st april next for a term of seven ws mflfetot ttv h reward- bv gov ernment during any part of the said term should it be required for the public ser vice upon giving twelve months notice and it may bo rented either with the dwellinghouse which is separate from the tannery premises or without as may be required or it will be lei for garden ing for which the groond ismvu calcu lated or for any olher purpose for which it may bo suitable should no eligible offer be made for it for a tannery for further particulars apply at ihe ordnance office point henry or at ihe royal engineer office kingston the rent to be paid quarterly to the ordnance storekeeper at tbis station in british silver the nimes of two persons willing o becomeecurity for land for sale lot number eghtyone in tftottft concessionto wnshipjof a me hat- burgh county prince edward mid land disirict containing two lluadaetf acres the soil is excellent and we limbered which wih be s6ld low fur cash for particulars enquire of ihn editor kinfesion february 4th 1832 ttotfce a third dividend will b lf payable at the office of joftn kih kq mi kington on wednesday iho 35th dayofjunooexiti tho creditors ftne late alan tylnr esq nnd io the late firm of taylor and parker john kirby a o petrie tparker jiopsioiv9ih may 1831 notxce 4jaj notes or nccounu due to iho estate 6f tin tatefrfideitlck keeler are to be settled with j h samson admr bellvile 24th ec 1828 notice ab10ora vovn0ry coffpaaryj in conformity to tho art incorporat ing this company n subseriptitaa book is now open at tho ofhve of thos klrkpatitjcg kingston jhth may 1831 copp3eupl ate prs a first rate copperplate punting press has jost been received atlhe chronicle oflice where visiting cards will be printed and all olher copperplate work performed with neatness out desdalcb cards for sale at the chronicle office juli24tk 1s3 barrack canteens lvtotlce is hereby given that the jl canteens in the undermentioned barracks are to be let upon the follow- in condiiions for twelve monhs from the 25th march next no person but of an uaexcepttonable characier nor any person for morelhan one canteen or who will not undertako bona fide to reside in the canteen and conduct the business thereof in hia own personwill be approved and i wo sureties will be required for the regular payment ofthe rent and of all 4tim which may become duo in resrfrct ex the said canteen and for the due pcrfdt runner of lhc isevcfl ondmo putalions of the lease the person whose proposal shall be accepted ami his sureties must execute lite indenture and lease of covenant relating hereto the particulars whereof may be known by applying to this of fice or to the barrack masteis at the several barracks the names of two resectable per sons with their christian naniesy pro fessions ajfd places of abode whowill join the tenant in executing the inden ture as his sureties must be irisetted la the proposals and the tenapt is to pay for the stumps and ihe ordnance partment docs not undertake 10 procure the tenant a license sealed proposals addressed to the re spective ofscers at kingston with the words tender for canteen- written on the outside cover will bo received at this office on or before 12 oclocfcnoon twe clbftgy reserves commimionerocreim imdfqga york 1st february 1832 j proposals for the purchase of clergy reserves having already been received at this office for a greater ouantity than are authorised to be sold during the ensuing year the commis- lrte performance of the conditions sioner is compelled by bis instructions 0 the lease will be required td be m- rh of wirttlr njfrxy rtfretsw n proposals received caewt be m by the mutiny act carifteens liable to have troops billeted oh all persons making tenders for canteens are to tke notice ihaifcey will be held to the strict perfumanee of the covenants of iheir leases and full payments of their rents without aa ro- mission or red ucticfvviur trier than the covenants ofthe lease iiself set forls the farmof the tender to mjoltftf i hereby offer for the cantemvfbrmbr racks at jar titelve months tofctrube 25fa march next tie rent of f per unnumfor tks uosmea a fyirnm the further rent of tfoncommitriomt ditis ao may occupy the mfstacks thit period ami projwsr air i lion of it as ic nrcumstants of our colonial condition would admit possissinj ibis liberal fom of covcrnmcnl upper canada bus floutished in an eminent man- 1 j ner ami now bv the bli of provdence and under the mutt ona fowring sway of your i tank of upper canada jftotice is hereby given that books will be opened on the 6rsl day of august next as there is a re strictive clause in the late charter to prohibit its being done tiil six months after the passing of the act for subscrip tions to the increased capital of this bank at the following places to wit in the towns of kingston niagara york brockvillc perth sandwich amherst- burg london cobourg cornwall and hamilton in the district of gore under the direction of persons hereafter to be named thos g ridout bank of upper canada cashier yoh24lhftb 1832 j n b in addition io lh current half yearly dividenda bonus of not less than eight per cent is intended to bo paid to he stockholders sioner is compelled lo decline for the present receiving any more applications for the purchase of clergy reserves and to prevent dis appointment be requests it may bf dis tincily understood that applicitions re ceived after this date can be of no be nefit to the applicant as to preference or otherwise peter robinson commissioner of crown lands serted in the tender office of ordnance kingston 12lh jan 1832 of asmysrmfci ond mr same tn rents t h canteens ss uemos are to be proposed at tho sums stated oppo site to each isthe following list iberalor the biddings will be- upon what is offered for every ten men occupying thebarrarks thii number will be ascertained frqs tb barrack masters monthly rt tarns which 3 t notice he stockholders of the commer cial bank of the midland prtmci arc requested to meet at the court house in the town of kingston on thursday tho 15lh day of march next at 12 oclock noon to elect directors for the said bank pursuant to the act of incorporation by order ofthe acting committee e a harper sec kingslon 31st jan 1832 the subscripiion book for btock is left at the office of geo mackenzie esq alliance office the office o ihe alliance com- panyfor kingston and the mid- ofeeerynsenth land district is held al the place of bu- sinessof the subscriber in fronlslreel where property will bo insured as here tofore jas- macfarlane agent kingston 7th jauunry 1832 information ivanted john mcqueen a native of ireland emigrated from glasgow scotland to upper canada in 1330 he wrote for his family in a letter dated near cananoque and his wife and six children arrived in 1831 in distressed circumstances any information re specting the said mcqueon addressed to mrs mcqueen matilda post office will receive her grateful thanks january 9th i832 nnd no chsbgcs rathe ocespetions of the barracks which may take place io the pro gress of the month either for or ogaiosl uje tenant will j takeu ioto account flst less number lhau ten will bo chtisgede- eaiustthe tenant nor will any odd number bo calculated thus if in barracks should he occupied by 148 men on tho first diy of the month only 140 will ho eoleoletco for thai mouth the bidders are shocmired to introduce no fractional parts of a penny iu their offers as they will not be coticed oor will any tcuder bo noticed exceptsuch as aro strictly according to iho above form tete de point l4 0 0 kingston point henry 2 0 0 i frederick 1 10 0 york jorl george amherstburgh office of ordnance kingston 14th jan 18js- sterling per annum

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