Ontario Community Newspapers

Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), August 20, 1831, p. 3

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t r rvn foreign these hwncvftw liavo already follow example of pesth cd tin france the london courier of july 6 says wild aod senseless as the project of couoierrevolutioo in france by the exroyal family may appear to be we understand from an authentic source that there arc at this moment maoy persoos ready lo receive them in france aod that the parlizans of heory v calculate on suc cess not so much through the influence anil exertions of thai party as through tbe drsatis faction which many ofjthe liberals are said to feel at the want of energy in their present sovereigoand the stagnation ofiradeiotbe french capital by which nranythousands are in a state uf destitution favorable to any attempt at revolution in nbich money may not be wanting tbe london courier mentions a coin age of five franc pieces to the value of 50000 sterling with henry v roi de france on one side aod tbe fleur de lis on the obverse and states that proclama- lions to iho french people in the name of henry v have been printed in london we cao hardly believe the exiled bourbons to he so besotted as ao enterprise for the re covery of their dominion in france would bespeak them to be calais july 2 this town is at this mo ment in the greatest confusion and nothing for the last two hours has been heard but the drams beating to arms the word of command from the military officers or the exulting shouts of the populace from every quarter the cause of this tumult it ap pears is tbe general discontent of the workiog classes at the present extraordina ry high price of corn which they attribute principally to the monopoly of a few rich merchants in this town and neighbourhood- it has been stated io london by a person of high rank who is known to possess the best means of information that tho french elections will go much against the minis ters and that m cassimir pcrrier and his colleagues must cither give way to the li beral party or retire from office the li beral party demands 1st the full execu tion of the plaos of july as promised by a1 lafayette 2d tho diminution by one third at least of the enormous civil list appropriated to the king 3d a declara tion io favour of the poles and a cordial alliance with belgium undoubted iiseoms to be that a large and j daily iocreasiug par ly in france are opposed to the line of po licy followed by louis phillippo ho may succeed for the moment in overawing or suppressing them but he treads on danger ous ground should tho elections return majority jo ttwjt of the liberal party be roust adopt a very different course of fo reign policy to that which he has hitherto followed and io any event if polaod falls the french natiou will demand of him a ecrioos account for his ioaction in a cause which excites so strongly their sympathies wc learn from captain forbes of tbeship ysidra that on the 2nd of july being then at gibralter a boat came alongside and in formed him that 20000 french troops were preparing to march through spain into portugal if there were any good foundation for such a rumour we should doubtless have heard of it ere this through the french papers jour of commerce extract of a letter dated havre june 29 tho appearaoces are again warlike it is reported that marshal soult is appointed president of the french cabinet in place of casimirperrier that an army is march ing for belgium we shall soon have that important question determined portugal according to a letter of june 9thfrom lisbon a vessel had ar rived there with despatches announcing the late events at brazil this news pro duced a powerful sensation the people exclaimed in the streets don pedro is in europe we are uodooe in tbe foreign brazilian bonds have de clined to 50j io consequence of the news of a revolution having broken out in per- nambuco don miguel io these perplexing circum stances endeavours to gain the affections of his partisans by attending all public religi ous ceremonies he has for some days past been seen at churches following the processions like a penitent italy frontiers ofjtaly june 15 all those who now pass through the tyrol and upper italy will havo an oppor tunity to convince themselves of the great military preparations of austria it is af firmed that these preparations are more formidable than they were in 1805 and 809 if we may believe the reports that are spread io the tyrol 70000 men are assem bled on the frontiers of switzerlond and 60000 in tbe interior of tyrol the pub lic think that war is at hand they forget that austria is as much interested as aoy other state in the maintenance of peace spain the king of spain is try ing to raise money by offering to sell his claim upon his quondam south american subjects for a consideration b public sale of m1rmor1 wares v auction will he sold at mr archm mcdonells slure- house on tuesday 20th september next the following marmora wares viz 10 tons iron superior to swedes 2 double sinves 39 inches long lei a 8 single stoves 39 ii b 3 do 30 u 41 c sg do 39 u u d7 do 39 it 1 f 3 do 30 41 fi m i do 26 1 ii important and extensive sale dry goods by the package and lot of o n monday morning hie s i m ishin between tjiatherovincialstatutei if belgium ii is particularly in re lation to the affairs of belgium that the news by these arrivals is interesting we have the acceptance of the proffered throne hy prince leopold and the condition on which this acceptance is given we have the debates in the belgian congress on this important subject though not definitely closed at the date of our last accounts from brussels the latest london paper in our possession of the 7th contains a cor respondence which stales that the result would be a small majority in favor of ac- cediog to the conditions of leopold poland warsaw june 23 the head quarters at warsaw- the rus- fm ave pkh m m ttoey wve again retreated from thence this rnnruiog r quantity of troops went through the wolski rogalka it was yesterday decided that a levy en masse should be raised in the country war saw excepted to give the rusaiaa army in the kingdom a mortal blow according to letters from lithuania general gielgud has joined the iosurgents aod has 70000 men under bis orders be leaves there 40000 aod returns with the remainder two regiments of russian light caval ry have joined general chlapowskis stan dard aod hare already fought against the russians it is said that the insurgents have driven 6000 russians intf galiacia where hy force they were obliged to lay down their arms and that io consequence the russian ambassador had left vienna this howe ver i do not guarantee courier office eight oclock july 4 wo have just received tho following impor tant news from poland the fortress of bobrysckoneof tho most important in lithuania and containing orms and amunitions belonging to the rus sians to great extent has been taken by the poles siedlec and lublin have been evacuated by the russians and general lioih has been obliged to fly ioto galiacia this may be unfounded as also pro- bable that of general sacken having do- siroycd himself bui what we know to be uue and what is very important as shew ing the opinion entertained of war in po land nearer to st petersburg than paris or london is that several of the russiau nobility who had been serving in the army for iho three lust years havo retired to their estates ou different pretexts to avoid the disgraco of having to enforce tho orders of their sovereign against a noblo nation struggling for its independence others after sustaining as soldiers ihe first shock of polish bravery have surrendered to their enemies nut because they wanted courage to fight but because thoy were too virtuous o persevere in un unrighteous coolest lluncciry codfiitfu of 4j comita tus or coun- jisiac some wiuor districts of reform the speech of mr bulwcr on the last day of debate is considered masterly the style has much of the polish and keenness of canning hia conclusion is as follows away with those rotten defences which the progress of intelligence has rendered untenable let not the church or the aristocracy suppose that it is beneath the worn out works of past times that they can stand secure if their present services do not sanction their ancient origin let them know i wish thrim to knowthe real nature of the prestijio which surrounds them with inviolability today but which the narrow- minded bigotry of the onethe ignorance and party zeal of the other may weaken annihilate tomorrow hear hear let them know that their only protection is public opinion and that if they wish to stand secure they must he guard ed hy a respect for ihcir character and a sense of their duty but the hon gentleman asked if wc arc certain of stopping hero in the course w6 afb luftllillg heaven forbid that wc should be certain of stopping any where in the course of improve ment heaven forbid that wc should be cerlwin at this or at any time the progress of civilura- tion should cease or civilisation should fail m be attended by its just results i at all events do not presume to think that wc can legislate for eternity all that we can pretend toby mns of the present measure is that it seems likely to satisfy the principal wants of the present cpih to pretend to an absolute authority over the f ture world indeed be to adopt the notion of the hon gentlemen who would c un the blind slaves of the past and indeed sir il is not so much for the peculiar merits as for the happy principle of the bill before us that ultft ing from the obscurity of those days which i do trust are set for ever i accept this measure 43 the promise f brighter dawn we are at length obtaining in a peaceful manner a new charter as precioii that one which our fathers formerly connubd at the point of the sword but there is this dif ference between our ancestors and ourselvfi they fought for the liberties of the people as the inheritance of the past we assert them as the prerogative of the present hear hear f hey demanded the record of tradition wcclainf consequence of improvement at length p claim 13 allowed but how great have been doubts end difficulties through which we h vr struggled to enforce it through many a long year were those princi ples denounced as theories by yonder hon b tlemen which the voice of the country now nanimously proclaims to be truth thus dti many a long year did the hon gentleman be side me vainly declare in despite of thos de nunciations that there would come a time w we should no longer suffer bad things beca our ancestors would suffer worsenthat i would come a time when the hoary headctt veterate abuse would neither alarm reverep nor obtain protection the lime hae comv l has come slowly but it has come rendtfi for ever memorable the reign of onr gracious so vweigo wkosa uuc or tappy augury tu the a nals of this country and as it has hitherto ben gtorious bv our escape from bigotry will now be celebrated forour deliverance from corraptiofl the hod gentleman eat down amidst toud cheers 10 pairs andirons 17 coolers c ac- sale to commence at 12 oclock noon kingston 1 ith august 1831 adjourned sessions kingston 1st of august 1831 it is ordered that the following altera tion amendment be madeinlhe27t pofee regulation respecting swine viz iastead of shall on conviction forfeit onffpayfor each offence afne of twenty shit- lines to be as follows shalton conviction fotpttand pay a fine of twenty shitliung formch strive aod it is also ordered that the following rules aod regulations be added aod numbered as under igo 40 it is ordered that the owner of any ox cow or horse found running at iarpjiti the town of kingston contrary to tbe laws passed at the town meeting in j a- nuiry last shall forleit and pay the sum of fiveshillings for each offence no 41 it is ordered that the master of any steamboat or other craft or vessel frca which aoy ashes coals or cinders may be cast in the harbour of kingston shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of forty shillings no 42 it is ordered that moses wells bo appointed as an assistant to the police ofcer in order to carry into effect the po lice regulations no 27 28 and 40 by tbe court jnickallsjunr clerk of the peace mi ot1ce subscribers to the midland district agricultural so ciety can each receive a copy of the pi o- ccedingsof the institution from tiic pe riod of its commencement to the quar terly meeting hold in april last inclu- ive on applying 10 the secretary h cthomson secretary kingston july 2qih 1831 quarrystreet ffiffitytihii xft fottis sv til e subscriber begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity ihutshohas lately arrived from england and commenced business io the following line leghorn bonnets made to any patrern old ones stovd and altered chip stra bonnets made cicanm c according t the latest english fashions and on reason able terms m haldenbv an arly call will be esteemed w signed john mcpherson alexr mcmillan samuel crane present j2th january 1831 tiibj copirtnctsiiii uudcrsinuj under tlic firm o1 rkhk undfimncd lic io inl lln john mcpherson co is tuis dajlo jl lubfi iliit ibvir revised edi mutual couscnt dissolved llie subsci ib- j lion of tho provincial statutes will bo ersore severally authorised io settle the ieady on or about the is of november twelth da of sept km- i affairs of the late copartnershiall pel- next it will contain all the british ber next and following days will be sons having demands are requested to i laws which relate particularly to the canadas the ordinances of quebec proclamations issued by lord dochrstri and governor simcoe and the wholr of the provincial statutes now in lorce from the year 1792 to 1 s3 1 inclusive with such notes of relerence as circum stances appeared to require and a most copious index in preparing the work for the press the utmost attention has been paid to correctness the paper is of the best quality and the publishers trust that its typographical execution will equal if not surpass that of any work ever pub lished in canada none but the most competent printers being engaged in the office from which it is to issue it may not be amiss to add that all persons who subscribe for this edition will be annully furnished with the suc ceeding provincial enactments at a mo derate price and printed in the same form as the work now in the press h c thomson james macfarlane kingston june 14 1881 sold at the stores of messrs wm present them at their office at prescoti peddie co old distillery the fol lowing goods received upon con signment the whole of which will be sold off peremptorily without reserve 6 bales west of edfilandsuperfinecloths all colors at 5s to 24s sterling 3 bales double milled w uf e cassimeres 10 do middling cloths colours blue black drab brown olive mixed 1 balo assorted milled forest cloths 3 do grey mixt im etoffedu pays 6 do rose whitney and point blankets 3 do white and colored flannels 2 do drab blue and olive flushings 6 do super and fine kiddermiostercar- petings 1 do wilton and brussels rugs 4 do quilts and counterpanes assorted 2 cases silk toilioett valentia vest- t totice the share holders j in the rideau canal sicam boat i john by are hereby requited to pay inlo my hands on or before the 7th day of september next a 3rd instalment of iwo pounds ten shillings currency on each of their respective shares by order of the committee david john smith treasurer kingston gth august 1831 lake ontario mgs 20 do garment aod furniture prints 2 do new stylo atripod ginghamd 4 do irish lioeos and diapers 3 bales im russia sheetings and docks 2 do lineu and cotton bed ticks 10 do grey and white loom sbirtingi 1 do brown hollands and linings 5 do stripes checks derbies c 3 do borobazettesbombazeeos crapes 12 cases 44 54 04 74 84 primed shawls 4 do assorted britannia handkerchiefs 6 do printed super merino shawls 2 trunks plain and figured silk shawls 1 do ladies fancy silk handkerchiefs 1 do gentlemens silk bapdauas 1 do black and colored grosde naples 2 do bobinetts laces veils caps c 2 do handsome ribbons assorted 4 cases muslins cambrics and lawns 2 do corduroys bangups and velvets c do cotton balls threads sporls c 2 do gingham umbrellas 2 balesstripedwhite greycottou shirts 500 dozen hosiery aod gloves assorted 300 lbs assorted sewing silks 1000 lbs coitoo cord aud cotton yam 20000 assorted quills 100 reams foolscap aod letter paper 300 do groy wrapping paper 200 gross buttons assorted 50 doz guernsey frocks 150 do scarlet aud berlin cravats 25 tug heus lmatcti aud stuff hat alt in excellent order the brokers are authorised to state to intending purchasers thattherg will be no reserve whatever with any htt of the good hero advertised and uih packaes as are unbroken will be sold entire oriu lots at the option of the buyers catalogues will he ready ttlem days pre vious to ino sale when iho iods may be examined conditions of sak purchasers under 25 cash 50to100twonfonths 100 to 200 hatf d three and half io four raoqhs 200 to 300 fourfivo months 300 and upwardsix months approved endorsed notes will be required or interest for cash will bo albwed at the rate of7j percent to purchaajrsof 100 aod over that amount at the isw of 10 per cent per annum sale each morning to coramsoce at nine oclock precisely scott montgomery co montreal 8th august 183l birthin montreal the lady of lut baddely r engineers of son marriedon the 1 inst in york by j rev e rverson mr thomas duggan jto mss mary nelson allof the above place in montreal by the rev henry esson mat thew charles esq o hinchinbrook to w hannah mkeith late of port glasgow spot- land died at hia residence in ameliaaburgh on the 21st ult johumorden aged 61 year he was a u e loyalist and one of the first aetlpn of the province at cobourg on the 28th ult aged 5 moiil elizabeth martha infant daughter of jaraes g bethune esq on thursday after a lingering illness mr ph bert douglass a native of dunoon argylesh scotland aged 39 years in this place on the 8th inst john mcosh late of the county of glengary aged abort 45 years lithography from canadian stone the subscriber begs 1o anno to the public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston ky the name of william iv press where will be executed all kinds of work ap plicable to that useful art such as maps plans views circulars music head ings of merchants bills and steam boat notices with the sketch of the boat if requiied blank deeds and memorys funeral notices embellished with suit able emblems bills of exchange c c c persons wanting any kinil of copies ot their own hand writing will be supplied with prepared paper and che mical ink for that purpose s o tazewell- n b canicaiuics printed hy l sketch being supplied kingston august oh 1331 arrangement for 1831 niagara fallsoswego montreal sf quebec the splendid new steamboat great britain copt joseph whitney propelled by two low pressure engines of 90 horse power each boilers on the guards will leaveniagara at 4 oclock p m every fifth day viz july 5lh 10th 15th 80lh 25th 30lh august 6th loih 15ih 90lh ssuh 30th september 5th 10th 15th soth s5th 30th calling at oswego on the following mornings at which place canal packets and stages leave daily for utica also kingston and brockvillc the same e- vening where stagey are always in rea diness to convey passengers to mon treal will leave prescott at 1 oclock a m every fifth day vir july 3d 8th 13th 18th 23d 29th august 3d 8th 13th 18th 23d 28th september 3d 8th 13th 18th 23d 28th calling at brockville kingston and at oswego on the evening of the same days also at york and niagara the great britain was built in the fall of 1830 by messrs brown bell of new york is 162 feet in length promenade deck 148 feet extreme breadth co feet the ladies and gentlemans cabins are finished in the same manner as the new york and liverpool packet ships with state rooms no expense has been spared in furnishing the boat in the most comfortable manner and every endeavour will be used to accommodate passengers and ensure regularity bv this conveyance passengers from buflalo can arrive at oswego in 24 hours passage including fare from niagara to oswegol 10s stage fare from oswego to utica 10s public notice he merchants of kingston are re quested to meet at the court- house on monday next at noon when there will be laid beforo them a communi cation from tho chnirmau of tho montreal committee of trade on a subject of great importance to tho commercial iolcrestsof tho country john k1rby john macaulay kingston 22d july a t kingston fall bces t a meetior of the subscribers to the kingston races held this day at the kingston hotel it was resolved that tha above races should take plac on friday the lgib day of september next stewards john r glover esq rft hugh u thompson esq john marks esq r n j b smith esq ordnmce john r forsyth esq george w yarker esq skw treat trial stakes o- ufi rua far by horses brad in tim 9ro- viaces trr owned in the same for 6 months prior to the day ofraciog that never woo match plate or sweepstakes- one mile heats fcntrance eight dollars wights 3 years old 7st 21b 4 8 10 5 9 5 6 9 12 aged 10 kingston stakes of 30 free fo all horses two mile heats en trance twenty dollars weights 3 years old cat 121b 481 5 8 10 6 9 0 aged 9 7 sweepstakes of ten dollars each to which dn stewards will add dollars one mite heats weights 3 years old 4 5 6 aged mares and geldings allowed 31b ridew to be dressed io jockey style no horses to be entered by others than sub scribers to tbe amouot of 20s the deci sion of the stewards in all cases to be final and who are authorised to postpone the day of racing io the event of rainy weather all horses to be entered by 4 oclock p m on thursday the 15th september at tho kingston hotel or pay double entrance at the post the amount of the trial and sweep- slakes will be made known fifteen days previous io the day of raciog kingston 3d august 1831 6st 121b 8 hi 8 10 9 0 9 7 new forwarding establish ment he subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of upper canada and the public in general that they have entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonell co at prescott and ogdensburgh and that of mcmillan link co at montreal they will be prepared on the opening of the navigation with good durham boats and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc tors to transport any produce or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as that of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgh will be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcphersonco alex mcmtllan angus mcdonel matthias l lrotlcesteamboat queenston 1 the public are respectfully in formed that the steamboat qiteenston capt meneilley with mr t w corning sailing jjaster has commenc ed her regular trips and during the season will leave niagara for prescott every wednesday night at 12 oclock touch ing at kingston and brockville and ar rive at prescott every friday afternoon where as usual stages will be in at tendance to convey passengers to mon treal will leave prescott every sunday morning atg oclock touching at brock ville kingston cobourg port hope york burlington bay and niagara the rates of passage and freight the same as are charged by other stcani- boats may is 31 mdock yardkingston 4th july 1831 iotice is hereby given that jl there will be exposed for sale by public auction at this dock yard on the 24th august next a quantity of old stores consisting of about t junk 7 paper stuff 3 buntin old 0 glass broken 1 iron old wrought g cast o old lines twine 0 11 nets decayed 0 rags canvass 0 leather buckets 0 copper 1 steel o tar barrels iron wrought j400 in no the sale to commence at 10 oclock a m and the stores to be removed by the purchaser within fourteen days from the day of sale jnor glover nava storekeeper dental surgery the subscriber has the pleasure to advertise the ladies and gen tlemen of kingston of his return and that he will stay a few days at mr my ers hotel in the practice of dentistry in all its branches artificial teeth of an excellent qua lity w he tttmttt 9 tit thb tttm iww- ed manner reference may be had to his former work in this place he can also refer to gentlemen of the first respectability in this town and in the states if re quired swood kingston 27th july 1831 totice is hereby given thatthe lyl court of oyer and terminer general jail delivery and of assize and nisi prius in and for the midland district will he holden at the court house in the town of kingston at 10 oclock a m on wednesday the 5th day of september next of which all coroners magistrates bailiffs and other peace officers are commanded to take notice and give their attendance accordingly john mclean sheriff m d sheriffs office kingston july 27th 1831 u it 3wt qrs lbs 0 o o 10 0 0 0 2 4 15 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 0 2 20 0 3 0 8 2 0 3 1 0 14 0 0 4 0 0 books for sale the following books are for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of the history of the jews from the ear liest period to the present lime by the rev h h milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g lockhart esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d london edition 3 vols 18 mo life of nelson by robert soutu- ey esq with a portrait the life of alexander the great by the rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated by numerous engravings is mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq 18 mo the life of mohammed founder of te mp w fataa sbsi tf te fe piro of the saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate 18 mo letters on demonology and witch- raftc by sir walter scott bart 18 mo with a plato history of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols 13 mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions with illustrations of their climatece- ology and natural history and n account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh jfurray esq with maps c is mo life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george crofy with a portrait 18 mo new and impioved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the earliest ages to the present time with illustra tions of the geology jtfineralogy and zoology by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh mur ray esq with a map and wood en gravings 18 mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq 1- 3 vols 18 mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cru sades by g r james esq 18 mo with a plate the continuation of tbe family libra ry will be regularly received at the chro nicle office immediately as the volumes are issued from the press of the messrs harpers of new york to render tbe family library still more worthy of patronage the publishers pro pose incorporating in it soch works of in stere and value as may appear in theva- uriost libraries and miscellanies now pre paring in europe particularly tbe na tional and tbe edinburgh cabioet 5 libraries all these productions aa thoy emanate from tbe press will be submitted to a committee of literary gantlemen nw inspection and none will be reprinted but such as shall be found calculated to sustain tbe exalted character which this library has already acquired o the new steamboat charles carroll calvin case master will leave kingston for sackcts har bour every tuesday tliuisday sa turday at 7 oclock a m cabin passace ds siccra- 3s jd swego canal packet boat line a boat will leave oswego and syra cuse every morning sundays excepted throughout the season one of the boats is constructed on brom wells spring deck patent her days of leav ing are as follows oswego mondays wednesdays and fridays and syra cuse tuesdays thursdays and satur days the other boat will leave each place on the intervening days passengers taking this line will meet with every attention and no delay as it runs in connection with the eric pack et line to and from schenectady and buffalo and the lake ontario steam boats the elegant british steamer great britain capt whitney touches at oswego on her trips from prcssiolt aittl kingston to york and niagara and touches also on her return from those places to kingston niii itcsr also bourriennes private memoirs of napo leon sketches of naval life with notices of men manners and sc enery on tbe shores of the mediterranean with maps by a ci vilian annals of the peninsular campaigns by tbe author of cyril thornton correspondence of admiral colling- wood wieb memoirs of his life a year in spain by a young american berthas visit to her uncle in eogland the g rooms oracle and pocket stable directory lawrence on the horse the boston revised edition of tho wa- verley novels with plates the heiress of bruges a novel byt c grauan maxwell a novel by tbe author of sayings and doings- the barony a novel by miss anna maria porter tho tnlba a romance by mrs bray for sale lot no 3d3 in apilv i vc street kingstim he fciiini ii litis p c1

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