Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), January 7, 1832, p. 3

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i i th following extract from the eloquent apcech of mr macaulay cannot be perused with out he deepest interest it is perhaps the most thaste and elegant specimen of parliamentary oratory that has graced the house of commons aince the days of burke it forms the conclusioh of ebringtons resolution that the house should adhere to the reform minister and rcassertits admiration of the bill ed do dot rdticipate any thine to ad at tempt at revolution or he npeo display ofseditiod but 1 fear that the people rill use the same kiud of ohttibate silent resist ance by means of which they have miti- kated i might say alirogftted the lihel law the veto of hie people though oot sot loudly uttered as that of the roman tri bune does nrtt yet meet the rulers at every turo hear hear until a leosih impassive resistance shall he so prolonged and the hands of the government will be so weak- eood that itshall ootbe possible to preserve the peace at home nr sustain the national honour abroad until the public faith and credit shall have become a byword and a reproach ant misery shall have followed fast upon misery uotil sage quiet men who formerly never dreamt of revolution would pray that the dread lingering ago ny might terminate in one short sharp cri sis- hear hear i believe however that if the house of commoos does its du ty there is do danger to he apprehended all will be secure and quiet if we declare our intense anxiety io favour of reform is undiminished aod that we will oot sup port any ministry which will not support reform cheers by this sir i am well httured we may avert tbecalamities which now gather around us i fear that if we do not take tin advantage which now presents itself io us the people may fall iolo the hands of bad and faithless advisers men whom nature only intended for the public contempt but which circumstances have made the public fear who arc thrown forward into stations they should never oc cupy- hy the hesitation of the better and more honourable portion of mankind to put themselves forward it is beautifully ex pressed io the hebrew fable in the book of judges when the trees went forth oo n time to anoint a krog aod the eliretree uecaufie nf it fatness and the fig tree for its sweetness and the vine tree for wine which cheered god and man refused to tetgn over them and at length io their clesertcdness they elected the bramble the meanest shruhand from it came out the lire which devoured the cedars of leban on loud aheeriiig when in former times the villains burned to the ground the houses of the nobility tvhen the most direful imrharities were committed 100- 000 men assembled at blackheath and while they were yet indignant for their lea- tier whom they had just lost by most n- trncious crime anxious for some other who might lead them forth to blood aod pluuder the king rode up to them and said 1 am your leader the infuriated multitude laid down their arm they submitted to his guidance and dispersed at his oommaud cheers lone cootioued let us imitate that kinlel this house nf commons he the point of union if we areafraidifwe know the people will gratify their wishes by unlawful means let us pledge our- helves that our ancient privileges so often successfully employed in the conflict a gainst tyranny will be used in their be half and i will tell the people that the house of commons constitutionally pos sesses a power which if promptly exercis- ffdin their cause mtist prevail cheers- on the same ground i would say that the house should do its duly its interest is to insure the country there should he noun- necessary delay but even while i speak the irrevocable moments are flying preg nant with rreal events pregnant wtih the destinies of a mighty empire cheers the issues of great thiogs are in our hands the life and death ofthe state the honour and interest of this noble people which we all shoutl love are at our disposal there is oue way to save england we jcoow that way let us this nijjht vote for its safety glory and prosperity aod thus propitiate our own consciences the me mory of the future time aod the jndge of all hearts loud ahd loog cootioued cheers francethc french papers up to the 5th inclusive contained nothing of importance io the sluing on the 4th of the chamber of peers the articles ofthe project granting 18000000 francs for pub lic works were successively adopted with out any succession of interest uotil the last allotting 4000000 francs for unforeseen contingencies when the marquis do ureux llreze urged that before this was accord ed some ground ought to he shown for con fidence in the ministry he was answered fcf lm mianter of gtfmhmtfmi who observ ed that the constaut efforts of ministers had obtained for france a universal aod durable peace after some further discussion the article was agreed to aodahe project pass ed on a division of 67 to 8 the peerago bill was to be carried up to the house of peers on the 7th afid it was expected that the mooileurof the preced ing day would coulain the nominations of a new batch of peers from 30 to 60 the report that the chamber of deputies would ira prorogued for a short season was coo- ftadfcted it w positively affirmed that the president of he couoctl m casimir perier has abarndoded aft idea of retaining or colonizing algiers the mussulman in habitants are sard to be greatly incensed a- gainstthe french troops io consequence of the sanctity of their mosques baviogbeeo violated and that an attack on the city by the belgiutns was apprehended portugal it appears that the jtritith government had found it necessary or expedient to slop the expedition of don pedro 1 is said that miguel was so much alarmed by tho approhension of its ap proach that he actually suspended tin exe cution of the seoteoce of death upon 37 sol diers wbo had proclaimed donna maria herald aced in a correspondent ofthe morning j c vo tbnaplit uj tho hahds of the king the power of signing the treaty and the fate of belgium now reststfith his majesty notwithstanding the chambers have consented to their own suicide the people are as much opposed as ever and i think leopold will pause ere he gives his owh consent i know that he he sltatesand well he may the responsibil ity is great and this one act may seal his future fate leopold was said to look very ill and to he greatly harrassed by the orangeis the newspaper called le beige observes m the die is cast it is all over with bel gium there is an end of its independence the work of cowardice aod baseuess is consummated alas the last gleam of hope which encouraged usisextiaguisbed c c the civil guard were behaviog very ill io almost every place they are sent to and complaints were constantly sent to the newspapers the accounts of the dreadful scenes at bristol have quite rejoiced ihe belgians they already aoticipaie the pleasure of hear ing of a revolution in england a letter from frankfort states that there is oo doubt but that the germanic confed eration will cooscot to the arrangement of the conference as to the partition of lux embourg holland the king of holland had not at tho latest date from the hague the 6th made known his intentions rela tive toacceptingthe twenty four articles of the loodon treaty ooo of the stipula tions least relished by the dutch is tho power given to the belgians of digging canals from antwerp to the rhine which they suppose would give to the belgians that command of the rommerce of that ri ver which they the dutch had before tho separation commercial letters from amsterdam speak of a new claim having been raised by the king of holland hesays to eoglaod in 1814 you pretended that my continen tal states were too con6ned and not pro- pqrtiooate to my eolonies consequently you gave me belgium for the cape of gom4 hope derorjra aw 5fcw pro- sioos which were allotted to you aod are now io your possession as you wish me to renouoce belgium restore my colonies i paid for belgium before 1 took posses sion of it is it not just that the price shial he restored tome this says theeame letters accounts for the delay io the ac ceptance nf the famous protocol and the hesitation ofthe english squadron toenter the scheldt some excitement was caused at flush ing on the 30th ult by the sight of an en glish steamboat off that port which was supposed to be surveying that coast the soldiers were called out of church to sub stitute brass guns for the iron ones upoo the ramparts the vessel remained there on the next day orders had been received at niineguem to commence immediately the laying out of an intrenched camp the chief of the family pietro bey to gether with his brother coustaotioe the first assassin- hud been ihrowo into the state dungeon in the hay tfftmwftm and there kept eight months without accusation or trial form winch they were receotly re lieved through fear as their compatriots the bpartads threatened to use retaliation 00 the pariizans ofthe president by the death of capodistrias russia has osi ao able and devoted ageut but it must he allowed that he was u friend to greece hut a minor io her cause in every point ttomaxx tea salesam he adens lo the honorable east india company in canada give no- ice that there will be put up to public sale at their warehouses in quebec on saturday lid 7th january a quantity of 1 eas equal to about 500 chests and at montreal on saturday die 21st jan uary about 1750 chests catalogues will be ready for delivery and shew chests open for inspection at each place from monday morning un til thursday afternoon of the week of sale the sales io commence at el oclock in the forenoon forsyth richardson co agents to tke hon e india co montreal sgth december 1831 even l leti 1st of post office of napanee on ers remaining in the the 5lh december 1321 samuel rreaihnur leo bellwa william bradshaw christie boiies joseph brown kachael rahenck john beun jnor wil liam calkui 2 samuel cnrswell peter close edward r carscallen isaac car- scalleo2 henry campbell 2 michael dame robert edgar george emory isaac feichel frasier john c garrisou claracy hjw icy 2 hiram hawley isaac hill john llawlcy paul heck benj jen- nig christopher kilmurey peter kesler joseph jackson joseph r loit j b loch- wood j b lewie john foacdunald ca- heriue murray thomas mowbray john metzler jbo mc ewe mathtai more wyrtam mcliitidttttl patrick mcrfoiwtj hervey miller rachael miller william angent michael piercy thomas d poo- field john petersica johu perry samuel philips thomas rietnfto william rose nathau rnhiitsod james sier bradford tuttle william tallow william john thomson j f taylor daoiel uoguioe zay warner jaue williams james walk er mm susautia whitelock david willi ams edward wilson aaroo yourmans persons wishing to their friends from tin greece the correspondent of the loodon courier thus wrote from na- poli oo the loth october yesterday morning sunday as the pre sident was entering the church of st spe- ridioo between six aud sevca oclock to hear divioe service he was shot through the head by coustantine brother of pietro bey and was stabbed in the belly by george the ton the first assassin was killed after a slight resistance and his bo dy dragged through tbe streets the rank literally cut the kody to pieces nnd threw his body ovep tke wall the other escap ed into the house of baron rouen vho delivered him up to prison late last night the moment this dreadful oceurreoco took place the whole garncon got under arms closed the gates aod routined the population to their houses during the day the senate met aod appointed ao ad ministrative commission of three namely count agoitino capodistrias g goletti and theodore colocotrooi i need oot enlarge on this melancholy deuouemeot of the revolution we are iu an awful state of alarm for fear the hydri- ots may arrive aod take the place pre cautions however are taken mr daw- kins has landed the belvideras marines i believe that he aod tbe french minister do not acknowledge the new government as it is illegally or irregularly named i only know that yesterday wo were on the eve of embarking and at this moment 1 am all ready but cannot lesert my post uotil i see him move first the gates of the town are still shut the greek menofwar seven io num ber including two rearadmirals are in mourning today but neither our ships uor the french have taken any notice my communication wuu mr- uwviv being cut off i have displayed the english colors from the balcony aod have taken the maltese and then effects into my house i make do- comments indeed i am not quite io a state to do so the captain nod officers of the lielvidera are exceedingly friendly in case of accidents i go there with much pleasure four oclock a conrier from russia has just arrived via constantinople with dispatches but the person to whom they are addressed has ceased to have any share in this worlds intrigues poor man he was always civil and kiod to me he did not speak a syllable after the hrst klow but folding kfc bunds on his breast fell doad be fore the altar where he went every sunday as a private individual without aoy attend ants but one without an arm of course all he shops are shut and one of every family of three is called out to form a civic guard at nauplia besides he ships already mentioned there are a french frigate aud two brigs from which also were landed marines to keep the peace the russian ships of war were absent cruising the death of capodistrias has caused a general tbrill of horror throughout the country assassination has not been heard of in greece since the revolution and it may bo some satisfaction to ihe friends of that fated couutry to know that this horrid act was not tbe result of any eommoiiou or anv concerted plot amoost tho dissatis fied but private vengeance taken ly iwo in dividual members of the first families in the bring oui north ni irelandio quebec to embark from lon- donderry can have their passage se cured by paying the following rates at the office of messrs buchanan co montreal for adults 2 12 g slg children from 2 lo 14 years of age 1 fi 3 under 7 years of age 17 6 the above sum includes water anql fuel for the number of days prescribe by law no passengers will be receivr cd on board unless provided with pro- visions for that period r s buchanan exchange chargeable on the above no letters received unless post paid montreal nov 25 1331 his majestys dock yard kingston v 0 15a november 1831 twotice is hereby triven that it u it given mat on the 18th day of january 1832 at 10 oclock a m the hulls of the following ships as thoy now lay on the shore olf the kings dock yard tt kingslon upper canada will be disi posed of by public auction viz st lawrence of 102 guns kingston of t6 burlington of 42 montreal of 24 also the frames of tke wolf an canada each pierced for hoguns b they stand on the stocks in tbe doc yard immediately after the above sale ft quantity of standing and running rig- ging laic belonging to the st iiw- rence kingston burlington and moo- treal will in like manner be disposed ojf as this rigging has been but little useo and is in good condition it may be adv vantagcously relaid or otherwise co di verted five sij- v j i jjmpnnjw sfmviie- y and the rigging will be divided in to lots to suit purchasers a reasona ble time will be allowed for the removal 0f the articles from the kings premi ses which must be done at the purcha sers expense a deposit of tentyfivo per cent will be required at the lime of saleand die remainder of the purchase money previous to the removal of the articles further particulars may be learned ft the naval store keepers office at kingston dock yard and of mrrvttti- ftpi lunn clerk in charge of naval stoics ti montieal on the opening of the navigation in j832 about tsvclve hundred spars for masts and yards of from four to flirtyfour inches in diameter will bo disposed of by public auction timely notice will be given ofthe days of sale fh e spars may be previously examined for which purpose application must be made at the naval- store keepers of fice atso die undermentioned hempen cdfes viz 13 ioch i no of 100 fathoms commissariat kingston 23d dccmber3 cjealed tenders will be c- 3 ceived at tliisofficc until thurs day the 13th day nf january next at one oclock p m to supply such of the following materials and perform such of the following services as may he re quired by the royal engineer depart ment at this station for the year 1832 viz lumber of all hinth as yer specification cut shingle nails hme sand hair and bricks also for such glazing per specification and for team hire and cartage the tenders must be separate and specify in sterling the rates at which tho articles will be delivered at king ston or any part of point henry or point frederick and each tender must also express the names of two persons of known property as sureties for the undertaking the specification may be seen and every other information obtained on ap plication to this or the commanding royal engineer orfice the payments will be made as usual in british silver or in other cuirent coin at the rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys tieasury at the rate of 100 for each 101 10s sterling due upon the con tract charles a clarke a c g commiaswner of croion lands office york 1st december 1831 lhe following summary of the rules ts- tablished by his majestys government for regulating the disposal of lands is pub lished for the information of persons desirous of settling in upper canada once in every year or oftener the com missioner of crown lands will draw up hia report of the land which it may be expeai- m ltoflrfoate 4y pujjfe amim in the ensuine year and lhe u price per acre at which he would recommend it to be offered the land so offered having been pre viously surveyed and val the land will be laid t in lois of one hundred acres each and jlans prepared lor public inspection which ma be in spected in the office of the surveyor general or in that of his deputies the commissioner of crown lands will give public notice in the ljp canada gaz ette and such newspaper a9 ma be circul ating tn the province ofe time and place for the sale of land in ea district and of the upset price at which h lands are pro posed to be offered tlni lots will be sold to the highest bidder au if n0 offer be made at the upset price ihe l will be reserved for fukire sale inasimilan auction the purchase money d required to be paid down atlhe time ot b f in statements with interest ihe first instalment at the lime of the sale aj tbe second third and fourth instalments the interval of a year any further conditiquj respecting these sales will be found in tie printed advertise ments giving notice of ti to indigent settlers vhomay be unable to avail themselves of thesv opportunites of pur chase lands will be assigned by private sale in certain specified towhips at an estimat ed value and the first payment will be accept ed at the end of three years without interest and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid in three equal instalments interest to commence after three from the pur chase free grants are not ifiade by any but u e loyalists or such persons as have served his majesty in the navy or regular army countinghouse almanac for 1833 i i 9 i f g i 1 j- i- moons phases i 8 15 22 29 6 12 19 26 4 ii 18 35 1 8 15 22 29 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 20 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 u 18 25 ft 9 16 23 30 2 9 ig 23 30 n 13 20 27 5 12 19 26 9 18 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 ii 18 25 2 9 16 21 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 i 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 3 10 17 24 7 14 21 23 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 m 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 c 20 27 4 n 18 25 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 23 4 ii 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 9 16 23 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 7 24 31 7 14 2i 28 5 12 19 26 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 2 9 16 23 30 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 jaftlary new moon 2d day loh 19m evening first quarter 10th day 7h 57m evening full moon 17th day ilk 0m morning last uuur ter 24th day oh 10m evening february 4 11 is 25 new moon utdoy 5h 23m evening first quarter 9lk day 6h 20ni morning full moon 15th day 10b 26m eteninj lust quarter 23d day 7k 29m morning march 10 new moon 2d day 10k 21m morning 17 first quarter 9th day 2k 20m evening 24 full moon 16th day 10k 29m morning 3 1 lost quarter s4tk day 3k 48m morning april new moon 1st day oh 9m morning first quarter 7tk day 8k 56m evening full moon 14th dav 7h 7m morning last quarter 22d day i lh 19m evening new moon 30th day 10h 57m morning may 9 12 first quarter 7tk day 3h 12m morrrlrtg 19 full moon 14th day oh 31m evenine 26 ll quarter 22d day 4h 37m evening new moon 29th day 7h 3m evening june 2 first quarter 5th day loh 6m morning full moon 13th day 2h 51m morning last quarter 21st day 6h 21m morning new moon 28th day 2b 5m morning july 14 21 28 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 first quarter 4th day 6k 40m eveningi full moon 12th day 6h 2m evening last quarter20th day 5h 9m evening new moon 27th day 9h 2m morning august 1 k 18 25 first quarter 3d day 5h 56m morning full moon uth day 9h 34m morning last quarter 19th day lh40ro raommg new moon 35tk day- 4k 51m evening 8 first quarter ifit day 8h 47m evening 1 9 full moon 9lk day oh 40m morning 22 last quarter 17th day 8h 53in murning 29 new moon 24th day 2k 15m morning october 6 first quarter 1st day 2h 44m evening 1 3 full moon 9th day 3h 43m evening- 20 last quarter 16th day 3h 40m evening 27 new moon 33d day lh 55m evening first quarter 31st day llh 13m evening oyenbbr full moon 8th day 3k 47m morning 17 last quarter 15th day loh 58m evening 24 new moon i2d day 4k 34m morning first quarter 30th day 8k 5m morning december 1 8 15 22 29 full moon 7tk day 3k 34m evening last quarter 14th day 7h 38rrf morning new moon 21st day 9h 43m evening first quarter 30th day 3h 16m morning removal john watkins has removed his hardware establishment to a very extensive premises in slore street nearly opposite lo mr jno bl ikes ta vern where he is now opening in additi on to his former stock fifty casks andcas- esof hardwate cutlery c which were selected by himself in birmingham shef field and other manufacturing towns in england j watkins returns his thanks to his friends country merchants and the public generally for the liberal sup- persons of either of these classevill forward i port he lias met with for many years their applications for land accompanied by past begs to inform them that the ar- n belgium on the 3d november tho senate decided oo tho uw authorising the king to sigo the treaty of peace ns pro posed hy the conference there were 45 out of 51 members present 35 voted for r law 8 against it majority 27 two country which had in every possible man- members objected to vote aetbcodruinodftddioiultodbyiharreiideut 13 1 100 44 14 1 100 i 14 1 100 44 174 l 15 ii 23 1 100 j r glover haval st on ktcvtr official documents in suphoriof their claims as heretofore lo the civil secrelary ofthe lieuleuant governor imd will receive an swers to them onapplyibg totke clerk of tke executive council andlheir location tick ets from tke surveyor general peter robinson notice s kereby given ihatffce tract of land in the township of pujtncn clergy block in ihe district of gor recently surveyed by mr gibson together with the lota re maining unsold in tke former survey will be exposed to sale by public auction at the up set price of 15s currency per acre at mr james flynns tavern on lot 18 west side ofthe road leading through the tract to guelphjon wednesday the 4th day of janu ary neztat 10 oclock a m on the follow ing conditions viz tke purchase money to be paid in 10 instalment the first instalment of ioper cent at the tiro of sale and he fe- maiodti- 9 ymyy anuual instalments oi 10 per cent with interest on each instalment as it becomes due t a plan exhibiting ike situation of the lots map bo seen at thf commissioner of crown lands office york oral mf james fwnna peferroblnson commissioner of crown lands office york 24th nove 1831 kingston assemblies the next assembly will take place at myers hotel on monday vening the l6th january 1832 dancing to commence at 8 oclock kingston 3d december 1831 ojjice of the cataraqui bridge company kingston january 5th 1832 t nmeetingof the directorsrf the calaraqui bridge company held this day it was resolved that a semi annual dividend of thirty shihings cur rency on each share of the capital stock of the cotnpany be declared pay able at this office on thorsday the 12th irtstant- g f- corbett sec trcas c b co coffee soups c the subscriber respectfully begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public in general that he intends keeping soups coffee tenches 6f6- during the winter from ten oclock a m- until ten p- m john beloncre kingslon 10th pcc rangement he has made in england and from his occasional visits personally no house in the canadas can supply them on better terms- kingston dec 10th 1831 p ublic notice- mr john brewer having deposited with the subscriber all the money that re mained at his disposal after settling with the workmen employed by him on the rideau canal a dividend 6f four shillings and two pence in the pound will be paid to the creditors of the said john brewer if tfiey see fit xcr call at the office ofthe subscriber within twen ty days from this date anfd receive the same in full satisfaction of their respec tive demands as slated in the schedule kingston 3d december 1831 w books fot sab at thti chronicle office the token for 1 832 the atlantic souvenir for dov thejpearhordo also the life and death of lord eduxrrrf fitzgerald hy moore- tho history of antrim containing the history of the spanish discoveries prior to 1520 no 3 cabinet library containing the autobiography osir waller scott bart- no 4 do cootaioiog life of sir waller raleigh larduers cyclopedia consisting of tho history of scotland by sir walter scott history of england by sir james mackin tosh iutlifieof history from the earliest period to tke present time history ofthe netherlands byt c grattan htstoryot france by ere evans crowe the ele ments of mechanics by dr lardoer and captain katef xlso discourse on the study of natural philoso phy by jfw hersche treatise on baths and mineral watcrsby john bell m d and dyrpepsy forestalled aod resisted by edward hitchcock 24th dec 1831 t removal thomas askew begs leave to inionn his friends and the public he has removed to the stone house in clarence street- near tb mr myers hotel ahd returns his most grateful thanks for the libraf support he has hmny ya immtfutetl ftfrp rassuti llfifi formercnstomerts he will dispose of his remaining slock of prime goo cheap er than hitherto offered for sale- among he stockholders of the john which are superfine clpttrav pelisse by are requested lo pay into my clothsj flannels linens prints shirl- notice a bunds on or before the 7th january next a further instalment of 10 per cent on each share david john smith treasurer kingston 6th dec 1831 notice a third dividend will be payable at the office of john kirby esq iu kingston on wednesday tho 15th day of june next to the creditors ofthe late allan taylor esq and fo the late firm of tavlor and parker j john kirby a o- petrie t parker trustees kingston- 9th may 1831 the stone house in clarence street oc cupied by thomas askew where she continues the millinery and dress ma king and solicits a continuance of the liberal support she has received since her commencement in business kingslod 14th dec 131 ings and sheetings eargetibgsv hosiery- a general assortment of haberdashery a few ladies real leaver bonnets- drabs brack anil hair brown 2 cases tfralrarrd black beaver ha and bonnets ladles cloth cloaks also 5 casks real day martin blacking in pints and half do s quarter casks superior white m imv tea coffee c occ kingston 14th dec mi the commercial bask he stock book for this institu- tioti is open at the office if george mackenzie esq itvstorestieei january 7 f832 j alliance office the office of the alliance com pany for ft in fcslbn and ihe mid land frstrictitfnefd at the place of bu- removal miss fowler respectfully in forms the ladies of kingston and its vicinity she lias rerdoved to part of sinessof the subscriber in t rnt-trcet- where property will be insured as here- oforev jas macfarlanegw kingston 7th january 1832 for sale lot no 358 irf grave street kingston apply to the editor of ft paper

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