Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), January 7, 1832, p. 2

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1 whatsoever things are truo whatsoever dings are just whatsoever thiogfl are pure whatsoever tilings are lovely whatsoever thing lire of good report- infinitely mow bllitig is such ao employment 10 a minister hud more profilahle to tho world iliftn ftit- tiu in tho legislature and guiding the af fairs of tho slate- whether fen- indi vidual or many think favourahly of such a course is i think sufficiently attested by the fact that the journal whirl has at traded his exiellcucy auxious rlieutioli receives b support and patronage from he ublrc unequalled by any other puhlieation j kriluh north america a patronage which after the thorough trial of two j ears is rapidly increasing the iosinuation of his excellency res peeling m ministers of the gospel labour ing to increase the number of their own sect rather than the number of christians cannot 1 conceive he viewed in any other light thau a direct attack upon the motives and sincerity of the methodist clergy far be from them the unworthy aod base de sire to swell the numbers of their own sect with persons who cannot be considered h christians the unexampled sirictuess of the methodists in indiscriminately expel ling from their commuoioo all persoos who are koowo to be guilty of any immoral act proves the very reverse equally unmerited i roust think is his excellencys reflection upou the methodist clergy for permitting political meetings to be held in their churches and suffe ring them to bo profaned by the party spirit of the hour wheo as far as 1 know but one instance of a meetiog partaking of r political character being held in a metho dist chapel has occurred and that in stance which was occasioned by the in discretion of two trustees was tho xveek after its occurrence publicly condemned in the journal published under the direction of the methodist conference in conclusion 1 beg o observe that if un due liberty has beeo taken in the preceding observations the impropriety is one of ig- doranco not of design and has arisen from the extraordinary strictures which his ex cellency has thuught proper to avail him- ffglfflf n particular occasion to make house waited on hi the king tv pwthifikinculitjjt and rtwivrd ftirtumrtv that 11m mjcetys government had cinlrrnui u irflkti nk aihntimsin it cllvttirttm t jm l appmvid of by every yucd ndciilifilcncvj icf sun of upp rtunadii been fccrinntly qlnrmch by lht appciirntic of j on wednesday the cholera in ftontg of ilie pislrii is particularly at i excellency wili the address to sunderland wiutc it was mid to have bwn cofiiuiiiiiualril from tiw clirsl of a pilof flthn uia the divider however ban been pfovrd to have itorrlnlionshiplotlu indian chulnra bo in rioilitn niocc than the sjmmiinrlrc diwffi in- ridentel io other countries of lift same iuuu li wasjiotveverjor tlie limcuf n aullicirntly serious nature an to iiidurt his majesty in divert the attention of he flight reverend prelates iroin the horrors oftlic rclumi alarm to tho mure sa- ccrdotal occupation ottiiiining m forinsftf pray- ci upon the occasion ihey therefore assem bled to fulfil hs majestys wishes and hovnfur nished the public with two very neat am appro priate proofs that they are far better skilled in the concoction of theological essays than the enemies of those corpulent characters would be lieve want of space prevents us at present from giving the result of ibis amalgamation of kpiscopal genius it was the first public occa sion upon which they had assembled since the memorable day which sealed the doom of episcopacy and if the purpose had not been one upon which the observance of the utmost clerical decorum vu indispensible we mtghj ea sily conjecture the variety of feeling tha distin guished each ithen contrasting their laic legisla tive noncontents with their present more natural and characteristic avocations general court martial a general court martial assembled at tcmplcmore for the trial of lieut pocock and ensign thompson of the 74th regt the latter is charged with using in sulting language to the former in a billiard room while the former is tried for neglect of duty in not reporting to the officer commanding the cir cumstance of his having placed bnrign thomp son in arrest at limerick the result has not yet transpired the new york albion of the 31st december docd us considerable injustice in supposing that we for a moment li impeached the accuracy of to his excellency i cheerfully offer the i l parliamentary report which appeared in that tribute of every personal respect as has the j conference of whieh i have the happiuess to be a member however unworthy we may be of his excellencys confidence or respect in return we must however still claim and exercise the privilege guaranteed by the constitution of regulating the affairs of our own household in that way which we conceive will best conduce to the per- rnaneoce and success of our own ecclesias tical and religious institutions aod tho great interests of our common christianity i have thought it due to his excellency to make the foregoiog remarks previous to laying the whole matter before the public i have the honour to be sir your most obedient humble servant signed e rtsmon to e mcafahan esquire acvg secy to hi excellency the lieutenant governor tor kingston chronicle atarday jan uary 7 1832 by the arrival at new york of the packet fihip sheffield we have received london dates to thesth and liverpool to the 9lh november the spirit of insubordination has not subsided riols and burnings prevail and although not to any alarming extent they yet manifest feelings of discontent and dissatisfaction which require paper a few weeks ago we merely as well as we can reeollect contrasted the inconsistency of the version of sir george murrays speech that the albion had copied from the london herald with that which we found in the dublin week ly freemans journal of the 22d october the subject excited a considerable sensation here at the time from the latitude of sir georges re marks and finding in another paper a trivial li mitation in those remarks we were disposed to give the public the benefit of both it is with a more than ordinary degree of plea sure that we have to announce to our readers that the commercial bank bill has passed the legislativefcouncil by a large majority only 5 members voting against it the bill underwent some unimportant alterations in the council which will doubtless be concurred in by the as sembly we have not as yet learnt what the a- mendments arc oncwe believe is a slight al teralion in the name instead of the com mercial bank of upper canada it is called the commercial bank of the midland dis trict the alteration is of no consequence whats in a name that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet to every inhabitant of kingston possessing the means more especially to those holding real pro perty in the town the call to aid in lurthering this most beneficial measure is as imperative as it will be conducive to their own interests it is we havr great plenum in 0 knowledjrinfflh receipt at ohtf office uf the iht number of tit gretivillc ijaxetlet a journal jui published a prcsrott hv mr stephen miles a penllemnv who ti9 for many years conducted a paper n tliis town with much respectability it i prim cd upon a nperroyal sheet in neat type an promises to be a most useful and improving pc riodical w tl congratulate the people of pre cuti upon this acquisition to their prosperous village an mr miles upon that ptiiroiia- which we hve reason to know he has been g nerously premised and to which he is so justly entitled first olalsr of tlikltill flto the attachment uj the ytomtttf f absconding debtors church of england it is a matter of regret hat the charier contains provisions which i are calculated to exclude from its principal tioo of plispim cnhvtl mi trade tiailortl iimi mean vi allaehim the property oiab- scutiuinp tudituni ilia tliosttmo may beta en i oxcntin and som for ilic benefit ul hcircrcdittifs lie it u that from and alter the passing ol tins act whenever il shall happen that any person nr persons he ms indebted in this provjttchshall either se cretly depart therefrom or keep concealed within the same it shall and may he lawful for any person or personsto whom sncli ab sconding or concealed persons is or are in debted in the fill m of live pounds or upwards to make application to the court of kings bench in this province in term time or to any judge thereof in vacation or to any judge of the district court in the different districts of this province where the sum claimed is within the jurisdiction of such district court and there make an affidavit that the said absconding or concealed per son or persons is or are indebted to him her or them in the sum of live pounds and that he she or they do verily believe that the said absconding or concealed person or persons hath departed the province or is concealed within the mine with intent and a briton came too late for this days paper design to defraud him her or them and oth- er creditors if any there he of tlicii rcaa i is necessary for the nrotcc- 1 olfiwti and honours all who do not belong to errata- in swarans last for m lusts rea tfarfe for fragment read fragrance 4of swarran read stcaran for the chronicle the poets tomb no laurel binds hi lowly head no plaudits rju4 his listless ear rediiuok in his narrow bed nor pomps nor honours reach him here but over his head its minstrelsy mournfully plains the cypress tree his harp is heard no more torinjf its gushing tones arc hushed for aye in twain is rent the tuneful atrine each heartfelt number passed away and he who sadlv bade it swell has gone within the grave to dwell no marble points his place of rest but oh how calmly does he sleep no thoughtless tongue can here molest the vigil unseen spirits keep and over bis shrouded clay cold form the wintry wind shall still its tontl he needs no monumental pile to giace or deck his humble bier the summer rose shall sweetly smile and shed it fragrant blossoms here and summer breezes oer him sigh their plaintive wailing lullaby swaran the mootreat gazette of thursday un der the head c i awn hus the following pa ragraphs the court of eoquiry at bytowo the commencemeo of whose sitting we ao nouocedsome time ago adjourued about a fortnight since the result we should suppose will not bo promulgated for some time we observe by tho bermuda royal ga zette of tho i5th ultimo that the two tran sport with the 71st highland light infau- try under the commaod of major leviogc arrived at st georges on the friday pre vious iu 21 days from quebec tho 71st relieves the 81st uow quartered there which regiment was to embark on board the same transports io about three weeks to return to england from private information which has reached us aud on which we place great confidence we have reason tu believe that tho lion james stuart the attorney ge neral of the province has disproved to tho satisfaction of the home government the accusations biought against him by the as sembly of this provioce aod that he may shortly he expected to resumo his official functions we are happy to notice that arrange ments have been made by which the rev just dues or to avoid beinn arretted or served willi process which departure or conceal ment shall also be proved to the satisfaction of sucli court or judges of such court by the oath of at least two credible witnesses and upon such procflhe said court of kinds bench and district courts respectively in term time or the judges thereof in vaca tion or any of them shall forthwith issue a warrant or warrants under the seal of the said courts respectively and signed by the clerk of the crown or the clerk of such district court as lie case may he directed to the sheriff of the district in which ab sconding or concealed person or persons has been resident or to the sheris or sheriffs of any or ever v urher district when the pro vince commanding such sheriff or sheriffs respectively to attach seize take and safe ly keep all the estate as well real as perso nal found within his district of the said ah switbgtthimplff or pmson oi what kind or nature soever together with all evidences hooks of account vouchers and papers relating theretoupon receipt of which warrant the sheriff u whom the same may be directed shall forthwith execute the same and with the assistance of two sub stantial freeholders make a just and true inventory of all such eslatt and effects as he shall seize and take by viitue thereof and shall return the same signed hy himselfnnd the said freeholders to melt court from whence the warrant issuei ilmt chukil in consequence of these provisions the m i be ti fits of the institution will he confined tou ivw individuals of one religious denom- i toil tun while others of your majesty sub- jttcts equally loyal and deserving will he exciujed from participating in advantages winch should be open to all its iiiuuence as a seminary of learninc on this account must he limited and will be looked upon with jealousy by a large majority of the in habitants of this province we therefore humbly pray that your majesty will be graciously pleased to cause the charter of kings college io be cancel led and to grant another free from the ob jections to which our duty to the people of this province hasinduced us io advert signed archd mclran speaker commons house of assembly 28th dec 183k yeas messrs berczy buell bidwell campbell chisholm clark duncombc elliot howard jones ketchum lewis lyons mccall d mcdonald mcmartin maon morris mount norton perry randal rublin samson shade shaver thomson warren werden nays messrs attorney general brown r fraser mcnab robinson sol general vankoughnet j aot the mere return in pouiidsshillinirs pence something more than ordinary remedies to re- i though no doubt that must be considerablcjbut e black will bo enabled to hold public innvu tim ositftcnlch if willtsi nl iniinno frttlllpfl ml inrnii llr vfhll if plfllhvi tfcl jmir h w ir ii ttltuv till ffirlllor llfltirn in hc for the ostensible purpose of aiding the govern- indusliy the incentive io enterprise and the iiftriiuun of each sabbfttb at ouc oclock ment under the emergencice of the present occa- lustre an institution of the kind is calculated to sion but pronounced bylordmelburne as scdi- reflect on our good town that are to he taken tious and treasonable has naturally excited the suspicions of the ivfinisters and a meeting of the working classes which was to have occurred on the 7th in whiteconduit fields and whieh produced very powerful precautionary measures on the part of the police was wisely suppressed by the proper authorities history furnishes us with abundant and unfortunate illustrations of the danger and inexpediency of suchself-consli- tutcd organizations and which upon this parti cular occasion appear to us quite unnecessary and uncalled for when the crown and the mi nisters are we may say pledged to sustain the popular principles some very judicious remarks upon this subject appeared in the morning he rald with which we most unequivocally coin cide their principal argument is founded upon a fact which most reasonably recom mends itself to general attention that a go vernment which allowed voluntary associations to take out ofits hands the protection of the pub lic peace would thereby acknowledge itself vir tually deposed the sentiment is too plain to admit of any interpretation but that which lord melburne thought necessary to adopt by his im mediate suppression of the alarming meeting to which wc have alluded the establishment of a national guard in great britain for the solitary purpose of securing reform is too absurd to fan cy for a single moment that the whole strength of england was to be arrayed for the subjec tion of 170 borough lords and 21 bishops is too monstrous to admit of belief and as wc be fore hinted where is the necessity of such a dan gerous experiment when the sovereign is with the people the ministers linn and unflinching onda populatiouof 21 millions all confederated to prostrate the opposition that retards the ter mination of the awful contest lit ibis age of interrogatories we may venture one ami that is a simple onewill an equally efficient aati fy the present clamour or shall the bill in its original shape be again proposed wc serious- y apprehend that the very existence of political associations answers the lirrt interrogatory with the most contemptuous negative while to the se cond il responds with an affirmative loud in its language and irresistible by the gesture which accouinict the inviolable and unalterable dc- icrjuinatioq nlo consideration we necdhowcver urge vrcu little on this score the rapidity with winch the ea intelligence spread and the enthusiasm with which it was received the liberal subscriptions of stock entered into within a few hours after wards proved if proof were wanting that the hopes or the friends of ihe bank and die fears of its enemies are at length about to be realised n tie american presbyterian church hay v1iket the unanimity aod libeiuiity e- cd in this arrangement hy the true- american church for tbe ac- we have seen a private letter from fork writ ten on monday a day rendered memorable in the annals of canadian inconsistency not only by the almost unanimous rceleciion of the ce lebrated mr mackenzie to his parliamentary seat but by the vote of the house which if not expressed at least implied that he was a fit and proper person for that honorable distinction the only competitor mr mackenzie had mas timothy streetesq wuowith difficulty secured one solitary vole when theoleciion terminated the successful candidate elevated on the i i cads of 1500 of the profanum volgus in a double stoned sleigh and accompanied with the sound of the tablet lute harp paltry dulci mer and other nebuchadnezarlike instruments c rcn ia a pleasing proof of that charity and goid will which ought to characterise chistiaus of every denomination we understand that monseigneur tho cfridjuteur of quebec is not to be called to the legislative couocil his excellency the governor in chief expressed a desire to cat the catholic bishop of quebec to the evcutivc council and he advanced ao of mooseigocur panet not permitting his htrrodance vlonseigueur the coadjuteur bithnp of fussala is to be called to the ftx- ecrlive council in his stead o gqz addkcss otf schoil lands 7o tke kings most exmltent majesty most gracious sovereign we your majestys most dutiful and loyal subjects the commuis of upper can ada in provincial parliament assembled most humbly approach yoir majesty tore- present that in the year 797 your majes tys royal father was graciously pleased to communicate to the government of this province in answer to a a joint address of the lcgishture his majestys intention to set apart a certain portion of the waste lands of the crown as a fund for the estab lishment and support of free grammar school in those districts ia which they are called for and in due process of time to es tablish other seminaries ctf a more compre hensive nature that although more than thirty years have elapsed since his majesty made this gratifying communication it does not ap pear that even one free grammar school has been endowed from tlese lands or any other seminary eslablislnd out of that re servation we would further wprigent to your ma jesty that the establishment by the lcgls- with a salary of one hundred pounds cur rency paid nut of the provincial treasury to tlic master does not afford mtfficient means to instruct the youth of the province we arc truly shocked to fiod by a com munication this day received but which we cannot insert that the family of dr hall late of st johns aad whese death wc lately recorded suppose there is reasou l jl 1m to suspect that this gentleman met with a made his triumphant entry mlo the town o j ork on x uesday mornm vankooghnctt jy wag od he rml of lha provious vio moved to read ihe journal of the 12th dec re- the face nose and eyes are stated yarding the vote of expulsion for the purpose of to have been much bruised aud the skin rejecting hint from the house mr perry mo hrokeo the body was found lyiog across in the several branches of classical and sci- oiiniodaiion of theirl reshytcrian breth- j eutific learning and oupht not thcrefor to be considered as a reasou for withholding the support which his majesty intended for the free grammar schools it is therefore most important to the contentment and wel fare of the people of this province that the school lands amounting to five hundred and forty nine thousand two hundred and seventeen acres he applied to the purpos es for which they were originally intended and as the several districts arc from their extensive and rapidly increasing popula tion in a state to require the establishment of free grammar schools which if suitably endowed and incorporated with the present district schools would afford the means of we learn that a letter has been received respectable support to a master and two as- froji the lion james stuart attorney go- j sistants in each and thereby enable tbe in- neial stating his intention of leaving en- habitants of the colony to confer the hles- glaml son to reach canada iu tho course sings of a liberal education on their chil- of ihe next mouth every thing having been ren ahl rild employment as masters for settled to his satisfaction quebec mercury suc of lhem as ma be founii to have n the necessary proficiency in the acquire ment of classical and scientific knowledge ved on amendment to proceed with th order of ine seish xxilu lhe reids xvove roi0l rfe the day and hi motion jwos carried 22 lo 19 s have ml awd a both mr muckenzie consequently took his seat deco rated with a gold medal nearly the nze of a divalive of a recent struggle tbe tists were firmly cleoched and the appear- aaco altogether is stated to have heeu in- modern soupplate to which was attached by a strange coincidence a chain a yards in extent precisely the length made use of for certain public purposes at newgale presented to him by his constituents- the clapping of hands upon hia taking his seat was loud and long and the impetuosity ofa poor irishman obliged the house to put him into the custody of the sergeant at in ignorance of what steps may have been taken to elucidate these appearauces we stiff jl only express a hope that some meaus will be adopted to satisfy the pub lic mind and heal the dreadful feeling of his frieudi and family mon herald forms of prayers to be read in aft church es his majesty io privy counci having we also represent to your majesty that it won hi he much more satisfactory to the people of this province if the monies aris ing from the school lands were panl into the hands of the receiver general and the fund placed at the disposal of the legisla ture instead of the present arrangement as not only the control of the funds but the general superintends nee and organization of the the wholesystem would thus be open to public inspection and approval we therefore humbly implore your ma jesty to place the school lands at the dis position of the legislature of the province lobe applied exclusively for the purposes intended by your majestys royal fawner passed nem con signed anehd mclkax speaker address on kings college to the kings most excellent majesty most gracious sovcrign we your majestys dutiful and loy i subjects tho commons of upper canada annbutafteraiww the archbishop ot oinmons of upper ijnaus m ecd his conduct of course not being deemed on i canterbury should prepare forms of pav- c2ff i nt a ost i i rti r u ji j liumbly bee leave to submit to your iv the old woincaof both seta inkrrglandlia re such an important ocawoii deserving of a more marked token of their displeasure we have heard from several respectable sources that many members resolutely determined to expel mr mackenzic in the rooming were in the spirit cf intimidation compelled tv vote be mr peiryj omtniduicnt er to churches alinig iy god to be used m al d chapels during the contiuu- bly neg jesty that while we fully appreciate t cracioua intention of our late revered sov- foukion news later from europe the packet ship sheffield cap tain hackstaft arrived from liverpool rtt new york no 29th ult whence she sailed on tbe 9th november we have received loudou papers to the 8th and a liverpool journal up to the 9th of that month the information derived is of an unimportant nature both ns respects england and con tinental europo tho prominent object of interest i the recent occurrences io bris tol the fury of the mob has heeu com pletely checked and the magistrates of the tmlv aw aalwv rtuipiliyuu m- t uwwetllht of the criminals numbers of persons bad been seized and many will doubtless pfly with their lives for the outraged they have committed t to the inst date 1g hfttl been discovered tube killed and upwards of 1j wouoded hut until the ruins uro cleared away- do accurate estimate of the loss of life can ho made- in bath the ri ots have only been ofa very trifling char acter in loudon a mediae hail been advertised to take place in white conduit- fields io the neighbourhood of the city but the declaration for callihg the assem blage having been pronounced seditious if not treasonable by the home secretary the committee appoar to have declined the risk of offending and the meeting in con- sequeoce did not take place the alarm of ihe cholera appears to have had some foundation although from the extracts wo append it is probable that the uature of the disease has beeu mistaken england the accounts from sunderland are more satisfactory thau those received on friday no new case has occurred indeed it isnow said that the family afflicted with a disease supposed to ho cholera is now believed to bo typhus it tstoooften ihe case that imagination precedes truth aod reality aod nothing is so much cherished hy humauity as fear we cannot too seriously recommend to tho public to divest themselves of all alarm aud to acquire courage from the latest ac counts which oven supposing the disease which attacked tho family was cholera yet it has not spread it loo ofieo happens that much ol the calamity of humao life is brought on by needless apprehension as in the present case after all turns out to be to bo generally healthy it appears far from clear that the five r six fatal cases are any other thau the inci dental cholera of england so prevalent every where though undoubtedly attended with symptoms which bear a close resem blance to the foreign disease dr don a commissioner now h has bceu soot down by tho government and is i under stand himself undecided m identity 1 havo the satisfaction to he able to add that only two cases have occurred since tbe ul one died nod the other convalescnat sunderland wp are to perforin quaran tine and a eoutlod is to be drawn about the town if necessary i humbly trnt however that the latter measure may be dispensed with riots at preston the following letter i from our attentive correspondent mr wilmcr of liverpool preston is the towu represented in parliament by henry hunt tho orator and blacking manufacturer preston dec 7 i dare tay you will havo many exaggerated reports of the at tempts at riots which we have had here to day some mischief hasheco done but nothing iu comparison to the reports which have been circulated a few fellows a- bout two hundred m number with a drum and fife ami a large banoer inscribed m he that hath not a sword let him sell his gar ment aod buy one for taxa without re presentation is tyranny proceeded to the different factories and turned out the hands calling io their way at the police office or lock up where they released twoprisouers burnt all tho papers and books they found in the office aod destroyed all the furni ture- after committing this act they pro ceeded to the large factory near he house of correction where they broke open the watch house tore the houks and broke the windows they then turned to the prison opposite which the whole mob assembled but there was oot one of them daring e- nough io lead on his fellows they would iu all probability have met with a very warm reception for considerable prepara tions had beeu made to receive them they hovered about for some time when a con siderable number of them went to gallows- hill to hold a meeting and pass resolutions similar to ihoso iutended to havo been a- dopted io london today monday tho town has been since quiet which we may in some measure ai tribute to tho very auceof dvugcr from the choieru morbus 1 2lz v j wwhww hi tuo vrj the primate of england assisted bv the i p heavy ram that has fallen since five oclock t- ii nrawwy m mils province we icel u and blackburn for military which wear two pniycrs to lie re a j iuall ihecatlicdrulb collegiate and parochial churches aud cha pel ihrooui ilie kiuduuj cumhem oti us to represent that as fh jjieat majority of your majestys subject in this province are not members of te hourly expecting mrftuot left hero iu ih leeds coach at ten this inordiug bristol extract from a letter dated nov 7th 1831 the bishop of bnth ana wells being it is said expected at w yesterday there was a fear of commotion there and troops i understand were or dered to the spot in consequence in lit itol a melancholy quiet has pre vailed since my arrival broken hut hy the hustle of military vigilance and the visits of stranger morbidly curious respecting the detail of whatever arises to shock or afliet the grneral mind yesterday was marked hy tho tranquility of a village sabbath tho measures of precaution however re mained unrelated and the yeomanry ca valry have teen as before obliged to con tinue on duty in queens square despite tho inclemency of the weather until g o clock this morning they seem heartily tired of the service and not a little pleased that they are permitted to return to their homes today our military force after their departure will consist of a considerable body of tho 52 regiment of infantry ofa detachment of artillery with two pieces of cannon aod one squadron of the 14th dragoons save for the purpose of restoring confidence there is no absolute grouod for employing any troops the citizens are anxious to havo a police establishment similar to that of the metropolis aod if it were organized hey could dispones with even tho shadow of a garrison no doubt a liberal govern ment will provide for their wants if they represent them properly and energetically tbe total damage dooe by tho late riots in bristol is estimated at 300000 sterliog the loss of lives is less than had been ima ginedthe total kilted and wounded does not exceed 94 the return of killed and wnunded as far as ascertained is burnt 6 shot 2 excessive drinking 2 sword cuts 2 total 12 wounded aud injured from shots 10 sword cuts 48 excessive drink ing 2 other causes 54 total 04 the wounded are in general doing well one hundred and eighty prisoners had been committed 50 of whom were capital ly charged with rioting and burning con stables at that time were flockio in with prisoners and magistrates were silting iu differont rooms hearing the charges a- gainst them the citizens orjsrislol baveentered into a liberal subscription for the immediate relief of the sufferers maoy of whom have lost the whole of their property are oot even in possession ofa change of linen a meeting had been held at which a se ries of resolutions were passed addressed io the home secretary lord melbourne praying an inquiry into the conduct of the magistracy of the city and of colonel bre- retoo the commanding officer of the district riots at worcester a reform meet ing was held atworcesier on the 5th which passed off quietly in the eveuio there was a fire in one of the bye streets which as usual attracted a great number of idlers who at length became very noisy aid finally commenced an attack upon the windows of the town house two of the offenders being taken by tbe police the moh became more furious and attempted io- possess themselves cf the iron railing tho two prisoners were fudged to the iail whither they next went en masse uttering the most horrid yells tho major mr clifton however rcmoostrated with them and endeavoured to persuade them logo home they solemnly promised to do so on the liberation of the prisoners the mayor consented and turned out the prisoners and the mob then became more impudent than ever a troop ofthe 7th hussars arrived from droitwitch however just iu time to disperse them tho mayor having rcarf the riot act anrf rhe coostables being beaten isto the hall the mob then began pelting the troops who on receiving orders immediately charged and dispersed the rioters- with the flat pan of their swords the moh pelted them with stones and ran up tho alleys utffifsiww iuw bnr tho number nf fires supposed to have beeu occasioned by incendiaries wa very great and extended through various pari of the country itarns hayricks vrheaff stacks stacks of oats and outhouses atone appear to have heeu consumed iu most in stances cholfba morbus there is every rea son to believe that cases reported in new castle as having occurred at sunderland were not of foreign origin and not at all characteristic nf the asiatic cholrea the following is the certificate of tho attending physicians as to the principal ease symptom of oswald hettys cast ns re- portal io or witnessed by his professional autndantshfi age was t3 aud his hat- bits sober at ii p m having been pre viously iu health he cxpeiieuced a fecliog of death lijs and aspect blue purging of liquid like thin gruel spasms of the feet extending up the leg to the stomach occa sional vomiting of similar fluid in the night tho neighbours alarmed hy his groans domestic aid given brandy refused at 8 a m sent for professional advice oot obtained at 3 p m prescribed for by mr parr at half past 5 visited hy dr mcwhirter and dr white extremities then- cnkl pulse imperceptible skiu cold and clammy extreme thirst hot mind tran quil uo urine passed since the commence ment ofthe attack diitressiog symptoms relieved by means employed at halfpast nine easier hut oo reaction at 12 brea thing slow and laborious incipient coma diet tranquilly at half past 4 a m 2 hours aud a half from the commencement of his illoess notwithstanding the simi larity of the symptoms to those described under the name of foreign cholera we are- ofopinioothat the above detailed disease- has had oo foreign origin our reasons are that the patient was before attacked by a similar disorder that as au engineer he was uot exposed to the influence of any suspicious affected mate rial that none such had been recently in- i troduced by bis employers that not ono of the individuals about him before or since his death has beeu affected and lastly that extreme cases of english cholera havo occasionally proved fatal even io a shorter time than that of keay we may add to all these the fact that the deceased had within a fortnight removed from a healthy airy situaitoo ou gateshead fell to a con fined residence in saudgate t m mwiiirter m d i b white m d wolstemiolmk paur surgeoo- newcastle oct 53 1831

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