Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 25, 1832, p. 3

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the kingston chronicle at the commission for the trial of the bristol rioter five of the rineleoders have been convict ed we have not heard he sentence saturday february 25 1832 by the anival of the tally ho ami nimrod london papers of the 3rd and 7th and liverpool ofthimih and 9th janunry have been received the question upon which so many opinions are divided with regard to the creation of a nobility aofficiently numerous to save the country from the ruin inevitably suspended tvcr its head by a- nother rejection of the reform bill is at length decided and the king has resolved to concur in the course which his ministers have suggested to avert a national convulsion upon the poli cy or prudence of this decisive step wenre un- willingto array gtf own jadgnwnw when perhaps the security of the british conslitution is at slake with the wisdom of the more experi enced it will become a precedent no doubt for the maturity of other projects not ycl developed but certainly connected with tlic universal prin ciples of reform at present the plan appears in its infancy but on the repeal of the union which we have no reason to doubt will follow the success of the present measure then indeed will be a struggle one in which self interest alono will be consulted without any reference to the violent asseveration that mast ensue to every thing politically important to the present and filwra privileges of ireland the separation of that island from those twins with which for the last two and thirty years it has been fortunate ly for herself identified is pregnant with con sequences only intelligible to those intimately informed on the principles by which property is possessed the confiscated lands of ruined nl jjejs now forming a material branch of episco pal emolument may be redeemed the proper ties snatched by cromwell for the payment of im troops from those who were enemies to the commonwealth may not impossibly he restored for we know that the vigilant eye of napoleon was 6ied upon the accomplishment of these ob jects possessing as the parisian archives do very original deed and nothing saved the kingdom from the grasp of tho emperor but the act which bound the interests of the three great kingdoms in one indivisible alliance extract of a letter from a respectable source dated bytown 17th february 1832 i write to inform you that henry k bur gess has absconded or bolted that his friend free was this morning found dead in his own house at the foot of a step ladder leading from the first floor lu the cellar wherc be kept the srog shop a coroners inquest was held to- ay but from the evidence nothing appeared to implicate b urges although his having left by- town in iho night looked very suspicious turn burgess who came up on saturday evening last has also absconded two days ago wbwjswfei9ea r attpsjsafo themselves and exhibit in vivid colours the man who under the authorised sanction of ahe british government however obtained we are unable end indeed it is now worthless to conjecture laid the foundation for the most unmerited per secution that an officer or a gentleman was ever doomed to experience wo congratulate the country upon the result of this protracted warfare against every thing that is honorable and just and rejoice in the development of tho infamous conspiracy that meditated the ruin of col bys professional reputation our correspondent an enemy to humbug should recollect that we hove many palates to consult when admitting communications into our columns there are some to whom one of the people affordsa rich and luxurious banquet and as such wc serve him up digestible or in digestible prorcnatn mr jacksons advertisements will be found in another column his establishment is well dc- serving the pjblic patronage the orticlcs are purely british and sold si a lower rate than any ever imported into this country mr nickalls valuable property is advertised in point of locality proximity to the tmvn and internal arrangements his brewery and hop yard exceed any other that wc know of the establishment is in excellent order and must he a source of profit to the renter or purchaser i to corresfcndknts one of the people upon reflection will ad mit that his last communication cannot enjoy a place in our columns when an tmbitrusquat and apparently authenticated version of the meeting he alludes to appears this day lenox and addington saladin the prize poem and canadiensis will enjoy our consideration next week lower canada on tuesday the house of assembly pas- seflthe following resolution in relation to the attorney general and has since sent a ropy to lord aylmcr to be transmitted lo hi majestys ministers rcsolvtil that this houso do fully per sist iu the accusations brought id the inst session of the provincial parliament a- gaiust james stuart esquire attorney general in this province and also thnt this rfwisc doth persist in its liumhle petition to his majesty praying bin to remove the tail functionary from his said office nud to gnot him tto office of trust in this pro vide a valuable freehold property for sale or to let and possession given im mediately or on the first of may next ft onsisting of a bravery malt house and kiln all in full and complete operation together with an acre of hop land and garden ground the whole about on acre and a half in a very good state of cultivation if lot good security will be required for the payment of the rent nnd a lose given for seven years any person desirous ol taking tho above concern can have any information he may require by mo lt was then ordered thot a copy of the ki lllc ncccss2 arrangement soon sffil resolution ami a copy of tho second i ns proprietor is going to europe to rfpoiiou grievances and the resolutions i reside application to be made on the tlrtreoo ho transmitted to the hon d b vfcer the agent of this house in line laid in these daya of perpetual misrepresentation and anxiety to excite we would seriously recom mend a meeting of the inhabitants of this district to express the sentiments the midland people entertain towards his excellency the libutek- sht governor and his administration such meetings convened by requisitions to the eheriov would afford a faithful picture of the real feelings of the public upon those points which have lat terly been discussed by a select feu we publish this day the proceedings of the lenox and addington convention as also tbo letter of geo mackonxie esq to up in order that the public msy thereby be enabled to arrive at a fair statement of the proceedings of that eentful wc central ilruc the public upon the enter- prijingdcterminflion of h c thomson esq lishment of a desideratum long felt in this town thftt of rcdpectablo mnd extensive beading room wo are informed that should proper en couragement to his prauewonhy undertaking be afforded english french and scotch paper will be procured army and navy lists sporting and other periodical magaiines with every thing necessary to constitute a well arranged reading room we presume his native modes ty prevented him from being thus particular in hit advertisement which appeared in the last herald dr whilelaw delivered on thursday evening hia firat lecture on eiperimental chemistry to a numerous and respectable audience who ap peared much gratified liy his successful illustra tions of that udul and accomplished branch of natural philosophy such persons as have neglected to avail them- sctaes of the benefits of mr stagers inimitable pencil will fin j il necessary to be expeditious as hia engagements elsewhere will preclude a much longer stay in this town this week hss been one of constant snow and extreme coldness- jphe roads are choked with a superfluous macadamization of this electrical material and every hour adds a fresh supply of this impediment to every thing genial and exhila rating wc ore now three months without the enjoyment of even a momentary view of our mother earth the thermometer at 7 oclock yesterday mor ning fell twentysix degrees below zero a copy of the following prayers hns been re ceived by the right reverend the lord bishop of quebec and has been reprinted for distribu tion to the ministers of the established church tho pious and touching language of these beau tiful supplications and the additional excellence that they are alike suited to the tenets of all sects and classes cf christians renders them peculi arly fit for general publication prayers to be used immediately before the lita ny and when the litany shall not be read before the prayer fur all conditions of men in all churches and chapels during the continu ance of our danger from the pestilence now spreading over a great part of europe most graciou father and god who hast promised forgiveness of sins to all them thai with hearty repentance and true faith urn unlothcc look down we beseech thee from heaven thy dwelling place upon us thy unworthy servants who under an awful apprehension of thyjudc- mentt and a deep conviction of our sinfulness prostrate ourselves before thee wc acknow ledge it to be of thy goodness alone that whilst thou hast visited other nations with pestilence thou hast so long spared u have pity o lord have pitv on thy people both here and abroad withdrew thv heavy band from those who arc suffering under thy judgments and turn ww from us that grievous ralamitv n- gainst which our only security is in thy com passion we confess with snamn nnd contri tion that in the pride and hardness cfour hearts we hvc shewn mirselves unthankful for thy morci ft have followed our own imrmina- liodfl instead oteuy holy laws i et q nfrrci- fnl father suffer not tby destroying angel to lift up his hand against us but keep us as thou hast heretofore done inbealthand sofetv and gmnt that being warned by the sufferings of others to repent of our own sins we may be pre served from all evil by thy mighty protection and enjoy the continuance of thj mercy and grac through the merits of our only media tor and advocate jesus christ jlmen o almighty god who by the many instances of mortality which encompass us on every side dost call upon ua seriously to consider the short ness of our time here upon earth and rcmindest us thnt in the midst of life we are in death so teach us to number our dsys that we may apply our hearts unlo wisdom give us grace to tnm unto thee with timely repentance ami thus to obtain through the merits of our saviour lltat pardon today which tomorrow it may he too lalcto seek for that so being strengthened by thy pood spirit ogainst the terrors ofdeaih and daily advancing in godliness we may at all times be ready to give up our souls into thy hands 0 gracious father in the hope of a blessed immor tality through tho mediaion and for the merits of jceus christ out lord 4mtn the last accounts from england afford the melancholy fact of the cholera having reached scotland notwilhgtandingthc quebec merchants in their letters consider it in a different light we regret that they should from any apprehen sion of an injury to or suspension of the com mercial interests of tho colonies express any sentiment calculated to deceive the public in a matter which requires the utmost candor public mkktinr we understand that a district meeting um boon called at the court house at amherst on friday next the 24th inst at 2 oclock p m ot tho re quisition of a dumber of tho freeholders fur the purpose of expressing their disap- probation uf the attempts which have re cently leeu made by n wc9ioh to disturb tho harmony of tho inhabitants of this pro vince and shed their puisou ou the admin istration of tho government we siuccre- ir tv rill iw t4fc ttuiu iauu cflofuliftb feelings will como forward on this occasion with a view of addressing his majesty and disabusing his mind ami the minds of the people of great britain with regard to the reports so industriously circulated to the detriment of 1i1u prnvjnco by a few designing and crafty demagogues who only aim at their own aggrnudizmeut we have it from good authority thot many persons of property in great britain and ireland are deterred from settling in this province from an impression that the peo ple are highly discontented nnd ou tho eve of n revolution it therefore behooves every man who wishes well to upper can ada to come forward nud shnw thnt the petitions recently circulated by such po litical quacks as mackenzie 4 co do not express the sentiment of the loyal inhabit laots of this country por hope telegraph gkahd river it will bo observed by nn advertisement in todays paper that a meeting i to he held at brantfort on mon day tho 27th instant for tho purpose of carrying iotu effect the provisions of the late act for improving the navigation of the grand river we understand that it is intended lo reoder ihe river navigable for stoamboats up to within a mile of brnulford- the expense of which agreeably to the estimate of mr marshall lewes will he 6000 for which sum he has himself offer ed to complete the work and to get it done during the present season- we know of no public improvement which has been un dertaken or which is likely to he taken up in the country that promises to bo at once so roal a puhlic advantage and so profi tablo to tho stockholders as that in ques tion- york courier captain lo breton has discontinue we understaud his attempts to stop tho ico on the river st lawrence opposite quebec the bill relating to tho clergy reserves is postponed by tho assembly till next ses- siro- on saturday tho house of assembly waited on the governor in chief with its awress praying for the immediate suspen sion of tho hon mr justice kerr from his jujicial functions on charges set forth in ctftnin resolutions of that house his dtcclleocy it appears considers that the ihw for assuring the independence of the jtdges ami cmtibtisliing a tribunal for lihl by impeachment will materially alter thq turfure of tho judges commissions having them no more at the pleasure of the cftowdi iio iherefure decliued to com- ip with the address but added that after lip bill above referred to has become n inv he will upon an address from the le- ghlaiivo council and the assembly be ren- 3a tosuspond tho judge until hismajestrs pjmure be known the new emigrant bill founded on the rtfommeodjuioo of tho colonial minister htl passed the assembly and is now before tiff council lord goderich recommends fpt a tax not exceeding one dollar per load should be imposed 011 each emigrant hiving in the colony and that tho tax slpukl bo doubled on those embarked with- cut the sanction of government the quebec committee of trade have petition ed against the bill and mr moffatt is jrongly opposed to it in the council we pk upon the bill from imposing so heavy f inx on the emigranr as very ohjeciion- hie and while we approved nf tho first rtpasure wo trust the new one will not re vive the sanction of the council the bills appointing agents in great flitaiu for the cuuucil nnd assembly wero m 00 tho utird reading in the upper ijo use wc copy the following items of pnrlia- ueoiary intelligence from ncilsun ga- the assembly on friday morning plo- rt 10000ft the disposal of his excel- i4itvjtiufju ayinimvio provnicdur utc cu- ftucement of quarantine regulations next smnraor the site chosen for that purpose is understood to be grosse i de an island nhout thirlyfivo miles below the port whom tli re t9 a good harbor for ships the is- laid will he placed eotircly under the mill troy and nil the regulations will he oofur- cui by ibem communications by telegraph era be received in two or three minutes th telegraphs erected during tho last war ma still standing it being only requisite to cioct one on the island the house of assembly in committee ctfthc whole on wednesday 00 the report otf the standing committeof internal com- two i cation si decided by a vote of 23 to 18 mt to proceed in making any further grants tilu tho work done was visited and the ac- cmms of the commissioners settled the committee had recomtneoded grants to the hmhldt of between 3000 and 4000 and proposition for further uodertakiogs by means of loaos c the whole amount demanded this year was little short of 00000 ur five times the amount of the ataualsurplus revenue with thissurplus wmcr grants havo been so large and im provident thaton tho 10th of october next there will be a deficit of cash in the chest t meet the appropriations of upwards of 50000 the ooly grants this year for in ternal communicatious it is believed are the bridge over tho st maurice 6000 and the jce bridge at quebec 300 thero is however a large sum unexpended of the ftiproprintiens of former yeflfsi whieh will prevent the entire stoppage of work on tho roads at the public expense in several parts of the province montreal gazette the committee of the richardson wing of the montreal general hospital beg lo acknowledge with warmest thanks the receipt of fiw hundred pounds by the hands of samuel gerard esquire towards the erection of that building from edward ellke esquire m p of london secre tary to the treasury not only tho friends of tho late honourable john richardson but every benevolent individual will doubt less participate with the committee in the satisfaction which they bavo in announcing this muuificcnt donation as by it the gene rous donor nnl only evinces ihe high esteem which he had for the worth of the venerated deceased but confers a lasting benefit on tho iadigeotsick montreal herald premises to tf john nickalls brewer kingston u c j removal ohn watkins lias removed his hardware establishment lo a verv extensive premises in siore street nearly opposite lo jlr jno blakes ta vern where lie is now opening in additi on to his former stock fifty casks and case csof liitriliviiic cutlery e which were selected bv himself in birmingham shef- ollr 1 111 iliufucturing towns n field ami england- j wntkins reinrih his hank- to his friends country merchants and the public generally for tltc liberal sup port he lias mot with for many years past hogs to inform ihni that he ar- ntngemeflt he has made in england and from his occasional visits personally no house in the oanadas con supply them on better terms kingston dec loih 1831 wantep drafts onlondon and british silver for which tho highest rato of premium will he given by f a harpeu kin oct 1831 three or four young gentlemen would be glad to obtain board in some quiet and respectable family the price would be no ob ject could they be pleasantly situated address m n chronicle office kingston feb 25ih 1s32 jewelry plated goods perfumery c r jackson begs leavo grate- fully to acknowledge the liber al support he has met with since his commencement in tho above line from the ladies and gentlemen of kingston and the public generally and likewise to assure each that it will be his con stant study and unremitting attention to merit a continuance of their patron age r j has now on hand a small assort ment of good jewelry plated goods perfumery c at unusually low prices and is in expectation of an excellent as sortment of the best sheffield plated goods and london jewelry low per fumery c of the most approved kinds by the first spring arrivals likewise a good assortment of ladies and gentle mens willing desks and dressing ca ses furnished wild the best materials also ladies work boxes dinner lamps ground class shades chim neys tea trays double and single percussion and flint guns patent le ver and common shot belts nnd pouch es pigon and wilk powder patent shot and a good assortment of tin besi fishing tackle all tho above and various other articles will be had from the manufacturers and sold unuteuallv kingston feb 25 iss2 if clercy reserves commissioner of crow lands office york 1st felruary ik35 j proposals for ihe purchase of clergy reserves having already been received at this dlice for a greater quantity ihan are authorised to be sold during the ensuing yew he commis sioner is compelled bm his instructions to decline for the prent receiving any more applications for the purchase of clergy reserves ami to prevent dis appointment he requests it may he dis tinctly understood that applications re ceived after this date can be of no be nefit to the applicant as to preference or otherwise- peter robinson 3m commissfoncr of crown iands ttotice john strange esquire jj having relinquished the business of auctioneer the subscriber lakes the opportunity of informing the public that he has taken out license to act in this that capacity his attention to busi ness and moderation in charges will he hopes induce a share ot the business of kingston a manahan kingston 1 h jan 1832 1 otice is hereby given that tenders will bo received at this office until the 1st march next from any perseo or persons willing to rent the property well known as the kings ton tannery containing upwards of 3 acres and a quarter ol hind now the property of government situate adjoin ing the town of kingston comprising a substantial brick dwellinghouse cur rying shop stables sheds barkmill sixtytwo vats 25 of which are under cover with an excellent garden a con- slant run of water through the piemi- scs laid out and adapted to an exten sive scale of business in the tannery and currying line the above pioperty will bo let from the 1st april next for a term of seven years subject to be resumed by gov ernment dining any part of he said term should be required fur the public ser vice upon giving twelve months notice and it may be rented cither with the dwellinghouse which is separate from the tannery premises or without as may be required or it will he let for garden ing for which the ground is well calcu lated or for any other purpose for which it may be suitable should no eligible i- or further variwularsirrtrm the ordnance office point henry or at the royal engineer office kingston the rent to be paid quarterly to the ordnance siortkccpcr at this station in british silver the names of two persons willing to become security for the due performance of tlic conditions of the lease will he requited to be in serted in the tender office of ordnance kingston 12th jan 1832 t notice he stockholder of the commer cial bank of the midland district arc requested to meet at the court house in the town of kingston on thursday the 15th dy of march next at 12 oclock noon wt elect directors for tho said bank pursuant to the act of incorporation by order of the acting committee f a lurpersecy kingston 31st jan ls2 the subscription book for stock is left esq land for sale lot number eightyone in the 4th conccssiontownship of amelias- burgh county prince edward mid land district containing two hundred acres the soil is excellent and well timbered which will be sold low for cash foi particulars enquire of the editor kingston february 4th 1832 n as a otice the subscriber hav ing resumed business in kingston general commission merchant begs to inform the merchants of upper canada thai he has received a part of his full supply of west india produce consisting of brown fair and very fair muscovado sugars leward island and jamaica rum plantation coffee pi mento hollands gtn cogwlxft wrf other brandy all of superior quality also a largo supply of cooking aud at the office ot oeo mackenzie double and single stoves of different patterns ihe cooking stoves superi- oily furnished with tins pot ash kettles sheet iron english glue c he also daily expects a large and ge neral assortment of dry goods crock- cry hardware and such goods as will enable him to supply many of the mer chants usually resorting io montreal and the whole will be sold on terms so advantagcousas to dispose many of them to get supplied from him aud preclude the inconvenience risk and expense at tending the purchase of goods in the lower province barrack canteens 7ktotio is hereby given that the -i- canteens in the undermentioned barracks arc to be let upon the follow ing conditions for twelve monlhs from the 25th march next no person but of an unexceptionable character nor any person for more ilmn one canteen ot who will not undertake bona fide to reside in the canteen and conduct the business thereof in his own person will be approved nnd two sureties will be required for tho regular payment of the rent nnd of rill stimi which may become duo in respect of the said canteen and for the due perfor mance of the several conditions and sti pulations of the lease the person whose proposal shall bo accepted and his sureties must execute the indenture and lease of covenants relating thereto the particulars whereof may be known by applying to this of fice or to the barrack masteis at tho several barracks the names of two respectable per sons with their christian names pro fessions and places of abode who will join the tenant in executing the inden ture as his sureties must be insetted in the proposals and the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the ordnance de partment does not undertake to procure the tenant a license sealed proposals addressed to ihe re spective officers at kingston with the words tender for canteen written ea tho outside cover will be received t this office on or before 12 oclock noon the sih of march next after which hour any proposals received cannot be noticed by the mutiny act canteens are liable to have troops billeted on t all persons making tenders canteens are to take notice ibal they will be held to the strict performance of the covenants of their leases end full payments of their rents without any re mission or reduction further than the covenants of the lease iiself set forth the form of the tender to be asfouotct i hereby offer for the canteen in the bar racks at for 7wk months from the 35a march next the rent of povndt per annum for the house as a duelling and the further rent of per month for every 10 lon- commissioned officers and private sol- tins who may occupy the barracks during and mri bf as nis sureties fer tki same tho rent of ihe canteens as dwollinga avo to be proposed a tho sums stated oppo site to each in tho following list therefore the biddings will bo upon what offered for every ten men occupying the barracks this number will be ascertained from iho barrack masters monthly returns which are made upon the tirstdny of every month aod no changes io iho occupations of the barracks which may taifee placo i0 tho pro gress of the month either for or against tho tenant will be taken ioto account ne less number than tea will bo charged a- gainst iho teoaot nor will any odd number bo calculated thus if tho barracks should be occupied by 148 men on the first day of i lie month only 140 will be calculated for that month the bidders are also desired to iutroduce no fractional parts of a penny io their offers as they will not bo noticed nor will any tender bo noticed except nuch ua aro strictly accord tog lo the above forim c tete de point 14 0 0 jtuifitoaw point henry 2 0 0 sterling pej i frederick 1 10 0 f annum york 5 0 0j fori george avaherttburnh office of ordnance kingston 14th jan 1821 i it if og government contracts tfie stockholders of the steam boat william the fourth are re quested to meet at gauaonque on tuesday gib day of march next atl2o for the purpose of choosing a committee of fivo directors to maoago the affairs ofthe slock holders for the eosuing year pursuant to the articles of association john mcdonald secretary gaoaooqae feb- 6tb 1833 died in the township rf kingston on thursday the 16th inst mr joseph ferris an old and respectable inhabitant of the province aged 72 yenrs at port hope on the 8th inst susan arm of john d smith esq aged years jewelry plated goods perfumery c r jackson beos leave to return his thanks to the officers of the 66th regiment and the military stationed at kingston generally for the encouragement they have given him since his commencement in the above line and at the same time to assure them it is his intention and will be his endeavour to furnish an as sortment this year more worthy their pa tronage thnn what his stock was during tho year that is past kingston 25th feb 1832 if notice the stockholders of the john by are requested to pay into my hands ou or before the 1st of april next the ninth instalment of ten per cent- on their respective shares david john smith treasurer klngiton feb 25th 1832 notice mr seager ati3t from englind respectfully informs the inhabitant of kingston that he has taken rooms for the purpote of giving striking profik like0m in bronze for one dollar each he therefore re commends those who may wish to take advantage of this opportunity of procur ing a just resemblance in bts forceable and peculiar style to make an early ap plication as his stay will be very limited at the mansion house hours from 10 till 4 oclock office of the cataragui bridge company kingston january 30th 1832 at a public meeting of the stock holders held this day according to public notice and agreeable to the act of incorporation the following gen tlemen wero unanimously reelected di rectors for the ensuing year viz the hon john kirby jno r glover jno macaulay jno maiihb henry bmscoe esqrs geo f corbett sccy treat c- b c upon the arrival of the expected sup ply the subscriber intends to detail the advantageswhich his establishment here will afford to the upper canada mer chants which the limited time afforded by the publication of the chronicle to day precludes his doing now a manahan kingston october 15th 1831 t notice he subscriber having been duly appointed administrator to the estate of the late james davidson deceased requests all persons indebted to the said estate to make immediate payment and those having demands arc hereby desired topiesentthc same duly authenticated for adjustment robert g phillips administrator fredericksburg february 1st 1831 the commercial bank he stock book for this institu tion is open at the office of george mackenzieesq in storestreet jaouary 7 1832 t steamboat transport ijrof itffc is beteijy given that jl soaled tenders will be recerrad at the commissariat office at kingston until 12 oclock of monday ihe27ih day of february next from such per sons as may be willing to undertake the transport of government stores gunpowder and heavy ordnance ex cepted troops baggage horaespar- celsc until the closing of the navi- gation of this year viz fromprescott to kingston fiom kingston to york port dai- housie niagara and queenston also from york to port dalhousie niagara and queenston and from those places back again re spectively and it must be clearly un derstood that whenever required he contractor must forward passengers end stores by the earliest conveyance with out detention to favor liio interest of any particular boat all ordnance storcsniust be landed or received as relates to kingston at tb ordnance wharf atpoint henry the tenders must state the several rates in sterling agreeable to a prescribed form to he obtained at this office where the conditions of tho contract roay be seen and must have referent to two respectable persons as sureties whoso siguaturcs to the tenders are not re quired payment will be made at ihe option of the senior commissariat office either in british money or in other specie at the rate of 4s 4d sterling per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at 100 for each 100 10s steiling due upon the contract charles a clarke acg commissariat 1 kingston jan 24th 1812

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