Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 25, 1832, p. 2

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lo ft lady patroness of ahnacks most of them indeed lire compelled to make an annual pilgri- mnge par ditig tnee 10 ihc allies of meuiites that ihcy may bring kick the frippery of lie rue vivicnne and learn lo jabber out jvonsetr harbo all lhs is frivolous and vexatious anton he few superficial respectabilities of the conli- nent is the strictness of cntlume severing the various rlassra of society the parisian trades mens wifcj in her neatly quilled cap is afar more satisfactory object than mrs timkins in her windmill bonnet and i lie parisian cook- maid in her clean jacket and petticoat than tlie creature who lishes our own mutton in a gown of creasy pros dc naples our featherbed has never been satisfactorily ahakcu since cidirnanco petticoats and checked aprons were voted out of fashion loniion paper foreign news some hours later from london the packet ship haunibal capt hcbard says a loudon paper of jan 3 says accredited rumour that a serious derslandin exists between and france respecting the the fortresses on the jtclg i the 9 misfun- this country demolition uf ti frontiers ad- from spain caused money market lo- the ny commercial advertiser has ar rived from london bringing the loudon oveuing papers to the 2d of january the dates from the continent are one day la- government of this country will confiuc it ded to the intcuicncc n slijjht gloom iu th day the treaty of settlement between hol land belgium had nut yot been ratified hy the northern powers nf the alliance suspicion continue to he entertained of the conduct of the enifwror of russia hut witlt what reason it is impossible to sav our on n impression is that the 24 articles will be rattlibi i is f jan 4 it is impossible that too unfavourable a construction may have been put on the couduct of the emperor nf russia but in the absence of autiieutic information we crnnol belp looking on the rofusnf to ranfy the treaty coupled with the whole tenor of ihc couduct of l io kin of holland as extremely suspicious ac all events uc should he sorry la hnvo much dependeut ou the tenure of the sovereignty of king leopold hut however this may he we trust the favour the opinion of the dis- of some exceedingly violen proceedings of fact- which ortwr being contagious nro to ho added c lin caso which havo occurred both iu i ketvcnsllo and untosioad nf different mem- hci f hc same family- old aud young be- 1 ll attacked in succession tlateshcud the following official table sim s 114 progress t n ew cases jan- 1 a ifi 4 5 15 the oil rccovd 15 11 11 ufj nunry died u iii i 8 80 5 h 5 iw 9 82 i wo fact cooncctcd with this sudden mill destructive attack upon the inhabi tant of gateshead doservo particular no- he following article unou this subject i on the night preceding and on the ohl ho london morning herald of night of christmas day an unusual uum- her of people thero drank largely of or- im possible that too unfavourable a f spirits many ufthem were seen the trench chamber of deputies ex qr the minister of public us ruction having appealed at liie tribune to efend a larger voto of money for the civji tt than had been proposed by the commission and having uiusfed ic scnlitnem in reply to u deputy if you banish luxury front the palace of the king it will l so banish ed from the booses of his sutyects the de- put its of the oxtfcmcs of llitf chamber rose anil cried aloud m louis plilip has no sub jects m m caber ciof hoissiere and has no subjects order oidr letfhorniu- lasalle la- others exclaimed the kin reel istor ho called to order mmarchnl t who make king arc do lunger subjects citizens jginthe streets the wind which ha bee previously from the south veered to i der of the sittio ter than per advices hut nuihiug of part cular interest has transpired the de bates of the french chambers are some- times aogry but no present apprehensions for the public safety wcro entertained ni sebastiani tho miuister of foreign affairs is not expected soon if ever to resume the discharge of his official duties the apo plectic shock he has received was n severe one aud being a free liver a boa viuant he was a proper subject for that disease an important conference wa held at tho foreign office ou the 30th of december and couriers were despatched by lord pal- merston oo the day following to the courts of berlin and vienna with instructions lo the des- charged proposed mako tho most diligent haste patches with which they were are presumed to relate to the treaty oltpbnve llotwotlii fibtlhuuanirjjvm gium tho ratifications of which according to the protocol of the five powers are to be exchanged oo tho i6th of jauuary mean time the courier nt 4 oclock in the evening of the3lst announces au express from the hague with intelligence that the states general have voted hy au immense majority viz 52 against 8 the extraor dinary fundi required by the government io order to meet the probable war expen ditures for 1832 on the paris exchange there was some alarm but a deputation waited oo the minister of war and was assured that thechaoces of war hero were less probable and confidence was imme diately restored advices from portugal lisbon were to the 17th dec u too preparations for the defence of that country against the ex pedition of don pedro are continued with tbo greatest energy and great enthusiasm prevails for don miguel say tho miguclite papers numerous reinforcements of vo lunteers from the interior are daily arriving to reiu force his army and tho story that 80000 men will soon be ready to meet doo pedros army is repeated interlcrcnco to exertions to preserve the tranquility of europe wc havo suffered so much already from the hut then entail ed ou us by continental wars that we ought carefully to keep ourselves aloof from them except in cases of the most ur gent necessity we fear the continent is ou the eve of war and that the two prin ciples of aristocracy and democracy will como into collision v why should wc throw ourselves into the tat tee belgium lias no beeu settled in such a way as to lead to a hope of its remaining tranquil iu its present state these king doms with all the burdens of expensive monarchical establishments for province ire nuisances which the pcoplo of our days will not tolerate the dutch will soon wish for a stadtboldcr and belgium ihedorih on the night of the 24th and con tinued iu the same dircciiou on the 25th december precaution was taken to pro- vent the intoxication of tho people oo ev years eve anil oighi by closing iho die houses the goodeuect of this was 111 lr lose hut during five minutes not a word was heard except personal nod outrageous cries pgaiost the jtiste-mitutf- the tumult and disorder continued dorru tbo remain although the president ng witfl violence his it cnuld not ho heard no attention to tc president tumultuous aod violent nb- e made by tfll parties one in tho name of tho king i come amoog you to tell you you nro misled- 1 bring with mo numerous force to punish ihegiiihy and all wh are fioind niih the rebels will be put to deatli without mercy- you can not resist the kings troop surrender your selves and hcjj that your crimes may be pardoned all who yield themselves up in any military post imwttjiftww provided they arc not principals and chief in the burnings that have been committed will receive his majesty gracious pardon all who hold out wit meet with certain death willoutiiidy cotton majortjeneral commanding apdincton mcettug of iho inh migti be mgi itiiiarkahlo iu the report of sunday the cbaiobei i of january there was only ono death tfteclflss of persons attacked in gateshead ds risewherc nro the dissipated the filthy ill illfed the broken iu constitution aud thoso who have been exposed to a polluted atmosphere ntfkernm there ha not been a death fur several days and tho disease appears to bofiluiotoxtififr tfwtk tihhttte there has been a tri lling tucrease of cases at this place u all there have been 12 deaths and a recoveries seen great hell yet ono paid any aud the most serrations wo acaiost the other in various parts of the al half past si ho siliin clo- f reach capital contain the following s from friocc the staodarj calls n haddington nb the disorder stil wiluiu itlu h l u iuilju vi jilt mi itself of its hurtheusome sovereignly by joiniug a larger state it requires many hi gci at tliii place the following were the retnroson thursday and friday newcaser recovd died remain jan- 5 3 119 g g 2 2 11 total cases from tho commencement tho disoase 33 total deaths 10 we regret to learn lhat tlie disease is spreading in tho vicinity of haddinpion 1 o mill cfllsofl sisci in the midct nf noise meoace and agi- taliou cosslbcy is pttts- the london standard oi january 7 which by meaus of its specie pss from paris now gives ih latent iotclliscocc from the new impohoot to us it doc not appear of much moment yve have received hy specif express tho paris papers of thursday whicb bring us a detailed account of the conspiracy which we briefly alluaed ytcrday the ministerial joumalsi from one of which we select ai article giving a slrtemcnt of the aflair maintain that it was excited by the carlists ami fostered by money scnl from 0 llouic but the proclamation i which was found with the conspiraiors is jacobin io its general outline complaining ofnoniuterventinn iu italy tbo surrender lenox ano at a general of the couutios of lenox and iu tho midland district of the province of upper canada held nt fralicks inn in fredericksburg on thursday the sixteenth day of february is32 pursuant to public uotico given hy messrs perry and bidwell the representatives of the said counties in tho provincial assprnhey to consider the recommendation of his kxcelleucy the lieutenant governor io his late speech on die subject of organizing societies for tho information and assistauce of emi grants and any other matters connected with the welfare and improvement of tho province which might he proposed for con sideration dnh htwjkj esquire being called lo tho chair and joseph ncitson ap pointed secretary the following resolutions wore moved seconded and after full con sideration adopted resolved that although wo do not feel the pretended necessity of british emigrants to infuse itritish feelings into this province no portion of his majestys subjects being more huly loyal than the present inhabitants of tlio province although wc nro not con vinced of the expediency or justice ofcu- courftgillft a removal of the pauper popula tion of ho mother country to f province for support nd although we have not per ceived in this district the favorable results of recent emigration mentioned by his ex- messrs perry aud ridwcll fordep03itiog in the clerks offices of the five townships in these counties for township use fm nf the copies of the statutes apportioned io them by lite house of assembly m their share of the 200 copies purchased nf messrs thomson and macfadaoc fur 400 and paid for not of tho contingent fund of the house the thanks of ihc meeting were also voted to the chairman for his services iu the chair during tho meeting george mkcnie esquire nf kingston moved verbally that he meeting approve of the couduct of the licutcn h when the show nf mis took place on this motion there was a dispute as to which side carried it and a when almost every nt cuvernor hrkt1no litanis addiogtou division was called for k m imvo occarretv at ocnuiiou fiblnaiikivlttiil three at atheistancford and one at vert nc me eowpiracy wcro very piw ni ah ritot to millions of men ami a large ter support a king and supply provisions for his children the petty king aud prin ces of germany defray their expenses chief ly out of thci- properties in laud london january 3 lord grey left this town this morning for brighton lor submitting surd tho be they were confined to seizing on fryot notrcdamo by eight people bell as r iocsin and al io ttl fire in ou0 of the towers as goal the men were almost immedi ately seized only oub escaping wo con fess that wc doubt tho cariistn of tho plot the archbishop of canterburys visit lo ringing the tempting a king at brighton and tho repeated ews of his grace with ear g lo hittinghame at tbo former place one uf the cases proved fatai and one recover ed- at the other tno places tho fourda- creiuaiued under treatment on friday edinburgh wc regret to have to state that this awful scourge of iho human race has actually visited the metropolis of scot land the edinburgh paperstercely al- the purposo of submitting to his majesty llltt0 0 ihe fact hot the existeoce ofihcdis- the the result of the deliberations of last nights on there is coofirmed by private letters interv cabinet council the list of new peers es j rfc iu liverpool and especially by a relate to an extension of the episcopal es sential to u0 created for carrying the na- j j addressed to the lord provost hy mr tablishment in india and nn increase in tiooal bill through tho upper house- 1 coders 2nd which is published in the ca the cumber uf buips mortality in lhat the ttmps says that the inaariago of i icjooian mercury of saturday the first class in our indian empire having of iato leopold with iho second daughter of louis cw0 occurred on thursday in the house 1 years become quite alarming philippe will be rather oue of inclination y 4 west adamstreet the suflerers lord brougham ta no longer a regular than otherwise before his elevation to nira is leech aud die medical men pro- contributor of the edinburgh review but ihe throne leopold saw the lady in pari i nianeed tho ease to be one of a decisive ho is known to haie sent articles to the frequently and his attentions to her were j c an unequivocal example of tbo daily papers io favour of reform takiog more markc than to the other membcis jmodic cholera- jcare owcvcr to nave them copied by of the royal family i by the prompt measures taken tho pa- another baud before they wcro scut favorable wfty towards re- court journal the earl of dfiodnald late lord coch rane has purchased from ftugee tho opu- still later from europe mg pool albion of january j gives an inte resting account of iho prores of tho cho lera in england from tho date of our pre- trlllt acouih lu lit tllll jiliiumt tuilu sivo we perceive hith uu that the fear lu malady has reached edinburgh kkwlasttri jan 2 4 liel g ii g u remain lite illj 120 wo can from the n y commercial advertiser four dys latek london papers of tho evening of january 3d aod liverpool of the 4th have been re ceived at norfolk by the tallyho from liverpool the most important item of intelligence by ibis arrival is the news of the positive determination which the british ministry has formed of carrying ihc ucform bill iu iii i ui ull ftfifti4 tin lial tit lli new peerages in be created for lhat purpoc has been formed and fail grey had de parted for windsor to present it to the king for his approbation in ten years from the passage of the hill should the premier live he will see either tiio wisdom or lolly of his work the cuolkra the following bulletin shows the state of this terrible dtsense at the last dates front the infected districts r central guard of health council office lyhuthafi 3d jan 1833 sunderfond jan 1 remaining at last report 3 new cases 0 died 0 reco vered 0 remaining 3 total cases from the commencement of disease 530 total deaths 199 nexccastte jan 1 remaining at last report 70 new cases 57 died 1 1 reco vered 14 remaining 10b total cases from the coiutneucement uf disease 419 deaths 133 galtshtadt jan remaining at last report 84 new cases 20 total 104 died 1 recovered remaining j4 total ca ses from commencement of the disease 251 deaths 75 north shields and tynemouth jan lj durham at remaining at last report 2 new cases 2 aimed at lei died 0 recovered 1 remaining 3 total ance at south sniclds but wherever cases from the commencement of tho dis- it has extended iu newcastle or the ease 21 deaths 12 surrounding neighborhood it appears to be houghton- spring and pcnshtr jan attended wit nmri precisely similar cir- those attacked ate still the utat was in n lavuraiile way toward re r jvery and sir sanders says thero would the ship nimrod from liverpool nrri- j have no danger had assistance been ved off the entrance of our harbour tiiis ex morning and was hoarded several miles at sea by satnenfthe news-boats- tho k- wff amiphlogistic ineans ought to be a- y dopted by which means the diease will inevery iostance he mitigated and iu the med during the first stage he adds that lent tailor hanover lodge iu the regents moment the symptoms oferatrment ap- park nearly oppoitc the pavilliouof ibe ditors of the commercial have received this conveyance london papers of jauuary 7 aud liverpool uf the 9th they were politely brought hy tho news schooner uf the courier and enquirer tho reader will find some intelligence ofinteicst froguessof the chqlkim is knglano the following artielo from tho liver vcs tlio cholera morbus is iu ihc lower pari of mauui- ncwgatcstrecr perey- incw ci jw it covj 1 12 45 2t so 19 iu 5 tho tyne aiereury nbsei uo longef say that confined lu the birceis newcastle it has reached the chase lmvbridgc street prodhoe- street and some others- it has extended also to the westgate it as followed the courso of the river and has not only attacked tho village of st an- ihonytf st peters dents hole wallscnd howden and walker hut has appeared up tho water at leamington ltytou sec at seghill it still continues though not so vio lent as it was the cases at throplii near morpeth are represented to have been common no malignant cholera aud those at hcbburo in the same neighbourhood a description of fever cases still occur in the county of houghton and the disease is to havo made its nnncnr greater number completely arrested 4 stage says ho m either not being known or not attended to has itherto hcec the cidcf cause of the groat fatality grand totals cases from the com mencement of the disease i 489 deaths fium ditto 509 the reform eill tiio liyorpnn vhimi of t 0th thus positively auuoutico sin- diicrmiiiattou ol the covcrnnieiu lo rrc a sulhcient num ber of pen to earn the hill a to what is said about nvitg iho peers and the country from dcstiuctloq by this bold measure o tho early triutnpl of iho cause of reform is now certain thr king of his own freo will as much as by itio advice of his minis lew has determined to crcato a sufficient number of peers to nosuro e success ol the refonn hill tho step is hold hut it ij strictly couslltttl tonal it utile least of two evih liptccn which tbo govern men i had to choose tho antireform peers aro tin- dei wc to the kins and h dfith 1 remaining at last report 8 ast report not stated new 2 recovered 3 remaining from new ca scs ij died 2 recovered 1 rcmaiutdgtl 8 total cases from the commencement i of the disease 32 deaths it seghitti dec 31 the number of cases remaining at i cases 7 died 2 the total of cases and deaths commencement of disease not staled haddington a b decitt reosmoing at last report c now cases 1 total 7 died 2 recovered 0 rema jiog 5 to tal cases from commencement of disease 14 deaths 6 no official reports received from hartley wallsend walker and seaham signed wm maclkav secy accounts from berlin and vienna rep resent the rapid decline of tho disease in those capitals aud the country gene rally letters from smyrna of the th xov btato j cumstances- pool who are ill fed ill lodged liviug iu filthy situations those previously weak ened by ill health and the intemperate or those who by approaching iho sick have been exposed to the distempered atmos phere or cllluvia the manner in which tho disease is stated to have been intro duced into leamington is deserving of uo- lice aud seems to add another fact to ihoso already kuowotoshow that ihc coiuplaiut communicates from ouo to smother a food to he as hostile lo the new e to the old bill aud aro as determined reject it coder these circumstances s ministers have been com pelled reluctantly so we havo no doubt lo save the peers themselves from destrue- on ud tho country from rcvointinu and anarchy by making an addition to the peerage itself the autireformcrs have brought the evil if evil it he oo themselves i hy their own obstioacy and selfishness there had been reports of the death off tho duke of wellington winch created i much sensation messengers were immc- 1 diacly sent from tho postoffice by the duke j of uichmood and from the govcromeot of fice also tho answer to the duke of richmond was that the marquess of hertford an alliance is about to take place be tween lord afnlphus fitzclarenco and lady ccorgiana paget lord anglews only uomarried daughter by his first mar riage sir carnaby hsggarston bart who was for many years a distinguished mem ber of the haul ton expired on saturday last at haggchtov in the seventysixth year of his ago death flf mr hkhnrrs 5w john hugli luckhnrl cdclviu oiju iociv bnrti i died on the 15th in t at his fa thers residence in rfusscxphre regents park- he was iu his eloventi year ha ving been born early iu 18i for some years he suffered severely iron illhealih so much so that bis dcavl expected lie lent aud wasofa most studiots and ami- ablo disposition his name h connected with our literature as being tht little fellow hugh little jolldi as liis srandfathcr playfully called him to whou sir u alter tseutt addressed his tales ofa grand fa ther iu the frontispiece of wiich the boy cell enc j the lieutenant governor in h ttwsri o wclcotno rmoui an us afiw any emigrants of fair person went to tlie side of the negative ou every other question after a bhuw of hands in favor ofir a show of bauds was called for against it and in no case were there a dozen hands raised against it davis hawlky chairman joseph neilson secrciarv hid beett 1 nag ivc great pnmiso oftu- ihcy was drawn seated on tho gromd jamaica tho cont from jamaica it our last direct a wc arc informed lialtimort american ins the intelligence whici wc annex is five day later than ivices from that island there arc private letters iu town w hich represent iho stite of things n the vicinity of wontego by as fnr les alarming than this accouut ofcapti snuw wo wcrealready aware lhat martial law had been proclaimed and tin three fri gates had sailed from kiuesteiitviih tmop the proclamation of sir wilhughby cut- tou however isnctv and imponant from the bahiinorc american f tuesday the slave insurrection in jana ice the conn up yestcr- icd i sand i death to nlo woman whose husband of cholera went after nio ucatn to viit her fathcrinlaw at leainingtou she was seized there with the same disor der and though sho had medical assistance afforded to her aod was apparently doing well the inhabitants would not sutfer her remain she was brought down in a her cd brought boat to saodgato where she died fatheriolav w huso name we unrlers that the cholera which had frightened waswailes was similarly attacked at lea- away most of thu ruhahiinots from that city who had thi menus of leaving it had entirely subsided thero was uo looger plaguo or cholera at cuustantiuoplc a 6olomu tt deunt had beeu performed in the whiter palace st petersburg at which the imperial family were present to return thanks tu god for tho total cessa tion of the cholera at st petersburg the city was illuminated in the evening tmngion a fev days afterwards and sunk under tho disease it seems tu have gain ed a footing at gateshead fell in a similar manner tho body of a young mau who died from cholert at spring well near wrokington was brought to his father house at gateshead low fell when tho disease broke out there it commenced in 501 s duko fell much schooner harvey snow better and had some thoughts of going to strathfieldsave the bristol riots tho spccialcom- mission for the trial of the prisoners impli cated iu the bristol riot was opened in bristol on iho 2d ult some tumult was anticipated but no attempt at violence oc curred the lord chief justice charged tho grand jury at great length six per sons were put ou tho bar on the 3d char ged with having assembled riotously on the 30lh october last and having brokeu open the gaol aud the bouse of the governor the tria lasted aii day tho jury were charged by the chief justice ou ihc uext oiorqiog aud after having been out for three hours and a half returned with a verdict nf guilty against five of the prisoners clarke the ringleader a nuucul fainted iu tho trial- saull c aud bishop they taiu lewis who shot a ar lookiug urjog ss- ihe miie cottages close to where tho corpse from j ipriugwetl bad been taken to these j man the court several tiinesv two lads were then tried foi for firing the house of wcro convicted a cap- boy with a pistol during the riot was discharged from his re- cognizanfes the graud jury having ignor ed tho bill agaioslhicn on tho 5th five persons two uf whom had been convicted on the first trial were tried fur demolishing the bridewell and were a found guilty ou tbo uth 6ix others were convicted of arson tumult in the fkfntll chambers thssc papers likewise contain a report day eveuing from montego bty jamaica whence sho sailed on ihn 5h january captaiu snow reports that the vholc island was in a state of confusion aid alarm in consequence of the iusurrcctimary move ments of the slaves tne troipshad been called out aod had attacked tlcmaod all wiio did noi surrender at disiiction were shot many slaves it io adud had met that fate martini law had ban declared uimj the vessels io port were utt permittee to sail the ii however beog full uud having applied for a clearance several das before the declaration of tho uartial law was allowed to depart tirec british frgntes had arrived there fron kingston with 500 marines ou hoard tho insur rection was nut quelled whence il sail ed aud capt s- saw severe large fires burning at a distance a ncm hut had been examined aud 30 stand o arms found therein tho insurgents apfuared to be well armed the following proclamatioiiwas issued on tho 2d january montegobtfv head quar i stjomosff jan 1832 j to the rebellious slaves negroes you havo taken 3 arms a gain your masters not haw burnt and plundered their houses ant buildings some wicked persons havo uj y t tho king hat made you free ai i y masters withhold your freedou f y character and good principles and of sober and industrious habits ml to afford litem all the information and assistance in our power hut wc do not ace auy present oc casion for orgauiying a formal society for that purpose rculvcdi that tho representatives of theso counties in tho provincial assembly are entitled to the approbation and thanks uf their constituents for their faithful able and eloquent support of the civil and reli gious rights and true interests of the people aod their united exertions to amend the laws and promote the improvements and prosperity of the province resolved that wo highly approve of the resolutions and addressed passed by the house if assembly at their late session respecting the clergy reserves an es tablished church iu this province the char ter uf kings college tho school lauds and ihe chaplain of the house also the principle nf the supply hill containing some retrenchments and granting the supplies by items the bill for the distribution of intestate estates the bill allowing persons on trial for life to be defended by counsel the bill allowing the truth to be proved in trials for libel tho grantham academy bill the bill limiting the charges for prin ting government advertisements and the kill appointing commissioners to treat with lower caoada all which said rills were passed by tho assembly and rejected by the legislative council and ulso several bills and addresses brought into the as sembly hut opposed and defeated for the present by ho majority of the house pliltcumjij lll jmicm fr ocljlol ftm iv perrjs township officers bill aod his jury bill aud addresses relative in settlement duty required of u e loyalist and iheir being restricted from obtaining locations in certain townships except on condition of actual settlement resolved that we disapprove of the proceedings of the house of assembly in terfering with uto freedom nf tho press and tho elective franchise nppropri money tor ihc purchase ofslatuiesfur then selves aud other extravagant grants and their proceedings on varithi political sub jects and are of opinion that the house does not at present truly represent tho sense of tho province and ouglll therefore to be dissolved that tho people may he more truly represented in their appropriate branch of the legislature resolved thai we are constrained by a sense of ruth to declare that the legisla tive council by a systematic rejection of bills aud measure generally and most earnestly desired for the public benefit havo losttbp confidence and respect of the great body of the people resolved thai the hopes which we luiinni upon the arrival of our present lieutenant governor havo not been reali zed but wc regret that his excellency ap pears to listen io tho same counsels aod pursue the same system ofpolicy which rendered his predecessors administration jestys subjects f ting to the editor of the kingston chronicle 8lr however unwilling to engage in news paper discussion i cannot permit the very erro neous statement put forth by the chairman and secretary of the lenox and addinton meeting lo pass unexplained and uncontradicted permit mo to ubslitutc truh for misrepresent ation and give a brief but faithful account of whal rtalbj did take place on that occasion far as i can call tho circumstances to my recol lection the number assembled consisted as nearly as 1 could judse of about 200 persons a chairman and secretary having been chosen the notice subscribed by messrs perry and bid- well was read mr ferry then addressed the meeting at grcal length with ins usual ability theirs resolution was then proposed i am not certain by whom but i think i was by mr lasher from the situation in which 1 stood i could not see in whal manner it was reccivcu by the people i soon alter learned from several of the bystanders that a considerable number of hands were displayed in favor of it but that the great body ol the people remained passive on the motion being put in the negative no one op pose ii the second resolution was then pro- posed bv mr lasher i nw this rerahttien put a considerable fiuuibcrel iianus appeared ums fa vor but it certainly appeared tome that the great majority of those assembled took nn interest whatever in the matter on the motion being put in the negative no one appeared to oppose it mr bidwell then addressed tlicm chiefly on the subject of mr mackenzie expulsion he spoke in his usual forcible and eloquent style but he appeared lo me to labour under a depres sion of spirit mr casey was the next person who spoke the third resolution ws then pro posed and adopted in the same manner as the two former in the course of the day i enquired of several of the assembled freeholders whether as i re sided without the counties any interference on my pari might be considered officious or uncall ed for and was assured lhat it would not one of the persons whose opinion ithusaskcd was mr perry who liberally expressed his entire acquiescence that i siioutd address the meeting on the third resolution being proposed and a- dopted in the manner stated i got up on the platform where the chairman and a few of those who seemed to take most interest in the pioccedings stood and asked the people if it was their pleasure to hear tne that if it was not their pleasure to hear me they would be pleased to say so and i would respectfully retire i waa answered by a general cry of goon go on fee i then addressed them ol considerable lcngthand concluded with moving resolution approving of the conduct of his excellency sir john colborne i offered io go in search of pen ink and paper and commit my motion lo writing but as from tho crowded situation in which we stood this would have been inconvenient several persons called out that it would do as well lo out il verbally when 1 commenced my address 1 had no inten tion of moving any resolution but when 1 saw how favourably disposed the people appeared to he to the sentiments 1 expressed and the good humour with which they received a little raillery on the conduct of their represeniatives ll oceur- iil iu j- umi v ytit f kftprobtlioft ol hls ufc- cclkneys conduct might readily be obtained and thus mar and defeat the ulterior object of the promoters of the meeting before the sense of the meeting was taken on my motion mr perry again addressed them and after him mrneilson the motion was then put hy the chairman and a shew of hands demanded there appeared a far greater number of hands in its favor than were displayed on any of the precedinfl resolu tions it was then put in the negative and a shew of hands demanded when i am certainly exceeding rather than underrating the number when i slate them at lesa than a dozen cries of carried now aioso followed bv wa ving of hats and caps and loud and enthusiastic cheering lhat lasted fur some minutes by a simultaneous movement the meeting now broko up and the people began to leave the ground all attempts on the part of the chairman and others to get them to hear any further resolutions prov ing ineffectual i left with the rest and subse quently heard that some two dozen of ihc glut eal partisans of messrs perry and bidwell re mained after the general meeting dispersed and went through the ludicrous faice nf vntingthe other resolutions for the truth of the foregoing statement appeal to all who were present at the meeting whose sense of truth and fair play is not destroyed by party spirit or political mftl your obedient servant geo mackenzie n b the editors that have published the statement of the chairman will please insert tho above uusatisfnetory to iu m new steam boat the geotlcmen of the committee apoiolcd to collect subscrip- for a new steam boat to ply between ions ihc inhabitants cf this province j hamilton york ond niagrmh are re- uesolvcd that in this unhappy state of quested to have their lists in readiness and tilings it is our duty as british subjects to in prepare for holding a meeting at an early transmit to his majesty a respectful ad dress stating our complaints aud humbly praying for tedress resolved that henry lasher benja min fairfield jr- williaru j fairfield jo seph neiison and george h detlor be a committee to draft an address to his ma jesty resolved that henry lasher benja min fairfield jr botvod aylsworth d c smith benjamin clark e switzer bar nabas beach jacob rombough esq wil liam haivley john milligan calvin perry james sewsird john van dyck d lewis thorp william sills henry sharp wil liam prinjrlc solomon barager and goorgo ii detlor he a committee to at tend tu the signing of the address aud the transmission of it through his excellency day pursuant to the resolutions advertised in our last page as mr macnab has al ready procured subscribers to the amount of 2000 aod captain mackenzie of king ston has proposed to subscribe for 600 stock nod to proceed to eogtnnd for a steam engine and other materials which he has ascertained can he procured of su perior quality for 1200 bss than in this couutry hamilton mercury emigration- by a letter from london dated 30th nov wc learn that the ship caroline 450 tons burihen has been char tered to sail from london on the 25th march with emigrants for canadn 50 or 00 of whom wo are assured will hriogout from 15000 to 20000 and 150 steerage passengers of a more respectable description than usual among the cabin passcn- ihc lieutenant governor or any other gcrs are three medical men an architect channel of communication which they may deem cxpedieur to correspond with any ageui oraeentta or the committees of other counties on the subject and to take such measures as they may judge necessary or proper lo promote the object oftbo address of w be a itch coniii quorum iuee aoven mombers shall half pay captaiu ado lieutenant an ex perienced civil engineer and a number of most intelligent tradesmen and farmers the latter of whnm will bring out a choice selection of all kinds of breeding stock agricultural implements grass seeds c a great proportion of these emigrants w aro told iuteud to settle io the neighbour ly meeting passed n vote of ihaoks to hood of guelph york courier

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