Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 10, 1831, p. 4

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4 j 77 i vthr id vq hv p fu re a sliivc itutf jim htinnn o former lover the trdom tafrttcd with rolitod and liw io vlrra hursiinj into lor the idsuichco i mis long before bo hiio ivit for her lulfor- would lnvo given worlds icftull she knew ho uci4v- the imttllt she ivrn wrote lo vavasour i wiih icmuny kiod sessions bilo gave 4t have it scui lo her w ii lj iok it neglected to set i uat timo the roads wore hwaymon the man was o a tree where he remain oor was ho re u lill the next niorrnu loused time euough to return home or pro ceed to vavasours prior to the ceremony fo iom link after link eke out the chaio uf fatality that nighi as clara sat alone before she retired to rest her lovers splendid bridal prenls before her on the table her maid expatiating on their beauty herself gratifi ed by their magnificence she happened lo raise her eyes aud looking on the opposite class she turned suddenly palo and gasped for breath what ails you madam cried the attendant in alarm ob margaret said clara faintly i looked in that dim old glas i ap peared exactly as i seemed on that horrid night when the moor raised up my icsem- blance and eee the pall that hung over roe is there now the maid hastened to show the super etitious irl that the pall was but the reflcc- lioo of ihe heavy and sombre curtain on the opposite bed thai had been accidentally drawu aside towards tbe foot clara was satisfied but made tbo maid drag her oivu little couch nearer to her mutretas bed he- fore she retired to real you will imagine that the attendant did oot let slip so favour able an opportunity oi iasinaiuidg a bridal jetft the next day was uncommonly bright and clear the sun shone out the birds sang all nature seemed in unison with that rite which custom always honors wih joy though experience usually condemns its cc- icbrators to dissapointmcut in a numerous and blithe cavalcade the marriage processiou swept to the old- lashioned church where the ceremony was to be performed it was distant only ono mile from the hall the couotry around was fiat and open aud just a they arrived whbio sight of the church a horseman on n wellknown black steed waa preceived by the whole company riding towards them accrossthe broad and desolate plain at full fti as the brides carriage stopped at the churchdoor the horseman had reached the procession he dismounted bis horse mood quiet and motionless by the little gate ia the churchyard- vavasours hand for need wo say who was the horseman was the first stretched out to assist clara who vas with her bridemaids to desccud from the carriage she trembled as she saw him aud looked around for bayotuu his carriage had not yet arrived fear not said vavasour with a smile which reassured and deceived her you have hid me to your bridal as a friend as a friend i attend them will you reject my services even in a form a cominou courtesy nay said one of the brideraaids laughing if the bridegroom cannot man age to he in time you serve him right to take the arm of another and she whisper ed clara that it would only seem strange to play the prude clara therefore collect ing her spirits and with an air in which dis- diguity decended to let find possession ivrn im- medialuly the fttihiiig mill ai napanc fur terms iiplv to a macfherson- nnpono 2hh aug- lcsi jlittiossi a l f ivom gnu jiili ioilo till subscriber bogs lo announce to llc public ihe ltablislinicut of a lithographic press in kingston by the name of william iv press when- will bo executed l kinds of work ap- pllcnbld to that useful art such as mps plans vlews circulars music head ings of merchants billsnnd steam doat notices with the sketch of the boat if rcquiied blank deeds and memorials funeral notices embellished with suit able emblems hills of exchungc c c c persons wanting any kind of copies oi their own band writing will be supplied with prepared paper and che mical ink for that purpose s o tazewell n c cairicaturcs printed by the sketch being supplied kingston august 12th 1831- tktotice a third dividend will be jj payable at tbo office of john kirs esq in kingston on wednesday the 15ih day of june ucxl to the creditor uf tic late allan taylor esq and to the late firm of taylor and parker john kirbv a o- petuie t parker trustee kingston dth may 1831 a card miss leach a native of fnsiatnl and re cently anived in litis country respectfully ik to announce lo the nobility and gentry ol king ston and its vicinity her intention of bpeninjr a ykiunima artadtn school lor the insuihf ion of young lading in the various branches o useful and polite literature with the addition f plain and ornamental works miss loncti having filled the situation of in structress lor a number of years in ftmiltes of the fust distinction feels confident in a sikccsaful result of i hose coiitided to her charge miss lead conceives it necessary to ncntion that prcvio- o her leaving england jiie pur chased an rxtentlvq selection of the nnst p- proved scjttol books progressively arruized calculated tofucilitate and ensure the insiucuon of youth mitt u bops to refer to the vencraiie the archdeacon stewart a prospectus of terms may be bod ifmfcs leaclgiav strcetopjosue the scotch iiuicih kinastcn august gih 1ss1- jcjf business will commence on the k sep tember t tress was mingled with ed vavasours arm as he extended it they were io the churchyard the bells rang meirily and loud and with their poal mingled the laughter and voices of the ca valcade behind vavasour castoue glance aronod him then fixed his dark and pier- clog eye upon the bride you forsook mo clara and i was wretched you insulted me i am avenged with these words he idunged a knife that he had worn conceal ed into her bosom she fell upon the green rank mould of the dead behold cried he raising his voice till its deep and hollow tone pierced to the very isle of the church mid repeated by a dreary echo smote the ear of the priest as he stood prepared by the altar behold clara your bridal bed t then brandishing the knife all streaming with the hearts blood of the bride he strode away fiercely through the luidstof the guests who scattered themsel ves panicstricken on either side with a bound he cleared the slight fence around the churchyard and as he gained bis steed 3ayniuo who with all his vices was at least brave grasped him by the arm flood he cried m you shall not es cape what ho help here seize the murderer twice vavasour raised his armed haod no he muttered the second time i strike only for justice thou didst as i would have done thou didst not at least deceive me thou aruufticiently punished then dashing off the weaker grasp of his rival he sprung on his horse and made a- cross the country in tho same direction as mat in which he had arrived at the fatal spot clara was already lifeless the guests gathered around tbo false uncle the plot ting bridegroom- even at that awful hour he two most connected to the dying wo man thought ouly of themselves so per ishes my hope of this alliauce so fades ray tiream of ambition muttered tregothick had the stroke been delayed but another hour these lands had been mine thought lie lover 1 am a ruined man at the side oi his bedridden mother va vasour appeared abruptly ivome your blessing mother quick quick the blood bounds are after mo quick if you wish not for my death bless the waller thou hast been a good sen to me iju what means ha ha hooted vavasour lifting up is ksgough enough the chamber threw bin- pauring steed baffled the avengers ui disguise nod irbcd scotland and claim- in the thief of g with e bore connexion- some itu the name of walter va- iowtri amongst the list of slain fuharta fcldward atthebat- hi bloody hit i iluug froit df again ud lot puuit ol by stealth ho ed protection lioic i jo ears er- tfruutjj as in tre us rhiir proprictoi of the iindetmritioned jt steainboaic heix to inform the mitcj that t bey have established the following 1atks for the season 1831 for passage frov pfocott to lirotkciltc and litevw for each cabin passenger 2 g for each deck passen2er i i from prrtcqttfy brocktitte to kingston kirrrersa for each cabin pas5engerincludiufarej ti 2 0 for each deck passenger t u s fromprcscott brocforilu to cobnrg fivtlfope and vice versa foreachcabinpossengertinchidiiisnne 10 0 for each deck passenger o m n from prtscott broekvuu to york hwttngton batj 5 niagara f and vice rrrsa for each cubtn pa8sengerutcludijigtatej 0 0 for each deck passenger 0 12 g from kingston locoburg sc portijope versa for each cabin passcngeriricudin tart j 0 6 for each deck passcnsr 7 0 frcui kingston lo fn burlington puu mnzufttt mid viv vmra tul cucltcuijllucllcltlmlllllll lakj i im u for each uerk passenger 41 11 0 from cohtrrg port hope to urt eivlfagtm bay fy niagara nnd ict v tsa for each cabin pasengerincludingliire 0 0 for each deck passenger 0 7 0 from york to burlington bay xicgttra and vice wnvr for each cabin passcngcruiiludjng fare 0 12 6 for each deck passenger 0 5 0 from burlington butt to niaqq for each cabin passengeriitcludinc fare 0 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 5 0 for freight from burlington bay kiagnra york portfjope sfcolourgtolircckviltc sfprescott for every barrel of ashe lj 2 c forevery bblof pork beef lardtc 0 1 forevcry barrel of flour 0 1 all other articles in the same proportion forevery horse j fi for xcry ox or cow m i 0 for every parcel too small for weight l from the above placvs to kingston for every barrel of ashcs 0 i 1 for every barrel of pork becfjlardjsic 0 1 for every barrel of flour 0 1 all other articles in the same proportion for every horse t 10 for every ox or cow 0 15 front pnscott and brocfcvilic to cohourg for every ctlt weight of merchandise 0 i for every horse 15 for every ox of cow 10 for every parcel too small for weight 0 i from kingston to the above places for every cut weight of merchandise 0 i for every horse 10 for every ox or cow 0 15 for every parcel too small fur weigfafj 0 i jno hamilton s flcamboal great britain r hamilton pjh sliamboat alcioue john mosier slramlioal niaaara prescott moy new stkrkotylk k- dition ok mayors spelling liook the subscriber lias in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from ihe s2slb london edition a d 1s27 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will bo afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and otters within for supplies will please gie in their names without delay j as mufarlane k ingsto yjd ma 1 r30 for salrlt n a- in grave street kiapton aply to the editor ul thi- paiitr 3 0 0 6 10 g 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 1 cawvada oompasy lfnnfvriwfc ii vjtptr canada about two millions five hun dred thousand aches of la a7 ofibo fofiowiiifi doseripiioii viz firf crown rrsisrvks being ioiisoi 200 acres each scattered ihroilgh tiic older towuhtps of the 1iovinct suoiiil binds of laud o from 1000 10 iohki acres these are si- luaied inn townships of the western district find i the township of wil- moi in lijicdore district 7yiiv a town and township call ed guepu imliu gore district a- bout2l 1 miles north west cfdnndus in which thiicro are upwards of s00 settlers anions wvlium are almost every kind of tradesnnicn and mechanics also ta verns tiitnes schools sawmills a crewervv and distillery and one of the best griist mills in the province this is i desirmui location for small capital- isis as labourers ind servants ate easi ly procuured los partially improved inav be nurcliased at a reasonable rate lourtti the huron tertitoiy con- vng otif 1000000 acres in the shape itv triarc the base resting for up- v- is oil io miles on the east bank of lic hi iron the town of c o d v r i c h con- itac at present about 10 houses toorps taverns blacksmiths and eh cis shop a school and a crunch oince of the company over- hiiijjs a t harbour formed by the basin of ii laiiiland a large stream which falls litke huion and is the centre of f ictcilement a saw mill is in ope- antftt gfflt mm iti ds have been run to dundas and loudon which this year at a very great xpense will be rendered equal to my trtthe province and the commu- nicoton by the st clair with lake e- rie and thence by the wetland canal into lake ontario gives a most advan tageous mode of sending produce to the market and this year the rideau na vigation will be completed when pro duce may be shipped in a sloop at go- derich and delivered without breaking bulk at montreal or quebec tirv land to say the least is equal to any the province and greatly supe rior to the average of cither upper ca nada cr the opposite coast of the unit ed states the climate owing to the vicinity of the l ake is more mild aud equable than any not possessing simi lar advantages jt abounds in brick earth lime and building stones and holds out every piospect of becoming the most prospeious settlement in the province settlers coming by the way of que bec will proceed by montreal and la- chine to prescott where an agent of the company will forward them to tort dalhonsie and thence to buffalo those coming by the way of new- york whl take the route bv the erie canal to buffalo kroru that they are forward ed to detroit whence they will proceed in a smaller steam boat up the st clair at the head of which a vessel belonging to the company will transport them a- uuui sixty ukua to uodencli dhuuid they wish to proceed to any other part of the companys lands any of the a- genls mentioned in the way ticket a- long the line of road will give them the necessary advice and information canada comyanifs office york 7th may 1831 j r napanee cobonrg dundas fort erie buffalo i ittoria t cf iillooeu offices of thfi canada company york gtelph and goutmcij agents quebec john davidson esq montreal messrsharllogan4co kingston james sampson esq iiytown charles sbirrifl esq original c p treadwell esq perth alexander fraser esq belleville james h sampson esq allan macpherson esq j g bethune esq andrew t kerbyesq james kerb esq e johnson esq duncan ross esq port talbot col burwell aldboro john alacfarlanc esq amherst burg win bercxy esq sandwich joseph woods esq bahloon win ones esq new york j c- buchanan esq boston robert manners esq painting the subscribers beg leave to re- turn thanks to their friends and the public of kingston and vicinity for the encouragement they have sepa rately received during iheir residence a- mongst them they also wish to inform them that they have opened fill establishment in quarry street opposite mr d pren tiss dry good store under the firm of kerr a heathers ornamental sign carriage sf house paint crst jtaikrs pajttr bangers c- from their well known abilities and practice in kingston with a determination to be punctual they hope to meet still with a share of patronage from a discerning and pencrous public ms kerr joseph heathers king may 4th 1s31 akien seeds for sale by ihe subscriber large quantity offiesh garden seeds warranted to be of ihe growth of lkk with directions for gardening john mo wat salt iuiefm thi invetcrat disease which has lo ni iffllrcd tlio art of ib most experienced oliyic tis hi length found n kovcrcin rtiuedv in ir ia inms genuine uintintmt- few cutailpous dlsoqsci arr met withi wftrcvo- iirtnucchy the physician sc uonie iu which he is so uivrsdiy uiiucccssfcful this ointment lihshtoed the test of rxicrierici nnd justly oblitiued mi duprnlriclcd eclc- hrity it imtncdiutely rcuoves tle scabs iives a nchitllv action to the vcwcl so a bir bigs leaxe ir ucquni i frit in ind llio iubl ikrillv 1i1 1 lie ls ifiiiovcd io ii corner tirsrk imiiiin rcfcitityocciiioo h ir win binlcy diujreist wlirro lie i niv receiving a very general assortment ul ntarii m pascv gooj8 e ollli- ii- urijrinal re it nnu fds t i 5 in lad re- ihc skin nml smootluictis numerous recmr milit ie obtained of iis supei 1 hut liic pruprirlor clmse tlri i 1 he i iiv couimeiiihicr three or four weeks cured cap and twenty years standing t sis toil lite power ef every remediy tat wttl tried it uot only it 4ince givees immedi ate rcliifiu salt rfaeum hut ceuri ticea cnpitns commonly railed sccald head and nil scahby eruptions pccujliar to un- calthy children tj tliere is nothing of a mcrrcurial na ture contained in it and it may i he used ou infants or others uudcr any circcumstances whatever pkile one dollar per bottle ior sale by wm hinley kinsion ohn musson queliecnnd george uent mon treal sole agent for the caoaiilas kingston 11 in july 1628 for svvle lot no- nj in tho ninth concession of ithe town ship ofloughboro forpartiicularscn- jitire at this office vintrston oth august 1s23 notick 4 lilj notes or accounts dfie to the estate of the late frederick kteleraro to be settled with j h samson atlmr behvile 24th jdoc 132s canada college the college quarters are oidcr- ed as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the 4th of january and ends on the 20lh of march second quarter begins on the 20th march and ends on the io1i1 june third quarter begins on the 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about the huh of august fourth quarter begins imnediately after the summer vacation aboit he 1st october and ends at ihe cootnence ment of the christmas vacation about the 21st december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is admited into the college or preparatory school his dues for instruction arc payable liom the begining nf that quarter steamboat hotel m rear of the market nnd at few rod west of the steam- doat wharf the subscriber begs leave to return his sin cere thanks to his friends and ttie public for their very liberal suppoil during the last eight years of which he hopes to merit a continuance by a strict ottcntion to business his house having under gone a thorough repair has placed it more than ever in his power to contri bute lo the comfort and accommodation of travellers ft7a few hoarders an be accommodated the table and bar will be itmjiisllgd with the best the market affords and on the most reasonable terms n b extensive stables and sheds together with a large and secure yard tiios bamford kingston february 1 1831 book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle office te subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that ul kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf folio full bound in calf orna mented quarto do du octavo lo do 12mo do do 18mo do do 1 d 0 0 0 jo i i q 3 0 0 0 0 half binding in calf folio half bound and orna- roentcd 07 0 quarto octavo l2mo 18mo do do do do do do do do 0 7 0 0 3 e 0 1 6 0 1 folio men ted q uar to octavo 12mo slino binding in sheep full bouod and orna- 0 17 g do do do do do do do do 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 s 8 also ledger blank work and ruling to auy size or pattern for port folio and fancy binding separate charge james macfaklane kingston 13ih april 129 o let the house near tho t scotch church at present occu pied by lieut cameron 79th highlan ders apply to tho kirkp notice marftloba fovmhty company in conformity to the act incorporat ing this company a subscription book is now opeo at the office of th03 kikkkpatkick kingston win may le31 well adapted for the intends to sell ttnuv 01 short approved e on hand a grmu loks nnd sliiti christys bust wi v on which ho w for cash he lias also of school a case of hals 1uscoll kingston october 9th 1s30 fgllltt maxsion house i iioteli the subscriber liivjfig rcotcd this extensive and well known establishment has umv opened ihesmtio for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly ritual- cd on store street being tho principal and most central street in kingston aud no establishment of ihe kind in tho province can surpass it u the excellence and comfort of iis apartments in regard hojh to parlours and bed moms all of winch are fur nished in ihe rerjhost style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that hue nud he trusts thru with unre mtting attention to the comforts of his guests he will merit a share of ihe public patronage in rear of the mausion house is a large yardin which there is an extensive oud commodious range of stables and where a livery stable will he constantly kept for ihe accommodation of the public s carimino- m ill gui icin 1 i- ipj v i0i strisirc as in oi inn v i ceriili pplica jt rvy w cacliiti i dimled ii wnrk if i compiled by jriu a copy of mttttfrs be oiitaiuid breach in chtcs have pssrd tat lion ro dr lbci that the con- masters ii de ircii w enjoining the use of mcdcciikuh of school at its cloc in ihe eve a form adapted to gpnerai found in flavors spelltiigbimjk commended uv this purpose by ti primed forms for ho quarter eates to be signed by two trustee had on application io adiet sherwood jcsq rrockvilu- july lfi2y iyrnt i1c u inr rclioi- t t coin- l g and may be otid is re- hoard certifi- may hr kingston 24th ociober130 john booth mhrchakt tailor most respectfully begs leave iu inlbrm liis iviends and the pub lic that he has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and the public his sincere thanks for the patronoge he experienced at his former stand tnd now solicits a continuance of that sup- oppkiipiiate pkess a first rate copperplate piloting press ban just been received at the chronicle office where t cards will be printed and all oilier copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office mg is 30 williai and ii port wi lb ihe assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and fina assortment of chths casnimeres yes tings trimmings of every description sfcsfche is enabled to furnish anyquan- tity on the most reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston 11th november 1s30 websteft begs most res- pectively to inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he has just returned from london with a mock of cloths cassimeres and vest- ings of the most fashionable colours and ofthetinest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most ap proved and latest patterns and having succeded in making purchases at some of the first establishments he is enabled o execute orders for cloathing at ex ceeding juw price ami beg mj nsur gentlemen entrusting him with their orders that they shall be executed agree able to the present fashions aud in the first style of workmanship at the same time he begs to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for ihe sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g w has made arrongments with one of the first houses to supply him with the latest fashions kingston 4th december 1830 issolution ticm- hip between ihe undcrsignt jin firm of john macphcr- 0 is his day by mutual con- j the subset ibcrsaresc 3cd to settle the aavr m johnson barber airdresser nextdoo the london tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patro- nasp kingston solh may 1s29 d ed ur sen i ct in riiv verav of itv i pai tncrship all person hcvb ti are requested lo presen them their office signca john macpherson alex mcmillan samuel crane prescott january 12th 1831 the forwarding business wil be continued by john macpherson nnd samuel crane under the firm of mac pherson and crane here and at mon treal under the old firm their stores and wharves at the upper end of the town where their bu siness will be transacted arc to be con siderably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prescott 12th jan 1831 rjfle subscriber bavin been ap- b pointed agent to the alliance assurance company begs itave to an nounce to the public that he continues to assure against loss or damage occasioned by fire io any part of the provinces of up per or lower canada irom the liberal conditions and extensive scale oo which the business of the company is conducted he trusts the public will ud it advautagcous to assure at their office c tait alliance office st gabrielstreet montreal 11th july 1331- s the following gentlemen arc agents in upper canada james macfarhmc esq james g bethune e samuel rid out esq guy c wood esq messrs aw morriscs rs parment1er oftcrs for jtjb sale at the horticultural botan- gaiden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wine grapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection ofjttonillty and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished to purchasers mr james macfarlane editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and or namental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully pack ed aud forwarded uiihoutlbe slightest de lay catalogues pan lie ohtaioed gratis post paid at ihe office of ihe chronicle rftrcnce john macau lay john kirhy john marks stephen yarwood allan mcleau esquires 24th march 1831 n b it may he proper io mention hat the necessary directions will he sent along with the different trees as to the mau- uer of treating them trees received iu the fall can he safely buried in the ground until the spring when ihey can he planted without receiving any injury from the frost provided that they are entirely covered hranchesand all withenrih the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken thatsoveral orders will be made up into one package with a view losnvi- the expense of mrriarre the buhsirihei liaviug tieuu ttppotoicd agent iu ibis province for mrs parmeu- tier is now ioidy to receive orders agreea bly to the aoio advertisement james macfarlane kiugstoo 24th march 1s3l tub new steam1ioat charles carroll calvin case master will leave kingston for sackets har bour cveiy tuesday thmsday sa turday at 7 oclock a m cabin passage os steerage 3s 9d n oti c e r whitelaw will commence the course of lectures which he lately announced for the instruction of young ladies on tuesday next the d of august at 12 oclock at his lecture room brockstroct tuesday 2gthjuiv the kingston tfs printed and published chronicle every saturdat by jahes macfablake at his office iu trout street kington kingston cubnurg yorl cornwall terms scvcntccn shillings sixpence per innum sent by mail twenty shillings subscription io be paid inudvunce price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and and a each subsequent insertion ten lines am under 3fi4d first insertion and lod etch sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per hn- for tlie first insertion and id per line for evi- subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted till forbid and changed accordinstv orders for discontinuing advertisements tobl in writing and delivered by ivxirnssiui nuos at the latest no advertisement received after ten o dock on the day ofpumleation czr produce received in pavineil a h mar ket price i si john biif i treat janice mvinuis carnoronj rsq lotkirt gests- litfibce david chifnoicnr bfio lancaster jihu hciine rq- cc trail licorc browse esq datittul aiphcn bsq presctl ucpn josiah tuylor e ir richmnd j- k hartw c j mduhb gum hath alia mcphcrto parker esq ticthiui cramnht iaiars c david smart kq por bsq york dantcl k crook em a iagtfn murray j- 1 gilbert rochvmr jobcrtson lin uhtr tts em r t u dm i wr it a ut em ihw- jtvt vhu mm

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