Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), January 7, 1832, p. 4

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last moments of mr salt the late british consul general in egypt tlie impression never ceased lo haunt him thai his chamber was acharnel and that he owed his deliverance from it to a mighty effort of his moral courage he entertained the extraordinary notion that he had been for several days atten ding his own funeral or rather in pur suit of it for every time he came up with the procession the horses immedi ately galloped on with the hearse when lie lost sight of his own corpse he fancied he had at length overtaken it at the door of his own apartment and he had the key of it brought to him and o kissod it repeatedly in gratitude for the chronicle hoys new years address to his patrons- another smiling new years day invites die rude lite artless lay of your attttluous newsboy who with constant care and labuur too endeavour in his patrons prace to merit a distinguished place and now with poetic address again would greet thorn and express his wishes for their happiness may they throughout the year to come enjoy content and may their home be crownd with plenty anil their land yield txcofotd increase in their hand may no discordant factions jar may no relentless sanguine war invade our shore- and here we pause a tear to shed oer freedoms cause thine poland thy much injured name yet unextinguished lives lo fame and to the base usurpers shame but low has sel thy freedoms sun thy heroes have their races run and thou unhappy poland now unto the yoke must tamely bow and was there none could shield thee from such direful overwhelming doom jfo aid to thee from england sent when danger was fed imminent where tarried france why was she slow to strike for thee the avenging blow and free thee from the invading foe alas none interposed nay all awaited calmly til thy fall had irremediably sealed the fate of that contested field- thus poland sunk thy warriors brave and not a hand outstretched to save but hold this subject we will waive a printers imp should not be grave when greeting on the opening year his patrons with his annual cheer although his painful task it be and who from grief is wholly free to record unpleasant scenes as well as those which arc asreeablc reflections grae hell gladly yield to abler pens than he can wield and only pray his patrons neer in this our western hemisphere such dire events may have to fear such scenes of misery and of woe may they oh may thy never know my gentle sirs i pray excuse the wanderings o youthful muse and be not chagrined if again she ere she close her simple strain conduct your willing thoughts once more unto the transatlantic shore and first well give a hasly glance at the disastrous state of france where civil dudgeon oft grows high and men fall out they know not why and fiercely fight like mad or drunk 11 for dame religion us for punk forgive our rudeness wc beseech and take not umbrage at our speech although the sentiment he coarse it is not therefore of less force how applicable the quotation witness the conflicts in that nation those horrid outrages upon the clerical profc 51011 those bloody massacres which hurld from this probationary world sans benefit oj cvergj- those poor clergymen whose crime arose from what from neither more nor less than that they wisely i confess rein servant f hi holiness had thought they unreal ramert might do jtist what their will inclined them 10 and much indignant wore io llnd 11 misguided mortals miinchned to question the divinity of him who filled the papal see and more than that oh void of shame dared to dispute his awful claim to the full and absolute controul of both the body and the soul but peace be with them if peace may we who are left in peace will pray and though it threaten vet we hope suchac may never reach the popo and england now with much concern our anxious eyes to thee we turn and see the spirit of reform like mists before the pathrinz storm portentous rising on the view assuming still a darker hue and measuring with unbounded stride proud britains isle from side to side thus much for europe now we come to pecn at the nffairs of home and here your rhyming bard might long protract the limits of his sung to tell what things are agitated what things are canvassed or debated j what things of interest of what nature now occupy the legislature but lest we should too ptoljx grow these matters all we will forego your patience that ou may not lose we now bid farewell to the muse whose utmost wish is answered if she have but contributed to please you and her best reward- some token of your kind regard the chronicle bot his escape he lingered through tho day und about nightfall we had a repe tition of the horrors of lite preceding evening vvc had been nil completely exhausted with continued watching for nearly thirty days and ilwas not to be wondered at that flic attendant who was left in chare was sometimes found nod ding at his duty a very few liouts be fore the closeoftlie last scene his greek servant yani who was scaled half asleep by the bed side was suddenly startled by the noise of some one filling on the floor on approaching the spot he found his master exiended at full length he had stolen from his bed as on the preceedin night but his strength soon failed him and he sunk by the bed side a convulsion followed which had dis torted his features and uch was his appearance when the creek beheld hint that in the stupefaction of the moment he stooped down and pressed his thumbs to his eyelids believing him to be either dead or in the agony of dying at that moment mr wontefiore approached and thrust aside the stupid servant with whom the poor invalid was feebly sirutr- gling and no soaner was he released than he stretched forth his cold hand and grasping that of mr montefmrc he exclaimed in a piteous tone oh doctor this is frankenstein l these were the last words he ever spoke metropolitan major cadell of the 28th regiment it will be recollected that this gentle man an ofiicer highly esteemed in his corps was tried in august for having appeared in a state of intoxication the following is the result of the trial the court martial after considering the evidence in support and refutation of the charge is of opinion that major cadell 28th regiment is guilty of the charge preferred against him the cnnrn fltertffero in consideration of the long and meritorious services ol major cadell as also the high character given of him as an officer and gcntlemanas well as from the strong impression on the minds of the court that the pri soner had drank very little on that day and thai the intoxication was the effect of illness added to fatigue and over ex ertion beg humbly and earnestly to re commend him to his majestys most gracious clemency his majesty was pleased to approve and confirm the find ing and sentence of the court in con sideration however of the earnest re commendation of the prisoner by the court and of his long and meritorious services and of the high character gi ven him as an officer and a gentleman his majesty was further pleased to ex tend his most gracious clemency to ma jor cadell and to command that he be ordered lo return to his duly with an admonition to be mindful of the great indulgence extended towards him and with the expression of his majestys hope that he will not prove unworthy of it byrons first love we notice from the english papers that the lady of john masters esq formerly miss chaworlh byrons earliest love lost her life in the attack by the mob at col- wick hall the seat of her husband the furniture destroyed it is mourn ful to reflect how many connected with the history of the noble bard hive died tragical deaths his page immor talized in his tale of lara lady caro line lamb shelly and his first love v the beautiful sentiments of mrs he- mans on the grave of korner natuially occur on such an occasion to those who believe and hope in a future have they not met ere now so let those trust who dimt for moincnubut not to part for years and weep watch pi ay lo keep buck dust from dust and lovewhcreioveis but a fount of tears wrntjce- ti10 subscriber hav- jl ing resumed btisines in kingston as a general commission ricnlinni begs t inform the merchants of upper sanaibi that he has received a pan of his fall supply of west india produce consisting of brown fair and very fair muscovado sugars leward island and jamaica rum plantation coffee pi mento hollands gin and cogniac and other s randy all of superior quality also large supply of cooking and doubwnd single stoves of different pattern the cooking stoves superi orly furnished with tins pol ash kettles sheet iron english okie c he dso daily expects a large and ge neral assortment of dry goods crock ery hardware and such goods as will j enable him to supply many of the mer chants usually resorting to montreal and tlu whole will be sold on terms so advantctgeousas to dispose many of them lofcet supplied from him and preclude the inconvenience risk and expense at tending the purchase of goods in the lower province upon the arrival of the expected sup ply ihtf subscriber intends to detail the advantages which his establishment here willatioidto the upper canada mer chants which the limited time n abided by the publication of the chionicle to day precludes bis doing now a hawaiian ecottsuin october 15th 183l t o let and possession given immediately lois no 13 and 11 ill the 5th concession of pius- burg on die leading road to perth and 12 iniks from kingston containing 350 acres with 100 acres of cleared land on tlx premises is a superior two sto ry log house with the other houses necessity to complete a kami it is al so in in excellent situation for a ta vern tint fanmiufg slordw tmgifjmr wijjl the present large crop can be given by appicved security the term of lease is such that it can be taken from one to ten years further particulars can be obtained from mr joseph uruce merchant kingston oi to the proprietor on the premises john lavery pittsburg september 7th 1831 month eal tiazettje the proprietors of the montreal gazette announce their intention of having a competent person resident in quebec attending upon the provin cial legislature and reporting the de bates in both houses as far as circum stances will permit a prompt and de tailed account ol all the public docu ments before the house will also be regularly furnished intending subscri- ers will find it to their advantage to make an early application so as to have their file of the debates perfect from the opening of the session ye mon treal gazette is now published three times a week tuesdays thursdays and saturdays at the moderate rate of 25s per annum postage included montreal gazette ojfice nov 10th 1831 wanted dnifls on loudon and british silver tor which the highest rate of frreii idgstoa i i n will he given by a illiuuu mrs parmentier offers tor salts ii the hurl icultrral botan- iaiden brooklyn l- l two mites from new york a fin collecuoii i tlw most lesirnble kinds of table and wine grapes pears apples cherries peaches pluuls nectarines apricols sc also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plains a choice collection of jubnilily and hrdv roses prim ed directions for planting arc furnished to purchasers mr james macfarlanc editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit anil or namental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered irom him will be carefully pack ed and forwarded without the slightest de lay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid at the olliceof the chronicle rtferenc john macanlay jojio kirhy john marks stephen yarwuud allan mclean esquires 24th march 18m n b it may be proper to mention that the necessary directions wild be sent aloug with the different trees as to the hau lier of treating them trees received in the fall can be safely buried in the ground until the aprinc wheu they can bc planted ni thou i receiving any injury from thelrost provided that ihey are entirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall he takeu that several orders will he made up into one package with a view to save the expense of enrrige the subscriber hflwng been appointed agent io this province for mrs rarmcn tier is now ready tn receive orders agreea bly to the above advertisement james macfarlane kin gjth march 1h3i alt rheum this invent disease which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physicians has ai length fouud a sovereign remedy iu uft la granges genuine ointment few cutaneous diseases arc met with more re iiturtfcei bit jhrytnerun liiont in ivbieh he is so universally unucesful this oiutment has stood the lestcol experience and justly obtained an uupaialleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to tfe vessel so the skio and its original colour and smoothucss numerousreconune odatioos might be obtained of itr superior ellicacy but the proprietor chose that a fah trial should he iis only commentator it has iu three or four weeks cured ces of fifteen and tweuty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once fives immedi ate relief io salt rheum bno cures tinea capitas comoiouly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to uu- ealihy children qy there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it aud it may be used ou inlants or others uuder auy circumstauees whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by win binley kingston john musson quebec and george bent mon treal sole agent for the canada kingston ilthjuly 1628 t apply improvement in paper our li verpool correspondent stales that a ve ry important improvement in the manu facture of paper has very recently heen introduced at ilie works of the messrs harris brothersc of that place it is effected bv a machine for straining the pulp which entirely frees it from knots before it goes upon the mould and thus it acquires a perfectly even and unble mished surface which makes it far nioie pleasant to write rule print or in fact lo work upon in any way and gives besides to the work a much handsomer appearance than what is done on paper made in the ordinary method quebec mercury 221 oct or salk- lot no 3js in iave street kingston apply io the editor of ihis paper ti am stolt i i o ifs f hotel the subscriber baviog rented this extensive and well known establishment has now opened the same or t ho accommodation uf the public tbo mansion house isplensautly situat ed ua store street being the principal aod most central street in kiuston aud no establishment of the kind io the province can surpass it in the excellence aud comfort uiiis apartments in regard both to parlours aud bed rooms all of which arc fur nished in the very best style the subscriber baviog kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unre- nitting attention to the comforts of his guests he will merit a share of the public patronage in rear of the mansion ilousc is a lare yard iu which there is an extensive and commodious range of stablesaud tvliere a livery stable will be constantly kepi for the accommodation of the public s caitlwino kingston 94th october 1630 lithography from canadian sonc the subscriber begs io announce to the public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by the name of william ivfrftess where will be executed all kind of work ap plicable to thai useful art mcii as maps plans views circulars music head- notices with the sketch of the ijoat if requited blank deeds anil memorials funeral notices embellished with suit able emblems bills of exchange c c c persons wanting any kind of copies oi lheir own hand writing will be supplied with prepared paper and che mical ink for that purpose s o tazewell n b cniricaturcs printed by the sketch being v kingston august 12th 1831 ill subscriber offers for sale at very low rates for cash or short approved credit 00 tierces und250 barrels of mus covado sugnr 51 puncheons and 30 ilhds of high ly liavoied and strong proof jamaica hum 10 barrels of first qualily plantation coffee 20 bags of pimento 2 pipes of best holland gin 2 pipes cbatantie brandy he has also on hand 20 cooking stove s of a new and highly admired pattern well furnished with tin utensils ico boxes of sheet iron 30 boxes of t d pipes 10 groce each 10 bands of best english glue 1 cwt each he is daily expecting a large supply ofsuperior wines of different descrip tions and an extensive consignment of stoves sin file and double of potash and sugar kettles and hollow ware all of which will he disponed of at the mon treal prices the transport from thence simply added amanahan- kingston oct 18 1331 books for sale he following books are for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of 1 he history uf the jews from the ear liest petiod to the present lime by the rev h ii milman in 3 vols is mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g lockiiart esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d london edition 3 vols is mo life of nelson by robert south- ev esq with a poiiiatt th life uf 1pvipf ihr ftwftft by the rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated by numerous engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq is mo the life of mohammed founder of the religion of islam and of the em pire of the saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate is mo letters on demonology and witch raftc by sir walter scott bart is mo with a plate jjistory of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols 18 mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions with illustrations of lheir climaiece- ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh murray esq with maps c 18 mo life and tirr eg of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george croly with a portrait is mo new and improved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the catliest ages lo the picsent time with illustra- book binding establishment at tub kingston chronicle ojfre the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred bock- binder informs the public hat all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his oflicc with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf folio full houud iu calf orna mented quarto do do octavo do do 12mo do do idrao do do half binding in calf folio half bouud aod orna mented quarlu ociavi l2mo lbuio do do do do do do do do s d 1 0 0 0 1g 0 0 5 l o 3 0 0 2 v 4 0 f 0 17 0 0 7 0 0 3 8 0 1 8 0 1 3 binding in j folio full bound aod roentcd quarto do do octavo lo lo 12mo do to 81mo do do uriiii i 0 17 o 7 6 0 3 4 0 2 3 0 1 8 also ledger blank work and ruling to auy size or pattern- for port folio and faucy biudiog separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13lh april 1829 new stereotype e- dition of mavors spelling book the subscriber has in the pi ess an extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from the 25tii london edition a d 1s27 this edition which will be printed on guoil pipei noiu lliu mm- ulfcuslwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may is30 opperplate press a lirst rate copperplate printing press has just been received at the chronicle oftice where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale nt the chronicle oflice juhf lath 1830- t com- umpi v- t begs has ui- notice marmora foindky cokpany n conformity to the act incorporht- g this company a subscription book u now open at the office of thos klitkkpatrick kingston igth may 1831 i inotice a tjtj notes or accounts uc lo he a esiaieoftlielate frederick keeler arc lobe settled with j h- samson adinr bellvile 24th dec 1s2s william johnson barber and hairdresser ncxtdoor to tlie london tavern tenders ins grateful acknowledgements to the public fr the liberal support he lias met with since he commenced business aiidhe hopes by close attention and industry lo mc rit a coitiiiiliaucu of the public patio najf kingston 30i h may is v aluablefarm for sale on leasonable terms that beau tiful ftimii ou the road jeiding tu liath and 2i miles from kitlrstuu tlio property of and lately occupied by ilio subscriber consisting of about 100 acres of excellent land the mol of which i io a bih stale of cultivation there h built on tbo pre tniscs a hirgc and conjinudious dwelliug house almost ueiv with exirlisive sheds aud oilier outhouses aliocthcr nnniiiv h diost comfortable establishment for a res pectable bimiiy the whole from el the lot is fenced with a suhstnuiial stone wall 54 hct hih there are two living springs of excellent water on the aud several hearing fruit trees for fuiiher particulars apply cither at his olliee or to the subscriber iu sloro street kiogsloo- uuncan vanalstine kiugstim yisi oct- itr3l remises notice the subscriber is about publishing til pamphlet form ntfced vttttlicn of i lie lhiiof onryfthe pe9pt htrh re- itmy a 111 tin imituiihid of the kitiwton clotrtlcur ivritis wjiihi tr rojurs uji ea- jiv i jui il uiis olkcu u toon coneuient jamks macfarlake to the public he subscriber respectfully luave lo announce that he ken tlie house lately occupied by mr thomas bamlbld known as the steam boat hotel but belter by die com ion it conferred on travellers under his respectable management and hopes by assiduity and attention to preserve thui excellent establishment in full reputa- tiionand credit to this end every possible care will be taken lo provide all things conducive to comfort of the best that money can purchase and he doubts not but that all who honour him with their patronage will find pleasure in recom mending their friends to the snrie treatment qnd attention ihev themselves shall have received the stabling and other accomodations for horses and carriages are extensive and of the first class and diligent nj well approved persons will be constan tly employed to keep them iu all ice- pods ready and applicable to the ii mediale use ol travellers as suon as it i possible the house wi be cuiistauily fuiuisbeil njtli tbencwvoi montreal and other provincial papers aid the subscriber especially begs lo anrioujr thai he lift already tkeo mean ro procure for llie benefit of his guests the daily loft ion times as uuderstaudiug it to he tj mot iote resting of all tie liootlon priui 1 during the season it is his purpose fo keep a never failing supply of the fincjt oysters that eao be obtained tiikodoue iikockett steam boat hotel kings on nov gth 1831- the board of education for the johnstoim district give notice hat from the present lime it is leir intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books m teaching is prohibited and the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors ooly a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion 10 dr ilnhhell that the compliance of the school- lions ol the goqlogy iumeralogy and masters is desired with a former regulation ooloffv by professor jameson j allied wiluiitcaip and hugh jim- ray esq with a map and wood en gravings is mo isiucs of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq i- 3 vols is mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cnt sades by g r james esq 8 mo with a plate mart queen of scots in 2 vols in o bell esq tiie cootinuatiou of the family libra ry will he regularly received ai the chro nicle olfico immediately as the volumes are issued from the press of the ihessrs harpers of new york to render the family library still more worthy of patronage the publishers pro pose incorporating io it such works ofiu- stero aud value as may appear iu theva- uriost libraries aod miscellanies now pre paring iu europe particularly the h na tional aud the m edinburgh cahiuei libraries all these productious as they emanate from the press will be submitted to a committee of literary gentlemen for inspection aud none will be reprinted but such as shall he found calculated tosustaio the exalted character which this library has already acquired enjoining the use of prayers at the jiitiieemeut ol srhool in iho m at its close iu the cveuaig a form adapted to general use may be found in flavors sjelliugbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had on application to adiet shene00tt esq brockville july 182i quarrystreet xearfy opposite mr prentiss store the subscriber beys leave to inform the iilhitbitams of kingston and ciuity that she has lately arrived from iud commenced business in the its v luglitnd following line 1 bonnets made to any pattern legho old oucs stovd and altered chip straw houocts made clcnud c according to the latest english fashions and on reasoo able terms m haldbnby jsok sale lot no 17 in n ninth concession of the tou ship oflouhboro for particulars c- hhirc at this office unjjsunilti atchslls28 also bourriennerf private memoirs of nopo icon sketches of naval life with notices oj men inaouers and scenery 00 the shores of the mediterranean with maps by a ci vilian annals of the peninsular campaigns by the author of cyril thorutoo correspondence of admiral collirg- wood with memoirs of bis life a year iu spaio by a youog american bertha visit lo her uncle io england the grooms oracle and pocket stable directory lawrence on the horse the boston revised edition of the wa- verleynovels with plates the heiress of bruges a novel by t c grattaa maxwell a novel by the author of sayings and doings the kingston chronicle is printed and published overy saturday by james mackaiilane at his olhce hi front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence pernmium sent by mail twenty shillings subscription- to be paid in advance 1 the barony a novel by miss anna maria porter th talbaa romaoce by hft- bray pkice of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and nud 7 j each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3sid lirst insertion and lod each 5ub- sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in sertcd tilt forbid f and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements lobe en writing and delivered by wednesday no3c at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on 1 be day of publication jo produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bignell esq quebec david chirfiolme esq three rivers andrew porteoua esq mno treat james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron eq lothid r cline eq comical iieorge browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq pretest henry joncs esq brockville jostah taylor esq perth havhitmarsh esq richu j k llarlwell esq bastand mess c j mdonatd gunanque john dean eq bath allan mepherson esq jvteau thus parker esq bethilte joseph a keeler esct cramahe james g bethune eso hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan esq york daniel rosa esq vittria job crooks esq afrgttra charles biggar end vttrny j d- gilbert esq lolpttslotcn bu kobcrtson eaq river trent

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